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Iranian Forces Near Syria’s Al-Bukamal Became Target Of Another Round Of ‘Mysterious Strikes’

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Late on December 7, unidentified warplanes carried out several airstrikes on Iranian forces’ positions in the southern countryside of Syria’s Deir Ezzor, according to the local Deir Ezzor 24 blog.

“Unidentified warplanes bombed the Green Belt area in al-Bukamal in the eastern [southern] Deir Ezzor countryside,” the blog reported.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) supported the Deir Ezzor 24 report, claiming that five fighters of an Iranian-affiliated group were killed in the airstrikes. However, the UK-based monitoring group is known for releasing false information on such topics.

Iranian Forces Near Syria’s Al-Bukamal Became Target Of Another Round Of 'Mysterious Strikes'

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Three days ago, local sources in Deir Ezzor reported that Israeli warplanes attacked positions of Iranian forces north of al-Bukamal. This has not been confirmed, yet.

In the last few months, Israeli and U.S. media released several reports claiming that the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is building new positions in the vicinity of al-Bukamal, near the border with Iraq.

With the lack of any credible information, these reports of “mysterious strikes” on Iranian forces in Deir Ezzor could be nothing more than a propaganda stunt.

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True or not none of these strikes ever change the situation on the ground – Iran is not leaving Syria anytime soon.


Maybe. But a hell of a lot of them have been leaving and increasingly will be leaving in bodybags. And if they try any serious response, a great deal of these body bags won’t have to go any place to already be right at home.

Jens Holm

Israel seemes to go on as usual too.

Hasbara Hunter


Here Jens some food for thoughts Hitler was a Rothschild Bastard… http://www.reformation.org/…

Henry Ford & Co sponsored Hitler https://modernhistoryprojec…

The Jewish Rothschild Family https://www.investopedia.co…

The Truth Hurts Right Boy? The Truth is Right in your Face…so Obvious & Simple that them Sheeples are Blinded by it…Funny isn’t it? There are Shitloads of info and I will bother you with it until your braincell processed some of the Trivial points…I Hate peoples who are trying to Hide stuff me Brothers Write..You are an Enemy to Freedom of Speech you Mentally Ill Psychopathic Rat…You are One Embarrassing Filthy Parasitic Leech


Another one bites the dust..


First provide evidence.

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah you soon…

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

stop the name calling and antisemitism, Mr.Dutchman. Then again your ancestors sided with Nazi Germany in exterminating my Jewish ancestors during the Holocaust. So no surprise there. Thankfully USA, Britain, France won World War 2 the Great State of Israel was born from it :)

Jacob Wohl's Nose

you mean a cancer called Pissrael was born from it :)

Jens Holm

Yes he does. If there was no percecution of Jews as it was done in Eastern Europe and later by Mr Hitler most Jews would have stayed and the emmigration to Palestine and other countries would have been much less or none.

Some also forget americans are based on any can make religion as they wish as well as poor and political haunted persons.

Many millions also emmigrated to South America, Australia, Soth Africa and New Zealand.

You always only mention Jews and slaves from Africa bought from the locals.

Hasbara Hunter

Dear Prof Rabiesowitz,

Hitler was a Jewish Rothschild Bastard & got sponsored by Wall Street & Henry Ford & Co… Me grandfather & grandmother were part of the Resistance…They Hid British pilots & Jews alike (who were covertly brought in) in their “Transit” Farm…where the Peoples later were picked up for further transportation either back to Great Britain or elswhere…AngloZioNazi Divide et Impera made the British, German, Russian, French, American Sheeple-Cannonfodder Fight eachother in a pretty useless War…only to have them Germans & Russians Destroy eachother…and to create ISraHell & the United States of Europe….the Elites won WWII…

Free man

“Hitler was a Jewish Rothschild Bastard and got sponsored by Wall Street…” – you are extremely stupid psychopath .

Hasbara Hunter

I asked Prof Rabiesowitz that Question….Are you Prof Rabiesowitz?

John Wallace

Common knowledge America supplied Hitler with trucks , rubber and fuel without which he wouldn’t have been able to support any war. You say you are a Free man , well you are free too look and learn.

How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power

Jens Holm

Very selective version. Many sold a lot to Germany and also got paid for it.

During WW2 the americans sold Russia for about 11 billion dollars of vital things. After that USA by Lend and Lease gave Sovjets for much much more and did not ask Communists for returning it.

You seemes to have no idea about the situation in the world at that time. USA as in WW1 hoped to be in no war being neutral to almost anybody apart from Japan and The Chinese Communist party apart from trade with everybody.

