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Iranian Forces Are Establishing New Base In Syria’s Deir Ezzor – Report

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Iranian Forces Are Establishing New Base In Syria’s Deir Ezzor – Report

Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city

Syrian forces affiliated with the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are establishing a new base in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside, the Deir Ezzor 24 blog reported on November 20.

According to the pro-opposition blog, the new base, which will be the biggest Iranian military position in southern Deir Ezzor, will be located in the desert of the city of al-Mayadin.

“The IRGC militia brought logistical equipment to the new base and began bringing concrete walls,” the Deir Ezzor 24 report reads.

Earlier this year, American Fox News and Israeli ImageSat released a report claiming that Iran had created a large base for precision-guided missiles near the city of al-Bukamal, south of al-Mayadin. Israeli warplanes attacked the alleged base at least twice within a few weeks.

Deir Ezzor 24 claims were not confirmed by any other source. Despite this, they could serve as a pretext for new Israeli attacks on Deir Ezzor.

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Wolfgang Wolf

syrian idiots should invest in better air defense…


better yet to terminate the occupation of palestine by the squatters and peace would be had in the middle east. no one needs israel and thus the squatters shan’t expect a future on the land they’ve stolen from the palestinians. theft which is ongoing 24/7 and the best way to end such theft is the chines way – a shot in the back of the head.

Lee Vanderheiden

For some reason Assad is not using the S-300s given to them by Russia. It is thought that this is for strategic purposes. For the time that is coming.


So, more Israel stricks are expected in this area, and Russia without the permission to stop Israel planes.

Free man

Why do you think the Russians should risk themselves and fight against Israel in order to protect Iranian bases ? If the Iranians are building bases why not also take care of air defense. Let them bear the consequences.

Lee Vanderheiden

Why would Iran build bases in Syria? So Israel has an excuse to bomb them? Iran is NOT building a base in Deir Azzor or anywhere else. Israeli propaganda.

Free man

Read the headline.


Dier Ezzor has needed the S 300 for a long time.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

it doesn’t matter what air defense Syria has, as long as they are not allowed to engage IDF jets over Lebanon/Golan Heights/or Palestine, then IDF will keep striking with impunity

Lee Vanderheiden

Syria has made no commitment to not engage IDF jets no matter which direction. They just recently shot one Israeli jet down remember. Assad has said the foreigners must go, this means Israel out of the Golan Heights. Assad is busy with Erdogan and the last of Al Qaida now. Once this mission is accomplished expect the SAA to move against the USA and Israel. S-300s are being purposefully held back for defence purposes at this time.

Wayne Nicholson

Iran has pretty good air defences. If Iran is being attacked by the IAF then Iran should be defending their own assets with their own weapons. Syria should concentrate on winning back it’s territory not protecting the Iranians and Russian air defence should protect Russian assets and the Russian mission in Syria which is making sure the terrorist threat is contained in Syria by making sure they all die in Syria.

Protecting the SAA or Iran from the IAF has absolutely nothing to do with the Russian mission and is one mistake away from starting a conflict between the USA and Russia that could quickly grow out of control ….. the world does NOT need a war between the USA and Russia.

Pave Way IV

Are they there at the invitation of Syria or not? Everything else about the base is immaterial – including the fact that the IRCG are the most lethal opponents of ISIS in the Middle East.

Bill Wilson

They were at first yet since then have been taking over the towns and villages along the river by running off the SAA militias that were stationed at those. Assad isn’t happy about that but can’t do anything about it due to the aid his government still receives from Iran.

Pave Way IV

What? Do you mean the IRCG has been forcing Syrian militias out of those towns? That’s news to me. Never saw Assad complain about such a thing either.

Lee Vanderheiden

Nor have I. I don’t believe it.

Bill Wilson

Heck, I read about that several months ago in an article released by a major news service on how the PMUs were trying to exert control over the areas they were sent in order to assist the SAA in guarding. The PMUs outnumbered the small SAA garrisons so had no problem with forcing them to man the outer defenses so the Iranians could run the operations inside the towns/villages. That hacked off the Syrians because they had to listen to pro-Iranian propaganda before they could receive any aid that was now doled out by the PMUs. The PMUs in Deir Azzor along the river went a step further by removing posters of Assad and hanging their own that praised the PMUs for defeating ISIS and that Syria’s future lies with Iran. The Syrians found those to be insulting and reinforced their dislike for Iranians since they were one of the problems that led to the revolt. Assad’s father agreed to allow the Iranians to try converting Syrians to becoming Shi’a with promises of greater job opportunities and regional economic aid if they did. Few did convert so local government controlled jobs went to outsiders and economic aid remained limited.

