USS Nimitz, currently deployed to patrol the Persian Gulf
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has released several close-up photos of the US Navy’s aircraft carrier USS Nimitz as well as other ships from its strike group. The carrier battle group passed through the Strait of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf last week, making some analysts suspect that the stage could be set for a ‘Tonkin Gulf’ incident given the proximity of the US elections and other developments in the region.
Speaking to the press on Wednesday, IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri said a domestically produced drone detected the US carrier strike group before the flotilla cruised through the Strait of Hormuz and into the waters of the Persian Gulf.
The military vessels detected by the Iranian drone were USS Nimitz aircraft carrier along with its flotilla of ships, including two destroyers with identification numbers 114 and 104, battle cruisers 58 and 59, two patrol frigates with identification numbers 9 and 12, and a coast guard cutter with code 1333…
On the same day, 188 new naval drones and helicopters were added to the IRGC navy’s fleet of aircraft.
The IRGC conducted a large-scale aerial and naval drill off the strategic Strait of Hormuz and in the Persian Gulf in July, including rehearsing the execution of countermeasures against US aircraft carrier threats in the region. LINK
According to the US Navy, the 100,000-ton warship, along with two guided-missile cruisers and a guided-missile destroyer, passed through Hormuz Strait and entered the Persian Gulf on September 18.
The IRGC published images of the US warships on its twitter page and reiterated that the warships’ moves are being closely monitored.
#IRGC released aerial surveillance images of the #US aircraft carrier USS Nimitz in #PersianGulf waters saying all movements of the American fleet are being monitored by IRGC navy drones pic.twitter.com/KaaRkzR076
— Tasnim News Agency (@Tasnimnews_EN) September 23, 2020
The photos show close up images of the Nimitz’s flight deck, upon which are parked dozens of F/A-18 Hornets, at least one E-2 Hawkeye airborne early warning aircraft and one SH-60 Seahawk helicopter, which can be used for anything from submarine hunting to search and rescue operations.
Military Times asked the Navy about the incident, and a spokeswoman for US Naval Forces Central Command told the publication: “There have been no unsafe or unprofessional interactions with the Iranians since April 15.”
That was the day around ten IRGC speedboats circled around several US warships located towards the northern end of the Persian Gulf, with video and photos of the incident published by the IRGC and the US Navy afterward. LINK
After the incident US President Donald Trump ordered US warships in the area to “shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”
Video of #IRGCN vessels conducting dangerous & harassing approaches on U.S. naval vessels in the international waters of the North Arabian Gulf. pic.twitter.com/zL9VKQ0eiQ
— U.S. 5th Fleet (@US5thFleet) April 15, 2020
Tehran has made sure the crews of US warships deployed to the Persian Gulf know that they can’t count on having their usual ‘full spectrum dominance’ impunity from retaliation in the area. In addition to sending out speedboats to carry out manoeuvres in close proximity to the hostile warships, Iran has conducted close range drone fly-bys on numerous occasions, including in January 2016, August 2017 and April 2019. LINK
IRGC all ready using some of the drones received in previous article ? :)
I have personally gone thru the Strait of Hormuz 4 times and I can attest that that is NOT the Strait of Hormuz…..
You know why I know?
Because the water there is not blue or even dark blue….
Last time I was sail fishing there it was still blue…
The only thing thats brown are the underpants of that US Navy Captain. https://media3.giphy.com/media/l2YWoeNCvhWNoG9fG/giphy.gif
Depends on a number of factors, sometimes dirty green and sometimes brown, but definitely never deep blue.
These pics and movies could be taken in the Oman sea or the Indian ocean. Which makes it worse for the US, because there Iranian drones weren’t flying over Iranian water, they were in international airspace and the US legally could shoot them down after a warning.
even Nimitz admitted that the amerikan murder of 250,000 Japanese civilians w 2 atom bombs was unnecessary—Adm William Leahy described this as “unnecessary and barbarbric”—this is expected from these primitive under socialized cowards
They dropped it to show off. Mainly to the Soviet Union. US. logic was, its worth to kill 250,000 civs if we can intimidate the rest of the World. Barbaric indeed. Same as the firebombings of Hamburg, Dresden, Berlin, Tokyo… British fighther planes even strafed the survining civs outside of the city trying to escape the fire. I cant remember nazis doing strafing runs on civs, bomig yes, but not strafing runs. They werent better tho with their Einsatzgruppen executing women and even babies on the ground. Many bash the Red Army for being barbaric but out of the big armies they were probably the most humane, albeit with the worst PR.
