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Iranian Top Official: Israel, Saudi Arabia, US and UAE Planing War With Lebanon

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Iranian Top Official: Israel, Saudi Arabia, US and UAE Planing War With Lebanon

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On November 10, the Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council, Mohsen Rezaei, said that the US, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel are planning a war against Lebanon.

Rezaei went on and warned about the consequences of such war on Lebanon on his personal website according to the Iranian MEHR agency.

“Saudi Arabia, UAE and Israel with the green light of the US have decided to destabilize and insecure Lebanon and have declared a war situation against the country but Lebanese people and government will resist against this invasion,” Rezaei wrote on his personal website.

Many Lebanese media outlets warned of a possible Saudi-led war on Lebanon in the aftermath of Lebanon Prime Minister resignation on November 4Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that Saudi Arabia is encouraging Israel to attack Hezbollah in Lebanon during a televised speech on November 10.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called on all sides inside and outside Lebanon to respect the Lebanese government. Moreover, Tillerson stressed that the US recognizes Lebanon Prime Minister Saad Hariri and sees him as “a strong partner of the United States”.

“There is no legitimate place or role in Lebanon for any foreign forces, militias or armed elements other than the legitimate security forces of the Lebanese state,” Tillerson said in an official press release.

In his statement, Tillerson was clearly hinting at Hezbollah, that’s believed to be the biggest armed force in Lebanon. Tillerson’s statement could be a sign that the US might not oppose an Israeli or a Saudi attack on Lebanon, which would be clearly aimed at Hezbollah.

The Saudi Purge: The Middle East Is On The Verge Of New War

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If the only legitimate force in Lebanon is his army, when do the USA allow the Lebanese army to receive heavy weapons and especially anti-aircraft ones ?

The Tillerson’s declaration is rather funny if one applies it to Syria : “There is no legitimate place or role in Syria for any foreign forces, militias or armed elements other than the legitimate security forces of the Syrian state,”

Don Machiavelli

If there wasn’t Hezbollah we would have slightly larger Israel today, at least up north to Damascus Beirut highway and Litani river.

Jens Holm

Haha – and peace in the rest.




GREAT catch…someone fill him in on what’s going on in Syria eh?

Serious Dude

This is false. Iran always makes sensationalist claims. Even Hezbollah admitted that there is no possibility of war with Israel.


Given saudis past performance in Yemen, and with daesh pretty much extinct now in Syria, I’m not too scared lol


I am a little scared tho. I don’t want Saudi (and their allies) to destroy one of the last secular country in the middle east after how they destroyed Syria.


No do not be scared my friend, that is what they want us to feel. The reality is that their proxies in Iraq and Syria have been slaughtered, their “greater Israel” project failed, their attempts at conquering Yemen utterly failing, so they are trying for their “plan C” now. I just hope they have a plan D after that, and a plan E, and plan F, etc! LOL


‘Kurdistan’ was ‘plan C’ I think.


and we see how that went, especially in iraq lol!


If people didn’t get hurt over these fatuous tergiversations it would be laughable rather than blackly comical.

Serious Dude

Saudi Arabia has no relations with Kurdistan. Kurds battled and lost people against Wahhabism.


And there were also plenty of Kurds fighting with it. But the US and KSA only started backing the Kurds when ISIS was already on its way out. ‘Plan A and B’ were already thwarted.

Serious Dude

Kurds need neither US or Saudi.

Jens Holm

They certainly do need . They have had 4 enemes bigger then them since 1925.

Some 30 years old american song says: If You cant love the ones You love, love the one You wish.

Same song says “teach Your children well”.

Thats what it is all about. Most people in the region incl. the Israelion ones tell the others are the bad ones and they make no mistakes themselves.

Boris Kazlov

Just go fuck yourself, Stoltenberg

Serious Dude

Nah they don’t need them. Kurds need to have allies like Russia, China, India, Israel.


Don’t think the Kurds will take on the Syrian army as they did not want to take on the Iraqi army to risk their chances of autonomy talks.

So the only fight is with HTS

Jens Holm

You ignore facts and stay there.

Jens Holm

So many people here have no relationsship with the world of today for real. They just eat, what their Grandparents and their Masters tell them.

Serious Dude

I believe that it is trendy to support third world dictators and hate Israel these days.

Tommy Jensen

There is no failing. They got what they wanted and they are gonna get it again. They are only in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and now Lebanon to destroy the countries, thats all. When Lebanon is destroyed they will destroy




The goal is not to destroy Lebanon but Hezbollah.

Jens Holm

Very strange so many cant see that. Saudis has been forced away from supporting ISIS and in that Hesbollah has helped too much.

So next try from Saudis will be reducing Hesbollah in Lebanon.


“Saudis has been forced away from supporting ISIS”?

Trolling or serious? If serious, bybwho ans why?

Jens Holm

Saudis are for destroying the Hesbollah dominance or reduce it. Thats the whole point.

The other one is simple powergrabbing in Saudi Arabia back into one man rule. One rooster only.

Jens Holm

Again ignoring facts. Only some few % prefare some “greater Israel”.

The project in Yemen is as usual. Arabs killing arabs with the supporters they can get for it.

Its a fiasco Saudis are starving people to death. No, its normal presedure in Syria by the Baathistas right now. The same threat at Barzani Kurdistan as well as now and then Gaza.

Its a part of Your culture and religion. Dont blame Rijahd for being normal in Your region. Its also normal Iran again are agressive, so You are same culture and religion – only a matter of commas.

And Yes, I forgot Turks has integrated to You the last 14 years and they by that is a great succes blaming everybody else for their strange way of behaving.


I bet that under the fig leaf of Wahhabism, the Saud perverts are as secular as everyone else. Realpolitik knows no boundaries.

Jens Holm

I kind of agree with You. They are divided in the same way as China. Those has capitalism for parts of it, but also communism for the rest.

Rüdiger Preiss

Syria hasn’t been destroyed. It’s been battered pretty badly but destroyed it isn’t by long and far.

Brad Isherwood

There have been suicide bombings,kidnappings,murders attributed to ISIL in Lebanon. Lebanon has decades history of sniper attacks/bombings . Sniper attacks and blame Assad is how the conflict in Syria began. Create Chaos….blame Hezbollah. ..and as Tillerson the ass states, …Only Lebanon Gov/Army allowed to respond. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/11/lebanon-caught-saudi-iran-regional-power-play-171107075704436.html Excerpt: “The US is trying to tease Hezbollah’s high ground through its recent wave of sanctions against its funders and members, and pressuring the Lebanese financial establishment to fully comply with the sanctions strategy,” he said.

