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Iranian Forces Are Establishing Dozens Of Positions In Southern Damascus – Report

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Iranian-backed forces, including Lebanon’s Hezbollah, are establishing dozens of positions south of the Syrian capital, Damascus, Zaman al-Wasl reported on March 25.

According to the pro-opposition outlet, the new positions include barracks, training camps, intelligence bases, technical workshops and a drone base. All the positions are allegedly located near the Shiite-majority area of Set Zaynab.

The outlet revealed one of the positions, a supposed “drone base” located 5 km to the south of Set Zaynab. The base is supposedly being operated by Hezbollah and hosting several Iranian-made Muhajir-4 drones.

Iranian Forces Are Establishing Dozens Of Positions In Southern Damascus – Report

Click to see full-size image. Via Google Earth

Zaman al-Wasl contradicted its own narrative by acknowledging that the supposed “drone base” is actually a training facility of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Directorate (AFID) that was established more than 8 years ago.

The highly-questionable report lacked any credible information about any of the other “Iranian positions” in southern Damascus.

Zaman al-Wasl’s report was likely nothing but a propaganda piece meant to magnify the activities of Iranian forces in Syria, possibly to provoke new Israeli attacks on Damascus.


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I’m just waiting for the Iranians and the Turks to set up office in tel aviv after finally having either kicked the jews to kingdom come or put them 6 feet under pushing up daisies and lilies to the pleasure of the world.

n.b. the jews are good for nothing, except stealing, lying and murdering women and chldren, and thus won’t be much missed since those three traits aren’t much to write home about.

Shia man

The Turks??? The Turks are lapdog for Israel they even have Israeli embassy in turkey and they have business between each other and the business between them has only been increasing year by year. They even coordinating attacks with each other against Syria.


as per usual you’re wrong – erdogan hates the israelis and would sell his soul if he could get netanyahu on a rope swinging from a lamppost and he will most certainly participate in a joint move against the jews.

Shia man

Your lying to yourself Erdogan has a hand in creating isis and supporting funding training extremist which kill other Muslims he even robbed Syrian oil with isis Erdogan is a Zionist dog he works for the Jews he is even part of nato he only attacks the resistance axis everything i mentioned is facts and well documented and every you mentioned is a fairy tail. Your kind makes me laugh thinking Erdogan is the last hope for you Sunni Muslims I already know how you think lmao how are you allies with NATO and have Israeli embassy the Israel even come to turkey for tourism purposes and you have business between each other. ? Prove to me I’m wrong don’t just spew words with no facts behind them you can’t just say I’m wrong and go back to your imaginary fairy tail land. Actions speak louder then words

Xoli Xoli

Dont concentrate on double face buyers of Israel and USA NATO.


you should take your meds like a good boy and leave matters to the grown ups. erdogan will do anything to wipe the jews in palestine off the map and the reason is simply that he will never accept that the parts of the middle east and once was part of turkey will become governed by the jews – he’d rather start a nuke-war in the belief that he can outlast the jews but together with the other parties in the anti-jew alliance they can eradicate the jews for good and what happens after that is anybody’s guess.

Shia man

You should follow your own advice and get off the meds even after Albert pike exposed Erdogan for you by visiting the grave of the founder of Zionism and visited Israel and he shook hands with Ariel Sharon you still have the audacity to straight lie to yourself. You need to wake up to reality and see the real world for what it is and stop making up fairy tail stories. I honestly can’t understand how you still think Erdogan is an enemy of Israel after you seen that video that Albert pike shared with you and the fact turkey has business with Israel and they have Israel embassy and they allow Israeli to travel to Turkey and Erdogan funds trains and supports extremists that kill innocent Muslims and Christians. I seriously don’t understand your kind that can’t accept the truth even if the truth is clear as day. I’m starting to believe your nothing more then a paid propagandist or someone who is In extreme denial to the point you probably experienced shock and trauma watching the video Albert pike shared with you that your brain erased that traumatic experience and sent you back into la la land thinking Erdogan is going to whip Israel off the map and bring back the Ottoman Empire ? get your head out your ass you Zionist slave.


erdogan on an officialstate visit will be polte and smile when required to smile but put any value in the visit to herzl grave is just dumb and shakng hands with sharon, just the same.

to repeat – erdogan hates israel and netanyahu and will be first inline whem netanyahu is about to be strung up. turkey never planned anything in syria with israel – you’re deluded and naive.

