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MARCH 2025

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Inaugurates New Underground Ballistic ‘Missile City’

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

At a moment the question of the Biden administration’s reentry into the 2015 nuclear deal remains in doubt – despite the admin seeking to assure that “indirect diplomacy” is taking place through the Europeans – tensions are soaring in the region and the prospect of a major regional war between Israel, Iran and Syria is now greater than ever.

For starters, it appears Israel and Iran are engaged in a shadow war to sabotage each other’s tankers in places like the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman. Signaling continued military preparations in this tit-for-tat saga which has witnessed what was for years a proxy battle fast becoming a more ‘direct’ confrontation, on Monday Iran’s IRGC Navy unveiled a new underground missile base, video footage of which was featured in state media.

Iranian state media dubbed it an advanced “missile city” containing cruise and ballistic missiles able to hit targets at “multiple ranges” and with 360-degree firing power. The particular imagery featured, however, may have been teased earlier in January. The base appears to have now been formally activated.

The Fars agency emphasized these weapons were all domestically produced by the Iranian Defense Ministry in conjunction with the elite Revolutionary Guard. IRGC commander Major General Hossein Salami was reportedly present at the base, location undisclosed, along with the commander of the IRGC’s Navy, Ali Reza Tangsiri.

Salami touted the Islamic Republic’s ability to erect such an impressive and sophisticated underground base even with Washington-led sanctions seeking to stymie such missile development.

“Despite being under sanctions, we have made major technological achievements in the defense industry,” the commander said in what was also clearly a message geared as a warning and threat to Tel Aviv.

It was only within the last year that Western media began featuring with increasing alarm more and more coverage of Iran’s vastly growing underground arsenal.

The idea is that if under attack the bases can be adequately shielded and defended from enemy assault. Large silos can then open up from the desert floor to strike back.

In years past Iranian state media reports have appeared to validate that the “missile cities” are indeed legitimate and sprawling:

It was only within the last year that Western media began featuring with increasing alarm more and more coverage of Iran’s vastly growing underground arsenal.

The idea is that if under attack the bases can be adequately shielded and defended from enemy assault. Large silos can then open up from the desert floor to strike back.

In years past Iranian state media reports have appeared to validate that the “missile cities” are indeed legitimate and sprawling:

For example Reuters reported last year that “Iran has established underground onshore and offshore missile cities all along the coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman that would be a nightmare for Iran’s enemies,” according the statement of a top Iranian commander.

It should also be noted that the IRGC recently boasted it was expanding naval bases near the Indian Ocean and in the Gulf of Oman. We can imagine that they also include underground facilities such as what are featured in the new images published Monday.


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Just Me

This is the latest underground missile city in the mountains of Sistan and connected to Chah Bahar port and airbase by underground network of roads. This base will control access to the Persian Gulf. Iran also unveiled a medium range solid fuel SSM with a range of 500 miles plus and precision guidance.

The IRGC Navy’s new missile city includes a host of missile systems as well as cruise and ballistic missiles with various ranges. A newly formed electronic warfare unit is also based at this strategic base tunneled several kilometers underground in Sistan mountains.

The new missiles and missile gear have advanced operational capabilities, such as accurate firing from underground launchers and civil defense sites.

The new equipment in the missile city can launch mines in various ranges, allow for 360 degree and mobile firing operations, be used in electronic warfare, and enhance the IRGC naval forces’ fire range and destructive power in combat.

One of the items unveiled in the event was a missile system that can shift the focus on targets after launch.


Just Me

Iran building a multi-deck helicopter carrier assault ship. To be commissioned next year.



Hence Israel wants to buy Lancers since bunker busters are quiet heavy


Frankly, the Zionists are crapping in their diapers and will or can do nothing. Barking dogs don’t bite. Jews operate by having the goyim do their bidding, but that is no going to happen either.

Blue In Green

I’ll just repost this here.



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4bdf0b9612227b522b539eeb4823231e7936bb247d611fd3d8929e330a8acb35.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f8cd4da83c16973ede25da53b889681ed033776e9bb28fe0f36dea0c656929e0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a298d971cf1eacf8e3ab7c2b0e84d8fed793dd9f8aa8d4b492ac34d5284fa620.jpg

Blue In Green



This is just way over kill bro. We don’t need this many missiles to knock out almost nonexistent regional camel jockey navies. Lets just hope these are dual purpose and can target at least coastal installations as well.

Blue In Green

Agreed but this is just for one base, there are dozens of other bases bigger and smaller than this one which house their own missile arsenals in the same or greater quantities. It’s nothing short of astonishing…….

The idea behind having so many bases and missiles is to simply offset the massive Air-power differential in the region. Iran’s Air-Force just isn’t equipped at all to face down Israel, America or Saudi Arabia so the IRGC (under Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam vision) have pushed to build, test, improve, produce etc., large quantities of missiles (all ranges and types) by implementing a national, low-cost production apparatus. All of this is done to equal out the balance of power in the Middle-East.

