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MARCH 2025

Iranians Protest Across Country Three Days In Row (Videos)

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Iranians Protest Across Country Three Days In Row (Videos)

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On December 30, thousands of Iranians took at the streets in the provinces of Tehran, Tabriz, Orumiyeh, Sanandaj, Mashhad and in many other areas all acrossIran to protest against the Iranian government for the third day in a row, according to Iranian activists.

The protests first broke out on December 28, when thousands went out to complain about the economic situation and some policies of the Iranian government. Unlike previous protests, the protestors shouted more radical slogans criticizing the supreme leader of Iran, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and even some regional forces that’s backed by the Iranian government like Lebanese Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Hamas Movement.

Clashes between the Iranian security forces and protestors were reported in many areas all across the country. The most violent clashes were in Tahrin and Dorood. Some Iranian activists even claimed that several protestors were killed by the Iranian security forces. However, these claims were not confirmed.

On the other side, thousands of Iranian civilians marched in several major cities across Iran, including Mashhad, Qom and Tehran to stress their support for the current Iranian government. The marchers also criticized the foreign interference in the Iranian internal matters.

In a direct comment on the ongoing protests in Iran, US President Donald Trump wrote in his Twitter account on December 29 that the world is watching what’s going on in Iran. The US president accused the Iranian government of bankrupting Iran by funding “terrorism”.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi condemned US interference in Iran internal matters and called Trump’s words regarding the protests in the country an “opportunistic and deceitful mottos”, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

“The noble Iranian nation never pays heed to the opportunist and hypocritical mottos chanted by the U.S. officials and their interfering allegations on domestic developments in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Qasemi said.

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They are kurds.


its a high probability, probably paid by US/israhell to do this


They are kurds paid to burn cars and to attack the Iranian gov.

The Iranian gov must make clear that protestors who burn cars and attack the gov will be judged.

The best Iran can do is to give independance to cancer kurds.


seriously?? how would that stop them?


It will stop the propagation of the kurd cancer. The others Iranians are no reason to protest. kurd want independence and will burn Iran for that.

Daniel Castro

Yes, give them a piece of land on the bottom of the persian gulf, that’s actually more than they deserve.


Give them a path to Afghanistan or straight to hell.


No they’re not, stop spreading disinfo


Get rid of kurds ASAP. kurds are worst than cancer.


agree million percent

Daniel Castro

The correct policy should be opening minigun fire over the crowd, over 3000 RPM of 762 ammo should be enough…


First, give them independence and after shoot so that you are not killing your own people. XD

Daniel Castro

The fake stream media will accuse you of shooting them one way or another, so you better kill them before they become ISIS 2.0.


No. It’s not the same. If you shoot them, the USA attack will have a “legitimity”.

The better thing to do is what ? Give them independence and then invent an excuse to kill them. And even take back some lands in the process.


lol if they are kurds/zionists then yes


Wow, that perfectly sums up how yours and a few other’s minds work. Indiscriminately slaughter thousands of Iranian protestors because they are expressing dissatisfaction and airing grievances. Because you are convinced they are ALL in a conspiracy and deserve brutal and immediate death. It must suck to live in that angry, fearful, paranoid mind of yours.

Daniel Castro

Better to kill some trecherous criminals now to avoid the death of millions of innocents later.

Yes, these ones are paid provocateurs and terrorists, honest people is working, they don’t have time for this shit.


That justification is about as stupid as your original statement. Yeah let’s mini-gun murder thousands of protesting Iranian civilians because you’re scared and jump to conclusions. Good thing you’re not in charge. In fact, I can tell you’re not in charge of anything, if you’re even employed at all.

Cooler heads will prevail in Iran because they’re smarter than idiots like you. And things will return to normal eventually.

Daniel Castro

Protests are already killing, there are moments to be tolerant and moments to be intolerant, look at Ukraine, if Yanukovich had miniguned the nazi on Maidan the country wouldn’t have been turned to pieces.

Hemisphere Samba

Better idea: Organize counter-protesters to beat the hell out of the protesters. Have security standing by to pretend to be arbitrators, but have them only join in if the counter-protesters are getting rolled. DON’T OVER REACT. That’s what the enemy is hoping Iranian govenrment will do.


Serious and Castro want an Iranian government to these scripted “protests” . Better the government add food and turn these events into “New Years” street parties . Deep State is expecting overreaction , don’t fall for it .


probably kurds paid by us/israhell to create chaos


Haha not a bad idea I guess


First get rid of most people that make dumb ass comments on this website

Hemisphere Samba

That’d be you, neocon.


Neocon? Anarchist, socialist, progessive, vegan, internationalist, non violent you mean

Hemisphere Samba

No, I mean leftist neocon Israel firster, as your comments clearly show.


How does it show?? You idiot, i am against zionism


It was the same in Syria but in Syria, there are a lot of sunnis that make terrorist attacks and are very violent because they are stupid.

Amine Mansouri

Hahahahah, you are stupid, soon there will be a civil war in Iran, and then sunnis will enter to kill you and all corrupt bastards


Are sunnis not corrupted ??? XD. Sunnis are the most corrupted and stupid people on earth !!

Icarus Tanović

Hey Israeli Satan, Demon, you bettwr shut thw fucck up. You sound like Solomon Krupachek.


Now, you must act quick. If Iran falls, it’s finish.

1 – Get rid of kurds ASAP. Give them independence and close the borders. They are worst than cancer.

2 – Create a military operation to destroy SDF and deport kurds from Syria to new kurdistan created.