And why are You not happy about USA staying that long at least staying at their own continent ????

John Wallace

Seeing as both America and Russia were fighting Germany then it is no surprise that America supplied Russia during this period as did Great Britain. Are you still upset that Norway wasn’t liberated until the end of the war when everyone else had been by then even Holland.. Were your grandparents a result of the German occupation .. Have a nice day Jens and good to see your English has improved into a readable state. The translator is doing a good job for you.

Jens Holm

I commented USA traded with the Nazis and my comment was and is many others did too, so it make no sense blaming USA only as it was written.

A major helper to the Nazis was USSR. Those were the ones making the Nazis strong very fast and not USA.

ASnd of course the Russians was paid for that trading too.

Jens Holm

Maybee he is too much alone and its a cry for help.

Jens Holm

Arrrrrh Zion, there we go again.

Ford is a car. Actually its more then one car.

Hasbara Hunter

You dumbass piece of Excrement…read some of the links you stupid Cunt…you might learn a little bit more if your Braincell can handle & process the information… now piss off and come back when you have read something…I’m really getting tired of your fucking Bullshit


There is no point as this Jens is not playing with a full deck and is a certified idiot.

Jens Holm

Thanks. Comming from You, I take it as a compliment.

Jens Holm

Haha. You raise Your level down:)

Hasbara Hunter

Have you read the links Cunt? Come back if you did…because I can only see a mentally disturbed person at the moment…You are the kind of man that stalks his ex-girlfriend for years…

Jens Holm

I not even need to read those Zion links. They are 95% dirty created lies like people might eat bread with stones but not eat stones with bread.

I have written about this since 1997, so I do know much of the everlasting false made creations well.

Khazars I know as if they lived next door and toady also by DNA ay both mothers and father sides.

Most arabs in Palestine are converted Christians and before thet Jews. Thats where the lost Jewish tribes are today :) :)

Well apart from the Baals of Yours. Not even Muhammed quating Moses like that part of Your population.

John Wallace

Oh good Larry VD. I am having a BBQ and you are welcome, but the wood won’t burn without some ashes so can you bring some with you. You can leave Action man Rusty Fuckwit as he thinks he is GI Joe and wants to flash his big balls at everyone.

Jens Holm

You keep Your low level well. Go on. Starving hairy people can be used as pipecleaners too?

And Jews can be safe with Assads having no gas too???


Actually, Russia and USSR won WW2, the Zionist role model is Nazism.

Karen Bartlett

Cowplop! LOFL!

Jens Holm

You could make Your own site and stay there….

Hasbara Hunter

You should create your own site http://www.sickretards.com you Stalking Sick Mentally Disturbed Psychopathic Schyzophrenic piece of Pig-Shit

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

F-35 Adir is responsible for this I believe, Mr.Iron! The best plane in the world.


Your Ph.D originated in a box of corn flakes as your comments are really flaky even for hasbara nonsense.


Sooner or later they catch the shooters and boy will they be sorry.

Free man

Netanyahu will do anything to stay in power. This is probably why attacks against Iranians in Syria are intensifying. He wants to preserve the “strong man” facade. And it’s easy when your enemy is afraid to respond. Then it will probably increase even more.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

We Zionist Jews see through Mr Bibi’s distractions, it wont work. Gantz will take over no matter what. Mr Yahu can try anything he wants, but he can’t escape the will and democracy of the Israeli People!

Jens Holm

Its funny to agree twice with You at the same day.

Yes, of course Gantz will take over and there will be no changes for the whole Arabistan playing the same arap music as usual too.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

hey Mr Heval Holm, how’s that Kosher Kock feeling in your ass? XD

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Bibi’s more of a Zionist than Gantz is, and Gantz preferred to sit down and talk with 2 Arab opposition parties when he wanted to form his minority coalition government, he didn’t sit down and talk with the ultra zionist zealots Bibi does business with. Imagine Israel with an Arab foreign minister, or defense minister, LOL, only joking, I know they’d never get the defense portfolio, probably only something obscure, but foreign minister mmmm.

Jens Holm

I dont only see Israel is doing as usual. The only changes are the status of Gokan and Jerusalem.

Netanyahu is a very strong man. He fight even he has infected himself a lot and sgould have been in jail many years ago.


You simply don’t understand the Persian strategic vision. Iranians don’t think in terms of a few years, they are playing chess and a long term strategic game to suit their agenda, and these minor plausible deniability drone attacks on a small base of militias will hardly change the military equation on the ground. Iranian footprint in Syria is now too big and entrenched to ever be able to be reversed. Russia is obviously quite comfortable with Iranian role.

