FILE: Iran test-fires a Ghadr 1 class Shahab 3 long range missile in 2009, a missile defense analysts have said could hit Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf.
Ballistic missiles launched by Iran have landed ‘dangerously close’ to a commercial ship and a US aircraft carrier in the Indian ocean, Fox News reported on January 16.
A US official told the news network that at least one of the missiles landed 32 km away from the commercial ship. The official didn’t identify the vessel or provide any further details.
Two others Iranian missiles landed 180 km away from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group. The explosion, which sent shards of debris in all directions, was not visible from the aircraft carrier.
“We were expecting the missile launch,” one official told Fox News.
The USS Nimitz stayed in the northern part of the Indian ocean upon an order from President Donald Trump. The move was meant to deter Iran.
The missiles were launched by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force in the morning during the final stage of the Payambar-e Azam 15 [the Great Prophet 15] large-scale drill. According to Fox News, the missiles were tracked by US spy satellites.
Experts said the Iranian missiles were of Emad, Sejjill and Ghadr types, which were originally designed to hit ground targets. During the drill, however, they were launched at naval targets.
Earlier this week, a US nuclear submarine was caught spying on live-fire drills of the Iranian Navy in the northern part of the Indian ocean.
The recent developments reflect the unprecedented tensions between Iran and the US. The Trump administration has been pressuring Iran politically, financially and militarily to force it to give up its nuclear rights and missile program for more than two years now.
Obviously the notorious AmeriCunt War-Criminals + World-Terrorist deliberately let float their vessels close to Iranian military drills…to provoke a potential WAR…like they done countless times in the last 40 years.
4 days left for trumpie, will he try something?
Trump has other things on his mind, apparently impeachment process can go on after someone leaves office. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_KJznBlSso
this was true but for how long will it remain to be true with a rotten sinking america that cant even help itself how strong are they really going forward
there is quite some hybris in these jews they are not ready to make sacrifices yet they expect so much
Jews are devious and experts at playing the victim and using the goyim to fight for them.
MUslims are better and many more. If there was a Nobel Price for that, You would be number one in those prices.
The use of blackmail rings based on the trafficking of minors is a major strategy they use (Hint: Epstein didn’t kill himself …)
Frankly, Trump is hiding under a table at Mar a Lago munching a big Mac and his redneck trailer trash cowardly “supporters” are at Walmart buying MADE IN CHINA trinkets.
Not likely, Trump is no longer POTUS, Mike Pence has assumed responsibility for the next 48 hours. Trump will end up behind bars eventually.
Trump has been neutered. There are hopefully adults in-charge now.
Polar bears in Greenland is worried he will come there. The Inuits has Ice golf there.
And when did it hit You first time:)
I found the newst Iranian invension. The umbrella has an antenna and a loudspeaker, so all in Iran can be told, what to do. Being taxed, whips and not even world records in executions and car accidents dont do it. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b8f320e2d0ac2bfe0e393d5e744961452f205b7ef50ab14a1745324a196e8a90.jpg
It has a microphone and a detonator too.
They try to sell it to Israel as some guerilla warfare against them and the west. Its very good. Inside its white says umbrella is white house and safe.
That aint close. 3km or less is close.
obviously its close enough for america to wet its pants and be shoed further away and this can continue until they are outside of range for their own weapons yet we still can hit them so they really eventually have to leave the entire region if they dont like to become part of our target practice because the biden presidency will be hard for america we will give them alot back of what they threw at us during trump
There we go again. You probatly has no pants Yourself because of too many brownies and the yellow stuff Yourself.
you jews would do yourself a favor if you didnt ever talk about iran again and simply ignored all things iranian and get far away because you are really not aware of what iran is it seems
you jews have global control to a certain amount being broken tools of globalists some of you atleast have even when the rest is no different than those you call gentiles but anyway you really dont want to see iranians globally beating you up you dont even seem to understand how powerful iranians are the day after they were even in the slightest attacked the patriotism will run high and people will find their excuses to beat you bunch up
all hitting at iran will end terrible for you at the end because the children of somebody who was a fanatic shah follower will end up fighting as basij for iran because that is how it will be looking like you will be nowhere safe just leave it be and let us flush you in a political sense
iam in iran anyway so we would all be part of mobilization one way or another because who would stay at home in such a situation i rather have a bomb blowing me up whole than failing iran and i guess many are no different because what is life worth if iran is subject to insolence of such gravity
Frankly my dear, the message was loud and clear.