Act. Don’t react.

Potato Potato

Give them a small strip of land in some shitty part of the country. It will be like Gaza for kurds :D


This has nothing to do with Kurds, don’t talk nonsense please.


One other possiblity is to make the people of Iran attack those who burn cars and attack gov facilities and create a big propagenda.

Do something. Don’t be passive.


You can also create a propagenda to return the population against these “protestors”. They are backed by US it’s not a lie but you have to emphasize and you can also create real lies to make them look bad like the west did.

Potato Potato

Yeah, you have to be merciless with these types of people.

AM Hants

That reminds me of Russia and the ‘Traitors March’, It was hilarious. A well scripted regime change protest, under the guise of peace, back in September 2014. When the Protest arrived in the main square, where the protest finished, the art students had happily decorated the square, with banners showing who they perceived as the ‘traitors’ behind the protest.


Made wonderful media, as the Western media were happily covering the event.

Although this video does not show the banners, at the end of the march. It is interesting what it has to say:

Sunday Peace March Moscow 21 september – WHAT RUSSIAN NEWS MEDIA SAY with Engl translation text… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNHVnZaYWaQ

Michael Qiao

are we looking at the destabilization of Iran?


Of course not. It’s just a pure coincidence if “rebels” only protest in USA ennemies country. XD.


This will run out of steam soon enough. Thats said, the iranian government really needs to focus on improving their infrastructure.


Hope so. Iran needs to have spies in US, UK, israhell to monitor their upcoming operations and also even try regime change in those countries


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AM Hants

Do you remember the Magrav technology, that Russia uses with phenomenal results? Wasn’t it invented by an Iranian Engineer? Just like Russia, the sanctions released a lot of creative genius in Iran and can you really see them being ignorant of the NWO agenda and 21st century spies? Remember Christopher Steele and how good he was, when trying to be covert and professional?


Yes what does that tech do?

AM Hants

Elecrical jamming system. It came in handy with the USS Donald Cook and also USS Theodore Roosevelt.

Here are a couple of articles, which explains the problem they hit, when Magrav was up and running. One article is from a dubious site, but, explains the situation and the other article, is from a writer that I respect.

Pentagon Reported In Total Fear After Russian “Super Weapon” Paralyzes Alaska Defenses… http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2285.htm

John Helmer: What The USS Donald Cook and Polish Navy Were Doing Off Kaliningrad When They Were Buzzed By the Russian Air Force… https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/04/john-helmer-what-the-uss-donald-cook-and-polish-navy-were-doing-off-kaliningrad-when-they-were-buzzed-by-the-russian-air-force.html


Oh yes khibiny it is called too?

AM Hants

Yep. Happy New Year.

Real Anti-Racist Action

They do, it is called all of us! We can directly E-mail and informs Iran of what and everything we know. The website I list below is the official Iranian intelligence and public relations website. They can be emailed or contacted directly through this website. http://vaja.ir/portal/Home/


Many thanks!!!

You can call me Al

Have you ever been to Iran ?; I have and it makes Yankistan look like a 3rd World Cunt-ry.

Peter Bond

Iran is Paradise right or close to? The Ayatollahs enjoy heaven on earth with real Iranian virgins.

You can call me Al

Believe what you want.


An attempt to. Iran has great National pride that goes back a long way. I may not agree with their government, but, 90% of the population are good people. Everyday citizens do not want war. Coddled greedy career politicians do.

Tommy Jensen

Turkey was ready to go to war against Russia because of tomatoes. Now Israel and US are using eggs to destabilise the entire Iran. Never underestimate eggs and tomatoes.


Wars should be fought with eggs and tomatoes with the world “leaders” being the only participants. That would be a good war. Rocks implanted in the tomatoes acceptable by Geneva Convention.


Seems likes Israhell it played its card

Peter Bond

The remaining Persian empire is about to get smaller, Kurds and the Arab Sunnis are gearing up for a fight, the time of the white bearded senile Ayatollah’s is nigh!

Real Anti-Racist Action

You will find that 90% of the Sunni’s in Iran are fiercely loyal. However, you will find that 40% of the Kurd’s in Iran are treacherous to anyone.

Peter Bond

Lolsss, Sunnis are loyal when in minority, don’t forget they still view you as a Shia infidel, nice try shia boy!


Sadly the Kurds who might help – ie the Iraqi Kurds – seem to have fallen on hard times. The Iraqis won’t help the Kurds, the Sunnis or the USA..

Cheryl Brandon

The same page in 1953 from their playbook has been used.


Turkey better join the battle. They are the next target. After, Saudi Arabia is the next target. Saudi Arabia think that they are safe but USA is preparing a big big surprise for them.

Hemisphere Samba

By the way, have not heard one word of condmenation from the West or Trump regarding the torture/death of a Saudi prince under house arrest….yet Iran is barbaric one…


And after Saudi Arabia, USA is preparing to invade former soviet countries south of Russia.

Russia is for the grand finale when Russia will loose every ally.

Hemisphere Samba

Except China, who will understand that if Russia goes, they go. Russia and China may form an alliance to take down the beast.

AM Hants

Those photos/videos, does anybody recognise any of the landmarks? Is it really Iran or some photo shop propaganda scoop. Remember Trump and Israel were signing agreements on what to do, with regards Iran, back in Mid-December. Plus, those photos and images, look just like all the regime change scripts, that have gone down over several decades.


