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MARCH 2025

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Revealed Underground Missile Base Near Persian Gulf (Video)

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On January 8, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) unveiled an underground missile base located on the Persian Gulf coast, in the province of Hormozgan.

IRGC Commander-in-Chief Major General Hossein Salami and the guards’ Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri attended the unveiling ceremony.

A video of the new base shows dozens of Iranian-made anti-ship cruise missiles, including the Nasir and the Noor, as well as several missile launchers. Some of the launchers had been disguised as civilian trucks. The base was apparently built to store anti-ship weapons for the IRGC Navy.

In a speech, Maj. Gen. Salami said Iran’s logic in “defending the territorial integrity, the independence of the country, and the achievements of the Islamic Revolution is strengthening.”

“What you see today is one of several IRGC Naval Strategic Missile facilities,” the IRGC Commander-in-Chief said.

Salami added that Iran’s long-range missiles have a pinpoint precision with a high destructive power and they are capable of resisting electronic warfare.

In the last few years, Iran boosted its military capabilities in the face of political, economic and military pressure from the US. Washington’s pressure is meant to force Tehran to give up its nuclear program, missile capabilities and regional influence.

Earlier this week, the Iranian military held a joint large-scale drone drill, which was seen as a message to the US and its allies in the Middle East, especially Israel.


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Kenny Jones ™

Israel 30 minutes to wipe out Azer 10 minutes?

Ashok Varma

When Iran gets serious, the Zionist cowards will not find diapers big enough. US is too weak for the child killing cowards to hide behind.

Kenny Jones ™

The US army will wipe itself out in the upcoming civil war, there won’t even be a fight, israeli settlers will pack up and leave the land, back to khazaria or something

Zulubal Andre

aren’t you watching too much al jazeera…


More like some gutter Jew media. Al-Jazeera is has to be careful with its propaganda as Iran is now the unquestioned regional superpower. Just this latest missile base alone can obliterate UAE and all the tiny puppet Wahhabi regimes, which have no legitimacy anyway and now with US turning into a joke, these Wahhabi corrupt regimes have to be very careful and US will leave the region soon.


Filthy Persians are stepping on my country’s flag, soon they will get a taste of our capabilities. Go on, keep on enriching your uranium. But don’t forget what we can do. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/colin-powell-leaked-emails-nuclear-weapons-israel-iran-obama-deal-a7311626.html

Ashok Varma

Silly clown of a boy.


Not silly at all, Ashok the bastard. Now read the link.


I suppose it is unusual to wipe your feet on a shitstain


shitstain are your parents that made you, human waste.


The synagogue of saturn, I mean Satan, has spoken


I told yo once if you don’t like to hear insults based on your ethnicity or religion, don’t do it yourself. It’s not that hard to find derogatory terms for you, your nationality and the religion you identify with.

If the flags hurt your fragile feelings feel free to do the same, but name-calling an entire 80 millions of people? Do you think it’s too hard for us to forget politeness and be rude like that in a conversation instead of conversing with respect?

Simplekindof Man

Hey Garga,asking as a impartial bystander can you please explain the hate Iranians have towards Israel/Jews whatever?(and maybe vice versa) I mean what is it to you?the Palestinian thing? religious thing? Genuinely interested on a human/personal level,even on the political if You’re like to elaborate. I don’t know any Iranians personally and all the Muslims I know are African/Syrian/afgan/pakis and they personally don’t care. If you can spare the time off course.


It goes back to Zionists and Mossad support for the Shah. They created the hated SAVAK and interfered in Iranian domestic politics, alienating the theocracy.

Simplekindof Man

Yea ok,I get it,and thankfully the “regime” has kept the majority of the western plague outside it’s borders while preserving the culture, as I can tell-never been there. Hope I can visit while it lasts,but Iran should tone it down a bit,so there exists Persia/ Iran to preserve.


There is no hate towards Jews whatsoever. Iran has the most Jewish citizens in western Asia after Israel. Many Iranians Jews migrated to Israel since its creation but recently we see some returning from Israel back to Iran because “they had no country and no future there” as they say.

There is pity towards average Israeli citizen, settlers aside.

There is strong opposition to Zionism because it’s against everything we stand for and it’s an existential threat to humans eveywhere. It’s not blind hatred.

If you want to know more about me personally, I refer you to my conversations with Iron Zion in my Disqus history. Yeah nothing is free, one has to make an effort to get rewarded.

One question: Do you see any trace of hate in my reply to the insulting comment of Iron Zion? If yes, where?

Simplekindof Man

” Do you see any trace of hate” The question was directed towards you exactly because you seem composed and measured.


Garga, when i said Persians I meant those 4 IRGC generals that did it in the video. You already know I don’t hate regular Persian citizens, just the Islamic lunatics ones who seek everyday to destroy my country, which for me also means they want me and my family dead. So, to whom are they storing all those missiles for? I guess I could name 2 states they hate very much, that why they alaso keep improving the ballistic missles and put a nuclear warhead on them. It should have never come to this point, there were so many years Iran could haev changed their Islamic agenda and just co-exist with Israel. Instead, they chose to use the fake Palestinian excuse to incite against Israel, and to demonish us so now we have many crazy Iranians just as we have many crazy Israeli. Both sides have radicalized, I don’t see how we avoid war especially when your regime keeps enriching uranium for a bomb they plan to use someday (I know you said you don’t, sorry if I don’t believe it).


Then write those 4 IRGC generals instead of Persians. Those missiles are for our defence, shore to sea defence. It’s not like they are ICBMs with 15000km range and 10 nuclear warheads.

The world is what it is, it’s up to us how to deal with it. So far we didn’t attack your state but your state murdered a few of us. There is a certain price for spilling blood, there’s no price for blowing hot air.