Its also worth to mention that ut was the Red Army that won the Europan Theathre and with that WWII by defeating 80% of the German armed firces, around 25 divisions, 50% of the Luftwaffe included. Without that Germans would have win easily. Thank you Russia?
Without that Germans would have win easily with only 25 divisions lost??
25 divisions is more than 3million soldiers. 80% of the German armed forces of that time. Imagine that in the western front… Instead the allies fought run down exhausted and reserve troops. Even those were a challange to them.
My bad… Not divisions Corps… Lost in translation…
I don’t agree with some of your post,the Nazis straffed french refugees trying to get out of Dunkirk,also yes the bombing campaign by the allies was murder in many cases,but that was total war,my own Mother spent many nights in a air raid shelter in Manchester because the Luftwaffe were Blitzing the city every night,she lost two friends,you are right about the H bombs on Japan,it was a message to the Soviet Union,after the war some loonies among the US military high command wanted to use it on Russia,and also re the Red army,the west slander those men and women its a wonder they didn’t butcher every German they could after the total horror the Nazis inflicted on them.
You are talking about the european jail drags who exterminated the native americans!
Let’s face it. America was built but adventurers, criminals, prostitutes, assassins and all the scum who leaved Europe to live an anarchic lifestyle.
Nothing good could have become from such neanderthals.
Iran needs to use equipment for the detection of subs, specifically Israeli subs that might fire upon the US flotilla then try and blame Iran for it.
USS Liberty…
will be hard to detect. Its 1st class German subs they use, presented by Germany (because we are so guilty).
Why don’t you pay more reparations then? I know officially that well has dried in 2017 and there is nothing more to be paid. That’s the reason now they demand that Poland pays them reparations, and Poland in return asks you to pay Poles reparations. I say cut the middleman and directly pay the ones you made soap and lampshade out of yet again from the start. (the evidence of your guilt in the court was one soap bar, a very, very expensive soap bar).
By definition, a Holocaust survivor is someone that lived in 1933 in Europe somewhere that at some point came was under Germany/Italian command till 1945, doesn’t matter what age they were or anything else or even if they left Europe for the US in 1933.
So, legally do not answer me or better, condemn my nonsense. I won’t forgive myself if they Schaefered you because of my comment.
You lil Ahmadinejad, trying to stir up whites against white guilt
Dammit! I thought I’m being discreet, but my scheme has blown into my face! Damn You occupybacon!
Iran has nothing to worry or scared about, if there’s war with US, so what, it will be over in a few weeks, Israel would be doing them a favor by committing a false flag
If Iranians try something funny, the US will barbeque the ayatollahs first!
Bring it on, you bum.
These Islamist fools still don’t understand that threats have momentum. They choose to threaten the most aggressive countries in the world, and then they are surprised by mysterious explosions and surprising assassinations.
oh you are a hasbarah then
it is time to make friends with Putin, because the american golem is going kaboom https://www.zerohedge.com/political/lousiville-mayor-announces-curfew-stores-boarded-anticipation-breonna-taylor-riots
I don’t notice any Iranian warships in the gulf of Mexico you clown.
you should not believe all the US TV series, funded by the US Military. Reality looks a bit different. Just ask a vet about his experiences in e.g. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria…
Something funny like what defending their Country?
CIA trolls will cry and rage :)
On the contrary, it is a gift for those who want a war between the United States and Iran. Ayatollahs should seek in the Qur’an a greeting of peace to American aircraft carriers. Because if an American aircraft carrier is attacked, the Iranians will have to get used to a completely different lifestyle.
We will see… Remember Nam? They sunk one of your carriers ;)
You’re probably confused. I have no aircraft carriers (only two cars). Indeed it is easy for Europeans to talk about distant wars in which thousands of natives die. But no one should die because of the madness of these Islamists.
