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Iran’s Qiam-1 Road-Mobile Short-Range Ballistic Missile (Infographics)

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Iran’s Qiam-1 Road-Mobile Short-Range Ballistic Missile (Infographics)

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Iran’s Qiam-1 is a liquid fueled, short-range ballistic missile developed on the basis of the the Iranian Shahab-2, a licensed copy of North Korea’s Hwasong-6 (a version of the Soviet Scud-C). Iran used Qiam-1 missiles alongisde Zulfaghar missiles to carry out the January 8 strike on US bases in Iraq.


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Thousands more flee Idlib City as Russian bombardment intensifies

Thousands more Syrians have been forced to leave their homes in Idlib city, as a Russian-led bombardment of the provincial capital intensifies.

At least 20,000 civilians have fled Idlib City towards the Turkish border in recent days, the Response Coordination Group told Anadolu news agency on Tuesday, as a major humanitarian crisis unfolds in the besieged opposition province.

It follows the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Syrians over the past few month due to heavy Russian bombing and a regime advance on the ground in the south of Idlib province. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2020/1/9/thousands-more-flee-idlib-city-as-russian-bombardment-intensifies

Arch Bungle

ISIS rats fleeing their holes.

Mustafa Mehmet

Dumbo idiot

Arch Bungle

Your mother.

Mustafa Mehmet

Dumbo.. they are innocent civilian…. you know damn well they are innocent civilian running away from bombing from your dictator

Arch Bungle

Imbecile. The innocent civilians are innocent, the ISIS rats are fleeing their holes. Is it so difficult for you to comprehend that the situation is that mixed?


Idlib was bound to be a problem after it was used as a dumping ground. At least its mainly the imported terrorist sympathisers who are being displaced.

Assad must stay

hugely powerful


Based on scud! 1970’s tech! Stop sucking Iran’s dick! They copied it from North Korea who copied it off Russia! Also its Licensed, therefore RENTING the tech (did not invent one part of it)! Why would u admire a copy of a copy of 1970’s tech? im embarrassed for you!

Arch Bungle

A US battalion wiped out by a scud or wiped out by a Kalibr-M is wiped out either way.


the problem is that hardly few (empty?) barracks are “wiped out”..

It is called “saving a face”

Arch Bungle

You miss the point. And you’re working under assumptions. And you’re buying into unrealistic notion that a weak power would strike the US’ 2 most critical bases in Iraq simply to save face. Since when does the US ever allow even symbolic strikes without massive retaliation? Only when it is afraid to confront an opponent. Iran warned the US it would strike twice, and if the US sat quietly then it would not strike a 3rd time. The US obediently complied. It was terrified of further escalation by Iran. The point is that the Iranians wanted to demonstrate a capability the US didn’t realise they had, i.e Precision Guided Missiles. They struck 3 exact buildings in 1 base which could not have been struck without this technology. This was a deterrent strike, not a face saving one.


“Since when does the US ever allow even symbolic strikes without massive retaliation?” “”Since this Iranian (would be?) “revenge attack”!

“The US obediently complied. It was terrified of further escalation by Iran.” Ha ha ha !You and logic are not friends! “The US obediently complied”?!!? How the hell do you know that? Perhaps both sides AGREED to do staged Iranian attackdestroy2 EMPTY barracks to save the face and have common exit away from the possible war ! Maybe ALL is staged by both sides! This yours “explanation” is so much twisted that sounds pathetic because you even CONTRADICT yourself buy exaggerating from both side! You do NOT KNOW ALL THAT! You are just jumping on conclusions the way they suite you!! That is all !!

“I do not say that I have answer but I most definitely do not like your answer.” And WHAT the fuck is so much ” a secret” about CEP of 10 meters on very SHORT range ballistic missiles with small warheads?! The tech in missiles is OLD SOVIET tech copied by everybody from China, Korea,Pakistan, India to Iran and with the Chinese electronics put on top. Big deal “top secret” known for decades already!

“The point is that the Iranians wanted to demonstrate a capability the US didn’t realise they had

Arch Bungle

In one strike on the base at least three buildings were struck precisely. Look at the sattelite photos, they were levelled. Its a barracks and under normal circumstances could very well contain soldiers or equipment, and indeed was wiped out. That is the fate awaiting American soldiers should a war break out in the Middle East where Iran is pushed to counterstrike.


