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MARCH 2025

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards To Establish Tribal Force In Syria’s Deir Ezzor

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Iran’s Revolutionary Guards To Establish Tribal Force In Syria’s Deir Ezzor

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The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) is reportedly working to establish a tribal force in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor.

The Eye of Euphrates said that the IRGC efforts are being coordinated by the commander of the Iranian-backed al-Sheikh Brigade, Akram Ahmed al-Akram al-Khader.

According to the pro-opposition news outlet, al-Khader, also known as “al-Sheikh,” held on February 2 a meeting with prominent tribal leaders from the government-held part of southern Deir Ezzor in his house in the town of al-Mayadin.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the Arab tribes of Al Akidat, Al Shahidah, Al Baqara, Al Qalai’in, Al Busraya, Al Qaraan and Al Juhaish.

During the meeting, al-Sheikh called on local leaders to establish a joint tribal force in Deir Ezzor. He also promised that the IRGC will provide the needed support. A future meeting with the IRGC top officers in the governorate was also discussed.

“The mission of the new tribal force will be to support Iranian forces in their military operations in the region as a whole, and in the Badia [desert] regions in particular,” the Eye of Euphrates quoted al-Sheikh as saying.

Recently, Iranian-backed forces in Deir Ezzor, Homs and Raqqa became more involved in the ongoing operations against ISIS cells in the central region.

This development shows how Iran’s influence in Syria is growing despite the ever increasing economic and military pressure from the US and Israel.

A report released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on February 3 revealed that the IRGC has recruited 9,600 local fighters in Syria’s southern region and 8,350 others in Deir Ezzor so far.


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Fog of War

Why aren’t those tribes already supporting the SAA ?


They are, but individually they can’t do much. Each tribe has but a limited able fighters.

What they need to become a considerable force is to be organized. This is where Iran excels.

Fog of War

But they have enough troops to join Iran’s militias ? What am I missing here ? Also, the SAA is incapable or organizing a fighting force ? Seems odd.


No. It’s no enlistment of conscripts as a regular army does.

Individual tribes haven’t got enough fighters, together they can form a larger force. SAA is a regular army and structured in a traditional way. Organizing these scattered (and often in clash with each other over old feuds) tribes and combine them into a useful defensive (and not only that, they will be used in relief work, social programs and so on) is a part of asymmetric defence that Iran has years of experience in.

And they won’t join “Iran’s militia”. They will be a force of their own for Syria with a command structure which finally answers to someone in [probably] Syrian NDF.

Fog of War

” Organizing these scattered (and often in clash with each other over old feuds) tribes ” Sounds like more armed groups that will eventually want some sort of autonomy. Additionally, if the Syrian government cant organize its own citizens to defend the Syrian nation then Assad has a serious problem. How did he rule before ? By asking nicely ?

Jens Holm

That can be correct. Untel USSR collapsed in 1991 the danish forced had 70.000 milisia soldiers as supplement. Many were older soldiers and there was many women too mainly for communication but also armed.

Those local troops were few in each “kommune”, but they they knev every inch of the terraisn and had to tell the real soldiers, where the enemy was. They has many landmines to stop or delay the enemy and also were rapporting low flying under radar Jets.

They were armed with riffles, machine guns, hand grenades and morters. I the real figtings among the real troops, they were trained to be local advikcers knowing local things.

So they were eyes as scouts, which is very usefull.

None of them wanted any kind of autonomy. They were meant to defend their homes , farland and towns.


Before war Syrian government had unbroken authority in all Syria. It’s been 10 years that for whatever reasons there was no government authority in that part of the country, east of Euphrates and even Homs desert -yes it’s red on map but it’s not really under SAA control. Arab tribes won’t seek autonomy, they count themselves part of a bigger Arab nation. It’s the Kurds who think they are different and .. to hell with them, I’m not going to waste time on them.

If the news is correct and Iranian advisors are doing it, they do it for Syria with not just permission, but upon a request from Syrian government. Perhaps we have to first make sure that SOHR didn’t spread bull$#it like always and then bicker.

If the news is confirmed and when you are ready for bickering, just holler the time and place, also bring your second. We’ll eat eachother’s brain out until someone comes out victorious.

Fog of War

Stand down Iranian. Why would we bicker and who is my second ?


Because… bickering is fun? How should I know? It’s your second, I know mine.

Fog of War

” How should I know? It’s your second, I know mine. ” No sense being made.


It kinda ruins if I explain the joke, doesn’t it? My own fault for pulling the leg of a no-nonsense-too-serious-kind-of-person. My sincere apologies, forget anything after “bickering” part please.

Fog of War

A joke only works if its actually funny. Lets bicker now. You start.


Well, you have to have a sense of humor to get it, actually it was mildly funny. Since you hurt my feelings, I’m miffed. Bicker with yourself. That’ll teach you, there!


US dollares?

Jens Holm

As a start I again will recommend You to read about Syria. Tabqa and along Eufrat and also Kahbour in Syria, those are SHAMMAR emmigrants, which came in 1820 to 1820.

Thats why ISIS was supported or at least accepted by most of the locals.

The ones., which might support Assads are all refugees in Turkey.

Shammers has their own accent too. Ny that it often has been so, that even arabs north of them was not welcome. And Kurds = NO WAY.

The mentioned 1920 is not true and more some registration aftert the Ottoman collapse.


The best map I could find for it is this. Shammars are the light green ones, but concentrated along Eufrat, Tirgris and Khabour all the way to Bagdad. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d59592950abd501c8a8b4a89c18c826ff6d430e4e8bdfc294fbceb81e51508cb.jpg

Fog of War

So they’re not even Syrian. Fine then, they should be dealt with just like the Kurds will be. This is what Syria gets for letting Arabs in.


The IRGC is seeking to create ANOTHER force with which to use against Israel?

Are the Afghani Shia recruits rethinking their decision to fight against Israel on Iran’s behalf? Now that they’ve been killed / maimed by the incessant attacks on them by the IAF / IDF?

It’s a rhetorical question … eh?

Israel will soon be hitting these bases / troops so get your hankies ready … eh?

The Future is About to Land ….


Welĺ somebody has to stand against Israëli agression and land theft


Israel takes notice and will attack … they’re unafraid … boldly going where ….



Next… One dollar w#ore is back! Your future is herpes which is already landed.


What? No more BS about Press TV or RT?

Just more content free bs … eh?



Frankly, he is a troll and posts on many sites. These dollar whores intent is to deflect from the real issues. The best is to ignore.


Why not toying with it? I won’t address any deflective issues it brings up and just make fun of it. It’d be awesome if others did the same instead of trying to correct him which is exactly what it wants.

