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Iranian Posters Calling For ‘Hard Revenge’ For Assasination Of Soleimani Trending Online

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On January 3, the US Selective Service System website crashed after a surge in traffic by people fearing to be drafted for WW3. Iranian posters trending online do not add calm.

Iranian Posters Calling For 'Hard Revenge' For Assasination Of Soleimani Trending Online

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Iranian Posters Calling For 'Hard Revenge' For Assasination Of Soleimani Trending Online

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Iranian Posters Calling For 'Hard Revenge' For Assasination Of Soleimani Trending Online

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Iranian Posters Calling For 'Hard Revenge' For Assasination Of Soleimani Trending Online

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In the last picture: They forgot Samir Kuntar. Oops – just recalled he was a druze so it`s no imam Ali for him.

Free man

They don’t have enough virgins.

Free man

Iran is a world power in blowing hot air. The mullahs regime will now threaten and curse for months but in practice will do nothing. The Iranian jihadists are a cowardly bunch of zealots who have destroyed Iran.


Watch this space KIKEY ;)

Free man

thanks for the reminder – And the cowardly mullah regime has the stupidest supporters.

Hasbara Hunter

Your Chickenshit Kidkilling IDF-Paedophile-Brigade:


Free man

In fact, you are also particularly strong at blowing hot air. Probably the Dutch immigration authorities went to bed when your parents infiltrated the Netherlands. Why not go back to live with your favorite mullahs?

Hasbara Hunter

My Dutch bloodline dates back 900 fuckn years… you ZioNazis be aware…you will be Herded in one spot & Destroyed…just like your Prophecy predicts: Down in a blaze of Fire boy…The pityful Remnants will be removed from their positions & Dragged to Court…their Fortunes & Wealth seized…Chop the Head off the Snake & The Body stops moving

Free man

“My Dutch bloodline dates back 900 fuckn years” – Sure (-; Go back to Iran and wrap up your women in black, just leave holes so they can breathe.

Hasbara Hunter

The Dutch came to know a lot about you ZioNazi Rats in recent years….Peoples are very Angry boy…Holland used to be pretty Pro-ISraHell…but times are changin’ little Cockroach…and it won’t get any better…time is on Our side…hahahaha


Wow you’re an angry chap!

Hasbara Hunter

War is Comin’….


Should I also (as Slavic origin Orthodox Christian ) “go to Iran” ? We all hate US, IsraHell Zionists Terrorist Imperialism and that is our only “crime”. And that is the only thing that connects us all against the Zionist pest despite our diversity of ethnic origin and religious believes.

You are such pathetic bigot vomiting your hate out of the most terrorist country on this planet . And you lecture others with no shame.

Free man

Spare me the preaching and hypocrisy. I try to be polite on a website that encourages vulgarity like Hasbaras. Hasbara is a fool who does not stop cursing the place that welcomed his immigrant parents with open arms.


Yup, you sound like you’d fit in pretty good

Although i don’t think they’d like all that Christian stuff

Of course in the past you’d all be goose stepping around, dressed in black or brown

Didn’t end well for the old goose stepping idiots in the past did it?


Like I care what ZIONIST pig thinks The point is that you are running out of time since BANKRUPTED EMPIRE ! Soon enough you will be in right place …in the gutter of the history…


I put the video in my special collection, HH.



Hit the KIKE fucks hard….

Mehmet Aslanak

Nah, semitic ruling elite uses the blacks & hispanics as the US army. Because they have no future in US economic life, other than joining army.

Tony B.

In fact, more and more of the “grunts” in the U.S. military are illegal aliens who are promised a fast track to citizenship if they spend X many years in the military.


Send them all to hell..


Whom? Iranians or U.S. troops?

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Judi is a hebrew name so I think she mean iranians


OK, I can see your point but not all Jews are Zionist terrorists.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

She down voted my comment and yours so I think we just hit on the problem :)


Zionist style attack, heroic stabbing in the back! :-)))


Hello neo-Aztek pagan!

Hasbara Hunter

Send who to hell?

Albert Pike

Well that guy next to Solomon in Heaven, is Khomeini. The CIA brought Khomeini into power – and you would want to send him to hell – that’s not so nicely cheerleading the US-troops, because it didn’t just happen that Khomeini came into power – your side did it! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/10/ayatollah-khomeini-jimmy-carter-administration-iran-revolution

Black Waters

I saw different channel news from the U.S recently, the media is already brainwashing the kids to send them to their doom. The crooks in D.C are cheering for the blood of the youngs, meanwhile the cowards sit back in their skyscrapers in the 15 floor drinking some whiskey.

They are desperately trying to manipulate public opinion (trough social media tools like Facebook & Twitter to justify the act of terror committed by the U.S


Those that can be stupid enough to buy that do not deserve but mouth full of sand while some lizard is gauging their eyes…

John Wallace

But that is the vast majority see the sugar coated news they get is the truth as that is the truth they have been told IS the Truth. It is constantly being reconfirmed in their personal news designed to fit their beliefs they have already been told is the truth. Because they have been told they are really smart they know they are correct so have no critical ability too discern otherwise.


