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MARCH 2025

Iranian-Backed Group Threates To Attack US-Led Collation Forces And Bases In Syria

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On April 6, the Iranian-backed Baqir Brigade announced in an official statement that its units will begin conducting military operations against the US-led coalition and the US-backed forces in Syria. The brigade added that the US-led coalition bases in Syria are “within the range of its fire” and called on the civilians to stay away from these bases.

Iranian-Backed Group Threates To Attack US-Led Collation Forces And Bases In Syria

Click to see the full-size image

The Iranian-backed force was formed in Aleppo governorate in 2012 by two brothers named “Khalid al-Hassan” and “Abu al-Abass” of the well-known Arab tribe of al-Bakara. The two brothers reportedly fought alongside Lebanese Hezbollah during the 2006 Israeli-Lebanese war.

In 2015, the Baqir Brigade joined the Syrian National Defense Forces (NDF) and hundreds of fighters of the al-Bakara tribe joined its ranks. Baqir Brigade fighters participated in the battles against ISIS in Aleppo and Deir Ezzor governorates.

The Baqir Brigade came to the spot light when the US-led coalition killed dozens of its fighters during its airstrikes on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions east of Deir Ezzor city on February 8. Back then, the commanders of the brigade and the leaders of the al-Bakara tribe vowed to take revenge from the US-led coalition.

Syrian opposition sources reported that the military capabilities of the Baqir Brigade had increased after it had recevied advanced weapons and loads of ammunition from Iran.

Local observers believe that the Baqir Brigade has means and the motivation to conduct serious attacks against the US-led coalition, unlike other “resistance movements” that had been recently formed in eastern Syria.

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These are just for starters.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Love all my Brothers & Sisters from nyc usa Christians To they are in the Fight

Bobby Twoshoes

Good hunting boys!

US-Navy Revert Shia

Hunt them down & Hold them for info


You know what kinda Methods they can Use to make’m Talk…According to The Geneva Conventions https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/24f856ea6f3596a2d4eacf4a65065a3135ac4ad47907fc163f8207b72dd65a48.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa08e77e545d9d4da71a3f18a2ba14f30f4643a8ac876c99c88a0a4c1f6e5aee.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a31d6c5da015523d551ae0ece8a9221896ffbb9cfdda86726fa6b431f1c854cc.jpg


Good for you Guys – I wish you well and LOTS of dead enemies.

US-Navy Revert Shia



Whatever – cute avatar tho’.


Now the fun begins – this will give Bolton something to think about.

US-Navy Revert Shia



I would say NATURAL LAW wills it

A Muslim community in Africa has given me officially the name FAROOQ

Look up its meaning and you’ll understand why

Christian Gains

No! IF Bolton is the HAWK that I’ve been told he is, he’s ALREADY BEEN THINKING on this matter for several years now…It’ll take him NO TIME WHATSOEVER to push for the damned WAR!!!

Do you guys REALLY WANT WWIII??? Because it’ll VERY LIKELY turn nuclear in short order!! And do NOT bet against EITHER Russia OR the U.S!….

For YOUR SAKES, & the poor Syrian general public folk, I PRAY TO GOD that your dreams AND those of Israel do NOT bear fruit!! A.J. there’s NOTHING “fun” about what you guys are talking up!

“WAR TRULY IS HELL”! General Sherman HATED WAR…because he had NO DESIRE to GO TO HELL! THAT’S WHY he created the “TOTAL WAR” Doctrine…to get the war over as quickIy as possible! I DO fear that it’s coming BACK IN VOGUE again! BEWARE! BE AWARE!


Of course you are correct war is an ugly business but I was being sarcastic in observing the conflict has entered a new phase if these guerilla attacks develop.

Christian Gains

Thanks AJ…btw, I wasn’t meaning to rebuke you…I just wanted it to be clear what I believe…And CLEARLY you & I ARE agreed…I just PRAY that Trump gets us out of there!


Do you mean this General Sherman?

Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

The more Indians we can kill this year the fewer we will need to kill the next, because the more I see of the Indians the more convinced I become that they must either all be killed or be maintained as a species of pauper. Their attempts at civilization is ridiculous… Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

The general who marched through Georgia during the Civil War, was not the sort who would go easy on the Indians. Sherman believed Indians should be punished for their atrocities, put on reservations, and forced to stay there. He continued with his philosophy directing a series of campaigns that finally crushed Indian resistance. He perceived clearly the devastating effectiveness of striking at the economic basis of the Plains Indians‘ lives. By aggressively killing the buffalo and attacking Indian encampments during the winter, when their supplies and mobility were limited, he weakened his enemy. By the late 1870’s the once free-roaming warrior tribes of the plains had been forced on reservations.

If you meant him…then it is necessary to kill as many American Soldiers if you can, If they invade Your Country That Is…Americans are good Mass Murderers..they have proven… They BROKE EVERY TREATY THEY EVER MADE!!!. Get rid of’m before they Exterminate You….and believe me I HATE War.. But I’m done With Their Evil intentions…!! Just a Warning….it happened before


Western attitudes are as racist now as then and will always be as above. it hasn’t changed and will not change. The Indians may not have survived the cowardly aggression of these European thieves of their land massacreing their women and children, but the Koreans, Vietnamese, Afghanis certainly did.


Bow & Arrow against their Gatling Guns and Hotchkiss mountain guns wasn’t very fair either….these days they more or less share the same weaponry… So Intention & Heart becomes more & more relevant… The only cause I see for the U.S. Soldiers is to Loot for their Masters…

David Pryce

If occupation is ugly, how can resistance to it be pretty? Syria deserves her freedom, Russia has given the US many a way to save face, and still feel they achieved something in Syria ?? ?? ☫ hezbolla They could go out with the lie ? they went in with. That they where in Syria to defeat and defend Human rights, and America has always stood against evil and oppression. With ISIS defeated and although the Syrian people remain under the control of a dictator we have decided to allow ourselves time to stand aside and allow the youth of Syria to return to family and friends We hope Syria will be free to choose there destiny in time. We hope they take the path of our great friends Saudi Arabia and Israel. Beautiful kind leaders who’s leadership on Human Rights, Housing, Work, Health and importantly Justice by Sword or Sniper fire is cool ? killing is a business ,and by jesus… Business is good… If there is War we can at least no that the US regime will have quite a few large chunks, ripped from it… I feel the gangs of Washington DC need a mountain of regret to realise that the World the great unwashed like, are sick of there shit, its fucking ugly


Absolutely right! They Gave The U.S. all the chances to pull out off Syria without Losing their Face…Now these Criminals with their NATO Accomplishes have chosen to Go Down at All Costs… I hope they will be Obliterated so Hard that this was the Last Time they Ever Dared Roaming outside their Countries… they will pay Dearly…And Washington Gangsters should Hang…


Yeah, Sherman forgot that other nations also have nukes.It might be over but the Yanks will not be left standing either.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Long Live the Sons Of Abu-Hasan-(A.S) Ali-Ibn-Abi-Talib-(A.S) The Victorious Genteel Lion Of ALLAH-(SWT) Hasan-(A) & Hussien-(A) Long Live the Brothers & Sisters In Syria…. Long Live The AL-Baqir birgade’s Long Live The Leader of the true real Islamic Revolution The Honorable Ayat. Sayed Khamenei Long Live The Honorable Sayed Hassan Nasrallah May ALLAH-(SWT) Prolong Both there life’s Lifes & All the Freedom Hezbollah Fighters…… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0f25d094ac404d018ae9d251e07252a001fdb3f57e7897e437c197c70754ecbd.jpg



Roger Snellman

Sold his people out to Persians and Shia at that. Soon Sunni will be cleansed from Syria.

