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MARCH 2025

Iranian Resistance Axis Strikes Back. Convoys With US Equipment Blowing Up In Iraq

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On September 3, an explosion of an improvised explosive device (IED) targeted a convoy with equipment of the US-led coalition in the southern Iraqi province of Dhi Qar. Iraqi troops that were escorting the convoy suffered no casualties. According to local sources, no significant damage was caused to the equipment. Following the incident, security forces detained 2 suspects near the explosion site. The investigation is ongoing.

However, it is no secret that the attack was likely conducted by one of multiple pro-Iranian Shiite groups that surfaced in the country following the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and several prominent Iraqi commanders by a US strike in Baghdad in January.

Earlier, the Guardians of Blood (also known as Islamic Resistance in Iraq) released a video showing an IED attack on another convoy with US equipment. The attack took place near Camp Taji, north of Baghdad on August 23. During the last few months, such attacks became a regular occurrence across Iraq.

Pro-Iranian forces not only created a wide network of active cells that carry out these operations, but also successfully track movements of US forces and their equipment. According to local sources, a large number of Iraqi security personnel involved in the guarding of US forces and facilities in fact support the Iranian-backed campaign against the United States as well as the public demand of the full US troop withdrawal from Iraq.

Despite loud statements and the handing over of several US bases to the Iraqi military, Washington is not reducing its military presence in the country. Rather it’s regrouping its forces and strengthening the security of the remaining facilities. Tensions are on the rise not only in Iraq.

On September 3, Israel’s ImageSat International released satellite images showcasing the impact of the recent Israeli strikes on Iranian-linked targets near the Syrian capital of Damascus, and in the province of Homs. The report claimed that the strike on the Damascus International Airport destroyed a headquarters and a warehouse used by Iranian forces. The same area was the target of an Israeli attack in February. The strike on the T4 airport in Homs damaged the main runway and an apron. As a result, the air base was temporary placed out of service.

A few days earlier, the Israeli Defense Forces claimed that they had hit approximately 100 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip in August. This supposedly included 35 hits on Hamas weapons manufacturing sites, along with 30 underground sites, 20 observation posts and 10 sites linked to the group’s aerial capabilities such as drones. According to the Israeli side, these strikes were a response to rocket and other attacks from the Gaza Strip. Palestinian groups claim that they just retaliate to permanent pressure and acts of aggression from the Israeli side.

Taking into account the war in Yemen, a large part of the Middle East has been turned into a battleground of the conflict between the Israeli-US bloc and the Iranian-led Axis of Resistance.

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seems like the 3th of september was a very cloudy day in Damascus…


Israelis don’t back down, we never do. We will defeat Iran in their own game, the UAE and Israel will work closely together to reach our common goals in the region. I suggest Nasrallah to stop his useless comments and threats, it doesn’t impress us. Kill one of our guys, and we will unleash hell on Lebanon like no Arab country has ever faced, and that’s a promise.

Jim Allen

Blah blah blah

Rhodium 10

” and we will unleash hell on lebanon”…of course Mossad burn device( mobile phone battery) the explosion of amonium nitrate in Beirut…nothing new!


It wasn’t us, but if we want to we can do that damage without any amonium nitrate. Look at Beirut post 2006, and that was only 5% of our firepower. My message to Nasrallah is to take us seriously, we are not playing around. He already tried twice and failed, if he is looking for a war then so be it.

kpevt12 .

This sounds like an IDF troll. Hope they pay you well. The Khazars of Zion are the biggest war criminals in the world … not the people of Khazaria. just the Khazarian leaders. The Palestinians are more “Isreali” than most Khazarians. I believe your DNA is southern Russia crossed with some Mongols. If history is correct. Maybe it is not. I do not mind you are Khazarian … everyone has to originate from somewhere.

Icarus Tanović

He ain’t IDF, he’s punk.


I think about blocking you, you keep talking shit about me and dont have the guts to come here and tell it to my face. Keep it up and you’re blocked, consider that a warning.

Vox Populi

How does blocking help a troll? quite infantile to hide from adult comments.

