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MARCH 2025

Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei: U.S. Is Still “Assisting” ISIS

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Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei: U.S. Is Still "Assisting" ISIS

Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said Thursday that the US is still “assisting” ISIS, other terrorist groups as well as authoritarian regimes in the Middle East.

The US, which is one of the most corrupt and oppressive governments in the world, is our main enemy. They supported terrorists and Daesh [ISIS] as much as they could; they are still covertly assisting Daesh and the Takfiris,” Khamenei said at a meeting with a group of Iranian officials in Tehran, according to Press TV.

The Iranain leader added that the US provides support for dictatorial regimes, including the Saudi regime, and governments committing crimes against Yemen and Palestine.

“They commit crimes in their own country; the US police kill black women, children and youth and are then acquitted in the court. This is their judiciary system. Then they criticize the judiciaries of other countries, including our faithful judiciary system,” he added calling on officials to to stay vigilant against attempts to infiltrate the Iranian decision-making bodies.

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Colin Oskapy

I am quite sure that Ayatollah Khamenei is somewhat more factual than, for example, the Jew Murdoch media or MSNBC.


Colin Oskapy Ayatollah Khamenei needs to also talk about Putin – Russia bleeding Iran dry of hard US$s for every piece of military equipment supplied to defend Syria.


Every post you write is predictably the same – ‘blame Putin for everything’. Nice try at diversion – but everyone knows Iran’s economic woes are the direct consequences of decades of sustained US sanctions.


Bob “…predictably the same – ‘blame Putin for everything’…”

Putin is President of the Russian Federation and under international law he is responsible for its actions.

Putin is also a traitor to the Russian nation by allowing the Khazarim to bleed it dry the same way Yeltsin did.

Jim Prendergast

He speaks the truth.

Colin Oskapy

Dirty Jew USA is pro-ISIS.


Colin Oskapy

Putin – Russia and Netanyahu – Israel consider themselves to be “Best Friends” and “Partners” in all spheres including Business and Military.

Any IS Terrorists willing to “relocate” are given guaranteed safe passage by Russia to enclaves all around Syria, e.g. Idlib. So they can come back to fight again and again.

Israeli and US Terror Axis planes without any Russian S300/S400 intervention are allowed to fly freely in Syria, bomb the Syrian Military freely as well as drop supplies to IS Terrorists.


What possible Russian or Syrian interests would be served by Russia launching surface to air missiles against US warplanes over Syria? That would simply give the US state a publicly plausible casus belli to directly invade or strike Damascus that the US Neo-Con factions have desperately sought since early 2012.


Bob “…What possible Russian or Syrian interests would be served by Russia launching surface to air missiles against US warplanes over Syria?…”

Under international law, Israeli controlled and US led “Terror Axis” countries have no right to fly in Syrian sovereign airspace or launch any type of attack on Syrian sovereign territory.


I haven’t heard about Israeli planes flying over Syria at will. My impression was that they have to launch missiles from Lebanon. Can you provide a link to info about the last time IDF overflew Syrian air space? I think it was a cruise missile attack on Palmyra, if I’m not mistaken.


wwinsti “…Can you provide a link to info about the last time IDF overflew Syrian air space? …”

Israel is a war criminal country as any attack against a sovereign country is an UNLAWFUL act under the Geneva convention.

The proof is on southfront, Israel and its US led “Terror Axis” jets regularly fly into Syria without any Russian S300/S400 intervention and freely bomb the Syrian Military.

Israel Strikes Back: Fighters Destroy Syrian SAM Site That Fired On Recon Plane 16 Oct 2017 – At first the incursions into Syrian airspace were not officially talked about by Israeli Defense Forces officials or by Israel’s political leadership, but over the years the strikes have become more freely disclosed. The head of the Israeli Air Force talked about them candidly shortly after entering into retirement this … http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/15176/israel-strikes-back-fighters-destroy-syrian-sam-site-that-fired-on-recon-plane

2017 Israeli jets attack anti-aircraft battery in Syria in retaliatory strike https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/16/israeli-jets-attack-anti-aircraft-battery-in-syria-in-retaliatory-strike

2014 IDF shoots down Syrian fighter plane over Golan https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-shoots-down-syrian-fighter-plane-over-golan/

2017 Israeli air force jets kill two in rare targeting of Syrian chemical facility http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-syria-jets-bomb-air-strike-masyaf-hama-lebanon-kill-damage-assad-regime-a7933571.html


He indeed does! Long Live Iran, SAA, Hezbollah & Russia!