We’ve only killed some IRGC that came into Syria in order to threat our national security, your IRGC couldn’t care less about ISIS there as they are not even fighting them, it’s the SAA with Russia’s help. All you do in Syria and Lebanon is to create more proxies and chaos to attack us, so no Garga you are not on the defensive side here as you are near our borders (the way we view them atleast), and the IDF top brass has said time and time again we can not accept it.

When it comes to your nuclear program, eventually it would end by peace or by war. If your regime hasn’t kept saying that they want us dead since 1979, we wouldn’t even care you have nuclear reactor for energy. But your regime has proven in actions that their Islamic ideology is stronger than anything, so I don’t see how we can work it out. Even without Hezbollah or Hamas (which is mostly our fault) you would still work to execute your plans against my country.

I wish we had not come to that, both Jews and Persians have a long history in this region, but it is more of your fault than ours. We could have had peace like with the UAE and Bahrain, now we won’t.


Syria is a war zone but you are not a party to that war. If you attack there, don’t whine when you get a response. And you will get a response. I was talking about killing our civilians murdered by your spooks.

That’s two places your own regime says they killed Iranians while Iran did not respond in kind so far. Iranian government never said they wanted to kill all Israelis nor it has any problem with Jews. In fact they are much more sane, responsible and mature compared to the criminals that run your regime, don’t you agree?

Yeah, but it’s your loss that can’t befriend me (unlike my other Jewish friends here). Go to party with that barrel-belly Emiratis and the Fat Bastard of Bahrain, this handsome Persian here is far like the moon for you! And I was such a nice guy I found you job in Israel (although maybe a little far from where you live), how about that? Now go wash your mouth.


Thank you for thinking about me Garga, but I think i’m doing okay financially, and yeah Karmiel is far from me but I’ve been there few times as I have relatives. I wasn’t trying to offend you, you can clearly see I show you respect unlike the other guys here that when they curse me I don’t keep quiet. I’ll say it again to be crystal clear, my problem is not with you nor with regular Persians that suffer from the sanctions, I am sorry that you do. But your regime and my government are bitter enemies, and I can not show respect to a regime that is openly saying they want us dead. So forgive me for being rude, but i don’t see Israelis or Jews stepping on Iran’s flag or burning it, maybe you need to look deep inside yourselves and see what is wrong where you live. Your unexplained hate is what brought us to this point, please correct me if Im wrong.


Bastards! When and where did they say they wanted to kill you all? Show me and I personally take them by their ears and bring them to you for a thorough spanking.


Saying in each speech Israel is a cancer and needs to be removed is not enough?


What has it to do with killing everybody? I also believe that Israel is a cancer and should be removed, doesn’t mean I want to kill everyone that lives there. It’s exactly the same thing that west loudly wants for us: A regime change. So again, where and when any Iranian official said they want to kill all the Jews and/or Israeli people?

A political entity is not the same thing as the people who live under it. I propose to you that hear what Iranian Jews have to say about it. Maybe they can clarify things for you better than me.

YouTube has many videos made by foreigners talking to them in the streets (there’s a video from a funny Jewish antique dealer that invites the guy -an American- to drink Vodka in his shop and play backgammon to the guy’s disbelief, he’s scared that big bad Mullahs or IRGC come and get them, the old Jewish man laughs and tells him nobody will bother them). But hey, they are regime’s propaganda and the Jews live in gulags in reality and says those things because otherwise he’ll get killed, right?


So how would you feel if I told you that Iran needs to be removed too as an entity, but the people can keep living there? my point exactly Garga. Live however you want, do whatever you want. None of my business, as long as you don’t try to hurt us in anyway. Who am I kidding? that is exactly what your regime has been trying for over 40 years, and it’s not going to stop. Our problems with the Palestinians are none of yours, same with Lebanon they have their own government to decide. No one gave your country the right to come and take control of other people’s lives.


They are saying it for more than 4 decades about Iran, they even chose a future president and wrote a few different constitutions for us! So keep the drama down. No Iranian, leaders or ordinary people wants to kill you all.

You are wrong here if you think your war with the Lebanese and Palestinians and stealing their land has nothing to do with us. We have the same right regarding them that the US feels it has towards you. Do you think if it wasn’t for the US, Syrians would tolerate your regime’s regular attacks on their army positions and soils? They just defend and shoot down your projectiles and not respond in kind exactly because they know your regime will drag the US into attacking them.

So, tell me, how is that the US and your regime enjoy the same thing that they say we can’t? Try to remember that Iran wasn’t in Syria until the US and its gang plus your regime unleashed ISIS and other terror groups on Syrians. Also remember decades before Iran attempted to have “bases” in Syria (there’s no exclusive Iranian base in Syria anyway), it was your regime that made bases right at our border in Baku and tried to send spy drones to our country from there.

How is it that you have a right to do it but we don’t? The US can surround our country with military bases but Iran can’t do it? What gave the European Jews the right to come to ME and take lands from its inhabitants, kill them, drive them out and decide for them? It’s the same right, but with consent from Syrians and by their will, not against it.

I say let’s stick to cats and girls (you’re such a sourpuss in that matter). Oh, I just had a brilliant idea: How about I marry one of your wife’s friends? We can have barbecues and rub our cats’ talents and abilities into each other’s faces. I could even come and turn your lights on on Shabat evening, if you weren’t a strange creature named “secular Jew”. Shabat Shaloom!


You have to be the dumbest punk on this site.

Ashok Varma

Silly boy, you are a joke.

Arch Bungle

Your mouth is writing checks your ass can’t cash.

You can’t handle a small fish like Hezbollah, you will get eaten by a shark like Iran.

