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Iran’s New Quds Force Commander Visits Frontlines In Northern Syria

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Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force newly-appointed commander, Brig. Gen. Esmail Ghaani, has paid a visit to Syria.

The visit was reported by several Iranian sources, which released a photo of Ghaani on the frontline in the northern Syrian governorate of Aleppo on March 6. The commander was photographed during the meeting with several unknown figures inside a room.

Iran’s New Quds Force Commander Visits Frontlines In Northern Syria

Quds Force Commander Brig. Gen. Esmail Ghaani. Source:(@Sardar_Ghaani) on Telegram

Ghaani succeeded former Quds Force commander Brig. Gen. Qassam Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike on the Baghdad Airport in January 2020.

The commander’s visit to Aleppo came after a fierce battle between the SAA and Turkish forces. IRGC-affiliated groups, including Lebanon’s Hezbollah, lost dozens of fighters in the battle, which took place in the Greater Idlib region.

Recently, several Syrian opposition sources claimed that the IRGC is deploying additional troops around Greater Idlib. While Ghaani’s visit doesn’t confirm this, it is for sure a sign that the IRGC keeps a close eye on Turkish forces in the region.

Earlier, the Iranian operations room in Syria warned the Turkish military from attacking its forces in Greater Idlib, stressing that it was more than capable to respond.

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This guys got big shoes to fill


He will fill them just fine. He will one day die too, and onto the next commander. The resistance will carry on

Zionism = EVIL

National policies are not dictated by a single person. For Syria and Iran the Americunt sponsored terrorism in Syria and the region poses an existential threat and this is a fight to the finish and will take another decade or so. There will many more personalities and shoes to come.


So your saying that in a decade the cabalist satanists will either be fully defeated or they will have complete control over the entire world you have to remember all western governments have been defeated by these cabalist gangs we in the west are fucked unless we can somehow kick them out of our countries which will be very difficult to do as most people in the west have no understanding of who controls our governments and if you try and tell them what’s going on they just think your insane also these gangs that really run things have a surveillance network set up so sophisticated that it’s impossible to organise any resistance against them without them knowing about it that’s why our militaries haven’t tried coup attempts or any thing like that although they did in Germany but everyone involved were arrested before they could do anything and i know that a lot of the Australian military are awake to what’s going on but i think they feel powerless to do any thing about it and yea time is running out like you you said this could all come to a head in as little as a decade


Also i think Soleimani got on well with all the right people and had a lot of contacts and most people had a lot of respect for the guy which are some of the reasons he was so effective


If Iran could send like 1000 properly trained fighters equipped with weapons and ammo to help out Syria in Idlib and Afrin that should most likely be enough to finish the job.


10 times that number from Lebanon would be unstoppable.


Where that plan falls apart is the properly armed part of that plan, as most of Iran’s military inventory is even older then the handmedowns of Turkey. And that throughout the war in Syria Iran has never been able to deploy and support a force with heavy weaponry, only light infantry.

Icarus Tanović

It isn’t quite like that at all, my friend.

Zionism = EVIL

These type of comments should be expected from children who have no understanding of strategic dimensions of COIN and national power projection, That is the reason I spend some time trying to educate and mentor them.


Yeah, well, then lets see the Iranians deploy a large expeditionary force equipped with lots of military hardware. For I think they don’t have the means to transport that equipment nor support it. Even though in the case of Syria there is some commonality of hardware that would eased Iranian logistics. Both the RuAF and SyAF use the SU-24 that Iran also has. The IRIAF could have sent a contingent of those and housed them on a Syrian or Russian base. That would have made a qualitative difference prior to the Russian intervention. Instead light infantry and advisors only. I don’t think the Iranians have the ability to deploy heavy equipment outside of their country, either logistically or financially. Being reliant on light infantry and COIN tactics has made them inventive, that’s for sure, but there is nothing like having lots of heavy equipment and aircraft launching or dropping explosive fuck you on your enemies.

