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MARCH 2025

Iranian Defense Minister Says His Country Powerful Enough To Counter Any Threat

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Iranian Defense Minister Says His Country Powerful Enough To Counter Any Threat

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The Armed Forces of Iran are strong enough and enjoy the determination to head off any threat posed by enemies, Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami said in a statement on July 22.

“When a ship carrying Iran’s oil is illegally impounded, we swiftly deal with their illegal action in the Persian Gulf, which means the Islamic Republic has the will and power to respond to any threat,” Hatami said commenting on the recent seizure of the British tanker.

On July 19, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps said that it had captured the UK-flagged tanker Stena Impero for breaching international maritime law while crossing the Strait of Hormuz. The British side described this action as illegal.

This seizure of Stena Impero took place two weeks after British forces seized the Iranian oil tanker Grace 1 and its cargo of 2.1 million barrels of Iranian oil in the Strait of Gibraltar under the pretext that the supertanker had been suspected of carrying crude to Syria in violation of the European Union’s sanctions.


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I like two things of Iran number one they are all united and number two they produce all latest weapons. Russia, Turkey China and Pakistan are Iran closed allies.

Toronto Tonto

All are also wack jobs with high hopes

Stephan Williams

Isn’t that what you do here with annoying regularity – wack off? You certainly never have anything constructive to add to any conversation. And puhleaze, will you lay off with the desecration of the Canadian Flag? Hasbarabots like you should be using the israeli flag, don’t you think? …instead of hiding your belligerent tribal stupidity behind the flag of Canada.


Some of these trolls are attention seeking children and it is best to ignore them.


He’s a toronto kike, what did you expect? This shithole has become the capital of political-correctness and the left-leaning proto jews of the world, and their transgender frankenstein abominations. I would happily see toronto break away from canada.

klove and light

says the fakenation british created creature lololol

go suck some british masters cock and swallow their british cum

klove and light

the next Thing you british masters cock sucker will tell us that british,canadian,us,french warships cant sink..lol…….Titanic 2.0

ps. what is the cost of such a Tiny speedboat compared to a warship of the above mentioned Psycho drug invested peadophile homo nations???lolol and Iran has 100´s of exactly those speedboats………if u had a brain..u would know what the Outcome is moron…….


all they Need is 1 Torpedo hit or one anti-ship Missile hit and those BIG FANCY warships will be used for the following Generations as scuba diving adventures…..

here one more hint for u british master cocksuck brainless reapting cnn,bbc moron..

Iran 1.640.000km2 bases of French,uk,and american infidels in the middle east not even 0.1% of area.

now even if u had no Maths in School..the answer to any Outcome of Military confrontation as Long as it stays conventional is 100% in favor of Iran….and i wont even take into account hezbollahs Missiles.

brainless british master cocksucking idiot


I think you just repeated yourself. Perhaps a Disqus error. Many small speedboats is a good tactic by Iran, considering the narrow straits.

klove and light

the next Thing you british masters cock sucker will tell us that british,canadian,us,french warships cant sink..lol…….Titanic 2.0

ps. what is the cost of such a Tiny speedboat compared to a warship of the above mentioned Psycho drug invested peadophile homo nations???lolol and Iran has 100´s of exactly those speedboats………if u had a brain..u would know what the Outcome is moron…….


all they Need is 1 Torpedo hit or one anti-ship Missile hit and those BIG FANCY warships will be used for the following Generations as scuba diving adventures…..

here one more hint for u british master cocksuck brainless reapting cnn,bbc moron..

Iran 1.640.000km2 bases of French,uk,and american infidels in the middle east not even 0.1% of area.

now even if u had no Maths in School..the answer to any Outcome of Military confrontation as Long as it stays conventional is 100% in favor of Iran….and i wont even take into account hezbollahs Missiles.

brainless british master cocksucking idiot…..

Luke Hemmming

Whack jobs eh. Just caught 17 CIA recruited spies. Seems the CIA was the only one with high hopes of their spies been successful. Bwahahahaha

David Parker

MOSSAD is still there. The Iranians have no secrets from MOSSAD which is why the Zionists are working so persistently to manipulate the entire western military into attacking Iran: They know very well that Israel cannot defeat Iran. As one wit said, “Attacking Iran will cost many American lives. That is a risk Israel is willing to take.” Add to this the lives of many NATO conscripts who have been indoctrinated by the Ziomedia to believe the Persian people are the very incarnation of Satan and a threat to life and liberty itself. Bottom line, it is dangerous to have natural resources and to be free from the insane Zionist debt-based “banking” system.