In the first video at 0:17 to the left of the picture, the Azadi Tower is seen in Tehran, one of the most famous landmarks in Iran. http://www.intercaspian.com/photobank/iran/tehran/guide-tehran2.html https://www.videoblocks.com/video/tehran-iran—2013-the-azadi-tower-with-car-traffic-the-azadi-tower-is-one-of-the-symbols-of-tehran-and-marks-the-west-entrance-to-the-city-h0grrpwplj14a82mh

AM Hants

Thanks. Would the people of Iran seriously be so stupid as to let a Soros regime change programme go down? Have they not seen what the script has done to the rest of the Middle East?


see my reply to “You can call me Al”

AM Hants

Just read it.

However, it does remind me of when the cookie monsters made their way to Kiev. The grass always looks greener on the other side, when the people of Ukraine, turned down the $15 billion interest free loan and cheap gas, for a nibble on the cookies. Then what came next?

Who were the Snipers, that triggered events of 21 February 2014? What was it that old Cathy Ashton said to the Estonian Prime Minister, in the ‘Gosh’ telephone call? One politician has claimed that 100,000 citizens of Ukraine are now dead, with 900,000 with life changing disabilities and millions of displaced people. The UN figures are more conservative, but, equally alarming. Is that what Iran wishes? When they have seen the destruction of the regime change script in Iraq, Libya and Syria, not forgetting so many other nations.

Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders – leaked EU’s Ashton phone tape… https://www.rt.com/news/ashton-maidan-snipers-estonia-946/

Snipers at Ukraine’s Maidan confess to shooting both sides in Italian report ignored by MSM… http://thesaker.is/snipers-at-ukraines-maidan-confess-to-shooting-both-sides-in-italian-report-ignored-by-msm/

Wishing Iran all the best for 2018. Not forgetting the words of General Wesley Clark, back in 2007, stating 7 nations would be invaded in 5 years, with the finale ending in Iran. Guess the 5 year scenario has been extended.


There are too many differences between Iran and Ukraine to make any justifiable comparison. The State of Iran is much more organized, centralized and rich. Its military is much bigger and build different. It has many layers of defenses both outward (against foreign enemies) and inwards (against homegrown threats). It is build purely on defense thus it can absorb a lot of hits simultaneously. But that makes it also very rigid constellation where it can not flexibly use its resources and riches effectively. Eight years ago Iran managed to choke millions of demonstrants without any difficulty. Happy good year!

AM Hants

Really? Does not come across like that. Apart from the fact, I doubt the people of Iran would be so easy to entice.

Hemisphere Samba

Right, and because it is doing relatively well and is truly sovereign, it must be brought down to bend the knee. Notice those catchy phases the protesters are yelling…..what a coincidence they line up perfectly with what Israel wants Iran to do.


man I have seen just few so I already have written too much without knowing but man they hear the mass media too, sure many get brainwashed, other (few) do the bidding of US, but more of them are just fed up … Sometimes they mean what they shout, other times they break balls or just shout something funny that rhymes (in between they shout death to this one or that one)

You can call me Al

You are correct, but remember Photoshop and all the other programmes available.

I personally am a little sceptical as all the women protesting are extremely conservative and that is not a true reflection of Iran….. it smells a bit iffy to me.

AM Hants

There are some good comments over on The Duran, specifically, why are they protesting in English? Is that the native tongue of Iran?

You can call me Al

This is straight from the horses mouth -…

..”Again wish you the best in new year holidays and hope about better business in 2018. There is something happening here and some protesters against regime (not the government) came out to the streets these days, we don’t know the sources but we hope everything will be OK about our country without any foreign hands.”

I smell a kosher Big Mac.

AM Hants

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoaktW-Lu38 – New Year Greetings (again).

I was just listening to a video, from the ‘March of the Traitors’, back in Moscow 2014.


For some reason most of the videos, relating to that day and the wonderful street decorations, that lay in wait, at the end of the protest are missing. However, did find this one, just in case the Iranians need any help in shutting it down, if in fact it is really happening.

Must admit, I do remember watching it live, and cracked up laughing, when they arrived at their final destination. Better still, Western Media were covering it. Sunday Peace March Moscow 21 september – WHAT RUSSIAN NEWS MEDIA SAY with Engl translation text… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNHVnZaYWaQ&t=147s

You can call me Al

Thank you, I needed that.

I have NO fireworks and as firework king, I am gutted.

I am still singing along… have a good one.


No. It is for Western consumption/propaganda only. Years ago there were riots in another country where less than 2% of the population spoke English yet all the generic protest signs were printed in?……………English.


Nope, they are probably true. Although none of the state news agencies show the protests in pictures every one of them give clear indication that there are protests in every major city even religious cities with very conservative population such as Qom and Mashhad. Yesterday died 2 in Dorud according to the announcement of the Iranian government and they say that none of these two were killed by bullets (not sure if they meant “not by police bullets”).

Why exactly these protests take place, I do not know but (1) There seems to have been a spike in food, commodities and gas prices recently (2) To put it mildly people are fed up with Khamenei (the religious leader) who functions as a king. One who never has done anything specific or good other than keeping his teachers (Khomeini’s) ‘revolution’ alive and he is extremely good at it. (3) The eighth anniversary of the bloody end of the peaceful 2009 demonstrations when Ahmadinejad was elected by what seem to indicate an Electoral fraud. (I read it somewhere today …)

That said, I do not know anything specific about these events other than that in my knowledge Iran lacks any grass root movement (other than those religious ones that people are fed up with) thus without a cleaver leader with a clear goal none of these protests will bear any fruit (with the exception of a sudden death for Khamenei, which may open new doors but again without a good leader, his place can be occupied by anyone even worse). What usually happens is that these kind of protest will be used by foreign powers, the protests gets even more heterogeneous and utterly without goal, the protests get crushed by government (as every other government would do), the foreign powers use plan B in their regime change manual and pressure Iran with new sanctions and the round gets completed… (Remember many of these economical problems today are the results of the decades long sanctions )


Interesting analysis. Thanks for some digestive thoughts.


happy new year!

