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Iranian Forces Launched Large Combing Operation In Syria’s Deir Ezzor

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Iranian Forces Launched Large Combing Operation In Syria’s Deir Ezzor

Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city

On August 6, Liwa Fatemiyoun, an Iranian-backed Afghan group operating in Syria, launched a large combing operation in the southern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, hundreds of fighters and 120 military vehicles are taking part in the operation. Iranian-backed forces are combing a vast region between the cities of al-Mayadin and al-Bukamal.

“They are combing the desert looking for cells of the Islamic State [ISIS] organization,” the UK-based monitoring group said in a report.

Liwa Fatemiyoun, which is operating in Aleppo, Homs and Deir Ezzor, has 10,000 to 20,000 fighters. The Afghan group is funded, trained, and equipped by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

ISIS intensified its attacks on government-held areas in Deir Ezzor recently. Last week, the group’s terrorists attacked oil fields in the governorate’s western countryside. A number of pro-government fighters were killed and injured.

The new combing operation will restrict the movement of ISIS terrorists in southern Deir Ezzor on the short term. However, more efforts and time are needed to address the group’s threat in the governorate.


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about time, get those rats and kill them all !


It’s a good move but unfortunately it’s far from enough since the Ziowahhabi terrorist fuckers have the full covert backing of the US and ISISrael and their Jordan Saudi cousins. It’s well known that the US invaders in al-Tanf and the US/SDF occupation zone are where ISIS/al-Qaeda go rest, regroup and replenish their arsenal and ranks.

The Kremlin’s interests in keeping the global financial-geopolitical order in more or less its current state to benefit Russian Ziocorporatists doesn’t help the situation too much either.


Already crying? we haven’t even started using our ground forces. Go sit in the corner.


If its a rerun of 2006 then nothing to worry about.


Alright, but maybe a Lebanese guy should write that not you. You wouldn’t care anyway if Lebanon was destroyed in a war as it would not affect you, so that’s easy to write.


And of the 1973 war, when the US Zioterrorists were rushed into ISISrael by Kissinger’s Nickel Grass, Syria was about to liberate Palestine. They then rushed to give the Ziojew terrorist filth nukes for their “Samson option”.


You are just a teenage little boy child and should seek kids your own age to play out your fantasies. You need a positive male role model in your life. Spending every day on the internet trolling adults just to get attention will further diminish your mental health and ability to cope with reality or make friends. I really am a psychiatrist.


He needs a positive role model BULLET in his miserable life . . .preferably in his Zionazi head . .


You started nothing, nothing. The explosion had nothing to do with you, don’t you try to take credit for something you didn’t.

Sorry to believe Bibi over you, What? You tell me Bibi lies? The you’re an Anti-Semite.

PS. When your ground forces dare to enter Lebanon, they will enjoy a hospitality 1000 times warmer and louder than 2006 and a lot of eager welcome parties. I can wish you to be there if you want?


I’ll be there if they call me, sure. And really garga, you know Hezbollah can’t win without us turning the other half of Beirut into ruins. Lebanese are already mad at them.

Zionism = EVIL

Why do you encourage a liar teenage PUNK?


Do you read Persian?

The Objective

We’ve known this long ago . Everyone on this forum knows the US funds, arms, and train ISIS. It is boring to keep repeating that fact.


Don’t read it then. Fucking asshole.


Let it slide, I’ve gone in lengths with the man and he unconditionally adheres to his own personal rationale centered essentially around religion, one that is quite unshakable in the face of even the crudest set of facts. I’ve experienced it first hand.

The “Objective” still believes that Islam was the primary driver of the once prosperous Arab world,as he is stuck in time centuries ago in the Arabs’ golden age and sincerely seems to belive that a successful and winning GCC will bring upon the advent of a new Arab renaissance of some kind.

He also de-facto welcomes ISIS’ long-coveted goal of destroying the Iranian nation in the name of the very same religious wars that they claim must happen against the “Shiite infidels” that he claims “aren’t even Muslims”, while outright supporting the House of Saud and disregarding its own terrible crimes both at home and abroad in the process.