Zionism = EVIL

You are quite clueless about the nature of asymmetrical COIN warfare and Iranian role in Syria and Lebanon. Iran is there to provide technical and advisory role and have been very successful so far as Syrian government and Hezbollah, not to mention Kataeb Hezbollah in Iraq are stronger than ever. However, it would make more sense if Iran deployed AD assets in the three countries with their local allies.


Iranian ‘advisors’ and militias were not winning the war in Syria prior to the Russian intervention. They may have helped keep Assad in the war for as long as he did, but had the Russians not stepped in ISIS and Al Qaida would now be fighting it out who would rule Syria in the ruins of Damascus. It was the presence of a large Russian air force contingent that made the difference and a lot of Russian advisors and engineers that rebuilt the SAA that enabled it to go back on the offensive again after it was falling apart. Iran was not able to provide the same kind of assistance as they can’t deploy their old outdated military hardware abroad, even though they do have SU-24’s, which means they could have operated them along the Russians or the Syrians, who have the same aircraft and take advantage of shared logistics.


IRGC needs to beef up Aleppo Seqarib axis and deploy some attack drones and EW equipment,

Zionism = EVIL

IRGC needs to bring in layered AD systems and rocket/missiles to keep SAA casualties low. Iran has tested missile power that should be deployed as stand off weapons to kill off terrorists in the small Idlib pocket.


Haven’t you wonder why SAA with Iran help couldn’t has effective air defense, drones and missiles to counter Turkey?

Russia will notify & allow Israel to bomb everytime such shipments arrived in Syria from Iran, in precision within hours.

That’s how SAA was bombed by Turkey helplessly in Idlib when Russia turn off its air defense for 48hrs. Russia want to call the shot, not Syria or Iran.

Xoli Xoli

Brave general from Iran and Lebanon Hisbollah without assassination fear.

Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Americunts made a strategic mistake in assassinating the milder soldier diplomat General Soleimani and now with General Ghaani their problems will only get worse, as he is also a veteran of the Iran-Iraq and 2006 Hezbollah war against Zionists is more hands on with extensive strategic and operational experience. Iranian footprint and influence in the region will only grow now as more aggressive and younger Iranian officers take the lead.

Jimmy Jim


Chris P

And the Beat goes on. People wonder, where are the Iranians in the conflict? How many are in Syria? How effective are they? What is the Tiger Forces made of? How many really good soldiers does Syria have? I wonder how the Turks were so successful for two days during their counter attack? What did they do to catch the Syrians and Iranians and even Russians off guard?

Zionism = EVIL

Contrary to all Jew media propaganda, the Turkeys were hardly “successful” and lost over 150 men and did not achieve a single objective of rolling back SAA advance as promised by the loudmouth goat fucker ErDOG. Winners don’t go to Moscow and beg for a ceasefire. Also there is a limited Iranian advisory mission in Syria numbering less than 500 men and not actually engaged in combat, but operational planning. Russia also has very limited combat units, mostly military police and aerospace contingent. Meanwhile, the dumbass Turkeys invaded Syria a sovereign Arab state with over 50,000 troops and 40,000 terrorists and still lost and Turkeys are now stuck in a quagmire in a small sliver of Idlib not more than 2000 sq kms, and shrinking. So who is more “successful”?.

Chris P

Thanks for the reply, it was very informative. It was SouthFront battle maps that tell the story about Turkeys initial success’. At one point it look like Assad was about to get the M4 and that changed along with Saraquib. Things changed a lot. There is obviously some serious mistakes made, this s clear, The lack of Air defence against drones. It is obvious Assad is winning. That is not what I meant. It was also clear that that Assad over extended his army army and lost part of the M5. It also was clear that there was no real Turkish attack at that point too, and than Assad lost part of the M5. 3 planes downed too. Thankfully some of the pilots lived too. Anyhow, there is clearly some defence measures to fix, The war has changed a lot in the past 4 weeks. Anti aircraft is a must now. A army to counter attack must be on Stand by too, not just an Airforce. Additionaly, stronger defences are a must. They could have lost a lot but faught hard and got lucky too. Thank got lucky part is obvious. When the Russian Police moved in, the game was over. Back off from the M5. This is my take on things lately. I was hoping that part of the M4 would have fallen but anyhow that is the way it worked out.

