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MARCH 2025

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Was Assassinated In Syria’s Al-Bukamal: Reports

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A senior commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was assassinated in Syria’s Deir Ezzor, a number of Syrian opposition sources reported on January 10.

The commander, Haj Hossein Dehghan Azad, was one of the leading IRGC officers in Deir Ezzor, according to several sources.

The Step News Agency, one of the sources which claimed that Haj Azad was assassinated, said the commander was killed when his convoy was targeted with an improvised explosive device.

The incident allegedly took place in the town of al-Bukamal in southern Deir Ezzor where the Iranian commander was based. According to the pro-opposition agency, two of Haj Azad’s personal guards were also killed in the attack.

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Was Assassinated In Syria’s Al-Bukamal: Reports

Haj Hossein Dehghan Azad. Source: isaar.ir

These claims were dismissed by official Iranian sources, which said Haj Azad died of natural causes. The 48-year old commander was reportedly suffering from a complicated medical condition.

The commander death fueled many rumors due to the high tension in Deir Ezzor. ISIS cells stepped up their attacks in the governorate’s southern and western countryside recently. There were also many reports of Israeli activities in the region.

Early on January 13, a series of Israeli strikes targeted a network of military positions between Deir Ezzor city and al-Bukamal. The rumors of Haj Azad assassination resurfaced after the large attack.


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Just Me

Doubtful claims by a dubious source. Expect more of these for the next few days as headchopper and Zionist desperation hits new peaks of panic.


I would believe the official Iran story rather than a fake news source. Iran proudly announces the death of any of her soldiers.

Just Me

Iran has reported every casualty and the culture of Shia martyrdom gives its war dead great respect. This is fake news by the desperate headchoppers. However, this is real:


Great Khan

hahhaha Amerikan mamtu strave now….hahahaha Jew eat everything….hahahahah

The Objective

Iran always concealed any concealable losses. They claimed that the sabotage on nuclear facilities didn’t cause any damages and wasn’t done by sabotage agents. Later, when satellite proofs emerged, they changed the story and blamed Israel for the attack. There are MANY examples of the Iranian government lying to safe face. For example, they claimed in January 2020 that they killed tens of U.S troops in the missile attack, then it turned out not a singe soldier died. The lies and bluffs by Iranian leaders are too many to count actually. You would probably have claimed that the recent Israeli bombing of Iranian targets is fake news had video proofs not emerged.

Rhodium 10

Thats because dozens of helicopters ( included Spanish chinook helicopters) was sent to Ayn Assad base to rescue 100 Soldiers wounded despite Trump claimed that nothing happened and satellites didnt post imnage of Erbil base which was hit by 5 missile that destroyed a building and many helicopters…

The Objective

Keep being delusional.


and reports from Germany and Jordan of mass US soldiers being treated at their respective military hospitals


Not as much as Israel tries. Lost 100 Merkavas in 2006, claimed only 50 lost, then sent delegations to countries with large Jew populations to convince them that the European land theft colonial project is not yet in danger of extinction (which it clearly is) so that funding can continue.

The Objective

Oh fuck off. You think I’m speaking for Israel? Sunni Muslims have big problems with Iran and its network of terrorists infesting our communities. If I were to choose between Israel and Iran, I’d choose Israel ten times over. Because the problem Sunnis have with Israel is only limited to a small area. Iran on the other hand will not stop pushing for the overthrow of EVERY Sunni government to impose a Shiite system.

The Iranians often try to deceive the Sunnis that this effort is targeted only at America’s puppets who themselves suppress the Sunnis. But a closer look at Iran’s policies shows that this project targets the entire Muslim world. The Taliban government was not a U.S puppet government, but Iran never stopped trying to overthrow the Taliban long before the U.S invasion. The blown-up Soleimani played a critical role in the U.S invasion of Afghanistan. That makes his humiliated and ruthless assassination a befitting punishment from Allah.

cechas vodobenikov

LSD hallucinations free when she posts CIA propaganda

Ashok Varma

Indeed, Iran has far greater veracity.