You can call me Al

No. 2 I spot on.



cute, go for it!

Andy from Beaverton

I feel sorry for you and all the fools that upvoted your conspiracy propaganda. Are you incapable of research or are you just a tool of the Basij? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0374a9c627da7f38ce2e81e098b94bc2b038c1902199aa4bf7e6785dcae97c31.gif

Peter Jennings

AMHANTS made a perfectly valid comment. Looking back to the protests in ‘Libya’ which were filmed by al-jazeera and peddled by the bbc. The whole thing was a propaganda piece and wasn’t even filmed in Libya! Then there is the bbc peddling ‘Libyan’ protest footage with all of the protestors looking extremely Pakistani-like and holding Pakistani flags!

These events have happened, been documented and so cannot be denied. They can be ignored, but one does that at their own risk of eventually looking stupid before the whole world or risking their life, family and property by blindly believing official fairy stories.

AM Hants

Thanks Peter, Not forgetting the staged White Helmets videos. Together with Ukraine, back in 2014 and how was that scripted? Plus, didn’t the Pentagon happily give Bell Pottinger $500 million, to spin the Iraq War. Now what was that all about?

Why would Iran use the English language, on their posters, if it was a genuine and not scripted protest?

Staged ISIS Execution Video Leaked By Hackers… http://yournewswire.com/staged-isis-execution-video-leaked-by-hackers/

How White Helmets Videos Are Made… http://www.moonofalabama.org/2016/11/how-white-helmets-videos-are-made.html

Exposed: Viral “I am a Ukrainian video” produced by PR company linked to ‘regime change’ NGO… https://www.sott.net/article/274417-Exposed-Viral-I-am-a-Ukrainian-video-produced-by-PR-company-linked-to-regime-change-NGO

Peter Jennings

There is so much evidence available that one would need to be an absolute moron with the memory recollection of a fish to miss it all. Of course there are always those in denial. They are less afraid that way.


If it turn out big then you’re right if it’s nothing then it’s just west hubris. Simple as that. Did western keep the terrible massacre of Aleppo storytelling going on after government controls most of it ?

AM Hants

That is your opinion. Yet, you have said nothing to explain your argument, with regards why my comment is worthy of pity and why it cannot be true. If you could have done that, then I might take your pity seriously. However, it says more about you than me. Cheers.

You can call me Al

Leave it girl – anyway, I just commented above as well regards the protests, you could be onto something in your original comment, but I shall let you know straight from the horses mouth shortly.

AM Hants

Thank you kind Sir. Look forward to what the horse has to say, after he says it.

Have you seen this brilliant article and slightly off topic. It is my ‘spread of the day’.

Andrey Vadjra: About Some Of The Fruits Of Putin’s Governance… http://www.stalkerzone.org/andrey-vadjra-fruits-putins-governance/

Tudor Miron

Thanks, I’ll have a look.

Igor Dano

soros payroll? just go to cnn, you deserve a 9mm in the head. The way, jewish comisaries killed off 20mil Russians during bolsevik revoluton 100 years ago.


My friend said that there’s indeed a vandalism going on mostly perpetrated by youngsters in small groups.

AM Hants

They always start with the youngsters, easy to manipulate and also how much does it cost?

Ishyrion Av

It is Iran. However, things are not exactly as they appear. First, there are two groups, one against of Ayatolah Ali Khamenei, supreme leader of Iran and a bigger one supporting the Ayatolah. Still both groups are rather small – around 1500-2000 were marching against Khamenei in Tehran, a city with a population of 15 million people. In few other cities, numbers are even smaller, like hundreds. Such a small number of people cannot feel themselves that secure so they have the courage to burn the portret of Khamenei. I have connections in Iran, I know personally people there and I can say that this is out of question. Most of the people there (like 99,99%) are prudent and wait to see what is happening. There are two theories on the table. First one says that Khamenei is searching for a reason to remove the moderate president Rouhani and the street protests are organized by Sepah (IRGC). If the government will be unable to deal with the protests, Sepah will step in and will force a government change. The second theory says that the protests are organized by government and/or Khamenei in order to blow the steam out. The truth is Iranians are not very patient when they feel things are going wrong for them and this time the prices of some internal produced food stuff went very high (believe it or not is about eggs!) while government/companies related with Sepah are importing at cheaper prices (this stratagem actually ruins some private producers in Iran and enriches someone related with Sepah and is happening from time to time there). Other prices are higher now too, a consistent tax was imposed to the people who want to travel abroad and some weird earthquake is forcing the Tehranians to stay out of their homes during the night (and is freezing winter there!). People are even blaming the government that it helps Syria and Lebanon more than it helps them. All these raised the social tension in the Iranian society and these demonstrations might be an attempt to blow the steam out, like I said. And in order to keep things under control, a counter demonstration, slightly larger, support the supreme leader. I personally bet on version two. But anyway, these clashes are insignifiant. I will remember you that almost 10 years ago there were 1 million on the Tehran streets and many in other cities and the Iranian state came out unshaken.