He doesn’t realize that this kind of closed mindset makes him no better than them, or the likes of corrupt, racist and ignorant Trump and his neocon allies that he also overtly supports in their theological and geopolitical struggle to destroy Iran, again in the name of religion.

He literally prays for a “middle east on fire that would destroy Iran” on other threads. Look it up, this is quite sad and dangerous as well.


ISIS, alCIAda and largely Salafist terrorist groups are tools of western imperialist and Zionism as uneducated Sunni are easy to corrupt and recruit. US universities are the breeding ground of Sunni extremism and most of the convoluted CIA Islamist propaganda and handbooks for terrorism are produced at the University of India and Maryland. Saudis and Turkey are now the main sponsors of Salafist ISIS terrorism. Previously, that dubious honor was reserved for the dirt poor failed state of Pakistan, which being a South Asian state has no traction in the wider Arab or Muslim world and its main area of Kashmir and India. However, the Sunni Arabs feel marginalized and are largely uneducated and tribal and play tools of the Anglo-Zionists since Balfour era. Only education and progressive secular reform will reverse this trend.


The so-called “Objective” still believes that Islam is the key for a prosperous Arab world,as he is stuck in time centuries ago in the Arabs’ golden age. The likes of him also welcome ISIS’ long-coveted goal of destroying the Iranian nation in the name of the very same religious wars they claim must happen against the “Shiite infidels”, while outright supporting the House of Saud and disregarding its own terrible crimes both at home and abroad. You are no better than them, or the likes of corrupt, racist and ignorant Trump that you also overtly support in its goal to destroy Iran, again in the name of religion.


Time to bomb some shia terrorists, and send them back to Afghanistan the proper way – dead.


Fuck off, you Zioterrorist shitstains just perpetrated another vile terrorist act in Beirut and rushed to deny your involvement for fear of an Iranian/Hezbollah response. 2006 was the final lesson for you to learn you’re gonna have to shove your “Samson option” next time you start a war.


Okay I’ll fuck off, just one thing before I block you – you can keep crying on SF for many more years to come, you will always be on the losing side. Having said that, I can now free myself from your presence for good, ciao amigo.


Ok, go fuck off, you Zioterrorist scum, and pray to Mammon for your continued luck that the Kremlin’s got control of Syria’s air defenses. When that changes you’ll be needing a titanium umbrella for the downpur of F16s.


God riddance to an unwanted cockroach who will now crawl back under his Zionazi rock, until he is sprayed with pest spray and the infestation stops . .


You got confused little nazi, I will put you under the rock.

The Objective

Hezbollah and Iran too timid to respond. They’ll keep enduring the pain till the U.S launches an attack directly.


Iran-backed Syria remains the only country in the last 30yrs to shoot down the Zioterrorist airforce’s planes, maybe you stupid cunts don’t realise that the Iranians have been working precisely to deny air superiority to those that have it. What’s taking the “only democracy in the Middle East” backed by the only “superpower” so long???

The Objective

Iran is on the defensive. Soon, it’ll be in retreat. Avenge your General first before shooting off with your mouth here. Kill an equivalent U.S general and openly take credit for it if you dare.


Fuck off, tard. Iran’s on the defensive but deploying ever closer to the Mediterranean. Still wondering what’s taking so long?


From an adult perspective that would make no sense. Iran is thinking strategically and winning. Why start a regional war when there is no need as US is on the ropes anyway? Iran and the Axis of Resistance are consolidating their grip as they are now entrenched in a large region from the frontiers of South Asia to Levant.


Iran is winning without starting a war, the imperialist cunts have already evacuated most of the basis in Iraq.

Jens Holm

Hard to see. Is it most dead by Coroan or what?

The Objective

You think so? We shall see.


Iranian influence in the region is now at its prime as even Macron acknowledged in Beirut.


The days of the imperialist cunts and their regional terrorist allies are numbered.

Jens Holm

Iran is no Empire. Some of them was very good once upon a time ago.

