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MARCH 2025

Iranian Forces Moved ‘Short-Range Missiles’ To Syria’s Deir Ezzor

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Iranian Forces Moved ‘Short-Range Missiles’ To Syria’s Deir Ezzor

Missiles are displayed during an exhibition on the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, as part of the “Sacred Defense Week” commemorating the 8-year war on September 28, 2014 at a park, northern Tehran. (Photo: Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images).

Iranian-backed forces have moved “short-range missiles” to the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor, the Naher Media reported on March 30.

According to the pro-opposition outlet, the unidentified missiles were handed over to the Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas group in the town of al-Mayadin in southern Deir Ezzor. The outlet didn’t clarify if it was referring to the Iraqi Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas Forces, or the Syria-based Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas.

“The missiles, numbered six, were brought from Iraq,” a source familiar with the matter told the Naher Media. “They were transported in three trucks to the militia’s depots in al-Rahbah Citadel in al-Mayadin town.”

According to the source, several launchers for the newly-delivered shot-range missiles will be deployed in al-Mayadin in the upcoming few days.

Iranian-backed forces maintain a large presence in southern Deir Ezzor, especially in the towns of al-Mayadin and al-Bukamal. These forces operate against ISIS and guard Syria’s border with Iraq.

Last month, several sources revealed that Iran had armed its forces in Deir Ezzor with Russian-made 2K25 Krasnopol guided artillery rounds.

Iranian arms shipments seem to be arriving in Syria without any issues. Israel’s efforts to counter Iran’s presence in Syria continue to be nothing but a complete failure.


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seems like a good place to set up a stoppage of the yankee-twats thievery of oil and of grain, oil to turkey and grain to iraq. and sdf is participating in the yankee-twats thievery which won’t be forgotten when the destitute twats are being body bagged home tot he flyover states. wonder where the kurdish body bags will be addressed – to sweden maybe, a country happy to deplete its fortunes offering home and food and nourishment to the needy, in this case thekurds.


US and its deep state Jew manipulators are pushing a destructive conflict with China and a neo-imperialist delusional fantasy of Balkanizing Russia. Starting a Swan song war with Iran is now out of the question and senile dotard Biden will seek a modus-vivendi with a resurgent Iran to limit Chinese influence. However, considering historical US antipathy towards an independent revolutionary Iran going back a century, such detente is not likely. Iran is a cornerstone of China’s global power bloc and economic strategy. The US has been ruined by Zionist parasites.

Jens Holm

Ypu are creater of the deep dark st ate Yourself. You not even use all the free stuff from internet as well as most things can be tranlated by googler and bing translate.

YOU KEEP YOURSELF IN DARK. Most things here also can be found in public libraries, which here cost nothing.

Babling dark to insinuate all the things jews do or dont. The same for about USA, China and Your Neon imperialisme fantazi, balconisation and Biden is a senile. USA is not ruined at all as well.

Thats where the dark is.

And by the way. Do we really has to listen to anybody like You, when we have systems here making most of us a much better life. Oh yes we do. When You behave like grass, we sometimes cut grass too, but dont care if Yours suffers too. You made them for spendables and so many inist in miserable lives filled up with lies of the worst kind.

Just Me

But, but, butt, the mighty Jew mouse was supposed to “expel Iran” from Iran itself lol. How can this missile transfer happen ?

Jens Holm

Its no theft if things are paid for.

What You write and assume in Ypur own kind of madness wont be forgotten as well and might be bodybagged too. I see no problems in people going anywhere else, if the smwll, where they are, is too unhealthy.

Kurds are in Denmark too. Some few ramain too much in the old days according females and vomen, but most of them are kind of Our own, because we have given them a second chance.

Only very few are extremists. They are normal seculars or moderatemuslims as the rest.

The Objective

Biden thinks talking the Iranians into another nuclear deal will buy more time for color revolutions to work in Iran and topple the clerical regime. This is highly unlikely considering how closely the regime is watching Iranians. The only way to deal with Iran is to take out its regional proxies. Well, this is what the U.S and Israel seem to be doing now: freezing Iranian nuclear advances on one hand and destroying its militias across the region on the other hand. Seems a good idea until you factor in that Iran will have access to more cash. But I guess this won’t be much problems because the Mullahs can’t replace their militias faster than a big war will destroy such militias. Whichever angle I look at things, Iran appears to be in a cage.