Maybe not invasion -…… subversion On a side note,….IF US can get its Flag back in Lebanon, ….they can spin up media to remind the world of the 1983 Marine Barracks bombing,….which Has some traction of evidence since 911/looking back. …..that Israel and CIA did the bombing as False Flag.


There are couple of mitigating factors, the time-frame and Europe. Although Israeli planners assume they will fight Hezbollah in Lebanon again, whether they would choose to do this based on the current time-frame needs of Saudi’s bin-Salman junior, who has proved a poor and myopic military strategist thus far, is questionable. Likewise, Lebanon is still hosting Syrian refugees; if the IAF starts bombing Lebanon, this is is a potential major problem for western Europe, particularly Germany, who previously took the moral high ground on Syrian refugees, as a Lebanon war would very likely see yet another wave of displaced Syrian refugees headed straight for Europe – this is the last thing EU currently needs or can handle and will actively try to prevent it.


This Saudi /Israeli posturing may well indicate an invasion of Lebanon is waiting to be launched but it could just be a tactic to draw Hezbollah soldiers back to Lebanon and therefore weaken the SAA struggle against US Coalition Terror Foreign Legions in Idlib and Deir Ezzor.


Maybe, but why would Israel want to voluntarily face Hezbollah again? If they were already there, then they have no choice.


“..face Hezbollah again?”

Because they have US support and regardless of who would win such a war, Lebanon will have been destroyed from aerial bombardment. I do hope many Israeli F-35s, as well as Saudi coalition aircraft, will fall from the skies. It would be nice to see Israel receive the karma they’ve been needing for so long too.

Axis of Resistance

It would be the end of Trump if he launches another war, this time being Lebanon. Americans are war weary.

Jens Holm

Very strange to put Trump in this unless Your brain is out of order in the same way.

Axis of Resistance

You know nothing of American politics, STFU.

Jens Holm

News to me.


“Americans are war weary”

It’s not up to Americans, it’s the Deep State of which the Presidency is but a puppet. When you have a government full of Zionists who control the Congress, the media and stink (think?) tanks, Senators like Graham (armed service committee) who doesn’t even know what wars the US is involved in, the heavy propaganda and censorship towards blaming Iran for the actions that Israel the Saudis and US are engaged in; I have to disagree. Lebanon and Iran have been painted as targets of ‘7 countries in 5 years’ fame. Trump, acting on the will of his masters, will only be praised by the government controlled Zionists if both Lebanon and Iran are destroyed. On the other hand, if the wars go badly for the Zionists, then that would indeed be the end of Trump.


A war like that couple certainly spill over into Syria, and i doubt (and hope) Russia would not let all its efforts to secure Syria just go out the window like that

Jens Holm

You never know. Russians dont like Hesbollah and Iran at all.


Yes they do, they are fighting alongside each other in syria, What makes u say that?


I too hope. We really won’t know what’s going on behind the scenes until it happens, but I believe that Putin has too much at stake (not to mention intelligence far exceeding the other strategists) to allow it to all fall apart.

Jens Holm

I dont think so.

Jens Holm

Its very, very manipulative to put Saudis and with Israel. Israel just do, what they have done since they became something.


Lebanon was on that Clarke guy’s list of 7 countries to be invaded…..


can you imaging the furore in the Western MSM if China or Russia had a list like that. :)




Yes,Russian Diplomacy has completely destroyed the infantile US Narrative. :)

Jens Holm

Of course they have. Its like in old “wargames” or close to with possible games.

The only game is a backdoor, where only tic-tac can make it go away.


Jens Holm

Everybody can make lists like that.


Yeah? …. Like whom?

Jens Holm

It could be people sending tourist to only safe places.


Turn the light switch to “ON”

Don Machiavelli

Problem is that those warmongers, instead of being happy that security is restoring in Syria, they try to make new conflicts arise. ICC is worthless crappy institute, there is strong case against USA, Israel and Saudi but considering how IDF and Sharon evaded Sabra and Shatila massacre we all know they can’t be held accountable.


Not too scared? You should be. This is not about territory, or invasions, or even political control. This is about destabilising countries, it is about destroying countries. This is about the insanity that the think tanks spew from their festering rear orifices. Endless war, nations are selected for destabilisation, as long as lawlessness and chaos thrives the elites are happy about it. Why? Because chaotic society can be controlled by weapons, arms are sold, organs can be harvested, young boys and girls can be taken to be rich pedophiles’ playthings, slaves can be bought, resources can be stolen. In the West security concerns can be exploited. It is kleptocracy on steroids. There is not even a pretence of a “trade” benefitting both sides.


I understand but I don’t think Russia is going to let such a war happen if it spills over into Syria which it could.


I agree if the Lebanese had to face just Saudis.

Because Saudis aren’t able to wage war on Lebanon, they’ll use their terror armies and mercenary armies no doubt. Plus Israel joining the fight means US joining this fight and we all know the main strategy of US in any war: carpet bombing, fire bombing and even nuclear bombing of civilians.


It doesn’t sound like the US is too eager to join another war, especially with what tiller son said about it recently


I wish, but if Israel wages a war, there’s no way that the US isn’t dragged into it. Just look at the number of Israel-firsters in US congress, Senate and administration. Trump just loves to undermine the Son of Tiller whenever he tries to calm the frenzy.

The US war hawks itch for a new war and the nonsense we hear from the MSM is aimed to prepare the public opinion.


Did they join the last time Israel waged wars against hezb?


They supported it all the way and these are just the parts which we know.

This article from Chumsky is also interesting.

I too wish if the US doesn’t enter this war (if it ever happened) but I think it is unlikely.


Even if its Israel who starts the war?


Does it matter for them?

You know what? Perhaps you’re right.


i hope i am! lol

Jens Holm

Israel dont start any war. Its the same level up and down.


They get others to start it for them when they don’t want to.


Yes but indirectly with reconnaissance and ammunition resupply.

WikiLeaks also exposed that the U.S. flew U-2 reconnaissance missions over Hezbollah positions in Lebanon, known as “Operation Cedar Sweep,” and used a British airbase in Cyprus to do so.


July 22 also marks the first time that the United States responded militarily to the conflict. Late on the day of the 21st, the White House received a request from Olmert and the IDF for the provision of large amounts of precision-guided munitions–another telltale sign that the IAF had failed in its mission to degrade Hezbollah military assets significantly during the opening rounds of the war.