The Objective

We’ve heard this for years. if it were true, the assassination of Soleiman would surely have triggered it. And don’t forget, the U.S and its allies outgun you. Believe me, they will bomb Iran in a way that no other country in the world has seen before. However, Iran too will cause significant damage to its adversaries. The regime in Iran will fall in such a war, that’s why they are not going to fight unless the U.S gets tired of trying to provoke them and goes full-throttle with direct kinetic action on Iranian soil.


The cunts are already on the move in Iraq, they evacuated many more camps and will evacuate more soon. In just a few months after his death, Gen. Suleimani did more damage to the imperialist cunts than he did in his whole life!

The Objective

This is just your own opinion, which is quite contrary to fact. First off, no American soldiers are leaving Iraq. They are only relocating. If that’s your idea of a departure, then you are mistaken. It is a strategic move preparing U.S. forces in case war starts. America ain’t leaving Iraq without dismantling or disarming the PMU – mark my words.

Soleimani’s death didn’t achieve a thing for Iran. It weakens and exposes Iran as an insecure regime full of bluster. It opened the eyes of American leaders to the fact that Iran could be pushed farther than anyone believed without fear of a major retaliation. His death is sure to also affect the morale of militants surprised at Iran’s feeble response. Iran’s enemies became more daring – look at the recent bombings inside Iran.

So if anything, Soleimani’s killing exposes the regimes fear and vulnerabilities


American aggression will only strengthen the Axis of Resistance led by Iran.

The Objective

Well, we are watching.


In the past 24 hrs alone two US-led ‘coalition’ forces were hit with IEDs in Iraqi soil and this will only increase if the cunts don’t leave. More of this below:



In the past 24 hrs alone two separate IEDs targeted the US-led ‘coalition’ forces in Iraq and this will only increase in the coming days unless the cunts leave Iraqi soil. More of this below:



This lazy, good for nothing shlomo is always hanging around like a bad smell. Maybe if we open the door the foul odor will drift back to his settler village. He must be mentally retarded cos he doesn’t seem to understand he’s not wanted here . .


nah it will be jews in the body bags for a long time to come, in fact until the entire palestine is free of jews. it may be 6 months or 1 year but out they will go, in body bags or swimming fast towards cyprus.

Shy Talk

“can’t understand why regular visitors to this site engage iron zion in any kind of discussions. if all block him he won’t be able to disrupt honest exchanges the way he is today.”


We want his exit from SF to be a memorable one buddy . .

Jens Holm

If You improved Your knowledge level, You would understand more.

1) This is no fan club for 1 oppinion but a site for debating.

2) You contribute nothing Yourself. The only result might be You get shorter fingers or nose.


getting closer to the jews in palestine and I guess they see the end of their terror-regime and are pleading trump and slime kushner to come and sort out the mess before they are 6 feet under. trump can’t respond with a view of the election and even if that’s not the case, the disjointed states of A are skint, flat broke and hardly two cents to rub against the other in uncle sam’s pocket. how friggin pathetic they are.

Jens Holm

And the victims are not even allowed to speak in Your narrowmindd world.


can’t understand why regular visitors to this site engage iron zion in any kind of discussions. if all block him he won’t be able to disrupt honest exchanges the way he is today.


He’s just a runny-nosed settler brat whose over- indulgent mother allows too much time to surf the web. He’s all mouth and very little brain. Don’t worry, he will be reaching IDF drafting age in a few more years and could be sent to the northern front, where he will be pissing his panties and crying for his mom like all the rest of the IDF cowards (circa. 2006) . .

L Ne

Wrong! He is on the IDF payroll already and fully engaged in disinformation propaganda warfare. But I fully agree with the suggestion to ignore his drivel, never feed a troll!


You are a wise person. Trolls need attention and once they are deprived of that oxygen, they die.

Jens Holm

He is not at that level at all.

Zionism = EVIL

Well, the Zionist cunts have been bragging for a decade to get Iran out of Syria and the stupid arseholes have failed miserably. Iranian economy is now on a rebound, thanks largely to the ingenuity of its people and Chinese support. Iranian heavy industries are now in better shape that when the CIA virus hit with car vehicle production in both civilian and military sectors well over 1.5 million units per annum and 100% domestiic manufacture.


Zionism = EVIL



Well said buddy :)

Zionism = EVIL

Thanks. Just keeping it real.


they run as well? good quaality,like a dacia maybe or a kia?


