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Iranian Forces In Syria Warn Turkish Military Over Recent Drone Strikes On Greater Idlib

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Iranian Forces In Syria Warn Turkish Military Over Recent Drone Strikes On Greater Idlib

July 29, 2017 photo, a Hezbollah fighter stands at a watchtower at the site where clashes erupted between Hezbollah and al-Qaida-linked fighters in Wadi al-Kheil or al-Kheil Valley in the Lebanon-Syria border. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

The Iranian Consultative Center in Syria, an operations room commanding Iranian forces in the country, revealed on February 29 that several of its fighters were killed in the recent Turkish drone and artillery strikes on Greater Idlib.

In an official statement, the center said the Turkish military attacked Iranian-backed troops near the Aleppo-Damascus highway, known as the M5. The Turkish strikes were meant to support an attack by al-Qaeda-affiliated militants on the highway.

According to the center, the Turkish side was asked through mediators to halt its strikes. However, it went on, killing several Iranian-backed fighters.

In what appears to be a warning, the center said its forces could attack Turkish troops in Greater Idlib, but the order from the political leadership is to not fire at them.

“The Iranian consultative center, and the Mujahedeen of the resistance front, call on the Turkish forces to act rationally in the interests of the Syrian and Turkish peoples, reminding the Turkish people that their sons have been present for a month in the range of our forces and we could take revenge, but we did not do so in response to the orders of our leadership, and we call on them [Turkish people] to pressure the Turkish leadership to reform its decisions,” the statement, that was shared by the U-News agency, reads.

Earlier, Lebanese sources revealed that nine fighters of Hezbollah were killed in recent Turkish drone strikes on Greater Idlib. An Iranian field commander was also killed in the strikes.

Turkey’s aggressive moves in Greater Idlib are apparently provoking Syria’s allies. Any more escalation by Ankara could lead to a serious military confrontation in the region.

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What is this thing with all the warning this warning the other… just shoot the b”stards!

Arch Bungle

The best warning is a thermobaric up the arse at 4 in the morning.


A few ballistic missiles up Erdogan’s arse will stop this nonsense. Flatten them.

Prince Teutonic

At least someone with Balls!


The SAA should take the Turkey Army personnel, located at the “observation posts”, hostage until Turkey stops it’s attacks. They don’t call them Turkey’s for nothing, do they!


The hubris sultan needs a hard lesson .


Latest reports seem more like a new ceasefire deal… Russia had the upper hand. Would the Turkish UAVs have been shot down, Erdo would stand alone holding his dick in his hand. But now, it seems he again gets his way..


Τhis is the scummy illegal immigrants Erdogan is sending to Europe, and Greece is blocking them, saving Europe from the barbaric hordes once again ! https://twitter.com/i/status/1233889102870843400


turkey and europe suffering from their mistakes after they destroyed syria ….all theses sub human muslim brotherhood scum were under the boot of al baath in syria under president assad and now since europe wanted “freedom for syrian people” they are knocking on their doors …god bless albaath the number one enemy of islamists and their zionist allies


But lets not forget it started before Syria, it started when they were ”looking for Saddam’s nucs” !!!


I would say, well before. Saddam was the continuation. All these wars are there to make sure no Arab nation develops. Naturally they Should have but they were stopped in their tracks by wars, Islamism, sanctions, illegal wars etc.. All that to make Israel safe. If they stay weak and in a constant state of war (Saudi. Emirati with Yemen, Syria with Turkey through proxies ) or economic mayhem (like almost all of them). Then would represent no threat to Zionist regime in Israel.

Jens Holm

That too as well as his jets found in the sand. A calender is very important.


And what does poor Greece have to do with what the UK+US+Israel and their gulf state money sources have done? I tell you: Nothing. Greece is itself a victim of EU bureocrats..


Poor my little friend is your little eye. Greece has been here since before most everything else apart from the Sumerians and the Pharaohs and she will be here for long after all these joke states around it collapse. Make no mistake about it. We are the underdog that beats the favs, so don’t bet on the ”poorness” of Greece just yet.


Sorry, it was not meant as an insult, but as compassion, and outrage against the Eu policies.. There surely comes a time the EU bureocrats will pay.

Jens Holm

There is no reasosn to pay anymore to greece then we do. A start for communication might be removing those new letters of Yours.


Jens, please, dont embarres your Danish education system anymore. Wake me up if you can write a sentence that is readeable and understandable.

Jens Holm

Another non comment from You.


Καλά κόψε κάτι


Γιατι απο τον τραπεζικο λογαρισμο σου το πηρα ?

Jens Holm

Well, You are ion poorness and was that even before You by mistake and cheat became member of EU.

We paid a lot to help You, but You just contniues in exact the same way eating in staed of creating new jobs income and vital needed changings.


WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT GERMAN ? Greece became a member of the European Union in January 1, 1981 !!! Get off the expired drugs and ask for doctors advice or something. Germany has paid nothing N O T H I N G to Greece. YOU OWE US ! BIG TIME ! For your crimes in WW2 ! Get some education Jens.