U.S. are the agressors. They are on the wrong side of the planet…
“U.S. are the agressors.” – So what? Does this mean that these fanatical Islamists should threaten this aggressive world power? The Mullahs regime has already shown that it is willing to endanger and kill thousands of Iranians in the name of their religious insanity (if you have any doubt read about the Iraq-Iran war).
U.S. police forces are killing 1200 people a year… U.S. has more people in prison than Russia, China Iran combined… Let that sink in for a moment. Iran hasnt started a war as an agressor since 1775… Contrary to the crumbling U.S. Empire…
You don’t seem to understand what I am writing. I will put it simply: The Mullahs regime puts its head, very stupidly, in the mouth of the lion.
Are you on Drugs? every Country has the right to defend itself.
Only a drug addict can think that Iran can defend itself against the United States.
They said that about resisting the Nazis,whats your alternative live like a slave?
You go read about that war instigated by the US. Do your home work and then come back. Stop parroting nonsense.
Should one read about the fact that the war lasted much longer than it should have because the mullahs did not want to stop the war until the divine victory? Or read about the chalice of poison that the Supreme Leader “drank” when he finally realized he must stop the war before he destroys Iran. Do you know where Iran is on the map?
You are sick buddy, But no one should die because of the madness of these Islamists. You want to talk about madness? Iran is helping Iraq, Syria and even Afghanistan to finish off Daesh, ISIL,ISIS. It was the PMUs in Iraq that finished Daesh not US, US troops were scared to even get out of their bases with fuking 20 army personnel vehicles. US did nothing beside making Iraq hell to live in. You are the best friends of KSA, UAE the fuking Wahhabi that are openly helping Daesh, ISIL in Iraq and Syria. But they are your states that how you sick fuk see them. Iran is a bad guy? How? Why do you think that why?
The guy is probably a fanatical Sunni Muslim,they hate shia so any rational logic and reason goes out of the window,they can’t get past the religious sect they belong to.
So you think the Mullahs are that stupid as yourself? But they must surely be alert to defend their territory… This is not Miami gulf….truly the Persian gulf. You stupid kid!
So will the Israelis and the Saudis.
Same goes for the yankees. Learn to threat people fairly, otherwise you will count dead bodies at home!!
Or do you think you fools are invincible?
They will if a missile hits that lump of obsolete junk.
so they have cameras
Missiles too…
Saddam, too, “had” weapons of mass destruction. Apparently you, like these retarded Islamists, do not understand that this is a great excuse for those who want to “defend” the United States. Do you understand that they are not afraid of these religious lunatics? Do you understand how much money they will make from a war that will destroy Iran? Keep hitting your rusty war drums.
Maybe you havent noticed but the past 19 years have destroyed the U.S. Economically, morally, infrastructure wise. They can launch another useless war but that will be the last thing they will be able to do.
Iran doesnt have WMDs. Neither did Iraq. Only forbthe record…
Of course Iraq didn’t have it, that is the “had” for.
“Saddam too had weapon of mass destruction” Yet he hidden it so well, that even 20 years of invasion no one can found it
Someone changed the name from Zion State to Iraq :/
ok, it looks like one of those people who drink their koolaid every day
if Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, I am Santa Klaus
the only WMDs he had were the ones given to him by the US to fight against Iran and exterminate the kurds
and the ones US dropped on his country as a gift.
You love to suck the land thieves Zion and Wahhabi that killing your people. You’re not even a low life but a moron a mad Zion dog, here is your 2cent. Now go suck Bibi and Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud dicks.
A fanatical and stupid regime. There is no other definition. It seems to me that there are quite a few in the US who are praying that these Islamists will attack an American aircraft carrier. So the world economy will have to do without Iranian products for several decades.
Now you sound perfectly like IRON ZION in HellAviv.
I like the guy, he supports peace. But I do not like fools like you who get an erect1on from death and wars.
Both of you are apes and brain dead, thieves like each others LMFAO. Western Zion stealing land and fat pigs stealing oil LMFAO. US got power 75 years ago and Zion became a “thing” 75 years ago as well….hmmm :/