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MARCH 2025

Iranian President Vows Soleimani Killing Will Not Go Unpunished In Eerie Warning To US President Donald Trump

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Iranian President Vows Soleimani Killing Will Not Go Unpunished In Eerie Warning To US President Donald Trump

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On December 30th, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani gave a speech, in which he reminded that the assassination of Quds Force commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani would not go unpunished.

The entire statement is available in English on the Iranian presidential website.

Rouhani made some interesting claims, such as that the US assassinated Soleimani because it wants to harm “the Islamic Republic of Iran, independence of regional countries and revenge against those great nations that stood against the conspiracies of the United States and Zionism and foiled that conspiracy”.

Furthermore, Rouhani called ISIS a handful of Zionist and American mercenaries in the region and stressed:

“They did not want the ISIL to end like this, they wanted ISIL to take over the region, and that is why when they were wounded, the Israelis would take them to their hospitals, healed them and re-equipped them”.

The only parties, according to the Iranian President, who benefit from chaos and instability in the region are the US and Israel.

“No one in the region would benefit from an insecure in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen or Afghanistan”.

Finally, Rouhani made an eerie statement regarding US President Donald Trump, hailing his departure from office and saying that his “in just a few days, the life of this criminal will end.”

This can be seen on the screenshot below from the official English version posted on the presidential website as of noon on December 31st.

Iranian President Vows Soleimani Killing Will Not Go Unpunished In Eerie Warning To US President Donald Trump

Click to see full-size image

As long as the US forces are in the region, the region will not experience good days, President Rouhani said expressing hope that regional nations would “someday cut the foot of the aggressors and criminals.”

Separately, Chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said that there was no expiry date for taking revenge on assassination of Iranian Commander Lt General Qassem Soleimani.

In his statement, Baqeri said that the US should leave the West Asia region; this is inevitable, and all revolutionary youth across the region and the world will make double effort to achieve the end.

He further highlighted determination of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Muslim nations and freedom-seekers across the world advocating proportionate retaliation of the crime.

Earlier, spokesman for headquarters in charge of organizing the first anniversary of assassination of General Soleimani, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, had said at a TV program that Iran has prepared documents to issue criminal indictment against those behind the assassination of Soleimani.

Today, Iran could identify who was the leader of the attack, from which country the attack was carried out and who gave information about terrorist operation to the US, Amir-Abdollahian has noted.

Tensions in the Middle East, and specifically in the Persian Gulf are at the boiling point, with Iran preparing for a potential US and Israeli attack.

The US has the USS Georgia nuclear submarine, loaded to the brim with Tomahawk missiles, as well as two guided missile destroyers. Israel also deployed a submarine.

Since the U.S. strike on Soleimani, the U.S. has been anticipating retaliatory moves from Iran. In the days after his death, Iran did launch a wave of missiles at U.S. positions in Iraq, though no deaths were reported. The U.S. has been on alert for additional Iranian attacks amid increasing revenge rhetoric from Iran. On December 29th, the U.S. deployed a pair of B-52 bombers to the region, amid reports of a potential “complex attack” against Americans in Iraq.


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a tit for tat would really require that the ever evil and odious hitler copy netanyahu is taken off the board, for good, as a prelude to wiping the rest of the jews in palestine off the middle east map – and the world is waiting for that to happen.


I have said for a long time the only language the Zionists gangsters will understand is when some of their high command are liquidated,politicians,judges and Army Generals,those people are not immortal they live in the community and in their arrogance think they can never be a target.


Targeting an Israeli politician/general will bring an attack on Iran directly … the Iranians are cowards … using proxies to do their bidding, as if that’s their way of deflecting ownership …

Jens Holm

Ypu might be right. You are in exact same level in that as them.

Soem second class general which should have been killed by its own dies and the Iranian propgandalfs tell, they all are upside down.

Who says. Most in Iran are never asked. Many might be happy he is out. The only worriers are a replacement making the same devastaing mistakes as him.

