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Iranian Revolutionary Guard Releases Video Of U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk Shootdown

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On June 20, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) released a video showing the moment when its air-defense units shot down an RQ-4A Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the U.S. Navy off Iranain shores.

The video shows an Iranian-made Khordad-3 air-defense system launching what appears to be a Sayyad-2C anti-aircraft missile. A clear hit can be seen in the video, which was recorded in the early hours of the morning.

While the Khordad-3 system is designed after the Soviet Buk missile system, the Sayyad-2C is actually an Iranian copy of the US-made RIM-66 Standard missile, which was in service with the Iranian Navy prior to the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Releases Video Of U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk Shootdown

Click to see full-size image. Source: (@Iranmilitarytube) on Telegram

The Sayyad-2C has a range of 75km and a top altitude of 30. This explains how it was able to hit the RQ-4A Global Hawk that has a service ceiling of 18km only. The missile is believed to be guided by semi-active radar homing (SARH), just like the original RIM-66.

Earlier, the U.S. military revealed that the RQ-4A copy which was shot down by Iran was a part of the U.S. Navy’s Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) program. Global Hawk’s variants developed under this program were designed to provide the Navy with real-time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities over vast ocean and coastal regions.

Iran claimed that the UAV violated its airspace over the southern district of Jask County. However, the U.S. rejected these claims and said that the UAV was flying in international airspace.

The U.S. is now reportedly considering a military response to downing to the RQ-4A. Such a military action could lead to a dangerous confrontation in the Persian Gulf.

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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Oops, accidentally pressed the button marked stop invading my airspace America.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Kind of embarrassing for CENTERRORCOM.


Fookin great

Pave Way IV

Hey – that thing cost me $150 million in taxes. If Iran shoots down many more of those, I’m going to have to start cutting back free money… I mean ‘military AIDS’… to Israel. You have been warned, Iran! I’ll do it – I’m serious.

Tomas Kinoshta

cut welfare to illrgals first

Zionism = EVIL

You mean the Euro trash and Anglo invaders that committed a holocaust of the native Americans?

Tomas Kinoshta

Zionists still better than muslims. As for natives. who cares?

viktor ziv

Native comes from latin word nativus. So, you are also native. Who cares?


Zionists are destroying America, one war at a time.


That should be least of your worries. RAND a right wing “think-tank” has just updated its analysis on a the deadly consequences of an ill-advised US war with Iran.

What will be the result of war?

According to studies of American RAND think tank, during the time of George Bush (after Afghanistan war and during the military drill of millennium challenge) the cost of fighting with Iran is very high and it causes a high spike in oil price, collapse of the global economy and up to 100 thousand of casualties for US and allies.

On Iran’s side there is no study but indeed the casualties will be severe too, but Iranians with their Shia martyrdom ideology, will cope far better as they did during the Iraq-Iran conflict..

But it is noteworthy that US tried to attack Iran from 1979 revolution several times and they know that the situation has changed from early years after revolution and Iran-Iraq war time and even after Sadam’s fall. So the casualties should be more than 100 thousand or the oil price should go even higher and also it can result in Saudi and Zionist regimes’ extinction. Contrary to Zionist and western propaganda, Israel simply lacks the population and strategic mass to fight Iran, Hezbollah and their allies in a protracted asymmetrical conflict. The security situation for UAE and Saudis is even more dire considering their quagmire in Yemen and humiliating defeats.


The drone actually costs only an upward max of 4 million dollars with operational costs of a few 10’s of thousands per long hours.


Nope. $131.4M USD excluding R&D. R&D in it’s $222.7M



Correct I mistook it with a standard drone I just looked it up.


Just print more money, who cares about the cost when you have unlimited free money :)

Zionism = EVIL

Replacement cost of over $255 million according to Northrop Grumman. On their website they give the 2013 cost as $223 million.

Top speed: 629 km/h Wingspan: 40 m Range: 22,780 km Program cost: US$10 billion (USAF cost through FY2014) Unit cost: 222,700,000–222,700,000 USD (2013)

The cost of the Iranian Khordad 3 Taer missile is less than $3,000 per round :)

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

yeah you can try, antisemite. But Israel will always be America’s strongest and best ally in the world!


Remember the Liberty with friends like that who needs enemies.