Well now that Russia is back in the middle east, US will not have ability to practice free reign in the area as they did in 06, if you know what I mean :)))

Jens Holm

So how do You see the succes of that. US even was asked back to Iraq.


They are successful as fuck! And Iraq said they would rather be with Russia and Iran !!

Jens Holm

Thats normal procedures of today. Everything is flying round there, because the techn.for it possible.

If you go back to july its mainly totally outdated information. You should be worried, when Israliens just have taken a drone down or turks a couple of days ago has been looking from above.

We seldom see all the smaller drones, which today are long range.


Point being?

Jens Holm

Thats right. USA has just stopped Saudis for support of ISIS and has blamed the for being too brutal in Yemen. Im sure that include Saudis seemes to have exported weapon of category 1 to ISIS, which they have promised not to.

Jens Holm

Very fast conclusions and kind of cheep.


Seyyed Nasrallah’s Arba’een speech was interesting: We do not recognize PM Hariri’s resignation because it was the result of Saudi meddling and under pressure. We still recognize the Lebanese government and it’s prime minister, until the moment he comes back to Lebanon and declares his resignation in the parliament. Saudi detention of Hariri is an insult to all Lebanon even if we do not agree in the politics. He invited the Lebanese to think about what happened and learn and seek Hariri’s freedom and his return to Lebanon. It was a long and interesting speech.

Don Machiavelli

The sheer amount of Zionist trolls all over Lebanese medias is interesting. As they see it, only problem in the region is Hezbollah’s weapons. Not Israeli aggression.

If they cross into Lebanon i am sure that Merkava’s will burn again.


Tillerson speaks the overt view of abstinence while the covert view is to plan it along with his terrorist buddies, the states of Israel and Saudi Arabia. There will be a war because Israel desires it and is the tail wagging the US dog. I too look forward to seeing Merkava’s burn and hope they’ll be accompanied by Israeli F-35s falling from the sky due to plentiful Birds.

Don Machiavelli

Birds are anti-Semitic!


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anti-Zionist would be my guess.

Don Machiavelli

Yes but you know how Zionists struggle to make anti-Israel speech into anti-Semitic one.




There is mostly a war because IsraHell’s creator and owner (the ruling class of the British Empire) desperately need to get rid of Hezbollah in order to move on to Iran. Everything Israel does is dictated to them by Britain. For as long and Hezbollah stand strong, they cannot go after Iran.

Boris Kazlov

The days of British Empire are long gone, it is now an associate of the ziomurikan empire, in that order, it is in the second echelon of power.

Jens Holm

I agree. People can find some better facts from the too old days and learn some here and there, but most parts are totally outdated.


I disagree. The very same people behind the British Empire are running the US and IsraHell today.

Ray Douglas

You are right. It would be a mistake to underestimate the role of the Brits in everything going on in West Asia. The lobbyists in the UK parliament are pushing hard and splashing money everywhere among the MP’s in the UK.


To understand the ordeal best, one must understand how Britain got where it is. Webster Tarpley explains it best in his “Against Oligarchy”:


The very same people (from the Venetian Party) run the British Empire (and its colonies/territories).


of course the same group of scumbags are running things , and it isn’t a matter of opinion. Nor is it a country. They are called banksters, and they have a plan.

The bankster owned British empire, created Zionism. And the banksters, own every country for whom they create money for. Most all of us but those Muslim countries we bomb back to the stone age who resist usury and globalism.

“Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talks of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile… Once a nation parts with the control of its credit, it matters not who makes the laws….Usury once in control will wreck the nation.” William Lyon MacKenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1815

f the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1

National politics is theater for weak minds.

“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ”

| David Rockefeller | ( see trade deals removing soverignty,immigration, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)


“In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money”

http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Documents/quarterlybulletin/2014/qb14q1prereleasemoneycreation.pdf “


They are called banksters, and they have a plan.

My point exactly. Best explained in Tarpley’s “Against Oligarchy”: http://tarpley.net/online-books/against-oligarchy/


Sure, and I do read Tarpley. I especially like his article on the Ukraine, its history, and the neo Nazis who took over with the help of their friends.

But when the bankers tell ya what they are doing. Well, only a fluoride eater misses that right :P

After that, logic and reason show the patterns, patterns patterns….

With respect to the Oligarch = Inequality = power. Inequality is more appropriate as the root off all evil, not money. With technological unemployment, we can do away with SOCIO ECONOMIC inequality. If we want.

I would prefer AGAINST INEQUALITY OVER against oligarchy.. Because one ignores the total prejudicial structure facilitated with inequality. The middle class still effin complain that THEY are being status changed to lower class, and want the government to insure they are protected. Mindwashed to the right, of socio economic slavery. Fook the poor right . After all, so say the pundits, our poor are the envy of the rest of poor on this planet. The absurdity, and the egregious ignorance in that kind of elitist sense of superiority needs to go.


Don Machiavelli

On this link there is story how Sir Edward Grey made war in Sarajevo. I can prove that war in Bosnia and siege of Sarajevo were result of Greater Serbian aspirations not because British. People were on protests and Serb militia fired on students before start of war there are Yutel videos you can see about it and i can provide more info also my personal video and photo material from war time as i was part of it, unfortunately. West had it’s gain with breakup of Yugoslavia but it was because of Nationalism that it got broken apart. NEver forget that. British did not commit Srebrenica genocide nor did they ethnically cleanse large areas. Serbs lost Kosovo because they were oppressing population there since early 1980s and it was aggression which gave legitimacy to Kosovo to became independent. That is why i can disregard that link completely because it’s clearly biased and not made over truthful analysis.

Don Machiavelli

Even tho i focused on 1990s, same can be said for murder of Archduke. It was for the same aspiration and also orchestrated from Belgrade.

Don Machiavelli

Why was Winston Churchil funded by Zionists?

How did Zionist pressure persuade Americans to intervene in World War 1 and WW2? Why is it that Balfour declaration was made if Zionist entity was created solely by British?

Its nice story but there are many holes in it.


Historical holes can always be filled.

Why was Winston Churchil funded by Zionists?

Churchill was part of the Marlborough family who had been allied to the Cecils since the 17th century. The Marlborough family helped the Cecils get rid of the Stuarts in England to replace them with the House of Orange.

How did Zionist pressure persuade Americans to intervene in World War 1 and WW2?