But you do allude to a problem that Iran is trying to address i think, which is one of firing method (imo). It’s one thing to have one of the worlds (if not the worlds) largest missile stockpile (surface-to-surface) but it’s an entirely different ball-game when it comes to firing methods. My main concern has always been that Iran might be manufacturing missiles at a pace in where they can’t adequately find space to store them properly and when it comes down to fighting, they might not be able to fire them off as effectively (think large volleys). But I digress, this is more conjecture and speculation on my part. Iran most likely figured out how to launch as many missiles as needed per-mission parameters.


I think just this base here has more anti ship missiles than the entire middle east navies put together…..lol….unless they’ve done the statistical modeling based on the numbers required to destroy all the known vessels in service with the regional navies. Must be a reason to have this many, unless I’m wrong.

Blue In Green

I think you’re actually pretty much on track. It would be a massive waste of resources to simply build as many missiles as possible without actually properly gauging how many you need in order to establish dominance and surety in the destruction of designated targets. The logistical hurdle of just building with abandon would be astronomical, even for Iran that produces weapons cheaply and in mass-quantities. But, on the other hand, one can entertain the idea that they’re building as many as the want because they’ve reached a level of industrial maturity that allows for such production to happen without incurring any severe penalty.

The purpose of these coastal missile-cities is simple. When a conflict goes down, their survivability (facility itself+ various firing methods) and weapons stockpile will be able to control the Straight of Hormuz and Persian Gulf, allowing Iran to enact a one-way blockade of Gulf Arab State’s oil revenues should an emerging conflict get bad enough. Another purpose is that it allows Iran to target (at its heart’s content) whatever naval asset it wants to, imposing a heavy cost to life and material should any enemy state choose to path through the area which falls under IRGC’s missile umbrella.


I bet both the hezb and houthi’s will get a lot of these systems as hand me downs as Iran progresses to better and stealthier newer weapons. A lot of this could be just maintaining of redundancy in ordnance stockpiles. I was just trying to explain to farbat below that the use of tactical nukes is a real possibility, and he ain’t getting it. SMH……lol

Blue In Green

I’ll go ahead and confirm you suspicions Ahson, the entire reason why Iran is building a nation-wide sprawling network of underground missile facilities is exactly because they think America/Israel will be using tactical-level nuclear weaponry against Iranian-soil during the very opening stages of a conflict, along with any other manner of heavy, ground-penetrating ordnances.

These facilities are reinforced to withstand nuclear blasts as well as bunker-busters (some can withstand bunker busters better than others, but not indefinitely for obvious reasons) but they’re meant to be built with survivability in mind until their respective stockpiles are depleted and missions objectives have been met.


That seems to be the message being communicated in the video – attack Iran and they will sink everything in Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. Would assume the long line of white tipped blue missiles are Noor missiles, based on Chinese C-802 anti-shipping missile, and with that sort of inventory the strike rate is going to be high. Bearing in mind, the Persian Gulf is quite shallow, and only has a central channel for large international shipping through it – fill that channel up with sunken tankers and no more Gulf tanker exports for long time. Economic chaos for Gulf oil exporters and for Gulf oil importers alike. That seems the clearest telegraphed message/ and or warning here. Something else that increasingly concerns US – during 2020 US reports suggested Iran has been successfully developing ramjet engines – these could be developed for upgrading their existing subsonic cruise missiles and anti-shipping missiles to go fully supersonic – basically unstoppable.


I was not able to play the video, however, based on other factors and the fact that Aegis defenses are “sophisticated” as advertised, you need a swarm of anti ship missiles to exhaust the SA 6 air defense missiles the US navy destroyers are equipped with.


Irans missile doctrine focuses on mobile launch capability. With these missiles come a number of mobile launchers, which can reach most of th coast on wheels. There are several coastal roads enlarged to allow placement of missile launchers. If you check on google earth you can see road constructions alonmg the coast line.


Its important to kill a zionist khazar twice, just to make sure :)

Great Khan






Lazy Gamer

Iran has prepared well. But will these tunnels be able to withstand consecutive MOABs? Maybe the point is not the destruction of the whole underground complex but merely the destruction of exit and launch points.


MOAB isn’t a bunker buster, you must be thinking of MOP – massive ordinance penetrator. Even that would struggle due to the extra hard Iranian concrete (a little known fact), the thin hallways (small targets) and the secretive locations of them all.

chris chuba

Thin hallways a good idea, the Vietnamese dug diagonal slit trenches for the same reason. I wonder if any of those smart Iranian engineers figured out a way to direct the blast energy to a safe location just in case one of them does get hit rather than have the full force contained in a narrow concrete tunnel. Even something like having a few weakpoints to the surface or a cavern might do the trick.


They doing what they know and they doing it well. The war with Iran will be the last one for JewSA and Israhell.


yep once the different actors in the middle east get their act together it should be the end of the jews in palestine.


Hezbollah delegation has very friendly talks in Russia.


just make certain that the jews don’t inveigle their way into these underground culverts claiming to be just an ordinary iranian while being an embedded jew posing as an iranian (since 3 generations while maintaining loyalty to the jews).

chris chuba

I really hope they studied the science of underground blasts to minimize chain reactions. I don’t like seeing stacks of bombs inside of concrete and solid stone caverns. Hope they had some of their really smart engineers design fire control. Compartmentalize, distributed storage and even hidden venting areas to direct the energy from blasts to the surface or other safe areas. An underground blast would be a real problem but you don’t want it to be a disaster.

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