Of course they’re bffs. With selected ( not elected ) dual citizens running the show in US government why wouldn’t they be. What you’ve failed to assess in your scenario are the quiet majority of US citizens who’ll refuse to allow your tribe to take their children’s lives. Plus, it’s a matter of time until your tribal Web is non-existant. It’s managed it’s self-depletion without external help. From currency decentralization to the unmasking of ongoing wars for your tribe in the M E to mairstream info disinformation to theft and illegal sales of all types of property, by all definition of the word, property. No matter what the outcome between Iran and the US, Israel will no longer exist and the dual citizens in the US will have plenty to answer for in the aftermath…good luck my Yiddish foe. Even the trees and rocks will give up your location. ( we both know what I’m talking about, trees and rocks, it’s why you yids plant a certain type of tree in Palestine ). Adios puto

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

typical antisemitic rodent!


ROFLMAO…I am the original semite. My family’s semitic origin dates back to Palestine over 600 years. You have not one drop of semitic blood. I’m sure the borscht runs thick in you tho…you and Benzion Mileikowsky ( Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu ). Hope you can still speak Yiddish, although Poland may not welcome you back!

Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Bolton shithead has had 2 Americunt dones shot down in one week at a cost of $400 million enough for house and feed the million plus child killing “veteran” trash that lives on Americunt mean streets. The Iranians called the lardass big mouth coward Trump’s bluff and blew the drone out of the sky over their territory. What the fuck are the Ameriturds going to do now? NOTHING because the Zionist scum and UAE puppets will be hit hard :)

S Melanson

For the US to cut back aid to Israel, doesn’t that require approval of the Knesset?


Definitely a major shift in Israel’s foreign policy were that to happen, so yeah probably. All though after they completely invalidated our constitution, I am sure Trump can be convinced to recognize the US as Israeli territory. A small concession after all the other swell deals we got over the years. The Liberty didn’t actually sink. Truth be told they got off easy.



Nah, too complicated. Bibi makes those decisions on his own.

hahahaha! this is too much!

Ashok Varma

US is bankrupt with endless wars and an attack on Iran will spell doom for US and its puppets.

Xoli Xoli


Xoli Xoli

Good shot most latest top class advance drone down by Iran.


Now Rohani should raise the body of downed US drone like Netanyahu that by this drone Trump want to violate our aerospace. No excuse for America as you violate Iran aerospace then this will happen to your gadgets.

Tomas Kinoshta

not really, DJ can do nothing and the Iranian people suffer.


Apparently by IRCG’s own admission (see the attached tweet) the RQ-4A Global Hawk did not fly over Iranian territories as initially denounced; instead the drone flew over the waters of the Persian Gulf and it will be extremely difficult for Iran to prove that such UAV did indeed violated their airspace. https://twitter.com/eha_news/status/1141787529747808261


Are you an idiot? The waters are also territorial water. 12 nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 miles).


Look to his ID, he is a wanklord. Same lord with multiple IDs. He is the IDs lord.


Stupid animal, Iran initially denounced that the RQ-4A Global Hawk flew over Kooh Mobarak region in the province of Hormozgan AND NEVER MENTIONED TERRITORIAL WATERS…”Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has shot down an intruding American spy drone in the country’s southern coastal province of Hormozgan. In a statement issued early Thursday, the IRGC said the US-made Global Hawk surveillance drone was brought down by its Air Force near the Kouh-e Mobarak region — which sits in the central district of Jask County — after the aircraft violated Iranian airspace.” https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/06/20/598942/Iran-IRGC-US-spy-drone



Luke Hemmming

He is the Lord of wankers. A wanker in our country is something who talks shit, thinks he is awesome and bates a lot to granny pron. Say no more. His name speaks volumes about him as a person. Lol.


“….. it will be extremely difficult for Iran to prove that such UAV did indeed violate their airspace.”

You should stick to wanking , wanklord. The video you posted shows the demarcation line for Iranian territorial airspace right on the map. As you’ll notice ( well , perhaps not , in your case ) on the first pass along the coast , the drone holds tightly to the demarcation line. Then , on the second pass in the opposite direction , it again holds the line , until just before the shootdown when it veers towards the Iranian coast and into Iranian territorial airspace.


That is sheer rubbish.


No excuse for America as you violate Iran aerospace then this will happen to your gadgets.

From Iranian missiles the American Aircraft carriers, Submarines, ships and military bases cannot escape and are on Iranian missiles targets.

The Iranian nuclear warheads will detonate 100 meters above military bases for maximum damage.


Indian Navy deploying now to escort its tankers (I expect, from you know who).


Very good.


Yeah, the wankees are out doing what they are best at, making an cluster f…. of everything they tuch and do, since thinking is out of the equation. Nautial water lines is economic in nature, and from outside that, international rules rule, but can be inspected by certifyed personal as Custums or Fishing patrol boats, etc, etc.