PJ London

You are a SouthFront moderator? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/25f23d2836bf55d2583998571e76a3078f4efc0bd0c527fe1714693944a56ec7.jpg


I don’t need to be, you know anyone can block people and never see their comments again right?

PJ London

So you want to be an ostrich and hide your head from seeing what people think of your comments. Duh, here is an idea, stop making comments and then you won’t get any replies!

Ashok Varma

Namaste, he is a very vain teenage troll and lies a lot too. He is not a soldier of any kind and is the forum’s laughing stock for making things up and posting fanciful tales with Vietnam era uniforms belonging to his father and now ready to go on into battle in cyber space.

Icarus Tanović


Ashok Varma

Ostriches and narcissists tend to hide from the truth, you chit of liar.


Dude, first you need to give him your address, then complain why he doesn’t come and talk $hit to your face.

…just sayin’…


I told him to meet me anywhere in Israel he likes, not in my personal adress which I won’t give anyway. I promise to come.

Icarus Tanović

Because you are coward.

Icarus Tanović

A warning? Hahahahaha.

PJ London

If you do not stop laughing, I am going to shove my cranium into my rectum! Then you will be sorry.

Icarus Tanović

Oh please don’t do that!

PJ London

Well consider it a warning.

Icarus Tanović



You have no idea what is my origin, so you better shut up.

Vox Populi

Your origins are surely questionable. The dna malfunction is a good indicator.

Vox Populi

He is a teenage punk indeed. Just trolls for any recognition with bizarre rants in poorly structured syntax devoid of reality.


Pretty sure the Khazar hypothesis has been disproven.

Ashkenazi jews are essentially descended from itinerant male jewish merchants and female europids -a hybrid race- then became a biological isolate for some 1500 years, the genetic drift then ending up as a very peculiar and readily identifiable DNA profile.


Lyin_Zion says he is an Iraqi jew, which would most assuredly make him closer to a Biblical hebrew than the ashkenazim who largely make up the “Israeli” polity.

Rhodium 10

2006 Hezbollah only had rockets…now they have cruise missile and suicide drones, and new Kornets ATGM ( range 10km)…they can launch attacks vs Israel from lebanon, Syria, Irak…

Jens Holm

People which store 2700 ton pf ammonitrate like that 6 years deserve to be killed. I hope they are.

It never had happend in my country. The cargo and the rusty boat was sold by auktion after 1 year. In Europe we cant buy that concentrated ammoniumnitrate at all – for safety matters by terror as well as selfdetonation – water can ignite it by a chemical warming proces.

But blaming Israel for everything is the best excuse for own narrowminded limitations.

Vox Populi

Does a infantile idiot ever shut up with nonsense?


Meanwhile in the adult world, Iran has enough uranium for at least two nuclear weapons.

Nuclear experts predict that Iran is now just 3.5 months away from the “breakout time,” a measurement of how close the country is to having the technology and materials to construct a nuclear weapon. It also now has the fuel to potentially construct two separate bombs.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) disclosed on Friday that Iran has nearly doubled its stockpiles of enriched uranium, generating concerns about the country’s continued progress on a nuclear weapon. Iran granted the IAEA access to several contested nuclear sites that had previously been off limits. A report on Tehran’s nuclear activities was shared with the United States and other United Nations members.

PJ London

That was in 1969, and we are still waiting for the 3.5 months to finish.

Icarus Tanović


Fleecing Rabbi

Meshuggenah narish iungatsh ir zent a shand


A nar iz an aibecker tzar …. loif avec hint


You will defeat Iran by aligning yourself with head-choppers? You tried that in Syria and Yemen and you lost it! How is it going to work against Iran?


Calm down! I’ll convey your “message” to Mr. Nasrallah and bring his answer to you directly. Satisfied? Screw your regime’s leaders, you will decide the fate of this conflict with him.

Now explain to me please how on earth you come and under every single unrelated article on this site write a comment about yourself, your regime and your child-killer armed forces with your usual threats?

Don’t you think I can’t sleep tonight because I’m scared to death from your threats? What kind of secular Jew are you?

