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MARCH 2025

Iranian Parliament Passes Bill Recognizing U.S. Central Command As Terrorist Group

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Iranian Parliament Passes Bill Recognizing U.S. Central Command As Terrorist Group

A convoy of US forces armored vehicles drives near the village of Yalanli, on the western outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Manbij, on March 5, 2017. Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images

The Iranian Parliament passed a bill on April 16 designating the U.S. Army Central Command (CENTCOM) operating in the Middle East as a terrorist group. The bill, which was approved by the vast majority of MPs, is a direct response to the recent decision by the U.S. to blacklist Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Iranian Fars News said that the new bill condemns the U.S. move against the IRGC and considers any any military, intelligence, financial, technical, training, service and logistical assistance to the CENTCOM as a “terrorist act.”

“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s government and Armed Forces are required to adopt preventive actions and preemptive defensive measures whenever necessary, to deter any hostile US forces’ use of any possibilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran’s interests,” the bill reads, according to the Iranian news agency.

On April 15, the U.S. officially designated the IRGC as a terrorist group in an unprecedented move. Many officials in Washington had warned that the decision could endanger U.S. troops deployed in the Middle East. A warning that was apparently ignored by President Donald Trump.

The new Iranian bill proves that this warning was realistic, as it calls on the General Staff of the Armed Forces and the foreign and defense ministries to use their political, legal and diplomatic capacities to shut down the U.S. bases in the region.

Iran had repeatedly warned that it would respond to any U.S. step against the IRGC with appropriate measures. The new bill is likely the first step only. The upcoming months could witness additional measures by Tehran.

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Gabriel Hollows

lmao, tit for tat.

Real Anti-Racist Action

And what about the British troops who starved Iranians to death after conquering the Iranians in the 2nd world war? The SAS have aided on the ground inside of Iran the murdering of Iranians civilian university teachers. And that is not terrorism? Why not label all terrorist as terrorist?

Zionism = EVIL

Japanese officials are imploring their American counterparts to control their soldiers’ behavior at the Okinawa base after a US marine reportedly murdered his Japanese girlfriend – the latest in a rash of US-on-Japanese crime.Since the Occupation of Japan in 1945, over 3,000 Japanese women have filed claims of rape against US forces and 177 have been killed.


I believe that Iran’s reaction to Americans naive designation of the IRGC as a ‘terrorist’ organization is mutual as well as reciprocal. But it is undoubtedly a MAJOR step to full-blown shooting war, make no mistake about that.


at least one is prepared to call the spade a spade, or with other words, call moronistan (aka usa) for what it is a terror on the world, a terrorist state and a menace for what is good and decent. that’s exactly what it’s about. and iran called the spade a spade and moronistan a terror on mankind – ask kim jung un (hope he will sell teheran some nifty nukes to surprise the squatters with when they have managed to instigate a war against a peaceful iran that would be the day to see the squatters steamed like dumplings)!


As always Iran has more guts than Russia


Yeah, Iran knows the US can not be trusted. They learned that the hard way.

Russias oligarchic elite and with them Putin still hopes for a deal with US, for their $ in offshore accounts to be saved. Judging from my Russian friends, the russian people lost their believe that the West can ever be trusted, and the Russian military leadership knows this too. Its elite vs. people, just like in the west.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Perhaps revolutions an take place in both Russia and USA simultaneously. They would exert so much globalist resources that the UN will never win in propping up their UN-regimes in both nations. Freedom sounds better then the death by a thousand cuts they are giving to both the Russian and American people. https://scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/acce16c7be8e628ad1dbf07ca232abe9/5D4F38FE/t51.2885-15/e35/37654078_492354777878704_6065919652310024192_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com


If Russian people just started to see that “The West” can’t be trusted they have children mentality. That’s why Americans have the 2nd amendment, because nobody can be trusted.


They have not just started to see this, they know this at least since Gorbatchev and Yeltsin. Though what choice have they? Putin at least provides stability.. While most alternatives would plunder the state even more..


How do you know?

Zionism = EVIL

The whole fucking Americunt fat pig military of losers are global terrorists. The Americunt savages have killed more innocent women and children since the holocaust of native America to now Korea, Vietnam. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Africa, Latin America and so on.


Iran has the guts to call the American military a terrorist organisation/entity. A lot of people actually know that to be true, but are shy of saying it. Gotta hand it to the Iranians, this is a bold move. Some might think it’s just words but it is much more than that.

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