Zionism = EVIL

You are welcome. I try to give a realistic appraisal as much as possible as this is a very complicated situation with many actors with competing agenda. The Syrian government was almost at the verge of collapse in 2012-2014 before Soleimani went to Moscow and had a three hour discussion with Putin, Shoigu and Lavrov about the strategic implications if Dr. Assad falls. The Russians were pretty much on the same page and Iran’s major drawback was lack of an effective airforce but plenty of willing ground volunteers, firstly to defend the Shia holy shrines and secondly to check the spread of insidious Wahhabi fundamentalism that is being pushed by Turkey, US, Zionists and the Europeans. The rest is history and now we are in end game, but the Turkeys, Zionists and Americunts being sore losers will try to keep the terrorists alive, but it is a lost cause due to changed demography and geography.

Syria is relatively small country by Arab standards compared to Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc with a land mass of barely 185,180 sq kms, Now around 30,000 sq kms mostly in al-Tanf region next to Jordan and the Eastern Euphrates near Iraq and Turkey is being occupied by Americunts and their headchopper terrorists.Most in the east is desert and so is al-Tanf, so it is really not a big deal, the real deal was Idlib and Aleppo which the Turkeys since Ottoman era have coveted as it is the best land, BTW the Turkeys were given Hatay by the Anglo-French arseholes as consolation prize post Ottoman destruction. So with Turkeys pipe dream now in tatters, in real terms Syria and its allies including Russia and Iran have won and hence Erdogan’s panic as the Turkeys have lost a lot of men and exposed their third rate military.

SouthFront has done a very professional job to keep up objectively with the rapidly changing ground and political situation, but with limited resources it can not update maps every few hours. But on the whole the situation is that the Turkeys are stuck in about 12 mostly surrounded OPs that are simply unsustainable and will be either destroyed or evacuated. Also please keep in mind that Syria and its allies have faced the most vicious Americunt and NATO terrorist onslaught in history. We are talking half a million western armed and recruited headchoppers. Russia and Iran along with SAA and allies have killed around 80% of the hardcore ones and rest are headed for Europe. This is the sad reality.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So Erdogan got to keep ALL the areas the Turkmen population live in but lost all the areas the Arab’s live in, Turkmen are mostly loyal to Turkey and Arabs are mostly loyal to Syria, Erdogan no longer has to pay for the Arabs in the south and gets the UN to pay for the Turkmen in the north, the Turks get to keep all their OB post and men and equipment where they are in Assad held territory, and Assad can’t move an inch past the new buffer zone both Russia and Turkey agreed on and both now co patrol. Victory and defeat aren’t the words to describe what’s happened, permanent loss of a huge chunk of Syria would be though, I’m pretty sure Erdogan’s more than happy with the end result, he was going to lose UN funding for Idlib in less than 5 months, now they’ll reverse that decision and give him an extra 5 years of funding and humanitarian aid. I don’t like Erdogan one little bit, and he may of been begging Putin, but it would’ve been more like this,

‘Please Vlad, we don’t want to go to war with you, please do something to stop the SAA or we’ll have no choice, it’s the last thing we want to do so lets come to a compromise’.

the Turks sent 3 separate delegations to Moscow to ask/demand that the Russians stop their and the SAA’s offensive, after a direct conversation between the 2 leaders it was stopped, so who won that round, and today I notice on Turkish media Erdogan’s complaining that the Russian still haven’t removed their mercenary forces from Libya as agreed on during recent discussions, and is now urging them to do so. There was no victory just a loss, and it’ll spread to the SDF areas as well, Assad’s just lost a lot more than just half of Idlib and a bit of Aleppo, the US will never leave now either.

Lazy Gamer

for now

Bill Wilson

The HTS and Turks attack when the skies are overcast with clouds.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The last thing the SAA needs now is an outbreak of the coronavirus, I hope Syria’s taking all the necessary precautions, Iran’s becoming a hotspot for the virus and we don’t want Syria suffering the same fate at this crucial time.