David Pryce

What rubbish are you talking about ? The Syrian Army is an army of the people for the people, Shia, sunni, kurdish, Christian, orthodox Christian have managed to stand together and fight and defeat an Evil Anglo-Saxon saudi israelia sponsored plan to remove Syria from the map, as its logistically unique, and wealth for generations to come of Syrians. Not for the US regime forces to try carve out swathes of Eastern Syria which is rich in black Gold. The US regime are starting to realise there stay is over, there Coalition of the willing was killing the good Guys, only an idiot would believe the US is a country that fights for what’s ? right….


True True True. Damascus has been a centre of SUNNI Islamic learning for centuries. The Assads have ruled over a cosmopolitan Syria for decades. Israeli Oded Yinon plan and PNAC US plan just got shredded.

Roger Snellman

As the Syrian Army is bent over and taking it from Hezbollah, Iran and Russia with Turkey waiting their turn you cannot really believe they are fighting for all the people of Syria?

Roger Snellman

“only an idiot would believe the US is a country that fights for what’s ? right….” Those genius Syrians believe Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Turkey fight for what is right. They are simply vultures picking at Syria’s dead carcass.


50 Comments and 9 UPVOTES, in your account and your foolish comments show a person who is either a TROLL or UNINFORMED or BOTH.

Move on to someone less informed than my 78 years of Research and living and 11 years of which has been on DISQUS

My comments are designed for HONEST, INTELLIGENT, OBJECTIVE, DISCERNING PEOPLE interested in LEARNING or have somethign to teach me. You don’t qualify

You are a WASTE of TIME for me.

Roger Snellman

I am here to share the truth. Truth is never popular and never liked or “up voted”. If you need constant up votes just agree with everyone here that wants to exterminate Jews, Jewish Sympathizers and anyone they have reason to call a Jew.


Nice try but not working with me.

I stand by my rebuttal to you.

Roger Snellman

Then please refrain from reading and responding to any of my posts.


Roger, Who is paying you to lie? I am seeing a pattern as I read your consistent dissemination of incendiary Coalition of the killing disinfo.

Roger Snellman

That is the best you can do, call me a liar? Please choose at least one of my statements you disagree with. Does nothing I have posted ring true in your ears?


you parrot CIA soundbites, trying to discuss with you would be like trying conversing with a brick. You are grossly ignorant of Syrian and MENA history, as you echo your daily dose of sound bites, this much becomes painfully clear. Is it faux news? or whatever other MIC owned channel you go for your Ministry of Truth sanctified information feeding. Pretty much every single thing you say is wrong. In fact, I’m not even sure your name is Roger.




Sunni’s are the majority in secular Syria. Equally Sunni’s are the majority in the Syrian Arab Army fighting for the state institutions. Whereas Sunni Islamist’s are a tiny minority in Syria – and many armed Sunni Islamist’s are foriegn nationals on jihad at that. You comment here daily – and yet you literally have no idea what you are talking about vis-a-vis the Levant. If you are not embarrassed by your own level of ignorance, then you must presumably be proud of it.


Do not put attention to this jew, R. Snellman, He is just want to change the real point of the problem.

Roger Snellman

Tell me do you want to exterminate Jews so much that you call everyone you want to kill a Jew? or Do you call everyone you want to insult a Jew. I for one know many good and some very bad Jews yet it does not insult me to be called a Jew especially by idiots who after they lose a discussion call their opponent names before running home to mommy.

David Pryce

That’s how, to word a reply


Thank you – appreciated.

Roger Snellman

Open your eyes. What percentage of the military was Sunni vs Shia before the war and what is it now. Keep your eye on the direction of change. Especially in a rapidly changing or fluid environment. There are no Shia tribes, towns, villages being labeled terrorist. Many are Sunni, yet you cannot see the cleansing has already begun.