AM Hants

I seriously hope they clean out this crowd:

The United States Uses “Blackwater” PMC Mercenaries and Terrorists to Steal Oil in Syria… https://www.stalkerzone.org/the-united-states-uses-blackwater-pmc-mercenaries-and-terrorists-to-steal-oil-in-syria/

John Wallace

Interesting reading , thanks. Like most wars those in the right positions make lots of money on the side while the patriots do the fighting and the dying in oblivion. Blackwater changed to Academi around 2011 and different owner I think. The US uses them as their numbers don’t count on the military deployments and their deaths don’t count either. They say several thousand of them . ? @ a modest 300 salary pd is over 2 million a day in salaries alone. If so , who is paying as the oil is not covering that.

AM Hants

As you say, who is paying for them. Have just read a good book on Blackwater and it was interesting that they had no problems taking out their own people, if it helped there cause. Not much love to be found in the mercenary brotherhood.

John Wallace

That would be an interesting book . Some in Iraq certainly had no qualms about indiscriminate shooting of civilians and not much of a step up to take care of one of your own that has upset you or house cleaning.

AM Hants

It was a team that were sent to Iraq. Believe they were hung, drawn and quartered on the streets, owing to not having the correct vehicle, thanks to Senior Management cut backs. The book is a good read.

John Wallace

Ah , was that Fullujah and then a bloody all out battle followed as repayment . I will hunt the book down .. Ta . Half 12am here so must be half 11 there . Daylight saving in effect makes plus 1.

AM Hants

I believe so. There was so much in the book and I need to re-read it again. It starts off on 16 September 2007, in Nisour Square, Baghdad. Then owing to various incidents in various towns, my mind gets blitzed with remembering the where and when. Fullujah, was that where they decapitated a mercenary and left his head on his transport? If so yes, it was that battle and did the Mercenary leaders prime it that way, in order to grab the headlines?

The book is Blackwater, The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army – Jeremy Scahill and well worth reading.

John Wallace

That would be an interesting read. There was so much shit going on with so many groups it would be bit hard trying to keep up . I can’t remember where the decapitating one took place but I remember the four getting dragged out beaten and killed then dragged behind vehicles before being strung up on a bridge I think. I will get I see amazon have it HC PB and audio and I see our version of e-bay has it but shipped from the UK.which is no problem . Thanks AM

Just hunted it down. I confused the two battles , the second being the bloodiest one. That incident started the first battle not the second as I thought. The second was like all out total war.

” The Second Battle of Fallujah—code-named Operation Al-Fajr (Arabic: الفجر “the dawn”) and Operation Phantom Fury—was a joint American, Iraqi government, and British offensive in November and December 2004, considered the highest point of conflict in Fallujah during the Iraq War. It was led by the U.S. Marines and U.S Army against the Iraqi insurgents in the city of Fallujah and was authorized by the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Interim Government. The U.S. military called it “some of the heaviest urban combat U.S. Marines and Soldiers have been involved in since the Battle of Huế City in Vietnam in 1968.”[18][19] ”

” This operation was the second major operation in Fallujah. Earlier, in April 2004, coalition forces fought the First Battle of Fallujah in order to capture or kill insurgent elements considered responsible for the deaths of a Blackwater Security team. When coalition forces fought into the center of the city, the Iraqi government requested that the city’s control be transferred to an Iraqi-run local security force, which then began stockpiling weapons and building complex defenses across the city through mid-2004.[20] The second battle was the bloodiest battle of the entire Iraq War,[21] and is notable for being the first major engagement of the Iraq War fought solely against insurgents rather than the forces of the former Ba’athist Iraqi government, which was deposed in 2003. “

AM Hants

Yes. Just found the section in the book and it was on 31 March 2004. Chapters 13 and 14 cover what I mentioned.

John Wallace

So that was the first battle April 2004 where the Yanks left the city centre in control of an Iraqi local security force who I think later became a force unto themselves.Not sure what happened to them when the Yanks got tired of the shit coming out of there and they went back in guns blazing. Blew fuck out of the place. Play with the Yanks but doesn’t pay to piss them off .