Dream on.

Kenny Jones ™

40 years later..


Yes, same old same old from the Iran haters club. All the while the US is actually switching posture entirely and trying and crawling back to the negotiating table after Iran sealed its own deal of the century with China in overt defiance of that order, the latter of which we also learned that it has actually been purchasing record amount of oil and oil products from Iran ever since 2018 right under the nose of the orange guy to help it overcome the brunt of the financial impact.

Biden has been pushing Iran even further into the hands of Beijing and Moscow with its absurd and shortsighted continuation of his predecessor’s unilateralism and outright criminal sanctions.

I am glad they’re doing that, as two main factions exist within the Iranian parliamentary fabric and the pro-West camp always enjoyed a subtle edge ever since the initial 2015 breakthrough agreement – well, that context is a thing of the past as neither Zarif or Rouhani delivered anything interesting diplomatically but Iranian full compliance for American full betrayal.

Iran is now finally going ahead full steam for full dedollarization and has demonstrated it can secure a lifeline for its main source of revenue even when worst-hit with the most inhumane and dire sanction regime. Only a true, frontal military assault can possibly change the balance of power when it comes to Iran. And militarily its territory remains unassailable by such a frontal campaign, and so far its posture has deterred even its most blood-thirsty foes such as Israel speaking big about an upcoming massive strike for 20 years straight and yet to walk it to this day.

Sure it can take out proxy a few poor foot soldiers here and there with multi-million dollar bombings, and the SOHR can lift their spirits by labeling them “IRGC Generals” every now and then, and they indeed manage to harm Iran symbolically by taking out a revered and honorary retired nuclear physics professors, but the program he crucially helped set up over decades of hard work is advancing as planned, with greater resolve.

So yeah, let them dream on about the everlasting “impending implosion/collapse of Iran” while their Houthi allies tear up Saudi forces and break their grand project for the region as their Syrian proxies and Russian allies tear up their beloved JIhadi brigades , their Kurdish oil trade and Dogan’s economy along with his midget ottoman hopes with it, struggling to even pay his mercenary fascists their due promise share.


Wow … have you been seeing the psychic reader on Ave A … the $5 or $15?

Time to move on from her … stick to whiskey … single malt!


Gosh I missed the lapdog following me around. I prefer that to your certified LSD addiction mate, trust me. YOU should change habits. Ohhhh so cuuuute, I also see you DOWNVOTED me, you mad bro ? xD what am I gonna become now that I don’t have twatz’ approval :( :( :( :( :( why so mean ???? ROFL you are priceless xD

cechas vodobenikov

pervert boyfriend let you leave your cage?

Shy Talk


Emad Irani

hahah just like they are “destroying” Ansarallah in Yemen? Dude you dream too much, drink your milk and go sleep boy

Blas de Lezo

Once Biden rejoins the JCPOA Iran’s proxies will kick into high gear with all the cash they will be getting from the lifting of sanctions plus the billions they will also be getting from China. Shiites are repopulating Syria so there will be plenty of foot soldiers. Israel hasn’t conducted any strikes in weeks.


Even the deep state is recognizing the folly of alienating Iran as that has given China a Carte Blanche. Iran is now too big and nuclear capable to be intimidated, let alone contained. The Persians have found their manifest destiny, yet again.


Wow … manifest destiny … an American-Iranian … eh?


You not a Canuck Jew boy eh :)


I know what I am and don’t hide it ‘persian’ … isn’t that what you call yourselves in amerika?


…And the retaliation for General Soleimani is still hanging like Damocle’s sword over the head of US, ready to fall down any time.


should really be over the jew’s heads since the jews in palestine, emboldened by pest kushner, were behind the murder of Soleimani and for that the jews must pay, the hard way, such as total destruction of the jewish society i palestine, the jews on the run and the one state palestina a reality at long last – in fact the jews don’t stand a chance.


Yes, it’s important that the Israeli leaders realise that any concerted attack on Iran by NATO or NATO paid proxies, will be be by a blizzard of accurate missiles falling on jewish assets in Palestine.


But … they were ‘pin pricks’ at phony targets? lol


Sand dunes have suffered a lot .


