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MARCH 2025

Iranian Missiles Reportedly Hit Israeli-Owned Cargo Ship in Arabian Sea (Photos)

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Iranian Missiles Reportedly Hit Israeli-Owned Cargo Ship in Arabian Sea (Photos)

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On March 25, Iranian missiles hit an Israeli-owned cargo ship as she was sailing in the Arabian Sea, according to the Israeli media.

The ship, identified by some observers as “LORI,” was sailing from Tanzania to India, when she came under attack. The missile strike caused material losses. However, no casualties were reported.

The incident was reported to Israel’s security establishment as well as to the owners of the cargo ship, the Haifa-based XT Management which is chaired by Israeli Udi Angel.

This was not the first alleged attack on an Israeli ship near Iran’s waters. On February 26, the Israeli-owned MV HELIOS RAY experienced a number of explosions while sailing in the Sea of Oman. Israel claimed that the vessel was attacked by Iranian forces. However, Tehran denied these claims.

Later on March 11, an explosion rocked an Iranian-owned ship named SHAHR E KORD off the shores of Syria. Tehran said that the incident was a “terrorist attack”.

The new attack in the Arabian Sea will likely lead to more tensions between Israel and Iran, who appear to be engaged in a covert naval war. A recent report by the Wall Street Journal revealed that Israel targeted over a dozen Iranian ships bound for Syria in the last two years. Most of the targeted vessels were carrying oil.


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Well if Israel has attacked over a dozen of Irans ships off Syria as per the WSJ report then this is only payback


you forget that the jews have killed dozens of Iranian scientists over the years and sabotaged legitimate industrial operations undertaken by Iran, arranged the killing of Soleimani and so on. so all in all an harmless attack on a ship alleged to be israeli owned is hardly worth mentioning. had the vessel sunk with the loss of 100s sure write about it. but being jewish owned you can bet the family-silver that the crew is underpaid and underfed and contracted for lengthy periods of non-interrupted work, say a year or more. and the contraband onboard, heroin from afghanistan, a range of interest seriously attracting jews.

Kenny Jones ™

I don’t care if this is a false flag or not, Iran has every right to attack israel anywhere it can, whether it’s the persian gulf, gulf of oman, or even the indian ocean, Irgc always finds a way

Blue In Green

This is most definitely not a “false-flag” (god that word is thrown around way too much nowadays).

Iran has genuine state-driven incentive to enact such tit-for-tat measures against its principle enemy (Israel). As it turns out, the Persian Gulf-Indian Ocean area is a geographical location wherein the IRGC can act out there operations with relative impunity if they want to (and have been doing).

If Israel wants to increase the pressure, Iran can reciprocate by targeting Zionist commerce around the region.

As they say….what goes around, comes back around.

Kenny Jones ™

True, I honestly wish it’s real, Iran is getting a spine


I think Iran always had a spine,they are just intelligent about how and when to use power.


Indeed Kenny, it seems to have opted for gradual, careful escalation in theaters where they can actually fight back on their own terms. Let’s see what happens after an inevitable Israeli response.


Precisely my views. The Persian Gulf / Indian Gulf waters are an ideal theater of natural dominance for Iran, would it be because of its extensive A2/AD capability through the countless anti-ship assets they have deployed (ranging from short-range C-704-derived missiles to Khalij-Fars class ballistic weapons) not to mention helicopter and fighter-borne late generation extended-range C-802s (of which the INH Hanit already got a taste as far back as 2006 to the hands of Hezbollah, an export version many generations simpler than the current production model ever since produced probably in the thousands, give or take :p).

And the PG area is the one of those places where Iran’s military is pretty much king and can potentially rule uncontested in comparison to *any* regional foe including Israel, bar the USN (to which it can still inflict massive damage in the event of an all-out war).

To directly retaliate in some theoretical major escalation, the Israeli military would be hard-pressed to do anything of importance since it would inherently need them to venture far away from the safety of their airspace and EEZs , where vritually every single vector they have, subs, aircraft, surface ship would again fall very easy prety to a myriad of combined attacks from either the IRIN or the IRGC’s naval branch.

Gosh, good luck to anyone crazy enough to tangle with Iran in its own turf.