Ashok Varma

This was top news on Indian Zee TV and showed rows of Iranian missiles from cruise to long range mobile. Very impressive. As I noticed during my trip a few weeks ago, Iran is armed and ready.


Shia apologist … are you holding your limp dick? pmsl

Ashok Varma

Brats hurling insults means that the truth won the day. Namaste to you desperate troll.


Vile Shia Iranian … you’re a f/kn Iranian slug


You are an easily riled troll, albeit a very uneducated and crass one. Hasbara has really sunk to the bottom like the Zionist entity. Next…..


I HATE the vile Shia Police State Mullahs … it’s off the charts … they must burn … full stop

Ashok Varma

The only place that needs to burn is the ugly Zionist criminal entity and it will.

Arch Bungle

But you loooove the sunni head choppers right?

Propaganda saturated hypocrite is what you are.



I have NO love for Islamists / Jihadis whether Shia or Sunni … hello?

They’re the enemies of the West / the enemies of the Jewish People … full stop

The Future is About to Land …


Have you had your second fitting for your straight Jacket yet?

Ashok Varma

No, a secular lapsed Hindu who respects our Iranian friends and neighbours, but an ignoramus like yourself would not understand. Any more invective to hurl my little Jew brat :)


Quite true Ashok, he is an underdeveloped organism trying to communicate with normal humans, that simply never works well xD But the local primate is actually quite the fun putting down every time, haven’t you noticed ?

Ashok Varma

In reality these hasbara trolls are horrible and vile creatures who have more damage to themselves. Every Indian channel showed how low life the so-called Israelis are when they stole petty items from Dubia hotels. Even poor Indian labour is better behaved. These Jews are disgusting really. The Burj al Khalifa hotel manager shows the $10 iron the Zionist “businessmen” stole from his hotel room and security caught them. They are petty and stupid. The UAE Arabs have now seen the real disgusting ugly face of Zionist criminals. Indians in Mumbai and Goa also had similar experiences with Zionist thieves and pimps.


Jimmy Jim


Just Me

Iran’s state of the art space launch and tracking station. No wonder you Zionist diaper heads are crapping on.


Ashok Varma

These hasbara criminals have multiple accounts and in desperation try to insult people with vulgar language. The best approach is to ignore and downvote them, that makes them realize how hated the Zionist parasitic entity is. Zionism is dead end,


Very rational approach Mr. Varma. The real issue is that the Zionist imperialist project is now nearing its miserable end, and these trolls are getting in panic desperation mode. The US is now an official self-described banana republic and the western taxpayers are fed up with feeding the Zionist baby killers and parasites. Demographics also spell doom for these criminals squatting in Palestine. This is exactly like the end of the Apartheid regime. Iran is on a winner.

Just Me

Another major military development is that Iran and Hezbollah today displayed upgraded SPIKE missiles captured from the Zionists and are now being deployed with IRGC, Artesh, Ansarallah and Hezbollah. Over 90% of Zionist missiles in Syria are shot down or captured. Iran has accumulated so much intelligence that it is now able to copy every major Zionist weapons system or come up with counter-measures.


Emad Irani

there are bases in North West Iran

Emad Irani

yes, some very strategic missiles like Haj Qassem, Sejil, Khorramshahr etc. are also near Tabriz. All of them designed for Turkey, Europe etc.

Just Me

There is long range 175mm base bleed artillery and 330 mm rockets can devastate the whole UAE and other little puppet state-lets in a matter of minutes, if not seconds. No missiles are needed. Missiles are to keep the Zionists and Saudi cowards in line. A base bleed shell from Abu Musa can dit Dubai in less than 7 seconds and there is no defence against it.


Turkey is building bases near your fake country, keep crying??

Furkan Sahin

why do you support Erdogan and Turkey ? i support Assad


I don’t support Erdoğan, i support Turkey. I think what he did in Azerbaijan was right and good for Turkey. I don’t like his policies in Syria. Assad would be better for Syria. And if Turkey wasn’t at war with Assad and if Assad was attacking kurds, i would support him but he is not. Erdoğan’s Syrian policy was a failure from the start and it only strenghtened Assad and kurds. I won’t support Assad as long as he doesn’t attack kurds and take his lands back. There is also the Idlib issue, it would be better for Assad to take Idlib under normal curcumstances but if he does 2+ million refugees will enter Turkey and that’s not good for Turkey.

Furkan Sahin

bro do you know why Assad can not attack Kurds? because the United States wants to bomb them because they do not want Assad taking oil from them


US will not be a major player in the region soon. Russia can see the danger Turkey poses in the long run and will cut it down to size. The area is undergoing major realignment. Turkey for all intent and purposes is a bankrupt weak state at war with half its population and disliked by every neighbor.

Ashok Varma

Biden has made it clear that his priorities are domestic, especially dealing with the devastating Covid and rising US deaths. Millions of Americans are without any health care, jobs, there is growing homelessness and destitution, so US will now focus on stabilizing its frayed socioeconomic compact, although it is too late as US is now weakened beyond repair with domestic divisions. US will be forced to deal with Iran and work out a modus vivendi. Iran is too big to be sanctioned or isolated. The Iranians did not blink and are now in a very strong position.

Furkan Sahin

The FSA is created by Erdogan and it is politics failure because Erdogan is not friends with Assad they do not like each other and they will never meet again


Either way, assad is not a friend of Turkey right now and he won’t be friend of Turkey. There is no reason for me to support him. I support him in taking back his lands from kurds but he won’t do that. He’s a puppet of russia and iran and only does what russia and iran tells him to do.

