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Iranian Media Claims Iranian Drone Made Close Surveillance Flight Over US Aircraft Carrier. ‘Evidence’ – Animated Video

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Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have managed a surveillance flight over a US aircraft carrier, the Iranian semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on April 27.

“A high definition footage obtained by IRGC naval forces shows the US warshipss being closely monitored in the Persian Gulf waters, south of Iran,” the report says. “IRGC naval forces released a high quality video showing a close observation of a US aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.”

Tasnim did not said when the “footage” was made. Currently, the CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group is not delpoyed anywhere near the Middle East. CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower is passing sea trials [the Atlantic Ocean] and checks after receiving upgrades.

The problem of this video is that most of its close ups of the carrier are a high quality, but obvious animation.

Iranian Media Claims Iranian Drone Made Close Surveillance Flight Over US Aircraft Carrier. 'Evidence' - Animated Video

Click to see the full-size image

Iranian Media Claims Iranian Drone Made Close Surveillance Flight Over US Aircraft Carrier. 'Evidence' - Animated Video

Click to see the full-size image

Iranian Media Claims Iranian Drone Made Close Surveillance Flight Over US Aircraft Carrier. 'Evidence' - Animated Video

Click to see the full-size image

Another point confirming that this is just an animation is that aircraft on the deck have no US military signs and numbers.

The only shot of the aircraft carrier that seems to have chances to be real is the following. However, even if this very shot is real, the entire video in fact discredits Iran and its military capabilities.

Iranian Media Claims Iranian Drone Made Close Surveillance Flight Over US Aircraft Carrier. 'Evidence' - Animated Video

Click to see the full-size image

It’s interesting to note that most of mainstream media outlets that have published reports based on the Tasnim-released video did not find that most of it is animation.

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SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

False propaganda is a big mistake. I thought the Iranians were smarter than this. The most effective propaganda is to simply tell the truth.


Very well said…

You can call me Al

US propaganda, have a look – https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iran-revolutionary-guard-monitors-uss-dwight-d-eisenhower-with-drone-report-today-2019-04-27/


Propaganda is misleading by definition …. if it’s the truth then it’s not propaganda.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Wrong. The definition of propaganda is, “…any organization or plan for spreading a particular doctrine or a system of principles.” The truth or falsity of any propaganda depends upon the truth or falsity of the “particular doctrine” or “principles.”


I notice you start your quote with ….

What you left out is the that for it to be propaganda the information has to be “biased or misleading”. In other words in order for information or persuasion to become propaganda there must be an element of deceit or omission otherwise propaganda is simply a synonym for information.

Now that being said you can be deceitful while telling the truth by leaving out important information relevant to the subject. These are called lies of omission and are frequently used by propagandists.

The ‘biased or misleading’ or otherwise dishonest statement is a vital component of propaganda and if it was not there there would no need for the word propaganda as “information’ or even ‘spin’ or ‘hype”‘ would suffice.


Propaganda is information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information.

In other words every western corporate news outlet.


I agree with your definition however doesn’t “presenting facts selectively” really mean a lie of omission?

Media corporations have always had editorial biases and have often presented those biases as ‘spin’ or ‘hype’. The question is when does spin become propaganda. US media has often crossed the line into to some degree throughout history. They did it during the revolution, during the civil war, Spanish American war, WW1, WW2 ….. Vietnam was a shocker because the US media split into camps and propagandized for both sides but they got it all straightened out in time for the gulf war and haven’t looked back.

Nothing shocking about this … every warring nation uses propaganda.

My favourite quote about propaganda is from Dr. Joseph Gobbles “Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it,”


The USA has the largest prison population on earth, so that means that more Americans are criminals than anywhere else on earth. That’s the truth, but also propaganda.


Sorry but that isn’t the truth …. it’s a logical fallacy. You’re just using a true statement to support a lie but the final statement is still a lie.

There is a fine line between influence and propaganda ….. that fine line is the truth.

If I’m trying to sell you a car and I point out all the superior features it has over the competitors then it’s influence. If in the final statement I use the superior features of my car to support the lie that you’re putting yourself in danger if you step into the competitors car when in fact it’s just as safe as your car then it’s propaganda.


No per head of population more Americans have criminal records than any other country, so most criminals do live in America. But the truth is that the USA is a police state and uses the law to control Americans and as a form of taxation and slave labour. Americans are no better or worse than anybody else. My point was you can twist that truth about criminal records to make Americans look bad, when really it’s the Government that is bad.


I believe when historians look at the US empire in the future the story will not be about their statecraft, military exploits or intelligence apparatus. The focus of US power will be the study of Madison Avenue and it’s influence.

The last five years of my career before my semi-retirement was spent in the employ of a construction trade union. I’m Canadian but our union was also in the USA and I spent about 1/4 of my time working in the USA with Americans.