Category:Nazi war crimes in Greece



…after in-depth research of records obtained from US national archives and Russia – the cross-party committee estimated that €11bn was owed for an interest-free “occupation loan” forcibly extracted by German forces.

Gold holdings, seized from the country’s central bank in 1943, were used to fund Germany’s campaign in north Africa. A further €288bn, it said, remained outstanding for the destruction Greece sustained during the war.

Jens Holm

No, You are no victimes but experts in paying people by very strange traditons as wel as most Eu money are gone in corruption.

I can recommend You for runners of countries, I dont like and dont has billions to give for nothing.

You or parts of You are scum of the worst kind. If it was Denmark, we would have to build big jails, where You learn to work and might get You a new and better life in next generation.

Far out we should pay a single drakmer to some country like Greece. Musch like You in severl matters are like the bad parts of the muslims.


you are an idiot..believing any random propaganda you hear in the news… a Greek knows to Work far better than any lazy German

Jens Holm

I did not write it like that. You have vital problems and as long as You dont make those very needed corrections Yoiu are lazy bums not even able to do profress.

And dont make an idiot. I pay every year for that too and have followed Grece very well and even before our Pricess Marie was married to Your stupid KIng and Your stupid miltary regime. Thiongs hardly has changet since my pettery training, and thats long time ago.

You KIng showed You level well being a used car salesman in London.

You might work hard, but You are not productive because You dont correct fx Your stupid pension systems. As I recall it You some years ago were not even able to export Your own olives and let Itlaiens do it.


thats corrupted politics you are talking about and has nothing to do witth he people…it is all about marketing…you are naive maybe someday you will understand…and we dont have any king.

Jens Holm

I am back in time. You did have King Konstantin and Queen Anne Marie and the Junta took over.


Married 1964

Shia man

Honestly Assad’s syria was like heaven on earth the Syrians had free education and free college education there hospital are cheap as shit when I visited I got sick went to the hospital got medicine all for under 5 dollars some of the best restaurants and it was cheap 100 dollars feed 5 families Assad would grantees graduates jobs they were a manufacturing country too and god knows what else Assad was giving out for free and they were one of the only countries to have a surplus before all this isis bs happened


A bit like Libya under Gaddafi

Luke Hemmming

Yup Zionist global banking cartel can’t allow countries like Syria to advance the common people by providing cheap or free medical cover, jobs for everyone and cheap costs of living. No their agenda is to keep us minions suppressed, sick and enslaved to their system. Hence Syrian people had to suffer. What a sad world we live in.

Jens Holm

You doint say, what wes not there and the unimplyment rate was 50% for men and much more for vomen.

And the pattern was and are exact the same for Iraq and Iran. You should wonder why.

If anything Your “zionist and banking cartels” would raise the level and make it closer to the “Western economic standards”.

You are enslaved in Your non devellopment systems. We dont overrate our “freedom and democrasy”. But we ceratinly dont choose Yours.

If we are runned by zíonist and bank, I anytime will prefere that for Yours. Much like You still think watches and mov´bile phones are for carbombs only.

هادی حیدری

“If anything Your “zionist and banking cartels” would raise the level and make it closer to the “Western economic standards”.”

dont create wars on other ppl countries and everything will be fine and no body needs you to fix unimployment, they will figure it out themselves! im worried if you stop making wars and sell weapon to terrorist your weapon economy collapses….

Jens Holm

Typical comment. You are not even allowed to debate own structures for needed changes because everything is fine apart the parts done by us.

Sure, people ceratinly has figured things out. The only paid jobs has to be paid jihadists.

Its the same here. A vital parameter for a lot of bad things are no income and no hope.

I can include operation desert storm. The organized lower ranked soldiers should have been in road and building construction right away, so they didnt join anything else. They should still be organized and at paid day get money in their hard working hands one by one = No corruption.

And also some school named as “Non Saddam” and maybee some of the good verses of Islam and a second local language or english.

Thats what we do. And it do repay. They feel we take care. They make usefull things and many are very visible. They are included.

We are taking an old very nice bridge down. It was build in 1937 connecting two big islands with 2 roadtracks and a railway track.

Last Year I was visiting a castle from 2 private families, which in 1936 was a ruin. Its a tourist attraction now and as tourist we pay for repairs. It was the first danish castle trying to protect itself agains canon fire. The ruin had no water around it and the terrain was flat.

They also made a big garden with plants for medical care and tea. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71533a56a160ae98d3747c6c72fba13176a8bd343fdd0758dbee0607537e96c6.jpg

And the bridge: Not bad for several 100 unimployed and of course some good building construters.



Actually, according to International Law you don’t get to choose. Syrians decide for Syria, Dutch for the Netherlands, and so on. Unfortunately the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (to which your country belongs) decided to work as Wall Street’s muscle, and support the terrorists in the violent hegemonic overthrow of Libya and Syria. Thank God Russia said enough is enough and is putting an end to your jihadi friends.