Seriously, I never though you are a Hasbarat, but you act like someone who recently lost his job and has nothing better to do. If that’s the case, send me your CV and I’ll talk to my connections there and find a solution. This way you’ll get busy and threat less and I’ll be able to sleep tight without scaring that ooooh, such a badass warrior is threatening me!


When did I threaten you Garga? I said a simple fact. I don’t want to harm anyone, but if Nasrallah still keeps his attempts to try and kill an Israeli solder, then it will have a big consequences on him and Lebanon. That is not something I said, that is Bibi and Gantz words. https://www.timesofisrael.com/nasrallah-were-looking-to-kill-an-israeli-soldier-and-arent-in-a-hurry/ https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahu-warns-hezbollah-dont-test-crushing-force-of-israel/


no it wont! and it will…


man cut down on the cheese.

Jens Holm

I wonder how an improvised bomb, which hit nothing, can take headline here. It seemes the writer is not even sure some Iranians did it.

Its true USA do damage control and are doing well and Israel as routine since 1948 has done the usual cleaning.

To me the Israelians look and behave more and more like the Leading “arabs”, which I never liked.


So don’t like us, why do every European think he / she can pass some judgement about the ME? you don’t live here, we do. As for me, I also don’t like your EU leaders as they suck up to our enemies for money, but you don’t see me complaining about it. Take in more immigrants and leave us alone, thanks.

Jens Holm

I have proposed several things.

One is You trade all Westbankers for the Westbank and Golan to Syria even they many times has shown they dont deserve it. But Assads need more spendables.

Even its not much I have been paying to UN feeding palestinians there from the first day I paid tax. Nice USA do the Israelien part.

PJ London

Here is another alternative. All Israelis who arrived or whose ancestors have arrived from Europe or Asia or Africa after 1890 are returned to their country of origin. Before 1946, you never had to pay a cent to the middle east, now millions are spent on the Palestinians and many millions more are given to the Israelis. So return the land to the people from whom it was stolen. Take all US-UK-NATO personnel from the middle east, and keep your money. Without the US-Israeli Oil greed or the Israeli land greed there would be peace and stability. If Arabs wish to fight amongst themselves it has nothing to do with you. Just as the Arabs don’t give a flying intercourse about who does what to whom in the US.

Vox Populi

You sir, have just replied to a person remarkably short of a few sandwiches at a Hyde Park picnic.

PJ London

True, but there are adults who also read both the comment and the reply. It was addressed to those who have perception. (Sorry, upvoted myself by mistake)

Vox Populi

Jens and the Iron Zion troll are attention seeking spamming punks who have no idea of reality. I have found that replying to their nonsense only encourages them. The Zion troll is a playstation armchair basement dwelling teenage troll who glorifies human death, posts racist rants and expects recognition. I find the best way to respond is to deprive them of any recognition.


Lyin’_Zion occasionally makes unintentionally amusing comments, and rarely a decent post, but mostly chest-beating, saber-rattling bluster.

Jens just posts unintelligible garbage everytime, I am not convinced it is even human, more like a poorly-written bot/gibberish generator.


No … the Great Powers after WWI granted the Jewish People a Homeland between the River and the Sea … it’s enshrined in treaties / International Law …


PJ London

My God, are you still peddling that crap! Since when was it theirs to grant. I grant you sole ownership of Canada, USA and Mexico. Be happy the people there already will welcome you.


The Arabs were consulted … they were at the table at the Treaty of Versailles … the Great Powers voted in favour of Jews/Zionists/Israelis … a Homeland between the River and the Sea … recognized as International Law … that’s hook, line, and sinker

PJ London

At no time and no place did Arabs agree to a Jewish state or to “Israel” You are so ***ing lying you would not know how to speak the truth. I guess it is because you are Jewish. Please give any reference to Israel or a “Jewish-Zionist” state at the Treaty of Versailles. You can’t, as always you are lying. The concept of a Jewish state was rejected by every Arab leader until the US pressured Egypt and Saudi (and now UAE) into speaking to Israel.


The Arabs were at the table at Versailles … full stop

They were consulted and 22 Arab States were formed from the Ottoman Empire’s Lands … eh?

