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MARCH 2025

Iranian Supreme Leader Mocks Trump Over Leaked Email To Allies, Says US ‘Wants to Own Humiliated Slaves’

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Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has mocked President Donald Trump over a leaked email to Persian Gulf states by saying that Washington “wants to own humiliated slaves”.

According to Khamenei, Trump wrote to in he email: “I spent $7 trillion and you must do something in return.”

The New York Times citing own source confirmed that Trump had sent two the US allies two emails saying that the US has spent too much money to help allies in the Middle East and calling on the allies to contribute more efforts to counter Iran.

Additionally, Trump allegedly called on the allies to act more actively in regards of the Syrian conflict.

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Mo Richard

If America was a human being, she might have been ashamed of such revelations. But who cares America’s conscience is money and hegemony at all cost.


That’s the Jewish conscience but since the Jews have ridden the American cattle for over a century now, it has slowly become the American conscience as well.

America’s last hope was for the South to win the civil war. Ever since they have been a Rothschild colony.

Hide Behind

With all the Southern cultures shortcomings, the one Ideal A Repulic where individual states had a “legal and responsibility to its citizens,” Right to leave an irresponsible and corrupt Federal system was TRUTH. Loss of war meant end of 2nd Republic, never to regained again. Read Lincoln’s letter at end of war about how his government turned over United States to Corporations and northern monies interest.


And seven trillion US dollars burned in the sands of the Middle East is a good example of such ill founded hubris :)


Never before has an American President been such a true reflection of the American people. Donald Trump is the moron the United States wants and needs.


Sadly you are right. I try to talk to my friends and only seem to get some variation of ‘fuck Iran’. I’ve even lost non-Jewish friends by merely asking if they know about what Israel is doing. Suggesting that Israel has a hand in supporting terrorists is not something they are willing to even entertain.


Yes, the self denial of all too many is akin to denying the reality of an unfaithful spouse.

Anger toward the messenger is the only response such deluded people have left.

John Mason

Then one has to question their existence.


same here, voicing my opinion leads to angering the zio-crack addicted cannon fodder units I raise it with. They are deeply conditioned to reject any criticism of Israel or Israeli actions or motives… and they uncritically accept the narrative being fed them. Sometimes I feel as if I am living through a zombie apocalypse.


You’re Jewish?




Same here. I lost some friends because of Syria much before it was fashionable to call someone Russian useful idiot. As Bukowski used to say: History of human animal hasn’t changed a bit. Most of average people stand with power.


This statement is incredibly correct!

Casual Observer

The hostility toward knowledge that used to characterize the uneducated has now spread throughout the entire population.


I disagree, most people in the US are genuinely confused and while they feel that the truth is not what they are told they don’t have the time to search for alternative sources. One example; yesterday I spoke with a repair man working on our building, I asked him what he thought was happening with Iran. He said he was against any more military spending, against more money thrown at the ME but that he understood that Iran had violated the agreement. I replied that the UN reps said that Iran had held to the letter and spirit of the law, he was taken aback and said what the hell is going on? I replied war is a racket and our pockets are being emptied. Educate people, they will listen if it is presented quietly and the truth is supported by facts they can see for themselves.


I think it is about time Americans Start Realising that their Country is build on Massmurdering peoples after a couple of Centuries… because their Grey Mass is taking pretty long to get that point.. the World doesn’t feel like giving them another couple of centuries to realise it… Though I feel the same about creating Awareness…

Casual Observer

Not the educated people I know, and most of my friends are in that category. I see no difference between them and the uneducated.


Watch Idiocracy, it’s Americas future.


Having a wrestler for a president would be a step forward :)


It’s virtually impossible for a civilization to last when the population is literally made up of low IQ low information brainwashed morons who are hostile to facts, knowledge, and reality. This guarantees that the American Zionist empire is heading toward collapse, certainly within our life time.


I look forward to the impending collapse.