Wow – even when factually corrected you still keep up with the same fraudulent sectarian drivel. The Syrian Arab Army is majority Sunni – which part of this do you fail to understand? The Sunni Islamist’s are in fact the only group who have consistently threatened sectarian violence and genocidal acts during the Syrian conflict – threats against Coptic Christians, Alawites and Shia alike. Shia villages have been under siege by Sunni Islamist’s in Idlib for years now – and when Shia civilians were being evacuated under negotiated truce from these villages the Sunni Islamist’s attacked and killed busloads of Shia women and children. However, notably, the only sustained ethnic cleansing of Sunni villages in Syria has in fact been done by the Kurdish YPG and SDF – across northern-most Syria and down to Raqqa. The YPG and SDF have refused to allow displaced Sunni Arabs back into their home towns and villages – and driven others out. Your disinformation is easily called out on this website.

Roger Snellman

So based on your post Syria must be cleansed of whole towns and villages that you label Sunni Islamist. How can you not see where you kind of thinking will lead Syria.


Again, you still have no idea what you are talking about. The term ‘Islamist’ is widely understood, including by western governments and media, to refer to an extremist or fundamentalist Muslim. And as previously indicated to you, ‘Islamists’ are a tiny minority of the overall Syrian population, and pre-war were largely affiliated with the Syrian branch of Sunni Muslim Brotherhood, whilst many in ranks of current armed Islamist militant factions are in fact foreign nationals on jihad and stipends – Moroccan/Saudi/Libyan/Tunisian/Chechen etc. Give it up dude, no one is buying the anti-Iranian and anti-Shia sectarian agenda you are selling.

Ariel Cohen

You’ve been reading too much NYT shit. It has perverted and distorted your sense of reality . .

David Pryce

He’s been watching the tube you see, he’s not reading books or growing He’s been lied to by the tube, and he believes that the tube is truth. You should be as mad as Hell Don’t take it anymore, open your window and scream I’m not going to take it anymore

Real Anti-Racist Action

Haha, you are so obviously a Zionist-supremacist-bigot haha. I am surprised that you did not even try and hide that you are a bigot. Just a tip, if you play a 100% Benjamin Netanyahu line, try and be creative and tweak it a bit so at least 10% will buy your propaganda. But as for now, less then 1% bought your crafty disguise lol. http://ihr.org/


What complete and utter rubbish. Are you israeli by any chance?


Moron alert

James Willy

We Love you Doctor Assad. Best photo of you yet right here. Was nice to see you driving your car in your own country last week. Now get these yankeez OUT of YOUR own country. Bomb them.


One of most heartening, if not THE BEST NEWS I Have heard for a long time in addition to and with this:

GUERRILLA WARFARE by Syrians, against U.S. Troops: http://www.pravdareport.com/world/asia/syria/04-04-2018/140605-syrian_guerrillas-0/?from=email_subscribe

NOW if only Palestinians can wake up and start the same against those Ashkenazi FAKE Jews in Occupied Palestine, which those Zionist FAKE Jews, call “Israel” !

US-Navy Revert Shia

love the comment


Remember the USS Liberty and Rachel Corrie ….and WHO “did” them !

US-Navy Revert Shia

I will Never forget-!!! Spirit of Islam-!!!


Trump ignores all the EVIL done by Israel, including 911, USS Liberty and Rachel Corrie and WHEN has he EVER talked about the REPUBLIC

He only talks about the CORPORATION ,known as UNITED STATES of AMERICA, ( ALL CAPS, deliberately) OWNED by those SAME Zionist Jews

US-Navy Revert Shia

trump is a Washing Machine for the MOB, MOB Groupie trump is a maytag, Draft Dodging coward had five US-military Deferments. His old man made his money off Houses Of Prostitution in mining towns

Christian Gains

FREESPIRIT…You’re pushing a VERY WRONG HEADED option…

ONCE these Iranians hit those American forces, they’ll learn a MASSIVELY BIG LESSON….(Tho I HATE it, I KNOW FOR A FACT that the U.S. Forces WILL respond IN FORCE), IF those Iranians are foolish enough to attack….

And, as for {“GUERRILLA 4th Gen. WARFARE”}…Just WHO do you think is manning those American posts over there?…Regular “grunts”? NOT LIKELY!…Try DELTA…SEALS…Green Berets…&…Force RECON Marines!