Imbecile tried to impersonate itself as an Israeli. A few slangs later he pathetically resorted to Google translate and picked a couple of very common Hebrew insults and then left all the pretense. That’s why I call it Abu-Tiz /Abu-Teez since it always looking forward for the “next”, Arab speakers understand what it means and it ain’t pretty.


BYW … IDF attacked one Syria again … tonight

Ho hum … Iran is wasting its precious ??? on what? Not on Iranians … Iranians are suffering … pmsl


Why do you like to remind us that you’re suffering from PreMenstrual Syndrome (PMS) so much? Keep it to yourself Tiztizzy, it’s a private matter you sick!


The vile Iranian Police State must be dismantled … first it’s ‘secular’ ‘royal’ Shah dictatorship and then a Mullah dictatorship …

Like the Arabs … Muslims are finding life in the 21st Century impossible … eh?

It must be Islam as the common denominator … Islam must be reformed … and soon … eh?

Waiting 100’s of years for a Reformation (like in the case of Christianity) is untenable … Nukes in the hands of Islamists/ Jihadis is just impossible to contemplate … looking at Iran … eh?


You know PMS (it’s not lady-like to scream it in every one of your comments that you’re suffering from it) will stop to bothering you once you pass certain age, don’t you? Do your best to become old, hurry up!!


Scream … it’s you talking nonsense


You have an amazing ability Tizteezy, talking out of one’s bottom is no small feat. I tip my hat to you with envy, middle-aged-lady, respect!

Jens Holm

whores at least has a job. Show respect. Maybee You are an unimplkyed man. Men can handle to be whores too. You do.


Hezbollah has defeated the Zionist continuously since 1982 and today is in far better position to inflict very serious damage and that has kept the Zionists in a diaper. They have never attacked Lebanon directly since 2006 defeat.

Jens Holm

I see none of that.

Jens Holm

Its a Russian plan. It predicts that sometimes in the future it will be a fact. Until then You will kill each other.

John Wallace

It is a force to combat ISIS and you immediately understand it to be a force against Israel knowing that Israel is the force behind ISIS. Well spotted Splatz.



IS/Daesh looks to weak opponents … anyone except Israel … besides Israel isn’t ‘on the ground’ in Syria … IS/Daesh are useless against an armed force of Israel’s ability … all IS/Daesh can do is interrupt / blow up … suicide missions

John Wallace

So how’s your lockdown. Still got time to come on here and stir people up with your bullshit I see. Your sole purpose here is to wind people up so truth is of no relevance. I thought everyone was getting stabbed in Israel so you should all be free by now , or isn’t it working.


Frankly, he or she is blocked by most people who don’t bother to read the nonsense. The best is not to respond.

John Wallace

Blocking it doesn’t stop it from posing comments and I know it is here just stir the pot. No point giving the burglar the keys to the front door.


True, but it is pointless nonsense and not even worth reading. Hasbara trolls are very desperate now as even western population is waking up to the Zionist parasites as economic problems and the pandemic has hit hard. The Zionists are largely irrelevant now and so are the trolls. It is quite embarrassing for them as for 42 years they have been boasting of “attacking Iran” and have no balls to even take on Hezbollah.

John Wallace

I am well aware he is just a troll spewing horseshit just for the sake of spewing horseshit. He even told me so months back..


Syria was hit again tonight sluggo … sleep on that!


True, I’ve blocked the retard, but I enjoy reading the saucy retorts from those who have the stomach for it.


Ya … Wear a mask … Social distance … Don’t touch your face … Wash hand often … Don’t stray far from home …

It’s working so far … I’m a pretty good cook and have gotten better this year … eh?

Israel is attacking INSIDE Syria AGAIN TONIGHT … eh? More Shia dead … more IRGC weapons blown up ‘real good’ … eh?


John Wallace

Wearing a mask ? , social distancing , lockdowns , been almost a year since we had that bullshit and forgotten what it all was.. At least you are doing something useful , improving your cooking,. That never goes to waste , unlike your time on here ..Haven’t heard about the latest strikes but I guess I will see later.


Lots of ‘free time’ until we beat this virus …

Jens Holm

Wrong geografy. ISIS made the pipeline tunnel between the Kurds exporting oil to Israel …

John Wallace

Jens you are so far out of touch with this because obviously you haven’t a clue what or why I wrote what I did. No comprehension at all. Try reading Splatz’s comment and try and understand why the reply. Don’t try and tell me you do understand because you DON’T .

chris chuba

You are a narcissistic buffoon. The Syrians are fighting for their lives. They only think about Israel when Israel insists on bombing them while they fight for their own country, or Israel convinces the U.S. to torment Syria.

Iran and Syria have every right to organize forces to re-take the oil fields, expel the U.S from Al Tanf, and the Turks and HTS from northern Syria.


Iran is the existential enemy of Israel … I heard an interview on Al Jazeera English on whether the JCPOA will be renewed by Biden … an Israeli / an Iranian / an American were interviewed … in the middle of the conversation the Israeli directly asked the Iranian what Iran considers Israel … the answer was to the point … ‘ILLEGITIMATE STATE’ was his answer … hello?

This is NOT about Syria … hello?

Syria is a failed state … unable to get rid of the Jihadis / Islamists floating around … frankly Syria is a Crime Cabal run by the Assad Crime Family … full stop

Israel is ‘helping’ Syria to expel the vile Iranians and their various ‘Shia Brigades’ …

Assad should be thankful … eh?

You’re the narcissist buffoon … and that’s being generous



“Iran is the existential enemy of Israel”

Israel has 200 to 400 ready-to-fire nuclear bombs, enough to destroy Iran several times over, and is one of the only countries on the planet actively refusing ratification of the NPT, and outright refusing any idea of inspection of its Dimona nuclear R&D site.

By contrast, Iran has zero nuclear weapons and still to this day opens up the entirety of its nuclear infrastructure to the most severe inspection regime in the history of the IAEI. However thanks to Bibi and his unprecedented wisdom in so foolishly wreaking the JCPOA along with his butt-buddy Donald that he pushed through AIPAC every step of the way into a confrontational stance with Tehran, Iran had every right to break compliance and massively stock up on enriched uranium within the relevant legal boundaries of the deal when it comes to litigation. Congratulation on cutting down the path to a theoretical nuclear device from a full year to a mere trimester, retard. Nuff said, now GTFO.

‘ILLEGITIMATE STATE’ was his answer … hello?”

And what’s so shocking with that expression you brainless moron ? What do you call a state with currently unrecognized borders ever since its surprise criminal invasion war of 1967, illegally occupying lands from every single of its neighbors bar Egypt that got it back through war and negotiations, and Lebanon that got most of it back through 20 years of successful guerrilla ? What do you call a country founded on outright terrorism and ethnic cleansing, followed by gradual expropriation and settlement expansion through sheer military force ?