No, they are s#it quality. In numbers, Iran’s auto making is huge and looks very good on paper. In reality it’s one of the most corrupt places on earth which needs a thorough house-cleaning. Iranian car makers are a disgrace to Iran. All the cars they make are rubbish, too expensive and old tech. Not worth even %10 of their price tag. Every single Iranian is angry at auto makers which have an exclusive market and monopoly and therefore feel no need for improvement.

A lot of people wish IRGC handled the car making (given their experience with missile and drone technology and how they grew them). The ministry of defence signed a few contracts with them to provide them with tech, we shall see how that goes.

Potato Man

SO TRUEEEE, Iranian car made by local manufacturer are very bad and not safe, E.g. the Pride. But ofc by time Iran get there and make a better car. ” too expensive and old tech” How much is Pride? (this -> https://gumlet.assettype.com/evoindia%2Fimport%2F2018%2F05%2FINSTC-friendship-drive-evo-India-iran-car.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&format=webp&w=400&dpr=2.6)

Jens Holm

Tempting to mention theyu also has the record in killed by car accidents. It can be related to the cars as well:)

Potato Man

Was I talking to you bud? Anyway here is your 2 cent :), Iran is still safer place than US, Germany, Turkey, LMFAO ofc safer than fake state of goys, A.K.A Israel please cut the BS.

Jens Holm

You was babling to the whole world.

Safe: Iran also has world record for executing people. So Your comment somehow mut be related to Irabians by birth are more criminals then others.

Unimployment is same thing because there are no jobs and even food is needed. So why are those 50%(men – women dont count) at least grow some potatpes.

Corruption is high high end as well.

Iran ceratinly is not safer then the mantioned countries. Well corners of USA are semilar to Iran.

You are filled of statistic lies, create them Yourself or are kept from normal fact checking.

Potato Man

“You was babling to the whole world.” LMFAO calm down I meant I don’t want to hear your BS bud thats all, The whole world don’t come here (SF) which they should TBH :) BTW I love how you said “You was babling” :) you mad bruhhh?

I like how you just say the same shit that can be said to any country around the world bud. Americans going to be homeless if the government don’t do anything and they aren’t under hard sanctions like Iran which have been for over 40+ years, no shi& they lost market and have less workers. “Iran ceratinly is not safer then the mantioned countries” unlike you crying out loud I did look up before the global terrorism index 2018 and that where I got my information, go on what are you basing your points? (Read and look up page 8) http://visionofhumanity.org/app/uploads/2018/12/Global-Terrorism-Index-2018.pdf

“You are filled of statistic lies, create them Yourself or are kept from normal fact checking.” You are the one having your wet dream bud. I love stupid ass people like you claim BS and thinking I let you get away with nah fam get your ass here and prove your points first. Come on, you are just talking and nothing more bud. The global terrorism index 2019 which I haven’t read yet ranked Iran 39th, still safer than US, Turkey beside Israel which is 40th now. http://visionofhumanity.org/app/uploads/2019/11/GTI-2019web.pdf All I have read is a angry man and nothing more and no proofs. Good talk bud, I don’t like to bitch around with you tho :/ you say BS and nothing more.

Potato Man

PS “You are filled of statistic lies, create them Yourself or are kept from normal fact checking.” GO ON BUD tell me about your “fact checking” LMFAO like do you really think I’m stupid like you to just talking BS out of my ass?? You really didn’t think huh

“Safe: Iran also has world record for executing people. So Your comment somehow mut be related to Irabians by birth are more criminals then others.” Hahahahaha that is why Iran is so SAFE you moron, people can go to American schools and kill 20~ kids and they go to jail for that LMFAO. In NZ remember when a gunman when in Mosque and killed 51 people????? what happened to him? Yup COCK.

In Iran if you fuk up you are a goner but in other country they let you die slowly, what is your point bud?

Again it is pointless to talk with you and I don’t understand why I haven’t block your stupid ass yet. May god help you stupid ass fuker, you like the other guy called “Free ape” bud he also just read Wahhabi Sunnis news and MEKs so called “reporters” and use it as source LMFAO.

