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MARCH 2025

Iran’s IRGC Successfully Launched First Military Satellite On Its Anniversary

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Iran's IRGC Successfully Launched First Military Satellite On Its Anniversary

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On April 22nd, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced that the “Noor Satellite”, the first Iranian military satellite, was successfully launched and set into orbit.

“The first satellite of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been successfully launched into orbit by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,” the Guards’ Sepahnews website reported.

“This action will be a great success and a new development in the field of space for Islamic Iran,” it added.

The IRGC said the satellite had reached an orbit of 425 kilometers (264 miles) above the Earth’s surface. The two-stage launch took place in Iran’s Central Desert, it said, adding that it is the first military satellite Iran has ever launched.

The satellite was sent into orbit using a Ghased, or “Messenger,” satellite carrier, the IRGC said. It is a system that’s not been announced in the past.

The homegrown satellite was launched with a three-stage satellite carrier, dubbed Qassed.

The operation was carried from a launch pad in Dasht-e Kavir, a large desert in central Iran.

Iran has suffered several failed satellite launches in recent months.

Most recently, in February, the Zafar 1 communications satellite launch failed.

The country also experienced two failed launches – Payam and Doosti – in 2019, as well as a launchpad rocket explosion in August 2019 and a separate fire at the Imam Khomeini Space Center that authorities said killed three researchers in February 2019.

According to Washington, such satellite launches go against a UN Security Council that calls on Iran to refrain from activity related to ballistic missiles capable of launching nuclear weapons. And the US maintains that these tests and launches are just an excuse for Tehran to further its ballistic missile capabilities.

Michael Horowitz, head of intelligence at LeBeck International, told Euronews that the launch was a significant breakthrough for Iran given failed attempts as recently as last February.

“Washington is likely to watch this development closely: Iran’s space program is closely related to its missile and nuclear ones. If Iran is capable of launching heavy military satellites, it may be able to also mount nuclear warheads on intercontinental missiles.

I think this sends a clear message and is part of Iran’s effort to pressure both Washington and the Europeans after the US withdrawal from the JCPOA.”

Iran, which long has said it does not seek nuclear weapons, previously maintained its satellite launches and rocket tests do not have a military component. But this satellite was launched by the IRGC.

Tehran also maintains that it hasn’t violated a UN resolution on its ballistic missile programme as it only “called upon” Iran not to conduct such tests.

The launch also came on the IRGC’s birthday, which was established on April 22nd, 1979. They were greeted by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“Greetings to the personnel of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps and their families on the occasion of the foundation of the IRGC,” the message said.

“I appreciate the IRGC for its good performance and efforts, and I pray for them,” it added.


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Zionism = EVIL

As I wrote yesterday, Iran now has increased the payloads and ranges of all its missiles and this satellite launch also amply displays Iran’s capability and capacity to produce ICBMs with pin point precision and accuracy.



As you wrote last month that Italians are genetically similar to Iranians, that’s why they got hit by the American virus. Just live the Iranians alone you shameless clown, they are doing well without your ‘as i wrote in the past’ windbag

Zionism = EVIL

Hush you little Jew ignorant cunt ROFLMAO. Iranians are doing well because they have a 3,000 year old culture and a high level of education and graduate more engineers and scientists than the deadbeat Americunt arseholes. Russia is #1 in science and engineering graduates. You dumbass pig faced swine.

Ashok Varma

China, India, Russia and Iran also top scientific research and journals.


Where do you know that from? Do you read any?


I do for sure. Driven by unprecedented government support at the highest levels, Iran has become a regional science and technology leader. In a country where 60% of the population is below the age of 30, innovation and science are a natural progression, is along these lines that the rapid expansion of Iran’s scientific and technological capabilities will develop in cooperation with close alliance with Russia and China.


So you are teling me that you read so many scientific publications to compare the quality of them, by the country and yiu have time to spend here?


Go and troll on CNN forums (or Jerusalem Post)….you annoying prick!


Pay me


Iran’s nuclear programme is a subset of a larger government portfolio of scientific spending. Despite sanctions, research and development (R&D) expenditure has been effective in building national capabilities in areas such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, stem-cell research, genetics, chemical engineering, aerospace research, agronomy, laser communication systems, computer science and electronics, among others. The government has singled out technological development among three top national priorities between 2016 and 2021. As sanctions unravel and the government’s fiscal space expands, R&D budgets have been marked for a 400% increase by 2030, reaching 4% of GDP. If these figures materialize, Iran could very well become a regional leader in the development of commercial technology across sectors.


Tell us about the swine eaters that brought God wrath upon and the white men who enslaved good people

Jimmy Jim



Jimmy you should know that if you eat pork you brought the virus, just ask him

Jimmy Jim



Jimmy tell us more about how much you love Israel

Jimmy Jim



Jimmy we all know that you’re an israelite that wants to make a big deal of antisemitism

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbasses who eat filthy swine are morons like you. It retards their brains, so switch to kosher pork blessed by a pedophile Rabbi.


Who told you that, the pedophile prophet?


Picture perfect launch


johnny rotten

And now they can fly freely over the heads of their tormentors, in a promise of unstoppable revenge.

Zionism = EVIL

This is basically a spy satellite and if you look at the launch and orbit pattern it will fly over Occupied Palestine, Syria and Saudi shitheads. Another three launches to cover the whole region are planned in the next few months.