Golda Meir infamously asked a reporter in an interview stating “the people what” ? when queried about whether they should have their own lands and state. So basically she even refuses to consider Palestinians as human beings as a whole. Now how fascistic would that one be ?

Iran hosts the largest Jewish community in the middle east outside of Israel and they have representation at the Majlis (Iranian parliament), dedicated budget to maintain, build, modernize Synagogues, have the right to practice their religion and have recognized days-off to be able to celebrate key rituals. But of course, knowing all that needs reading skills and a taste for real education, none of which are known to count among your most obvious qualities, obviously.


The ‘little Satan’ has been vilified by the vile Mullah State since 1979 … hello?

Israel among other states is not a signatory of the NPT … has NEVER asked the IAEA for help with Nuclear Power issues … full stop

Iran signed both the NPT and IAEA and must abide by its conditions … full stop

When / if Yossi determines that Iran is going for a breakout … Iran will be attacked … full stop

Israel’s founding was recognized immediately by the 2 World Superpowers (USA & SOVIET UNION) … it was attacked by Arab/Muslim states and the rest is history … the Arabs attack and lose territory each time … there has never been a Palestine … hello? The WEST BANK was annexed by Jordan illegally and Israel absorbed it … the Oslo Accords makes Area C and the Jordan Valley Israeli lands and eventually they will be annexed … Areas A & B are currently PA lands but no End of Conflict Peace Agreement has been signed … should another Intifada break out all bets are off on Areas A & B as well … eh?

Most Iranian Jews got out … those left behind are hostages … assigned 1 delegate … tokenism … eh?

The vile Jihadi/Islamist Mullah Police State is the enemy of the Jewish State … full stop

War is inevitable …

Just Me



Home pics of your wife? pmsl

I’d ‘bender over’ … eh?

I wouldn’t wanna look … too scary


My My, that’s what I call a good example of Abu-Teez!

Just Me

Just your average American booty :)


“Israel among other states is not a signatory of the NPT … has NEVER asked the IAEA for help with Nuclear Power issues … full stop”

Are you completely insane on top of being retarded ? Ratifying the NPT isn’t about “getting help”, it is technically an obligation to legitimize one’s nuclear technology and its use both nationally and abroad.

And in that sense, Israel’s persistent refusal to even come close to discuss it in UN session only further demonstrate that its regime has never been interested in anything other than nuclear WEAPONS and MASS DESTRUCTION when it comes to the atom, and NONE of its peaceful uses whatsoever. Making it a doubly criminal state in the eyes of international law, with exactly ZERO compliance to any recognized order, jus like its very borders.

Israel’s refusal puts it on PAR with regimes like North Korea and Pakistan and you seem to be so proud of sharing that standard, congratulations on being a certified douche there as well.

“Most Iranian Jews got out … those left behind are hostages … assigned 1 delegate … tokenism … eh?”

And I love of the likes of Hazan overtly call out Arab members of the Knesset in session, calling them dogs living in a cardbox or his buddy Lieberman calling them to be beheaded if they don’t swear unconditionnal allegiance to a Jewish State, or drowned in the sea, same when its nice PM Bibi says on air that Israel is not the nation of all its citizen (meaning non-Jews) huh. Fascistic Apartheid mascarading as a plural democracy hey ? :-)

In the end, I find some coherence in this country’s criminal standing in every key respect of its existence. And you ask why people call you out after that, LOL get back to Earth.

Israel is the biggest single source of stability and an overt security threat the region and the world with its massive and undeclared, covert, illegal weapons program let alone massive and every countermeasure should be taken to deter it from using its weapons around itself.

“‘Israel’s founding was recognized immediately by the 2 World Superpowers (USA & SOVIET UNION) … ”

What is left of that recognition ever since they turned into a full-blown mass invader in June 67 and unlawfully attacked THREE neighbors at once ? and ever since it bulldoze 50,000 apartment blocks and either killed/expelled its rightful residents ? A short-lived Soviet support was only because foolish Staling thought of turning the Kibbutz into some wicked miniature socialist state, Golda played on that big time and fooled him a hundred times while dealing with the USA in his back. Moscow is the reason why the Suez and Sinai are on Egyptian maps and Israel has shrunk 300% post-73, remember the hard truth ?

“The WEST BANK was annexed by Jordan illegally and Israel absorbed it …”

my neighbor is a thief so I’m ok being a thief, wow the rationale, makes you even smarter than before, keep digging with those “arguments” of yours.

“here has never been a Palestine … hello?”

There was for decades before you came and there still is in millions, busy digging your demographic grave while you can’t even keep your best elements in-house, brain drain is more massive every year in Israël, all alarms belles have been souding for years with no end in sight.

The vile Jihadi/Islamist Mullah Police State is the enemy of the Jewish State … full stop

A Police State that has never attacked or tried to invade a neighboring country for 200 years, while the fake Jewish State has been building on military invasions since day one.

Bring me more bullshit please, I need more laughs.

Jens Holm

He just explain even thin coins has more then one side.


The Accords offered autonomy ONLY … that’s all

Like the Iranians talking about the JCPOA … they say they’ve never breached the deal … lol

BUT … they’ve lied about hidden locations … they’ve lied about military use of material like uranium metal … nuclear triggers testing … the Iranians in short are LIARS … lol

ArabFat didn’t comply … ArabFAT went on a splurge of terror … almost immediately

NPT … Israel isn’t a party to it … neither are Pakistan / India

Your rant is comical … such vitriol … pmsl

BTW … the IDF is bombing Syria tonight …



The Accords offered autonomy ONLY … that’s all

So autonomy and annexation are equivalent notions to you hey ? pathetic. The Accord offered a roadmap to a state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Back to school,away from jewish propaganda centers xD

“ArabFat didn’t comply … ArabFAT went on a splurge of terror … almost immediately”

Your brain is a lost cause to Humanity :-) Arafat officially disarmed the PLO and declared an end to armed struggle,disbanded the armed branch of the PA and startd full cooperation with Mossad and Shin Beit you dumb retard. What happened is that Israel massively ugraded its terror campaign and bulldozed Palestinians houses by the hi dred to expand existing settlements instead of dimantling them per the Accords. Get back to mama and learn real history kid. The whole A-B-C partition of the West Bank is cp sidered null boid and illegal by the entirety of the International Community as it is a far-right unilateral Israeli invention,diametrically opposed to what is stipulated by the Oslo Accord.

“The Iranians in short are LIARS …”

Says the camp with up to 400 undeclared nuclear weapons ot doen’t even acknowledges, and the Samson doctrine that plans using them against major world capitals the day Israel feels endangered enough. Brilliant. Israel is a bit a like a pimp telling people it’s wrong to cheat on twatz’ fat wife right ? I feel angry now ahahahah :p

No one in their right mind from the UN to the IAEI and also Israemi-friendly western European power countered that assertion and validated Iran’s full compliance tome and again, to Israel dismay. What you’re doing it here is simpmy to parrot your fascistic idol Bibi and his pariah bullshit about Iran. Next.

