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MARCH 2025

Iranian Revolution Guards Vow To Take “Unforgettable Revenge” Against Ahvaz Terrorists

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Iranian Revolution Guards Vow To Take “Unforgettable Revenge” Against Ahvaz Terrorists

Iranian television footage of the missiles being launched at ISIS in al-Mayadin in 2017, Via al-Jazeera

On September 23, the Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) vowed to take “a deadly and unforgettable revenge” against terrorists behind the brutal attack on a military parade in the southwestern city of Ahvaz.

“With the grace of God and endeavors of intelligence and security institutions of the country as well as the existing superiority over the strongholds of leaders of the criminal and evil terrorists, a deadly and unforgettable revenge will be taken on them in the near future with the help of God, the Almighty,” the IRGC said in an official statement, according to the Iranian news agency Tansim.

The attack, which occurred a day earlier, killed at least 25 people and injured 50 others. According to Iranian Armed Forces spokesman, Brig. Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, the terrorists responsible for the attack are linked to the U.S. and Israel and had been trained by two countries of the Persian Gulf.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on September 22 and released a video confirming this claim on September 23.

Last year, the IRGC responded to a similar terrorist attack on the Iranian parliament by launching six mid-range ballistic missiles at positions of ISIS near the eastern Syrian city of al-Mayadin. 170 elements of the terrorist group were reportedly killed in the operation, which was codenamed “Laylat al-Qadr.”

The IRCG carried out another missile strike on headquarters of two Iranian Kurdish armed groups in northwestern Iraq two weeks ago. The strike was also a respond to a terrorist attack that resulted in the death of several personnel of the Iranian Border Guard.

The response to the attack in Ahvaz will likely have a similar scale. However, the IRGC may use unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs), such as Shahed-129 and Muhajir-6, this time because Ahvaz terrorists don’t have any major stronghold in the region.

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Promitheas Apollonious

ok when every one stop bullshitting each other and do what they all fart they do instead of seating like dummies taking punishment then I believe them.

Gregory Casey

Hell Hath No Fury ………


So we get it, the Iranians want to rule their own country and they have lots of petroleum. That makes them bad and US good. The US by their own admission is the greatest country in the world, well fattest anyway. They are insatiable and any country that has anything of value needs to turn it over to the rightful owners of all good, F.uk.us and evil co-conspirators. Now damn it!




They’re really freaking out over this, I guess they thought they could maintain an image of impregnability.

Blas de Lezo

No such thing as impregnability. as Saudi Wahhabi Arabia showed us a few years back while GWB enjoyed his supreme court stolen election.


Much better than armies scared of kids, stone, and kites.


So did the yanks, they still go on about 911, and Israel goes berserk anytime some Jews are killed. If it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander, watch the Americans, and or Israelis start foaming at the mouth when Iran takes revenge.


What revenge do you predict?


They know a lot of the US sponsored mercs in middle east. Obliterating and harassing them is simple enough.


How would I know, there are so many ways Iran can hurt, and so many members of Americas terror gangs, Iran has many many options.


I ask, because Iran has never done anything to make Americans or Israelis “foam at the mouth”. There’s a lot of talk of revenge, but nothing that gets the attention of the general public. You mention the Lockerbie Bombing was executed by Iran. Do you think Iran would resort to blatant terrorism? I get the whole Eye for an eye thing, but that’s a path I don’t think they’d support. The US would have you believe Iran sponsors terrorism, and that would fit their narrative to the tee.

Blas de Lezo

Don’t blasphemy.“With the grace of God”; do what you got to do:. ” the endeavors of intelligence and security institutions of the country as well as the existing superiority over the strongholds of leaders of the criminal and evil terrorists, a deadly and unforgettable revenge will be taken on them in the near future”. Just cut down those dam Yews that’s all.


When the US shot down Iran Air 655 killing 290 people, refused to apologize, and gave a medal to the ships captain, Iran swore revenge.

Six months later a PanAm flight 103 blew up over Scotland killing 259 people. The US blamed Libya, even though they knew Iran did it, and killed a lot of innocent Libyans.

Iran will seek revenge, and they will know who committed this act. People from the usual terrorist suspect nations(US,UK,Israel) should be very careful if traveling overseas.


The response will be measure and directed at DAESH (aka ISIS/ISIL, Al Qaeda or Al Nusra or Ahwazi separatists or whatever other abbreviation that FrUKUS comes up with) , the very same people who who killed people in Brussels, Paris, NYC, DC, Baghdad, London, Madrid,… The amazing thing is that our government in US, France, UK, “Eternal BFF Israeli Friends” and lots of other European governments; are actually supporting their cuddly Salari Liver-Eating Jihadists.


This is unfortunate. There are legitimate grievances that Ahwazis have repeatedly voiced. It is doubtful that any of those who really care about an amelioration of their situation would have condoned the bloody attack on a military parade. It only harms their cause. Those really responsible sit in climatized luxury apartments in the Gulf States.

That Guy

Ahwaz (A7waz) (احواز), not Ahvaz (اهواز). Use the correct pronunciation.

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