According to reports in the Indian media, our Iranian friends had notified all countries in the region and via the international maritime agencies of the impending cruise missile test 400 nautical miles north west of Diego Garcia and INS Kolkata and INS Talwar were invited by the IRIN to watch the test, along with a few Russian and Chinese “trawlers” in the test area and all civilian commercial shipping was cleared and were conveniently escorted by the IRIN fleet to safety behind their pickets. The US sensational Fox media is fabricating sensationalism to provoke further tensions, but the USN knows better. Iran has showed its capability and punch.
He dont want to know or dont care. I do. I didnt know the firing went off and and about the communication as well.
They didnt think that at all.
Guards of the Hormuz also is an internbational force and not only USA. Irans and You are stereotypes of Yourself.
Probatly the same people, which was expelled guarding Teheran Airport:(
Just downvote him, he is not mentally sound and seeks attention. Ignoring and downvote the trolls and they are gone.
I understand. But this fellow is a complete nutter and most likely demented. If you look at his posts they show the mind of a lunatic, images like umbrellas and totally off topic nonsense.
Im none of that. I show how I am and many westerns aree EXACT LIKE ME.
So here Your are in internal circles knowing nothing about the rest of the world. And we vice versa only see You in circles with shaved behinds with brown and yellow stinking pollution comming out.
My oppinins are very normal, where I come from.
You dont define what topics is or are. Southfront, its articles and the comments do.
Im no troll, You can factscheck me. I give links for proof and pictures as well.
Its not my mistake You know nothing about the vitals in the western politics and economics and where we agree very much among each other and dont.
You translate a primitive english not covering our world at all in socalled english.
That help You very much to create the deep dark state Yourself even what You think is hiiden can be found on internet and in libraries here as well as in the newspapers. You even trus Trump mpre then most people in the West do:)
And Your Harams maks it too and mainly for Yourself. Thpose keep and insist keeping You as only jumping up and down or backwards. You of course cant even copy Our good parts by that.
Educatoin HARAM, VOMEN HARAM(well they also only cover half of the whole world population). Human rights for all: NO GO. OIld men always clever and get the best women, girls and boys is no go as well.
Peace among enemies is not possible. It is among friends.
Here I hardly find any plans for peace without winning in war raised as little boy roosters with auto repspecht and honor. You dont see You all loose and prefare that. That stubberness in its best.
I take that as a plus.
If I really wanted many votes here, I would find or create a haddit for free beer in Islam.
Im not replying to You. I reply to all the barking madness You write, so readers here can see we all are not barkling mad in the same way as You.
I just tell You we are many guarding the Hormuz and the situation there. Its also descriebed as USA is the only enemy to You.
We are many nations and several in systems contribute to the guardline here as well as several other important parts of the world fx for private piracy instead of the STATE PIRATCY driven by IRAN fx taking a south korean ship as one among many.
Most oil to us is not even from Iran at all. Those friends of Yours are a minority there. Its no Iran Strait at all.
As long as You write Your crap here, I can and will comment. Maybee Im just as stupid and stubbers as only Iranians can be by fear and faith.Sometimes hardly one oppinion is allowed from them.
You write crap. You’re like a herpes itch.
Those are the facts. Many are guarding the strait and the international seaway to remain it open no matter what.
You try to keep it as we have no importance there by only mentioning the Americans.
Danes fx send a Korvette now and then, when asked. This Year we will send a Korvette again. We fx also guard the American aircraft carrier and vice versa.