Why is it that Balfour declaration was made if Zionist entity was created solely by British?

Modern Zionism is a British machination and Arthur James Balfour was a Cecil – nephew of Marquis/Lord Salisbury (Robert Gascoyne-Cecil).


The British empire launched the Zionist regime true, but that regime now is it’s own entity and in control of the US empire for waging wars in the Middle East.


I disagree. To understand the ordeal best, I recommend you read/peruse Webster Tarpley’s “Against Oligarchy”:


The same oligarchies in Venice took over Europe (via banks and the enthronement of puppets), the US (in creating the “Federal” Reserve), the creation of IsraHell, etc.


We agree…Federal reserve, creation of Israel, monied interests in the hands of corrupt state actors, no argument from me.

We disagree…. Current state of Israel… backed by those mentioned above, has a life of it’s own and that’s land expansion in the Middle East, power and resources.

Personal opinion.. I don’t believe in grand conspiracies nor do I believe that if they existed, they would survive for long. I do believe in greedy individuals, each working against the next to increase their own wealth and rule the world. It’s been tried before and always failed, history will repeat until mass enlightenment or mass extinction.


There is a bit of contradiction in your comment. On one hand, you agree about the “Federal” Reserve and the creation of Israel and on the other, you believe the US and Israel act on their own. Let me ask you: why did the greedy individuals create Israel in the first place? It certainly wasn’t to save the persecuted Jews from a war they instigated in the first place. It was to control the region (Middle East) – an idea that began in 1830 after Napoleon’s return from Egypt. Herzl (deceitfully known as the “Father of Zionism”) didn’t write in his diaries that “Britain will have millions of agents” (in reference to the Jews to populate to-be Israel) for any reason. The same goes for the Gulf monarchies, they are very much the creation of the British Empire and they do what their bosses in Britain tell them. The third war in Yemen for instance:

Yemen is in fact the third in a century. But why is Britain so seemingly determined to see the country dismembered and its development sabotaged? Strange as it may seem, the answer is that Britain is scared of Yemen. For Yemen is the sole country on the Arab peninsula with the potential power to challenge the colonial stitch-up reached between Britain and the Gulf monarchies it placed in power in the nineteenth century, and who continue to rule to this day.


My point is that the bosses (banking oligarchies) are the ruling class of the British Empire. Their agents in the US and Israel work hand in hand with them. Tarpley’s “Against Oligarchy” explains who those greedy individuals are and how we are where we are. I agree that, generally, no conspiracy lasts this long but in their case, and despite being almost destroyed many times, they survived and continue their way.


“you believe the US and Israel act on their own”

No, I believe Israel acts on it’s own through it’s unregistered foreign agents (not just AIPAC, but in government positions and stink tanks) in the US regarding the Middle East. The case of the tail wagging the dog. As for US interests, oil, resources and satisfying Israel. The US also has it’s own interests in other parts of the world, including oil, resources, power and destruction of any state which would challenge it’s ability to achieve them, whether it’s militarily or through attack on the reserve currency. Central banks collude? yep, no problem there. Money and power, the age old human refrain. As to who was the first banker, I really don’t care. I’d rather just have the problem solved which I believe is in process through Russia and China.


We agree on many points and disagree on some. All good.

I invite you to familiarize yourself with the following:

B’nai B’rith British weapon against America

p.16: http://wlym.com/archive/campaigner/7812.pdf


Wow, that’s some link. I vaguely remember LaRouche running for president. Looking at the contents of that link and in order to properly investigate it, would require I bone up on the Roman Empire and emperors, Plato, Aristotle, origin of various religions, a host of organizations that have existed since then and a timespan from early AD to the present. This would require probably the rest of my life to investigate along with consultations of experts in each of those areas mentioned. You’ve certainly peaked interests that I thought long dead, so for that, I thank you. I will however have to reserve judgment on our areas of disagreement, as a 47 page document which jumps around quite a bit can’t hardly be accepted as truth for such broad conclusions, without a WHOLE lot of research. Again though, it is interesting. Do realize that I am a confirmed anti-Zionist that believes that Zionism is a very sick and dangerous animal.


Most welcome. Please understand that I am on your side. I think the real culprits are seldom/never mentioned and that it’s worth digging further.

The document I linked to may seem all over the place but when read in order, it gradually builds a solid argument. That being said, I agree that it doesn’t represent, alone, the answer. I think the combined works of several experts (Quigley, Tarpley, Sutton et al.) form a thesis geared toward the attainment of such answer.

Don Machiavelli

Yemen is strategical position very important only after Suez canal construction in mid 19th century. Before that, no one cared for Yemen.

Highly recommended read is ” Palestine : The Reality ” by J.M.N. Jeffries. There you will realize that British surely have became puppets ( period around 1920s ). Even murder of Lord Northcliffe, most important name in journalism in those times.

Don Machiavelli

Israeli terrorist groups expelled British from Palestine. They killed British, Arabs… Everyone who stood in the way. Maybe they had very close ties with the Crown at first, they did in some ways but that relationship ended relatively fast. Now, Zionist lobby and pressure owns England too. Everyone is target. Check Sweden and how Barbara Lerner Specter extorted money from them for her organization…

Clues are there. Israel is not reliant on anyone anymore, they are self sustained because they have power over many governments by extortion, pressure, law suits… It’s long story.


A long and troubling story to be sure; probably one of the most dangerous entities to the present because of it’s ability to wag a military power like the US dog in the ME.

I was looking at a link provided by Omega which mentioned the Masada massacre, where the nut jobs all committed suicide similar to other cults in history. It’s dangerous for the world to allow a state which honors and holds sacred such a cult, access to nuclear weapons.


Nasrallah was just being silly. Saudis can change their puppet prime minister whenever they want.


It seems that Mr. Nasrallah agrees with you.

Axis of Resistance

People cried about foreign intervention on the Syrian government’s behalf, now they are silent about foreign intervention in Lebanon because it benefits the Zionazis.


I don’t see the US going to war against the last big group of Christians in the ME together with the Jews and the Arabs. I don’t think there are a lot of politicians that like to get shot.


If US was concerned about Christians in ME then they wouldn’t have let Kurdish forces ethnically cleanse Assyrian Christians, don’t you think? US only follows the orders of one country (even if those orders are bad for US) and we all know who that country is.


Seems that they are in the SDF together with the Kurds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syriac_Military_Council

Don Machiavelli

If it’s in favor of Israel than Ziopedia surely will swing in that melody.


