Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif speaks during a forum in Istanbul, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 1, 2013. (AP Photo)
Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has expressed confidence that no war would break out in the Middle East, despite the rising tension between Tehran and Washington. He further emphasized that no country has the “illusion it could confront Iran”.
“I am sure that as Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said no war will occur as neither are we seeking a war nor anyone else has the illusion of being able to fight with Iran in the region,” Zarif told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) before ending his visit to the Chinese capital, Beijing, on May 18.
Zarif added that U.S. President Donald Trump also does not want war. However, the Iranian FM warned a group of people is pushing Trump towards a conflict with Iran.
The group, which Zarif refers to as “Team B,” is comprised of U.S. National Security Advisor John R. Bolton, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohamad Bin Salman and the UAE’s Crown Prince Mohamad Bin Zayed.
“Trump’s America First policy is turning into Israel First or Some Reactionary Regional Leaders First,” IRNA quoted Zarif as saying.
The tension between the U.S. and Iran escalated following the May 12 Fujairah incident, during which four oil tankers were attacked off the shores of the UAE. U.S. officials had accused Iran of planning the attack. However, they admitted that there is no solid evidence against Tehran.
A recent series of remarks by Iranian officials is another demonstration that Teheran is not seeking to instigate a new war in the region. However, the important point is that Iran has no capabilities to wage war and achieve a victory in an open conflict with the US and its allies.
In the March Q&A video, SouthFront noted that Zarif is supporer of the de-escalation of relations with the West. In the current situation, he undertakes various mearues to avoid the war.
Russia, China, Turkey, Pakistan are strong allies of Iran and Saudi Arabia.
The war between Iran and Saudi Arabia will never happened.
In case of Washington aggression on Iran or on Saudi Arabia Russia, China, Turkey and Pakistan will support Iran and Saudi Arabia.
World will soon declare America and Israel terrorist states.
American terrorist state has collected all gold from Saudi Arabia, UAE and from many other idiot governments in six continents in exchange of paper currency that is US Dollar. So much huge fraud.
well they may, but they are merely just that, illusions that they can prevail over iran :)
Iran is a nuclear turn key nation with a very sophisticated military infrastructure and as I have said on many occasions US will never take on any nation that can hit back. Why do you think the Zionist braggarts have been so quiet? Iranian position is very clear, attack Iran and Zionist entity will bleed to death. Russia, Oman and even Switzerland have passed on the same message to the loudmouth buffoon coward Trump. It is now only a matter of time Bolton is gone as the US military is very concerned about an accidental war that they will not be able to conclude on favorable terms.
yes i agree million percentage, zios may start it, but iran will end it :)))
They will be destroyed. Hezbollah now has over 200,000 missiles and rockets, The region around Qalamoun is now a Hezbollah silo pad and the area of missile fire will be very large for even the whole US airforce to suppress, let alone Zionists with 200 aircraft and barely 9 airbases which will be obliterated in the first few minutes by Iranian and Hezbollah strikes. US military is quite aware of Iranian capabilities.
agreed 100%. can i ask what your username d’Artagnan means?
d’Artagnan, was a French Musketeer who served Louis XIV as captain of the Musketeers of the Guard. He is the main hero of the Three Musketeers, loyal to the end :)
It suited my personality as all my life I have stood up for the underdog and tried to do the right thing, sometimes at a personal cost. But some evil is so great that one has to choose the right side and take a stand. It is not hyperbole, when I saw that Jews and Zionism in particular are pure evil.
me too
Dear Mr. PM, Israel has many illusions. So his statement is wrong. Israel does have the illusion that it can prevail in a war against Iran. Notice though, I did say that it is an illusion that Israel can prevail, however the PM is wrong because Israel does still carry their illusion. https://scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/25850458deea716121407c0f5d7847e7/5D7A0AC4/t51.2885-15/e35/38081802_731169523881760_7235638134061400064_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com
NK is one of Iran’s staunchest allies. Iran and NK have been jointly conducting research and development and sharing technologies for a long time. Iran has what NK has, such as short range missiles, IRBMs, ICBMs, SLBMs, subs, anti missile and aircraft defense systems (Byungae-6 similar in capability to s-400), etc. Iran has nukes also. NK can annihilate and erase US off the map. NK launching a SLBM and NK subs are already patrolling US coasts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOBU0QwZtE0
NK launching a ICBM (Hwasung-16) with a range of more than 10000 km and can cover the entire US continent): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EypIIkg7gx8
So you can guess what Iran has.