Just Me

Iran will teach them a very painful lesson. It is now literally a matter of days if not hours. Iranian are masters of psychological warfare.

cechas vodobenikov

sensible–keep the anxious fearful puritans guessing. “busy busy numb:amerikans cannot feel themselves alive unless they feel themselves busy. amerika is a vast goo of meaningless stimulation”. Thomas de zengodita the puritans , so sexually repressed wrote , “idleness is the devil’s handmaiden”….Freud observed a century ago: “amerikans are the most prudish people in western civilization–they sublimate their desire by chasing the dollar”…..now their females ugly and obese, they are reduced to animalistic predatory rat like behavior….

Just Me

Iran is a very mature state and is playing the scared Americans and Zionists at their own psy-ops game. But make no mistake Iran is poised, on war footing and will strike.

Jens Holm

Thats not scared but damage control. The damage is Iran.

Hind Abyad

The damage is Israel Genius

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/93873f97ce595358c0086c70bcf178a82d1588d13da70645becde3387d00e273.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4e6bd357d05a0d849f2886e44afa7c1aa3f9aead539f76ee7c549d5c2edce02e.png

Jens Holm

It doesnt make it better, if there are two. Even rabbits cant be many by doing it like this one https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45e13ec9b6b26f615f13064fd906319307010a333c23f11a0d2b06aca22baac6.jpg

Pave Way IV

“…anxious and fearful…”? You really don’t understand Americans much, CV. Most Americans still can’t find Iran on a map, and have no idea who Soleimani was that we assassinated him. “Iran = bad guys” has been drilled into our heads for years on the MSM. That’s all Americans understand about Iran. For their part, the neocon chickenhawks in Washington and the Pentagon would want nothing more than a clear response by Iran – as a pretext to attack them and get the war started. Neither are my opinion – they’re observations of the state of things here.

Your de Zengodita and Freud quotes are noted. What else would anyone expect? America was occupied by waves of economic immigrants with conservative religious values. Sex was for making children once a man ‘proved’ themselves capable of supporting a family and he attracted a like-minded spouse. Not sure how it worked in Austria for Frued, but in 1900 America only the rich could clutch their pearls and worry about unfulfilled sexual desires. The working class was too busy trying to eat.

Jens Holm

No offence but as I read about I here, they are as limited or more limited then americans even about their neighbors.

When I tell about my own country, west, EU and Nato Im called a liar as well as even more nasty things.

When I give links, statistics Im even a more liar. Being nice about that is not calling in Monsanto or something.

Iran has no history. They have new homemade creations meant for political and religios control runned by bajonets and fear. The rest is erased but they can read it anywhere else, then in Iran.


Stop indulging in self pity! Be a man for once.

Jens Holm

Thats no comment.


You are correct for once; it is advice. Take it or leave it; your choice.

Hind Abyad

One thing: You’re a liar.

Jens Holm

About what?


iran has no history but savages like you have makes sense XD


iran is a civilization state meanwhile non of you are real states in europe you all are projects except of maybe hungary and a few others who arent really worth to mention

Alekai Mordechai

Did you just say Iran has “no history”??

How stupid.


The Puritans developed an agrarian society and had large families to man their farms, unlike Freud who sat on his butt devising nonsense and being a sexual pervert.

Jens Holm

You should be happy Freud dont sit on Your but.

Freud was no sexual pervert. He tryed to solve problems and his results didnt cover everything as well as he here and there was wrong.

There was no nonsense. Scianse is like that. You can go at least 2 ways. One is to try to descriebe a problm and then prove Ypur home made theory is correct or partly correct. He did that very well.

And some morons like You using Niqabs and black sunglasses are not quilidied to see how important his work and reaulrtts were compared to, what they knew. Yo also ignore millions of books not only from him but others has been spread out to the not dark stateparts of the world.

We see today see Freud as an important pioner, so if You want to critiseize, Ypu should critiseize the followers today and their updates.

But of Course You cant, because You remain some 1400 years ago and insist for womens control – and for that matter Men control as well.

Hind Abyad

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/076cd1709315a90161aae76ee51df340d83682d64fb89157b721181269046bcc.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0e35f4e24cf1f96e7b6f5aec3f702b4d88a05113e184d34636d77e35f334f245.jpg

Fog of War

” devising nonsense and being a sexual pervert. ”

dont forget his coke habit. .

Jens Holm

You overestimate Your importance. Very much as if Your dirt also is dirt made by Yourself.