The MFS, the militia of the Syrian Syriacs, is an ally of the YPG and even, as of early 2013, part of the YPG, while maintaining their seperate forces of several thousand fighters, including an equivalent of the YPJ. There are also the Khabur Guards, another Syriac force affiliated with the YPG.


Please inform me when the US let Kurdish forces commit genocide against Armenians.

Other then this unsupported accusation of course. I am very interested. The same for Assyrian Christians.

Jens Holm

They know no facts and are not even able to use a calender.

Jens Holm

In 1925 USA was no superpower at all. If You are like that holding the worm below hard, You should blame Britts, French and Turks.

USA became a Superpower during WW2.

Free man

Bullshit. The United States gave the Lebanese army $ 40 million a week ago. What is more logical is that an attack against the Hizballah forces in Syria is planned.


Now that is much more logical . I fear for the Druze , they are through out the Golan Heights area . Supposedly a new Iranian ” 313 Militia” , is in that area as well ( Saudi press ) , so likely an expansion of a buffer zone around the Golan Heights , production site for future “Honey Oil”.

Free man

I share your concern for the Druze. They are between a rock and a hard place.


Agreed when you speak about the Golan and Lebanes Druze. The Israeli Druze are an integral part of Israel and fully integrated.They even have some 5 elected members of parliament there.


I think your use of the word ‘planned’ is rather optimistic. When my horse defecates in the stable or elsewhere it is not planned, but a reaction. US Coalition actions are much the same :)


bunk. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

They work for globalism, and there is nothing knee jerk about that. Period.

Jens Holm

So You have been sitting on Your ears until now. I hope they are not rotten. Its a normal point of view.

Fx ISIS came out of hand and then the reaction was to try something else. I would say its a succes compared to i all matters.

Saudis supported ISIS for longer time as Turks, but when it came down as now, the repair could be to make Hesbollah unhappy(and Assads too).


You start your so called rebut, with ad hom. The sure sign of someone with nothing to say of substance. I am not even sure what your next few lines meant. But fact still stands.


“..attack against the Hizballah..”

Maybe but…


They got the timing wrong in the pecking order, but destruction of Lebanon is still in the works along with Iran, Israel desires it and the US government is stacked with Zionist supporters.

Jens Holm

Keeping Hesbollah some lower also can be a build up for Lebanon. Fx they wont be attacked by Israelians and Syrians get their trying to take over by Hesbolla confirmed as a fiasco.

Ice Icegold



Israel proves it’s a cancerous tumor every day of it’s existence.

Don Machiavelli

Israel has proven that long time ago. After 1947 it simply fortifies it’s image.

Jens Holm

No, it wasnt. Do You read this from the light under Your bedblacket witt a 7-armed candelear – Or cant You find matches to light it.

As if You dont have internet.



Param Tejas

S Lebanese should taste dust


yup the israeli taste the dust in 2006 :)

it hurts till now

Jens Holm

Yes, it was a relative and also expensive fight. It says those are not in any plans with Saudis.


This is nothing new, the Jew criminals have been planning a war on Lebanon for the past 70 years. Any fabricated war against Lebanon by the baby rapers will go over like a lead balloon in the international community, much of which already loathes the Jews. The Saudis can talk stupid all that they like, they’re not going to do anything, and neither is the US or UAE.



STATE OF TERROR How terrorism created modern Israel by Thomas Suárez

Well, fancy that!

Don Machiavelli

Irgun and similar parties who were 100% terrorist groups made from all sorts of mercenaries across Europe mainly, well, those are Israel founding fathers.

Country to be proud of ain’t it?


In fact, the Irgun was not the army of jews in the british mandate territory. It was the Haganah that evolved into the IDF and the IDF disbanded the indeed more extremist Irgun after independence.


Hahaha :)

Before the creation of “Israel”, former prime minister Menachem Begin was the leader of the terror group Irgun. :)))))

Don Machiavelli

Since it’s alleged that ” Jews have Holocaust gene ” i am then 100% sure that ” Zionists have Nazi gene ”.

Science is universal isn’t it and logical also :)

Jens Holm

Mis manege machialsky again.


Yes, nobody disputes that. There was a little time gap of decades though between those times.

After independence of Israel, Irgun was disbanded, forcibly.


It’s like forcibly disbanding ISIS and making Al Baghdadi prime minister in a few decades :))))))))

That Guy

Perfect example, you just made my day :)


And now they still do terrorism against Palestine. What exactly do you try to say, that Israel is no longer a terrorist state. Because that would be effin ridiculous.

They do mass murder, they imprison, they steal land, they attack sovereign nations with impunity. They are also genocidal, and openly admit the desire to wipe Palestine clean of every Palestinian Semite.

The Tribunal’s verdict reads as follows:

“The Tribunal is satisfied, beyond reasonable doubt, that the first defendant, [General] Amos Yaron, is guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide, and the second defendant, the State of Israel, is guilty of genocide.”

Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal


Israel, is no different than the USA, or Qatar, or Saudi Arabia.

.. Imperialist using terrorism, invasion, torture, and murder in order to accomplish it.

That is a matter of public record, for anyone wanting to read something other than that which supports their beliefs.

Jens Holm

I am so tired of those old songs.


Yes. inconvenient facts are tiring, because they cannot be dismissed with ad hom, labels of anti semitism, or any other irrelevant babble. Genocide.


It very much is …

Terrorism: how Israel was won http://mondoweiss.net/2017/01/terrorism-israeli-state/

Jens Holm

But they were not a political party.

Don Machiavelli

” disbanded Irgun ” and incorporated it’s members into newly formed state of Israel.


Of course. They were punished if they committed crimes and beyond that, they were incorperated as any civilsed state does when convicted persons have finished their sentences.


I wish you defended the Netherlands from mass immigration as much as you defend Israel on a daily basis.

Don Machiavelli

He is simply another person who use Zionism as perfume.

Jens Holm

Reading You parfume seemes to be a good idea.

Don Machiavelli

In the same way that Sharon was ‘punished’ for Sabra and Shatila massacre?

Your definition of ‘punishment’ is the same as my definition of meaning behind the word ‘reward’. Well, each to it’s own.

Jens Holm

If Baathistas get more killed, thats what the planes seemes to be, all those arabs named as Phalestines can get a lot of free space in Syria.

After all, they were Syrians in the Ottomans. Assads systematicly has made space for them and the last with war has made space for 450.000 extras.