Rafik Chauhan

bcuz of some traitor in Syria society mostly whabhi and salfist scum. who can never be patriot to thier own country . and work for others like Al saud Zionist Turks. etc


Not for the animals, but that is in all countries. If Syria let the Kurds have their language in school and there was care for environment and animals then it would be a much better society. Killing animals leads to killing humans, meat is murder go vegan.

Astrid Watanabe

Assad knows why he keeps a leash on the Kurds. As for the Animals and the environment, we all have to change.

Jens Holm

You have not visited the other part of that country. 50% had no jóbs and income. Many had urnanized from the agriculture for good reasons like reforms and modern investment.

So You show well, where the reasons for uprise are.

Shia man

Stop spreading bs Syria was against the new world order they didn’t have a central bank they were aligned with The resistance movement so they sent bunch of brainwashed wahabbi extremist to destroy the country and take out Assad who is a aliwat Shia.

Jens Holm

Ot was not supposed to be like that. It was meant FSA should grow fast and have influence and the baath party should be reduced, where Assad was removed or lowered in position.

So this is solution 3 decided by Damaskus and partly its friends.

You dont know the big change in having our kind of freedom by electing the ones, we wish and taking away the ones we dont.

You say Yourself that You and the rest are too stupid to decide things by Yourself. You are raised as sheep and the wolf can enjoy anyone he wish and his armed and feared helpers too. You even insist in remaining stupid.

Johadist became something by You. Because You have destroyed all other kinds of change, which we see as normal here.

And we see us doing pretty well compared with Your silly ideas, where people seemes closer to other animals, then we see here.

People from You desperat will emmigrate to us. I hardly see any the other way. Whats that for??

What kind of honor and respect for othe people is that. Half of them cant even intregrate after 3 generations but dont care.

And we do pay, because we can effort it, becuse we dont have Your systems here and we have no lazy women kept stupid in their homes as well.

The best supporters for oposition in Syria, which went into the hands of the few jihadist was an unimployment rate of 50% for men and much higher for women.

Thats were people go no matter what. Baathist dont create jobs and we are not allowed ourselves and if we do create own jobs, the Baath party will plunder and drown us is the corruption quagmire. We also gets no money for oil and gas.


Turk terrorists have killed more than enough SAA soldiers, Iran needs up the ante to the ISIS/al-Qaeda filth in Turk uniforms.


For all practical purposes, the SAA, Iranians and Hezbollah are fighting the combined forces of Zionism and NATO and Russia would soon have to decide whether to deploy real military power or leave Syria on its own and follow in the infamy of the USSR. If Putin backs down now it would create a strategic nightmare for Russia and Europe on the whole and then Erdogan would crown himself as the caliph who defeated Russia first time in history and this would put further pressure on Iran as well, and result in the total disintegration of the Arab world, since Syria since historical time is the lynch pin of pan-Arabism. This would be a nightmare scenario for Arabs, Muslims, Russia and Europe.


agree 100%…russia can’t allow idlib to stay as it is, terrorists will be eliminated


The worst mistake Russia made was try to appease the Turks even after they butchered the Russian pilots of the SU-24 on Syrian territory and even went to the naive extent of selling most sophisticated Russian military technology to such treacherous people. I am afraid Russia will back out again.

Jens Holm

They tryed to avoid a situation like this.

I think its very understable Russia do try to sell weapons to Turkey. Its a big user and USA dont like it.

Russia even has given Turks a loan for buying it. So they are very hungry. Not many things are first class in Russia.


other than arrogance nothing is first class in the US.

Jens Holm

Most it a lying solution. Every time You look away from most arabs are not even on Your side.

Corona cirus has arrived. Thats a good oppertunity to also washing eys, ears, mouths and toes. You already wash has and think You are clean even You write like this.

Not even most arabs in Syria support Assad and by that Putin.

You are a minority rapport only partly making the nightmares Yourself. Assad Syria is no home.


Really? Do you think the SAA would go through what it has if they didn’t support Assad? Or the Syrian people? Every time a town, village, hamlet, house, or shack is liberated the people rejoice. Also, have you ever seen the response when Assad visits the troops? Sorry, Jens, but majority of the people of Syria support Assad. I know this because I work with them.


No nightmares for muslims only on criminals like you.

Jens Holm

Very optimistic. My own oppinion for the mpment is that all with weapons should be helped to kill each other faster. That include the Leaders.

It seemes to be the only possible solution for peace.

In my dreams I see some Kurdish YPJ running the whole business better with a smile and some chckolate here and there.


I hope Merkel and Macron will be among the first leaders you talk about. Coronavirus make the guullotine look near.


If Iran ups the ante, it will be playing right into the hands of the U.S and NATO. Iran is too shy of a hot war – it prefers fighting a cold war (a coward’s war). This is not the first time they are being killed in Syria, but all they do is issue warnings and threats.

It is obvious that NATO is looking for a fight with both Iran and Russia. Some people on this forum commented that Greece vetoed a formal request by Turkey for support from NATO. But they failed to note that the U.S, Britain, Germany, and France strongly opposed Greece’s position. Greece cannot stop a NATO war on Syria if things continue like this.