Using Freud today as things were 60 years ago or more makes no sense today unless You also update the rest of us or go back to, how we are.

I have history books from 1925. Here You fx can read Poles are lazy bums very good in dancing and Turks are very good fighters but dirty.

Assad must stay

hahahahahah its so true bro, meaningless stimulation


Frankly Jews are the worst scum on earth:

Israeli tourists visiting the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been stealing items from hotel rooms in Dubai, Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

“I have been visiting the UAE for many years and doing business there,” stated an Israeli businessman. “Last month I arrived at the hotel I was staying in and was terrified when I saw in the hotel lobby, Israelis are being searched for stolen items from the rooms.”

Complaints of Israeli tourists stealing from hotels comes a month after the first commercial passenger flight from Israel to the UAE to off, as part of a new regular service.

Moreover, a manager of a hotel overlooking the world’s tallest building the Burj Khalifa, said: “We host hundreds of tourists from all countries of the world, some of them create problems, but we have not seen items stolen before.”

“Recently we have seen Israeli tourists come to the hotel and pile up all their bags, stealing towels, tea and coffee bags, and even lamps.”

He added: “One time an Israeli family came with two children to check-out, and we discovered that things were missing in the room, and when the hotel staff tried to tell them that things in the room in which they were staying were missing, they started screaming.”

“After the conversation, they finally agreed to open their bag and we discovered that they had ice containers, hangers, and face towels. After we told them that we would inform the police, they decided to return the things and apologised.”

Dr Abd Al-Aziz Al-Khazraj Al-Nasari, a Qatari presenter, published a video claiming a number of Emirati hotel owners contacted him detailing the thefts they discovered.

In the video which went viral across social media, he warned: “They should know that normalisation with Israel means having to give up room objects for now, and maybe land later on.”

The UAE and Israel agreed to establish full diplomatic, cultural, and commercial relations following the signing of the controversial agreements on 15 September at the White House.

Mark M. Nobelman

This fool his trying to portray Israel as ISIL or visa versa what is wrong with this retard and even going to saying as far as the Gulf states are ISIL or Turkey etc etc. Well we say to that why don’t you fight them by the way Turkey is in Iraq and Syria while the gulf is in yemen and will never change. His a simpleton and a retard


nah he is just saying what the entire world thinks, israel is a thieving and murdering and lying heap that deserves to be eradicated from the face of earth – not fit to be part of mankind.


‘The entire world’? lol

Israel … the Jewish State … is hated by y’all

Jews/Zionists/Israelis are despised … I get that

F/k y’all … lol

The Gulf Arab Muslims and others are deciding to normalize … other states have openly embraced Israel including Brazil and India


Emad Irani

Gulf Sheikhs were never at war with Israel and had relations for many years but ok khkhk “Gulf Arab Muslims” khkhkhkh


Hidden relations … the Gulf Arabs didn’t want to upset Arab sensitivities … dealing with Jews …. lol

Now … it’s out in the open … full stop

The Pals are finished …



you say next but next will be you haifa tel aviv and most of all your imps of leadership you yourself named them before but it wasnt even half of them obviously needed to end you and send you running


Braggarts … paper tiger is all you are


your news exposed the truth themselves about iranian missiles being unstoppable and it didnt mention the plasma technology used which is far ahead of anything you could come up with to counter it


you cant stop 1 single of irans missiles neither you nor america nor anyone else on the planet for that matter


why are you so delusional filled with hybris at this point when we know your cowardly nature and that it will be 180 degree different from how you behave after we for example destroyed all your david slings iron dome and airports depots critical infrastructure and such even gaza will be able to destroy you




you are so below humanities niveau


what neither you nor foolish americans understand is that there will be no war you all will be to wasted to wage war it will be a pure loss on your part


Unfortunately, most Israelis or Jews in the diaspora have no idea about the real agenda of modern Neocon Zionists and so support Zionism to 95%.

This is SO DANGEROUS for the world.

The modern Zionists are a psychopathic bunch of Totalitarian MONEY BARONS who base their Ideology on the TALMUD. This is an evil tome of supremacist, racist, exclusivist teachings that would make any “reasonable” Christian or Muslim sick to his stomach. Which is why it is termed Luciferian by Christians and Muslims alike.