Furkan Sahin

bro Assad is not friends with Erdogan but he is friends with Turkey even Muharrem Ince said he will cooperate with Assad if he becomes president https://www.dailysabah.com/elections/2018/06/12/chps-ince-if-elected-will-work-with-war-criminal-assad


I know, Kılıçdaroğlu also said Turkey must cooperate with Assad ut that doesn’t change anything because Erdoğan is in charge of the whole Turkish foreign policy. He put Turkey in a situation thats hard to get out of. Erdoğan will probably never cooperate with Assad so Assad is not doing anything good for Turkey right now. I guess we ll have to wait until CHP comes to power which will probably happen soon.


Not and Iranian or a Turk, but you guys are allies anyway, Turkey-Iran trade is growing and there is growing military cooperation, even joint operations against Kurdish terrorists, so why are you trolling each other?


Turkey and Iran are not allies. Iran has always been the enemy of Turkey and will be like that. The only interest Turkey and Iran have in common is fighting against the establishment of a kurdish state in syria. Iran has been funding PKK with weapons in Turkey, they host the commanders of PKK and Turkish islamist terror groups like Turkish hezbollah. Iran also doesn’t want Turkish influence in the Caucaus. Turkey and Iran trade is only growing because Iran is pretty much dependent on Turkey because of sanctions.


It is good that most Turks are smarter than you. Are you a Zionist masquerading as a Turk?


What does this have to do with zionism? Your small brain blames everything on zionism and is not able to see the facts. Iran is not an ally of Turkey, this should be very obvious. Come up with evidence that Iran is an ally of Turkey besides cooperation against kurdish terrorists instead of blaming everything on zionism.


Like I said, you are an angry juvenile. Not worth my time or effort, Good day child!


LOL, you owned the moron.

Furkan Sahin

Okay but I think unfortunately Erdogan will win election 2023 with cheating votes but I think after election there will be big problem


The only way he wins in 2023 is if he improves the economy. With Biden in charge of the US and EU sanctions, i don’t see the economy improving. The opposition will win by a big margin that cheating and making up votes won’t be enough.

Furkan Sahin

with Erdogan Turkey will never be good economy again but he can make dollars down to 5.5 again but I do not believe it think it will be over 6.0 dollars for election


I think it will surpass 10 liras by 2021 but it will go down to 6-7 liras by 2023

Furkan Sahin

10 lira uuh i dont think but maybe lets see but agree with 6-7 2023

Furkan Sahin

If Erdogan loses power there will be a big problem because he has done so many wrong things and lies a lot and he is very scared I think he wins elections unfortunately cheating sorry


There will be a big problem, possibly a small civil war but he will pay the price. Turks are not stupid enough to create a big and long lasting civil war just for Erdogan. Justice will be served like it always did in Turkey. Even dictators like Kenan Evren payed the price of what they did, so will Erdogan. And his popularity is down to 30%, only a small percentage of his supporters are radical, maybe they will try to start a war.

Furkan Sahin

agree bro

Furkan Sahin

who do you vote next election ?

Furkan Sahin

I’m voting for Meral Davutoglu or Babacan I do not know who to vote for


The usd increase by 2 liras in a matter of month during the andrew brunson crisis, so it can increase to 10 liras easily if US and EU sanctions Turkey. I won’t vote for davutoglu or babacan. They are the same as erdogan during his first years. They talk about freedom, joining the EU, making the economy better just like Erdogan did but once they come to power they don’t care about that. They are crypto islamists just like Erdogan was and they will become next Erdogan. I prefer Imamoglu but i will vote for whoever the opposition comes up with.

Furkan Sahin

i can not tell me about Davutolu or Babacan whether they are good or bad but it may be that they will be the next Erdogan but I will not vote for Chp even though Kemal is in power but maybe Meral is a good idea?

Furkan Sahin

of course I agree with Imamoglu but it’s a shame he is not Chp chairman I will vote for him but unfortunately he is governed mayor


I dont trust davutoglu or babacan. They are ex members of akp. Davutoglu have been saying for a year now that if he talks about the corruptions withing the akp, akp will go down but he hasn’t said anything. And babacan says he was thinking about resigning from akp since 2013 but he did it only in 2019 and was a member of akp for 17 years. They are not trustworthy. Meral is way better than both but unfortunately IYI part can’t get more than 15-20%. I think imamoglu is the only person who can win against Erdogan, he has never lost an election in his life and won 3 elections, 1 against erdogan himself. He is the only person that can get votes from everyone. If chp loses this election i think Kilicdaroglu will step down and make Imamoglu the chairman of chp.

Furkan Sahin

Ok i vote for Meral so

Furkan Sahin

I will vote for Sinan Ogan if he becomes chairman of Mhp but I do not think that will happen


They could meet on the battlefield if Turdogan had the balls.

Just Me

Ten years ago the Turkish economy was the envy of nations worldwide. Today it stands ravaged. Where did it all go wrong?

Erdogan’s megalomania got the best of Turkey and now the lira and the economy are in freefall and its military embroiled in overstretch and internal dissent.

Shia man

Turkey already showed its true colors playing both sides gets you no where.

Emad Irani

all of the Turkish and Israeli Bases in AZ are in range of Fateh 110, Fateh 313, Raad-500 and Zulfiqar or Qiam missiles


Emad,what do you think about this? It’s very hard to find the writer’s intention but my gut feeling tells me it’s important. Maybe ask Ali as well.

یه عی میلی ، چیذی واس پوشطیبانی صایط بینویس، بیبین عین بابا که هصاب به عصم شوما درص کرده و من-فی می ده رو میشه عذش شیکایط کونی و جولوشو بیگیری؟

مهذرط میخام که با عینغدر لاطی و با کللی قلت عملاعی طایپ گردم، خاسسم تا هد مومکن عگه بنداضن طو مطرجم کوکل طرجومه دوروس و هصابی بحشون نده و منزورمو نفحمن تا پیش-دسطی نکونه


I guess gathering all those missiles in one place is done for a strategic purpose … eh?