Tommy Jensen

I think it was the Fallujah citizens who were pissed and tired to be played with.

John Wallace

It was a war of bullshit anyway and no sign of finishing . When the wall came down there was an opportunity for world peace where the strong could build up the weak and stop or reduce small country skirmishes but no. Some one wanted to drop their pants and show what a big dick they had by bashing those that wouldn’t suck and stealing others resources because they had the biggest stick to take them. What a mess they have created where no country is safe from those seeking revenge real or imagined . At least in the 70’s there was a minor chance of being blown out of the sky or hi jacked. History has shown the one with the biggest stick rules for awhile but those ruling times are getting shorter and the aggrieved will take their revenge where as usual the mostly innocent suffer the most.

AM Hants

I am not going to go into the argument, but, the book provides the details. Without it being written to appeal to the ‘snowflake generation’. It is worth reading.

Remember Tony Blair, blatantly lying in Parliament, in order to take our Forces to war, back in 2003. Thanks to Robert Parry, of Consortium News, the MSM could no longer ignore what had happened or why it happened. Which led the UK to having the Chilcott Investigation into Blair lying to Parliament. What was ironic and sick, was once Blair was made redundant and handed over the keys of Number 10 to his fellow Common Purpose Member/colleague, the Scottish Labour Party Politician Brown, then Blair took up the position of the Middle East Peace Envoy. You seriously could not make it up and he sure as heck never provided peace to the Middle East.

John Wallace

We get snippets of your politics but know that there was a collusion between the UK and the US to go to war in Iraq and yes heard that the investigation proved all the lying. Same in American politics , those that serve the masters well get cushy jobs with corporations international jobs doing nothing but getting big paychecks as payback. There is so much going on in the background and so few with knowledge against or doing anything I can’t see anything ever changing. I know there has been lots of mentions of Blair and his blatant lies but nothing has happened to him other than reward for job well done. Questions could be asked why a former PM was given a board members job at a bank after he finished/ resigned . Yes he was in the banking industry before on futures trading or similar . He ran up I think a billion dollars in debt although there are lots of excuses for that , when the country was in supposedly a good financial position when he took over. Is there a finders fee for big international loans.. Totally unconnected but the person who murdered that female British backpacker here last year was found guilty yesterday but still has name suppression and I ask why ?. At the same time there is a doctor charged with murdering a 16 yr old girl because supposedly he was trying to have sex with her and she was going to expose him but he is named and photo’s in the paper. That trial is still ongoing . Why the difference. Why is it so one gets a fair trial but it doesn’t matter in the other or most murder trials. It will be interesting to see when he is finally named at sentencing next year. The war in Syria shows no signs of improving soon.

AM Hants

Must admit, since following Ukraine since 2014, I have learnt a lot from these sites. Together with learning so much from these sites. Specifically owing to different nationalities providing different viewpoints, owing to providing a different perspective.

I remember Blair lying, but, believing all the media and Government viewpoints. Believe it or not, there is more hate for Blair than love, from the public. We want him tried for war crimes. He abolished treason, when he came to power. When he left 10 Downing Street, he made £millions and nothing he would not sell. Reminds me of Clinton. Not forgetting his friends gave him the position of Middle East Peace Envoy. He, like Major, Brown, Cameron and May is a member of Common Purpose. More a shadow Government, elected by nobody, but controls the institutions, which gives the politicians a free ride.

Trying to work out the Prime Minister with the banking history. Major, wasn’t he in the circus, or was that his father? Brown, raided the pensions, flogged the good at rock bottom prices, bailed out the banks and signed us up to the Lisbon Treaty. Cameron cut his teeth in the Media. Wasn’t May connected to the banks and her husband an investment banker.

Do not read much in our media, owing to lack of trust. Flicking through the Daily Mail, which lacks news. Must admit I ignored the trial of the backpacker and have not seen anything about the doctor. Horrific and thanks for pointing it out.

Take care and look after yourself.

John Wallace

Yes same. Other peoples from many countries and their opinion and especially knowledge with links to very interesting , mostly sites that one wouldn’t normally find. Same as why I joined quora for the questions and answers on every subject . Love reading the answers of people you would never normally see. Also see answers of every hue so really interesting. Our news is mostly very vanilla . The PM was J Key National party. Very charismatic but loved stroking girls ponytails.. ?? The doctor murder trail . I am not following it but read snippets now and then. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/117593282/doctor-allegedly-threatened-to-slit-womans-throat-over-failed-drug-deal quora.com with questions on every subject mostly very good but also lots of garbage but you can follow stuff that interest you and or read answers that pop up on things maybe never thought of.. Must never stop learning which is why I enjoy The Chase . Always take care , cheers mate .. same to you.. It will be midnight your end now.