Now go and correct and update Your infected propaganda world made to keep Ypur own down in fear.
Most of the oil sales not even come from Iran. How can peopåle like Iranians even kidnap a South Korean ship. Until USA stopåped it, thjey were big customers for Iran – eill they ever be again – ever.
Oooooh. The big scary Danes have sent a Korvette and the Iranians are shaking in their boots…..laughing.
I didnt write that. We are:
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, and Portugal as active are backups to USA and UK as a wll organized new force.
The message is by by Makron January 20.2020
Do like me, block that sucker. I can assure you after one year of trying to teach him English it turns out his illogical and stupid as well.
Ain’t no cure for that.
Who did you talk to? I just see the space saved on my monitor. (I was just kidding, I can see who it was.)
This is what it looks like when Jens, twatz, Iron_Zion and the rest of the hasbarats are blocked:
Clean and beautiful ….
Yes, that. how it is.
Bungle learned nothing again + Bungle learned nothing again + Bungle learned nothing again + Bungle learned nothing again + Bungle learned nothing again
Bungle only communicate with his TV and know nothing about the rest of the world. Even fighting the enemy is number one, is not there as an option.
A video released by Iran’s state TV on Saturday, Jan. 16, showed missiles of “various classes” targeting “enemy’s battleships” and destroying them from over 1,800km The missiles were “fired from central Iran at targets in the northern Indian Ocean, in the vicinity of US naval base at Diego Garcia” said the Revolutionary Guards, which conducted the drill, its third military exercise in two weeks. A full array of top Iranian generals watched the drill: Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Muhammad Bagheri, Guards chief, Maj.Gen. Hossein Salami and aerospace commander Brig. Gen. AmiraliHajizadeh.Gen. Bagheri said that the use of “long-range missiles formaritime targets indicates that if the enemies… show any ill will, maritime trade routes or territory will be targeted and destroyed by our missiles.”
Iran has a missile range capability of up to 2,200km – far enough to reach Israel and US military bases in the region. As part of the drill, the Guards launched a barrage of “new generation” surface-to-surface ballistic missiles against simulated enemy bases in Iran’s central desert. The third exercise included Zolfaghar and Dezful ballistic missiles as well as bomb-carrying drones.
Following the first exercise last week, Iran transferred two warships to the Red Sea, including its largest battleship.
It was Iran’s parting ridicule of Trump and Pompeo and the humiliating failure of their idiotic “maximum pressure” Zionist led policy to choke Iran, the converse has been the result. Iran is now far more powerful and its nuclear program is well beyond weapons grade. Let’s hope the incoming Biden administration will take a more mature and realistic approach towards Iran, the regional superpower. The first step should be to lift sanctions as Iran is a rich and potentially lucrative market for US goods at time US economy is struggling and China is expanding everywhere. There was valid reason for the Nixon doctrine of recognizing Iran as the regional policeman.
You wouldnt write that if those sanctions didnt do well. Iran should remove any kind of nuke talk aprt form buying a powerplant from Russia.
I nor for santions like that, but I agree in the many reasons for it.
EU trying to fin something in the middle is not taken as plus for USA as well as Iran.
I can onbly see Iran prefare to be where they are loving to have USA as a guard keeeping people in line in Iran by fear.
Iranian loitering munitions over the Indian Ocean on way to targets. 100% accuracy achieved.
What is it called when you keep doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result ?
– Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced plans for parliamentary and presidential elections for the first time in about 15 years, as the Palestinians seek to rebuild its ties with President-elect Joe Biden after falling out with the Trump administration. –
The U.S has nothing to do there, expansionist war criminals.
They do the same shit 24/7 in the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, South China Sea, Caribian, Sea of Japan, Arctic literally everwhere around the globe always sneaking crouching in provokative hostile manner to Rivals territorial waters.
And what are you going to do about it?
China will build more ships to patrol the INDIAN ocean. :)
Will the Indians patrol the Black and Baltic seas too? Asking for a friend.