The first one that’s fired will provide the GPS position … the bunker buster bombs will take care of the rest … or maybe a Nuke or two? lol

Your inept Shia Islamists are really fervent but FOOLS / braggarts

It’ll be good to shove them deeper in their hole / grave … eh?

The Future is About to Land …

Emad Irani

dear Idiot, these bunkers are designed for second strike capability, means nuclear hardened tunnels and bunkers.

Beside that, these are movable TELs (transporter erector launcher), means they can pop up anywhere in Iran and fire in just a few seconds….


Speak to the microphone … fool

Iran will be a desert … not some of Iran



Let them bark tzatz, it’s all good till we decide enough is enough. Then, bad things start to happen.


I agree … Stay safe

When are you getting the vaccine?

I live in Ontario … I thought of flying to Israel to get the shot and take a vacation … lol

Be Healthy Be Well


You too man, stay safe and well. Over 2M israelis have already got the vaccine, and we are going to be the first country in the world to be fully vaccinated. You can get it in every city, I got it in my local clinic 200 meters from my home. No side effect, even young people can get it. But right now Natbag is closed, so no flights sadly. Thank you for standing by our side, appreciated.


I lived and taught in Israel …

Good Shabbes


Thanks brother, you too. The fools here have no idea what we can do to our enemies if and when we get greenlight to operate. Some Hamas rats thought they were brave too, not so much now when I put them in the ground.


You must be jewish if you qualify living in Canada,screw you asshole.


F/k off slug


Looks like i hit a nerve,twat.

Emad Irani

will you be on the 1st front in fighting Iran?

Emad Irani

he is a troll. He can’t even control his own house. But we are waiting for him on the front against Iran. Their population is 9 mil. with just half of them are men…

That is why the had to mobilize some women for their rapist IDF army


It’s not updated. We are about 9.5M and many of them are loyal Arab citizens.


I think I know better how many Israelis live here. https://www.cjnews.com/news/israel/there-are-now-more-than-nine-million-people-living-in-israel


I could give you an Israeli source which claims the same, but it’s in Hebrew. Anyway Ali, as I have told to both gryzor and Garga (which I respect alot), we are going to an open conflict. Your mullahs will get their chance to destroy us, but if they fail…


You are seriously an idiot. You have been posting utter rubbish here for years and all has proven wrong. Give it up kid and get a haircut and a job.


You might indeed finally get the war you tried tooth and nail to initiate, the results will displease you and generations to come though. You will understand how much you should have been careful what you wish for. Attacking Iranians will turn even the most secular nationalists against you. For a million times less than that even your best friend the Shah officially proclaimed he was wrong about you and your treachery against Persians. And it was the traditionally super-friendly Monarchy. Imagine the regular Iranian hating the theocracy AND what the Israeli cabinet has done to them via their intense lobbyism for unilateral US sanctions and the destruction of the JCPOA. You are so catastrophically off the mark in terms of what to do for your own benefit there, it’s crazy.


gryzor it was not us who wanted this war, since 1979 all you regime has ever done is to hurt us anyway they can. From Hezbollah to Hamas, to nukes, to keep threatening us everyday. You could have had peace with us, as we didn’t have wars against you like we did with the Arabs. But you chose Islamic agenda to destroy us, so now it all comes to that. Sadly, we will go to a war, and it might just be the last one to one side or to both sides.


That affirmation goes counter to your own usual conjecture IZ… you are the first to tell me that changing times and contexts of the past don’t matter as much as what happens in present times, and you are right in that. Israel and Iran worked hand in hand in bombing the Iraqi Osirak reactor at the beginning of Saddam’s post-revolution aggression, and it was years after than both sides started to classify one another as national security threats, just like it happened with Saudi Arabia. This is regional competition we’re talking about. Not 5 years ago President Rouhani wished a happy Roch Hachana to all Jews shortly after taking office, and mentioned that the man who once professed anti-semitic diatribes (Ahmadinejad) was a thing of the past and “gone”. Anyway there have always been and will always be people both within ranks of the Knesset and Majlis to go on with regular racist and hateful rants against one another, they are the extremist fringes of respective government willing no compromise in their quest of the apocalypse on Earth.

Again, had you not attacked, destroyed, invaded and occupied Lebanon in alleged pursuit of the PLO, Hezbollah wouldn’t even be born. Had you not ethnically cleansing entire Palestinian town after a massive terrorist bombing of British authorities, PLO would not be born. There is a reaction for every action, I told you time and again. Had you not helped Assad by sheltering , supporting, equipping Salafist paramilitary groups in the Golan, Iran would never have come here to even the odds.

The JCPOA was a toek, of trust, the founding block of a global detente policy for years to come and the ushering of a new economic era, Iran willingly accepted to dismantle the core of its nuclear program in exchange for access to global trade, and Israel was the only country adamantly opposed to it going forward, lobbied the Trump administration harder than any other entity and succeeded in tearing that hard-earned treaty down and with it any chance at continued diplomacy. You can only blame yourselves for having chosen the path of confrontation. Millions of Iranian are suffering a lack of medicine and food directly because of the Israeli government and its backers among the population. Should they now suport outright military aggression on top of it like you’re currently doing, I say again, Iran as a whole has my full support for massive vengeance. Should that day come, may they crush your cities in ways generations yet unborn won’t forget anytime soon.

Warmongers need a lesson to back down and think about their future , wherever they are. For too long the Zionist public has been preaching for punishment abroad without ever fearing for their live at home, with vastly inferior foes they choose. Should they open Pandora’s box with Iran, that will change dramatically. The Maths are very simple and have been posted there several times.