I have always had an advise for the Iranian regime. If you want to fight, be prepared to go all the way. Otherwise, back off and shut the fuck up. The message from your American and Israeli adversaries is clear: They are no longer going to put up with a cold war in the Middle East. They will keep killing your forces until you retaliate in kind, then they will have the excuse to devastate your country.

I am very certain that the Iranian regime wouldn’t last long. The writing is clear on the wall. It is not going to be brought down by the Iranian people. It will be destroyed by outsiders.The reason for my confidence in this is that the Iranian regime represents and promotes a very EVIL doctrine they claim to be Islamic. They are attempting to dissipate this poisonous doctrine in all Sunni (Pure Islam) countries. This is resulting in a push back from Muslim countries around the world.

You coward devils amassed thousands of troops along your border with Afghanistan in the late nineties to invade Afghanistan. You desperately pushed the Shiites to revolt against Saddam Hussein (I am not a supporter of Saddam), and this led to the Iran-Iraq war with over a million deaths among innocents. You actively worked to facilitate the Murder of hundreds of thousands of Sunnis in Iraq during the U.S invasion. You fought alongside the U.S forces during the invasion of Afghanistan. Now you are fighting to prop up Bashar Al-Assad who belongs to a (cult-like apostate sect called Alawi) to murder hundreds of thousands of Sunnis (who constitute over 80% of the Syrian population).

Bashar Al-Assad is a murderer. The history of how the Assad family seized power can be traced back to the reluctance of the wealthier Sunnis of Syria to join the military. They considered a military career to be for the poor, and this led to the Alawites dominating the Syrian military despite representing a tiny 15% of the population. So the Assads mounted a coup and have ruled Syria since then.



Iran might be as you say, but they did fight 8 yrs of war against US-backed Iraq. And managed to turn a large part of Iraq an Iranian sphere of influence right under the noses of the Zioterrorist invaders of Iraq. They one that appears to be shy of a hot war is Russia even as NATO keeps expanding further east in Europe.


The 8 years of war Iran fought was the fault of Iran. America only seized the opportunity to wear both countries down.

Let me ask you a question. If you were the president of a country and you discovered that a next-door neighboring country was encouraging a part of your population to revolt and overthrow your government, what would you do? This was the position of Saddam back then.

Saddam was opposed to the Sha of Iran. He was among those who expressed joy at the fall of the Sha during the Shiite revolution of 1979. But he later realized that the new Shiite regime was far more dangerous than the Sha, hence he attempted to Invade Iran and overthrow the Shiite regime. He took advantage of a time when Iran was weakened by the revolution, hopping for a quick victory. The U.S supported him because they had the same goal as Saddam.

Iran is very shy of a hot war – no doubt. In January of this year, their top general was killed in a humiliating attack. During the previous years, Israel has killed scores of Iranian soldiers in Syria. Now Turkey is killing more. And this trend is likely to continue.

The Iranian regime makes a lot of noise about how powerful and self sufficient their military is. About how they will liberate Al-Qods (Jerusalem), and how they will rid the Middle East of America’s presence.

To be honest, Iran has the military muscle to rid the Middle East of America, Topple America’s puppets in the gulf, and severely damage the Israeli forces to a point that they cannot defend Jerusalem even against Hamas. Their large inventory of Missiles can simultaneously annihilate every single American base in the Middle East, destroy any American ships within 2000 kilometers of Iran, devastate Israeli military and civilian infrastructure, and destroy facilities that are critical to regime survival in Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Bahrain, Afghanistan, and Jordan. This is the reason why the U.S has not invaded Iran till now. It is the reason why Israel has not dared to launch an attack on Iranian soil.

But despite this military capability, Iran is not willing to pay the price of achieving these goals it so much vocalizes. It prefers to fight a proxy war while it secretly, but actively spreads Shiism in other Muslim communities around the world.

Russia is a lot braver than Iran. It has good reasons to keep avoiding a war with NATO, but when NATO attempts to cross the limit, the Russians respond almost immediately. Take Ukraine and Georgia as examples.

There is no need for Russia to fight NATO over Syria. Syria isn’t just worth the cost . In fact, it won’t be a war for Syria, but for the tiny 15% alawi population of Syria.


Iran does have a lot of drone knowledge, and probably enough B grade drones that would make a real difference right now.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

we dont have to feed all syrians, take some as gift


But yes you do have to feed all Syrians because you got money for it ! REMEMBER mehmet ??? Your friend in Europe Merkel gave it to you mongoloids ! To feed and take care of the Syrians! And by the way its not Syrians your Sultan is sending , its Afganies and Pakies straight from jailhouses … I guess Erdogan need to emty the cells for more of your own turks to go in… Soon you ll have a civil war in turkey you know that mehmet right ? Have you chosen which side you gona be with ? Just remember mehmet if you need any help to get rid of that bad guy Erdogan, you can call your friends in NATO Greece, we ll be glad to move in Constantinople and give you a …”hand”!