Zionism = EVIL

Better. Samand is world class and exported widely.

Jens Holm

cheep and bad.


good news although someone tagged as garga seems to differ. I believe your judgement however.

Jens Holm

Not even Iranians believe any of that. How many of the 50% men having no job did You ask?

And women. NONE.

Jens Holm

If You know that much, You must be the father. Congratulations.

Laurent Parodi

Exactly. I block them all.


I have dealt with many attention seekers in the course of my career, blocking them is pointless and the comments are still posted. The best approach is to downvote these children, who have been employed by hasbara, CIA, British army, NSA etc to deflect from real issues or discussions. They are mostly paid by the number of words. They have no substance or knowledge, the idea is inflame the thread. So not acknowledging them, defeats them and their sponsors.

Zionism = EVIL

US Iran envoy Brian Hook fired by Trump as UN arms embargo vote looms

Hook’s surprise departure comes as Washington lobbies the United Nations to extend an arms embargo on Iran which faces a certain Russian and Chinese rare double veto. The termination of Brain Hook’s career abrupt as also sheds light on US failure in its efforts to stop Iran’s progress. Now a Jew Elliot Abrams is replacing hook. Abrams as the architect of the Iran-Contra CIA debacle in the 1980’s and now a senile old man.


Hook looks like a joo bud . ..

Zionism = EVIL

They all are. 90% of the fucked up state department of liars is full of Jews since the ugly cunt Kissinger stacked the hooked noses in there.


He looked like an old bird.

Potato Man

tbh it is fun seeing a headless chicken running around.

Zionism = EVIL

Iranian and Hezbollah flags flying high in Beirut https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/72c5a43b79bd02628640fe3f32a39d77f1f605eff1dd0882425b5d8b1f7bb260.jpg


He is an attention seeking teenager, and the best is downvote him rather than blocking. I have diagnosed him early on and he is quite mentally distressed.


Now coming back to a real discussion. The Zionist and US have suffered a humiliating defeat in the region as even Macron acknowledged the clean and honest role of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iran has been very successful in creating very large and growing militia allies in a region covering over a million square kms from Iraq to Lebanon. Every Zionist effort to undermine Iran has failed as the massive Iranian airlift to Beirut amply displayed. The Zionist pinprick strikes against abandoned buildings in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon have borne no fruit and Iranian presence is now gratefully acknowledged by the EU. That is the reality now.

Zionism = EVIL

World’s Biggest Methanol Plant Opens in Iran

The Iranian president on Thursday inaugurated the world’s largest methanol producing plant in the country’s southern province of Bushehr.

Ina ceremony held via video conference on Thursday, President Hassan Rouhani ordered the opening of three energy projects in Bushehr and the western provinces of Lorestan.

The projects, completed with aninvestment of $1.57 billion by the private sector, include Kaveh plant,known as the biggest methanol producing facility in the world, and Kimia Pars petrochemical factory in Bushehr, as well as a plant producing catalysts in Lorestan.

The three projects provide direct employment for 2,110 people.


Tommy Jensen

America has and owns all the BIGgest plants in the world.

Irans methanol factory has only been possible because Iran against all International rules have been violating International sanctions and are now 5 minutes to twelve to have nuclear WMD’s pointing at innocent Americans on their own soil. Plus Iran’s terrorist networks are stealing oil from Syria, Iraq and Kurdistan, and bombing civilians.

And thats not the only thing.


“International Rules’?

What is that?

Bill Rood

Like that economic sanctions may only be applied by the UN Security Council. You know, the ones the US violates constantly?

Jens Holm

. If You are on that level, its a waste telling You anything.

Removil Pedro Mata

Didn´t Trump admited of keeping the siryan oil? You must have been in Mars


Yes, you are biggest bastards, all right, you deserve to be nuked.


Your post was so delirious I first thought it was written as an ironical joke.

But no.

Sadly, you seem actually deluded enough to think that Iran, member of the NPT and willing signatory of the P5+1 nuclear deal validated by the UN Security Council and torn apart by the Trump administration, is to blame on legal grounds, and not US unilateralism.