All of whom were trained by their creators/masters, the Brits …

The ideologies, mythologies, and geopolitical strat- egies of the State of Israel, down to the minutest details, are the handiwork of a handful of Britons. In particular there was Orde Wingate, a repre- sentative of the Amery and Rothschild interests in the 1930s and a top British intelligence officer in Palestine. Moshe Dayan recently said of Wingate: “I remember Orde Wingate. And I salute him. He taught me and many another Israeli soldier everything we knew.”

See p.8-9, “The British Spook who built the Army of Zion”: http://wlym.com/archive/campaigner/7812.pdf

Jens Holm

You might frequent a history book, if You are allowed.

Those also was no mercenaris at all. They were legal immigrants by the Brittish autorities to build up a modern semi european state to protect and support Kirkuk oil as well as Suez.


Another good link from that one.

. it is because the Zionists are unable to attack the message that they are forced to attack the messenger.” Read full review by Tony Greenstein



Makes complete sense… a new terrorist proxy army for attacking Lebanon is probably in the making, made by the aforementioned countries.


In itself I do not, in the present situation, support Israel striking an pre-emptive attack on Hezbollah. Situation might change though if Hezbollah gets more sophisticated weapons.

At least Israel will have an example in Turkey. Turkey invading Syria without consent of Assad to fight against the international terrorist organisations of IS, HTS, as is Hezbollah. On this pretext, Israel can even, more or less legally, invade Syria.


You mean to using those terrorists sent by the USA and its allies, who happen to be Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, as an excuse to do so. Bit by bit. Any country sending troops into Syria without the governments consent should be evicted with extreme prejudice, and they should be taken to the international criminal court. Not that doing it would do anything, since the globalist own politics.

Jens Holm


Thats the main reasons for the many “cleaners”.


Should be gone, by whose choice,. not by Syrians. The apologists for globalist genocide dont even pretend to respect sovereign rights any more. You say Assad, is the reason for the terrorism our allies do to Syrians. Because Assad will not play the globalist game of genocide on those who resist them. too funny, the ignorance.

The new globalists slogan ” my way, or the mass grave”….

Just like Libya before we destroyed it, Assad is the chosen leader of his country, and invading it is a war crime. But dont worry about that eh. What the bankers want, the bankers get. While the useful idiots like yourself, try to rationalize mass murder, invasion, and expropriation.

You babble ignorance as knowledge. Here is some fact for ya. ========================== Million Person Marches

On March 29, 2011 (less than two weeks into the fantasy “revolution”) over 6 million people across Syria took to the streets in support of President al-Assad. In June, a reported hundreds of thousands marched in Damascus in support of the president, with a 2.3 km long Syrian flag. In November, 2011 (9 months into the chaos), masses again held demonstrations supporting President al-Assad, notably in Homs (the so-called “capital of the ‘revolution'”), Dara’a (the so-called “birthplace of the ‘revolution'”), Deir ez-Zour, Raqqa, Latakia, and Damascus.

Mass demonstrations like this have occurred repeatedly since, including in March 2012, in May 2014 in the lead-up to Presidential elections, and in June 2015, to note just some of the larger rallies.

In May 2013, it was reported that even NATO recognized the Syrian president’s increased popularity. “The data, relayed to NATO over the last month, asserted that 70 percent of Syrians support” the Assad government. At present, the number is now at least 80 percent.

The most telling barometer of Assad’s support base was the Presidential elections in June 2014, which saw 74 percent (11.6 million) of 15.8 million registered Syrian voters vote, with President al-Assad winning 88 percent of the votes. The lengths Syrians outside of Syria went to in order to vote included flooding the Syrian embassy in Beirut for two full days (and walking several kilometres to get there) and flying from countries with closed Syrian embassies to Damascus airport simply to cast their votes. Within Syria, Syrians braved terrorist mortars and rockets designed to keep them from voting; 151 shells were fired on Damascus alone, killing 5 and maiming 33 Syrians. ”

“Candidate Party Votes % Bashar al-Assad Ba’ath Party 10,319,723 – 88.7% Hassan al-Nouri NIACS 500,279 -4.3% Maher Hajjar Independent 372,301- 3.2% Invalid/blank votes 442,108 -3.8% Total 11,634,412 100 Registered votes/turnout 15,845,575 73.42 Source: SANA, SANA ————-

NEXT FACT that 30 nations oversaw and concluded the election was free and fair…

“An international delegation from more than 30 countries including Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, India, Iran, Iraq, Nicaragua, Russia, South Africa and Venezuela[12][13] issued a statement claiming the election was “free, fair and transparent”.[14]”

NEXT fact Assads OPPONENET in that election also declared the elections free and fair…

“Hassan al-Nouri – held a press conference at the Damascus Sheraton Hotel where he congratulated President Assad for “winning confidence of the Syrian people through winning the presidential elections.” Nouri also claimed that the electoral process had been clear and transparent to the entire world, adding that both he and his representatives had inspected the vote counting. “


And you advocate more terror by Israel, against sovereign nations, for defending themselves against Israeli terrorism and genocide. While the USA gives Israel billions of dollars of weapons to murder whomever they want. And it is all about globalism. I hope your prattle makes you feel important, because it certainly make you look easily misled by propaganda. Maybe delusional is a better word .

Jens Holm

Thats 2 seperate things.


what is….


The Americans seem to be looking for an opponent weak enough for them to beat. After failing in Syria, can they beat Lebanon, or will it have to be back to Panama and Grenada?


they haven’t failed….. yet.

Lets see if Putin signs away the Russian pretense in Syria. That would be a win for the banksters.

Jens Holm

USA hasnt failed in Syria.


Do when they attack Lebanon and Hez , will Iran declare officially to side Hez or pretend like in Yemen taking the full blunt?

Jens Holm

I think its wrong mixing in Israel at all. They already are involved as usual.

Jews are going to do to Lebanese what they did to the Germans and to the Russians almost 90 years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbPQUwmq0XA

Don Machiavelli

I urge you to not call out on Jews generally because it’s Zionism that is making problems not only to ‘gentiles’ but to Jews too.

I do not attack you at all, br m8.