Jens Holm

Its “syrians too”. You might forget the many from other muslim countries we already do a hard work and pay for to integrate having a succes rate of 50%.

Here Syriand are in the bad end for integration. They also seemes to have more criminals of any kind incl. traditions which give them jail right away here in Denmark.

But You are correct. Syria also have up to 1 million “other refugees”.

Its not strange for me those millions try to escape anywhere else. The starnge thing is, so many dont seethey have to make vital changes themselves.

I think the well integrated here see that very well and say OK we pay 8 bananas but we get at least 11 ones back.

Jens Holm

Unfortunatly its true some Eastern Europe countries dont pay. I understand that part of it very well.

Whatever the Turkish economy is, those makes it worse. Less Turks like those long time refugees as well as the other ones Turkey has too.

Many should be ashamed. I think the non payers should be punished by the EU budget giving them less or nothing.


You mean obviously Poland, The Czechs, Slovakia, and the Baltic countries as well as Hungary. And to think that a lot of these countries got in the European union because of Greece’s efforts and persistence to get them in….thats one big backstab that is…

Jens Holm

Oh I have a lot of critisisme around EU. We should have taken them in as more and more affiliated instead of joining so many.

I also would have prefarred less EU but much better kept.

Britts are the best example. There was no reason to plundre them like that and even let foreigners take so many jobs being that loe paid given the profit to people already rich.

Before that Ireland is a very good example. They were very poor. We gave them a lot of money as investment. Companies from other parts of Europe immidiatly moved their companies over there. When thing s went fine and we stopped given extra money, the exact same companies even got money for going home. And the result. Ireland was almost back in the same old catholic traditions with a lowered economy.

The only winners were the owners of those factories and I paid and milions of others paid.

And we see it all over. Trucks are comming from Eatern Europe. Tures are not there. Its a they have no winter there. Drivers fall asleep and are drunk too. They do carpotage driving – that will say dont go home but remain here making jobs.

Those drivers are paid half price of ours. They dont get pension. They always sleep in their cars. We have worked hard here, so drivers as well as others are not allowed to have that bad conditions.

We again and again see building construters in the same bad conditions. They get fired for nothing. They are paid hardly anything. They sleep in houses they are building or together coser then with their wife. They have to fetc water from public houses and have no facilities for making themelves a good meal.

It the same. We have been fighting for many years to change that to the better. And we do have the same about safety, when people work. No helmets. No fences. No safety shoes. People go to work very ill and make the others ill.

Ot was not even that bad here in the days, where my granfather was young.

So yes. I do have my worries. Small Greece is no problem in financing. But as I see it, it we do have money and the best solution at that time shoud be giving them all pension and deny let them to work and make even more minus.

We dont need money, but why pay and reward for incompetent stupidity.

Thats my opinion.


About Ireland, the difference in the Irish economy compared to the rest of the EU, as far as I remember was that they offer companies from US China and elsewhere less taxes so everybody preferred to open offices in Ireland instead of say England or The Netherlands or Belgium.

What is your point about ‘small Greece’ ? Are you suggesting pensioners should go back to work at their 67 + years ? That makes sense to you ? By the way those pensioners with that one pension they get feed not only them selves but their children who are unemployed and their grandchildren in some cases. Greece needed (and still does need) new jobs, investments. But the ‘good friends’ from central Europe would prefer the super cheap working hands of the next door turks …So much for that fallacy of the so called ”European family” …


Europe defeated the Ottomans at the battle of Vienna.


A lot of Germans officers and German support of all sorts in Gallipoli. Germans and Turks have got a ”love affair” going for a very long time still continuing today.


Germany seems to be a bit Kurd friendly lately. Erdogan seems a bit isolated.


What you laughing at ? [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/GjR0jwm.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/2FKkdve.png)


Well…learn a new thing every day, right captain ? ??


Europe has forgotten that it ever existed, and why. Now the same battle is being won by stealth, but that’s what the Cultural Marxists < Marxists < Frankists < Sabbateans intended all along


Its going to be a rocky road for Europe whatever happens. I am old enough not to see the worst I hope.


Gallipolli is one instance where I back the Turks. The Dardanelles campaign was a misbegotten child of Winston Churchill and the Turks were actually defending their homeland – like the Syrians are doing now. Pity the Turks have no sense of the irony of history


Yes, both Iran and Russia have adapted to sanctions, and in Russia’s case , the sanctions have forced the necessary internal production of consumer and industrial goods. Farming has also bought back abandoned land to food production.