AM Hants

When I was training to become a nurse, back in the late 70s, I was 18 at the time and one of my tutors said ‘you never stop learning, till the moment you die’. It has always stuck with me and so true. One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given.

Quora I have peaked at, but, never signed up to owing to not having the time. However, I love curious brains that enoy asking questions and are open to all the answers that come their way. Must admit, since following Ukraine, there have been some fantastic conversations on these sites. With many of us, different nationalities, but, having similar view points, but, also opposite view points on other things. Opening up, something you might not agree with, but, look at it with a different set of eyes and find yourself not agreeing or changing your opinion, but, understanding where they are coming from, if that makes sense? Plus, many come from nations that have gone through so much, that many of us could never comprehend as respect enters the equation.

John Wallace

Exactly , well put and fully agree as I am the same.. Late 70’s I was running around Rhodesia and that was a bit of an eye opener. Hindsight is a wonderful thing to reassess and wish one had done some things differently but that is the learning of life. Always had a soft spot for nurses as they were special people to do that..

AM Hants

Learning of life. Must admit the learning curves, high and low, make you who you are. If we knew then what we know now, how much we would have missed out on, figuring it all out haha. together with the fun and experiences on hand.

John Wallace

Oh so true. :-)

John Wallace

I’ve ordered that book from the UK so it should be here by Xmas ..

AM Hants

I hope you are not disappointed. Personally, I found it interesting, together with the fact it covered so much.


The people that control Blackwater or whatever they are called now can print money


The UAE now owns them.. Sent them to yemen from where they high tailed it after facing the houthis so now just security guards.


They may work for UAE but finding out who created and controls them one can only Geuss they seem to pop up all around the world they probably answer to the Rothschild mob


betsy devos’, secretary of education, brother eric prince started blackwater and now renamed academi for some obscure reason, most likely because the bad renommé the blackwater murdering group had. anyway betsy devos is a billionaire all by inheritance.

AM Hants

The Blackwater Book by Jeremy Scahill, covers the Prince Family, including Pa Prince and what he set up, before he died. Then Eric went to town, looking after his father’s legacy.

Allegedly Monsanto, who were up and running in Ukraine, prior to 2014, took over the Blackwater Mercenaries, when the media went to town and the law courts were up and running, following the actions of the Prince Mercenaries, over in Iraq and the war crimes that followed them. James Le Mesurier, the ‘White Helmet’ Founder, who allegedly took his own life last week, when he left the UK Forces, went to work for the Blackwater crew.

Anyway, going back to Monsanto taking over Blackwater/Academi, when they moved into Ukraine, after the ‘rich black soil’, they also allegedly had the Blackwater/Academi Mercenaries doing the dirty work for them. Ironic, that Ukraine has now sold her land to the private sector. No doubt Bill Gates Monsanto-Beyer, has walked off with a hefty chunk. I wonder if Bill Gates, who not only is a heavy investor in Monsanto, but, also runs the vaccine programme, is involved with the 13 bio-chemical labs, that the US have set up in Ukraine, which are advertising for Russian DNA? No wonder he needs that Monsanto investment, to keep his vaccine programme on track.


as long it is towards the final annihilation of israel and the squatters it is better than good – it is friggin amazing. and no, the squatters, as the worst criminals against humanity since adolf hitler, shan’t get away with anything – annihilation and termination is all the world asks for.


Ah good, we have another target now!

John Wallace

Good , you can stand there with a laser to guide the missiles in..

Free man

We will hear about explosions in this base very soon.


excellent, will make trump’s wet dream about syria’s oil come to nothing and it’s perfect for gearing up towards the finalization of the squatters existence on stolen land. can’t wait for that to take place, seeing all of them squatters packing up what they have stolen and deprived the rightful owners of, the palestinians, before swimming west in the Med towards shores that does not exist. justice in that – yep very much justice.


Hope it will be over one day.. Natalie | easybuilder.pro

Rhianne Jane

Nice one, dude! Very inspiring and easy to read. Will definitely share this on Fb & Insta.


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