You’re a Zionist shill forever posting anti Syrian government coalition hasbara propaganda. Like the Russians are killing most of the civilians in Idlib and now this epidemic fear mongering based on the Corona virus scam. If the lying Jew media and the anti American Zionist government used estimated cases for the Corona virus death rate like they do for flu. The death rates would be the same.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist scum are the ones who spread this virus as they were experimenting on bio-warfare. Now the virus has backfired and Jew scum are being impacted and they have banned Americunt Jews from flying in and all IDF child killers can not go overseas. The Zionists are liars and the true extent of the virus in Occupied Palestine is far worse than the Jew media is letting.


I’m not sure whose dumber. The people who believe the lying Jew media or the ones telling the lies.

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew media has turned most western populations into complete morons as they are fed 24/7 total bullshit and that is we have people fighting over toilet paper. On a more realistic note there is a realignment going on in the region as General Ghaani’s visit to Syrian coincides with the Egyptian intelligence chief also being there. Also Iranian media now has totally stopped its criticism of Egypt and there hints that the Egyptian FM is to visit soon. Everyone hates the Turkeys so Russia is facilitating contacts.

The Director of the Egyptian General Intelligence visited Damascus on Saturday to meet with his Syrian counterpart, a source reported from the Syrian capital.

According to the source, the Director of the Egyptian General Intelligence, Abbas Kamel, visited Damascus last Monday and met with high-ranking officials like Major-General ‘Ali Mamlouk.

The source said the visit concentrated on increasing coordination between Syria and Egypt in regards to fighting terrorism and enhancing bilateral ties between Cairo and Damascus


Their affiliate lamestream go to the extent to fake fights over toilet paper,where in reality Australians are very much civilised peoples,they don’t do that,but rather wait in line,exception being the odd smacky whoms worlds of it’s own no different to the soros paid actors of lamesteams,desperately seeketh thy pittance reward:

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, your Aussie media is one of the most Jew/Murdoch controlled shitbox that needs to be checked, they are spreading total lies and freaking out the uneducated people. That clown Morrison is no better. Generally, Aussies are indeed quite sane, but now with all kinds of freaks showing up thanks to unchecked unskilled immigration of Asiatic hordes, fights over toilet paper and other things will be common. This was fight between Filipino monkeys and an African lady from the western suburbs.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

when it comes to the LGBTQI takeover of Australian politics and media, believe it or not, the Jewish controlled media is the ONLY sane voice, and despite the fact every single one of then is a one eyed Israeli supported, at least on the matter of LGBTQI rights, they’ve been the only media outlet willing to call them out for their extreme madness. So even the enemy has a few good points.

Zionism = EVIL

US, Israel waging biological warfare on massive scale

The Israel-supported group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) is

pressuring the big pharmaceutical companies to end their Iran business

at the exact moment that Iran is the second hardest-hit country by the

coronavirus pandemic after China.

The group United Against Nuclear Iran has paid John Bolton a quarter

of a million dollars, which (money) is coming from Israel, which of

course gets that money by raiding the United States Treasury to the tune

of well, one estimate published in Christian Science Monitor two

decades ago was that Israel had already stolen trillions, literally

trillions of dollars. That’s what it cost the United States. So

Americans have allowed Israel to colonize them and raid them and rape

and pillage them.

And this UANI group is just one of the many Israel pressure groups running United States foreign policy. It’s just an outrage. And now they’re trying to amplify the plague of coronavirus in Iran, which one suspects that they themselves may have actually engineered, because otherwise how could an Israeli company claim that they’ll have a vaccine against coronavirus in less than two weeks when all scientists say that if there’s a novel outbreak like this, it would take at least a year to have a vaccine.

A recent article by former CIA officer Philip Giraldi suggests that probably the US and Israel are working together. They’re the same people who used Stuxnet against Iran, endangering the nuclear facilities not only in Iran, but all over the world because it got loose and nearly created horrible nuclear accidents all over the world. And apparently now they’ve done the same thing with this coronavirus.