Jimmy Jim



Idiot who sees genetic similarities between Iranians and Italians, in coronavirus sure can calculate where a satelite will orbit just looking at the launch

Jimmy Jim



Halal or Haram?

Zionism = EVIL

Eat kosher swine blessed by a pedo Rabbi, which the Jew perverts excel in.


Kosher = Halal, isn’t it? Isn’t pork haram for ya?

The Objective

Great news. The sweetest news in my ear since the Missile attack on U.S bases in Iraq. The Arrogant Americans think they know everything a country can or cannot do. Mr. Trump, how do you like this for a surprise gift from Iran. So Trump is not the only one that can surprise the world. I hate Trump for his ganster-style murder of Soleimani. But I am glad the Americans finally performed the blunder of pissing off Iran beyond imagination. Iran’s enmity with the U.S is now parmanently sealed for decades to come.

I am reading news that with this great surprise from Iran, the possibility that Iran will surprise the world on the nuclear front is also very very likely, especially if the U.S attacks Iran. This launch reveals a mature and extensive Military Space Program that the world was previously unaware of in Iran. It is also a clear message that DIEGO GARCIA is squarely within range!

We’ll see how this game plays out in the coming months. I pray that Trump wins the U.S election. He convinced Americans that he is the man to deal with Iran. I’ll watch this game with great concentration

Ashok Varma

If Trump’s “great” advice to the Saudis is any indication, then Iran has nothing to worry about :)

Ashok Varma

Congratulations to Iran on another successful launch and in a select club of high tech nations like India, China, and Russia despite the illegal US sanctions for over four decades.


However, China remains Iran’s closest and most respected friend. I saw how quickly and selflessly the Chinese responded to the carona virus in Iran. Withing hours fleets of Chinese aircraft were landing in Tehran with supplies and medical personnel while China itself was grappling with the virus. Chinese have earned great respect in Iranian hearts.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

the strain that hit china and iran had aids added into ti. the rest of the world is just marking down anything as covid so they can have plausible deniability cuntservative government in the UK is a government of occupation. it works against the country not for it. and has given more money to gavi ID2020 than anybody, inc bill gates


We should blow it up with our missiles, we can;t let them spy on us. I hope we are working on it now.

Jimmy Jim



Your little entity on stolen Palestinian lands and borrowed time would be wiped out in seconds if not minutes. Mr. Zarif openly visited Damascus, Golan and then Beirut yesterday, what happened to your pathetic daily meaningless boasts? Think before you post nonsense, even for cheap hasbara.


What good would it do if we killed Zarif? he means nothing. Destroying their military satellite however, is a strategic thing to do and we have the capabilities to shoot it down. Let me repeat again so you can enter it into your brain, we don’t fear Iran and we will stop their nuclear program with or without the U.S, and if the Palis join the fight then we will deport them back to Jordan.

Zionism = EVIL



If your sugar daddy “USA” didn’t protect you, the Iranians would crush you like the little annoying bug that you are. You couldn’t even defeat Hezbollah in 2 wars….what chance against Iran? A big fat ZERO


lol, I’d like to see them try :)


Great job Iran. Russian and Armenian media have posted some very good shots of Iranian space facilities that are world class. This successful ELINT military satellite launch at an orbit at over 420 kms in space would give Iran a birdeye view of the region.

It said the satellite – dubbed the Nour – was deployed from the Qassed two-stage launcher from the Markazi desert, a vast expanse in Iran’s central plateau in the vast Dashte Kavir region where Iran has its space and secret facilities.

The satellite “orbited the Earth at 425km [264 miles]”, according to Russian media. “This action will be a great success and a new development in the field of space for Islamic Iran.”

The IRGC called it the first military satellite ever launched by Tehran. It used a Ghased, or “Messenger”, satellite carrier to put the device into space, a previously unheard-of system and linked to Iran’s ICBM program. According to media reports, Russian, Chinese and DPRK allies were invited to witness the successful launch.



God bless IRAN! With every successful launch Iran is redefining the military, political and economic development in both the Middle East and Central Asia.The most interesting story yet to be told is not about a nuclear bomb but rather about a thousand smaller benign technologies that slowly but surely will change the future of Iran and possibly the region around it. With sanctions being lifted now in practical terms as Russia and China will not allow US to act against their ally, Iran’s commercial and military technology sector is at a historical crossroads.

Shia man

How amazing is it that Iran is the Least affected country from this COVID-19 pandemic Economic wise and it was all thanks to the sanctions. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aQYPxaNLV5A Also the saying the Persians are a wise nation holds very real truth ever since trump increased the pressure on Iran the Persians changed their economic plan in the country In December 2019, President Hassan Rouhani submitted a draft state budget to the Parliament, saying it had the least possible reliance on oil and was meant to resist and counter the draconian US bans. https://www.google.com/amp/s/sputniknews.com/amp/middleeast/202004211079048617-trump-policies-strengthen-iran-in-ongoing-oil-market-crisis—vice-president/


Iran has ICBMs that can strike the US continent. With nuke warheads and subs, Iran is getting close to acquire the ability to annihilate and erase US off the map just like NK.


Next step for Iran is to launch a stationary satellite that can station over the skies of the US 24 hours a day 365 days a year. NK can launch a stationary satellite at any time. It was scheduled to launch at the beginning of this year. Wont be surprised to see the stationary satellite with EMPs on over the skies of the US.


Iranians should ask (or buy) a few Russian nuclear warheads…..inorder to fire one at Washington DC if it continues to play silly buggers!

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