A general view of the Bushehr main nuclear reactor, 1,200 km (746 miles) south of Tehran, August 21, 2010. REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi
On July 5, Iran’s only nuclear power plant has been brought back to work after a shut down two weeks ago.
On June 20, the state-run TV reported that Iran’s Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant had undergone a ‘temporary emergency shutdown’.
According to preliminary reports by state electric energy company, the shutdown should last “for 3-4 days”, but it took two weeks to bring the plant back to work.
Despite rumors of a possible sabotage attack by Israel, the reason of the shutdown was a “technical fault”.
According to Bushehr plant’s manager and deputy head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mahmoud Jafari, the “technical fault” that shut down the plant’s 1,000-megawatt reactor was fixed and power generation was resumed.
Located in the southern port city of Bushehr, the facility is Iran’s sole nuclear power plant. It went online in 2011 with help from Russia. Earlier this year, nuclear official Mahmoud Jafari warned that the plant could stop working since Iran cannot purchase parts and equipment for it from Russia due to banking sanctions, which were re-imposed by the US in 2018.
Iran’s foreign ministry at the time described the shutdown as “routine”, saying it was carried out “once or twice each year”.
Repair of Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant may significantly ease the situation in Iran, where heat and drought that also affected hydro-electrical facilities, increased electricity demand all over the country. Tehran reportedly spent last night in complete darkness.
Regular power cuts have already caused protests in several cities. The power outage now seems to be one of major challenges for Ebrahin Raisi, the newly-elected president of Iran.
Damn, the whole country face the threat of sabotage and invasions, but the people protest because of power cuts, lol
In my country we face regular power cuts years ago and we shrug it off anyway
“but the people protest because of power cuts, lol”
They “protest” because it shouldn’t be a problem, Iran has the energy. Tehran Times_ Recently, Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian has made some interesting remarks that could be considered proof for what I have just discussed. “We cannot put any more pressure on our generation, transmission and distribution equipment and systems and cause damage to them” ISNA quoted Ardakanian as saying on July 13. The minister’s remarks are a clear indication that the country’s power infrastructure efficiency does not match the generation capacity.
Also, “sabotages” are done by MEK and other anti-government bodies in Iran, “invasions” which country is stupid to do that? Zion don’t dare to say such things even, yanquis know it would end their power for good…so which country dare to do such moronic thing? Yanquis attacked Afghanistan just when Taliban took the power, Iraq had a bloody long war with Iran before yanquis jump in, same with Syria…yanquis can’t do shi*, the Zion slaves “Europeans” wouldn’t fuking dare to attack Iran. Let me be clear you wouldn’t see big players start a war.
“In my country we face regular power cuts years ago and we shrug it off anyway” You had REGULAR POWER CUTS – they didn’t…you understand?
Oh my smooth brain definitely understand the text wall rage lol
Sorry, haven’t talked to a child for some time.
Well surely i havent talk to a baby these days,
I nvr insult iranians but someone angry
If you ever feel bad day talk to your gf
Stop moving so much and let go of my dick before I put it in your mouth.
Hint, if you didn’t get the joke – fetus
How does the US sanctions stop payment on Iran paying Russia? I understand the US Dollar but doesn’t Iran have Rubles in trade? Or China Yuan? It the Euro affected?
The Jews and their banks. Fixed it.
The problem is that the biggest part of reserves, in every country, is made up of dollars. This is why some countries ( Russia being at the top ) are dedollarizing. After that you can show the middle finger to uncle Sam.
It’s not necessarily the Russian state that gets sanctioned but Russian companies or Russian individuals. The devil is in the details so without reading the actual agreements between the Iranian and Russian entities as well as the details of the sanctions you don’t know who or how it’s affecting Russian companies. The USA may be able to scupper other deals, seize assets held in the international banking system, void contracts with western entities, keep these companies from doing business outside of Russia or even sanction other Russian companies for doing business with sanctioned Russians.
On top of that Russia honours UN sanctions and because of some tangled agreement they may be honouring US sanctions on this particular nuclear plant …. we just don’t know because we don’t have the details.
✋ I know the solution. All Iran needs is GREEN ENERGY. Does’t have to solar panels, just buy 10,000 Teslas, wait until they catch fire and voila the steam will power the turbines.. so much cleaner than this DIRTY nuclear power!!1!!
The Iranians must be experts at power station repair and maintenance by now …
This was just regular maintenance and upgrading of safety measures and they are proving very effective.
Instead of using real beef american corporations (mccrappo) just copyrights the slogan “100℅ reel beef”.
This way the lardass american is fooled into thinking his hamburger is not complete artificial garbage.