Unfortunately the Worldview promoted in the Talmud is what holds the reins of power in today’s Global Village using as its enforcement tool USURY of the power of International Banking.

Thus we see Soros funding insurrection and chaos in America. We see the Ashkenazi Neocons balkanising the Arab countries surrounding Israel and we still have The Palestinian people corralled in an open prison camp called Gaza.

Many Rabbis and Great Jewish thinkers despise Zionism and its aspirations for World Dominance. People like Naom Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Israel Shamir and so many others along with the Kairites .

Unfortunately the propaganda and monied power of Zionism has completely brainwashed the mass of Jews in Israel and Christians alike and so these are the majority of Jews.


Talk about a bunch of ‘conspiracy theories’ lumped into a twisted confection …

You will be witness …





What’s your ugly face look like?


Ugly – to Demon Trolls! – I could turn you into a lampshade quite easily.


You keep promising … ya f/kn nazi


Brainfart from and unrighteous MAMZER Deuteronomy 23:2, A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.


Using the Old Testament / the Holy Bible / the Talnakh / the 5 Books of Moses to quote from? lol

DON’T you goyim understand that’s the history of the Jewish People … YOU use to justify YOUR bankrupt BS religion? hello?

Lies, Disinformation, Censorship are Everywhere … lol

John Brown

You are the Judeo Askhenazie as you say the Israeli media, government and military are all fake news.


Sure … I’ll take your word for it … pmsl

Ya f/kn loser …

John Brown

The f/kn loser ..is Israel, the one who pays hundreds of millions for a missile defense system that can’t shot down rockets someone makes in their garage for a couple of thousand.


Sure … I believes ya

But … Iranian / Russian disinformation works for your crowd … but Israel and the USA is satisfied that ALL of the 4-tier anti-missile systems work … let’s say I’m confident

John Brown

Sure … I believes ya

So yo don’t believe the Israeli media, military and governmen?????????????????t


No casualties … didn’t hit people or buildings … it’s to save lives

John Brown

OK so you admit I am right the Iron dome is garbage and can’t intercept Hamas missiles.

Tratz Israel is the f/kn loser to spend so much on Iron Dome junk. Their own corruption is killing themselves.

So much money taken from their USSA slaves and wasted on a systems that can’t shoot down missiles guys make in their basement for a couple of thousand dollars.

So what will they do against Hezbollah, Syrian and Iranian missiles?

Answer nothing, Maybe shoot down 10 or 20 or even 50 out of 1000.


No … Iron Dome allows rockets to land in empty places … rarely does it hit a building … casualties are virtually non-existent … so NOW I understand your criticism … it’s MISPLACED … ID was designed to DECIDE to pick off those missiles that could be harmful

It’s NOT about ? … Israel’s D is about saving lives … hello?

Keep up the brave front … your crew will be crushed … the death toll egregious … the Arab/Muslims will NEVER AGAIN attack … this will … ‘hurt so good’


Again … those rockets that will hit civilians/buildings/populated centers are calibrated by Iron Dome … then it’s launched to nullify the rocket … hello?

The ID is indispensable to the settlements surrounding Gaza … the ID keeps these people safe … hello?

Israel’s 4-tier anti-missile System is the envy of the World … your simple mind is wasted on such things … hello?

John Brown

Again you deny the Israeli media and military??? Call them liars and hoaxers???

Two Rockets Fired from Gaza Land in Southern Israel: Military

See the video the missiles landed in an urban area where people live areas you say Iron Dome is meant to protect, so wrong again.


Free man


Free man



Why don’t they like Soleimeni?

Free man

They are Sunnis. They see him as an enemy of Sunnis, who is responsible for the killing of hundreds of thousands of Sunnis in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and other Arab countries.

Hind Abyad

Photo shop https://twitter.com/ELINTNews

Free man


Hind Abyad

Fake https://twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/1345212068383895553

Free man


Hind Abyad


Free man


The Objective

This is just the usual mouthiness. Nothing new. Iran must really have nerves of steel to assassinate Trump. That’ll be a 100% cause for war. Maybe they’ll assassinate some American drone operators involved in the attack. But if the CIA links such assassinations to Iran, then all bets are off – war becomes a certainty most likely within months.