Luke Hemmming


John Wallace

Isn’t it great. People come here and mostly make some sort of intelligent comment then along comes you and this is indicative of the intellectual comments you make. Obviously incapable of understanding the pathetic stupidly of which you abound. But of course you are free to make whichever comment you like much to the embarrassment of Canada , by using their flag and asserting you are from one of their cities. I am sure they would wish too disown you as much as your mother has . But I guess we will have to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune as we are people of virtue rather than take arms against a wack job who would benefit from a wack job.


Pompeo says that Israel should mind their own business. America cannot run Israel.

David Parker

What? The Zionists own Pompeo. Trump, Pompeo, Bolton – the entire US central government – take orders from Israel. Each of these individuals know for certain that MOSSAD can easily end them whether through another 9/11 or at the hands of US spooks who serve MOSSAD whether they know it or not.


Something seriously going on because John Bolton also disappear. Have you heard about John Bolton?

chris chuba

That is really impressive firepower for a ‘speedboat’.

Luke Hemmming

Impressive power for a ” fishing boat” as some commentators on ZH called Iran’s speedboats. Hahaha. Good to see Iran breaking up that CIA spy racket. 17 spies caught! Well done Iran.


Russia has openly acknowledged that it is co-producing the deadly Russian Shkval torpedoes and Iran has also created indigenous upgraded clones — these supercavitating torpedoes can travel at around 200 knots (370km/h) and are designated at Hoot (Whale) in IRIN service.

chris chuba

Yeah, I heard some Defense specialist lady interviewed on FOX smirk when she talked about Iran’s ‘speedboats’. Don’t rember her name but she was high up. I saw her on the History channel being tapped as an expert on air forces.

20 of these speed boats coming at a target each armed with two missiles and two torpedoes is a lot of firepower. It reminds me of a better version of the WW2 PT boats. I wonder how many thay have.


They also have very low radar signature and very fast and punchy for their size. Iran is producing about 6 a month and they are capable of reaching 70 knots or 130 kms at full throttle and almost undetectable. In a recent wargame it was estimated that four of them operating in a swarm can sink a carrier in the shallows of the Persian Gulf. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/93b459f52fca2e47f5b7cad445e25c128ff44149082d6cde7dd4f826f741f8da.png


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

absolutely, anyone who messes with iran will find themselves digging their own grave(s)


If Iran falls to the Western Shyster Bankers, so in time will Russia and China.

This fact gives me confidence that Iran will not be abandoned by Russia and China.

Hisham Saber

China owns a 80 % share in Iran’s giant South Pars natural gas fields. Last year, China and Iran just inaugurated the China- Iran link high speed cargo train lines, that take now 14 days, nonstop, instead of the 5-6 weeks by sea. Iran is crucial for China’s OBR Silk Roads through Asia and the Middle East. The Chinese would be cowardly fools to let Iran slip away from them.


“The route, better known as the New Silk Road, is a 2,300-km Chinese railroad that links Urumqi, the capital of China’s western Xinjiang Province, to the Iranian capital Tehran, connecting Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan along the way.” It is all standard gauge (China and Iran), whereas the central republics are Russian gauge.


The rail link also means that massive Chinese military assets are only 14 days away as well :)

David Parker

But railroads are easily bombed and sabotaged. I hope all concerned are very aware of this and guard the bridges and tunnels well. MOSSAD has many murderers and sappers. I would be comforted to see China forward deploy enough soldiers to augment the IRGC and guard their investments in Iran. Expensive military expenditures that should be invested in roads, pipelines, airports, irrigation, etc., instead of weapons. And is is all because the Zionists believe they deserve to own the world. They work ceaselessly to manipulate the rest of us – mere goyim – into killing each other.


There comes a time when the nations that enable such terrorist acts, such as the US, should be careful what they wish for.

Blowback is a bitch :)


It is finally dawning on both Russia and China that Iran is the frontline against US warmongers and NATO lackeys. There is far more strategic cooperation between the three than meets the eye. US will not take on Iran directly as it is well aware of the consequences. I am a frequent visitor to Iran and as previously noted, if anything Iran will come out of the current situation much stronger.

David Parker

Behind every war and false flag attack is MOSSAD and the Zionist ideology. The US deep state is controlled by Zionists. Not a shot is fired, not a man killed in the Mideast but the Zionist arranged it. $10,000,000 per day is sent to Israel from the American taxpayer. I get letters begging me to send money to feed poor widows in Israel. The Zioniist is a professional beggar with a knife hidden under his begging cup for when your back is turned.

Lena Jones

Iran will not fall because of its own defensive capabilities, and also because its stability and integrity has now become a national security issue for both Russia and China. For America to break Iran (a-la Libya, Syria etc) means that NATO will move into Iran, putting extra security and trade pressure on Russia and China, especially with regards the Silk Road II.