Than I am sorry for them because I am not vindictive bitch or warmongering idiot. But if they come to kill foreigners in foreign country they come to get killed also! That is also “Truth” that even the most stupid idiot among them can understand. Or I am wrong about that?

One comes to other country not to make PEACE or PROGRESS for that country when armed with weapons. One comes only to kill the people or turn them in slaves when they survive ! To me all that is not so difficult to grasp. Essence is that for US citizens suffering of those people doesn’t exist. Well their kind of ignorance can bring suffering even to them one day.

Tony B.

This is par for the course, it’s nothing new. It’s ALL Americans ever get through “their” media, which actually belongs totally to the Rothschild cabal housed in its City of London, just like the politicians. Most of the people never get to know that.

Hasbara Hunter

War is Comin’….Destroy the AngloZioNazi Empire or Die Tryin’…Civil War in America is another nice option…. Exterminate the Traitors…Eradicate the Cancer…


What is the “AngloZioNazi Empire”?

Who put such a silly idea into your head?

Hasbara Hunter

Americans, the British & the ZioNazis..ever heard of AngloSaxons? The British Queen Elizabeth is a ZioNazi


No but who put that particular expression into your mind?

Was it an analyst?

If so who?

Just asking old boy!

Hasbara Hunter

Hahaha…I think it was invented in here…



This website?

Or somewhere else?

Hasbara Hunter

Who gives a shit…is is a fine way to describe the Evil American ZioNazi Empire…with their Traitors & NeoCons in Washington & Pimps in ISraHell….America is just a Corporate-Bitch of them Parasitic ZioNazis


So hang on a mo, you come out with some long winded convoluted expression which has taken hold in your mind and don’t even know how it got there?

Have you a passport?

If so what does it say?

Hasbara Hunter

Piss off HasbaRat I am not going to waste my time on this kinda Bullshit



You make all these claims and yet don’t know how these ideas came into your head

I bet you’re American,correct?

Or if you have passport i bet it would say American

Hasbara Hunter

I’m Dutch…is that relevant?


S o if this was 1942 who would you support?

I think you’re a bit suspect, you hate America,who along with the UK liberated you’re country

Maybe you’re a closet goose stepper?

Hasbara Hunter

My grandparents harbored Jews & crashed pilots alike…I am the Resistance…Henry Ford & Friends Financed Hitler…The American Rothschild & Co Banksters won the War & ISraHell as a Gift…. The Evil American Empire took over Control of Europe & Created The Untited States of Europe…I will fight Elitist AngloZioNazi-Pigshit-Parasites for they are my Enemy…


But would you do the same?

Frankly i think you’re grandparents would be absolutely ashamed of you

You’ve openly stated on this site how much death and suffering you like to heap onto jews Israel so i can only conclude you’re not an honourable person unlike you’re brave grandparents

You actually support the same religious fascist who also supported the Nazis

You want a middle east run by these types of people, so yup, you’re a goose stepper

Hasbara Hunter

There are Good Folks…Bad Folks…& EVIL Folks…Exterminate All Evil Folks for starters…I would be very pleased to personally execute 1 million of the most Evil people on this planet if given the chance…no hard feelings…no sleepless nights


Do us all a favour then,start with yourself!

Hasbara Hunter

You wish you Filthy ZioNazi Epstein Paedophile


Your grandparents are ashamed of you

You’re a vile beast of the lowest type

You have no honour


Your head is like a giant cesspit,full of crap,most of which you cant or wont explain how the filth arrived in it,so you’re also dumb,thick

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahahaha…war is comin’ little ZioNazi Parasite… just what you Pieces of Excrement bargained for

Remember the Gulags & 911…


Youre waging it against the honourable memory of your own grandparents

They hate you

You’re scum to them

Hasbara Hunter

So Bloody Fuckn Noice how you Pathetic Desperate little ZioNazi Parasites try to Distract & Divert…I always thought ZioNazis were the Smart ones…a bit disappointing

The Devilworshipping Khazarian Sabbatean “Jewish-Imposters” AshkeZioNazis are the TRUE NAZIS

Free man

You’re so stupid it hurts.

Hasbara Hunter

I am happy there are well Educated ZioNazi HasbaRat Epstein Paedophiles like you in here…you show the entire world how Evil you ZioNazi Parasites are….keep up the good work boy…make yourselves Hated just a little more….hahahaha…up yours


True though!

Free man

You give this fool too much credit. He is unable to understand 90% of what you write.

Hasbara Hunter

You are a Honeytrapping Khazarian ZioNazi Epstein Paedophile I Very well know what you Deceiving Parasites write…you are all Dumb Braindead Retarded ZioNazi Parasites…How does it feel to be a loser arseface?