Shia man

Then again I tell you Actions speak louder then words boy what Muslim would go visit Israel and shake hands with the Zionist entity your values and moral compass are all screwed up how can you visit be polite and show affection to a mass murderer of Muslims? You are one deluded individual. You could lie to yourself all you want but facts remain facts Erdogan is a Zionist puppet.


blablabla get real or just fuck off, gnat!

Shia man

Get real??? I see your very proficient at using projection you Israeli troll should follow your own advice and fuck off. Pathetic Zionist pig


albert pike is a deluded idiot and anything he says is just garbage!

Shia man

He showed you a video where Erdogan visits the grave of the founder of Zionism and shakes hands with Ariel Sharon in Israeli you deluded Zionist pig.

Albert Pike

You are wrong, Dönmeh Erdogan even went to Herzls Grave. Most of his military hardware comes from Israel – therefore he, or the Türks, will be never be able to fight against Israel with any of this hardware. You are even seeing the IDF guys here writing for the Türks:

https://elderofziyon.tumblr.com/post/58715809090/old-video-of-erdogan-visiting-herzls-grave https://twitter.com/noamchomskyT/status/1188494897780789254

Xoli Xoli

Unfortunately not Erdogan got great great respect for Satanyahu. Out of fear he might turn USANATO aggainst him.But politically he pretend hating Israel.


Well, yep, he sure trusts, respects and likes Israelis more than Arabs. The same with Putin. And who can blame them?

Jimmy Jim



Does your mommy know you do this, junior?

Xoli Xoli

Iran will never associate it self with Erdogan. Maybe just to let Putin feel good as a hero for nothing but buying face.

Jimmy Jim



its a jew fart.. much more pungent than normal fat farts.. sticks with you like a skunk attack..


And you should know. You are an expert in following people around to check their farts. And like your hero, Hitler, hoping for it to be a wet one so you can have your favorite treat. Yum yum…

Assad must stay

Good Iran keeeep doing it lol

Zionism = EVIL

Most of this is Jew propaganda as they are scared shitless as the dumbass Americunts are going down the tubes and will not be able to protect the Zionist parasites. However, good news is that Iran is now technically virus free and has total control of the Tehran-Beirut highway and is moving large quantities of men, material and goods.

We can help Americans fight coronavirus, don’t need their assistance: IRGC chief cmdr.

General Salami added, “They are themselves plagued by this virus outbreak and their greedy healthcare infrastructure cannot protect the American people against this phenomenon. If the American nation needs help, we can render assistance to them, but we do not need their help.”

As the caraonvirus spreads rapidly across the US, Iran has offered its expertise in combating the infection. US now has the highest number of rapidly growing cases with increasing death rate, mostly amongst the urban poor.


Not as percent of population. Try to get the simplest things correct. Iran is up there with the worst of them with more daily deaths than the US even though the US has four times the population. Try to get the basics correct.

Assad must stay

yes, greed, the literal worship of money, and people using each other like condoms only to be discarded later will be the death of the US, in fact i think it already has/is

Bill Wilson

Iran has no expertise for combating COVID 19 since it rapidly infested the entire country. It’s not so bad in the USA where the vast majority of known cases have mild symptoms so are recuperating at home. So far all of those that died from the crud had pre-existing conditions. Most folks are still going to work and most commercial operations are still open for business.

Assad must stay

iran now has it under control and is even offering to help US with it, so no, they now have alot of expertise and the sanctions US has put on them did not help them at all to fight it


Doesn’t matter LR, Gantz just agreed to join Bibi’s government and betrayed half of Israelis like me that voted for him. Sanders is our only option left to remove Bibi, I have lost any hope for a change here. On a personal note, I will not fight and die for a corrupted criminal, my loyalty belongs to Israel only.


I can’t even imagine living 2 more years under Bibi..he has ruined the economy and the healthcare system. So disappointing..a sad day for honest Israelis.


Disappointed iron Zion! Pls tell us your original country…then we can arrange for you to go back happy.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

Imagine how bad the Palestinians feel about him.

Why don’t you join up with the natives, ready made allies against Bibi and all the evil he represents?


If you missed it, Zion didn’t much like Bibi because he didn’t go extremely hard against the Palestinians. Try to keep up.


A much larger part of the Israeli workforce was Palestinian back in the ‘70’s. The more they killed or tried to kill Israelis, the more they lost job opportunities. And the more they push for it all, the more they lose. Oh, Israel has way more than enough natural gas. The only issue is getting it to Europe so the Europeans don’t have to rely on Putz Putin as much. Oh, and note, the last thing Zion would want would be allies with the Murdering Islamist and Nationalist Palestinians and other Arabs. My guess is he is in Israel because the Muslim Arabs where he came from didn’t treat him and his family too well. Try to get the basics correct.