In any case, it’s highly unlikely that the US’s regional allies will actually survive a hit on Iran: The Yinon Plan is Dead, Long Live the Persian Cat: https://platosguns.com/2019/07/19/the-yinon-plan-is-dead-long-live-the-persian-cat/


Thank you for the link.

Ancient civilisations realise that great ‘change’ can take generations. Today , under the tutelage of the USA, wars are deemed to take weeks or months. The reality is that no war is finally won until there is no need for military occupation by the aggressor anymore.

I suppose the US war with Iran started circa 40 years or so ago and only now a resolution seems to be near.

My personal wish is for Iran to prevail against the US Coalition of Terror.

David Parker

The murders and oppression go back to the 1890 when (1) oil was discovered to have great value and (2) there is lots of oil under Iran and the entire Mideast. WWI was fought to see who was strong enough to seize the natural resources of the world. The legitimate government of Iran was usurped several times, the most egregious being the overthrow of President Mossadegh in 1952. it is true that British companies developed the oil fields and the refineries, but it is also true that the contracts were decidedly one-sided and the Iranian people did not get much share in the profit.


I agree with you.

If the UK has not been so greedy in Iran and ensured that a fair proportion of the oil sales was spread amongst the ordinary Iranian people, things would have been very different today, and the UK would still have fair access to Iranian oil.

Business is a chain of interested parties and a link that is faulty can easily cause the chain to break and fall into a heap.

Saso Mange

Iran is the last fortress on the way to Russia and China. Last fortress standing against one world government ruled from Tel Aviv and Washington. I hope that you are correct too and that Russia and China won’t abandon them.

David Parker

Don’t forget that North Korea is also free of the Zionist paper-currency “banking” system. It is intolerable to the Zionist that financial transactions inside Iran and North Korea are invisible. Freedom of any sort rankles the Zionist. Freedom from Zionist-controlled central banks is so particularly irksome that the Zionist cannot rest until he has manipulated the “western” military forces into destroying the government if not the entire people of Iran.


Even though Iran talks and brags far too much at least they can back it up. Recall the US failed attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran back in 1979; that was a complete farce and so is this action from the US/UK.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I truly wish these speed boats were equipped with laser defense weapons that could also target the hulls of ships.

David Parker

It takes a lot of energy to melt steel. It takes so much energy that it is only possible to melt or burn (in fiberglas) a hull above the water line. That won’t sink a ship. Beam and energy weapons can only be effective to blind satellites and disintegrate detectable drones and aircraft. Such require precise aiming by radar which can in turn be targeted the moment it operates. This was a big problem for the Yugoslav government attempting to defend against USAF and NATO attacks on civilians and multimillion dollar bridges, railroads, and buildings full of people. As soon as a radar was switched on, a USAF pilot launched an anti-radar missile to destroy it.

Brother Thomas

The UK and US are flummoxed by a country able to stand up for itself against imperialism.


at the heart of the matter is the Hormuz Strait and the dysfunctional states of A is unable to solve that particular puzzle – an attack on Iran will close the Strait right away and then we’re at 250 bucks per barrel and that dunny the dunce can’t have. In fact the going for the dysfunctional states of A’s various enterprises are dismal, being beaten in Afghanistan, being beaten in the Yemeni proxy war, being beaten in the Syrian proaxy war and being beaten in the outright regime change operation in Venezuela and is in the process to sideline the eastern flank of its nato-configuration, Turkey. not brilliant by any accord and nothing much to do other than pour more money into the drain. laughable. in addition the dysfunctional states of A has managed to strengthen the opposition against the squatters where the illegal settlers now face two very strong and determined foes, Turkey (erdogan hates the squatters) and Iran joined with the Hezbollahs. seems to me that the middle east is where the dysfunctional states will be forced to surrender its fight to support and save the squatters from the now more than ever aligned neighbours. hopefully it will mean the end of the squatters illegal occupation of palestine, that they will be forced out of the land and if they are lucky issued with green cards to the dysfunctional states of A which will behappy to receive them (they hope) or its more holocaust and pogroms than ever.

chris chuba

I wonder if part of their strategy is to zig zag in certain formations to create wakes to confuse targeting radar in addition to their speed and low profile. I don’t know if that would work. The U.S. would most likely have AWACS and other radar high in the sky feeding targeting information.

The boats would definitely outrange the phalanx guns firing those ball bearings or any direct line of site weapons. They would likely first the missiles / torpedoes and return to base.


The US might be able to bomb Iran into ruins, but they won’t win a land war. The Iranians are not like Arabs who are more loyal to the local chieftain than the central government, and loyalty is for sale.

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