In my experience the Americans I worked with were generally friendly, humorous and great to share a drink with however they were also materialistic, eerily brand conscious, paranoid about the world outside the USA and generally had this fortress America attitude. They seem to value the trappings of wealth … big shiny truck, fancy office with all the perks of the executive class gold plated pension for themselves ….. and not so much the wages and living conditions of labour in the USA, including the very workers they represent. It was almost like they were being paid NOT to pay attention to political issues that affect the working class. If these guys were alive in the 1930’s they would have been conservatives but in modern America they were the hard lefties.

This is what the USA is best at … the art and science of persuasion. Is it any wonder that they are now led by an evil clown / con man. The levels of indoctrination Madison Avenue has achieved is stunning and the vast majority of Americans don’t have a clue how brainwashed they really are.


It’s not false propaganda, southfront is just unusually full of shit. The clip is not an animation.

Prince Teutonic

It’s very hard to spot small flying drones on medium altitudes. Russians painfully experienced this in their Hmeimim airbase in Latakia. But they are now doing good job to early detect and shoot down these threats. US is obviously not prepeared (yet)…


Nowhere in Tasnim’s report (either English or Persian) the time and date of the footage is mentioned. It can’t be after 2016 (if it’s a footage from USS Eisenhower in the Persian Gulf).

It’s not the first film taken from a US carrier in the Persian Gulf (similar footage was taken from USS Harry Truman before).

I watched the video a few times, I didn’t find any obvious sign that confirms it’s indeed an animation. Another point in the article is that airplanes have no marking. Well, some of them really have no markings other than the number on the ailerons:


I also checked the American and Israeli sources, there’s no talk about it being fake, retouched or animation so far. One would think that Americans and Israelis won’t let such a golden opportunity to discredit Iran to be wasted with such fake video, but I’m biased, perhaps SF knows better.

Balázs Jávorszky

Hehe, I’ve just written almost the same. You’re much more detailed, congrats.


Dear Garga, the time does not matter. It’s still a mostly animated video. Nonetheless, we updated thearticle noting that Tasnim did not said when the “footage” was made. Sincerely yours, SF Team

Balázs Jávorszky

1. If the time does not matter, you should’ve cut the part dealing with the whereabouts of CVN-69 out, because it’s not only irrelevant but misleading.

“Furthermore, the CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group is not delpoyed anywhere near the Middle East. CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower is passing sea trials [the Atlantic Ocean] and checks after receiving upgrades.” 2. I cannot see any update to the article (yet?) 3. THIS IS NOT AN ANIMATED VIDEO HOWEVER YOU TRY TO FORCE THIS ON US. Perhaps (but not sure) the closeups had been enhanced. Very likely the original was not HD.

Balázs Jávorszky

Please check how a hornet looks from the angle in the footage.

Balázs Jávorszky

Good God, you cannot be serious, the footage actually highlights the markings and the actual still you chose to display shows exactly this. F-18s with tail numbers 206, 02 and 302. The numbers cannot be read, this is evidently either blurred or originally it wasn’t HD, but the markings are clearly visible.


It may be just a visual problem SF. Notice all the tail markings are in the shade because of the angle. Also not much sunlight, looks like a hazy late morning.


You are so full of shit it’s actually painful. The video clip that is obviously NOT an animation clearly highlights the numbers on the planes and we simply don’t know when this clip was taken and how the US Navy had decided to mark their planes at that time. You provide zero credible evidence and make bold baseless claims out of nothing. You discredit your own website with articles like this.


Dear SF team, Of course the timing matters when the author makes a point that the ship is not currently in the Persian Gulf or “anywhere near middle east”.

Then is the issue of footage being “obviously” an “animation”, not once in the article, but repeatedly in the comment section too. Would you be kind enough to point us directly to the section which is obviously rendered by a CG software? (I gather the author is an expert on computer graphic imaging and means to say it’s computer generated, It cannot be a stop-motion artwork, can it?

And the issue of aircrafts markings. If you so much as clicked on the link which I posted in my previous comment, you’d see that there are multiple pics of the aircrafts assigned to the very same CVN-69 USS Dwight Eisenhower (some of them show the planes on the flight deck) which clearly shows they are the same markings as the ones in the footage.

Regards, Garga


Do you have any theories why SouthFront has posted this bullshit? It’s so unusual for them to just post some random garbage and then make such bold baseless claims based on it, then continue to defend their nonsense in the comments.

In case the poster of this article is reading this, show me one other animation ever created about anything by anyone that looks as real as the clip above. The clip doesn’t even come close to being “obvious animation”.

Balázs Jávorszky

Southfront is sometimes extremely disappointing. The Iranians have not claimed that this is a recent footage. And this is not animation. Perhaps the closeups are enhanced. Furthermore, plane markings from this angle are virtually invisible.