Not how you tell it … lol

Speaking from both sides of your mouth mumbles …

Just Me

Syria’s demographics have changed completely. There are now over 250,000 Shia diaspora fighters and a million plus family members. The Wahhabi headchoppers have either fled to Europe, Turkey or blown to bits by Russians and Iranians. The revamped Syria will be far more homogeneous and stronger. Dr. ASSAD WON!


250 000 Shia diaspora fighters constitute the invasionary force – This is Soleimani’s Legacy. Long Live Soleimani. Killing Soleimani was Too little Too late. the destruction of Israel and the liquidation of its population of land thieves will be credited to Soelimani

Just Me

I also believed in the tooth fairy.


Long winded senseless drivel.


Corollary:Israel is at its weakest, EVER, hence the panicked “threats” of wiping out the Iran nuclear program, again, for the 100th time this last 20 years. It CANNOT and DARE not. Regardless. The Bastard failed European Colonial Land theft project is well on its way to annhihilation


“taking out Iranian proxies” LoL – NO Iranian proxies have been “taken out”, in fact Iranian Proxies have been smashing US supply lines. This is painful for the US occupation – any military relies on its supply lines. Iran using plausible deniability that it can strangle US supply lines in the entire region and FORCE the US out of the ME – exactly as Khamenei promised in January 2020 as revenge for the murder of Gen Soleimani. Iranians using unknown never before heard of groups. Israel is SHITTING bricks. They cant go it alone on an Iran strike or oust Assad and the US cant do it for them. Boo Ha Ha. Zionist European Colonial Theft project is seeing its final days.Nuttyahoo should forget about elections. Nasrallah will be the next King of Jerusalem

The Objective

Have you forgotten the tit for tat violence that culminated with the U.S nuking your locations and sending many of your terrors to the grave. Another 500 oil trucks went up in smoke alongside 60 who died or were injured in the flames. I’m not even going to remind you of Muhandis and his comrades. Hitting supply convoys you cowards. Your militias are only effective against civilians. When they finally realize how many of them die without Iran lifting a finger, it’ll become more and more difficult to recruit new ones. Your leaders are truly evil indeed. Sending young healthy youth to their death by providing poor-quality training and no air cover while expecting them to face one of the world’s most sophisticated airforces and navies. Sometimes I weep for these youths Iran is using like a rag, whose lives matter little to the regime. Just like the devastation that rocked Persia at the hands of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, Allah will ravage Iran again, if only for the actions of its leaders. The current bitter enmity with America and Israel is surely a sign for those who understand the prophesies. but as usual, there are more fools than wise men around the world. Iranian leaders are mostly vicious fools who think they are wise. but when this war finally reaches home, it’ll be a brutal awakening for them.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikan turkis ISIS all declining into flimsy failed cultureless decayed economic debt ridden corpses


As a clear signal to Iran, the US has pulled Patriot batteries out of Saudi Arabia and that led to the successful Houthi drone strike at King Khalid military base this week. The US is giving the Houthis a green light to attack the hated Saudis. Expect more brazen attacks on a battered Saudi losing side.

Assad must stay

haha why tho?


The repercussions of failed US policies are dawning on the Pentagon. Needless and ill- thought Jew inspired US hostility to Iran has proven to be a massive folly as a resurgent Iran filled the void. The Patriots were epic failure anyway as daily Houthi drones penetrated the Saudi air defences at will. This week’s brazen attack on Riyadh was the straw that broke the camels back.


Beverly Hillbilly oil theft op in Conoco fields DE-EAST EUPHRAT looks to be seeing a goodbye.

Assad must stay

hey mister bmw how are you sir :))

Jens Holm

Assads cant steal anymore:) So funny.

Blas de Lezo

I love it. Netanyahu, AIPAC and their slaves in the congress and in the military must be having a nervous breakdown. Iran’s entrenchment in Syria will increase now that Biden will lift sanctions and rejoin the Iran nuclear deal.

Assad must stay

when did he say he would do that?

Just Me

American big butt loud-mouthed losers are impotent as Jews have destroyed them with endless wars and helped China’s rise as the only superpower.

Jens Holm

I see none of that. Western Economies are runned by all or most of us and are doing fine.