I don’t deny the fact that Bibi did all he could to ruin the nuclear deal. But let’s be honest here gryzor, it was a bad deal. It did not terminate the nuclear program of Iran completely as we wanted, only postponed it for 10 years. As far as we see it, Iran would get all the money back but would still have an open window to continue enriching uranium. Obama might have wanted to do the right thing, but he chose the wrong way to do it. Had your regime fully accepted to destroy the nuclear path or atleast let the UN enter any place without hiding nuclear materials, then we could have lived with it. Israel found out that Iran has never stopped its’ pursue to the bomb, after getting the Iranian atomic archive. I really don’t know how it’s going to end, but you also know i don’t support Bibi’s actions domestic or outside. I hope this madness ends before both countries exterminate each other.


This madness will only stop if Israel acknowledged a very simple reality : prior to Trump’s Bibi-aided unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA and the reestablishment of the illegal sanctions regime, Iran had abandoned anything that would lead it to the path of military nuclear applications. Besides, even Russia and China won’t help it or support it for that. Nobody in the Western; Asian or Eastern nuclear club will ever accept such a newcomer and you know what ? Neither do I. The ballistic deterrent is so massive and accurate now that Iran stopped needing unconventional warheads for a few years now. I was not always of that opinion, but now I am.

You know, that treaty was like any other treaty : a compromise, by its very definition, guaranteeing key aspects of both parties’ national interests while respecting each other’s sovereignty. Iran , the West and both Russia and China came to a viable and lasting understanding in which Iran kept its sovereign rights strictly as a civilian nuclear state with minimal R&D. Iran literally destroyed thousands of its most advanced centrifuges and deactivation 90% of its existing ones, filled its Arak heavy-water treatment plant with cement and dismantled key aspects of its nuclear program. Many share the view that Iran actually conceded more than it obtained,on the technical levels, but I’d say even that is OK if that can serve lasting stability and entente.

Bibi’s little show left both the UN and the IAEI totally unimpressed, it was an over-inflated way of denouncing already uncovered works previously undertaken by Iran. Bibi did what Bibi always does best : lie its way around.

Again : Israel as a nuclear-armed isolated state trumping upon countless aspects of international law itself has strictly no say on what goes on inside of Iran beyond its international obligations. There is the Security Council and the IAEA for that, Israel is nothing and has no special authority over Iran as far as I know, so unless there are some special powers granted to it by its self-proclaimed God, I’m afraid you’ll go nowhere with your expectations, IZ.

The JCPOA actually managed to make Iran accept the most draconian inspection and limitation regime any NPT signatory ever had to comply with, and you ruined all that with your own hands, congratulations on a rearmed and reactivated Iran piling up enriched uranium with brand-new enrichment clusters inaugurated deep underground.

Oh and please, it’s not “my regime”, as I told you countless times I support Iran as a nation and people in the face of overt threats from an illegal nuclear racist and occupier state called Israel which happens to harbor, maintain and constantly modernize the middle-east’s sole nuclear arsenal with 200+ thermonuclear warhead lecturing other countries on how to disarm while refusing any inspections anywhere on its Dimona facilities and does not ratify any non-proliferation treaty. It has active biological and chemical programs as well, banned by the clerical regime in Iran ever since US-aided Saddam gave its population of taste of it with chemical-tipped Scud missiles.

Even assuming there were some lessons to be still given to Iran on how to deal with its WMDs, Israel is the very last state in the entire world, and all it will get in response to a forceful attempt to take away Iran’s right as an independent and sovereign nation will be met with massive devastation of its own facilities and critical infrastructure on top of it. And as much as I despite the Iranian theocracy politically, should it come to Israel actually crossing that red line and hurting ordinary Iranians in their own country claiming they know better than the rest of the world who should get what rights about what they do at home while doing whatever kind of obscure development there in total impunity themselves, I will highly appreciate and even support them getting punished in ways unimaginable since they ever existed on the map. It will be all they will deserved on that fateful day that generations to come will continue to regret after those who foolishly triggered it.

If Bibi’s Israel finally after 20 years turns from barking dog to rabid attack dog, then all is left to it down would be an electrified baton. And Iran has a lot of that in stores specially designed for such an aggressor.

And I really hope we never have to actually verify who gets hurt the most in such a crazy and fearsome confrontation. I simply do not want things to come to that point, like, ever. But push comes to shove and all bets are off , then… you know my position. Attacking my ancestors’ land is a red line, period. But a foreign aggressor unilaterally proclaiming dubious hidden threats as an excuse to harm our know-how and people ? are you serious…

John Wallace

Wait until the shit starts and then see how many jump on planes and boats out of there , like always..


Just came out yesterday:

Despite a million immigrants over the past two decades, the percentage of Jews in the Israeli population is declining. Due to harsh economic conditions, many dual passport holders have left, while Arab birthrate is rising Jews now account for around 70% of the population.


Yeah sure, so loyal you treat them as second-rate citizen by your very laws. There is structured discrimination against Israeli arabs and Israel fools none of them or the world in that. They will never fight for you in a total war of aggression, and some branches of the military even proscribe them enlisting, that speaks a lot as to the perception of their loyalty right ;-)

Bibi certainly didn’t help that trend the way he did everthing to exacerbate society’s racism against them and make public declaration explicitly alienating them, let alone his fascistic friend Lieberman and pathological murderer Bennet. Israel is akin to the former South African apartheid : good for the “right” citizens, bad for the rest. You know what will happen if you trigger the flames of then nuclear holocaust on a non-nuclear country : you will cease to exist yourselves, cut-off from the world and thousands of nuclear arsenal preemptively pointed at the tiny place you call home, Pakistan first in line and their doctrine makes it pretty clear as to their reaction if a Muslim country they consider as friendly as Iran is hit by nukes.