I just tell it as it is, kid. Sorry you can’t take the truth.


Nahhhhhhhh…you lie about being from Oakland and lie about being a Canadian. You are simply a liar. Period.


Whatever the hell that is, liar.


You have no idea, AH, how much time you have on this ? than me. You are an arrogant AH but that doesn’t make you God, kid.


Don’t forget to take the screen shots of all the folk here calling for genocide of Jews. Now that would include me and my family. And all those calling for the destruction of my Country as well as Israel. And all those praising Hitler and the Nazis. And all those saying Russia has a National right to take back anyplace that has Russians. And all those saying the Pandemic is bio-warfare by the US or Jews to create the NWO. And all those saying mass murderer, Assad, is an angel. And all those who say the Islamist Iranians can do no wrong. And only Shi’a Islamist terrorism is justified. And all the lying Russians and others claiming to be Americans, even when they don’t quite know English. And all those who say anyone who disagrees with them is stupid no matter what ridiculous claims they make, And…and…and…so go for it snowflake. Now that is something Canadian. Oh, by the way, as I’ve said a hundred times here, I’m from the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s that Oakland. You are dense. So it’s when in Rome do as the Romans do. Bye bye.


Correct Jake, my grandfather suffered alot under the Baath regime in Iraq before he came here in the 50’s. He told me alot of stories how Muslims started hurting the Jews in Iraq after 1948, and they had to flee or die. Then you have the Palis that are crying to this day how they also left their homes in 1948, but they forget it was mutual. To make a long story short – Jews to Israel and Muslims back to their Arab countries. If they keep their terror, it will just backfire on them more.


Be well.

Xoli Xoli

Yes you are tight your loyalty belongs to Israel just as only Jesus killers worldwide and rejectors.Istael is rubbish believers.


Nahhhhhhhhh…the Romans crucified Jesus and using your sick logic that must be why Italy is being punished with the Virus today. Go lick some public doorknobs and handrails. I’m sure Jesus will save you. Have faith and enjoy.

Xoli Xoli

You are not Christian blood cunt.Read the bible foolish idiot.If you reject Jesus you actually reject God himself.


Sanders is out. And besides, he would be way worse for Israel than even Obama was. Hope you are OK. Israel seems to be doing a good job holding down the Virus deaths if not the spread. Given Israel’s advanced medical system compared to most other places, I follow what’s happening there as indicative of what at best can be done with the Pandemic. South Korea is the other. Russia later next month will very likely be an example of what happens with too little too late.


thanks Jake, I hope you are safe too!


Sanders was canned by the voters. Try to get the simplest things correct.


Why should I get a job when I have my own business and am also semi-retired with quite a nice nest egg and a top floor condo overlooking the Bay Area. And you, junior?


Sure. More like a tent with the other dregs.


Not if you are also a Canadian but still don’t know proper English, liar.


No one knows for sure how much time they have left. And you still can’t write proper English. So stop lying, maybe Igor.


don’t believe a word of what joke321 says – he’s just a leper from tel aviv and he has never brought nything of value to these threads.


All mine are true. But if you are a Canadian and not from a French area as you claim, how come you always have problems writing proper English?


Whatever you would like to call it. But together with picking the right parents, it sure has done me well in terms of my personal and professional life along with more than adequate assets and fine living standard. Sorry you did not make the right choice and don’t have the drive to do much. But most Preppers are that way it seems, even if they are Canadians who haven’t mastered basic English.


Nahhhhhhhh…everything I say about myself is true. Sometimes altered a bit to guard my identity which Disqus recommends. And I’m sorry that you are such a bitter frustrated loser. So at some point you will finally get off your chickenshit ass and do something rash. And get killed by an Israeli. But cheer up. Your family might get a martyr’s award along with your Darwin Award.


The reason I have that nice nest egg and other fine things is I can multitask and don’t need much sleep. So I can do all those other things and still bother you. Isn’t that great? Oh, and even have more time now while on lock down.


LOL…I do all that and more as well as “troll.” As I said, I can multitask and need little sleep.

Jimmy Jim


Xoli Xoli

Maimara accident Israel did 2hat it supposed to.But Erdogan were bluffing and hitting behind the bushes to pie A4abs and muslims with hi double face attitude.


LOL…your Bot writer sure needs a tuneup, sport.

Xoli Xoli

Forgone spy.

Jimmy Jim


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