Philip Giraldi’s article is called, Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China Itself?, and he strongly suspects the US and Israel, with China being America’s biggest geostrategic antagonist and Iran being Israel’s biggest problem.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So please explain to us all in simple terms,why is it the Iranians still support the very people still trying to oust Assad, and at the very same time fight alongside Assad’s forces that are trying to stop them, it makes no sense to me at all, so hopefully you have a really good explanation that’ll make sense when nothing else does. I want to know why do the Iranians still sell their cheap oil to the Turks even though they have their forces in Syria fighting against the Turks proxies, and also why do they continually support the Muslim Brotherhood [MB], who Assad and nearly all of the rest of the Arab League say are the main group now controlling Turkey and also trying to destroy Syria, it doesn’t make sense. Most of the Arab League countries have the MB on the terrorist list, the Russians have the MB on the terrorist list, and now Trumps finally putting them on the list too, so why don’t the Iranians have them on that list too, since the MB are the granddaddy of all the Sunni Fundamentalist groups like the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Isis, HTS and Al Nusra in Syria, they’re all each and every one of them just offshoots of the MB, so why does Iran still support them, I know why, it’s because they both have exactly the same ideology, EXACTLY the same. Both want a democratic political system with religious law overriding all aspects of government and social institutions, and the only difference between the two are the fact that one group follows the Sunni doctrines and the other the Shia doctrines, but apart from that one small difference, THEY’RE EXACTLY THE SAME, EXACTLY. You once told me that Iran was nothing like Isis and there was a big difference between the 2 groups, but that’s only because Iran didn’t have to invade another country to achieve its goals, but if you compare the 2 different systems by seeing how they operate on the ground, there is actually very little difference between the two, both are extremely strict and intolerant and punishments are extreme, hand chopping for theft, death for adultery, strict dress and morality codes, ect, so there’s practically no difference at all. If you’re both pro Assad and pro Iranian why don’t you link stories like these that help explain the complicated situation with Iran and its neighbours, instead of saying everyone hates the Turks when obviously the Iranians love the Turks and the MB, the very 2 entities that are now doing the most harm to Syria and Libya, and that’s coming from Assad’s own mouth.

This is the real news, ….

“Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has criticised a US plan to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation.”

“President Donald Trump is working to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organisation, the White House said on Tuesday, which would lead to sanctions against the movement.”

“Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi had urged Trump to take the step during an April 9 visit to the White House, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing officials familiar with the matter.”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And what’s the anti Jew media saying about the Coronavirus, how about a few links so that we can all see what they have to say about it, though I’m pretty sure I know already. Link some of the sites you use for news and info, seriously, I really want to know what sources you trust, please Richard, I’m asking nicely. I already have Sputnik and RT so don’t link them.


Do an internet search for Coronavirus death rate is overstated and tell me how many of the truther stories are from Jew msm sources.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But I asked for your links, I can’t find anything from anyone anywhere to confirm what you asserted, so provide a link Richard, do what you always insist everyone else does to prove anything, or are you the only one who never has to prove anything he says by providing a link. And Zionism = Evil can’t explain why the Jews infected the Chinese first so maybe you can, do you have any links for that for us all to read.


You’re either lying or you don’t know how to do an internet search. Which is it?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Link please, money where your mouth is time Richard, no more games, just a link to confirm your BS lies.


“The supposedly terrifying rate at which COVID-19 is spreading is due solely to the fact that the vast majority of those affected have only mild-to-zero symptoms and therefore go about their daily business. This probably also causes the oft-repeated 2% mortality rate to be enormously overstated; there may be hundreds of thousands of infected persons who have gone undiagnosed because they feel just fine.”

– Coronavirus dangers may be overstated –


Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, do you think I don’t know that, but the simple fact is it’s 10 times deadlier than normal flu, people with the flu also don’t always develop debilitating symptoms either, many of them also fail to realize they have the flu, and in those cases it’s not reported either, so this is just more mindless BS to confuse the situation, something you excel at, why don’t you try using the Lancet to ascertain medical facts instead of using bait stories. In Australia we have 74 confirmed cases and 3 deaths, that’s one in 24 people dying from the virus, have you ever seen the flu do that anywhere, it doesn’t even do that much damage in nursing homes where the people are already sick and frail.