NOBODY was there ! Those worthless tin foil “buildings” were much less expensive than those Iranian missiles ! Attack was staged ! Iran has informed Iraq who have informed US… US soldiers were sitting in the BUNKERS during the attack !!! Stupid misinformation’s about dead and wounded come from ISRAHELL because they want outrage of US public to start war against Iran. Misinformation’s about some dead & wounded come from Iran also because they want to convince gullible public that US was punished by Iran. The truth is : This was staged operation that gives EXIT to BOTH SIDES out of the war situation. The destruction in US base was MINIMAL on very LOW VALUE targets while choppers and airplanes were not even scratched!

Arch Bungle

Really? Wheres your evidence for this? You’re speculating like everyone else!


Evidence for what? Even Iran publicly saying that they were not targeting to kill anybody. As for Iran saying to Iraq that is not “secret” at all. Of course that there are no proves that Iraq has told US but every idiot knows how Iraqi’s government are corrupted. So Iran has told them knowing that they will tell to the Americans (for money of course)


And if you think that WOULD BE “80 dead and 240 wounded” could be hidden (while all US warmongers like AIPAC, neocons,”deep state” MIC,DoD,MSM, IsraHELL,Saudis can’t wait for war to start than you are an idiot) They would DESTROY Trump for such casualties and for not RETALIATING and would scream from the rooftops ; BOMB IRAN NOW!


HERE new fresh article on sputnik:

Report Reveals Why US Troops Suffered No Casualties During Iran Strike on American Bases in Iraq

Troops stationed at an Iraqi air base knew beforehand that the facility will be attacked by Iran, which helped them to safely take shelter, unnamed sources were cited by CNN as saying on Sunday.

Sources asserted that most US forces were either withdrawn from the base or sheltered in bunkers for two-and-a-half-hours before Iran launched missiles on Wednesday.



Batalian wiped out? In which alternative universe did this happen? lol!

u guys are so full of shit, u need to lie your ass off to save face!

SCREEN SHOT THIS! Add to my collection

Arch Bungle

You seem to have poor reading comprehension (not to mention spelling). The proposition was that a battalion wiped out by an old scud would be dead just the same as a battalion wiped out by a modern state of the art guided precision missile. Nobody cited an actual event we’re still in the process of debating hypotheticals here. Do I have to spell these things out in terms a child can understand?


1. i forgot the T! Thanks Spelling Nazi, i forgot i’m writing a piece for Tie magazine here! What was i thinking!

2. Saying the a Battalion was wiped out is a false narrative if thats what your intention was to make here! The missile hit but hit nothing of value! A Battalion means Soldiers died! Where are the dead bodies!!!

Maybe u should have said, “works just as well as the new ones”! 5 were taken out by air defences, maybe if those 5 were more modern, maybe they would have survived, therefore your argument holds no ground!

Even though u know no lives were lost, u still chose to use the analogy of a Battalion being killed in an incident where nobody was killed!

My point is that if they were modern and not 1970’s copy of a copy, maybe REAL lives would be killed which would then make your comment totally bullshit!

Maybe 5 wouldnt get shot down if they were NOT a copy of a copy of 1970’s tech! Did u ever think of that? or it didnt cross your mind?

My point is, these are crap! They hit nothing the USA considered worth a 3 million dollar missile to intercept! DO U GET ME SWEETHEART?


you have very sharp tongue, but you are right…perhaps this forum needs that to put some people in the right place. somebody has to stop this shouting and cheering “Iran is great”at least now when they have shot down Ukrainian plane and killed 180people and showed that they have totally outdated air surveillance systems. And also when they performed very doubtful “revenge”against (empty?) barracks.


you are spot on!

Murghi ka Darba.

seriously, MIRV? That pointy/triangle shaped warhead, IS NOT MIRV u need to put multiple warheads in a single missile, and they cant be fit in a design like this……


True. But this is not military forum and plenty of people don’t know. They don’t have know how. Today only Russia , US and China have that know how.

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