Ishyrion Av

There is also a new joke in Iran. They say that because the new tax for traveling abroad, the earthquake can’t get out of country and is moving between cities…



Tommy Jensen

Its not funny taxing earthquakes and letting the people suffer.

Peter Bond

Keep telling yourself that maybe it would make you sleep well at night till civilians start getting killed then you have a civil war on your plate with the Saudis, west lurking in the corner to take any slight advantage, remember Syria started with some few protesters look what happened next!

Ishyrion Av

You don’t know many things about Iranians. They are aware of the risks to become a second Syria and recognize the role of their leaders in keeping them in peace. Even if they all mumble against Khamenei. Also, even a slightest external threat from US, from Israel, from Saudi Arabia – which they all despise equally – against Iran will unite them around their leadership and make them impossible to break. A civil war in Iran cannot take place. Oh, maybe some kurds will create problems, some sunni will manage to infiltrate and place a bomb but that’s all and the “problems” will be “solved” fast. Happy New Year!

Peter Bond

My friend, same thing Al Assad was told by his advisers and generals, we all know how that went, same as Gadaffi!

Manuel Flores Escobar

Coming soon another pack of exiled Iranians living in EU with aids like Venezuelan gangs, Syrian and libyan terrorist….anything goes in order to destabilize countries which left petrodollar… but at the end EU citizens pay the bill!!

Solomon Krupacek

weapons dont fill the stomach …


Weapons do fill the stomach. Just look at USA. With weapons, you can grab others lands and fill your stomack.

Icarus Tanović

Tell him to shut his fuccking mouths, I’m blocked.


Good. Shut of your lack of intelligent comments.

Icarus Tanović

Good! Have dick in your mouth and smile!

Icarus Tanović

Shut your fuccking mouth.

John Mason

Round up the ring leaders and don’t worry about a trial.

Peter Jennings

A trial would ensure that the facts are laid out for the world media to either ignore, spin or just do their job and report the facts. I can’t imagine that there too many dissatisfied Iranians in Iran when one looks at the mess made of neighbouring countries because of foreign intervention, WMD lies, terrorist lies, liberation lies and UN ‘humanitarian aid’.

A trial would also document the trail of influence right back to its source. We can all guess as to where that would be.

John Mason

OK, fair enough have a trial and then hang them.

Peter Jennings

Yeah, i said nothing in my post about not using capital punishment. If it’s good enough for Saddam, it’s good enough for all the rest.


Make a fake terrorist that “killed” some people and blame the protestors and blame the USA behind them.

Hemisphere Samba

Yes. Don’t use security forces directly. Hire counter protesters and have the security forces fail to intervene or only intervene if the counterprotesters are being bested. Take a cue from the left’s own playbook.

Cheryl Brandon

$chumpisntein, why not strongly condemn the Israhellis as they murder Palestinians whilst cameras are rolling? Nope;You remain silent and hide out behind twitter; You are aiding/training and funding terrorists to illegally enter countries and destroy on your 1% and JEWS behalf. Shut ot fuck up and leave Iran alone. Ukraine +Saudi Arabia needs more attention and, they are infested with terrorists and fascist which you fund as well. HANDS OFF IRAN. Iranians do not wish to be a colony of either u$A or Israhell! got it

Hemisphere Samba

These protests are violent and destructive and without a permit. Yet ours in Charlottesville obeyed all the laws and Trump through us under the bus.

Tudor Miron

I would like to hear Garga – first hands opinion. How serious is this? How much actual support “protestors” have within population?


“Personally” I haven’t seen any protests with my own eyes but in the last week I was in Tehran and nowhere else.

I think it will get quite as quickly as it started and based on what I watch and hear on TV, it took a few months in the makings. It’s nothing like the unrest after 2009 elections. Like many protests before, it seems to started with a few legitimate demands but quickly turned into something else, courtesy of agent provocateurs.

AM Hants

What is the script for regime change?


Use those groups to build a “home” for the development of leaders / followers and allow the movement of money. The people involved in these foundations and non-profit organizations work to slowly infiltrate the government, working simultaneously in government and for foundations. This creates a structure of government in the shadows in which individuals are a kind of double agents loyal to both their government position and the Soros groups.


Use those foundations established in step 1 to consistently gain control of media companies and media personalities. That provides influence on the general population and helps to frame the necessary narratives in the future. The primary objective of controlling the media is to be able to FORMULATE AND PROVIDE NARRATIVES.


In this process the objective is not so much to weaken the government but rather to weaken the structures of government. The goal of this process is to make people doubt the credibility of government structures. This tends to include doubt about the credibility of the application of the law, the credibility of the rulers, and the credibility of the electoral process.


The cause or atmosphere of the crisis does not matter. All that matters is that the core of democracy, the credibility of the voting process, be questioned to the point of anger and frustration.


An electoral crisis leads directly to protests that increase until finally the government responds with force and with a change in the state of affairs….https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_soros08.htm

The site is Spanish, but, a translate link pops up.

Hemisphere Samba

Precisely, and that’s why the U.S. State Department cried like squashed cats when Russia wisely prohibited many of those “non-profit, globalist, humanitarian” organizations.

Solomon Krupacek

you liar!


Can you be specific what lie is conveyed?

Tudor Miron


Tudor Miron

Thank you and I wish you Happy 2018.


You’re welcome and I wish you and others (although a bit late) had a merry Christmas and have a better year in ’18.

I’ll try to do that in reply to the interview.

Tudor Miron

Happy Holidays and thanks again for your answers.

