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Iranian Foreign Minister To Brief Turkish President On Meeting With Assad

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Iranian Foreign Minister To Brief Turkish President On Meeting With Assad

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif speaks during a forum in Istanbul, Turkey, Friday, Nov. 1, 2013. (AP Photo)

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said during a press conference with his Turkish counterpart on April 17 that he will brief Turkey’s President Reaccept Tayyip Erdogan on his “long” meeting with the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, which took place a day earlier.

“I will submit a report about this talk to Mr. Erdogan,” Zarif told reporters before heading to the Turkish presidential complex where he had a closed-door meeting with the Turkish President.

The Anadolu news agency reported that Zairf stressed during the press conference that Tehran understands Turkey’s concerns about the threats posed against the country. The Iranian foreign minister said that the deployment of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) along the Turkish border could address these concerns.

“For us, the Turkish people’s peace and security is very important. We enjoy very thorough cooperation on this issue,” Zarif added.

The Iranian Foreign minister went on to say that his country wants “good, advanced and futuristic” relations between its friends. The statement was seen as a hint to Damascus and Ankara, who are both friends to Tehran, despite their major differences.

Zarif vist to Syria and Turkey may hide an attempt to push the two countries into some sort of an understanding. However, the chances of this happening any time soon are almost non exciting due to the deep problems between Damascus and Ankara.

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Ahaha, nope. Assad literally has to go on his knees before Erdogan, for takfiring Muslim Brotherhood, that Nasser takfired Seyed Qutb(rh).

Thats an Islamic death sentence, and the only possible way out is paying blood money, and like I said, getting down on his knees before Erdogan.

Even the Iranian Ulema know such rules.

Ikhwan, Muslim Brotherhood, HayatTahrirAl Sham HurrasAlDin AlQaeda, are all legit uprisings. Any uprising contesting nato is legit by definition.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Turkey is NATO. So that means an Assad uprising against Turkey is legit by definition. Turkey is NATO’s 2nd biggest country. Turkey is NATO’s second biggest military. Turkey has more NATO troops stationed on it then any other nation on earth. That makes the Kurdish uprising against Turkey legit by definition. As Kurd’s are not members to NATO like Turkey is.


Not from a global Sunni point of view. And not from an Islamic point of view. And not from a Shia point of view.


You are a religious nut job, we get it. But with this you are alone here. And pretty alone in your country.

Must be a pretty loney person.. Maybe believing in global Jihad makes you hide this lonelyness? Hint: It wont help. Only therapy.


>Alone here

But Im all across the Middle East with my Bros. So the only loners are americunts and eurocucks, is my point.

Parisa Zoorgoo

are you refereeing to blackwater and their mossad commanders?


No, Im referring to my thousands of Iranian Brothers mostly in Mashhad, as well as my Hazara Bros, Tajiki Bros, Uzbeki Bros, African, Bangladeshi, and South East Asian Bros,


And my Bros in Gaza.


Then why are you in japan dreaming of Jihad? Go get the real thing! You “brothers” will very brotherly help you into the suicide west so you can blow yourself up while they play playstation, smoke weed and get their dicks sucked by their child claves..

Or report yourself to the authoritys, and get the treatment you deserve.


Ive met with japanese police and told them I support Taliban AlQaeda and HayatTahrirSham, but they only cared about criminalizing isis ahaha.

Police in japan only arrest cocaine celebrities and corporate cronies.

Im even betting japan will join Axis soon.

Parisa Zoorgoo

if by sunni you mean indonesia and malasia, and by islamic you mean muslims in general and by chia you mean the middle east minus the wahabi sect. otherwise these pounts if view are only msm talking points designed to disinform the public….trying to paint the wahabi barbarians as some sort of majority or legitimacy!


I dont include arab states because they are apostate and ally with nato.

By Sunni I mean first AlQaeda Taliban and HTS Ulema, then Muslim Brotherhood and Ikhwani, then Turkey and TFSA, then Pakistani and India Muslims, then yes Malaysia and Indonesia.

All of these groups make up the main body of Sunni Muslims and none of them can accept what Assad and SAA has done to their people.

But I also support Hezbollah Basij and the rest of Axis like Russia and China and Philippines etc, because they are also resisting the west.


I just mean that there is one common basic law in all Religions, that we should never ally with the enemy (nato/zios) because its apostacy, so all arab states are apostate because they ally with nato against Shias and Rebel Sunnis, so it doesnt really matter whether its Shia Sunni or even Christian, they are all the same basic rules.