Tommy Jensen

True muslims always speak the truth. Thats why Western liars hate them.

Jim Prendergast

There are plenty of liars of every faith. That makes Khameni such a good man.

MD Ranix

the irony/stupidity/arrogance of ameritards/israhell – these idiots are looking for imam mahdi when in actual fact – ayatollah khameini is one of the descendants from the imam himself – and when the ayatollah speaks – it is nothing but the truth/words of the mahdi too



Putin – Russia is also doing the same, assisting IS in Syria and Iraq.

Facts: Putin – Russia and Netanyahu – Israel consider themselves to be “Best Friends” and “Partners” in all spheres including Business and Military.

Any IS Terrorists willing to “relocate” are given guaranteed safe passage by Russia to enclaves all around Syria, e.g. Idlib. So they can come back to fight again and again.

Israeli and US Terror Axis planes without any Russian S300/S400 intervention are allowed to fly freely in Syria, bomb the Syrian Military freely as well as drop supplies to IS Terrorists.

leon mc pilibin

You come across as a zionist LOSER,,collect your sheckels and find something usefull to do ,lol.


leon mc pilibin “…You come across as a zionist LOSER…”

You looked in the mirror and wrote what you saw, LoL:)))


When one negotiates a surrender, it’s important to be seen as credible. It was Assad that started the Idlib policy. Your explaination is Poorly constructed as far as cause and effect are concerned. Why would Russia help ISIS/ Israel attack the one belt/road states in central Asia? That’s a big part of RF’s economic future.


wwinsti “…It was Assad that started the Idlib policy….”

Have you got a credible source for this assertion?

“…Why would Russia help ISIS/ Israel attack the one belt/road states in central Asia? That’s a big part of RF’s economic future….”

Putin is a slave “Sayanim” of the Khazars and will do whatever it can to keep Syria destabilized in order to:

1. Prevent the Arab – Saudi oil and gas pipeline to be built across Syria to Turkey and onward into the EU.

2. Prevent the Iran – Iraq – Syria to Cyprus – EU oil and gas pipeline

3. Block the Iran – Iraq – Syria Land bridge – this extends to Hezbollah – Lebanon for arms flow.

4. Block China’s proposed New Silk Road through Syria and its entry points, Raqqa, Deir Ez Zor, etc.


Firstly, you are factually incorrect, Israeli warplanes generally launch stand-off guided missiles into Syria from well inside third party Lebanese airspace. Secondly, all your posts are the same – absurd and contorted attempts to blame Putin and Russia for anything and everything in the world – rather like the present US state and MSM agenda…


Bob “…Israeli warplanes generally launch stand-off guided missiles into Syria…” “…Secondly, all your posts are the same…”

Facts DO NOT CHANGE, they remain the same.

Under the Geneva convention, Israel is a War Criminal State aided and abetted by Putin and the Russian Military.

Israeli launching any type of attack on Syria is an UNLAWFUL act against a sovereign country.

Aided and abetted by Putin and the Russian Military, Israeli jets as well as their “Terror Axis” countries’ jets regularly fly UNLAWFULLY into Syrian air space and freely launch attacks against the Syrian Military.


‘Israeli and US Terror Axis planes without any Russian S300/S400 intervention are allowed to fly freely in Syria…Facts DO NOT CHANGE…’

Err no, you remain factually incorrect. IAF aircraft do not freely fly inside Syrian airspace to bomb the Syrian military. Rather they use Lebanese airspace to launch air to surface missiles predominantly targeting Hezbollah storage depots in and around Damascus airport. You may recall the Syrian air defenses actually launched a SAM during the last serious IAF flight incursion into Syria – the Syrian SAM carcass landed in Jordan after the Israeli’s launched interception defenses – but the IAF very rarely fly into Syrian airspace. The IDF do periodically shell the actual Syrian state military positions to south-west of Damascus, to impede the SAA operations against the Al-Nusra pocket there – but this is again from outside Syrian territory – heavy artillery from the occupied IDF high positions on the Golan Heights. Facts and research are really not your strongest skill-set.