Those waiting for a satisfactory revenge will likely wait decades. Because it ain’t about to happen, unless in a war. So for the Iranian supporters feeling ten feet high because of this empty threat, know that Rouhani’s speech is only meant to make you guys feel less embarrassed.

Assassinating Trump would be the biggest gift Israel and the Pentagon ever had. And from Iran. It ain’t happening.


iran won’t touch Trump. Trump is doing more to destabilize the USA than any Iranian could dream of … why stop him? They kill him they make him a martyr to rally around leave him be and he splits the right.

If I were them I’d be sending him millions in political donations with hope he tries to set up an alternative white house in Florida.

Trump is accomplishing what the Russians tried to accomplish in the 1960’s, 70’s when they supported the Black Panthers only he used US tax dollars to do it.

Imagine if Russians, Chinese or Iranians ran an psyop trying to convince them their election was corrupted …. Trump does it and Americans send him money to split up the country.

Fog of War

” Iranians ran an psyop trying to convince them their election was corrupted . ”

News flash sir, the election WAS obviously corrupt as hell. No need for a psyops.

Emad Irani

Not Trump, but Pompeo, Bolton, Hook and some others

The Objective

I’m afraid assassinating any Trump administration official in connection with Soleimani’s killing will most likely backfire on Iran. Doing that will generate massive support for U.S leaders seeking war with Iran. It’ll likely produce a republican president who’ll certainly take revenge. Iran will not assassinate any of these people you mention, unless the U.S starts a war despite Iran’s efforts to avoid one. Rouhani’s threat is also intended to signal to the American public that Iran will not attack any American targets in the Middle East on or after January 3rd. That’s because there is serious talk of an Iranian attack on U.S forces in Iraq. The Iranian leaders are sensing a false flag. I’ve read several tweets by Zarif and others who are explicitly warning people that Trump will fabricate reasons for war. But Iran threatening to attack these Trump administration officials is a big mistake. Americans still support people like Pompeo and Hook in the millions. Threatening to kill these people will certainly force many Americans to support any military action Trump takes on Iran.


These sort of threats are for the benefit of their own population Iran is well aware they cant give any pretext to be hit.

Fog of War

” war becomes a certainty most likely within months. ”

War is already a certainty its just a matter of completing the repositioning of all remaining forces.


Empty threats coming from a garbage country like Iran. It will go unpunished, they won’t do shiet.

Emad Irani

garbage heap is where you mother gave birth to u


Shut up iranian, you live in the worst country on earth.


I would say North Korea is the worse.

Lone Ranger

U.S. is the worst.


I’d be more worried about defending constituates,if i were you for starters!

Emad Irani

cry me a riverrrrr saying this for over 40 years. We are fine here, better than you with no roots khkhkh


Iran is worse than north korea. Iranians are the one that have no roots, you guys are Turk rape babies, soon we will free South Azerbaijan too. Your days are numbered.

Emad Irani

hahahaha that is why half of you are looking like Mongols, Arabs, Greeks and Persian. Beside that my mothers is from Tabriz and we don’t give a shit about ur Neo Ottomans dreams. Saddam Hussein had also the dream to free Khuzestan but where is he?

North Korea is not a puppet, we are working together on missile and nuclear technology which wipe out your entire country in minutes No-root-man khkhkhk North Korea better than a country without any roots and knowledge.

Now again, cry me a riverrrr

Hind Abyad

”Worst country on earth”..with History, most the most beautiful ancient churches. Unlike Israel Internationally unrecognized borders using bible as a history book. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9266e49fedb43b24f260b546678255f4044cd891ba759729fa795a1e13537cb.png



Bonsoir Hind,

Voila un article pour vous avec de belles Photos très interessantes sur les premiers heures de chrétienté a Rome….

ROME : Basiliques de SAINT-PIERRE du Vatican et SAINTE MARIE du Trastevere https://www.agoravox.fr/culture-loisirs/voyages/article/rome-basiliques-de-saint-pierre-du-229529


ROME : Basiliques de SAINT-PIERRE du Vatican et SAINTE MARIE du Trastevere

par JPCiron

jeudi 31 décembre 2020






Voici un petit reportage photo réalisé en 2014 :

Il commence par la Basilique SAINT PIERRE du VATICAN,

se poursuit à la Basilique SAINTE MARIE du TRASTEVERE.