Not the utterly illegal extra-territorial juridical long-arm Washington uses to pressure countries out of lucrative deals with Iran.

Not using the dollar’s relatively continued dominance, and their de-facto supremacy on world monetary, banking and financial institutions to exert crucial pressure on any sovereign country willing to engage in any sort of legal activities with Iran.

Not the reactivation of completely unilateral sanctions designed to basically cripple its industry, including the key medical and agricultural sectors, currently directly contributing to the dire humanitarian situation plaguing its citizens’ life including children, even more so since the Covid-19 outbreak started.

Not outright state banditry and theft when arbitrarily freezing and reinfecting Iranian assets still located in US banks into federal coffers.

Not its illegal invasion and subsequent occupation of Syrian oil field and the completely illegal oil trade they do with a self-proclaimed quasi-state and a militia it arms and trains called the SDF, that is recognized by exactly zero countries or international institutions in the world and massively rejected by local Arab populations currently under their sway.

Not the thousands of nukes that can be directly pointed (and are probably pointed) on its many cities from US-located silos or US Ohio-class subs cruising in the Indian Ocean or as far as the Atlantic or Pacific.

Not the several hundred LACMs permanently pointed at their infrastructure through Aegis-class destroyers.

Not the 35 bases surrounding Iran that the US has been busy establishing ever since starting an illegal invasion campaign and occupation of Iraq that is located more than 10,000 km from its shores, and also its repurposed deployment illegally using Afghan soil to store and deploy even more WMDs against Iran.

No, it is Iran, that is at fault here, pointing its own Iranian-produced 2,500 km radius medium-range conventional ballistic missiles on its own sovereign soil towards “US citizen on their own soil”, located more than 10,000 km away from the closest Persian Gulf shores, you are ignorant on top of being deluded it seems as well.

And certainly not the US of course, that is only, in all its virtuous command of the universe, overtly threatening the whole world like a mafia-state over any legitimate, perfectly acceptable and legal interactions with a UN and Security Council-abiding member state.

If anything, the US deserves having a few big guns pointed at its trigger-happy forces deployed 10,000 km away from their homeland. Indeed, as history as shown in 2003, wherever such guns don’t exist, Washington has quite a severe rabid tendency to disembark guns-blazing in undefended homes and settle for the long haul. To calm down a mad dog, always wave a stick and be ready to hit it fast if it barks too loud and starts walking slowly towards you.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, Tommy, my bad I almost forgot to be polite with the deserving person you are.


Nah, it’s just plain stupidity I suppose. Don’t give the dude too much credit.

Jens Holm

Iran can be improved if they drink it too.


yep a slow and meticulous forward movement of Iran’s interests in the region is nothing which will be stopped by annoying pinprick strikes by the jews in palestine. they sure are at the end of their wit.

Zionism = EVIL

Even the Brian Hook cunt was fired by Trump for failing to “contain Iran”, now the old senile evil Jew cunt Elliot Abrams is replacing him. It is too late. Iran is booming.

Jens Holm

Hard to see the succes:) Do Ýou sell microskopes :).

Do we have to pay in liras, rials or dollar for it.

Jens Holm

You wil never learn. You are raised not to.

I dont see honest in Your comment. I seeYou dont know much. As I see it, You are raised like him and same of a kind.


I think you need to check out this video…can anyone say if cgi is involved. Was posted in the ‘aftermath of Beirut’ article earlier.


Jens Holm

The video says we cannot see it, because the uploader account is closed.


Yes it was removed on the same day, reuters even did a FACT CHECK. But you can see a shorter version here;


cechas vodobenikov

there r many Persians in Afghanistan that speak a language similar to Farsi—- the Hazara, Shia—the uzbeks, Tajiks, although Persian r sunni as r many paahtun


Globally over 500 million people speak some variant of Farsi, which includes Dari and Urdu as Persian being the court language of India until 1857 and British invasion.


Iranian forces??? How about US forces all over the world running death squads and drug cartels..


And arming ISIS an AL-Qaeda terrorists…

Jens Holm

You should wonder why. A start might be osygen and a transplant. Maybee some updated Win95 might doit.

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