An Indian was recently spotted as far away as Arizona. ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e6402bfe015c25f185928248e477e9e6ea83129da4113188c4aa0a26ebbf995a.jpg
Shamans use Quanon Quantic teleportation
Shamand was before time:)
The other 3 use semper fi
Free Ghenghiz Kwan!
That is ignorant Anglo racist to call the real American people, the NATIVE AMERICANS, “Indians” just because they had darker skin. These Anglos are absolute ignorant racist trash.
The reaons for “Indians” are Columbus by sailing west could find India.
He and they didnt know America was a whole continent.and the whole pacific ocean as well.
The correct today in USA is naming them as natives and then by tribes and their´territories as territories with tribe names.
i dont get this skin issue neither of you guys who like whiter skin but have darker skin and weird about it nor of the white fools or tools who like to be in the sun to get some color yet they are white and super weird about it
its very strange that people like to fight against other colors its seen in football today even which is all super simple and basically a game of control it did exist with chariot races in the past and today we have different concepts still its the same
indians simply should start to see the human race not the color game because they are way to deep into the color game
i dont even have any issue with anglo saxon or any germanic groups i speak several germanic languages and i did read alot about them and their history and they are simply creatures of their time and they really dont know better because they didnt see how terrible things can go and what they lack is our experiences
our wish would be that humanity doesnt become another pyramid but that it will one day become an unbreakable chain every human one link all equally in quality but humanity has quite the ruinous problem makers in its midst which try to stop anything that would equalize the pyramid hierarchy
It was because Columbus thought and hoped for the ones he was send by, that he actually had found a short cut for trade with india – and maybee had.
I alloow me to remind You that Your own looking down on others often is not btter then that.
Look how You comment Jews right here…
So when You look back, You have to comapre what all did in those days. Som looking in today might be a learner too.
indians arent really my enemies nor my friends iam neutral towards them aslong as they dont behave like jewish owned cattle or try radically to kill another group of people
Thats typical You. First You more then assume they are like Jews and next You will blpame them for, if they are like that.
Jews are not even as You assume as well. Thats not even sciencefiction but DUMMY FIXATION.
If it all were as You are where You are, You would not exist. You unfortunatly has camougflaged You among the nice ones.
indians should stop this animalistic behaviors which unfortunally became worse during trump until it reached a boiling point and half of india went nuts and got alienated
I didn’t know trump was ruling india :))
They actually are asked and demanded to do their jobs about that and piracy. The Chinese now has ships all over the world and by that should cotribute more.
They do buy oil from Iran and they even print their Micky Mouse money. By that Vhina is very relevant as protector and also as some kind of second oppinion.
indian ocean was always controlled by iran and china until these annoying european pirates showed up
both india and pakistan should have a role in the indian ocean but india really has to understand that it will neither be able to annoy iran nor china if it wants to be on the sea at all
india should remind itself how rich it was when it worked with iran and how miserable it was when it worked against iran and china meanwhile is simply very territorial and india is boxing way above its league with china on territorial claims so it should sign a sustainable treaty and get over it peacefully
China is the aggressor, not India.
china is very much like iran in many ways and believe me when i say that china will take peaceful solutions if they are offered and if they are reasonable so india should not work on war but on its people
They have an extensive submarine fleet as well.
“On 11th November 2006, the Commander of the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet at the time, Gary Roughead, made a historic visit to China in a hope of improving the relations between the two countries. His visit was intended to organize a joint military exercise that emphasized the search and rescue role of the Navy and was to take place on 19th of November that year.
However, the visit was overshadowed by the incident that occurred during an American naval exercise near the island of Okinawa. On 26th of October, a Chinese Song-Class submarine surfaced within five miles of the USS Kitty Hawk airplane carrier in the Pacific Ocean. Several weeks before the US delegation met with their Chinese counterparts, ships from the Pacific fleet were stationed in international waters between Taiwan and South Japan.