Et enfin, Angélus (Pape François), PLACE Saint Pierre.


Basilique Saint Pierre et son Obélisque Égyptien. (1626)

(Papale arcibasilica maggiore di San Pietro in Vaticano)

La Basilique est construite sur un emplacement où, dès le 2 ième siècle, les pèlerins venaient rendre un culte à Saint Pierre. Sa construction s’étala de 1506 à 1626. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilique_Saint-Pierre

La Place Saint Pierre est l’oeuvre de Bernini : La Basilique (aux portes grandes ouvertes) est surmontée d’une coupole suggérant la tête d’un corps dont les deux bras étendus (colonnades) courent autours de la place pour accueillir les fidèles. (vue depuis la Coupole de la Basilique) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Place_Saint-Pierre

L’obélisque, quant à lui, a vécu une longue histoire : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ob%C3%A9lisque_du_Vatican

Les « Clefs de Saint Pierre » symbolisent le pouvoir spirituel donné par Jésus à l’Église Catholique.

« Et moi, je te dis que tu es Pierre, et que sur cette pierre je bâtirai mon Église, et que les portes du séjour des morts ne prévaudront point contre elle. Je te donnerai les clefs du royaume des cieux : ce que tu lieras sur la terre sera lié dans les cieux, et ce que tu délieras sur la terre sera délié dans les cieux. » (Matthieu 16:18-19)

Pie X

Cappella della pietà (Michelangelo)

Saint Jean Paul II


Endroit précis, à l’entrée de la Basilique, où Charlemagne s’est agenouillé pour recevoir la couronne impériale des mains du Pape.

https://historyweb.fr/le-couronnement-de-charlemagne/&nbsp ;


Vue sur la Place Saint Pierre depuis la Coupole de la Basilique.

(le côté ”face” est proposé plus loin)

Sortie de la Basilique : Très bel hérisson posé sur une des portes à l’entrée de la Basilique.

(je n’ai pas encore trouvé sa signification / le symbole qu’il représente)


Statue de Giordano Bruno, brûlé vif et nu (après qu’on lui ait cloué la langue) le 17 février 1600 au Campo de’ Fiori. C’était un génie, martyr de la liberté de penser. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giordano_Bruno

Il Vittoriano (Monument à Victor-Emmanuel II)

Citation de Charles Baudelaire :

« Pour n’être pas les esclaves martyrisés du Temps, enivrez-vous ; enivrez-vous sans cesse ! De vin, de poésie ou de vertu, à votre guise. »

(inscription vue près de la Passeggiata del Gianicolo, en descendant à pied vers Trastevere)

« Crème de visage à la bave d’escargot » (BIO, évidemment)

Une recette millénaire, hydratante, tonique et astringente.


Très ancienne Basilique (début du III siècle) – Ce site est considéré comme le premier lieu de culte Chrétien à Rome.

L’édifice sera tard reconstruit, et finalement décoré de ses splendides mosaïques, au XII siècle.


Le Campanile de la Basilique date du XII siècle. Aviez-vous remarqué, tout au sommet du campanile, cette petite mosaïque de la Vierge à l’Enfant ? L’Enfant faisant un signe de bénédiction.

La façade est enrichie d’une très intéressante mosaïque. On note au centre : sans doute la toute première représentation connue de la Vierge allaitant. Elle est entourée de dix femmes portant chacune une lampe, symbole de virginité.

Les statues de trois papes sont en avant de la façade.

Détail de la Vierge allaitant.

Intérieur de la Basilique

Mosaïque centrale – Jésus Christ et la Vierge, entourés (à notre gauche) par les saints Calixte, Laurent et par le pape Innocent II qui porte une maquette de l’église, et (à notre droite) par les saints Pierre, Corneille, Jules Ier et Calépode.

Détail – Le Christ et la Vierge sont assis sur un trône divin.

En partie haute : la main de Dieu le Père couronne le Fils.

La Vierge est couronnée, et est somptueusement vêtue.

Détail des mains – On note que le Christ pose sa main droite sur l’épaule droite de la Vierge, tandis que la Vierge semble effectuer la benedictio latina, de par la position des doigts (trois doigts ouverts avec pouce libre, et annulaire & auriculaire repliés unis). Mais étrangement, la Vierge fait le geste de la main gauche.