You don’t know which sources I trust when you’ve seen hundreds of them posted here with links over the years? You’re a habitual liar.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

What a cop out, you can’t even give me the links you trust.


You’re a lying idiot spewing obvious nonsense.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a lying idiot spewing obvious nonsense.


You’re a plagerist.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a plagerist.


If you want to make a bigger fool out of yourself than you already have. Then just keep spamming the thread with idiocy, lies and plagerism.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Listen to you, if you’re right the Zionists must really hate the Chinese according to your logic, so explain what the Zionist achieved by releasing it in China first, was it because they don’t like the Chinese, or was it because they know the Chinese travel a lot in really big numbers, which would mean they could spread it faster and further than they could by releasing it in Iran. Your unquenchable hatred makes you see things that aren’t there and morbidly blind to the things that are, how the f-ck do people like you and RichardD make it through life. The Zionist Jews aren’t responsible for every single thing wrong in the world, they may be bad and guilty of many things, but blaming them for every single ill in the world is just insane hatred and nothing else. It’s like you’re accusations that Putin’s actually a Zionist, if anything anyone who cares to check can see both he and Russia are anything but pro Zionist, but for you and you’re one eyed bigotry even sitting down and having a meeting is reason enough to call him a Zionist, you need to put aside your hatred and look at the world with clear eyes, not everyone who disagrees with you or has a different opinion, or even God forbid has any valid criticism of Iran or it’s policies is a Zionist. And btw I’m pretty sure Richard doesn’t think Putin’s pro Zionist, so you’re barking up the wrong tree with him, he only hates the Jews, so don’t mention anything to him about your belief Putin’s really a Zionist, just stick to the Jews did it style comments, otherwise you might piss him off, and then you’ll be really sorry, he has a lot of spare time on his hands and knows how to use it very unwisely.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No I’m not a Zionist shrill, you’re just a one eyed bigot that can’t tell the difference between sensible rational concern and bigotry, you’re just too stupid to be able to, if the SAA started being infected in the unsanitary conditions many of them have to live in, that virus would spread like wildfire. Sick SAA soldiers and civilians filling up the already overworked hospitals would be the last thing Syria needs right now, not to mention the loss of manpower to the army, loss of workers for vital industry ect, are you kidding, don’t you think taking the proper precautions to stop an outbreak in Syria are prudent, I don’t care if you don’t, I do.

And just like you I at first mocked the Coronavirus, I still remember the SARS epidemic scare, in 3 weeks a few hundred people died all over the world and during the same time period 20,000 people in China died from just the normal flu, that made me much less concerned. And up until I saw the videos from Iran I was thinking the same about the Coronavirus, but I did some checking after seeing those videos and that’s just not the case. It has more than 10 times the death rate most Flu viruses have and is way more contagious, on top of that symptoms aren’t always precursors for infectious periods, which makes it even easier to spread. You need a good dose of Coronavirus Richard, so I hope you have an outbreak at the mental institution you live in, and I also hope you’re the only one who gets sick.


If it has 10 times the death rate of the flu using estimated rather than tested cases. Then prove it.

Zionism = EVIL

They can’t, just whatever the Jew media tells them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So why did the Jews infect the Chinese first smart guy, how about a link that supports that assertion, and how about another link that explains why the Iranians are the Muslim brotherhoods biggest supporters, especially since Assad keeps saying they’re the group doing the most harm to Syria now.