‘NPT … Israel isn’t a party to it … neither are Pakistan / India”

Yeah,thats what I said. And North Koera. You need help readin’ or you mike copy pastin’ ? discovered computers recently ? wanna show off ? get outta here you dumb fuck.

“BTW … the IDF is bombing Syria tonight …”

Yeah ! I saw the terror state has been trying to destroy more Syrian families last night indeed,it seems Syrian AD crews were in one of their good days though,no repprt of casulaties,kudos to their courage and effort,they saved lives last night !

“Your rant is comical … such vitriol … pmsl”

You mean like you’ve stopped vainly wishing for 80 million Persians die under nulear fire ? LMFAO, crawl back to mama and witness this nation grow stronger evey year while you dream on Uncle Sam doing the hard work for you. Rofl you are such easy prey mate,that’s crazy.


The roadmap to a State was finished by Palestinian perfidy … they began a terror campaign culminating in Intifada II … there is no peace to be had … no 2 states w/a shared Jerusalem … only autonomy on part of the WB … Israel is a military superpower and will never allow it to arise … should there be an uprising … the Pals will be scattered to the 4 winds … hello?

As a vile Iranian supremacist … your sh Xt don’t stink? Guess what … your Persian Axx is gonna be attacked … it’s not about ‘next month’ the signs are clear …. the attacks are constant … the Iranian Homeland will be hit … unless y’all back down and stop the nuclear breakout threat

Yossi knows … can’t sleep? TFB


Wooooow look at that rant brah ! so I did ruin your day hey xD

Intifada II happened BECAUSE of Israel’s two-faced murderous treachery started bulldozing entire Palestinians blocks with even more vigor once they decided to disarm to give peace a chance, again Israeli indoctrination centers are not school,be careful !

Oslo gave Palestinians sovereinty over the whole of the West Bank you idiot,again the partition plan is a unilateral Zionist project considered illegal by the whole world.

“Scattered to the 4 winds”? hey? next time they won’t even need uprisings, they’ll swallow you demographically anyway,even Kissinger says you are toast, wake up little twatz xD

As for the rest of your petty rant against my ancestors lands : your thick skull of a retarded primate can kiss my Persian arse. We won’t back down anytime soon and we’ll keep on doing whatever we’d like ,enriching further and building up our proven metric-precision ballistic missile arsenal bigger to strike you 10x harder the day you finally grow some balls and walk that 20-year long boring empty threat of an attack. Bring it on already!!! LOLz xD


‘Considered illegal by the whole world’ … lol

Demographics is destiny … that’s why there are borders … eh?

Iranian slugs keep on trying … eh?

I’m keeping score … eh?

Whose winning so far?

It’s a rhetorical question …


So a couple weak one-liners are supposed to help your vain case in the face of facts right xD

Israel’s borders mean nothing today legally, settlements remain wholly unlawful( Europe has slowly but surely embarked on a gradual boycott posture for products coming out of those areas) and will matter even less when the Arab/Palestinian population overtakes Israeli jews. At that point either Israel becomes a truly inclusive democracy that takes them into account politically or enforces jewish supremacy à la South African Apartheid even more bluntly and overtly than it does now, at which point it wall slide into failure just like the latter regime did.

So tell me, when is the Iran strike due again ? “Tomorrow ” for the 7300th time pr “next month” for the 240th time ? Be quick, as Sepah’s ballistic missiles regiments, AD crews and the Nirooh Havaei’s best squadrons from Tabriz, Shiraz and Tehran are waiting !

Oh and think you missed the point of rethorical questions, as they’re supposed to bring moral superiority,not make you a worse fool of yourself like you just did xD


Face the facts of life?

The Pals are finished … an Intifada would end their tenuous existence … full stop

The reason for Zionism was to have a Jewish State from the River to the Sea … half measures have exacerbated the situation … but the Future is About to Land …

The fascist Iranian Mullahs are a focus of Israeli leadership … let me say that’s NOT A PLACE I WOULD LIKE TO BE … IN THEIR FOCUS … lol

As for winning arguments? lol

I’m keeping score … eh?

I live in the moment … whose winning so far?

Aside from last night … eh?



Yeah please keep going on with that beautiful mindset of yours, as it will accelerate your downfall. That ‘s exactly the kind of shortsightedness that led you too so foolishly believe history was over in 67, until 73 happened and you shrunk 3 times your previous size and lost the biblical Sinai you longed for so passionately.

You lived every moment in 20 years of bleeding in South Lebanon until 2000 happened. Ditto when the 1st intifada happened and the Pa emerged and ended up with a seat at the UN.

Ditto the Lebannon re-invasion campaign of 2006 where you failed so miserably.

Ditto the Gaza withdrawal.

Please keep ignoring your own zionist thinkers and dig your head into the sand.

Keeping score ? yeah I see it changing in my favpr looking back at events and the bigger picture forward rather than just tomorrow,that’s exactly the difference between a thinker and a simpleton. History usually only proves the former right on tje long run,case in point Eretz Israel loosing grip on both land , grey matter and demography. Again, Intifadas are an oitdated model, they don’t need that to win anymore.

Now keep foaming on 20 million dollar strikes taking out 200,000 dollar civilian infrastructure on everey pin prick provocation that change exactly nothing on the current trend, you live by the TV moment,asshole xD

Again, another 20 years before showtime in Tehran?


I was in Sinai before the return … spent a week camping / touring with guides … eh?

Israel returned the Sinai for Peace … Sadat went to War and failed in winning but was sincere in seeking Peace …. albeit a ‘cold Peace’ but the Sinai remained ‘demilitarized’ until Sisi needed help against Jihadis …

Israel can conquer Arab/ Muslims but they’re impossible to ‘occupy’ … the best idea is to hit and run … like last night’s raid in Syria … eh? Clobber them and don’t stick around … hello?

Gaza withdrawal was a plan that failed … there will be NO repetition on the WB … eh?

Demographics? There aren’t as many Pals as you believe … Christians have left …. many Muslims would go if given an incentive … the Clampdown remains … life ain’t easier and the youth are impetuous … a Intifada will end the Pals as a people on the WB … BTW … Jewish women are still having 3+ babies and the Arabs? Not so much … just like in Iran … the wombs have closed …. just like in Erdogan’s turkey … but the Kurds still having 3+ children

As for the cost of arms ? It’s clear they’re destroying their targets while avoiding unnecessary loss of life … eh? That can’t last … ?


“I was in Sinai before the return … spent a week camping / touring with guides … eh?”