ALL of whom are MOST LIKELY combat hardened & savvy…Remember…they’ve been in combat for 16+- years…VERY, VERY tactically & strategically experienced AND CAPABLE! SPETZNATZ is the ONLY comparable force capable of matching the U.S. SPEC4 operators… BAD, BAD JUJU FREESPIRIT!


SILLY,SILLY Response, but thanks for trying

Icarus Tanović



WE are going to RECOVER the North also.Gerry is starting to see the truth about the Jews in Ireland: YES,YES, are we seeing the RETURN of Jerry Adams to his IRISH REPUBLIC ROOTS -Out with those FAKE Jews in Ireland.We had enough from the British: https://www.rt.com/news/422900-gaza-adams-israel-ireland/ and https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/04/01/stop-the-monsters-why-ireland-should-expel-israels-spy-network/


You westerners are simply unable to understand the mindset due to your materialistic view of the world. It’s their land and they are going to take it back by any means necessary! If they win, excellent, if they die, they die proud.

Christian Gains

Ahmad, I’m VERY AWARE of your mindsets…and I have no argument with what you’re saying, but I’m NOT as materialistic as you might think…and I’m open to learn…being willing to DO OR DIE isn’t the END ALL & BE ALL of strategy…THO CERTAINLY BRAVE & DEDICATED…and SEALS rapidly point that out….


Didn’t mean to offend you. Your comment seemed condescending.

Look, the US military has one of the best equipped militaries on the planet. It’s worth mentioning that there are many doubts about her battle-tested (Tomahawk missiles, stealth fighter jets and bombers, Patriot air defense system etc.) as well as battle-untested (F-35 etc.) equipment. However, the best equipment without well-trained and motivated human resources is a bound to lose against well-trained and motivated armies with acceptable equipment. This has happened to the US military repeatedly in the past decades but instead of making the necessary changes the US tries to convince Americans otherwise through propaganda like “The best military in the world”, “Unbeatable” etc. and Hollywood.

Concerning a conflict between Iranian supported forces and the US military it’d suffice to see the video below (keep in mind that the US soldiers in this event are US Navy SEALs while the Iranian soldiers are IRGC lieutenants):


Christian Gains

——————————————————————————————————- Ahmad, I MEANT no condescending by my reply, and I apologize if it seemed condescending…I’m ALSO very concerned that the U.S. Military WILL respond…and, I’d RATHER SEE THEM leave & let others bare the burden…SO that POSSIBLY, we CAN get out of this “PERPETUAL WAR” game! —————————————————————————————————— YES, you’re right, the U.S. HAS had SERIOUS PROBLEMS with BOTH they’re equipment, AND training…(THANKS TO OUR POLITICIANS!)…

The photo above was horrendously WELL PLAYED by the Politicians who DESIRED it to occur…BUT, (As is often stated these days, here): “There’s a NEW SHERIFF in town…”; AND, there’s a couple of NEW Deputy’s with him…

Watching the Curt Russell role in the Movie “TOMBSTONE”…might help you better understand our New sheriff…and checking out the Videos on General “Chaos”/”Mad dog” Mattis, AND General John Kelly, might help you to better understand those two Deputies also…

Gen. Mattis had a LOT to do with “FORCE RECON” Marines…

So, while I agree, a woeful down grading of our Military HAS been done…AND…for years, our Military has NOT BEEN really good…nonetheless…Things have changed, AND methods, strategies, and GOALS have ALSO BEEN upgraded…(that’s WHY I suggest that the Iranians that are threatening to attack American forces would be WISE to take a second look…AND WHY I mentioned that those troops are NOT merely “Grunts”….)

(Now, if any of this seems condescending, it’s NOT my intention…It’s simply that I’m trying to WARN FOLKS that the U.S. Military HAS TAKEN NOTE of it’s SERIOUS PROBLEMS, and they’re readjusting & UPGRADING, sooo, the PAST is NOT a good measure of the U.S. intentions, of what they’re capabilities will become…OR….already ARE.)