Boris Kazlov

Too much talk of American collapse, but Russia is backing down every time. BTW, I am Russian and feel betrayed.


We All are Betrayed on a Daily Basis my Friend… that makes us All the Same…but Never get used to IT…


Hear, hear

Pave Way IV

Hey now! Americans are not low IQ low information brainwashed morons who are hostile to facts, knowledge, and reality. We’re reality-challenged. It’s a legitimate mental disability. We’re on medication for it. Stop hating us!

The Israeli/Neocon MSM Iran Demonization Campaign® is slowly falling apart here in the US. A small ray of hope that my fellow Americans are slowly waking up: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60f6126a5fefc4a19b6142d702f5352a37df4ffd135b45cd908058eabaaf3f9b.png



I suppose I should clarify my original statement, I meant to say the vast majority of Americans not all but that should be obvious. The Americans who are reading this site fall within the minority who are aware at a very high level but the vast majority of Americans are clueless, even the ones who are upset and unhappy about the current situation.

It’s not a crime to be ignorant, what is unacceptable however, is to refuse to investigate, debate, and educate one-self when confronted with new information. Most Americans fall into the second category.


A Dangerous high number of Fanatical Zio-Christians that would love to meet Jezus the Christ…for a Second time.. even if that means we all get obliterated in a Nuclear Showdown

Pave Way IV

Nuclear showdown? Meet Jesus? Oh hell, PENCE is definitely your man, there. He was made to usher in Armageddon. He can’t wait to hit the big red button.

Love to be there in the afterlife when Pence meets Jesus. There’s Pence, all smiling and happy. Sticks his hand out to shake the hand of Jesus

Pence: “This is the happiest day of my life – er, death… whatever. Am I just so glad to finally meet you, Jesus! Look – I brought all the faithful with me!” [giggles with delight] Jesus: [gazes across the millions of souls, then glares silently at Pence] Pence: [uncomfortable] “Ah… something wrong my lord?” Jesus: [in thunderous voice] “Do… you… have… any idea just how pissed off I am at you? DO YOU?” [immolates a screaming Pence] Jesus: [looking back over the crowd] Now then… where’s that little fucker Bolton?

888mladen .

Pence is Opus Dei man. He is a part of Vatican Luciferanian cult posing as Christian church and fooling many in thinking that this is what Christianity is all about. It a religious false flag.



888mladen .

What about Luciferanian Illuminati who worship devils in the form of the spirits of dead. just like native Indians of America. What good do they have in store for us. Devil worship?


There are Many Kinds of Christians…. the Crypto-Christians I am talking about are The Devil worshippers of IsraHell…. 80 Million idiots… that exterminated Everyone that did NOT Believe the same way as they did…. the Devil Lives in the Vatican at the Moment… so the Roman Catholic Church is Hijacked too… No GOOD God orders You to KILL people that think or believe Different… If that God does Order you to kill others then I consider them Devilworshippers… And you obviously know little about Native American Rituals & Belief… Wakan Tanka, The Great Creator of All Living things ain’t the Devil… For the Devil only lives in Human Beings… Don’t Compare “Native American” Belief with Luciferians…. it looks pretty stupid…

888mladen .

What is known for sure is that American Indians offered human sacrifices. To whom did they offer them?


That were the Pawnee… the Morning Star Ritual… the Other Tribes Hated & Attacked them for this reason

888mladen .

They believe in the immortality of soul and they worship spirits of their ancestors. Here is where this belief comes from.

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die. Genesis 3:4

But God said But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:17

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9

So those who believe in immortality of soul whom do they believe? To the Old Serpent which is called Devil and Satan.