firstly for the bravest of the brave–houthi brothers “God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam”
secondly…..i will write it down 1 more time
yes..correct Iran can NOT be defeated by america in a CONVENTIONAL war for Logical reasons Iran is a Nation of 80+million and 1,620,000 km2. the american enemy can only attack with balistic Missiles/drones/airforce/cruise Missiles…..there is no Country they can start a Ground Invasion from…Afghanistan is impossible due to the geography and Terrain,iraq wont allow it, and Turkey will also not allow it. the american attack can only come from ships or their bases in Saudi,afghanistan,bahrain,uae
those bases/ships will be utterly destroyed by iranian balistic Missiles/drones/cruise Missiles
and here lies the danger for ALL of us……america will only have 2 Options left
1. accept defeat……..not These motherfucking Psychos with their zio. bosses
2. go nuclear
and they will attack Iran with nuclear weapons…. it is the only Logical posibility left if one aknowledges that this Evil satanic Regime of us slaves wont ACCEPT defeat…….
ps. Maybe u Folks forgot or u dont know (also souhfront wrote About what i´m gonna tell u)
december 2018 ADMIRAL Scott Stearney, HEAD OF ALL NAVAL OPEARTIONS IN THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST was murdered in december 2018 in Bahrain!!!!!! well take a wild guess why??
He said NO, so he had to go!!!
Iran can annihilate US fleet in the Persian gulf.
Iran can inflict severe pain.
Pakistan is a strange country. Its nation are against America and Israel while its governments for the last 66years were allies of America and Israel. The ministers of current government are also struggling to get some job from America during American aggration against Iran.
Pakistan is not a country but a British imperialist created outpost to carve up India. If you read Mountbatten’s’ memoirs, the British had no intention of leaving behind a united India. They also created the Zionist cancer in Palestine at the same time circa 1947 Pakistan and the Zionist entity by transporting Khazars from eastern European ghettos in 1948 to Occupy Arab Palestine. Both Pakistan and the Zionist entity are charity cases a real cancer.
Then why India does not issue nationality to Pakistanis to eliminate that illegal border.
Indian Hindus chauvinists are as ignorant and arrogant as the Zionists. If they were smart, they should have encouraged a free border and most starving Pakistanis would have joined India. But Modi’s government now is made up of Hindu fanatics who are using Zionist tactics to suppress Muslims and other minorities, especially in Kashmir, so that gives the Pakistani corrupt military to eat up 80% of the poverty stricken country’s budget. Pakistan spends less than 50 cents on health education and welfare per-capita but $220 on military. Both India and Pakistan are basketcases. India has over a billion people with no toilets, clean water or sanitation too. However, it suits the west and Jews to keep the conflict going. A weak India also helps US agenda to push a war with China using Indian cannon fodder as the British imperialists did to their colonial fight wars. People don’t realize that millions of Indians were killed in British empire wars but there is no recognition of their deaths.
You are right. I hope that soon one day these five states Bangladish, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran will become one supper nation. They will kickout all corrupt politicians.
“Iran has no capabilities to wage war and achieve a victory in an open conflict with the US and its allies.” – What a ridiculous statement. Iran can wage an extremely damaging war against the US and its allies. It may not be able to go head to toe in a conventional war, but Iran’s assymetrical war capabilities are immense and what will Europe and the US do when Saudi and UAE oil processing infrastructure is totally demolished? The world economy would crash and Europe would also be flooded with refugees on a scale never seen before . .
The big bad Iranians who got their navy humiliated against the Americans in 1988. Say hello to the Sahand for me ;)
Hello… which coward is you? Or do you wear a kippa?
Iranian frigate Sahand
Iranian bitches ?
USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) is one of the final ships in the United States Navy’s Oliver Hazard Perry-class of guided missile frigates (FFG). Commissioned in 1986, the ship was severely damaged by an Iranian mine and a Sea Cobra shot down. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/702903de2a56357bd2eaa2985ffa40bb2cf4f091e371d72586c645f50359d859.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a0a77a02a4a75383e20871c46d517003b7a927f369078a47296824e93eb3380f.jpg
1 ship hit by a mine wow lol. The US sank multiple Iranian ships and destroyed half their navy
No, you are ignorant child, one Iranian small corvette Sahand was destroyed in a air attack, however Iran has manufactured half a dozen bigger frigates since then. Just for your education here is video on commissioning.
Johan was destroyed too 45 Iranian dead Multiple speedboats sunk. You just make bullshit up everytime lol
Rubbish as usual, child. Joshan was damaged and is in full service. You Jews are liars extraordinaire.
You are like a parrot, US lost a destroyer and a sea Cobra, even in that limited encounter when Iran was at is weakest. Incidentally, you Zionists are not barking much these days :)