Blue In Green

Well said! and nice to see you again my friend :) (doing quite well as of late, hope you’re also in good health and spirits!)

The nature of these attacks are still a little bit vague as to what exactly is being used to inflict damage onto the ships. We can logically infer that some newer-made Iranian SDBs or suicide drones were/could have been employed to attack both the LORI (?) and MV HELIOS RAY, indicating a substantial increase in operational capacity: options available to IRGC forces should now be pretty diverse (commando teams, advanced undersea mines, long-range loitering drones, SDBs, AshCM, AshBMs, submarine launched cruise missiles, etc.,)

Given the minor damage caused in both this strike and the last, the attack most likely was carried out either by a skilled commando team (limpet mine) or small-form factor weapon that can punch through a ships haul fairly easily.

Israel has to carefully weigh its options going forward as now it seems Iran isn’t afraid to strike back. The question now becomes how far will either side go and just how drastic will the operations themselves get?


Thank you mate, I’ve been good lately as well, Norouz Pirouz a bit late btw ;)

good call on mentioning the SDBs/drones, they often go over my head (pun unintended :p) when it comes to Iran’s options in war, covert or otherwise. Go figure why I can’t but systematically associate Iran’s military prowess first and foremost with its many missile types.

I guess I have to update my vision along the lines of DIO’s ever-growing scope of smart and fast-flying toys lol xD

Jens Holm

Thats how You are raised which includes people. You are proud of many, because You see them as spendables.

The rest of us even becomes rich for the reason, that we dont spend ships and other things as ou are raised into.


the jews should be advised to keep their vessels away from the gulf of oman and such like adjacent places. however, it is more than likely that it’s the jews that has self-administered the attack so to be able to claim that it’s Iran, which no one believes anyway. on the contrary, when things like this happen the world is fully aware that it is the jews behind the flagrant crime. thus the jews in palestine must be a) put on the red list of threatened species and then b) be brought right over to the list of extinct species – like the dodo-bird. what a larf,

Jens Holm

They have every reasons to insist. iran is no owner of the Saudia Arabian see.

Gulf is supporting Trump or something.

John Wallace

Jens Holm ” When You say Im a kind of displaced here, its correct. I kind of represent the world,” If you represent the world Jens then the world is truly fuked , like your brain. Tell me that I need to listen and learn.. Learn what dipstick.. From you.. You are really joking aren’t you..


Iran needs to support the process of speeding up of the liberation of Iraq and Syria from the US-led terrorist Ziocorporate globalists and their Turk/Ziowahhabi jihadi proxies before CENTCOM and the France/UK terrorists in the Gulf get full NATO support deployed.

Putin is focusing mostly on “business and partnership” with the Zioterrorists, things like Nordstream2 and Turkstream, to create more Russian dependence from the Zioterrorist West, get priority, while the resolution of the Syria war, whether by all-out war, partition, or whatever, gets postponed indefinitely and that favors the Zioterrorists more than anyone else.

Jens Holm


John Wallace

Jens Holm John Wallace • 19 hours ago I use a lot of links as well as maps.

Is this one of your maps and links you talk of Jens.. Very informative that clarifies exactly what you are saying.. CHILDISH JIBBERISH you moron..

Blue In Green

Increasing the pace of such operations should be a must if Iran seeks to create a detrimental environment for high-valued Israeli trade/commerce.

Expect more strikes to happen overtime: Iran has seemingly changed their engagement paradigm when it comes to confronting the Zionist-Coastal Enclave.


Do it, more of your friends will die in Syria.


says the loser.

Jens Holm

Maybee some took Your small memorycard, but IAF actually bomberded Iranians there for revenge and might do it again.

Some tennisplayers of Yours will prevent that:)


says the other loser.

Jens Holm

I just as he relates to facts, which says Israel attcked the Aby Kamal extra.

Those are ignored facts by You whatever we are loosers or not. No memorycard.

John Wallace

Wow Jens. The only one that agrees with you is Rusty Iron Dyin . That is a real pat on the back isn’t.. You think you are talking to robots or is it because you need to be plugged in you think everyone else is too.


Wait till we get the greenlight.

klove and light

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.,..