Tudor Miron

Thanks anyway :)

Peter Jennings

There isn’t any major support for these protestors apart from maybe British or US intelligence services. Iran had to be expecting the foreign intervention at some point. Maybe we shall see the same script unfolding in Iran as was experienced in Syria. In which case it won’t be long before automatic weapons are taken to peaceful protests.

IMO, once these ‘protests’ become more prevalent, the Iranian people will begin squashing these very stupid or corrupt useful idiots themselves.

AM Hants

What is interesting is the timing. Trump and Israel signed secret agreements, back on 12 December, with how they would deal with Iran. Then a couple of weeks later, the regime change script gets started.

US and Israel sign a secret protocol… https://www.voltairenet.org/article199225.html

Solomon Krupacek

garga? the iranian fanatic? :DDD

you are lunatic :DDD


Initially there were some legitimate protests expressing economic grievances but the CIA quickly activated their sleeper cells and shills and used the opportunity to hijack the demonstrations and turn into an attempt to overthrow the entire government. This attempt is weaker than their previous attempt in 2009 so it will certainly fail.


Interview from an arrested agitator. Arrested agitators describes how he was hired and trained from weeks ago for this day (Sorry it’s only in Persian and not translated)



I knew it, who hired him?

Nigel Maund

Can’t you guess?


CIA/mos sad?

Solomon Krupacek

look, iran is dictatorship. like former communistic coutries. the arrested people say what the regime want. otherwise die.


1) You have to prove dictatorship first. For example a dictatorship needs a dictator. Ahmadinejad was a good dictator, but he wasn’t elected again. Sorry, I forgot dictators always get re-elected. Rouhani, the pro-western president is the dictator then. 2) You have to prove dictatorship is bad. Every army in the world is a dictatorship. If it’s bad we have to disband all armies in the world. Oh, I’m sorry again. There are situations where dictatorship is desirable? Who would have thought? 3)You were saying what? Just nonsense, excuse me for bothering your “line of thinking”. Go on with your medication.


Old Shlolomon Krapacek is full of hot air anonim, but you post is excellent, and Shlomo hasn’t got a braincell that he can call his own, so there is no danger of a coherent reply.


No, his post is horsecrap


………………without an explanation, so is yours.


The elected person is not in charge, come on!

Hemisphere Samba

Yeah, just like in the USA. We voted for Trump, we got Hillary and Jeb.


Go live there and after one year we talk again about the freedom in Iran

Hemisphere Samba

Freedumb to plug another man’s bung and have it recognized as marriage? Freedom for your daughters to get bull rings?


You are disgusting and medival

Hemisphere Samba

Of course. Because in your modern world, pumbing another man’s sewage pipes is progress!


And some women like it too


I already live here matt. Can we have that “freedom” talk now?


Happy new year Garga, i come back to it. Right now i will celebrate new year in Senegal, where alcohol is allowed, where women decide what to wear and where christians and muslims from both sexes can marry without any problems!! This is sunni islam at its best!


Happy new year and have a good time. I shall look forward for our talk.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Senegal Interesting yet another story about conversion to islam


This is a 1000 years old holy tree


Interested in old trees? Do a little research about this one too, if you have time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarv-e_Abarkuh


Very interesting. Did you know that scientists discovered that trees communicate with eachother and even help eachother? It sounds like nonesense mayebe, but it is not http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141111-plants-have-a-hidden-internet


Heard that before, like the trees where elephants feed on let go a chemical and nearby trees which no elephant feeds on yet, do the same.


I know a diferent version on accacia trees. When one is eaten by antilopes, they send out chemicals to warn the other nearby trees. The other trees start to make poison so the antilopes die




Good morning in the new year, wanna tell me about FREEDOM in Iran now? How about this music you sent me some time ago, is it freely available today in shops? What about women rights? Iran is almost at the bottom on this planet http://reports.weforum.org/global-gender-gap-report-2016/rankings/


Some can be bought, some can’t be even found. What about the women’s rights? Wearing a minimum covering is mandatory, is it what you mean?

You went to India and saw the filth in the streets firsthand. Now are in Senegal and are enjoying the old tree, again firsthand. So far I noticed you feel free to talk about places like Iran or Syria despite never being there, and more so try to convince me which lived most of my life here that it’s an awful country. Good job!


Garga, sorry but now you are not straight. I never said Iran is an awfull country, i really want to go there, mayebe even within one year, but not everything is wonderfull there. And the minimum covering ONLY for women i can NEVER respect! I am against ALL forms of discrimination, so equal rights and standards for man, woman, gays, transsexual, handicaped and so on. This should be the law on the whole planet


No it’s not. Iran is far from a paradise and also far from the hellhole some try to paint it. Like so many other countries it has it’s own problems and it’s own advantages (FYI, the minimum coverage is not for women only, men too have a minimum coverage but it does not include hair). Feel free not to like it, but please also consider that there are different lands, with different cultures and different laws which shouldn’t necessarily change themselves into your own liking. The least you can do is to respect this fact, even if you can’t bring yourself to like or respect the laws.

You may see freedom in same sex marriage or freely consume alcohol, for me it means something different. For example, none of us Iranians had to lose one bit of our civil rights after the terror attacks in Tehran, there was no martial law, no emergency authority, no patriot act, no phone tapping and no limitation whatsoever after that incident, where the same kind of incident in France is guaranteed to bring a 6 months emergency conditions with all it’s limitations. I’m free to choose my president, parliament and city representatives and I can protest against their decisions I don’t like. Nobody will bother me as long as I don’t destroy public or private property and don’t set fire to banks. Views are different and perceptions are different matt, be careful not to count your own views as more worthy or the absolute truth.