If a Believer kills a Believer, in a civil war, then the only way to fix it is to do what Prophet Muhammad(saw) did, to send Imam Ali(as) to apologize and symphasize with the victims and their Families, and offer bloodmoney.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia is deeply attuned to Zionist interests in Syria and as such, some in Damascus have grown upset in the face of Russia’s strong partnership with Syria’s eternal rival that continues to occupy Syrian territory that it first captured in 1967 and illegally annexed it with Russian blessings.

Because Russia’s pro-Israel position in Syria has come at the expense of Iran and Hezbollah, both of which Russia is committed to withdrawing from Syria, Iran and Turkey have been automatically drawn together. This is due to the fact that Iran and Turkey’s specific (key word) interests in Syria do not overlap, not least because Iranian advisers(and their Lebanese Hezbollah partners) and Turkish forces operate in different parts of the country.

As such, while Turkey and Iran are becoming closer to one another over the issue of a united front against faltering US sanctions and as Iran begins to take a more realistic approach tothe PKK, Turkey and Iran appear to be on the verge of closer cooperation that will likely witness both sides taking pragmatic steps to de-escalate the situation in Syria at a time when both the US and Russia are carving up Syria and have taken a Zionist flavored view of the conflict whilst Iran and Turkey continue to take a narrower and more regionally based view of the conflict aimed at keeping Syria as a unified state.


NATO is a press ganged military, the slaves would stab the US in the back if they thought they could get away with it. But the US holds their economies and leaders hostage, so non dare escape.


If anyone understands Turkey and Erdogan, they would know that Erodogan didnt make alliance with nato, Turkey was already part of nato, but everyone voted for Erdogan because they knew that he would bring Turkey out of the nato alliance (Turkey is more Islamic now and all Sunnis support Turkey).


This sound bullshit Iran-Turkey(NATO) talking with Syria ? NATO plan of controlling Russia-Iran is working very well.


A dialoge between then is bitterly needed, but IMHO until Erdogan lets go of Idlib and the Jihadis killing Syrians, how could Assad do this without loosing every last bit of credibility. And his cred is already damaged with all the compromises he had to swallow.


War makes for strange bedfellows and Turkey and Syria did have a good relationship, until the US drew Turkey into its criminal conspiracy. Turkey isn’t the first country to be led astray by the USA.


Lets hope so. Without a dialoge between Erdogan and Assad, this crisis can not be solved.

But i remain sceptical. I think you miss the obvious anti turkish sentiment in nearly all parts and ethnic groups of the Syrian society. Exept the turkmen of course. And judging by history, and the declared plans of Erdogan, those fears are founded in reality.

But AFAIK this has not been much different before the war, resulting from the old ottoman imperial behaviour. The fear of Turkey acting like in their past empire has always been there, and now, it even more justified than before. The ethnic cleansing of Afrin and the north Syrian areas controlled by Turkey only confirm those wide spread fears of the Syrians, no matter if Kurdish, Shiite, alawi druze or sunni.

Plus Erdogan has multiple times declared he wants to settle millions of Syrian refugees who are loyal to him in the areas he annexed, as a proxy force Turkey could rely on indefinitly, it paints a dark picture for the so often heradled “not discussable territorial integrity of Syria”, And most Syrians are well aware of this threat.

It depends on how far Putin can and will influence Erdogan to push him to let go of his neo ottoman plans, to let go of Idlib and Afrin and also make a deal to together pressure the Kurds into a deal with Damascus, and let the SAA protect the Turkish border from Kurdish infiltration. I hope that Putin can achieve this. And until some months ago, i thout it could work out well. But after all the developments in this year, i think Syria will be balkanised, and all major geopolitcal players will be more or less happy with that. Syria and Iran excluded. Everyone else, benefits directly, or inderectly. So the only serious initiative to end the balkanisation will come from Syria and Iran. But i fear that this too will take many many years.

Zionism = EVIL

There is a strong possibility of Turkish-Syrian reconciliation as Assad is tiring of Russian arselicking the Zionist scum. It is totally unprecedented even for Ruske arseholes what the Jew Putin is doing for the Zionists from looking for dead Jews to colluding with Zionist strikes against Syria.


Agree with everything except marxist terrorists. To me they are fascist like their American employers.

Zionism = EVIL

Most people don’t realize that Turkey and Iran are moving towards stronger and more pragmatic relations in all fields and both have acute distrust of Russia. There is also growing security and military cooperation as both have no time for Kurdish terrorists aided by Americunts and Zionists. Iran and Turkey have moved closer together on the matter of the YPG/PKK and offshoot terrorists groups. Turkey is now the main conduit for Americunt’s failed sanctions busting.


Actually distrusting Russia is not so healthy for the Axis, because Russia is against both nato and zionism.

Russia is not Islamic, but its Orthodox Christian and Orthodox Judaic, thats why it sometimes has ties with zionists, because there are many Russians living in Jerusalem.

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