I recall travelling along the St Petersburg to Moscow highway and being shocked at the countless miles of abandoned homes and farmland in 2002.


https://media.giphy.com/media/koPTN1dhK1kpG/giphy.gif https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0

Shia man

Lmao you talking out of your ass those are all slaves of Israel

Shia man

They all have ties to west and nato and some have direct ties to Israel Most of you Sunni are slaves of Israel why you think turkey is attacking Syria because America and Israel clock is ticking the Shia we’re getting ready to launch a big attack but here come turkey Zionist slave ass to the rescue go kick rocks you wahabbi salafi Zionist slaves


hey don’t make this about sunni / shia …a lot of syrian arab soldiers are sunni, it’s bigger than that …not all sunnis support the zionist pigs and their muslim brotherhood terrorists…

Shia man

too late when you have these wahabbis going on tv saying the Shia are worse than the Zionist and that you’ll go to heaven if you kill them and all the Sunnis eat it up and start joining groups like isis to kill Shia so they could get their bs 72 virgins in heaven you think I’m going to still say oh no it’s not a Sunni Shia thing an f that and f every Sunni down with killing Shia and Christians for no other reason then our belief I don’t see Shia going around killing Christians and Sunni because they decided to follow a different religion.


hey man you don’t need to assume all sunnis are terrorists and whabbis just because of a bunch of brainwashed dumb mf’s…you’ll start playing their game, their objectif is to devide muslims into war…im a sunni and i have nothing but respect for you guys and for ahlu albayt and ali bnu abitalib (pbuh) and i was never thaught that shia are kafir …we don’t need to be devided we should be in the same front against the zionists plans …it’s just a shame to see thoses wahabbies ruin the image of sunnis and all muslims in the world …be well man.

Shia man

Go back and coordinate more attacks with your master Israel


So much for those blind idiots who claimed this (like every other bad news) is disinfo, even if SAA and Hezbollah sources themselves admit it. We need to face reality to understand it, and to change it.

Rhodium 10

artillery are fired by terrorist as they have many resources given by Turkey…small Turkish drones are used to send info about targets!…Turkey armed drones are not flying over Idlib..among other reasons Russian and Syrian jets are flying there and otherwise they couldnt if drones are flying as can cause an accident!….the problem is that SAA dont fight and only wait that RUAF clean the path!..it has been always along the syrian war

Shia man

Yup you read the report they were told to stand down they weren’t allowed to shot the drones that’s some bs honestly Putin is laughing to the bank At the end of the day it’s about interest and turkey brings more interest to Russia than Syria does.


That sadly is the underlying reality.. And it has been for years. Though IMHO the economic and diplomatic benefit that Erdogan provides Putin does only trump the national security benefits Assad can provide to Russia. In reality, the benefits Putin can get from Turkey are nada. They only serve as leverage for Erdogan to blackmail Putin eternally. And having a base for Jihadis in Syria is such a major threat to Russia (and Europe) that it should have prevented all the Idlib deals and concessions to Turkey, that only brought us to this mess today..


do you know that the muslim brotherhood are allies of the zionists since decades …muslim brotherhood is zionist tool used to bring down nationalist independent arab countries that were fighting israel …erdogan is the first muslim president to visit israel in 2005 and meet ariel sharon…all this propaganda that you see by erdogan against israel is a big big show …turkey -israel relations date to 1950’s with deep economic and military cooperation on multiple levels….turkey is a nato member allied with the us the zionist plan is to put erdogan as the sultan to rule over muslim arab countires so that the entire region will stay under us -israel hand


Now this: “Israel plans to remove Iran from Syria in next 12 months: MoD”

The terrorist Rothschild neocolony in Palestine will for sure be supporting the Turk/ISIS/al-Qaeda jihadis from the south of Syria’s borders. Russia with its “we want to make a deal with everyone” attitude won’t cut it for liberating Syria’s land and airspace from terrorist invaders.


That is the thing. It is Putins policy to “make a deal with everyone” for some years, to establish Russia as the big and independet broker nation in the middle east. While that in theory is a sensible approach, and has produced some results, it is USELESS and collides with reality when someone like Erdogan comes along. With someone like Erdogan, you either dominate HIM or he dominates YOU. And this i have said for a long time, was the reason the military staff had coutioned for since the first Idlib deals. And now it seemed, Russia rectified that error, but somehow since the strike with the 33 dead Turkeys, Russia seems to have changed course again. Now Erdogan just threated Putin personally, and Russia talks of the need to have a summit fast, and new agreements with Erdogan, and somehow Turkish UAVs are roaming Idlib, when days ago they were shot down and Erdogan begged Putin to be able to use them. WTF!

Jens Holm

Yes all there now drink his wine and smoke his cigars and are happy. Only little boys send out as spendables by drunk and intoxicated fathers to kill themselves by Israel proxies are not.


Erdogan now making friends everywhere, or not. Operation Peace Spring. Does he sleep well at night?


All criminals sleep very well remembering their atrocities.


Iran held off quite a while on the US. It wasn’t pretty when they finally decided that had had enough. Turkey needs to listen up. I would loved to have been in the room, with a translator of course, When the conversation between Presidents Putin and Erdogan took place.


Ildib is lost now and forever .Putin is also lost in deep space


Pro-Putin drones are now gonna call you a covert hasbara troll and that all in the war against the invasion of Syria is right because Putin.