Anyway, you won’t be able to form an opinion regarding a country like Iran unless you see it firsthand because of all the negative and out of proportion reports about it. If you can’t come directly, at least you can ask the ones who live or traveled here and ask more than one person to have a better idea. You can be sure of one thing. If it wasn’t for outside meddling and pressures, we Iranians are more than capable to have the society which we desire. Unfortunately with every hostile move from other powers, we must sacrifice some luxury in life in order to maintain the country in one piece. Again, you may think it’s not worth it but for me and a lot of Iranians, nothing is more important. As I said, different views and different opinions.


Yes we do have diferent opinions. I met several Iranians, at least 15, mostly refugees, so don’t presume i just copy things from the media. There are virtualy NO Europeans or Americans that seek asylum in Iran, but there are MILIONS of Iranians that fled the country, so i guess there is some oppression going on there. I just cannot respect hypocite laws and customs. About 10 percent of humans are gay, this is a scientific fact. No matter what some profet declared a long time ago when they did not know this. Not only humans are gay, life is full of it, monkeys, dogs, seagulls, just to give some examples of other animals that have gay behaviour. In the ocean, life is full of orgies, transexuality, hermafrodite and queers. So, Islam is outdated, sorry. Wich inventions came out of the islamic world since the last 250 years? All they can do is look back to the so called perfect age of Mohamed. I hope i don’t insult you, because that is not my intention, but facts are facts.


You are aware that you basically spoke with one person, not 15? OK, it’s logical to accept those people (who for whatever reason) left the country. I’m curious, what kind of refugees were they?

Why don’t you talk with a few European who traveled here?


You are talking nonesense now. Every person is unique. Some of those Iranians are atheist, some muslim, some want the Shah back, some are leftist, two of them did not run away. And yes i also talked with many europeans that went to Iran, one of the reasons i want to go there. You underestimate me. I even met Iranians that did not critize the regime


Wow! Did you now? Well done!

FYI, Iranian refugees for any reason are just the same, as long as they’re not a member of MEK (meaning armed struggle against the government and terror acts, which they WILL be prosecuted for real, and even may face very harsh punishments). If you’re interested to know why, perhaps I can tell you?


Wow, so there are just 2 kind of Iranians, the ones that left and the ones that stayed. I never expected this level of reasoning from you Garga


Are you all right? Is Senegalese beer that powerful? Where did I wrote it?

No my friend, now that you mentioned it, there are only two kinds of people. The kind that read the replies carefully and the kind that rush to conclusion.


Hahahaaa, i am here with my mother and daughter, not for hunting ebony flesh


Ok, i misunderstood. So ALL REFUGEES are alike then? And all the ones inside Iran are all different??


Edit. I sat and wrote a long reply for your short twist of my words, then I realized perhaps it’s not what you expect.

What are you trying to achieve here? You don’t like my country? Fine. You don’t like religions? Fine. You think your opinions are more worthy than mine? Fine. Are you trying to prove to me that Iran (which you never saw) is a bad place? Really?

PS. I saved that long reply. Perhaps later I post it for you if I’m sure that you’re sincere to know why I said most of Iranian refugees are alike, short of the terrorists or armed opposition.


Mayebe you work for the regime, an Iranian troll….


I’m not going to dignify this with a response. Have a good time.


What is your opinion on the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran?


My own opinion? I can tell you this based on knowing a few of them (originally from Shahsavar, northern Iran). I don’t care enough and they don’t care enough anymore. As long as they don’t bother with organized politics the government doesn’t bother them. How can they affect politics? Their cult is managed like Scientology church and whenever there’s a need to show how awful Iran is, they receive order to publicly declare (they call it “pretence”) they’re Baha’i in order to create a few prosecutions. Because these orders come from Israel (their center is in Hayfa), they charge with espionage, not being Baha’i. Iranian laws don’t recognize Bahaism as a religion but a political cult, British-made at the same time around creation of Wahhabi version of Sunni Islam. The limitations they face is consist of no military service, no free university educations and no government jobs. That’s awful.

Now what happens is that Iranian average Bahais became smart and no longer follow the “Bayt-al-adl” orders about pretence. They live their lives, go to university and do their military service like everybody else.

So, based on what they told me, they were used as tools in a political game but are no longer interested in being pawns. Iranian government doesn’t care about them and nobody else cares about them, so why should they ruin their lives?

PS. You probably saw all I wrote as blah blah blah! Nevermind, Iran is awful, if that satisfies you. ;)


No it does not


It doesn’t sound like blah blah or it doesn’t satisfy you or what? I spent a lot of energy typing that wall of text, you ungrateful you!


I could say the same about a few posts back. You did not react on it at all (gay is part of nature). But i think it is possible that the Baha’is are abused by Israel. Then again, the time their spiritual leader went to Palestine, it was because he was banned, first from Iran and after from Turkey. To say that it is a creation from the British and Zionists is nonesense. It was the INTOLERANT islam that could not handle a reform movement, actualy a modernization of Islam. Another prosecuted group in many muslim countrys are the Ahmadiya, another modernization of Islam. Why can’t you see Islam needs a “renaissance”?


Yeah, about that. There are scientific studies who say being gay is part of nature (though it’s the first time I see such high percentage) and there are scientific studies who say it’s not. You and me will choose the ones who suits our own views, so we can’t reach to any results talking about that. And frankly, I can’t care less about gays and homosexuality. I find it curious that it has such importance for you that many of our talks goes to that direction.