But the Mandate for Palestine was to become a Homeland for the Jewish People … full stop

Mission Accomplished …

PJ London

“The Arabs were at the table at Versailles … full stop

They were consulted and 22 Arab States were formed from the Ottoman Empire’s Lands … eh?” How does equate to recognition of Israel or a “Jewish Homeland” It doesn’t. You lie by strawman arguments. The British (to their eternal shame) allowed the US to force the UNSC to recognise an area to become the Jewish state. Once they got a toehold as in every instance the Jewish people have a chance they slaughtered innocent and what they could not steal by stealth they stole by force. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8eb394c793bc9b9be5946c472953ec87182344117fff428cc063f7c253c52fb3.jpg

So take your little Hasbarat disinformation sheet and use it for the purpose beat suited, it is full of Sh*t and so are you.


The Jews were at the table too … hello?

There were no Palestinians … just Arabs … hello?

YOUR cousins are finished …

‘Once they get a toehold’ … lol

anti-Judaism HATER is all you got …


PJ London

Please tell me who exactly was the “Jews” representative at the “table”. Palestinians were “Arabs” and a “small minority Jews ” living in Palestine. An inconvenient truth.


Treaty of Versailles … look it up

YOU do remember WWI … eh?

There were no Palestinians in 1920 … just Arabs …

an inconvenient truth … well said

PJ London

So you don’t answer the question Who was the “Jews” representative, because as you know, there was no representative of Jews at Versailles. You are a Liar. Anyone living in Palestine (IE the area covered by the Palestine Mandate ) was a “Palestinian”, Arabs Jews and Christians. F*ing inconvenient for the Israelis claiming that there was no-one living there before the settler horde from Europe arrived.

Perhaps you will believe Moshe Dayan? “Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.” Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969.

Just in case you missed it. “There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.” Moshe Dayan Now that, is well said.


No one said no Arabs were living there … hello? Those Arabs are now living on the WB under military occupation … their situation will change only after signing the terms of surrender, as per the Trump Plan … hello?

The Arabs accept their fate or will remain under ‘military occupation’ … full stop

Seems to me … Muslims like you can’t accept the vicissitudes of life … lol

One day up … the next one down for 100 years … better luck awaits you somewhere … eh London?

Nothing about palestinians interests me … they should read the writing on the wall …. eh?


PJ London

“Nothing about palestinians interests me” and that is exactly what is wrong with Zionism and the Israelis


I could give a sh Xt about the palestinians … they’re arabs that need to sign the terms of surrender or vacate the WB

Those are the options …

The Arab/Israeli Conflict is over …


Icarus Tanović

Don’t talk to lying Zionist. Just look at his comments blah bla blah… next. Reply to him just with “next”.


Weizmann and Ussishkin among others … the French opposed the British but Lloyd George, a Christian Restorationist carried the day … eh?

The Jewish People was restored to the Holy Land

Come on Man … it’s 100 years and you’re still not over it? lol

That’s ? … the Jews/Zionists/Israelis were in exile for 2000 Years … let’s see where we are in another 100 years … eh?


PJ London

” … The agreement was presented to Faisal in his room at the Carlton Hotel on 3 January in English, which Faisal could not read, and its contents were explained to Faisal by Lawrence as the sole translator.[4] Faisal signed the document in the same meeting, without consulting his advisors awaiting him in a separate room, but added a caveat in Arabic next to his signature,[3] such that Faisal considered the agreement was conditional on Palestine being within the area of Arab independence.[a] The Zionist Organization submitted the Agreement to the Paris Peace Conference without the caveat.” Typical Zionist – Jewish behaviour. Cannot be trusted under any circumstances. They were never at the Treaty meetings and only ran around behind the scenes trying to get freebies. Did I mention Typical Zionist – Jewish behaviour.

Yoav Gelber described the document as “of propaganda value only”, since it quickly became clear that Faisal’s conditions would not be met. And here are the list of 32 countries who were parties to the Treaty :


Nope not a single Jewish person anywhere.

What did Ussishkin have to do with Versailles?

The fact that the Ashkenazi people who converted to Judaism in 930 AD may or may not have been in exile (I am sure that there were good reasons) or the Polish and Russian Jews from Turkey and the Caucasus felt unwanted has nothing to do with Palestine. They just set about stealing other people’s land, and with the corruption of British and US politicians, succeeded.