Yes, nice souvenir of a long lost era, and that I still don’t give a damn around. Thanks for reminding what you can’t do that easily anymore considering local resentment. The Israeli cabinet a few years back then even advised against trips there. Funny how times change huh ? xD

“Israel returned the Sinai for Peace”

Still wrong, like last time you checked,, Peace was forced upon a previously totally unwilling Golda Meir that in 67 declared that both the Sinai & Suez were now part of Eretz Israel, which had made it an everlasting giant in the Middle-East.

Defeat in the opening days was near total and Israel was saved totally in extremis by Kissinger’s Operation Nikel Grass as you know full well : biggest military airlift of the century with assets taken straight outta strategic US stock with freshly painted David Stars over US Army signs.

Kissinger had a secret deal with Sadat who luckily for him wanted out of the Soviet sphere, and in exchange he even refrained from listening to his military generals namely Shazli (that he later even ousted for insisting) about hitting Sharon’s wedge between the 2nd and the 3rd army with motivated, fully-fuelled and and ready air-force bomber squadrons to turn the tide of the war back in Egypt’s favor and allow for the joint Syrian-Iraqi counter-attack to happen on the Eastern front.

“Israel can conquer Arab/ Muslims but they’re impossible to ‘occupy”

Then it’s not called conquest, retard. Conquest means invasion and lasting presence on the ground. That’s why you could never hold South Lebanon after 20 years dying there, ditto when you tried back in 2006, this time with a bit more pragmatism that made you give up quit after a month dying with an army of sissies.

“Clobber them and don’t stick around … hello?”

Multi-million dollar hammers that don’t ever make them leave and even gradually consolidate? yeah please, continue wasting ressources for an impossible objective.

“Gaza withdrawal was a plan that failed … there will be NO repetition on the WB … eh?”

Funny you tried it twice in South Leb, and also failed twice.

“Demographics? There aren’t as many Pals as you believe”

So you’ve counted them better than dedicated chambers of the UN ? Everywhere I look including in Jewish sources, the Jewish population has been steadily shrinking in Israel ever since the 70s, too bad.


And this trend is consistent with these news from your own “home” predicting demographic parity in a mere year :


You’re also losing your best minds, opportunities in the land of Moses are too few and far between for them to stick around, it seems :


“just like in Iran … the wombs have closed”

And what’s the relevance of Iran in the picture ? I suspect you’re simply desperately trying to pull anything from your hat to look like something edges in your favor in the whole mess, but sadly that won’t work in a factual debate. Iran is doing very well, don’t worry for them, despite the economic terrorism they’ve been subjected to and that is reaching an end nowadays. Half its population is below 30 years old, and a quarter is under 14, meaning they’ll brush away that little orange dude episode accident in no time, rest assured.


Sinai? Israelis are needed by Egypt as tourists but if they’re afraid to go … there are lots of choices … hello?


yeah sure whatever kid the worlds needs you loves you adores you we can see that at every level of your existence ROFL xD Definitely my turn to say “Next” now xD


The world hates Jews … Christianity and Islam feel independently that they superseded Judaism … it is what it is … but the Jews survived the centuries of onslaught … eh?

Reborn in Israel … between the River and the Sea … with nukes and superpowers … LMAO

F/k you Arabs and all the haters …



Again with the anger issues I see xD

I’m not an Arab nor do I have a problem with regular Israelis. They have rights as every people do. It simply wil never i clude settling over the life of others. Saying that certainly does not make me or anyone a hater but rather a dignified individual caring equally about people of all religion and races, unlike you retarded ,uneducated fascist genocidal maniacs wishing nuclear annihilation of anyone not bowing to jewish supremacy and merely affirming their right to exist .


Laughable … denying the obvious



What is obvious is ypur personal taste for nuclear genocide. Whatever makes you sleep at nights, reality will take care of the rest.

Btw,today was 7301th printing of ” we strike Iran tomorrow”?


Slavic slave … drugs numb the pain


WTf mate ahahaha ! is that even real ? you make no sense at all anymore, even in your casual stupidity you were at least a bit readable ffs :-D

it’s hilarious I swear it seems your broken brain is just talking to itself now, you are a truly fascinating pheomenon. Please continue. You amuse me. I wish you could see my face laughing right now lol

What’s next ? “I have no mouth but I must scream ?” ROFL this is surreal .




“As for the Yom Kippur War … Egypt was defeated … yes the surprise attack succeeded but it was stopped and became a rout after heavy fighting … “ In your dreams. Golda and Dayan thought about resorting to using nuclear weapons on both failing fronts in the Golan and Suez as their utter failure was of monumental proportions, dozens of fighters downed in one sweep, 400+ tanks destroyed as well, Kissinger was in shock and asked in session “how on Earth can a bunch of Arab tear your forces apart like that ?” he then kindly offered to provide America’s largest and most epic military airlift of the century with armor, planes and the best technology could at the time provide to anyone on Earth without bothering to wait for the fresh paint to dry on US Army stocks ? Then treacherously using the opportunity of the first ceasefire to provide Israel with direly needed hypersonic SR-71 recon plane overflights of the whole of the Egyptian lines to probe for any weaknesses in a way they could NEVER have accomplished without being shot down. America saved your asses so massively in that war on several key occasion it’s crazy you still think you can get a modicum of credit on that.

“Ending with Sharon on West side on the Canal cutting off supply lines and within range of Cairo”

His own logistical lines were deemed impossible to maintain by IDF’s own post-war assertion, had the war dragged on a few days more and the Egyptian + Syrian/Iraqi had moved forward with the initial operational plans. It was extremely long vulnerable and completely exposed to both Egyptian artillery and airstrikes. As I said, Sadat was *this* close to order a massive bombardment campaign with 250+ operational Egyptian air force planes as the IDF had miserably failed to control the air or meaningfully damage their squadrons or infrastructure, namely during their humiliation when they attempted that at the Al-Mansourah battle. The ONLY saving grace was that the Egyptian leader has resolutely decided at the very onset of the war and the melting of the Bar-Lev line to come up with a secret offer to Kissinger: move away from the Soviets he hated viscerally, and had inherited from Nasser before him and considered it a burden to get rid of. So Kissinger told him to refrain from bombing Sharon’s brigade to bit at the same time asked the Israel to stand down on other fronts.

“Egypt’s expeditionary force was surrounded on all sides … lol. “

Yeah That must be why ALL offensive attempts by Tsahal to overrun it before the final ceasefire ended in MASS SLAUGHTER of their forces in BOTH occurrences, namely at Suez and Ismailia, correct ? It is common and accepted military facts now that the 3rd army maintained complete operational condition until the very end of the war, had ample equipment and reserves to sustain itself until outside help could come and free the wedge thrown by Sharon. They initially planned on moving away under cover from Egyptian air force planes that were sitting in their bases waiting for a high command greenlight that never came since a deal was reached. Young and motivated pilots were appalled by Sadat’s decision at first.