You can call me Al

US propaganda – https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iran-revolutionary-guard-monitors-uss-dwight-d-eisenhower-with-drone-report-today-2019-04-27/


Yeah, talking about SF bias.. And then ask who runs this “independent” site. Despite a few halfway neutral analysis, and SITREPs (which are obviously sourced from military/intelligence sources), SF always tows the official russian line and narrative. And Iran is officially on Putins shitlist after he started last year to help Israel to force Assad to push Iranians out of Syria (Even though some others here still dream otherwise). Connect the dots for yourself folks (Or maybe google for some short minutes).

Balázs Jávorszky

I don’t know about the shitlist but I’ve downvoted the article and the vote has disappeared. And this is “editor’s choice”. So I presume this article _had_ _to_ _be_ published.


Yeah, it pretty obvious.. And as comparison, i also read RT and Sputnik, and have no problem with them because they are upfront that they are Russian gov controlled, and i want to know the Russian side to get the full picture. What i dont like is this astrotrufing, trying to hide their bias, and background. Even though a quick google search can give some good hints what is behind SF and other affiliated sites.

Balázs Jávorszky

This is not the only shitty SF article. Occasionally they publish a few, especially some articles in the analysis section. The overall picture is still quite okay, but you’re right, we have to be careful. I always read al-masdar news in parallel. Interesting to see the (usually small and subtle) differences.


Sadly Almasdar is 95% just reposting stuff from often dubious sources, sitting in Lebanon. Often sadly crap to fake level.

The problem is, there is NO real “neutral” source regarding the mess in Syria. The US has weaponized information like never before, and the Russians now for some years followed suit.

Between those sides, that both only ever see their own view, is sadly not much left. Only thing i can recommend is reading blog from observers you can at least somehow trust, despite their smaller or lesser biases. That means for me: Moon Of Alabama, Robert Fisk, Elijah J Magnier and Sic Semper Tyrannis. Also read both sides, both the MSM, the Russian affilites like SF, the Assad and Baath Party affiliates like Al-Masdar and Opposition affiliates like LiveUAMap and Reddit.

I know it feels good to stay in a filter bubble, and i have been there too long, and it is hard to alwasy look at all sides. But the fact that you question the narrative AND the counternarrative is IMHO a good sign, and an advantage you have above those fanboys or either side.

I hope in the future there will be a medium in alternative media that truely dares to not be biased, even if it is much harder than to feel the warmth of choosing a side. But it is the only way for the alternative media to provide a true tool for a more peaceful world and human development, and to counter the threat of the new cold war..


I forgot: There is 1 Journalist who truely dares to stand against both sides, has the intellect, the experience, the balls and the reputation: John Helmer. Go check out his blog.. He is the longest serving correspondent in Russia, and in his fight for the truth he is notorious in NATO and also Putinist Oligarchic circles. The old design of the blog may lead you do judge him wrong, but there truly is no journalist like him. He is deeply connected to all powercenters in Russia, and often breaks storys neither western MSM, nor Russian media dares to touch.

Carne João Pasta

Helmer is biased himself. Not a good source, imo.


About the shitlist: A pretty enlighting arcticle from Globalresearch, a site where SF often posts article from (as long as they dont contradict SF narrative and bias):


Balázs Jávorszky

Actually this is strange. I don’t think the situation is that bad, but still Russia is selling S-400 to Turkey and perhaps even to Saudi Arabia, two very unstable and potentially hostile and currently not very friendly states, but refuses to sell these to Syria and Iran, two states that are more or less allies (Syria is perhaps a formal ally). The Russians gave some legitimacy to the Syrian “opposition” (a bunch of nobodies who are known to no one), and this “constitutional” BS is deeply disturbing.

Olie H

“SF always tows the official russian line and narrative.” Not true, they published a lot of anti government articles recently (anti- *russian -government)


Notice all the tail markings are in the shade because of the angle.


Dear Balázs Jávorszky, the time does not matter. It’s still a mostly animated video. Nonetheless, we updated thearticle noting that Tasnim did not said when the “footage” was made. Sincerely yours, SF Team

Balázs Jávorszky

1. If the time does not matter, you should’ve cut the part dealing with the whereabouts of CVN-69 out, because it’s not only irrelevant but misleading. “Furthermore, the CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group is not delpoyed anywhere near the Middle East. CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower is passing sea trials [the Atlantic Ocean] and checks after receiving upgrades.” 2. I cannot see any update to the article (yet?) 3. THIS IS NOT AN ANIMATED VIDEO HOWEVER YOU TRY TO FORCE THIS ON US. Perhaps (but not sure) the closeups had been enhanced. Very likely the original was not HD.x


It’s so unusual for SouthFront to post such garbage then insist on defending its baseless claims in the comments. It’s almost like some Zionist mole has infiltrated SouthFront and is now discrediting their journalistic reputation intentionally.