The carrier was surrounded by a dozen of ships in a protective formation, but nevertheless, the Chinese sub managed to slip through unnoticed. It came as a surprise that the Americans were unable to detect the lone submarine earlier, for their extensive defense screen included a submarine and anti-submarine helicopters, all responsible for protecting the battle group from an underwater attack.”
The world is like that.
Some of You can be Ottomans again. You just has to be asked to be dominated by them instead.
Normal maps fx dont say Russia should have any patent of the Black sea. No one apart from Russia says those new states should be remained and kept as collapsed Russian Neocolonialisme.
They were taken by force and even Ukraine had to be defeated. Hardly any there wanted the Tzars and many of them thought Bolsjevisme was even worse.
Contrast came and many after that even became Nazis. So what do You compare with. Even today many in Ukraine prefare Nazis or fl´close to them. Who did that ???
As I recall it USA fighted and defeated Nazis during WW2 and even after.
You dont decide that a all.
Its about oil protection. Here Iran only is a minor player.
When each country announces it is having a drill it states which area not to enter. But at 162 km away6 I would think half the crew onboard the ac carrier probably ended up with concussion. Fox news like the others love to twist the story saying they are an entertainment channel and don’t need to tell the truth .
Diego Garcia US base is also within range, be dared trump
The devastating test missile hit the target 400 nautical miles north west of Diego Garcia in a very poignant message to all.
Thats about 10.000 Corona vaccinations and no reforms in farming even they need water more and more.
So what.
So what? Get your bombers out of there, stop the provocations
The Diego Garcia base is allowe by the authorities in 2020 and far from Iran as well.
Its simply non of their bad business. I checked it up,and You never do: Here from the Jens Holm chilcarecenter for free:
Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels would be extremely envious of the Kosher chicken hawks at the FOX propaganda company. They spew an endless supply of 24/7 horse dung. Those pretty boys and skirts at FOX are tough, slack jawed, little worms being located thousands of miles from the Indian Ocean.
i dont have any issue with americans its their terrible system i have an issue with this company trying to act as a nation its simply terrible and here one wonders if the right side did win the civilwar when both sides in america were so disgusting but anyway that is the american elites i despise them but american citizens i kind of pity because they are cattle for their elites
Dividing of big companies has been done before in Germany after WW2 as well as in USA. Its also possible to nationalize big companies as well as the opposite.
Many americans also think several companies are too big. EU even has a Kommisionary againt monoply , where at least 2 companies should be competing in each country.
So it is possible to divide to smaller not acting almost as companies.
We had the opposite in the Bank Crises of 2008. That State took in banks, which were too far out, took out the good parts and closed the bad parts by paying as well as getting in some money from the criminals. Thjats possible too.
Fx You in USA has a small state in those matters. Most banks and the system is owned by privates.
all in all i rather have iran not being involved in hot war because the “cattle” we might have to slaughter would have been very immense in number so they better dont continue this foolish policy against iran
A war wont be slaughter at all.
It will have removed communicatio, electricity, water, bridges, big roads, trains and like that.
If its against USA only some few Americans will die the first couple of days. After that it will be none and Iran will be like a humanwith no arms and legs and hardly with no brain.
USA dont waste lives anymore for fx Iranians. Those are not spendables for nothing named Iranians by the Pope.
FOX news is owned by the Jew liar Rupert Murdoch and has no credibility.
If they had no credibility, they would not exist. People buy the stuff. And they do have laws there, so if anything is wrong there, most of it is decided by the public elected ones.
Thats whuy there are many other news channels there. As You say, it also says free speach and decide what You think is right or wrong and choose.
In many countries, they not even hjas that choise.
I look FOX on rainy dark days. They have good things too.
Over reacting much!
they just have to get lost its as simple as that
if they want to stay fine we can continue fire practice all around them
btw they are overreacting because they have no way to intercept it
“one of the missiles landed 32 km away from the commercial ship” Please explain your post. :)
according to whom and the “commercial ship” of whom
Fx Syria live UA says: Iran military exercise launches six missiles from Iran to Indian Ocean today, 2021 Jan 16.
