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Iranian Forces Tested Ababil-3 Combat Drone In Syria’s Deir Ezzor: Monitoring Group

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Iranian Forces Tested Ababil-3 Combat Drone In Syria’s Deir Ezzor: Monitoring Group

An Ababil-3 “Atlas” combat drone armed with two Almas anti-tank guided missiles. Source: the Fars News Agency.

Iranian-backed forces had tested an Ababil-3 drone in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on July 17.

According to the London-based monitoring group, the drone was launched from the area of al-Mazra’a near the town of al-Mayadin in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside. During the test, the drone flew over Deir Ezzor’s desert, where it stuck a number of targets with live munitions.

The Ababil-3 was developed by Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company (HESA). The combat version of the drone, dubbed “Atlas,” has an operational range of 250 kilometers and an endurance of more than eight hours. This version can be armed with at least two Ghaem-1 guided glide bombs or Almas anti-tank guided missiles.

The drone has been spotted in Syria on several occasions during the war and is known to be in service with the Syrian Arab Army.

Many recent reports talked about how Iranian-backed Syria and Iraqi forces in Deir Ezzor are working to increase their drone activities. These forces are deployed in the governorate to counter ISIS cells as well as to secure the border line with Iraq. Drones could help them carry out these tasks.

Iranian-backed forces in Deir Ezzor have been the target of several attacks by both the US-led coalition and Israel. Earlier this week, their positions in the governorate’s southern countryside were reportedly struck.



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Cuckmander Hebrew

Good. I hope these UAVs will be used to kill shitskin hebrews in future.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Julia
Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Before that happens, the Islamists will kill each other in the hundreds of thousands.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work At Home

Already has happened. Huh?

Cuckmander Hebrew

Your bluster and bravado are as useless as your cuckmander yhwh elohim, you shitskin hebrew.

Your religitard kikeroach state of dung brown monkeys has been pussy-raped in cyberspace and your former prime minister and his needle dicked son both have been sent death threats to their homes, kek.

Where are the sand niggers of mossad and aman? Where are the dune coon yamam and sayeret MUTTkal/muttcuckold, shitskin hebrew?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Religions are the biggest deceptive scam created by mankind and still persist.

To me, it’s ridiculous entertainment to see religious worshipers fight and kill each other.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Spamming that in comment sections won’t make your filthy turd brown skin any whiter, you shitskin hebrew.


US CENTCOM commander was in Al Tanf to visit his terrorist auxiliaries today. Great opportunity to test this drone.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Terrorists auxiliares today ( nice lgtbs demon crazy ) enemies tomorrow !!! so everybody should be nuked …..!!!


Well, as it happened a source close to Hezbollah just published a few aerial pics taken by a drone from above al-Tanf occupied garrison right over Americans’ heads.

This side fights without resorting to assassinations and terror attacks (and using banned weapons, immoral tactics, targeting civilians, theft, looting, torture, etc., etc.). By releasing the pics they showed the Americans it’s not that hard to target them and it’s not just Americans with means to do so. But the other side being American, it’s debatable whether they got the message or it went over their heads, pun very much intended!

Last edited 2 years ago by Garga
Assad Defeated Zionists

That’s nothing. According to the Jerusalem Post: Khamenei adviser says Tehran ‘capable of building nuclear bomb’

Florian Geyer

I hope that Iran has in fact produced nuclear missiles that are primed and ready!


iran already has nukes. NK has conducted nuke tests six times thus far and iran participated in NK nuke tests.


How many drones can be bought for one oligarch yacht?

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