Zionism = EVIL

To be fair, this virus looks like a bio-warfare gone viral. However, the Jew media and Americunts will use this to weaken China as much as possible. Also we live in a “globalized world” and cheap air travel has made it much easier to pass germs around. There are close to 50,000 Chinese in Tehran alone and they go back and forth every day, and the same goes for all parts. On the whole this virus has mostly killed the most vulnerable old people and the mortality rate in only 3% of the 100,000 or so infected. So in a global population of 9 billion, it is peanuts, so there is no need for mass hysteria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It doesn’t look like a “bio-warfare gone viral” to me, just another virus that we have to stay on top of, and you called me a Zionist troll for suggesting it. And while you seem obsessed with the death toll rate you ignore the the fact people are getting sick for weeks on end and are being totally debilitated, not too mention the hospitals that would fill up or the financial burden Syria can’t afford during a war. But what I really want to know why Iran supports the Muslim Brotherhood when Assad keeps saying the Muslim brotherhood is Syria’s greatest enemy bar none, you’re pro Iranian so you should be able to explain the total contradiction for me, I’d really like to know.


“The supposedly terrifying rate at which COVID-19 is spreading is due solely to the fact that the vast majority of those affected have only mild-to-zero symptoms and therefore go about their daily business. This probably also causes the oft-repeated 2% mortality rate to be enormously overstated; there may be hundreds of thousands of infected persons who have gone undiagnosed because they feel just fine.”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, do you think I don’t know that, but the simple fact is it’s 10 times deadlier than normal flu, people with the flu also don’t always develop debilitating symptoms either, many of them also fail to realize they have the flu, and in those cases it’s not reported either, so this is just more mindless BS to confuse the situation, something you excel at, why don’t you try using the Lancet to ascertain medical facts instead of using bait stories.


I provided a link proving my point. You’ve repeatedly dodged proving your’s.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And I said it was all BS and proved why it’s all BS, this is a fact, In Australia we have 74 confirmed cases and 3 deaths, that’s one in 24 people dying from the virus, have you ever seen the flu do that anywhere, it doesn’t even do that much damage in nursing homes where the people are already sick and frail.


74 confirmed cases is a drop in the bucket compared to the estimated cases that are used for flu statistics. If estimated cases were used for the coronavirus like they are for the flu it wouldn’t be any worse than the flu.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So all the best medical minds in the whole world are either wrong or under the control of Zionist puppet masters, LOL, you’re both as mad as each other, do you both live in the same mental institution.


That’s a dodge, because you can’t prove your point or disprove mine.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

link please, prove your BS lies with a link, everyone else has to for you.


You made the claim, it’s your’s to prove.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

In Australia we have 74 confirmed cases and 3 deaths, that’s one in 24 people dying from the virus, have you ever seen the flu do that anywhere, it doesn’t even do that much damage in nursing homes where the people are already sick and frail.


74 tested cases. Estimate cases are far higher.


Then post the links from the best medical minds saying that the death rate using estimated cases like they do with the flu rather than tested cases is 10 times higher for the Coronavirus.


I think that Gates is on the high end and is using tested rather than estimated figures. He is peddling a coronavirus home testing kit. But even using inflated numbers he’s putting it in the high end of the flu range:

“The data so far suggests that the virus has a case fatality risk around 1%; this rate would make it several times more severe than typical seasonal influenza and would put it somewhere between the 1957 influenza pandemic (0.6%) and the 1918 influenza pandemic (2%).”

– How to respond to Covid 19 –

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, Italy has four times the mortality rate of Iran, which is now quite contained. Do check FACTS before posting hasbara standard propaganda.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So what, even if Italy does has 4 times the number of cases they’re not going to Syria are they, not many people are, but the Iranians are back and forth like yo yo’s, so don’t you think it’s prudent to take all necessary precautions. look at your country, people falling on the streets, politicians dropping on camera, FMD, are you an idiot, do you really want to risk it spreading to Syria.

“The head of Iran’s counter-coronavirus task force has tested positive for the virus, amid concerns the outbreak may be far wider than officially acknowledged. The news of deputy health minister Iraj Harirchi’s infection came one day after a Tehran news conference in which he sought to downplay the danger posed by the outbreak, but coughed and was visibly sweating while speaking. Tehran MP Mahmoud Sadeghi also tested positive for the coronavirus, as the death toll in Iran rose to 16. It is the highest number of deaths outside China, where the virus emerged in December and has since killed more than 2,600 people.”