Don Machiavelli

Actually, anti-Semitic things are worst enemy to truth and to anti-Zionism struggle. Occupation will end when the true face of occupier is revealed and anti-Semitic stuff is friend to Zionists. As Herzl stated in his diaries : “the anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies”.

anti-Semiticism means against Shemites. Like how Chinese and Arabs are all descendants of Shem. Anyone who was anti-Europe in the 2nd World War was anti-Japetic. And anyway who supported Israels attack on Sudan a year ago is anti-Hamitic. The good news is that their are over 5-billion Shemites on the earth today. Their are less then 800,000,000 Japethites left. China has enough Shemites to last forever. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zk9d9X8NmAo/hqdefault.jpg

Raptar Driver

The Caucasoid human division is from Shem (anti-Semitic actually means anti-White) and the Chinese (Mongoloids) are from Japheth, there is much evidence for this but I will simply use the Bible to show this, the lineages show this here is the original prophecy regarding the races. Gen.10 shows the lineages. Gen.9 [19-27] verse 27 “God enlarge Japheth” So Japheth was to be the largest numerically. Ham means ‘Black’ in Hebrew. Shem was to be the most blessed or wealthiest “He also said, “Blessed by the LORD my God be Shem”

Jens Holm

And Genes comes from lake of Gheneserat or Jeans ???????????????????

Raptar Driver

Sorry, I did not understand your question.

Did you mean Gehenna and blue jeans and what the heck does that mean?


Superstitious nincompoopery

Raptar Driver

Says the nincompoop!

Raptar Driver

Why do you think it is Okay to bash people’s religion? The Bible is proven over and over as accurate history and future predictions I don’t need faith, I have facts. Do you see Christians trolling atheists bashing their religion (yes it is a religion) so please be respectful or urinate off!


Freedom of speech is freedom of speech, baby, yeah baby yeah. If you volunteer information to the public, the pubic is free to respond. As for atheism, it is the absence of superstition, not a rival version, you self-pitying American popinjay.

Raptar Driver

Yes of course you have the freedom baby but does that mean it is good to do so (can of worms)? Should I use my freedom of speech on you or your beliefs? As for atheism it is a religion that is not called so and even the opposite as you say however it takes more faith to believe in nothing or accidents or so called science than it does to see what is in front of your eyes like creation and its creator.

P.S. Next time I will not be so nice BABY, you know, freedom and all?


What pathetic self-pity, you fascist booby.

Raptar Driver

I come from a long line of anti-fascists, but okay whatever dude, next time then?

I understand that not all Jews are Zionist and not all Zionist are Jews. Good Jews publicly denounce the Talmud and Zionist deeds. (As you can see not many do that) The Good Jews are in no way offended by me calling out who committed the Holodomor. What you are asking me to do is like ‘don’t call out the British for the genocide of Irish since not all British did it. but it was not Somalians who did it after all, so I say the British did it because that is logical truth’. Chinese are not to blame, so the responsibility is carried by those until they correct their own tribal usury of others. Till then, the truth must be spoken louder and louder everyday day till they change themselves at the genetic level to end their bigoted ways. And the Holohoax is a lie and the democratic majority of the world knows it. https://www.darkmoon.me/uploads/3.jpeg


Jews who denounce the Talmud are non Jews who shouldn’t be used to legitimize or represent Judaism, because they don’t. Jews who practice the Talmud but denounce Israel are still evil Jew pedophile cult members.



this is the real map…

“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ” | David Rockefeller | —————- The bankers, are now the emperors… And inequality = violence.


Quite agree, it is pernicious nonsense that zionists are the same as Jews. Zionism is a secular, fascist antisemite ideology; zionists are the antithesis of Jews.

Jens Holm

If so, Jews of Israel already had. Why wair fx 69 years.

Jens Holm

If You were here in Denmark You would be in jail after a short trial.

Nigel Maund

Israel is a hyper dangerous State in the Middle East and is, without all doubt, the world’s most dangerous State. If anyone is going to start a world war it will be Israel and the US as its slavish puppet. The Americans have been totally brainwashed into supporting, mindlessly, everything Israel does however much this dangerous little State is in breach of International Law or human rights – it just beggars belief. The Saudi’s Royals are just a venal bunch of backward bedouins obsessed with material goods, wealth and staying in power at any price. They will go along with the Israeli agenda merely because their options are quite literally running out before they face an internal revolution. Hence, they are just willing stooges to sustaine the status quo. The EU is a vassal state of the US and their controlling Zionist International Bankster – Corporatist Cabal (New World Order) otherwise known as the Deep State who are their lieutenants in Washington. The world is now reached the brink of WW3 simply because it is dancing to the agenda of the NWO and their all out race to achieve world hegemony and destroy 90% of the human race in doing so.


Plenty of speculation so far; but US confusion over strategy may stop Saudi & Israel from taking direct action.


You mean like kidnapping the Lebanese PM…lol Been there, they done that. They will try to destabilize, so they can invade. Been there, done that.

Balkanization, for the globalist win.

Jens Holm

Its not like that at all if you follow saudis. Saudis has an internal cleaning up for onely one new in the top.

Thats why the Saudi minister and the lebanese one is in the game used as being nor hard enough against Hesbollah.

And how will Saudis invade.


I am not stupid enough to speculate on behalf of the globalist. Or to think I know how they will do something. Invasion, balkanization, black ops, mass bombing, could be any number of ways they have used in places like Libya, Iraq and anywhere else resistance is met. Where they create crisis needed for imposing control of some sort.

But for FACT, they have told me they would do it, and long time ago. And they have done, exactly like they say they have.

Lebanon, is not an friend of the globalist it seems to me.

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO

And gee, after our bombs, our invasions, our governments terror on Muslims,

….Now Donnie boy bans them, afraid they will fight back.

“Trump banned citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US….The executive order bars all people hailing from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen ”

I would bet money, that Lebanon is soon up for the culling. Hezbolla and Iran are much too close huh…

We shall see. If my speculation was incorrect, I will admit it, how about you.

With respect to the House of Saud. Lookie they do in Syria sending terrorists against the Syrian people ( so many stupid muslims letting globalists use them for purpose) , and doing genocide on women and children in Yemen for the globalists take over of the middle east. . Who could read the minds of these sick and twisted sociopaths I wonder.

You should do some reading on the concept called balkanization. That is exactly what the globalists do in Africa and the Middle east. A term created by this man, is my understanding.

“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.” Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Jens Holm

Again: I cant see Israel and USA involved in this at all.


Doubt israel will go forward if US is opposed. Saudi is more independent of US support, so they may make a move against lebanon.


ignorance is not knowledge.

Lebanon is a perceived threat and a friend to Iran.


“There is no legitimate place or role in Lebanon for any foreign forces, militias or armed elements other than the legitimate security forces of the Lebanese state,” Tillerson said in an official press release. —————— You mean like – in Syria?????