Tommy Jensen

Nobody can beat an American. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vPW1Sons58

Blue In Green

Cry some more, this is standard engagement escalation (ship-for-ship, tanker-for-tanker etc..)

You wanted to see more action yet you bitch lol. Go bother someone else.

Jens Holm

Your hopes are ship-for-ship, tanker-for-tanker etc..)

I see Israel against 80 mio misguided Iranians must be about one to eight – Ore else they are loosing.

klove and light

raped and murdered any kids lately satanic zionist???


On the contrary, you Iranians just getting the ground offensive even closer. By all means, keep going that way. We all wait for you.

Blue In Green

Good, expect more of your tankers, boats and ships (Carrying millions in priceless items) to be targeted in tit-for-tat operations.

If you thought that your were untouchable, you really need to get your head checked out.


You are mistaken, we can sink down every Iranian ship that is going out of the Arabian Gulf. Your luck is that Bibi is still the PM, not for long. Keep attacking our ships, response will come.

Blue In Green

Iran can literally destroy all Israeli commerce vessels in the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf if they wanted to (and have shown the willingness to do so already), so Idk what you’re trying to get at.


I don’t discuss what if situations, I’m just letting you know that that a response would come for that attack. What would it be? I don’t get to decide it. Maybe in Syria, maybe in the Gulf, maybe in the East Med, there are enough options. That was the second time you did it, now there will be consequences.

Blue In Green

This isn’t a “What if thing”, Iran and Israel have been engaged in a long-term “in-between” war for quite some time. Arguing semantics and the smaller details don’t matter to me.

As per your own nations admittance, Israel has supposedly targeted ~12 Iranian vessels going to Syria. So, Iran has been doing the same to Israeli owned vessels that it can reliably get too in and around the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean area.

It is my own opinion that Iran has been hitting Israeli commercial assets for quite some time with Israel doing much the same but it has only been made recent public knowledge that such operations have been going down. You can consider this a sort of escalation in propaganda and rhetoric between the two countries.

klove and light

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.,….

klove and light

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.,,


Thump chest as much as you desire my friend, but there’s no Arabian Gulf anywhere in the world. Use the proper name.

Other than that, I won’t butt in your thorn exchange with @Blue in Green.


Garga, how come it got escalated now? what was the trigger? no attacks on our side on you lately. What was it good for?


I might be able to answer you when I have all the needed information. One thing I’m sure, such attack (just like the rocket from Gaza) will benefit Netanyahu most of all. So first, we need more data.

Don’t get so jumpy and imotional. We are talking about a master deceiver who successfully played his own people for more than a decade and still has a few tricks up his sleeves.


October 10, 1973,

Nixon: There is a serious situation in the Middle East. It has developed into something tougher than the Israelis anticipated.

Kissinger: The Israelis were caught with their pants down — unmobilized.

Nixon: The Israeli tank losses have been extremely heavy. We won’t violate the confidence by giving you figures, but they are far heavier than anticipated.

Kissinger: If the Arabs start to win, all the Arabs will jump in. Israel has suffered the equivalent of 100,000 killed.

Nixon: We will not let Israel go down the tube.


Jens Holm

Israelians never thought they were untouchable. You say and hen even insinuate they are stupid because of that.

Thats how You make the deep dark state by Yourself

John Wallace

Jens Holm John Wallace • 19 hours ago :You create Your own dark state. We dont because we have much more infoirmation about things..

You and the sheep have more information Jens so climb aboard the truck taking you for a picnic at the Abattoir. Mint sauce provided free of charge..

The only dark state around here Jens is that big hole in your head where a brain normally exists.

klove and light

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies…


You don’t have the balls to attack Iran,just bark at the Moon.


Me? I think I have proven enough times I’m willing to do what it takes. But again, I don’t get to decide it so sharing how we see it from here.


Err, what are you trying to suggest? Ground offensive? Where? How would Israel possibly manage a ground offensive against Iran? Its two thousand km away…IAF aircraft can’t even logistically reach Iran.

klove and light

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.



R E T U R N I N G to where?


Sorry Gagra, I’ve been busy with Bibi that I almost forgot who is the other side of the same coin. Your mullahs should expect another Iranian vessel going in flames.


LR, if it was up to me then I would have ordered the IDF to attack. Same as I’m here, waiting to protect my country anytime they need me. That was my oath, and I keep it.