Ditto the “kilometer 101” propaganda bullshit of Tsahal boasting of a few forces positioned along the highway to Cairo : it would have cost them unacceptably high losses to move closer and closer to the Egyptian capital despite their claims of “planning so”, they would have been pounded to bits by strafes after strafes of Egyptian air force planes. You couldn’t even take much smaller towns mentioned above, yet people should believe your aptitude in taking over a full CAPITAL, LOL get the fuck outta you clownish retard, only fool such as yourselves could believe such piles of utter trash.

You are so quick to project losses for an Egyptian counter-offensive yet you willingly and conveniently forget facts on the ground that completely break apart your rationale, it’s amazing and I love pointing that out.

“The Russians threatened to nuke Israel if they didn’t back off their ‘darlings’ …”

Same way Dayan said he would use nuclear weapons “to prevent the new fall of the temple” and a Soviet nuclear delegation was moved and activated in Cairo, so he backed down, what’s your problem ?

“Egypt had to accept the shame/humiliation of the loss and Kissinger got Sadat to accept a negotiated Peace instead … YOUR dreaming about any Egyptian comeback by Shazli”

“The Egyptians would have suffered even more grievously … their Army in Sinai wipes out completely … “

The air-force and the 3rd army itself were pretty much intact and ready to act, plus Syrians and Iraqis were ready for a massive new push at the East had Sadat continued the war, you’re simply high on Hasbara crack, as always. Again, crawl back to your cave you little man. You’re obviously brain-dead, and systemic indoctrination speaks for itself here again. Dream on buddy, the “green desert” dream of Golda held onto the very last days of the negotiations, all the way up until 1976 she pushed so hard to keep something that Sadat threatened to get back into Soviet hands and cut negotiations short, get a life and go learn real history away from Hasbara School 101, useful idiot. “You refer to Israel’s rearming without any comment on Russia’s rearming of Egyptian forces …. forgetful?”

Did I ever say they didn’t ? all armies need ammo and parts replacement lol, you’re such a complete douche, we aren’t in a game ! Except that scope of respective effort were of no compare. They Egyptians only got mostly ammo and weapon-systems parts to replenish, while Tsahal had to replace ENTIRE ARMOR BATTALIONS AND FIGHTER SQUADRONS with full expensive assets urgently pulled from US Strategic stocks. Soviet rearmament was of no compare to Operation Nikel Grass which was one of a kind.

“As for the Syrian front ? had the initiative but lost ANYWAYS … they had overwhelming numbers but lost anyways … “

At the very contrary: by contrast to the Egyptians, they had less numbers, and much poorer equipment on that front, hence the need for Iraq in support. It’s a fact even acknowledged by Israeli officers at the time, are you on MDMA this time?

“Thanks for bringing up Iraq’s troops … that score is being settled as we speak … eh?”

What the heck are you even talking about here? Again your ass speaking in spite of your already weak mind?

“The Israelis don’t need more territory with Arabs sitting in it … lol. They’re only 7 million Jews/Zionists/Israelis … eh? No need to police MORE Arabs …. lol”

Funny that’s exactly what they’ve been doing ever since plaguing the region via terrorism and ethnic cleansing, occupying everybody else’s lands all around them and trying to grab more at every occasion, both inside and outside Palestinian Territories. You must be living on a remote planet I suppose: D

“Lebanon was successful in that the PLO was pushed out of Lebanon …”

Hezbollah was successful in bleeding your mofos for 20 years straight for you to finally abandon all hope of keeping the fresh water of the Litani and the whole of Southern Lebannon , move overnight in 2000 with your tail between your legs, saying adios to “Lebanon’s Golan” , and that you again tried to control back in 2006 and got spanked again some more, huh ?

“Remaining inside Lebanon was not worth the effort despite putting in a proxy force … so withdrawal was hasty but appropriate …”

Tell yourself that if that helps you sleep better at nights. Reality will be there to show another picture to the rest of the world, no issues.

“Your ‘counting’ Jews is comical …. the Jewish population is rising steadily as is Jewish immigration … you’re reading is in need of improvement … eh?”

Whatever mate, numbers are numbers, if you have issues with basic maths, I won’t help either.

“Jewish hi-tech is not going away but there’s always a pull to go where the opportunities are … but Israel still creates new technologies yearly “

When brain drain gets bigger and bigger it only means opportunities go dry in-country , too bad. What “new technology” LOL , not even the US develops so fast, quit the drugs mate, all the core elements of your electronics brands are entirely dependent on US Chip foundries such as Intel plants, that’s why you can’t sell shit without their firms’ express approval first, military and civilian. You lost several high profile sales to just that.

“Arabs need such opportunities … eh? Seems there’s a dearth of them in the lands of the Muslims …”

I don’t care about “Muslims” or “jews” I care about “people with rights”, unlike you and your Islamist brethren, I don’t believe in Santa Claus after life. I accept existence as a one-off gift. Deal with it. “Iran’s women aren’t having babies … neither are Turkey’s women … that truth will make Iran very irrelevant within decades … hello? If you make it that far …. LMAO”

So you’re even mightier than your Gods (oops sorry, G-d was it ? petty primates xD) in your multi-generationnal sociological assessment ? Twatz for teacher of the year , people !!! Nah, I don’t think so. “The Arab/Muslim World is collapsing … not one country is thriving …. it’s Islam and the Arab mindset that are its downfall … no one will care … we’ve already got the recipes … eh?”

Again, don’t give a darn about politicized religion or causes, I let you kill one another on that kind of crap if you’d like. « Falafel anyone? »

They make good ones in my neighborhood, yummyyyyy :D


Ask yourself … we’re nukes used? No


In my dreams?

Arabs = Losers

You complain about the US rearming but


I answered that as well, more than once, in other threads too, now stop wasting my time like a lapdog hanging to my feet please.


Don’t flatter yourself … pmsl

You’re trying to turn ‘a silk purse into a sow’s ear’

A HUGE loss on 2 Fronts … into victories … hello?



Don’t invoke proverbs you can’t handle, please. Besides I note you often piss yourself, as per your own admission. I’d maybe check for probable incontinence issues, just sayin’, even though off-topic.

Actually, you know what you remind me the most when I see you pathological tendency to endless repetition ?




Aww …

the Arabs always win despite losing?



Zios always gloriously give back conquered land after successful wars while winning, and call “conquest” while they can’t hold on anything ? Gimme a break, loser.


Peace … was the only reason to give back the Sinai … eh?

It was a risk … Morsi would have been an enemy but it’s Sisi now … for as long as he lasts … lol


War ? that forced peace upon you through force and near-defeat until uncle Sam came to the rescue and told you to stand down ?

You’ll never learn from history, that’ why you’ll keep on failing.