This rule changes when we move above ground, you know, tha air space, and yess, it was again an deliberate atempt to provoce, by whom is obvious, whys to, and its was shoot down over Irainian airspace, and the thing is, it swtiched of its transponder, and thereby become an liability to a lot more than just Iran, to civil airtraffic etc, by turning of the beacon and ID, and then entering Iranian airspace, with this premisses on, why shouldnt the Iranians have the full right to wack it off the sky, they had/have all the rights, the facts, witch of course is completelly ignored by wankykies, isnt new either, all in all, we have another wankykie created shit show, and the Vilage Idiot from NY is trying to be eh…… hard.

So, the second is the MSM, again, they lie about everything all the time, never ever forget that. I dont waist time on HasbaRats, and wankeeedooodles, idiots all/most of them. They simply dont see it, shit in, shit out, and this drooling morons are creating AI, are you kidding, atrificial, hell yooohooho, intellegent, never. Cheers. And do loosen your dipers a bitt child, it blocks the flow of fresh blood around your body, and eventually your tiny thing called brain, will be affected, and you start to see thing and hear things only an indoctrinated PC-f….up creature is capable of doing, and the writing shows the downfall of men and mind. You are not even an challange, just an pack of morons govern by the butt naked emperor, and now we are in an phase where nobody dears to say it, you have nothing on.



Deleted wrong info on drone cost*. But i personally think the americans playd it arrogant they didn’t thnk Iran would dare. Personally I think Iran acted stupid like most of the time that they do.


Any kind of conciliatory action is looked upon as weakness by the Americans. The only reason the US has not attacked Iran is because they always take an eye for an eye. When the US shot down IranAir655, the Iranians didn’t complain they took out PanAm103(Lockerbie). The US has not touched an Iranian plane since. Malaysia said nothing about the US shooting down MH370, which led to the US shooting down MH17. Violence is the only language America speaks and understands.


Yes all this is unfortunate, but perosnally I don’t like Iran for good reasons, they have been good for nothing were i come from. They fucked an entire region unnnecessarily with the arab world. At least Arabs throw money and create jobs. Iranians bitch about israel and pretend they care about Palestine.

Luke Hemmming

I think you mean Israel and Saudi Arabia fucked up the middle East with the help of the US. I bitch about Israel all the time too and I do care about the Palestinians. I don’t care much for fake Jews who illegally land grab then cry when someone says something bad about them.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’m just surprised that more of these things haven’t been taken out before, operating in other regions where there are providing CENTCOM terrorist assistance.


Because most countries are scared, shoot down an American plane, and they will bomb your schools and hospitals, it’s the American way.


I’m looking forward to an F35 being shot down. :)


I’ll bet they won’t use them. After losing Turkey and Germany as buyers they can’t afford to risk flying them in combat. Half the world believes the Syrians shot down an Israeli F-35, the last thing the USA needs is to lose another one in combat. They have nothing to gain by using them and everything to lose.

Zionism = EVIL

A lardass dumbass Americunt pilot captured will be the biggest humiliation for the Americunt losers. Iran is quite prepared and waiting for the Americunt thugs to send a manned plane over their territory. As I posted last week with photos, Iran has build a “kill zone” from Chah Bahar to Bandar Abbas dense with AAA and Missiles. As is quite apparent, Iranian radar coverage is excellent and their targeting even better. Americunt dumbasses will lose a lot of planes if they attack Iran.


Remember this embarrassing waste of Taxpayer dollars.


The US claimed 76 cruise missiles took out a 4 storey soft skinned commercial building at the Damascus university each with a 1000 lb warhead. they should have been able to take out half of Damascus with that kind of explosive power but the photos showed the concrete block superstructure still standing. 76 missiles at around $2m/ea. That’s $150M just for the ordinance (double that cost to have the units to launch the strike) to demolish a building that I could get a demolition contractor to do for about $200k including tipping fees and they could do it with 2 excavators a loader and a couple of dump trucks in 2 weeks. That was embarrassing for the US military but if I was a US taxpayer I would be livid.


I am having a heart laugh. You are on point.

cristi cristikosk

will you remember the Eagle Claw operation? all i want for Christmas is dead americunts in Iran.


After a poor false flag operation I think the score is as follows;

Iran (2) – (0) united zionist scumbags.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

mullah regime shot down a US Drone in INTERNATIONAL WATER. Trump Administration preparing MASSIVE NAVAL and AIRFORCE strikes against IRGC targets and air defense systems all across Iran. Can’t wait for the fireworks :-]


The good thing about mobile systems is they can be quickly moved to underground sites – there will be lots of fireworks but most systems will remain intact.