There are picture of the most likely launch area as well as a landing map.
the americans have simply 0 to say they can be happy that centcom is not eradicated completely so they better get lost before they lose something out of their own foolishness
the americans are dreaming right now just like the others about negotiations who are not going to take place because there is nothing to negotiate about so america either gets lost and stops the sanctions or they are up for something very special for them some big suprises coming
After those missiles fired into the US bases they should know that Iran is inch perfect so they could be 1 km away and be perfectly safe. Perhaps USMSM needs to see that video of crying US servicemen at the base when the missiles were landing to understand what close is.
antifa arsonists are not dangerous but this is? “nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded with a fine coat of fraud”. Paul Fussell
Its allowed to have an oppion and also bias it a little. I can agree they as wel as others shopuld clean more and better there too.
Hahahahaha what are they babies?
This is a non-story by Fox. Pure propaganda trying to make something very normal seem ominous.
Does this sound like people who were getting exterminated in death camps ? Open you minds folks.
“We are not denying and are not afraid to confess that this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry… Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horses in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.” — Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, Head of the Jewish Agency and later President of Israel, in a Speech on December 3, 1942, in New York.
They were not. He was a part of a movement. Those like Weisman was the ones, which by people to people actually knew, what was going on. It even was worse then expected for handicapped, political oppositions, Romans and slaves. Before that the Communists had left where the main parts of the jews lived in Easter Europe Poland included.
So You dont understand much and even see Jews as one united organized group. They wasnt that at all. They were just people and often hated and even exterminated by burning their villages down.
You are totally outr of context. He speaks about what most likely happend under the nazis for jews under the nazi regime.
This sounds like what is written in “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”. If it is true, it validates all that is written in that banned book …
Pathetic. Fear makes the shits there in line.
Hostiles to both might say that when the rats are dancing in Washinton, the mice think they are rats in Iran.
all the chestpuffing fearmongering and warmongering against iran makes iran only bigger and those who say iran is a small player in the global scene dont understand that iran is as much of a big player as america makes it and since america is obsessing on iran for decades iran did rise and will continue to rise its that simple because more engagement means more advancement in achieving layed goals meanwhile the usa sees decline all over the place achieving little
structureless governance is very hard to achieve and it takes decades even the usa doesnt have it because its not theirs its the globalists and they are just treated good because their end will be extremely cruel and bad as thomas jefferson predicted long ago and nobody did care even thou 1000s did listen
power projection or not the usa cant do a single thing its basically driving itself more and more into a bad place where it doesnt want to be because it believes still that it can defeat iran somehow which is a delusion that will backfire badly
iran showed mass produced products iran didnt show one secret technology all those technologies and systems should have been known and iran has some big suprises waiting which some might not even believe even after they saw it in real action
180km is ver far if you say 10km and less then is dangerously close. media propoganda by US
“We were expecting the missile launch,” one official told Fox News.
So they put themselves ‘dangerously close’ to the expected missile launch.
By the way, everybody, the “Blocked user” feature works wonderfully. You have no idea how reasonable the forum looks when the following vanish:
tzatz jens holm Iron_Zion Willing Conscience ( The Truths
No wonder You are that stupid. No news ever reach You. Mammi helped You.
Really amazing how all the garbage just filters out …
You must be a dentist making stones in bread and prefare stones.
Sending signal, military to military, this is cod language,
“Two others Iranian missiles landed 180 km away from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group. … The USS Nimitz stayed in the northern part of the Indian ocean upon an order from President Donald Trump.”
That is a very long range shot, while they didn’t give a specific location, if it cleared the Arabian sea, that would be at least 800 miles. Since Iran fired two relatively expensive missiles, I’m betting that what really spooked our navy wasn’t how close but rather how accurate they were. Either Iran was able to show that both missiles could target the same carrier at that range, or even worse, they straddled the carrier, with each missile landing 100 miles east and west of the carrier. I don’t know what happened but there is more to this story.