Laughable conclusion … the defeated enemy sued for Peace … shamed and humiliated before the World … the Peace brought the US into Egyptian military affairs ousting the Soviets … brought Israel military the QME and US Military Aid … confirmed to US that Israeli ally was valuable in bringing down Soviet Union

You’re a punk … go back to your video games



Incredible stupidity. Sadat’s Egyp was rightly identified by Kissinger as an unexpected and invaluable ally in weakening the Soviet sphere by being the first and biggest Arab country to switch sides in the Cold War. Israel had absolutely nothing to do with that as it was already a granted stalwart ally in that cause,your conjectures are weak beyond belief.

Sadat could have continued the war and allowed the Eastern front to revive and stretch the Israelis even thinner while Sharon’s fragile wedge could have been bombed to bits by the bulk of the Egyptian airforce that was awaiting orders and still largely intact after the IAf decisively and absolutely failed at denting it namely after the Al-Mansourah humiliation.

Golda MEir proclaimed the dream of Eretz Israel including the biblical Sinai and Israel was celebrated daily as being a new giant in the middle-east, its leaderhip planned a decades-long “green desert “project and then shrunk back 300% while clinging onto it in negotiations as far as 1976 at which point the Egyptians threatened to leave the table and resume hostilities. Golda even qualified the final outcome of the war as a net loss in her book. GTFO.

Now crawl back to your Sinai tourist armchair and have a good look at the souvenirs from a past era.


Israel’s victory in the Yom Kippur War … convinced Sadat that war was a net loss for Egypt and to pursue war against Israel would result in further humiliation and shame … eh?

The Soviet advisors were dismissed and Sadat determined that Peace could get his territory returned to him … so he made the brave decision to make Peace with the Jews/ Zionists/ Israelis … eh?

In effect … Sadat was the first Arab leader, the mightiest Arab leader to sign the ‘Abraham Accords’ … throwing the Pals under the bus … it took over 30 years of time and the continued meteoric rise of the Israeli superpower for the other Arabs to seek ‘normalization’ and throw the Pals away


Nothing such “convinced” Sadat , nice attempt at distorting history again. He betrayed Soviet plans since day 2 of the war by not advancing and unexpectedly halting in the desert past the Suez bridgeheads long before the situation on the ground turn again more in favor of the Israelis which infuriated the Syrians at the East and also Soviet allies.It is common knowledge that he had plans to switch sides from the very beggining after securing key facts on the ground that were non-negotiable and highly symbolic such as the Suez canal itself, as he abhored the Soviets. In that regard he even fired generals such as Shazli whom asked him to bomb the wedge later on between the 2nd and 3rd armies and mobilize heavy artillery and idle tank battalions.

Kissinger saw the huge strategic value of that and we know the rest. Secret dealing started and arrangements were made so that both sides refrain from further escalation.

You are right though on the fact that he litterally threw the Palestinian people under the bus and set the stage for them to get massacred and humiliated to this day by the fascist zio hordes,their homes bulldozed, their pregnant mothers killed and their children maimed and imprisonned. And he paid the right price for that.

Forever cheers to the bullet that took the life out of him xD Traitor get shot, that’s a classic LOL.

And what meteoritic rise ? have you had a recent look at your country ?LMFAO


Sadat betrayed Soviet Plans? lol

Of course … SF a Slavic slug


There are 7 million … Jews/ Zionists/ Israelis in total … full stop

They’ve beaten back the hordes … because they better / smarter / decisive and have the best INTEL

You speak about human rights? The Arabs flaunt them … their people live without them … their many wars between themselves show their disrespect of human rights … lol

You’re an anti-Judaism Hater or a hypocrite or both



Yeah at that level that indeed makes some of their regimes pretty much your equal (and in the case of Gulf states,your friends too, great minds alike hey ?): hypocritical mass murdering fascists mascarading as righteous institutions acting for a greater good. But none of them come close the zionist level of intellectual dishonnesty : You keep on using a 70-year old holocaust to justify, perpetuate and whitewash your every atrocity, big and small, global and local occuring day by day ever since litterally at every corner of your joke of a racist ,apartheidic fake democracy founded on outright terror and large-scale ethnic cleaning followed by mass expropriation.

You also add insult to injury by obsessively trying to paint yourselves as a “modern democracy” while technically being everything but, fooling no one on this Earth bar those on your payroll like US Congress and your extreme right neocon fringes.

Criminals by law, broken institutionnal structure and flawed state fabric at its core. And that’s why you probably won’t last a generation more.


Arab jealousy is all you got sluggo …

Human rights? That’s rich coming from an Arab … pmsl

F/kn Arab miscreant


Gradual? lol

Your beliefs will gradually subside as YOU watch the Jews/Zionists/Israelis gain in strength year after year …



LoL. I’ve been watching the exact opposite for 21 years straight and counting. I’m here to stay, just like Iran, Palestinians, and Syrians, rest assured. Killing defenseless women and children from the sky high won’t change those dynamics.

Anyway, let’s cut the crap. Waiting for your Iran strike. Maybe the 241th “next month” in March.


Yossi knows …

Jim Allen

Very well stated.


Thanks mate.

Jim Allen

You’re welcome.

Jens Holm


Just Me



Like H4Y you like pics …


Jim Allen

Next: Well what do you know, the Zionist Khazar occupied lands in Palestine is indeed an “ILLEGITIMATE STATE.” The fake State of Israel is “helping” no one, you stupid son of a bitch. The City of London owns 60%of Israel, Canada is being de-populated, it’s Government destroyed in the same way, at the same time US is. By the Cabal you support, and spread their lies to your own countrymen. Does your momma know you’re shilling for the Bankers that want her dead ?

Jens Holm

And Biden will send Mexicans to grow tequila in Syria and Lebanon.


The Great Powers after WWI granted the Jewish People the lands between the River and the Sea as a Homeland … Israel exists there today 100 years later … eh? Illegitimate? Israel was recognized by the USA/ Soviet Union IMMEDIATELY after declaring statehood in May 1948 …

Jens Holm

You dont define who is Syrians and who is not.

One of three Syrians are not even in Syria. If they were and supported Assads by the private property named BadArtists has won the war years ago.

The main winners so far is the 500.0000 dead ones, which hopefully rest in peace.

Just Me



Aww … start a go-fund-me page

I could give a sh Xt …


Jim Allen

You will give a shit within the next 4 years. You’ll give a shit a lot !!!


Ok … I’ve got you written down … 4 years

BTW …. Syria is being attacked again tonight … eh?


Jim Allen

Why aren’t you there ?


What’s it to you? lol

I lived there for 2 years ….



White hats + co don’t cut it,using kids as humanshields is the sly french way of trying to get a grasp of control,but they shan’t have it,right under the nwo fascists too!

Jens Holm

Most of them are send as meat by their p0arents and fed with my money to UN.

chris chuba

I hope Iran has more officers along the lines of Gen. Soleimani who are capable of working with different foreign groups. That was the General’s real talent, he was their best Ambassador.