I guess you can see Putin lost in deep space by the high quality cameras in your space ship, but wait , if you can see him being lost in deep space does that mean you are also lost in deep space…? Or just another retarded shit-kebap clown ?


will talk about in the next few weeks…Ildib is lost


nah… its’ more likely Alexandretta to go back in Syria’s hands than Idlib to fall on useless turkies hands. [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/p3vYky7.png)

Jens Holm

Hatey is doing very well. There is no realisme in changing that. Turks made the majority partly by force.

I did make sense fx masking a coasline state of the several coastline autonomes all the way down and Gaza included. Almost all has had very mixted populations and all were connected to the sea and the rest of the world by that.

The old Landscape named Syria has no coastline at all not even in Aqaba.

Funny strange to try ro compare Idlib and Hatay.


Is that what you think I did ? A comparison ? Realism is a vague concept these days… Napoleon thought it is realistic to take on Europe … So did Hitler … In Erdogan’s eyes its realistic to think he can re-create the Ottoman Empire. I think what I posted above is much more realistic than all the previous examples I gave you…Don’t you think.

Jens Holm

A link to something better woud be nice.


live : the heroes of the syrian arab army are ready to storm sarakib and neirab https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7760f39ffd68dbba0ecbb3bcfca548d331b9e6b60397b3ddc77e84f71532b3bb.png


SAA would wipe out those ISIS/al-Qaeda filth quite easily, but since ISIS/al-Qaeda wear Turkish uniforms, Russia won’t support it.

Rhodium 10

Terrorist are inside saraqib..its a matter of time that Russian navy and RUAF attack them…Russia know its position, vehicles, artillery,tanks on ground….

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Keep on dreaming my friend, as always the cowardice of Syria’s allied Russia in front of Turkey was bigger than his manhood and ended up leaving his Syrian ally totally unprotected, delivering him at the mercy of the Turkish drones and artillery. It is only a matter of time before Syria ends up being totally invaded by Turkey and its puppets and the Russians themselves end up fleeing with their tail between their legs back to their embarrassed mother Russia, I fear. Russia did it again but this I think will be the end for Syria unless they are rescued by their brave ally Iran if the coronavirus does not finish them first, my friend. As much as you criticize my point of view, it will not cease to be as realistic and objective as real events in the field can be taken into account.


I am afraid that your analysis is closer to the truth so far. This will be a bigger disaster for Russia since the defeat in Afghanistan and the disintegration of the USSR. The US deal with Taliban aka Pakistan will free up enough US military and resources to totally destroy the Arab world and then focus on Russia. Putin has to make some hard choices and so far his record has not been stellar.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Yes muy friend read this, please: Russian planes stop taking off from Khmeimim airbase after bombings Подробнее на: http://avia-pro.net/news/rossiyskie-samolyoty-prekratili-vzletat-s-aviabazy-hmeymim-posle-svedeniy-o-vzryvah

It is time to pray for our beloved Russia and all its allies in Syria and for the brave SAA itself. Who would dare to attack the air base of a world superpower without fearing a gigantic retaliation? Well, someone who is totally sure that this gigantic retaliation will never happen, of course.

Jens Holm

I hardly see any of that. USA has no intensions in destroying arabs. You forget they dont destroy Kuwait, Bahrein, Qatar, UAE and Saudis. Those are arabs, are they not. I include Jordanians too.

You forget You are not as much a center for arabs as You think. I also do see arabs in Iraq as well as Syria not supporting any of Your kind of stuff.

All in all I think You should modify few things and at least be able to count millions of arabs correct.

Most muslims also live outside the arabic world. In those matters You too often are the museum.

Alberto Garza

russia helps syria but will not fight its wars its their land not russian land the syrians also have planes and can defend themselves .f

Terence Silvestre Jr.

And what do you think will happen to Russian interests and all its maritime bases there if the SAA loses war and Syria is invaded completely by the Turks my smart friend? And what do you think it means to be allies if it is not to share wars in difficult times like the NATO country and all allies in the world do? Please stop justifying cowardice and acknowledge reality when it manifests no matter as shameful and painful as it may be, as men do, my friend.

Jens Holm

Yes. Things might have changed a little, but Russian came to make Assads safe, so they could keep their bases and increase their influence.

And You connot defend Yourself at all. You were collapsed long time ago or figting on bicycles with bow and aroow if not for them Hesbolah and Iran.

If Rusaains had not arrived, the Damaskus regime was collpased mainly by ISIS. You even has to add the big help by USA and SDFs to atack ISIS very well in its behind.

Jens Holm

Cheep to name them Nato. The same goes for USA in Syria. They dont act as Nato at all.

In Iraq it is Nato, but USA has an Agenda against Iran we dont have. WE mainly just ddont like Iran and the longbeards in Qom.


i didnt see them hesitating to kill those 35 turk soldiers the other day… this could happen again in greater numbers…also coronavirus is not deadly to 99% of its victims.. you are a clown and it is a fact

Jens Holm

Ir was a wellplanned try for terifying Turks and made them retreat.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Another utopian dreamer. Wake up and start commenting objectively by supporting your sayings with reliable sources instead of rambling with pure talk and qualifications quite childish towards others, please my friend grows up.