I love to have some links for something better. Please…


Oh no! These handful of short range missiles are an existential threat to the Zionist regime and the global community must stand against this recent Iranian bare aggression! Whine whine whine!

The commander of ground forces of IRGC (the correct initials should be CGIR, the Corps of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, but we are used to use the common wrong name) visited Iran’s north-west border with Armenia and Aliyev regime, inspecting the forces stationed there and made a short speech about changing the international borders being Iran’s red line. Add that to the movement of Turkish hardware east-ward and hot air coming from Aliyev.

If they are serious about taking Armenia’s Syunik province (the most southern one) they probably start the attack around Iran’s presidential elections (in about 2 months), like the last one which was around the US presidential elections. I just hope Armenians somehow manage the traitor before it’s too late.

If you remember the last war, Iran moved a lot of hardware near the border. Part of it was to gather intel and snatch Israeli and Turkish UAVs, part to stop infiltration of headchoppers into Iran but the real reason turned out to be to enter Armenia in case Aliyev regime and Erdogan’s terror mercenaries decided to take that province. At least the patriots show that they aren’t as naive as the “officials” in the admin and ministry of foreign affairs.


Zionist weapons are based on stolen western technology and capturing and cloning them . Now with a massive infusion of Chinese technology and military R&D, Iran will for the first time have access to cutting edge weaponry. There are already reports that China and Iran will produce 5th generation fighters and hypersonic missiles. With Iran’s massive and underutilized industrial base, expect a quantum leap. The Chinese are very shrewd thinkers and don’t commit to such a vast alliance unless they are sure of the unlimited benefits to both. Iran will leap into top economies of the world.

Ivan Freely

There are already reports that China and Iran will produce 5th generation fighters and hypersonic missiles.

Source? Will this be a clean sheet design? Or, will this be based off the SAC FC-31 planform?


The Diplomat. Iran may produce the J20B derivative.

Ivan Freely

I’ve used up my free preview of The Diplomat which I’m leery of. Do you remember who the author and how old the article was?

AFAIK, the J20B is not for export but the Chinese have no problems promoting the FC-31 at the Zhuhai airshows. Given how The Diplomat is really a US-mouthpiece from Japan, I wonder if the author is fearmongering.

Not a fan of Israel

Iran is in the top 5 or so in nano-technologies fer starters. The Chinese may learn a thing or two from the Iranians…they are very smart people. I would not be at all surprised to learn that Iran is developing an S-500 Hybrid system with point defense.


Capture Israeli UAV’s … Israeli-made UAV’s sold to Azerbaijan … eh?

In order to copy them … Reverse engineering … seems that’s all the Iranians can do … eh?



Saves a lot of R&D costs. Those smart Persians eh.


Rather stupid … they can’t figure out stuff for themselves … eh?

It’s a compliment to the Jews / Zionists / Israelis who have figured things out including missile defense … and attacking Iran’s Nuclear sites … eh?

Not a fan of Israel

Put down the plastic sabre you’re rattling, you are just another embarrassing Zionist fer Israel.

J Ramirez


Not a fan of Israel

How did Israel obtain the Iron Gnome again…wasn’t it by reverse engineering a Patriot battery or was it just espionage in the United States…again?


Fool … your animus is good and it’ll lead to your demise

Not a fan of Israel

Stop projecting…..and pull your head out of your a**e.

Not a fan of Israel

Hezbollah has previously hacked Israeli drone feeds, get real……only a short step to bypass Israeli security protocols and BINGO, the Iranians get a free bird!


‘only a short step’ …. ?