Wow … isn’t that interesting … an illiterate Arab being given a document to sign … eh? Is this the same Faisal who wanted Peace in 1948? BUT attacked and stole the WB and E Jerusalem?

Remind me … did 99% of the Ottoman Lands get distributed to the 22 Arab States? BUT … you’re focused on the 1% that was to be set up as a Jewish Homeland ?

YOU say Ussishkin wasn’t there? Was Weizmann? Then Ussishkin was there as well … “On 27 February 1919, the Zionists, Nahum Sokolov, Menahem Ussishkin and Chaim Weizmann addressed the Council of Ten. Sokolov spoke about the travails of Jewish history while Weizmann suggested that five million Jews could be settled in Palestine without affecting the indigenous Arab population. A million persecuted Jews in Eastern Europe, Weizmann claimed, would leave at a moment’s notice. However it was the veteran Ussishkin who impressed because he addressed the Council in a seemingly dead language, Hebrew, “the tongue of kings and prophets which we have never forgotten”.

Ussishkin majestically projected the biblical imagery of a people who had survived against all the odds down the long centuries of dispersion. He told them: “I, a son of these exiles, come to you in the name of my bereft people, to you who serve both politically and culturally as the heirs of the Romans, and make my demand to you.

Rectify the injustice of that historic robbery, restore our land to us!”


The Jewish People are HOME … attempting to remove them / attempting to attack them / attempting to upset the Peace of the Jewish People … will result in FURTHER wars and the loss of life … full stop

This is a final warning … sign the terms of surrender

PJ London

That is the problem with you and all the Hasbarat, you can’t read. How does “What did Ussishkin have to do with Versailles?” become “YOU say Ussishkin wasn’t there?” Dumb lying pr*ck. “This is a final warning …” OOOH I am sooooo scared. If the Ashkanazim were home there would be no problem, you are falsely and illegally occupying land which belongs to others. You will be expelled. Get used to the idea. It will either be peacefully or you will be expelled forcibly.


Israel lives peacefully … those that plan to attack will be harmed … their country attacked … without mercy


Icarus Tanović

Balfour declaration. Now, every single conspiracy theories surface.

PJ London

“The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917.”

Nothing whatsoever to do with Versailles

Icarus Tanović

Never heard of that in peace treaty in Versailles. Many people says that Germany was played by UK, USA, France as for the reparations.

PJ London

You are right nothing to do with the Versailles Treaty.

Weizman (leader of the Zionist movement) told Balfour that if Britain agreed to a Jewish state, he would guarantee the US entry into the war on the side of Britain. After the Balfour document, the zionists engineered the Lusitano sinking.

“[Had the US not entered WWI] … peace would have been made with Germany; and there would have been no collapse in Russia leading to Communism; no breakdown of government in Italy followed by Fascism; and Nazism never would have gained ascendancy in Germany.” Winston Churchill, Social Justice Magazine, July 3 (1939)

Weizman threatened US and Britain with economic destruction (via the Rothschild banks) if they did not support Zionist dreams. “We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not…You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.” (Chaim Weizmann, Published in “Judische Rundschau,” No. 4, 1920)

At that time, they were already talking genocide of the Palestinians. “Palestine will be as Jewish as England is English.” (Chaim Weizmann, 1921)

Palestine was merely the beginning.

Here are the words Weizmann and Ben-Gurion promised the Mandate Government: “if further action was taken against them (by the British Mandate Government) to destroy Zionism, then there would be a blood bath. Nothing could prevent it. Nobody would be safe in Palestine (July 12, 1946, Rhodes Archive Documents). If need be, we shall take the country by force. If Palestine proves too small, her frontiers will have to be extended” (Ben Gurion, Appendix LVc).

and here is something that Israel should remember;

Who told a Berlin audience in March 1912 that “each country can absorb only a limited number of Jews, if she doesn’t want disorders in her stomach. Germany already has too many Jews”? No, not Adolf Hitler but Chaim Weizmann, later president of the World Zionist Organisation and later still the first president of the state of Israel….

