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Iran’s Shahed 129 Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (Infographics)

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Iran's Shahed 129 Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (Infographics)

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The Shahed 129 is an Iranian-developed single-engine medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV). It was designed by Shahed Aviation Industries for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The UCAV is capable of carrying out combat and reconnaissance missions. Shahed 129 UCAVs have beeen actively used by Iran and its local allies against terrorist targets in the Syrian-Iraqi border area.


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Ganga Prasad

Iran’s one S 300 has destroyed 31combat drones from USA each costing USD 130 million. Apart from the one blown out of the sky, India has cancelled its decision to buy 30 drones of the above category after having realized from this incident that these drones are duds


You’re going to have to provide a source! The Iranian’s said a different system hit the drone two weeks ago. Are they lying?


They used BUK derived system. not S-300

Pavel Pavlovich

Whence did they get the BUK???


It’s Khordad-3 based on BUK-M1 and KUB

Pavel Pavlovich

Yes… you did not answer my question. You just made a statement not related to it.


I don’t know when they got the BUKS, but they did and made their own version just like the Chinese do

Ashok Varma

Most Iranian systems like the Sayyed2 that downed the US drone are based on Russian SA2 and reliable BUK systems.


Making it up as you go along

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Source and link please

Luke Hemmming

Press tv and they quoted from the Hindustan Times. I would paste links but for some reason I can’t paste on disqus using my android phone. FFS disqus fix this!


I can paste with both my Galaxy S6 and S10e androids.

Hit the 3 dots upper right, hit share, hit save to clip board, press and hold on comment, hit paste and wa la, link inserted.

Luke Hemmming

thanks Richard but I still cant paste links on my phone. I tried all that you mentioned but there is no copy paste function whenever im in the comment field of Disqus on SF when I use my phone. I use a J2 Pro.Im on my laptop and no problem to cut n paste. NFI why this is so.

Ashok Varma

India should stick with old trusted ally Russia. US has no credibility or reliability.

India has doubts about buying US drones after Iran downing: Report

India is reportedly having second thoughts about the purchase of Global Hawk drones from the United States after Iran easily shot down one such drone last month.

India’s English-language daily newspaper The Hindustan Times, quoting military sources, said on Sunday that the Indian armed forces were concerned about the effectiveness and survivability of the US drones in highly volatile air spaces.

New Delhi internally raised questions about the drone surviving along its frontiers with China and Pakistan — with both potential adversaries equipped with advanced surface-to-air missile systems (SAM), it added.

Luke Hemmming

This is in relation to India contemplating buying the US drones…Here is the link Im on my laptop now so I can paste links on here… https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/07/28/india-holding-off-on-purchase-of-us-drones-easily-downed-by-iran/

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Thank you


Iran has S-600


still salty about that $200,000,000 “stealth” drone with a RCS of 1-0.1 m^2 blown out of the sky by a 1960’s derived BUK missile? dont worry your tax dollars have gone to better things, like arming jihadis terrorists in Syria and giving money to Israel :)


So obsessed with Americans you find them everywhere on the Net?


especially here ^


Are you always on the right place at the right time, or just now?


I’m an AI bot, programmed to automatically detect Zionist, Mcdonalds eating vermins :)


And what do you do with them? Suck their dick and invite them to fuck your mom?

Concrete Mike

Good afternoon parasite.

Did you go consult with you bosses at lunch?

What do i say boss??

Indunno say something about sukhois mom, that will work.


Youre a fucking sock puppet its hillarious!


Beg to report, sir, Sukhoi deleted his comments and apparently his account too.

Thank you for the raise, sir. Yes sir, tomorrow I anally destroy Concrete Mike and his fat mom.


oMg sO aNgRy cUz 10 yR oLd iNsUlTz reminds me of a call of duty lobby


Most Jews live in 1% or 2% of America. Mostly a few big cities. They’re of limited acceptance in the other 98% to 99% of the US. Anti Judaism is a lot more prevalent here than the Jew msm admits. Their Zionist Israel firster anti American swamp traitors led by traitor in chief Mr. MAGA. Just passed a law trying to tamp down anti Judaism in the US.

America needs extinction grade dejudification. The whole planet including Palestine needs it.


lol well said

Concrete Mike

At least im honest enough to say where im from.

Your just a coward.


Just because someone says: I’m from X country, like USA and my name is James Bond or Concrete Mike, that wouldn’t make anyone give a shit because it’s the Internet. Any westerner can see you viscerally hate democracy and love totalitarian regimes, you call any critics ‘rusoiphobe’/Russia hater/Putin hater… you try to leech the American made Internet and the Western individual freedom-based society. Go back to your bear cave, Ivan. You can’t trick anyone but your kind that you are a ‘Westerner’

Concrete Mike

Im an honest man with integrity, so unlike you who lies for a living, I tell the truth.