Please keep in mind Ahmad that I’m NOT really knowledgeable of the “on ground” circumstances THERE, and I know that…BUT! I AM aware of the events HERE, and what changes are occurring, and to underestimate an enemy IS DANGEROUS…

“He will win, who knows when TO fight, and, when NOT to fight”. {Sun Tzu}, Chap.3; #17}


Sometimes the thought (wrongfully) comes to my mind that immorality is in the DNA of the Anglo-Saxons. So you may not understand what a joy it is to talk to an American who’s morals are unaffected. It renews my optimism in Americans and reminds me of the fact that Americans are good people who are unfortunately and unknowingly kept hostage by the ruling system. This is why when we chant “Down with the USA” the target is not the American people (although deliberately misinterpreted by mainstream media) but the ruling system.

We don’t underestimate the power of the US military as well as the might of the US politicians, but we’re not afraid. This may seem illogical or crazy, though to the contrary absolutely reasonable. Being soft and apeasing with bullies only emboldens them. Fear is what bullies feed on. Of course there’s a price to standing up to bullies, but it’s absolutely worth it.

Thanks for the movie recommendation and regards from Tehran!


Since it is being formed many groups in Syria, it is usually useless to put some weight on until the group has distinguished themselves in some way (good or bad). I do not know anything about this Bagir Brigade. However, as is apparent from the article, this group is not Iranian, but supported by Iran. Whatever it (“Iranian-backed) means, Iran will not get itself into small conflicts, but usually support those who ask, like its support for Hezbollah in Lebanon or PMU in Iraq. As for the strength of this Bagir Briade compared to the US occupation forces in Syria, according to the above-mentioned principle, it is worthless to discuss. Certainly, the US has as many weapons as the rest of the world combined, and, perhaps, the best trained soldiers, but what good is that without a clear strategy and clear objectives other than causing hundreds of thousands of victims like what has happened just in the last two decades in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen?


“combat hardened” Seals are bitches compared to Hizbollah. The ONLY 1 up of USA on any nation is a superior airforce. Even Taliban complained the US were Pussies compared to Russians. Spetnatz got wasted in Chechnya. don’t kid yourself with your racist BS.Without its airforce, US is a limp dick and so is Israel.

Christian Gains

Ewan, Hizbollah DFINITELY has good troops…I agree, but I won’t bet on EITHER group of troops…as I’m REALLY not sure of Hezbollah’s experience in comparison to the U.S. troops…no argument tho, Like I’ve said, I just PRAY that Trump gets us out of there & let the folks THERE do what NEEDS doing…

Daniel Castro

A brazilian vet from ww2 once told me murican troops were coward, he had the greatest respect for germans and russians, but muricans and english were very coward. He himseld killed some brits when his squad went to a brothel in Italy and found british soldiers beating and raping the women. This guy was from an infantary platoon, his job was to go into the frontline and lure the germans to attack them, it was called “Pelotão Isca”, or “Bait Platoon”, from the 50 guys only he and one of his coleagues survived, he had a grenade shard scar on his forehead.

j. jaxson

watch out IDF doesn’t snipe american soldiers and blame it on iranians. they did that shit to us in Iraq and posted videos of it on the first fake website run by the military called :Jihad Unspun. also rafael a company in israel made the video attachments used on the rifles for sniping american soldiers in Baghdad and through Iraq. back in early 2000’s.

Roger Snellman

Palestinians are a great example of success.


Rather more like… you are a great example of a propagandist

j. jaxson

Israel looks great against palestine. o wow JVHV we are trembling. fight a real army you guys. children throwing rocks and burning tires is not an army you model cowards.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Mix it up with them Cowards


An MI6 produced leaflet designed to DEMONISE Iran- and Southfront pushes the lie.