Bob “…IAF aircraft do not freely fly inside Syrian airspace to bomb the Syrian military….”

Cant write in your Yiddish mother tongue so which part of the English language do you not understand below:

1. Under the Geneva convention, Israel is a War Criminal State aided and abetted by Putin and the Russian Military.

2. Israel launching any type of attack on Syria is an UNLAWFUL act against a sovereign country.

Israel Strikes Back: Fighters Destroy Syrian SAM Site That Fired On Recon Plane 16 Oct 2017 – At first the incursions into Syrian airspace were not officially talked about by Israeli Defense Forces officials or by Israel’s political leadership, but over the years the strikes have become more freely disclosed. The head of the Israeli Air Force talked about them candidly shortly after entering into retirement this … http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/15176/israel-strikes-back-fighters-destroy-syrian-sam-site-that-fired-on-recon-plane


On December 4, warplanes allegedly from Israel conducted airstrikes on the Dumair Airbase. According to reports, the airstrikes hit the radar installation and destroyed it.

On December 5. Israeli warplanes launched missiles on the scientific research center in the area of Jumraya in northern Damascus. According to the Syrian state-run media, Syrian air defense systems intercepted three of the missiles. The rest of the missiles – 3 or 4 – hit the target.



Meanwhile, back in factual based reality: Russia is not complicit in any way with Israeli attacks on Syria. Israel and Syria actually remain in a frozen state of war – there has never been any formalized cessation of mutual hostilities since 1967.


Bob “…Israel and Syria actually remain in a frozen state of war…” “…Russia is not complicit in any way with Israeli attacks on Syria….”

Frozen is the operative word.

Irrespective of an existing or frozen state of war, it is unlawful for Israel to launch any type of attack on Syrian territory.

Both Putin and the Russian military are fully complicit in Israeli attacks on Syria because they have the means (S400/S300) to monitor the attacks which they do as well as prevent the attacks which they do not.

Bottomline: Israel is a war criminal state under the Geneva convention and Putin – Russia are complicit in aiding and or abetting war crimes against the Syrian state.


So basically, yet more of your ‘blame Putin’ shtick – for the political decisions and military actions of the entirely third party Israeli state…


Bob “…your ‘blame Putin’ shtick …”

“…shtick …” is from your Yiddish language.

International Law is the yardstick in the English language.

Bottomline: Israel is a war criminal state under the Geneva convention and Putin – Russia are complicit in aiding and or abetting war crimes against the Syrian state.


Strongly suggest you go back on your meds in the New Year.


Bob “…Strongly suggest you go back on your meds in the New Year….”

What you suggest is something you know at first hand about your own needs,LoL:)))


I write my own material – you lack initiative and can only mirror. :(


does anybody doubt that?

Cheryl Brandon

100% accurate!


Not the bit about killing negroes. A dumb statement.

leon mc pilibin

The Truth is so SIMPLE,,but its hard to hide the LIES.Victore to the resistance movement againt the AXIS of zionist EVIL.


Israel-USA-NATO need terrorists (mercenaries) and will support them in many countries. Right now, their idea is to destroy Iran somehow.


lol. iran is one of the countries where you get sentenced to death just for being homosexual (jalong with a bunch of other, muslim countries). its just a middle-age oriented country, and nobody gives a fuck about what this Mofo says.

Jim Prendergast

Your statement is false. In Iran if a person is sexually ambivalent they are offered counselling and state-funded sex-changes. Your information is not current.


Hahaha.. and the highest achievement of your country is man to man marriage with certified certificate.. Lol.. what a disgraceful thing to even talk about..

Tommy Jensen

…and masculine women quotes for VIP job positions. Together with their feminine President Macron clumsy around in Kurdistan and Africa this represents the best France can do.


I hear this repeatedly and so far all my inquiries were unanswered. Who got sentenced to death in Iran just for being gay? I’m sure you can give a name or two with such conviction in your writing?

It seems Ayatollah Khamenei’s words were important enough to you to come here and say you don’t care about them. ;)

Nevermind, just give us the names of one or two people sentenced to death in Iran for just being gay (and for just being gay, not conviction because they sodomized a teen by force and therefore having a complainant).

Tommy Jensen

Dennis Nilsen and Elton John.


Lumen “…what this Mofo says….”

You are the one who cares a lot what this person says.

Your post is proof.

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