La représentation conjointe du Christ et de la Reine du Ciel évoque irrésistiblement l’époque antique qui précéda l’apparition du monothéisme Israélite. En Pays de Canaan/ Ougarit, étaient initialement vénérés le Grand Dieu El et sa parèdre Ashera. Ils eurent 70 enfants divins, dont Baal. Ce dieu incontournable a été celui de l’Agriculture et de l’Orage durant des millénaires. Bientôt, Baal supplantera El au panthéon Cananéen. La Tradition lui attribua alors Ashera comme parèdre.

Le culte de la déesse Ashera était important et distinct de celui de Baal. Le culte d’Ashera était très populaire (archéologie) et pratiqué par les femmes. La déesse Ashera avait le titre de Reine des Cieux.

Le dieu Yahvé ne faisait pas partie du panthéon Cananéen, et n’est apparu que plus tard. Il venait ”du Sud” comme l’explique le théologien Thomas Römer, du Collège de France. ”Du Sud” signifie Edom/ Madian/ Hijaz. Un Dieu donc initialement étranger au Pays de Canaan.

Au tournant du VI et du VII ième siècle avant JC, le roi Josias et ses prêtres ont introduit une réforme hardie menant à la monolâtrie puis, plus tard, au monothéisme. Cette réforme complexe eut pour effet, dans un premier temps, de transférer les attributs de Baal à Yahvé. Parallèlement, les prophètes et les fidèles de Baal étaient persécutés (Bible).

Une fois Yahvé installé au Temple de Jérusalem, la Bible nous enseigne que Josias a fait sortir de la maison de l’Éternel l’idole d’Ashera/ Astarté pour la brûler (2Rois 23:6). Le Culte d’Ashera a alors été durement condamné.

Bientôt, les attributs féminins de la déesse Ashera ont été transférés à Yahvé, ouvrant la voie vers le monothéisme. En même temps, le clergé masculin ”prenait le pouvoir” en supprimant le culte féminin.

Avec l’éviction de la grande déesse, la mentalité patriarcale se trouva alors structurellement renforcée.

Plus d’informations, et de liens : https://www.agoravox.fr/actualites/religions/article/la-femme-victime-du-patriarcat-de-228795


Détail – Symbole du peuple rejoignant l’agneau divin : Deux files d’agneaux venant de Béthléem et de Jérusalem, viennent rejoindre le Christ.

Retour à l’hôtel par la Piazza Navona. C’était un stade antique au I siècle. Elle a été dotée de très belles fontaines au XVI et XVII siècle.



Le Pape François Place Saint Pierre : Rencontre, Messe, Angélus.



Saint Jean Baptiste, le Christ Rédempteur, et Saint André.

(la photo du groupe, prise de dos depuis la coupole, a été vue plus haut)

Splendide horloge ”dans son jus”


Castel & Ponte Sant’ Angelo

Vue sur Saint Pierre depuis le Castel

Vue sur le Pont Sant’ Angelo, depuis le Castel.


Basilique Saint Jean de Latran – ” Mère et tête de toutes les églises de la ville et du monde” – édifiée au IV siècle. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilique_Saint-Jean-de-Latran

”Porte Sainte”, qui n’est ouverte que les années saintes…

Monumentale, en bronze, elle provient du Sénat Romain.

”Baldaquin” du XIV siècle – Il contient deux bustes reliquaires, avec crânes de Saint Paul et Saint Pierre…

Mosaïques de l’abside –

Au centre : Croix du Christ & Colombe du Saint Esprit.

Sur notre gauche : la Vierge, Saint Paul et Saint Pierre.

Sur notre droite : Saint Jean Baptiste, Saint Jean l’Evangéliste, et Saint André.


Lézard vert des Forums Impériaux –

Lézard gris du Jardin Botanique du Gianicolo –

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Hind Abyad

C’est plein de beauté oui, le petit hérisson.. Supertitions, le bon monde avaient peur de le toucher.

‘La FEMME : Victime du Patriarcat de la Bible ? Pourquoi le DIEU des monothéismes se montre-t-il si différent dans l’Égypte d’Akhenaton et dans la Bible (A.T.) ? Y a-t-il là une piste ?’