Yanks are SUCH exceptional assholes.


Cannot blame the people for the actions of the few rich who own them, and the useful idiots who serve them. I know plenty of Yanks who are wised up.


Obviously not enough to stop them murdering half the world.


Indeed, but who claims any power over the globalists. They own governments via credit creation. No one, has any power any more. All we can do, is try to wake up the herd, and roll with whatever happens then.

Hide Behind

NOTE: Tillersons speech said no place in Lebanon for foreign forces , militias etc…. only recognizing Lebanon government “security forces. Words are important and while listening to US forked tongue , darn important US only recognizes Hez as a terrorist org, and supports all of Israeli aggression upon Southern Lebanon where only force against that aggression is Druze, Christian and Hez malitias. Lebanon military is holdover of longstanding ties to US and Euro nations,; whereby almost all of it’s officer Corp have trained in US military war academies and participate in US and Euro war exercizes,(games). LEBANON’S military is almost 100% US supplied, and US “advisors” are constantly in and out of their ranks. Lebanon military in the main does not include Hez citizens even though in Lebanon’s democraticly chosen government representatives HEZ holds many seats. The Lebanon military during last Israeli incursion sat on sidelines and let Hex groupi defend themselves. Could it be that contrary to S that Hariri’s situation is to protect him and groom him for a figurehead role after Hez defeat? All is not what it seems to be in the geopolitical world of today. HARIRI’S EARLY WORDS SAID HE FEARED AN ASSASSINATION FROM WITHIN LEBANON, not from any other source. Heir to wealth, wealth from local business nut in partnership with EUROS and UAE nanking and financial interest This will not be war upon Lebanon, although it will be fought upon only Lebanon lands. And of course an extra chunk of Syrian-Golan oil fields, it will be a war against IRAN and HEZ community. Even Saudi, UAE, and Kuwati religious fanatics know that a direct attack upon Iran proper would see the outright destruction of their joint owned oil fields,. WILL US be drawn into such a direct conflict; damn right they will and in a hell of a big way.

Jens Holm

You are a Baaaaahethist https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/54d5b0118c7c8e017a2b9d1e322608608653c71d44e9649fda0d1dc60857c9e6.jpg

Hide Behind

There is one very vivacious snake in the grass to watch for in this assumed conflict, Pakistan. The intermingled financial interest between Pakistan Military and Saudi Royals is huge. IN Pakistan one can see that military and it’s personalities control some 80-90 % of Pakistan’s business infrastructure, and a lot of those interest were Saudi financed and lartnered. It is known that Saudiand UAE had a very large investment into Pakistan’s development and building of nuclear weaponry. It was rumored but not confirmed, that the neutron bomb Israeli jet disguised as Syrian plane dropped in Yemen, was from Pakistan. If Saudi and UAE call in their markers and pay very well for favors, it is possible Pakistan would attack Iran. Saudi military is primarily mercenary forces and until recently it’s top commander was n fact a Pakistani General and beneath him were Pakistani regular troops. Saudi planes have Pakistani pilots, as does armor driben troops. US and Euros are probably drooling over prospects of arms sales and weakened IRAAN and genocides out of existence HEX community. Is NATO and Japan who manage joint Kuwait /Saudi fields worried o er disruption of oil? Not in least as US is now worlds largest oil exporter and monthly showing increase of abailable below world price oil for export Interesting times, times to sit, accumulate knowledge , and then watch people kill each other off.

Solomon Krupacek

It was rumored but not confirmed, that the neutron bomb Israeli jet disguised as Syrian plane dropped in Yemen, was from Pakistan.

rumor is in your anus, when you are farting…

no neutron bomb was used.

Hide Behind


Hide Behind

And there was no nuke explosion within a Ukranian ammo dump, and the radiation cloud now airborne in 23 nations comes from migratory duck farts! Seems this site deleted first reply, well this is one of best sites for info upon ME conflicts there are others just as, if not more, reliable that had reps in Yemen. A site hit with the worst virus , actually beyond a digital attack more on lines of genetic splicing, just days after carrying flics and follow up investigations by reputable persons. A virus known only to national security firms. Neutron weaponry is not banned by any treatys, neither U.N. or international, none. TACTICAL neutrons are in many non and nuke nations arsenals.


Por algo la semana pasada el presidente del Libano dejo su cargo, por las presiones del régimen feudal Saudi, que junto a Israel y los EEUU, tienen el objetivo de mantener en el poder del Libano a los sunies, en detrimento de los grupos sociales chiíes y cristianos. Lo que me hace gracia es la extrema contradicción de EEUU, fruto de su doble moral. Por un lado, en Siria esta apoyando a grupos rebeldes armados y agresores, que están dividiendo y desestabilizando la soberania territorial Siria, pero por el otro, llama a defender la unidad nacional y la soberania del Libano. Con esto deja claro su mensaje: Respetar la ley y la soberania en los países aliados, pero violarla completamente en los enemigos


La politica del imperio siempre ha sido hipocrita. No esperes moralidad de los inmorales.


The Balfour Declaration and San Remo Resolution were recently revoked for non compliance by UNSC Chapter 6 Resolution 2334. Originally sponsored by Egypt. It needs to be followed up by a resolution revoking Israel’s UN membership for the same reasons.


Thanks for sharing this.

Agreed about IsraHell’s UN membership.


Everything IsraHell is and does is dictated to them by their creators and masters in Britain …

The ideologies, mythologies, and geopolitical strategies of the State of Israel, down to the minutest details, are the handiwork of a handful of Britons. In particular there was Orde Wingate, a representatives of the Amery and Rothschild interests in the 1930s and a top British intelligence officer in Palestine. Moshe Dayan recently said of Wingate: “I remember Orde Wingate. And I salute him. He taught me and many another Israeli soldier everything we knew.”

And their ideological controller. Wingate would often begin special training courses for the Haganah elite by expounding, “We are establish- ing here the foundations for the army of Zion.” His contribution extended to programming every minute detail of military strategy for the Haganah, thereby providing the entirety of Israeli military orientations from the 1948 declaration of statehood through to the present. According to Mosley, Wingate in 1938 authored “The Jewish State — Security and Defence, Transition Period,” which is to this day “one of the most treasured Israeli documents.

See: p. 8-9 of the following link, “The British Spook who built the Army of Zion”:



Well, ok they needs more war. The important point is to make Middle Esat unstable.


Same ole same ole huh



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