In the REAL world, Iran will do nothing to directly confront the USA- friendless, Iran as a regional power has to play the Great Game with a skill most of you dumb-dumbs could never comprehend.

Why is Putin assisting NATO in every way to invade Syria and Iraq? Turkey (NATO) was the ‘Saudi Arabia’ of the Middle East since the fall of the East part of the Roman Empire up until the mid 19th century. Turkey industrialised the SEXUAL SLAVERY of women. KSA simply continues that tradition today.

The wahhabis, led by KSA and Turkey, have conquered the entire Muslim World save Iran and Pakistan. And Putin, as today’s article on RT proves, arms the wahhabi empire. He even fought a genocidal war in Chechnya to place the wahhabis in power there.

Southfront has never explained why Russia BANS modern weapon sales to Syria and Iran. And zionist trolls here neatly act as if this FACT makes no difference.

Iran is stuck in the SAME position as Soviet Russia in the years leading to WW2. Did the USSR attack its major enemy, Nazi Germany? NO!- Despite the fact that Russia was doing everything it could to prepare for war with Germany, it did NOTHING to provoke Germany until the day the treaty ended and the two nations were at war.

Iran HATES zionist appeaser Putin, and NATO power Turkey with all its heart, but has to bide its time, grit its teeth, and do everything it can to survive. Meanwhile zionist Putin will do everything he can to stab Iran in the back, just as the jews desire.


You write some of the most extraordinary rubbish on this site – “genocidal war in Chechnya to place wahhabis in power” Putin helping NATO to invade Syria. If this was true why the hell did he come to Assads aid at great cost to Russia with sanctions. This is complete nonsense. I can only conclude you are a zionist troll spreading disinformation & confusion


LOL. I think Starlight just wants Russia to bomb the Bejesus outa USA, KSA and Israel… and hopes his/her input will push the right buttons.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that’s who he is. I know a bugger.

Boris Kazlov

Business is business, Russia arms sales to KSA is cunning move to take it away from the U$AIPAC sphere of influence. Same with India and Turkey

US-Navy Revert Shia

What BS is this-!!!!!! Starlight you have been drinking to much ‘ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3b0df3103430debd62f78f415469f71bddad8aaef6416d10e6b99ce67e70f38.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fc443a87d48368f1dd626794f9b7eab04403049f938c7b4cad4bec514ae52075.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b2694a4a4ed358aca9906c7ceb884e3df2259ca29401a75871b6135bef213ac6.jpg moonshine’ get a life women

US-Navy Revert Shia

How many Shekels do you AngloZios Get In HELL’AVIV NOW TO WRITE BS-!!!!!!

US-Navy Revert Shia

Big time BS https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3b0df3103430debd62f78f415469f71bddad8aaef6416d10e6b99ce67e70f38.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15bf42c4f8e141fd81b1a6c3da1fd067ea2778dc311ba005e0a73a2aca267fbc.jpg


Anthony Weiner Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polanski, James Levine, Matt Lauer, Glenn Thrush, Al Franken, Andrew Kreisberg, there are more, but can anyone see the common thread between all these people, apart from the fact that they are perverts?

US-Navy Revert Shia

You write BS Lady https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6e93be153ee2711a0e9b9b3db28174e44e8744e40425a1f97ea3c5de801814ec.jpg




What utter shiit. The original chechen mujahideen were funded by Saudi. The current Kadyrov regime is a Putinn lackey. WTF are you talking about?

Icarus Tanović

Shut the fucck up bitch, you’re just bugging, my big nuts should be hanging.


That’s better, a semi coherent liar, you should coach raptor, to think he earns as much as you, shocking just shocking.


Hi guys – join me in a treasure hunt?

Al Jazeera is running an article entitled: “Syria: ‘Absentees law’ could see millions of refugees lose lands” which claims that, in the middle of the Syrian war, Asaad is giving his citizens 30 days to lay claim to their own property or he (the state) will take it – including the millions who have fled the country.