You are one of them…the Devil Does Not Exist….! Hahahaha it is PURE Fantasy… He is a Made Up Fool… The Devil Exists only in Humans….!!!!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/47c00b7607ac66e816519cd4ac10c734bbfeb8d5b867293e4122004ecd708edd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/33d4592ef5f2ef49b56244b61145a1faa542a980909d8fce89818c14f0186b3c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cb0521cdb39eb442c8f2f63398567ae61181ff35a75e043a0ad89d41396f1f43.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9912b1442f5ee5204d1584ca76e8d2097ced98ecc27b57801b41f11e763b13ea.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/de42de2b590e13acfa8048d42c985c890e039d75d290c7736a95544d69427794.jpg


Great isn’t it?


Well said my friend. It is comparable to being ruled over by Gipsy Gangs whose prime methods are deception and intimidation.

Boris Kazlov

Bet you he will win mid-term elections

Joe Dirt

MAGA!!! Trump 2020!!!!

888mladen .

Absolutely agree considering how degenerate they have become as a nation. Birds of feather.


Saudi Arabia offered to pay all costs if the USA invaded Syria as mentioned by John Kerry. It looks they will gladly pay for invading Iran as well which is in their own interest. The email of Trump is perhaps sent to keep his voters happy.

Also there were several agendas to invade Afghanistan, Irak, Lybia and start Arab spring in Syria, at least: – MIGA Make Israel Great Again – Oil – Poppy trafficking to fund illegal wars – Start endless wars for the weapon manufacturers

Floyd Hazzard

I’m glad colonization is now biting Europe and the “five-eye” countries in the ssa. They sowed the wind and is reaping the whirlwind. America now dictates everything from their military to their economies. Their countries are ruled via dictatorship from Washington…those dumb, appeasing vassals.


What he really means is that American taxpayers have been swindled by neoconservative zionists to fighthe lost wars for israhells to the tune of 7 trillion dollars ,and he wants the Arab puppets to foot the bill,.Something tells me that their relationship is going to turn Sour, just as it will with the Europeans.


The US is bankrupt, they have been extorting allies lately, because they have taken everything from non allies.

But enough of this BS about its the neocons, the US has been doing this from the first day it gained independence from Britain. It’s just that now, the US has plundered the whole world, and it’s getting harder to find a victim.

Lazy Gamer

That’s a lot of money that could have gone somewhere more productive like eradicating certain diseases, more infrastructure, renewable tech, etc.

Jim Bim

It´s all about funneling the money to the 1% and their corporations.


The oligarchs, don’t much give a damn about the welfare or human rights of the peons. We lost our Republuc a long time ago, the final nail in the coffin being the PNAC 911 false flag “New Pearl Harbor type event”, and the permament war state and loss of civil rights, given “legal” cover by the so-called PATRIOT Act (signed into law in the dead of night with no debate, right after 911). But even decades earlier when the syndicate murdered JFK, the Republic was cooked.

The United States of America is not a democracy! It is an oligarchy and has been this way for many decades (many argue since the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, a private secretive bankers cartel, that has been masked as a public government institution.


And now that ordinary Americans are broke, they might just get rid of you in a war. There are lots of people they can get to bury the American dead, and then sponge off them.


Americans prefer to spend their money on killing, it’s the American way.


Make’m Spend Every Dollar they can Print…


Exactly keep them spending, they think they have limitless credit, but they don’t.

Mauro Craizer

Rotschilds own Trump, just google WHO bailed him in 1992. when NY realestate market got hit, Trump needed heavy backing to save his empire, his bailor was HIS CURRENT US COMMERCE HEAD, a Rotschild man, a billionare WILBUR ROSS, also Goldman Sachs has almost all advisory seasts at the White House. Trump is doing what they say, in other words, “Israel 1st” again. Passive US ppl deserve whatever they get, “it’s our Government”, “not in my name”. SJW socialists will ruin USA, they don’t know it yet, but USA has yet to taste and live through what Russia get rid off in 1990s-communism. “SOCIALIST STATES OF AMERICA”, where offensive words and “gender neutral” bathrooms are at utmost importance. Go crazy Bernie! Full blown socialist state!