The last thing the SAA needs now is an outbreak of the Coronavirus, it would spread like wildfire and do exactly the same thing to Syria that it’s now doing in Iran, Italy and China. You do realize that most countries now have travel bans in place to try and stop the spread, and since there’s such a lot of traffic coming and going from Iran [a known hotspot with the most recorded deaths outside of China], you call me a Zionist troll for saying,

“The last thing the SAA needs now is an outbreak of the coronavirus, I hope Syria’s taking all the necessary precautions, Iran’s becoming a hotspot for the virus and we don’t want Syria suffering the same fate at this crucial time.”

You and RichardD are both retarded, you remind me of the US government during the 50’s, “there’s a commie under every bed”. I make a sensible and relevant comment and you call me a Zionist troll, f-ck off you one eyed Iranian bigot, I’d say the same thing about any country.

Zionism = EVIL

Those under 18 are less susceptible to the virus, according to the limited clinical reports available from most affected nations..

WHO data and international preliminary checks reveal that those over 65 are at higher risk of more severe symptoms as are those with pre-existing conditions like heart disease or asthma.

However, the mortality rate is highest among people over 80 in all the affected countries.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

40 years of age is when you get into the high risk category, and what’s the average age of the SAA, probably about 40, mmm. Unhygienic conditions on a battlefield won’t help either.

You still haven’t told me why the Iranians support the Muslim brotherhood despite the fact Assad’s always said they’re the ones doing the most harm to Syria, that the reply I’m waiting for.

Zionism = EVIL

Where did you get that idea? Iran nominally supported Morsi in Egypt as he was pro-Palestinian and also Iran has dislike for Sisi who is a Zionist stooge and overthrew an elected government. The MB was supported by Turkey, Qatar and UAE mostly. Now the situation is a bit more complicated so simplistic statements can not be applied. Iranian interests for 3,000 years are secure borders and regional influence. Look at Iran’s changed policy towards Taliban now.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran supports the MB fully, Assad calls them terrorists and Iran says they’re not, you can’t get any clearer than that, it’s not complicated at all, just totally convoluted, PURPOSELY.

Zionism = EVIL

Prove it with an official policy link, it sounds like usual baloney to me :)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re pro Iranian but don’t have a clue that the Muslim Brotherhood’s teachings were a fundamental precursor to the Iranian ideological uprisings that threw out the Sha and his US masters, and you say the 2 systems are nothing like each other, lol, both peas in a pod. Some of Iran’s most prominent religious leaders praise the MB’s political and religious aspirations, and also say they were one of the biggest influences on their own beliefs as young men, helping them form the opinions they hold today. I can’t find any official Iranian statements from their government run news sites since they don’t have archives, but there’s plenty of info from everyone else, so why don’t you have a look and see what the enemy has to say,

“Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has criticised a US plan to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation. “The US is not in position to (..) start naming others as terror organisations and we reject any attempt by the US in this regard,” he told reporters on a sideline of a conference in Doha on Wednesday. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi had urged Trump to take the step during an April 9 visit to the White House, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing officials familiar with the matter.”










Jimmy Jim


Willing Conscience (The Truths

You need a good dose of coronavirus don’t you simple Jimmy, or should I call you ‘two word’ Jimmy.


the world needs more than ever a world where there is no israel or jews occupying palestine and the best hope for that is Iran. and once syria is liberated, turkey, syria, iraq and iran and hezbollah can put an end to the jew’s occupation of palestine and send them packing and the world will say – not a second too soon.

Shia man


cechas vodobenikov

and the anglo fascists do nothing except quarrel like children and hysterically claim that the covid 19 matters…these idiots were hystrionic regarding, sars, bird flue, swine flu, zika, etc…perhaps they r all suffering from HIV induced dementia—do they have a vaccine for stupidity in the anglosphere?


Is there a need for such risk? Iran has already lost some top Generals assassinated by US-Israel embedded snipers in ISIS. So did Russia best General was killed by US super high precision artillery.

Soleimani assassination is a good lesson to learn, never trust USM & Israel.

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