‘La Bible masque les traits ”Arabes” de YHWH et de Son Peuple. Ces traits sont pourtant révélés par les Origines, la Tradition et le Sang,’ J’ai des gros Problème avec le Catholicisme…


Nous sommes trop souvent des dégénérés et continuité de l’ “evolution”…. Un retour aux sources permet un recentrage réaliste sur les bonnes valeurs… Il faut se ressourcer dans le passé pour retrouver le bon sense d’origine…. Les valeurs des classiques sont encore d’actualité (lol) Confucius, Platon, Socrate, Herodotus, Cicéro, Rabelais, Erasmus, etc. sont plein d’enseignements basics… Les quelques millions d’années de l’humanité n’était pas que peuplées d’imbeciles, un peu d’humilité s’impose !

“Back to the Future” (lol)

Hind Abyad

Heureuse d’être rappelé à l’ordre..

Cette vie là, nous est imposé par des psychopates c’est humiliant comme une guerre sans secours.

Ils ont détruits nos pays, maintenant tous les pays

”Il faut se ressourcer dans le passé pour retrouver le bon sense d’origine …. Les valeurs des classiques sont encore d’actualité..” C’est extra!

”Swiss Patient Dies Shortly After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine” https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/swiss-patient-dies-shortly-after-receiving-pfizer-covid-vaccine?utm_campaign https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15586f9e6452330b1c41f63533490530f72423570cc2fea6f49fcba29bc69fb1.png


Bonjour Hind,

Je crois que ca vaut la peine d’été écouter, sans prejugerde la réponse ….

Claire Edwards dénonce le génocide du Covid – vidéo censurée sur YouTube


Hind Abyad

Bonjour Alexander, j’arrive pas à entrer.

J’ai réussi par contre avec;


Hind Abyad

Odysee est aussi au Quebéc jamais je croiré les dirigeants Quebécois n’ont rien lu.

Cheryl Brandon


Fog of War

” which he reminded that the assassination of Quds Force commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani would not go unpunished. ”

As much as I wish this came true, its time to shut up Iran as its been close to a year now. If Iran really wanted to retaliate they wouldn’t have warned the Americans before the first ” retaliation “, as it seems they were scared shitless of causing US casualties.


Maybe the other way around. Iran launched a ballistic missile strike on a US airbase in Iraq, and Trump did nothing. Just like after the shooting down of the Global Hawk drone. ??

Fog of War

” Trump did nothing. ”

If by nothing you mean killing the Iranian general in the first place then you would be correct.

The Objective

Trump needs a good reason to attack Iran proper. Without a good reason, few Americans would support a war. Americans presidents don’t start a war that their people do not support, because they risk being forced to resign by public protests. But if Iran had killed Americans in that retaliatory strike, the call for an overwhelming military response would be deafening in America. Iranian leaders understand this American politics very well. And they have always been careful about responding to American aggression in a way that would not anger the American public to the extent that they support a war on Iran.

Me&Myself None

Like Russia, Iran is completely hopeless, I used to be a fanboy of both Iran and Russia, but both of these countries are proven to be cowards beyond imagination. Iran keeps loosing some of its most important people one by one, yet its leaders keep running their mouth with empty words. Russia, at least knows that its army is useless against some of the most powerful countries in the west, but it keeps its mouth shut and not making empty threat.


Being fan boy of anything only proves your attributes toward resolve,you lie,you are broken! se’low lacklustured gimp with your tranny brigades n flips!


lotta doubts about Iran’s revenge on the Soleimani murder in these threads and to those (idiots) I would say, rest assured, the murder will be avenged and when it’s over and done with there won’t be one jew left in Palestine and that is for the world to enjoy. there is no need to hurry for Iran and while they patiently wait for the moment Iran is constructing the bases in Syria from which a devastating blow can be dealt against the thieving and murdering and lying scum presently illegally occupying Palestine – it most likely won’t be pretty but when it’s over and done with, a palestine free from jews awaits the world – rest assured.


The Persian dog is barking..back at your cage.

Hind Abyad

The Zionist dog is barking…back to your cage. Only myself will be banned as anti Semitic.


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