FYI, Baha’i center was in Hayfa way before creation of Israel. I think you need to have more research about these matters if you’re going to talk about them. I didn’t say Zionism created Bahaism, I said Iranian laws see that as a cult, created by the British. I strongly suggest you have a good reading about this (or any) subject before entering a debate.

matt, I think you’re so hung up and hell bent on depicting Iran and Islam as something backwards that it becomes comical. I’m not going anywhere, please take a little time to have a little research and then come back. As long as you insist to debate with your current level of information (which in matters like Iran, Islam, Shiism and Bahaism is almost nothing) we can’t get anywhere.

I tell you what. Tell me your birth country, the philosophy (or religion or whatever) which you like and perhaps I can find awful points about it within a few hours? Would you like such a debate?


There are NO scientific studies that show gay is not part of nature. You start to sound like this American bible freaks that still believe god created the universe 6000 years ago. The Bahai was not created by the british! It is YOU that should read more about this religion, because i allready did. What is curious about basic human rights? And I said that excactly the same about the Bahai were in current Israel before the creation of Israel! It is not comical that atheism and a lot of other philosofies have no freedom in a lot of Islamic countries! And it is even less comical that you just do not admit it, very sad


Could someone translate this please? I’m interested. Jews need not apply. No lies/propaganda.


He says a few weeks ago he was approached by a person claiming to be working for an independent news agency looking to hire part time film makers. He was given a few assignments and was told that if he does his job well and follow instructions then his material would be chosen to be broadcasted and he would be given bigger assignments. After a few assignments one of his films was finally broadcasted by that news agency. He was then contacted and congratulated and told that he is now going to be given a bigger job. He was told that in a week there might be some protests in his city (Qazvin) and he was told that he must go among the protestors and document the event and was even instructed to do it discretely by pretending to be part of the protestors and repeating their slogans. He was sent material with instructions on what to do.

Tudor Miron

Many thanks for your translation.

Nigel Maund

The US Deep State (CIA) and Mossad are engineering Regime Change in Iran with thier Proxies and paid up instigators of trouble. What we’re seeing is a re-run of the Ukrainian Revolution (Regime Change) which was also intiiated by the CIA with Donald Kagan and Victora Nuland who are Deep State members. The Iranian people will need to stop this quickly to prevent it gaining any traction. The Anglo – Zionist Bankster – Corporatist Cabal who control the USA and UK and their little puppet Trump will be definitely be behind this upheaval and will have had it planned for a long time. Iran will need to crack down hard on the key instigators.

The Iranian Government will have to invest in inractructure and carefully monitor CIA, UK SIS & Mossad operatives within Iran. It’s vital for the humanity in general that the Anglo Zionist Cabal fail. The CIA, UK SIS and Mossad instigate “Regime Change” according to their tried and tested “cook book” which has a high record of success.


Best comment in the thread

Hemisphere Samba

I agree. I government of Iran’s best response is to hire counter-protesters more violent than the “peacful” one, you know, how Antifa disrupted the Charlottesville protest.


Who is meddling in Iran’s affairs now?

Solomon Krupacek



LMAO…. Good one !!

A typical Western zombie where You can meddle others cannot You can have nukes others cannot You have right to defend yourself others cannot You can break every international laws others cannot You can use Chemical weapons Assad cannot…..

Tired already …..


what can we expect from garbage..? brain dead aka zombie.. if it has one..!

Hemisphere Samba

Because exceptionalism. Just remember, they hate us because of our free-dumb.


LOL…just shoot yourself.

Igor Dano

iranians, kill those zioagents on the spot. there is no other choice, either them dead, or you dead.

You can call me Al

Iran unite now; kill them all, before it is too late.

Yank and big nose vermin.

You can call me Al

Can anyone translate the Persian on the boards that they carry please (into English).


I’m sure an honest zionist jew will accommodate us. Just wait.

You can call me Al

This is a quote from Iran and yes seriously I did ask –

“Again wish you the best in new year holidays and hope about better business in 2018.

There is something happening here and some protesters against regime (not the government) came out to the streets these days, we don’t know the sources but we hope everything will be OK about our country without any foreign hands”.

From my understanding of visiting a couple of years ago + their trips over here – I think they INTERNALLY want to get rid of the religious leaders that hold them back.

Great people, great nation, but fed up being chastised.

My view only.



In a direct comment on the ongoing protests in Iran, US President Donald Trump wrote in his Twitter

Who the hell care with what this garbage idiot gotta say..!

Simon Gould

Like Erdogan, he’s not to be trusted


Which politician can be trusted?



Simon Gould

I’d trust Putin based on his Syrian campaign – I’d trust Assad too. In years to come, he’ll be spoken of as the Saladin of his time.


I agree. Unfortunately, history is being censored and/or erased as we speak.


What an idiot you are!


Putin, maybe?

Hemisphere Samba

Trump only cares about Israel.

Simon Gould

Straight out of the CIA/MI6 playbook. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe claimed she was just “visiting relatives” whereas bumbling Boris Johnson told a select committee she was “training journalists” – either way, I’d prepare for a long holiday in Tehran, if I was her.

Hemisphere Samba

She may have been setting this up. Same a the sniveling American studunt who visited NK and was arrested for pulling down signs, dies on the way back home and everybody is whining over him.


CIA black opp., paid for by the criminals Soros, Buffet et al.

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