For me so far, this is only one of several possible scenarios, but one that must be seriously considered. Of course, if Erdogan manages to call Putin’s bluff not the other way round then this will hugely embolden not just Turkey but also Israel, US, even Ukraine–anybody who sees fun&profit in pushing the Teddybear around.

Lazy Gamer

Good luck to them


But, Russia sould destroy Turkey artillery !!

Terence Silvestre Jr.

The Russians should erase all artillery and Turkish drones in Syria from the face of the earth since when my friend but my beloved Russia will not do so for fear of the consequences as Turkey is a NATO member

Assad must stay

who cares, syria’s integrity is at stake, besides i dont think turkey is the most favorite beloved NATO country

Jens Holm

Very cheep comment.


Putin “will sale” ( all ready lost ) Ildib to Turkey


your avatar pic describes perfectly your comment

Tim Williams

IRANIANS have 50 armed Shahed 129 drones flying over Syria tonight .. score so far IRAN 3 – TURKEY 0


Gotta fry the Turkeys on the ground, it’s shameful to allow Turk/ISIS/al-Qaeda to recapture Saraqib, the terrorist Turkey is a major NATO power, Syria alone won’t be able to handle them for too long.


Russia is weak ,in a conventional war they are screwed .in nuclear also




How would they be screwed in a nuclear conflict when they have more missiles than the US


Not only just more nucs but better ways of delivering. The Russians can penetrate the yank’s defenses. But the murican’s can’t go pass the S400 – S500 s …


Russia is surrounded, bad news the peace between the USA and the Taliban


https://media.giphy.com/media/D0RvPABUNF3AQ/giphy.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/ECtLJKdGj8jfy/giphy.gif


by real

Tim Williams

IRAN does not give a crap about NATO or Turkey … any country that would seize a USA embassy for over a year should tell the world and NATO something …


like what!?


Iran has done a lot already, taking advantage of the Zioterrorists’ 2003 invasion of Iraq to turn Iraq into an Iranian sphere of influence is more than what Russia has been able to do in Ukraine, a major feat indeed.

But Iran is not a major power like Russia, Iran isn’t even capable to do what Turks are doing in Lybia, Turks have a better airforce. The Axis of Resistance could use some more Russian commitment to anti-terrorism if Russia weren’t so busy making deals with NATO terrorist cuntries like the destroyers of Yugoslavia: Germany and Turkey

Tim Williams

100,000 Iranian Militia should be in Syria Monday via IRAQ … the ante is being upped significantly …

Bill Wilson

Especially when the Iranians start spreading the coronavirus.

Assad must stay

what does the coronavirus have to do with this?

Jose Martinez

Let all h3ll break loose f**k it. May Assad be negotiating with YPG to carry out attacks inside Turkey using PKK contacts. Syria has attacked Turkey with bombings before, it’s time to do it again.

The EU wouldn’t have allowed the IRA to attack the UK when the UK was part of the EU even if the IRA was fighting for Irish independence. Turkey is going to be allowed to actively defend terrorists to secure Turkish interests including, but not limited to, National Security such as expansionism into Sovereign Syrian territory? If Haiti was to try that in my country we would kill all invading Haitians including their supporters. Time to let murderers loose on anything Turkish in Syria.

Lazy Gamer

Article 5 bro…

Tim Williams

Iran could care less about article 5

Ivan Freely

Syria wouldn’t be so careless to allow their support of the Turkish-Kurds be known.

Jose Martinez

NATO article 5 states an attack on a NATO country is an attack on them all..

If Haiti was to feel it is in their best interests to recreate the Haitian Empire and gathered support from CARICOM because a unified Española would bring more economic benefit to CARICOM Countries and form a military pact with Guadalupe, Martinique, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize and Barbados we would not stand for that because that would be a violation of Sovereignty.

Article 5 of the UN Charter states the Security Council can recommend a UN Country be suspended from the General Assembly for UN violations..

I am the first to say I respect National Sovereignty, and Turkey has every right to defend their borders, but the Idlib opperation looks like Turkish expansionism. Erdogan has had chance after chance to dialogue with Assad but Erdogan refuses because Turkey has a strong military along with NATO military assistance. Erdogan is the only leader still feverishly persistent on Regime change in Syria, and why is that? For Syria’s best interests or Turkey’s interests of a Neo-Ottoman Empire? I believe Erdogan’s intentions are the latter..

Tim Williams

100,000 of Iranian militia members on the way to Syria via IRAQ … the ante is being upped significantly …


With luck the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine won’t bomb them before they reach the frontlines, S-300 deployed in Syria never repel Rothschild neocolony attacks.


in your dream


Okay, that statement from Iran takes the prize for calm restraint with slight overtones of menace. Imagine if it was Trump writing that? “We’ll bomb them back into the stone age”. Of course all the Hasbara trolls will be encouraging Iran to “lash out” because what Israel really wants is a reason for the USA to kneecap Iran. The Israelis don’t fight their own wars, they get America to do it for them

Tim Williams

The menace is in the air tonight, and it will be on the ground in hours

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