The link they give for this law, “Law Number 10,” goes to the Sana News website. I see absolutely NOTHING on the Sana website about this – if you can please let me know where ‘cos now I’m wondering if this is just some more tear-jerking ammo in the western MSM “Asaad must go” basket.

Article: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/04/syria-absentees-law-millions-refugees-lose-lands-180407073139495.html Law #10 link: https://www.sana.sy/?p=733959

PS. It looks like they got it from Reuters so it’s more highly than “highly likely” to be splabbed across the MSM.


Hate PROPAGANDA by Jews, against Assad but it wont work EXCEPT with “useful idiot” Americans and Evangelical ZIONIST Christians

Anything to get a WAR going

REUTERS is owned by the House of Rothschild


Thank you – did you look at Sana and see anything?


Not relevant to the point of my comment, so I never followed up, but thanks for your input

Rodney Loder

Trump wants israel engaged for “home it jingo” stuff and israel won’t move without the US Controller (so they Believe) going first, it’s all about Belief that basically is ratified by sacrifice, everyone is either deluded or crazy, or developing Belief, trust what I say US has lost in Syria.

Roger Snellman

Syrians are idiots. They will be fighting for years. They could be rid of the US in 6 months. All they have to do is declare peace. Sign a peace agreement, do not even need to read it. Maintain the peace within Syria no more fighting. The US will leave in 6 months. Then kick out all the other foreigners. Now Syrians and only Syrians will call the shots. Could be there in less than 12 months. Peace, PEACE, no more death, Syrians back in control of Syria. Open your eyes, wake up.


Haha. Yeah , Syria , declare peace for 6 months and stop fighting the terrorists , allowing them to regroup , re-arm , build fortifications and dig tunnels , stockpile food , medicine and other supplies, and rest up as they plan their attacks along with their US coalition advisors.

Not a chance , Rog. Don’t get your hopes up.

Roger Snellman

So your solution is genocide against Christians, Jews, Kurds, … anyone Iran or Assad dislikes. We both know there are many tribes in Syria that want a little autonomy instead of Iran’s iron fist. Sunnis will be the last Iranian enemy exterminated. Good luck.


There are many tribes in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan that do not want USA’s iron fist landing on their kiddies heads.


You want peace ? Tell the US and GCC coalitions to stop cutting paychecks to the head-chopper mercenaries and peace would appear immediately , as if by magic.

“Tribes” in Syria who’d like “a little autonomy” would be wise to seek that out via the political process , negotiating with the government of Syria , rather than trying to steal land ( and oil ) for their own little autonomous nation by force. Ask the Kurds in Iraq how well their gun-barrel diplomacy worked for them.


Funnily it’s the American forces ISIS al Qaeda etc who kill the Christians, whilst the Syrians protect them. There is no apartheid in Syria, like in its neighbor Israel.


Roger you are an ass to call Syrians idiots. The people of Syria have been through years of hellish war, invaded by NATO, Israeli, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari funded, backed ,armed and logistically supplied salafist indoctrinated terrorrist dispatched to that country like a biblical plague. The Syrian people have suffered and died…. and you from the comfort of your home have the fucking gall to call them idiots…. You, sir are an ass!


The US will never accept peace, peace is un-American. The US still occupies the nations it destroyed in WWII, the only way to get America to leave, is by a gun to the head, like in Vietnam.


They’re just trying to intimidate with words because they want to look good for their subordinates. In truth neither Iran, nor Assad, nor Russia would ever allow them to wage direct war on the US.


The whole world would love to see non government troops killing the American invaders. The allies will simply say they have no control over them, the same BS the US uses with regard to ISIS. They won’t have to kill many Americans to get them to retreat, as long as they film the killings and put them on youtube.


Are you Trying to make people think you’re a paid troll?


Look I could do with some money, talk to your Rabbi, and for the right kind of gratuity, I might take a holiday?

Stifler Maister

good luck


What they really need to do is to capture some US soldiers. And then have them do video interviews for American consumption back home about how sorry they are for making war on Syria.

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