He’s typical of the Red-Green-Brown coalition of idiot Islamist,lefty anti capitalist,anti globalist,extreme right neo nazi trash

Hasbara Hunter

AshkeZioNAZIS…UkroNAZIS….Albert the Kike Neo-Nazis…you are talking about your own species boy…them Jewish Bolsheviks were NAZIS….Hitler was a Jew…just like Eichmann… Israelis are NAZIS…So my Conclusion: You Folks are the TRUE NAZI-TRAILER-TRASH…

John Wallace

Wow , have you even reached puberty yet. Words of a spiteful child or haven’t you progressed yet.

Damien C

Bob it was the Canadians who liberated Holland in 1945


Yes i expect they flew,or sailed direct from Canada,how forgetful of me

Are you sure it wasn’t the Soviets?

John Wallace

Three main forces that landed on separate beaches on D Day were the British with the Americans on their own beaches. Guess who the other main contributor was on that day. I will save you the time of looking it up and as I think you are too stupid to do so anyway I will tell you. No they didn’t swim or surf or jet ski or sail direct as they had been fighting with the British long before Americans even knew the war even existed. Can you guess dipshit or do you need to be told . No the Russians had been and still were very busy fighting the bulk of the German forces so it wasn’t them. Got any idea’s yet fuckwit who thinks he is so smart and clever but constantly shows his ignorance and naivety. You are American aren’t you ,, well head north , north of all those lakes into that country you invaded years ago and got your arse kicked.. Yes that one dumb fuck.

John Wallace

After Market Garden failed which led to revenge on the Dutch by the Germans. America was not involved in Holland as they were busy on the German border and of course later the western part of Germany.

John Wallace

Today’s America is NOT the same America of the 2ndWW. Most of those gallant men that died in that war would be turning in their graves in shame at what they see what America has become..

Tony B.

Forget her politics. She’s just one more child raper, child sacrificer to her god, Lucifer. The heads of most nations today are all of that sect, as well as most of the lesser office holders close to the top.

Free man

Silly people have silly things in their heads.

John Wallace

You call yourself freeman which you have chosen for yourself which tells me you are anything but free. Being free is your wish and desire and believe you have it but are unable to see you are manipulated and controlled to the point you believe you are free. Free you are not..

Free man

You can read in to thing, but obviously it can’t be correct because you don’t know me. You only know you disagree with my opinions. Unlike most people here I don’t see the world as black / white, good guys / bad guys.

John Wallace

I don’t have to meet you to know from your words what you are.


The British/Amercian/Israeli geopolitical alliance. He uses the term Nazi to describe the Imperialist/Fascist nature of it. It’s a very real institution Bob. Do you know your history of the origins of Zionism?

John Wallace

So without knowing what it is by your own admission you then call it silly. Silly is the one who first doesn’t understand what he is calling silly. But of course what else can you expect from someone called Bob .. eh Bob.. Hows the burnt hands . Waffle waffle waffle . See no need to reply as I have done so for you already.

Bruno Gama

“Nice Posters”. The First Looks Like Game of Thrones… They also promised that Winter were coming…

Hasbara Hunter

You are done boy…


So, Yanki Fascist Fossilised Trocholites have decided to take a page from their former partners in Afghanistan. The destruction of Important Persian Cultural sites blasted forth from T-Rump’s Gob like the ATGMs the Taliban launched at the Buddhas of Bayman. However, the Taliban discovered that the destruction of those 50 meter statues was a lot more difficult than just launching atgms at them. They were never fully destroyed and there are plans to restore them. Potus T Rump a patron of the Arts in New York will in fact become a destroyer of renowned International art if allowed. A International summons for the arrest of Donald Trump for the war crime: the Murder of Iranian General and Politician Qassem Suleimani must be issued immediately.


I’m the only one wishing for peace instead of victory for one or another?


It wouldn’t be a bad idea would it!

Unfortunately this is a place for testosterone fuelled war junkies who tend to hate their own countries, and only see dictatorship as something good

But then i suspect many of them have some very odd idea’s


In that case I’ll be watching war from TV like: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5bb5ae5336a3ab431396dc281f4c318abb1ef3e79c3583b7059988accdb81eb7.png


Wow she looks hot!

A bit goth like

Albert Pike

Nice Heaven – but where are the girls?


Beautiful picture the last one.


all of them very good, just need to be realized and I also miss the pictures where the squatters/hymies on palestinian land are obliterated into full stop oblivion, 6 feet under pushing up daisies. the hymies been occupying palestine far too long and they need to be terminated post haste.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

very nice posters honestly


The truth is that Soleimani was in the CIA’s pocket. He finished his duties to the West by instigating a war with the Muslims with different militias and proxy forces fighting under Iran with the secret backing of America. He fulfilled his role and it was in the interest of Israel to have America betray him as they betray anybody or entity that does its sinister activities around the world. Iran will NOT retaliate in any way that deserves a worthy retaliation. The Iranian now know they are toast because America doesn’t need them anymore as Israel played a game on Trump by blackmailing him with impeachment to go to war with Iran. He gave in and that’s why He gave away Soleimani.

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