Luke Hemmming

The fireworks would also include your nuclear power plants in Dimona and Negev going up in smoke. Bring it on hook nose.


You call yourself Wraith. Lol, what dickhead

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

whatever, you’re probably an antisemite


I’m anti extreme right wing political movements such as Zionism, but that doesn’t make me anti Semitic.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

All mullah regime air defense systems will be smashed by US Navy SEAD campaigns in the coming days. Tomahawks will be raining down on IRGC shia terrorists by the dozens :-]

Alejandro Bonifacio

Please take your pills!

Luke Hemmming

And then you woke up from your dream with your dad’s hand wrapped around your hard shaft, a wet stain on your sheets and a sticky mess on your stomach and your fatherr licking his lips and wiping his mouth as he kisses you goodnight and walks out of your darkened room.

Luke Hemmming

Of the 100 plus tomahawk cruise missiles that entered Syrian airspace on that embarrassing night where the US/UK and france tried to show force. Well only 6 made a viable target. That was using Russian and Syrian ECM’s and SAMS. Now Iran has even more advanced air defence systems and thousands of missiles at it’s disposal than Syria. Your wet dream will quickly become Israelis nightmare as these missiles will rain down on your sorry fake asses destroying your nuclear facilities, airports and desalination plants. The luminous glow of nuclear radiation will give the middle Eastern skies a glow unlike any aurora borealis. Oh what a sight to behold.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass trolling fag kid :)

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

stfu antisemite! :-]

Omar Khalil

I will be waiting for your “coming days”, americunts won’t dare in a 100 light years.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

yeah you’re lucky Trump backed out last second. Otherwise IRGC would’ve been smacked and they’d surrender in less than 1 hour :-)


Trump ‘backed out last second’…? IRGC will not surrender, definitely not “in less than 1 hour :-)”.

Trump is a business man, not a statesman or a commander in chief.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

you’ll be upset when Trump launches the military strike against Iran for real :-]


Yes I’ll be upset if Trump starts a war, but I doubt if he dares to strike against Iran.

His main objective for the time being is the 2020 reelection which will be unsuccessful if he starts a war.


Classic Amercian brain dead moron

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

and their patriot systems are worthless too it seems ahahaahhaha


“They said the aircraft was detected in Iranian airspace 225 kilometers (140 mi) from the border with Afghanistan. …

On 9 December 2011, Iran lodged a formal complaint to the United Nations Security Council over the UAV violating its airspace. Iran’s U.N. ambassador stated in the letter that “My government emphasizes that this blatant and unprovoked air violation by the United States government is tantamount to an act of hostility against the Islamic Republic of Iran in clear contravention of international law, in particular, the basic tenets of the United Nations Charter.””

– Iran–U.S. RQ-170 incident –




Somebody has this drone. If it was shot down over international waters. The US should have identified the crash site and picked it up.

“An informed IRGC source in Hormozgan province said the drone had been targeted near the Kouh-e Mobarak region and fell down in the area of Ras al-Shir in Iran’s territorial waters.” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5fbc953b72f38799454e31e0131901dcc3a609be56af423ff93d08da23f72c23.png

– Iran’s IRGC force shoots down intruding US spy drone –



It would mostly sink, the parts Iran have displayed look like a plastic and would float.


This is how you know the supposed tanker attacks by Iran were really false-flags. In the case of the downed drone – arguably an even more aggressive move by Iran against the US than any of the other “incidents” – Iran immediately owned up to it.

The Big One has yet to come , IMO. That will be an incident resulting in deaths to US or allied forces , and it will also be a false-flag , timed to occur when the US wants to make the first strike on Iran ( or when Israel wants it ), whether only on their nuclear facilities or as part of a larger campaign.

Quite possibly , USS Liberty v 2.0 , coming up.

Luke Hemmming

Yes that’s so true. Iran did this and they said so straight away.


It’s all good – nobody died… the US Fed ‘s computers can conjure up a 120 million USD in nano-seconds… Lougheed Martin gets to make another drone – they’ll be millions richer, jobs for Americans, MAGA. Never forget that war is a racket – no where is that truer than in the USA.

Deep Space

There goes my food stamps. POOF!

Zionism = EVIL


Khordad 3 Medium Range Missile System: Country of Origin Iran Operational status 2014. 500 plus missile launchers.

System specifications:

Taer-2 Missile Specification:

Range= 60 km

Altitude= 30 km

Speed= Mach 4

Warhead= 40–50 k

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