Israel is sick and dying, they know it but pretend that somehow the skydaddy with the big white beard will come down and save them.


I am anti-zionist, but this plan is unfeasable since ashkenazi immigrants have mixed heavily with the local population.

Some recent immigrants could be repatriated to their countries of origin; but as to the others, I dont see how it’s fair or reasonable to transfer this problem onto other countries like in USA and Europe where soon most people will have no living memory of ashkenazi ancestors who left to colonize the levant.

The most reasonable solution would be to stop supporting the zionist state, and stop running interference for them in the UN security clowncil with vetoes. Force the zionist state to stand by itself, on it’s own merits without superpower attack dogs backing them up regardless of what they do to earn the enmity of those in the region.


UN Security Council is ‘the last word’?

As if there’s a World Government … that exists today?

Israel stands alone in fighting for its survival … hello?



So who gives a sh Xt about your solution?

“If Arabs wish to fight amongst themselves … “ … IF ?


Population Exchange … now you’re talking


We’ve wasted $20 trillion on unnecessary fabricated wars for Jews and Israel. That if it had been spent on peace and prosperity like it should of been. We’d be way ahead of China.

You’re the biggest problem facing the US and humanity. 90% of the omnicidal globalists that Jones complains about who according to him are planning to kill every man, women and child on the planet are Israel firster Jews and Zionists.


What on earth is this SF, Iranians did it, huh, not Iraqis, yeah, I get it, when everybody, by that I mean counteless nations are in Iraq because of the riddicilous narrative about fighting terrorism if you are brain dead enough to belive that, nations like even the land of the sheep f…. mountain monkeys aka Norway to the Imperial banana republic, witch of course after soon two decades is stil fighting terrorism, of course, and somehow, when somebody fights the invading scumbags whom have held Iraqis as hostages aka ZATO ( the ZioNazis A.. holes terror org ) this “somebodys” blames the Iranians for this, as if Iran is doing something iligale, yeah, something or somebody is desperate to make it to be about pushing some idiotic drivel as the Iranians are blamed for this, when the problem isnt whom did the attack, the problem is those that was attacked, nothing else matters.

I start to question some peoples motives, rewriting reality, when the UssA/ZATO have backed ISIS witch they claim they are fighting but somehow manages to bomb the Iraqi forces, and stil the ISIS is roaming around, after 7 years and over an decade in Iraq, and yeah, I don like the way this have been presented as somesort of News. Tsk, tsk, tsk.


Vox Populi

It is a quite disingenuous to label the hybrid and growing Iraqi national resistance “Iranian” as this is certainly not the case. US and assorted poodles invaded Iraq, killed millions of civilians, inflicted brutality and destroyed the country’s culture and infrastructure. So resistance was a natural consequence and will only grow.


The American state cannot be compared to the soviet state. It’s more like the third reich or at least mussolini’s state

Fog of War

Mored ” dead ” US equipment. Yawn ………….

Vox Populi

The resistance will avoid major attacks until the US fake elections are over and then expect a major flareup.

Kenny Jones ™

Actually I think a few days before the US election to make Trump lose as revenge for Soleimani, but we’ll see

Tommy Peters

Folks, the IDF’s response towards this so-called Axis of Evil is drama. Underneath this is Tel Aviv’s on-going chess game, the old Sunni-Shia beef on who gets to manage worship. The House of Saud is in denial but Iran is the Persian Queen check-mated by Obama without firing a shot. Iran is neutered, hungry and ready to go. Its job description is to delete HoS, the middle-man, from the Petrodollar. It’s just business, besides this divide-and-conquer thing has a long Zionist history.


The way to deal with the Jew’s Yinon plan forever war is with a regional military coalition that outmans and outguns Israel to clear the IDF and Israeli government out of the occupied territories with a minimal of bloodshed via a negotiated withdrawal.


Jews and Israel are the primary enemies of the US, the American people, our planet and humanity. The collapse in progess of the US, that the Jews and Israel are primarily responsible for. Should be used to outlaw and abolish Judaism and Israel in the US and on our planet so that they’re Jew free. To create a better future for humanity without Judaism.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x