The Objective

Iran always concealed any concealable losses. They claimed that the sabotage on nuclear facilities didn’t cause any damages and wasn’t done by sabotage agents. Later, when satellite proofs emerged, they changed the story and blamed Israel for the attack. There are MANY examples of the Iranian government lying to safe face. For example, they claimed in January 2020 that they killed tens of U.S troops in the missile attack, then it turned out not a singe soldier died. The lies and bluffs by Iranian leaders are too many to count actually.

Potato Man

Show me proof…I can claim stuff. “number of Syrian opposition sources reported” A.K.A ISIL, Al-Qaeda, HTS, Wahhabi Sunnis, Zion, US. Yeah they also claim they killed 100s of Russian…is that true now?

Great Khan

hahahahastoopid Wahhabi ,,,,,mamtu claim kill one million Iran & Russia brother hahahahha IRAN BROTHER STRONK!

Ashok Varma

Hard to show proof when it is based on a utter fabrication. In Hindi is called jhoot par jhoot!


Proud Hindu

In hindi you are called chutiya shia communist ki haram paidaish mutah worshipper


Well said :]


In Hindi you are called Gae pujari, Moot peene wala BJP, ZioC@cksucking Monkey (Cow worshipping Piss Drinking BJP Zio C@cksucking Monkey)

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabis aren’t even Muslims, so can’t be labeled as ‘Sunnis’. I think that is already clear to everybody exept zios and Americans who actually works on division of ummah.

Potato Man

I understand you, but a lot of people don’t know much about Muslims and Wahhabism (not just Zion and American), and Far right Sunni become Wahhabi – I haven’t forgotten Sunnis that join ISIL in Iraq and Syria…Daesh, ISIL all other follow Wahhabi books before they make their own shit.

You could say after they join they are no longer Sunni and I agree with that, but they were Sunnis and still claim they are Sunni. I stop calling them Wahhabi Sunnis when other Sunni countries start calling Wahhabi terrorists what they are terrorists.

Free man

official Iranian sources :Haj Azad died of natural causes. The 48-year old commander was reportedly suffering from a complicated medical condition a result of lead penetrating his body.

Rhodium 10

He was not in Deir Ezzor unless Israel air force would have attacked Teheran…

Free man

You continue to deny everything that appears on SF, be careful not to cause their bankruptcy.

Rhodium 10

SF use to post pro oposition sources…and we know how they lie and exaggerates… I remember the 2500 SAA soldiers killed after Turkish Drone strikes in Idlib…but suddenly SAA retake Saraqib and all village lost….I remember the 400 Russian PMC killed and days after the 5º corps ISIS hunter and Russians PMC launched an offensive and expelled ISIS from Mahkan close to Al Mayadin…

cechas vodobenikov

free man soldier free do be homeless

The Objective

You’re always denying the obvious. I remember your bombastic posts during the N-K war, and how you claimed time and again that the Armenians were winning, despite overwhelming evidences to the contrary. This is just more of the usual denials from you.

Rhodium 10

NK army have killed 3000 AZ soldiers and 200 Syrian terrorist…NK army had under his control almost all NK province in west, north and east…Nk army didnt have drones to recorder how thousands of AZ soldiers were being killed…. NK army knew that just with air support and regular Armenian troops launched an offensive in Kalpa..AZ army would have failed to retake SHusha!..but Pashinyan is a traitor and Western agent while Putin had the interest to control Armenia government ( close to West) and he ended that war when he wanted!

The Objective

“The 48-year old commander was reportedly suffering from a complicated medical condition” Then what took him to Syria if he had a medical condition? Denying your losses is another tactic of absolving yourself of the responsibility to retaliate.


Like an Israel F35 shot outta the sky by 1960’s Syrian S200, and Israel claiming “Bird strike”

The Objective

When was that, and how many have you lost since then? … including your fallen heroes.


But no IRGC in Syria right? Assad claimed it. I think we have changed our policy, expect a more aggressive response now than in 2020.


OOOH , i’m sure they are terrified of IronZion the Calfornication diaper wearing armchair general. Why don’t you take a break from Hasbara Troll job and come back when you are 15

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