Still, you can dream onto your murderous dreams mate, no issues there, you’ve shown your true color a bit more by the post lately.


I personally don’t hate them, and I have Arab friends who studied with me. They know exactly where I served and they don’t care, they hate Hamas as much as I do. Politicians might treat them as second class citizens, but it changes nothing on the ground. We live work and study together, Haifa is a great example.


“Hating Hamas” and “hating Nazism” does not mean “adopting Zionist practices and closing your eyes to their many crimes and abuses.”. I Hate any theocracy, Iran included, and Hamas too. But your own governing coalition is friends with the birthplace and most active temple of modern Salafism called Saudi Arabia, so I wouldn’t get that rationale too far.

Besides, it’s law and institutions that define your possibilities, freedom, dignity. Millions upon millions of white south-Africans considered Apartheid was wrong had and respected their black friends with whom they lived, dined, studied, just like you and your Arab fellows. Before they were even considered fellow citizen. Yet, they still had to fight to acquire basic rights and recognition down the line, and there came Mandela, that rhe Israeli regime tried everything to take down to the end, and even tried to provide nuclear technology to the failing Apartheid regime, shame on you for that too, another stain on your long list of abuses..

The system needed to change. You and a bunch of people being friends, reading books and dining at the same table changes exactly nothing to the ideological manifesto of Israeli society favoring Israeli Jews above everybody else. Segregation is the root of all evil, no society based on religion and race has ever lasted.

Good intentions has never meant anything in history, its legislation and constitutional law that defines what a society is, and with that, the values it holds. And currently, Israeli society is tainted with racial bias, period. Not a society I would want to live in and that’s why the brain drain in your country has reached record heights in the past decade, with more academics leaving year after year.


That is all true, and it all thanks to one man – Bibi. He has divided and incited Israelis against each other, jews and none jews alike. You know very well how much I despise that man, he doesn’t represent me. I will keep having good relations with my Arab neighbours, nothing would change that.

Arch Bungle

News for you, shlomo, those ‘loyal’ Arabs you keep as pets will be the first to herd you into the ovens when Hamas takes over Tel Aviv.


So tell me, when does Hamas going to take over Tel Aviv? I’m getting older but I still want last one battle with them before I retire from service. My aim is still good though.

Arch Bungle

Within 9 years. The future is about to land, on your head.


I can’t wait that long, sorry. Make it this year or next one please.

Arch Bungle

Nobody gives a crap how long you can wait you basement non-entity.

James Crowley


Emad Irani

hahaha lesser than Tehrans population. Israel is not a country, it is a system. People from Russia, Europe, South America, Africa, Iran, Iraq… are making the state “Israel”. Fake states which are systems won’t survive, happened to Soviet Union and will also happen to US.

Beside that, you should know that Jews are looking for new lands mostly in South America where they have big influence or New Zealand… many of the rich jews are buying even lands there.

Ashok Varma

Jews are barely 70% now and will be in minority in 10 years, when it reverts back to Palestine.


So-called Israel is a fake settler entity and most of the “Jews” have foreign passport, a million of so are Ukrainian and Russian economic parasites, and not even Jews. It is demographically untenable as Arabs and Palestinians will be in majority soon anyway.


On this forum bro … hello?

If you’re in Iran … you won’t get a warning …

Emad Irani

My question was easy: yes or no? Not talking shit.

But I know, you don’t have enough balls to answer my question

We are waiting


Keep waiting … Shia scumbag

Emad Irani

means no, ok. Now cry me a riverrrrr hasbara dick sucker


You’re such a perpetual buffon brah xD

So what’s it gonna be this time ?

“Hello ???” “Next ???” “Eh ???” “LMAO ???”


Thanks … are YOU aggravated?

Go Bills Go … Colts are finished

Arch Bungle

Relax twatz, stop being such a snowflake.


Snowflake: unable to deal with opposing opinions

Whose the ‘snowflake’ precious? pmsl

Arch Bungle

You fit that definition.


Look in the mirror snowflake …

It’s YOUR crew that daily can’t accept the IRGC / Hezbollah / Shia Brigades are being trashed in Syria … ALL without an answer … lol

That’s THE definition of a snowflake … SNOWFLAKE


Arch Bungle

Iranians don’t need a warning. They’re always ready.

Fake hebrews won’t need a warning, when their time comes there’ll be nowhere they can run.

The fake european hebrews are due for their periodic culling.


The Jews/Zionists/Israelis aren’t going anywhere … eh?

Hello? Seems to me they’re GIVING more than they’re getting in the ‘spirit of the season’ … eh?



Maybe but Israel and Saudi will go down with them if the Zionists thugs are mad enough to get out of the cage Hezbollah put them in.


Talking tough … lol

Arch Bungle

Talking stupid … lol


Which cage you idiot? I personally was ready to go after them. It was Nasrallah who had decided to back down and ordered his men not to respond.

John Wallace

Oh dear . Irun Dyun looking in the mirror stoking himself again. Yeah sure . Nasrallah was set to go but saw Irun Dyun bit between the teeth straining on the leash and said I can not risk my men against such a beast and backed down, No wonder you have to spend your days looking in the mirror at what a specimen you are.


Sure you did. https://media2.giphy.com/media/ylyUQlf4VUVF9odXKU/giphy.gif


Sorry, not all of us are apes like you.

cechas vodobenikov

titzy think like BLM/LGBT peasant cannot find ghetto w GPS missile launchers moved into tunnels, rail cars, destroy haifa, Tel Aviv titzy cries to moose


Isn’t it a bit early for the sauce?