If Bibi the worm shows up some spine, I might show him a bit more respect. Right now he is the reason that the mullahs feel brave enough attacking our ships. We will end it.


Where did the white Jew come from? He was intimately known to the European public but not to the Arabs since he had never lived anywhere in the Arab region.

88% of Jews who lived in Europe lived in East-Central Europe and the reason was because that region was the closest to where the Khazarian empire used to be.

Where the Jew was living in 1939 in Europe.

Eastern Europe….. 6,760,000 ……….. 71% Central Europe ….. 1,644,200 ………… 17% N-W Europe ………… 766,600 …………. 8% Southern Europe…… 329,200 …………. 3%

Grand total ……….. 9,500,000 …………100%


Happy Passover … are you celebrating with family … is it safe to do so?


Yup tzatz I am, we can all celebrate together this year. Happy holiday :)

klove and light

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.,,..


Mah shlomekh? Put an @ in front of my name so I get a notification when you’re mentioning me.

This cycle continues and goes on no doubt. Just make sure don’t hit some tanker tanker near your own shores next time! Who knows? Maybe if you threat us really hard, we crawl in our holes and don’t retaliate harder?


Somehow I doubt it xD


Aww… you know us so well! I’m sure we’re somehow related!

What did you do with learning Persian? Could you get the PDF+MP3 pack? I’ve been meaning to ask you if you get a notification by @The_Angry_Jew or by @<> ?

And I’d also like to know your insight on my comment under this article: https://southfront.org/new-elections-predict-another-political-impasse-for-israel/




Ma shlom ha … the multi-linguist



Why are you Europeans in the Arab region? Returning? But DNA has confirmed that Ashkenazi = 0% Middle Eastern.

Arch Bungle

Yep, those are gringos, through and through.


Where are Israels submarines at the moment? Is there any of these in the sea of Oman coincidently? Are they still there? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israel-deploys-submarine-to-persian-gulf-in-message-of-deterrence-to-iran/ar-BB1caBsP

klove and light

bs….false flag………

PROOVE??? easy to proove….if it truly was an iranian made missile or rocket, the whole world would see some kind of pictures of the “left overs” of the rocket or missile…and there are ALWAYS left overs……….

british zionists are trying very very hard to get us much support as possible for the war against the resistance which will start in May/june…………. the latest statements of the IAEO says it all…..as well as the latest statements of the other signatures to the nuclear agreement, germany and france….pure warmongering and utterly absurd…TELLING iran to abide by the agreement while theyx themselves broke it on day 1……….

and the sad thing is, that those populations in france or germany or usa or UK cant even see the evil criminal game that their own governments are playing in relation to iran, while at the same time, the satanic criminal entity named israel can rape,torture,steal and murder at will.

fucxxxxx up world !


So … May / June avoid vacationing in Lebanon or Tehran or Syria?

I’m impressed with the ‘bold’ timing

johnny rotten

The WSJ is not a source, at most it is a puddle, if you then talk about isisrahell you should say that even its flag is a false flag, a desperate dream a frustrated people used by Europeans as bait to sabotage pan-Arabism and the whole Muslim world.



WSJ is not a source?

ShXt for brains Arab bs

Potato Man

according to the Israeli media.

LOL, according to the Israeli (West) media SF is far right Nazi-Russian site. You might think I’m joking but guess what: “SOUTH FRONT – RUSSIA HIDING BEING RUSSIAN” https://euvsdisinfo.eu/south-front-russia-hiding-being-russian/

My point is, why the fuk you guys go with Zion news, FOR 40 YEARS THEY CRIED AND BLAME IRAN FOR EVERTHING, so what makes you think they wouldn’t do it again? WAIT just fuking WAIT for a day or two so we all know what the fuked happened….what you guys doing is playing in their hands. Yes, they want you to think Iran did it, but have they really tho, what do you have to prove that? Nothing, it very well might be false flag….Zion good at it, in Iraq they (Zion) killed Iraqi Jews to make move to Zion “State”…even now Iraqi Jews in Israel still remember that, Zion are satanic shit and they good at being terrorists who blame others.

Arch Bungle

Mazel Tov, motherfu***rs.

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