Balázs Jávorszky

This is not _entirely_ unusual. Rarely SF publishes rubbish. (For example there’s an analyst who peddle (among others) the BS that Hezbollah deliberately puts rocket launchers near structures in a way that the inevitable couterstrike maximizes civilian casualties. Even HRW (who is anything but friendly) had to conclude the opposite. The high number of civilian casualties were result of deliberate Israeli policy.)

Toronto Tonto

Animated video is also what Russia uses to showcase the so called junk new weapons to keep the minions in Muscovy happy , big load of BULLSHIZZZZ

Balázs Jávorszky

But the problem is that this is not an animated video. SF is clearly mistaken.

You can call me Al

This bollocks is from the US media – https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iran-revolutionary-guard-monitors-uss-dwight-d-eisenhower-with-drone-report-today-2019-04-27/


Hasbara Hunter

Iran responded by labeling all U.S. forces as terrorists….



If any other nation was unilaterally ordering the world to cease trading with Iran, we would hear a continual cry of outrage from the Corporate Media and the British Bullshit Corporation. But when the Zionist controlled USA does this , all of the US vassals nod their heads and the Zionist media claps.

Iran has suffered many decades of this spiteful treatment from the USA, and its about time that the US was bought to heel. Europe needs to grow some balls. However in the current LGBT cess pit, I doubt that this will happen. Infact that many men in Europe seem to prefer their balls to be cut off.

Women are now being applauded for growing beards as well.

” Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad “

Toronto Tonto

I think you should move to Iran and help the poor souls out EH , good idea ???


Canadian. Says it all! Brainwashed like a typical American

Concrete Mike

No matter where you go there will always be some fool that drinks the kool aid.

But dont paint us all with the same brush, some of us can still think.


Fair enough, we still have brainwashed idiots here in Australia too…

Balázs Jávorszky

“Tonto” means stupid in Spanish. Good choice for a name. We have the Flying Dutchman, and now we obtained somehow the Dumb Canadian as a bonus.

You can call me Al

On a serious not, I wonder if this is the reason for the suicide in The Yemen; have a look at the map.

OK listen – drinks next week and you cannot back out neither can I. Deal ?.

Hasbara Hunter

Let’s keep in touch for next week I’m leaving this week for work abroad & don’t know yet how long it’ll take…

You can call me Al

OK, any chance you can give me a hint, where to ?

Hasbara Hunter


You can call me Al

Oh !!!. Ok, have a good trip and please bring me back a pig’s knuckle.

Balázs Jávorszky

Dear Southfront, could you please retract this article, it is very badly written.

Hasbara Hunter

Iran responded by labeling all U.S. forces as terrorists….



All that we can hope for is that Pompeo is suffocated under a heap of ash from the fire and brimstone that the richly US deserves for all the suffering she has inflicted on the world during the 21st Century.


WTF is wrong with you Southfront? Ignoring the atrocious grammar mistakes in your article how is this even close to looking like an animation? If this is an animation then Iran must be the world’s premier in animation technology and capable of creating animations that are indistinguishable from real movie clips.

The Tasnim article does not mention the date that this clip was taken from and as others have pointed out you do infact see numbers on the plane as they are clearly highlighted in the clip itself.

Show me one other animation ever created by anyone anywhere that looks as real as the clip above? The technology for it doesn’t even exist.


Here’s an even higher quality version of the same video that is obviously NOT an animation unlike the bullshit lies South Front is trying to sell for some mysterious reason:




Balázs Jávorszky

Don’t get excited. SF is clearly mistaken here.

Balázs Jávorszky

Just please check the video itself. This is not animation, moreover the plane markings are visible and actually highlighted by the publishers. The footage is not recent.


It’s an obvious fake


You are an obvious fake. Posting BS on this site all the time. :0

Balázs Jávorszky

Now this is a problem. Because it’s obviously not fake. Evidently, the problem is with you.


Just like your economy

Hasbara Hunter

You are a FAKE-AMERICAN PATRIOT….You are a Jewish Hasbara…send my regards to Hell Aviv

Balázs Jávorszky

Dear SF, even RT thinks this is NOT animation. The RT article even emphasizes the visibility of some markings. I think it’s high time to retract this article.



To me, it is obvious that radars in the carrier detected this dron, and USA allows this dron to make these pictures. Why ? because nothing will happen. Iran can see whatever it wants but will not be able to do anything at all.

Balázs Jávorszky

Dear SF, even the US Navy finds the above video authentic (ie. not animated). They claim it’s at least 3 years old. The link is to Sputnik, I couldn’t locate the original AFP article. Anyway, IT IS HIGH TIME TO PUBLICLY RETRACT THIS ARTICLE. This is an issue of CREDIBILITY. And unfortunately commenters pointed out that they feel there are problems with credibility recently.


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