Not a fan of Israel

….for them. Pmsl. Israel is constantly stealing Tech from the US and rebranding as “Israeli Tech” and then onselling it, something the Yanks have noted and aren’t happy about AT ALL…..but you know that, dontcha?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Obviously the new Ottoman Empire wants to link Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan to create a new trade and land bridge, which would then further strengthen their alliance and increase trade and military cooperation between the two countries, mmm, so does that mean the northern territories of Iran are next on the Muslim Brotherhood hitlist, maybe. Hopefully the Iranian Government is fully prepared for the subversive tactics the Muslim Brotherhood may soon employ in Iran’s northern provinces [if they haven’t already], because the Brotherhood uses the same MO every time. Sadly these are just the results of Iran’s previous culpability in helping orchestrate and now implement UN resolution 2254, and for co-signing all of the Astana agreements with Turkey and Russia, they empowered the Brotherhood in Syria and now the Brotherhood is coming to get them. Until Iran started the Aleppo campaign relations were going well between the Muslim brotherhood and Iran, there were no hostilities between them in Syria for nearly 2 years, Muslim Brotherhood fighters were even training in Iran under strict IRGC training regimes for a while, but not any more they’re not, not since the Iranians attacked the Muslim Brotherhood in Aleppo. Now the Turks refuse to buy Iranian gas and instead buy American LPG at higher prices, the Azerbaijanis and Georgians have virtually ceased all trade with Iran, and the Brotherhood and Iranian forces clash in southwestern Aleppo on a regular basis, the short lived friendship is finally over. I think you have really good reason to worry about Turkish machinations in Armenia.

Jens Holm

On maps here the railroad connection are to the Silkroad.

Not a fan of Israel

I believe “Willing” lives in a geo-political World of his own. Pmsl.

Not a fan of Israel

That Chinese belt road sticks in the craw of the Yanks, they want to freaking control everything but their cupboard is bare….printing Greenbacks without anything to back them. Moving to Third World status. LOL.

MBAs from Harvard aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Pmsl.

Not a fan of Israel

What “Muslim Brotherhood”? The MB hasn’t had a significant presence for donkey’s years.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, do you think their reign of terror ended when the Chechen and Georgian wars were ended, or do you think their reign of terror ended when they were ousted from Government in Egypt, or are you referring to their tenure in Syria which was interrupted by Assad’s father, wrong on all counts.

The Muslim Brotherhood controls the US/Turkish backed Libyan Government which is fighting against the Russian backed Libyan Government, and the Brotherhood currently have the upper hand politically.

They were the instigators of the latest conflict in Armenia and look how well that turned out for them, now according to this comment from Garga, Erdogan and the Muslim brotherhood are eyeing off even more of Armenia.

And who do you think controls the opposition Syrian Interim Government, it’s the Muslim Brotherhood buddy, they are the bulk of the Syrian opposition forces now. Currently the Muslim Brotherhood are sitting down with the Syrian Government and rewriting the Syrian constitution, and you say the MB no longer has any significance, LOL. I think you should read what the president of Syria has to say about the MB, Assad will explain to you exactly how significant they currently are, he calls the MB Syria’s greatest threat.

Not a fan of Israel

Israelis are embedded in Haftar’s forces. Israel ousted Morsi because he would have opened a corridor for the Gazans.

Saudi slugs, Israelis and the Yanks are the biggest threats to the region, you are following a red herring.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m not sure the Israelis are actually imbedded in Haftar’s forces, but it’s common knowledge they oppose the Muslim Brotherhood, so I’m pretty sure they’re helping Hafter out in some way or another. And I’m pretty sure the Saudis had a lot more to do with ousting the Egyptian president than anyone else did, but yes the Israelis and the US were both more than willing to help out. Before 2017 the US, the Saudis, and Israel, all used the Muslim Brotherhood like a tool to help them try and dismantle Syria, but since 2017 they’ve treated them like the enemy, which is the only reason Assad’s still in power, but the US may change it’s stance now that Biden’s in charge.

All true but that doesn’t mean I or anybody else has to accept either option, the Muslim Brotherhood are just as bad as the people you despise, and more importantly they’re the ones currently fighting in Syria, which is my main concern.

Not a fan of Israel


Not a fan of Israel

The Saudis didn’t put the MB in Syria and neither did Israel or the US. That is sheer and utter freaking nonsense.

Yoiu are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I didn’t say the Saudis put the MB in Syria, they’ve been there long before any of the latest troubles started, Assad’s father dealt with the MB long before young Bashir had to. I actually said the Saudis and Israelis and US used the MB as tools, this is what I actually said so don’t misquote me,

“Before 2017 the US, the Saudis, and Israel, all used the Muslim Brotherhood like a tool to help them try and dismantle Syria, but since 2017 they’ve treated them like the enemy”.

I think your living in cuckoo land, you’re misquoting me completely and then saying I’m wrong about something I didn’t even say, in response I’ll quote your last comment, “what nonsense”.