My heart is pure for i have nothing to hide.

You on the other hand are like a cockroach, always lying, always slithering away, doesnt answer question just projects about others mothers.

Face it, you bring nothing to any conversation ever. That is your job.

My job right now is to build a 4m$ apt block with my team.What are you up to today fatso?



Will your try to fit your fat mom in that block?

Concrete Mike

Its a 4million dollar building, there is room for my fat mom, your fat mom , all the fat moms can come enjoy this.wonderful new construction with a great view of Moncton and the mighty.chocolate river! Please come visit when i backfill the foundations so i can bury you for a long long time.


Please don’t bury me with empty vodka bottles you have in your apartment

Concrete Mike

Golf yard??? Who the fuck talks like that? A slip up?


hello my awesome troll :)

Pavel Pavlovich

Buks didnt exist back then


Meant to say KUB which existed in 1960’s. But BUK existed early 1970’s

Simon Bernstein

S-600? Iran has the futuristic S-10000


oh great, another soap bar has joined Southfront

Concrete Mike


Jimmy Jim

crikey, kikey, time for the ovens again…..


bacon eater stay in the pig’s sty where you seem to thrive, at least in the deranged mind of your retarded self.

Ashok Varma

US is also unreliable and tilting towards Pakistan again. It also can not be trusted to supply spares parts for its very expensive weapons, mostly used to extort money from corrupt Arab and NATO puppet regimes. India should stick with our reliable and trusted Russian friends.


S300 will be never used against low velocity drones.

Simon Bernstein

wow how impressive. Remember when Israel decimated Iran’s UAV terminals at T4?


sure but that was another time – now there is a host of technically competent enemies of the squatters around and they will, as a unity, eradicate tomkingdom come the geopolitically failed experiment that is israel – there is no way israel will survive so the best for the squatters is to apply for green cards for the dysfunctional states of A(rschlöcher) and prey that the 98% of regular americans not located in washington dc will accept the influx of war-criminals of a similar dimension as adolf hitler and if not, another diaspora, another holocaust and plenty of pogroms, but as it is said, what goes around comes around.

Ashok Varma

Israel is a parasitic entity that struts on Christian charity and weapons. No wonder the world is on to Jew arrogance and deceit again. Not a great future awaits in occupied Palestine.

Simon Bernstein

only in your dreams. Israel will have hundreds of F-35s within the next 5 years. They will be able to conquer anyone anywhere and anytime, buddy

Ashok Varma

More rubbish. It is destined to disappear. The F-35 are non-airworthy and one has already had a “bird strike” over Occupied Palestine. Come up with something new buddy.


The delivery of “hundreds of F-35s within the next 5 years. ” will be too little too late.

Concrete Mike

Ah yes the f35, that invicinble plane.

If its so good why such a stink about turkey getting s400?

And how can such a.small country afford so many f35’s while a large country like the UK cant afford any?

Your dreaming son, and when reality slaps you in the face, we will be there, laughing at you.

Dont expect compassion from us, for you have none for the rest of the world.

If your so strong start conquering.

Nuking american civilians is all your types can do anywayys.

Simon Bernstein

F-35 has a radar cross section of 0.003 meters squared, a see through 360 degree panorama from inside the cockpit, an extremely powerful AESA an/apg-81 radar with 360 degree scan, capable of detecting 4th generation jets at over 400km, and an extremely effective electronic countermeasure system (AN/ALQ Barracuda) capable of jamming the most advanced air defense radars at up to 150 kilometers! The F-35 is virtually indestructible and undetectable


Nonsense you cant conquer without actually invading & speaking of Iran theres zero chance Israel could do that on its own.

Jimmy Jim

ugly kike liar….new on hasbara duty….

Toronto Tonto

150 kms per hour fuccin junk .


THAAD – failed to intercept 2 long range HOMEMADE palestinian rockets TWICE that flew all the way to Tel Aviv = Junk :) there fixed it

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

The best honestly


Maybe I am wrong but I believe in general that the Iranians have better UAV and UCAV technology from Russia. Because Iran enter in UAVs builiness long time ago, and Russia unfortunately entered very soon and they have not much good tech involved in this UCAV and UAV programs.

Concrete Mike

Rotax engine?? Isnt that the same name a ski doo engines??

neil barron

The Satanist are out in force again this morning. You forgot to shit in the woods as usual now spewing it all over the internet ruining it like good jihadist, wipe your mouth your’e making fools of yourselves.

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