Free man

“You simply don’t understand the Persian strategic vision.” – I think I do. The thing is, the mullahs regime has no future.


Zionist pressure on Iran is having the opposite effect and Iran is deploying more sophisticated weapons in Syria and Iraq and has recently offloaded the Bavar 373 SAM system at T-4 base.


Free man

Good for them. Maybe they’ll even grow balls and respond next time.

Hasbara Hunter

You think that your problems will be over once Satanyahu stepped down boy?

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Another successful IDF mission carried out by F-35 Adirs INSIDE Syrian airspace UNDETECTED by S-300/S-400! Remember, Israeli F-35 Adir are modified with specially designed Israeli Electronic Warfare/radar components! The American AN/ASQ-239 Barracuda originally for the F-35 was replaced with a more powerful/long ranged Electronic Warfare Pod designed by Rafael!

Israel F-35 Adir Electronic Warfare abilities Active Jamming Range: 250 kilometers Radar Threat detection range: 400 kilometers

That means an already stealthy F-35 showing up the size of a marble on radar can jam an enemy’s radar, making it even smaller (the size of an insect on radar)

More proof that IDF F-35 are completely unharmed and undetectable by Syrian S-300/Russian S-400!

Jacob Wohl's Nose

said like a true Quora fanboy

John Wallace

Way to go Larry VD. You have 2 votes so did you vote for yourself twice or did you pay someone . Oh no it is Action Man Rusty Lion . I mean Zion. Rusty Iron is better though don;t you think. Did he wipe his cock on your beard when you finished sucking.


In my absence there has been a change in hasbara team here. The new bots are this Larry and “Iron Zion”, they upvote each other and are most likely the same bot.

Pave Way IV

Israel doesn’t make F-35s. Do you mean the 50 US taxpayer-funded F-35s that our corrupt, treasonous dual-citizen congressmen will eventually give to ISRAEL for FREE? Didn’t we have to sweeten your giveaway by subbing out the outer wings for all F-35s to IAI as well? Your welcome for those f’king high-paid aerospace jobs. Why would our unemployed homeless vets care? They don’t have a lobby like AIPAC to bribe US politicians for ‘favors’ (like jobs).

That’s why the Veterans’ Administration here needs to shovel so many antidepressants and opioids to vets – it makes the pain of their miserable existence go away so they don’t kill themselves. That’s a terrible PR problem for them. Coincidentally, the VA uses antidepressants and opioids made by Teva in Israel! Nothing wrong with making a few shekels sedating otherwise useless goy. Heck, Teva offered $23 billion to settle the lawsuits for their major part in contributing to the 400,000 US opioid deaths over the last decade. Not $23 billion in CASH shekels – that would be crazy. They offered $23 billion worth of a generic Teva version of Suboxone to treat the opioid addicts they created. $23 billion ‘worth’ means retail value – it will really only cost Teva a billion or so to make their ‘donated’ medicine. That’s nothing compared to their VA profits.

I also understand Israel is facing a real financial crisis in the military, too. Maintenance for your hundreds of F-15/F-16s isn’t covered under US military aid handouts so Israelis are paying for it themselves… Outrageous!

Thank God the Israelis came up with an ingenious plan to milk US taxpayers for free Israeli bombs without losing Israeli jobs: 80% of Rafael’s SPICE1000 (the automated manufacturing part) is made in Florida, then shipped to Israel for technical assembly. That makes it eligible for our US Foreign Military Sales program, which means more US taxpayer-funded free handouts to Israel. Well, Israel has to pay for them, but it’s done through loans to Israel courtesy of the US taxpayers. Your f’king WELCOME. But the ‘loans’ are always forgiven at the end of the year by dual-citizen US congressmen in last-minute sessions. Again, your f’king welcome.

A war with Iran should further open up the floodgates of my tax dollars to your pockets pretty soon, so there’s that to be happy about. Gosh, what is Israel going to do with useless F-35s without spares once the food riots start here? Oh, right…. you’re reverse-engineering it and stealing the designs as I type this. The whole thing will be made in Israel soon. Does the US get any kind of discount when we’re forced to buy them from you? Ah.. stupid question. Where’s my f’king opioids, Suboxone and whiskey? My head hurts.

Jens Holm

The usual stuff with the usual phrases. F35s of course is useless too :) Even the weather in USA is worse.