Just Me

but, but, BUTT, the mighty Jew mouse of Pisrael was supposed to “expel Iran from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran itself”? how can this be, I am confused.


Iran is not leaving Syria for the next two decades at least until the Zionist failed occupation of Palestine is over. Demographics point to that reality as well.

Jens Holm

2 decades is not even an option.

Jens Holm

It seemes they are doing their best for it.


Frankly, the new generation of Iranian military leadership is far more aggressive and some have been engaged in Syria for over a decade and know the situation far better. General Ghaani has always been a quiet achiever. He has spent a whole lifetime in shadow wars and is fluent in Arabic, Pashto, Kurdish and knows the tribal nature of Arab societies. Iran and Russia are now operating far more closely than ever before and there is a good division of labor and Russian ground forces are now far more engaged in ground operations along with Hezbollah and Iran as SF article yesterday showed. The Zionists are really in a quandary, as their last stand off missile attack on Syrian just killed 4 children and woman in a residential area and that even disgusted the UNSC. Iran is getting tougher in both Syria and Lebanon.

Jens Holm

150% nonsense.

Ypu show Your level well teelling its about 4 children and a vomen :)

I see the Ayatoillah marching in for support of womens and childrens right. Well, I dont. Iranians ahs no support there.

I see the Iranian supported milisia as starving children, old ones and warwidows.

John Brown

Thankfully the criminal elite rulers of the empire are drinking their own koolaid

They are ordering their slave Goyim mostly USSA soldiers to engage in as many conflicts as possible all over the planet, as this will speed up the total economic, military, political and social collapse of the Zio empire. You want the USSA to spend 5 trillion plus per year on war instead of the about1.5 trillion it over spends now.

Yes, it is harder on humanity in the short term but this costs will be greatly exceeded by the gains when humanity is freed from the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorships oppression, genocide, racism and satanism.

No way they invade or attack Iran it will be the end of the Zio dollar the empire and the USSA Zio government. Iran would win with the definition of wining being their government will still exist after the war the Zio empire wiil be destroyed with the USSA and All Eu Zio governments overthrown and the Israeli government and territory taken over by arabs

They can only militarily attack Venezuela and expect any kind of victory, so they can get the oil for free to prop up the bankrupt USSA economy, the Zio dollar and the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship. This is why uncle Joe Stalin Biden cancelled the Key Stone pipeline as they expect to get the heavy oil for free from Venezuela not Canada. They still won’t get much oil as it is easy to sabotage such large oil facilities

Emad Irani

People like him have many advisors and experts beside him. These key people continue to serve under the new Quds Force commander, there is no different


Yes, but Iran is far behind US in the development of cross-dressing troops.

John Brown

Iran needs to strengthen the air defense system in Syria

Just Me

Iran is slowly rebuilding its airforce and will be strengthening both Hezbollah and Syrian air defences.


Just Me


Just Me


IRIAF SU-35 landing at Shiraz TAB7

Fog of War


John Brown

Fighter bombers are becoming obsolete like cavalry, battle ships and then air craft carriers. Strategic long range bombers that can fire large smart missiles thousands of km from the target will be the only air craft useful against a well armed opponent.

Today is the age of the smart missile. A few fighter and small bomber jets yes but not many. They are now only for defense over your own countries skies and for close air support when you have total air superiority, the same with drones.


What airplane is this? The nose, cockpit, air intakes, ventral fins, IRST, landing gear and canards look like some variant of Su-30, but vertical stabilizers aren’t 90 degrees vertical (which is a consistent design elements in Russian jets until Su-57). To me it looks like a 3D graphic render. Do my eyes play tricks on me?

Blas de Lezo

Looks like PKK-YPG Zionist-Kurdoparasites are gonna get some real opposition.

Jens Holm

You are blindfolded or worse. The enemy for them is ISIS.

Johnny B. Allan

Propaganda news. The Russians have patrol controlls in Deirezzor and by the way they don’t have any support on the other side of the euphrates river. All they can do is support some tribal none-state actors like the NDF

Jens Holm

I feel the same. Hard to see Iran has any support for anything like that there.

Fog of War

” Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, were sexual commandos carrying out a “honey trap” for Israel. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell lined up high level leaders in their respective fields and after identifying their particular sexual preferences(and weaknesses) enticing and compromising them. Once compromised, at a time of Israel’s choosing, Mossad did the rest. Maxwell supplied the attractive female lures and Epstein(daily grind apparently) identified their desirability, docility, and test run them—up to three a day– and then distributed to chosen blackmail targets. Israel transfers to China top secret U.S. military technology, big time since 1992. Epstein silenced Bill Clinton and anyone else who mattered to keep the Israel China top secret military transfer going… In many instances, the sexual blackmail secured the silence of those in the know and who could publicly object and expose the selling of top secret military hardware and technology to foreign powers. See:U.S.Dual-Use Exports to China, Chinese Behavior, and the Israel Factor see: https://online.ucpress.edu/… James Woolsey said in 1993 that Israel was China’s primary source of advanced defense technology, offering “advanced military technologies that U.S. and Western firms are unwilling to provide.”54 Bill Clinton was elected in November 1992, became President in January 1993, secret service reports revealed Jeffrey Epstein becoming a regular visitor to the White House. China is now Israel’s third largest trading partner…Now you know… Lesley Wexner, a“sayanim” for Israeli operations, co-founder of “MEGA” with Edgar Bronfman, ( and sayanim Leon Black) provided the money Epstein needed to maintain the aura and gazillionaire business front. In court testimony, Wexner as well as Alan Dershowitz were alleged by at least one of the victims, to have, on several separate occasions, sampled the goods offered by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. They reported directly to Shimon Peres and subsequently to PM Ehud Barak. No political figure survives audiovisual evidence of sexual activity with children. In many instances, the sexual blackmail secured the silence and cooperation of those in the know. Now you know that too… The child victims of these sexual commandos did not stand a chance…Go figure… “

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why does Iran continue to form new militias when the SAA is so under strength, couldn’t that money be better spent on improving the existing Syrian army. It costs less per week in salaries to recruit SAA soldiers than it does Iranian commanded militiamen, so Iran could probably get 1.5 SAA soldiers for the price of one militiaman, but that would mean the new SAA soldiers would be loyal to the Syrian Government, and not loyal to Iran. So Iran obviously prefers to keep the new recruits under their command even if it costs them a little more, and because of that simple fact the SAA and the Iranian militias continue to be a disorganized and uncoordinated army. Too be fair I also have to say most of the other NDF militias [not under Iranian control] are no better, most of them don’t answer to or obey Assad either.

‘Too many chiefs and not enough Indians’.

But the new slogan should be,

‘One country one army’.

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