No different than Obama, every advisor was hand picked by the banks. I doubt a Bernie presidency would be much different, if he had contested the votes that HC clearly stole from him I would have more hope for him, but he didn’t. Then again he is still alive….

Mauro Craizer

Spinless SJW “free chicken 4 blax” Bolshevik Bernie? He’s representing everything that’s wrong with current leftist ideoligies-there is nothing but extreme left running the western society, except only few countries like Hungary, Poland, Chech Republic, Slovakia and latest member of “we want western values 1st” Italy. At the begining of 21st century, Sweden was a top country in the world at living standard, if crazed SJW leftists could RUIN the richest/biggest middle class in the world, what the rest of the world could hope for? SJWs are bigger threat to the west than Islam, you csn take that to the bank, they are dividing cancer, useful idiots of global “elite”.

Mauro Craizer

Bernie has no spine whatsoever, when I saw how those BLM BTs bullied him off the stage, he is an embodiment of the new age male, not a man, just male. Beta cuck who is one of the most responsible persons, like all white “progressives” who perpetuate the “the myth of black victimization & the white guilt.” Blacks are the predators not victims. https://i.redd.it/3hkwnvylnzqz.jpg “Do not report black peoples”, you just #DontMakeTheBlackKidsAngry


As a human being and as a US citizen I am profoundly mortified by this orange ogre, who occupies the office. This is the kind of government we get under our system of AIPAC approved “democracy”.

Hide Behind

The decay of morality into a society of rapacious selfie consumerism and yes welfare dependence upon Firstly Federal then State county and municipalities controlling lives by under- educating into indoctrinated trained supporters of their needs. Sorry , NOT, but the importation of dumber than rocks immigrants as a cheap labor source also made them brainwashed and no idea of Ideals American Freedom and Liberty founded upon. They fit right into the selfie money bling consumerist society. US is a very good example of beejive. bovine herd mentality. It is a system that from inception was ruled by 2% aided by a vast bureaucracy of 28% that managed the social engineering of 70%. A 70% that is fearfully of loosing some either physical or monetary “help” if a true reduction back to a Constitutionaly limited government were instituted. No matter the educational level, their so called independent thinking has got to that point only because that top 30 allowed the means to their perceived wealth over 49% of populace who live in and below poverty level 7 trillions is but a spit in Ocean to amounts Government spends limiting its own people’s abilitu to gain true Librrty. An estated 1.2 millions people work for militarys DARPA Off the record budget of 1.4 trillions yearly

You think those 1.2 million plus 23 millions who are employed in University grants and war equipment interest will like losing cushy incomes. Truly not just Americans who as a grouping with billions not millions who have no freaking idea just what Uzs is up to and capability of causing destruction of shithole nations people, all the while a hundred million in US do so without batting an eye each payday. Sad but around world the same 30 % of each nations people want to live in same way as US and will gleefully kill own family if necessary at US and it’s Euro lackeys demand The 70% people of world need to attack as a whole not just Euro Israel but even those ass kissing blood letting rulers in own nations. Stop bowing your asses in air or weeping looking upward for a F’n God or some Russian or Demigod to come save your added IT AIN’T WORKING!


The thing is… Trump has never emailed in his life! That is why Wiki did/could not find any emails to release on Trump during the election. Let us see the actual email instead of using the New York Times sources! We all know they are FAKE NEWS!


“Tero Varjoranta announced his resignation as chief inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) effective May 11th but didn’t provide explanation, only citing “confidential personal matters” according to the AP.”

John Bolton threatening to murder Mr Varjoranta’s children?

For those who don’t know, during the lead up to the Iraq invasion,

José Bustani was forced to quit as director-general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. According to Bustani’s recollections: “You have 24 hours to leave the organization, and if you don’t comply with this decision by Washington, we have ways to retaliate against you.”

There was a pause. “We know where your kids live. You have two sons in New York.”

Iran needs to build those nukes and ICBM’s yesterday, only the threat of killing Trump, all Government members and their families will stop the USA.

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