Long Nose Larry, Ph.D

F-35 is more useless than your ‘kurdistan’


not to worry, last desperate attempt by the squatters since they are doomed and will perish under the wrath of their neighbours. no way to save the hymies and they will disappear in the history of mankind as the vermins that spoiled the earth and the mankind’s peaceful coexistence.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

1: Wheres the confirmation from reliable sources that it was the F-35, and not another plane like the F-16, wich have been used by the IAF for several decades now to perform deepstrike mission?

2: No one have said that they remained undetected, read up on “Operation Opera”, the attack on the Osirak reactor, and read up on how modern airforces performs deepstrike missions “undetected”.

3; Undetected does not exclusively mean no one saw them, it just means that no one knew their real identity and assignment and the mission wasn compromised.

4: Whenever a jamming sensor, and active sensor, is turned on, it emits massive amounts of RF energy, that energy can be picked up by a blind man.

5: Sensors dont see radars, sensors tells the airframe that it have been spotted by radio energy. So when you are saying that the F-35 can “detect” radars 400km away, it just tells you that that radar can paint the F-35 with radar energy that far out, ie. you are advertising the radars capability and range, not the F-35.

6: One of the F-35 missions is ground attack, to be able to destroy targets, you need munitions/weapons that can reach those targets. Correct me if im wrong, but the only tactical weapon capable of travelling 35km from the delivery platform is the JSOW, wich funny enough the F-35 takes away the alleged LO function of the F-35. It need to carry it inboard and faces the same problems as the F-117 did; it is visible to just about any radar when it launches the weapon, and the weapon itself is visible on radar. Launching the JSOW at maximum range also requires high altitude and high speeds, something the F-35 have problems with.

7: Proof is not someone saýing its possible, proof can not be backed up by words or theories, proof is backed by evidence, what you have provied is not evidence, its theory, denying common sense and logic.

8:No weapon have been unmatched for “hundred of years at least”. The mighty elefants, phalanx, warcarriages, gunpowder, cannons, dreadnaughts, planes, aircraft carriers, ICBM etc etc once seemed unbeatable, to a lazy blind eye that is.

Pave Way IV

Good points – I’ll add:

F-35 operating cost $35,000/hr vs. F-16’s under $10,000/hr. or F-15’s 18,000/hr. If you’re not worried about complex air defense (compare Damascus vs. Al Bukamal) then why burn through expensive F-35 hours to drop the exact same type/number of bombs? If you’re using jamming for the last few minutes of ingress, then air defenses won’t be able to identify the aircraft type or quantity, and the EW-tasked aircraft is probably not the one dropping the bombs.

Israeli preferred precision strike weapons are the SPICE 1000 / 2000 (iron bomb add-on kits) or SPICE 250, all current versions with 100+ km range. The US-equivalent JSOWs have about the same range despite published figures. All of them can do scene matching and use moving target detection for drop-and-dash operations, but Israel likes to use (or have the option to use) the imagery from the bomb’s data link, meaning a two-seater aircraft with dedicated weapons operator. That also means the aircraft can’t flee the second the bomb is dropped – it takes over five minutes for the glide bomb to reach the target. But no hurry when you’re loitering over At Tanf using USAF ID codes, I guess.

And while Russia might feed radar data to the Syrian air defense network, it does not and will not target, illuminate or attack anything on Syria’s behalf. Syria has to defend itself with what it has. Everyone (including Israel) knows that. If that ever changes, you’ll know right away because trains of 40N6E anti-aircraft missiles will be following every last aircraft involved in an attack until they are destroyed or can land and can hide in their hardened shelters. Hypersonic, so Israel won’t be outrunning them or shooting them down. The aircraft are still not safe in their hardened shelters, but it’s no longer an S-400 or air defense problem to solve. Russia has other ‘solutions’ for that part.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Very interesting info and good points there, thanks!

Jens Holm

Self detonation by proxy.


Realistically speaking, these pin prick US and Zionist airstrikes in so-called “Iranian targets” are totally ineffective as Iranian allies footprint in Syria is now too big and irreversible. Persians historically play the long strategic game and know that time, geography, demographics and history are on their size. The US would be better off working out a modus vivindi with Iran.


You’re wrong as usual. See my comment above.


Meanwhile, Islamist Iran is withdrawing from its southern bases in Syria and has cut its troop strength in Syria in half. They are down to only a couple of thousand troops. Seems they could no longer afford all the body bags as their economy collapses due to US sanctions and as Israel and the US are increasing blowing them up with absolute impunity. Oh, and they are losing it as well in Iraq since the local Shi’a have gotten fed up with their foreign interference.

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