BUT … you’re a Slavic slob so it’s never to early …


Ashok Varma

The future has landed and that is why hasbara trolls with multiple account don’t fool anyone. Zionist entity is finished as US will not save you.


Shia apologist …

Your opinion is worthless … you suggest ‘multiple accounts’? That implies YOU are using multiple accounts … full stop

You are NOT a Hindu but a f/kn Shia Iranian slug … as I’ve suspected from the first moment …. f/k off


Arch Bungle

This has nothing to do with Shia, idiot. Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Druze and Atheists even a few Satan worshipers agree that the fake hebrew pharisees should be booted out of Palestine asap.


So … it’s World opinion?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis aren’t reading the same ‘Twitter’ feeds I guess … eh?

I’m keeping score … eh?

Whose winning so far?


Arch Bungle

Yes. Clearly.


So … no answer


Arch Bungle

Seems your reading comprehension is broken, along with the rest of your faculties.

The missiles are not located in one place, they are highly distributed.

‘israel’, however, is concentrated in one tiny place. No need for bunker busters. No need for nukes …

The future is about to land on your ass.


Try us.

Arch Bungle

As you wish. And when we’re done we’re going to dig up all the jew graves from mount of olives and dump that shit into the sea.


You talk way too much, are you going to also come here and face us aswell? or do you plan to keep barking here? I would personally love to meet you face to face in combat. I’ll make sure to keep you alive, for a while.

Proud Hindu

Why are settlers being murdered regularly?Has bibi gone mild on the terrorists?


Yes he has my friend, since 2017 when he hasn’t responded to the first rocket coming from Gaza after the 2014 operation. They see him as weak, so do we. His only luck is that he has a strong base here, but it’s growing thin each day. Elections in March, there is a strong coalition of anti-Bibi now.

Proud Hindu

Hope israel becomes aggressive like it became after the munich massacre.


Just a matter of time my Hindu friend. btw, this one is for you from 3 days ago :) https://www.defensenews.com/training-sim/2021/01/05/israel-and-india-test-of-mrsam-air-defense-system/

Proud Hindu

Good news.I think israelvwill increase cooperation with india as US is withdrawing from the middle east and afghanistan.both our nations cant trust the europeans and americans.So the xooperation in defense will only increase.


Yup, Jews and Hindus must work together against Islamic fascism.

Arch Bungle

Two shyster nations screwing each other over.

Funny how hindus always find a white master to serve.

Missing the White Raj are you?


Zionist harem https://i.ytimg.com/vi/U5eUr4nmQXY/hqdefault.jpg

Ashok Varma

Very accurate and funny. Well done! The Zionist criminals are done in the region.


The Iranians learning quickly from the Scud war of cities in the 80’s and Israel’s total dependence on air power to pummel unarmed Lebanese civilians but even then failing to subdue Lebanon, decided to invest huge resources in vast rockets, missiles and now smart precision ordinance. This technological shift makes missiles as effective as air power for precision strikes. Precision-guided missiles are being developed and deployed today by major world powers as well as by many smaller states.

In the Middle East, Iran is leading the way with sheer quality and quantity; it is currently converting all its older rockets and missiles into precision weapons. It also supplies its allies in the region with expertise and materials with which to build their own precision missile capabilities—hence the Precision Project of Hezbollah and other Iranian allies in the region. It is widely estimated that today Hezbollah possesses a larger and more destructive missile force than most NATO states, bar the US.

Why is Israel so anxious after failing to frustrate Hezbollah’s Precision Project?

Because once it has been achieved, it now elevates Hezbollah’s war-making capability to that of a powerful state military force. Hezbollah possess all the advantages of an offensive air force without needing to own a single expensive and vulnerable combat aircraft. Its precision missiles will be able to paralyze any vital installation or pummel any civilian population center in Israel causing mass panic and exodus. Its airports, infrastructure and military airbases will turn to cinders, and that is why Israel is stationing some of its aircraft in Greece, also making it a potential Hezbollah or Turkish target, considering the level of rising animosity between the Greeks and Turks post the Karabakh conflict and Turkey’s aggressive designs on all its neighbors .

Iran’s accurate ballistic missiles are defining new ways that wars are fought and provide pause to all aggressors.


Frankly, the Zionist scum are fucked:


Since the 80’s Iran has been one of pioneers in UAV technology. During the recent days in a large scale drill, we have seen many new UAVs ranging from helicopter launched UAVs to micro swarm UAVs. One of the most important of these UAVs which has been successfully tested is the “Arash” suicide UAV with a range of over 2000km, with some variants even going up to 4000km. Arash is able to be programmed and work without the use of satellite navigation i.e GPS and is protected against e-warfare.

Some upgraded variants are equipped with seekers to be used as an anti-radiation system i.e against enemy radars. Other important aspects to this UAV is the application of Radar absorbing coating to reduce RCS.




cechas vodobenikov

when US attacked Serbia they were so incompetent their satellites could not find Serb tanks; they were however proficient at destroying many cardboard decoys I suspect Iran will confuse USA/Israel w blow-up porn dolls disguised as missiles and some fireworks while the actual missiles go undetected

Just Me

US nuclear button for the next 200 hours is in the ‘hands of a madman named Trump’: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

US Senate is trying to impeach the wounded crazy Trump and has been denied contact with the military. US has become a complete joke. The world has never seen a banana republic gong show like this ever.


Tommy Jensen

No fly zone?


Iranian developed a lot of ground missile and drone. But what about aircraft carrier killer like the Chinese missile. any info on that???

Jimmy Jim





Cut the racist crap,Jews are not the problem the Zionist thugs are,not all are jews.



Tommy Jensen

We have also made heavy diplomatic achievements and leverage in ME during 2020 using heavy pressure.

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