Not a fan of Israel

The Great Satan is shared equally between israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States and ALL THREE will have to face the Wrath of God.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

We all have to face the wrath of God eventually, and I’m pretty sure God judges us all individually, not just by the country we live in.

Not a fan of Israel

Iran is more concerned with the US/Israel/Saudi backed Daesh/ISIS than any other group.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes that’s true but does that mean they should ignore any other potential threats in the region, there are a significant proportion of Azerbaijanis living in northern Iran and many of them have separatist leanings, so the last thing Iran wants to see in the region is an expanding Azerbaijan, it might give the Azerbaijani population in Iran the wrong ideas.

Not a fan of Israel

The israelis are stirring up trouble there. Azerbaijanis should just shoot them all and be done with israel.


Having lived in Iran and having a reasonable grasp of Persian psyche, it hardly comes as a surprise that Iran is determined to successfully implement its regional strategic plan. It also exposes the Zionist braggarts as big mouth inept and impotent third world clods whose boasts have come to nought. Iran has secured the Tehran-Beirut strategic land corridor and is now securing its interests. Kudos to the resilience and determination of Pax-Persiana.


Talk about a braggart … lol

Iran has secured their doom if they fire these missiles at Israel … full stop

Besides … should Israel verify their deployment … they’ll be hit … eh?


Just Me

Lol, next


Not sure why you think short range missiles could hit Israel from Deir Ezzor lol



Willing Conscience (The Truths

6 missiles in 3 trucks means they’re probably really big missiles, which probably also means they’re short range ballistic missiles [with really big warheads], and short range ballistic missiles can have a range of up to 1,000km, and it’s only just over 400km between Deir ez Zor and Israel.


Where does it say these are ballistic missiles as opposed to standard battle field launch ones, this is assumption

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes it’s an assumption, and as I said 6 missiles in 3 trucks would probably mean the trucks could only carry 2 missiles each, which means they were probably really big missiles, but just 1 truck could carry 6 short range missiles very easily, probably a lot more if not double that amount, so why would they need to use 3 trucks to transport 6 short range missiles. And 6 short range missiles arriving in Syria isn’t news at all, it probably happens every day, but 6 SR ballistic missiles arriving in Syria would be big news.


So far the only Zionist impotent and cowardly stand off missile strikes have caused a lot of pain to the sand dunes and sleeping women and children. Even those cowardly attacks are very rare now as the SAA and Iranians shoot down most missiles and then reengineer them. The Zionists have proven to be a joke in military terms.


So you believe SANA / Assad and your own bs?

The pain you’ll be feeling on judgement day will be all the more egregious …. how sweet


You forgot your …eh? (I am stupid)

J Ramirez

Only good jew is a dead jew …eh Next


500,000 DEAD in Syria … Iraqi dead …. Yemani dead et al

It’s Arabs who are dying in the inter Arab/Muslim Wars … eh?

Attacking Israel will cause the bleeding of Arab/Muslims to increase EXPONENTIALLY …

200,000 dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours … We are all Hezbollah … will be on their lips as they lay dying


…eh means “I am stupid!” or what?

Fog of War

Six missiles should do the trick. Is this a joke ?

chris chuba

Does Iran have a short range missile that mounts on a single vehicle in two racks of three? This might be the same as saying highly mobile missile units.

These would be very difficult for Israel to hit with glide bombs using GPS targeting. They would need a spotter on the ground to guide it, possible but not easy. Only the SDF or U.S. special forces could do that. GPS coordinates are obsolete once the truck moves 50 meters. Israel likes to show satellite pictures of warehouses they bombs with what Pompeo would call their ‘peaceful’ space program.

Fog of War

I get that, but this article is celebrating the delivery of SIX missiles. Only six missiles. Thats a drop in the bucket.

chris chuba

I know what you mean. Kind of like ‘Houthis shoot down Saudi drone’. I’d rather hear, ‘Houthis shoot down 3 KSA F16’s all pilots confirmed dead’ That would end their bombing really fast. :-)

Lone Ranger

Its a start. You are already crying and raging about it 🙃

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m just a little skeptical of this report, it sounds more like Iranian opposition propaganda that’s purposely designed to increase tensions between Israel and Iran.

Lone Ranger


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