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MARCH 2025

Iran’s Supreme Leader Appoints New IRGC Quds Force Commander

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Iran’s Supreme Leader Appoints New IRGC Quds Force Commander

Brig. Gen. Esmail Gha’ani. Source: leader.ir

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has appointed Brig. Gen. Esmail Gha’ani as the new commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force.

Gha’ani will be replacing Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani who was assassinated by the U.S. in the Iraqi capital Baghdad in the early morning of January 3.

In an official statement, Khamenei noted that Gha’ani was one of the prominent commanders during the war with Iraq and that he accompanied Maj. Gen. Soleimani in the past several years in the region.

“The plan of the force will exactly be the same as the plan during martyr Soleimani’s tenure,” the statement reads.

Brig. Gen. Gha’ani, 62, was the deputy of late Maj. Gen. Soleimani for several years. In 2012, he was added to the U.S. Treasury’s Specially Designated Nationals list.

Senior Iranian officials, including the Supreme leader, had vowed to avenge the assassination of Maj. Gen. Soleimani. The quick appointment of Brig. Gen. Gha’ani as the new commander of the Quds Force indicates that Tehran may be planning to respond very soon.

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for a while I thought Trump was stymied by congress, now it is clear he is a puppet of Israel; hope there is hell to pay

Liberal guy

It will be


US is engaged in extra-judicial killings of foreign leaders and military officers and this will have global implications as others will follow suit.


Ironically, Trump is now at a greater risk of being assassinated by the US Deep State in a false flag operation to blame Iran.

This scenario has two benefits for the Deep State, it Gets rid of Trump as a ‘Hero’ and unifies the fractured US population to follow the US Drumbeat for war with Iran and most likely, China and Russia as well.

Oil prices would go through the roof and rescue the US fracking boondoggle.

We ALL live in most dangerous times.


Soleimani had only himself to blame. It was incredibly foolish to target American troops and then to storm the U.S. embassy.

Jimmy Jim


Codenamed 'Gordon'

As usual you spread fake news to create significant public confusion about current events: united snakes were busy killing PMU members before the events of which you speak about happened


his more than slimed son in law, jared kushner, is jewish and a well known thief and so on.

Azriel Herskowitz

Can you even go one day without being antisemitic and blaming Jews and Israel for everything? It’s pretty pathetic, Bill.


Unfortunately they can’t

Its an illness, a very dangerous one at that!

Damien C

Frighteningly stupid action by the U.S was there no adults present to argue against such a dangerous move? The only Nation served by this is Israel. If they can ferment a larger scale conflict against Iran by U.S forces they are sure to get an increased handout from congress in the coming years as they sponsor virtually every single congress and senator in donations out of the aid budget USA gives them. No doubt Israeli assets had been bending the ear of Trumps son in law urging the assassination on the grounds it would be good for Trumps election campaign as he is miles behind in every straw poll taken, including republican vox pops


I’d say Israel *thinks* it is served by this, but we are in an ~perfect information world, they are marching themselves into their graves, and thinking they are winning, sadly.


Well they think the Yinon plan is being executed, but will not survive it. It is the ultimate height of US and Zionist bloodlust, arrogance and hubris.


nah the squatters are digging their own grave, fortunately, and will soon be 6 feet under pushing up daisies or be dried wet stains in the palestinian sand like the imprint a stranded jellyfish makes on the beach.

Zionism = EVIL

A long and very costly asymmetrical war in coming and all this gloating by Jew scum and rednecks will come to an quick halt when the Americunts have to start the draft and oil prices go through the roof.


For the older amongst you recall 1983 barracks bombing in Lebanon, thats one guy driving a truck killing over 300 marines. Asymmetric responses come in all manners.


Frighteningly stupid is what Soleimani was for targetting U.S. troops and then attacking a U.S. embassy. Did he think he was still dealing with Obama??

Zionism = EVIL

Ignorant arsewipe you have been gloating at the murder of a single Iranian as if it is some huge achievement. Just wait and see the bodybags coming arsehole.


The US is making Iran stronger, demonstrating the truth of Sayyed Ali Khamenei’s comment: “Thank God our enemies are imbeciles”.


US/Israel have been targeting the PMU for months now with drone strikes, is this somehow ok but not any response to it.


No peace on planet earth as long as Yids infest us.


All Americans are fleeing Iraq as the showdown is about to begin. General Ghaani is real man who ran the IRGC regional operations so Iranian position is in hardliners hands now and they will not back down.


Showdown? Where? At most, Iran can launch some hit and run attacks on U.S. troops, but then Ghaani will be a dead man too.


Time will surely tell, not internet trolls.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass that is what the Jew scum said about Nasrallah. As if the lardass Americunts will not die. You are a pathetic internet coward that has fantasies of death and violence.


I doubt the new guy will leave the country much like Soleimi did so US wont be able to fly drones over Iran to hit him

Panthera Pardus

Showdown? Where?

Any American *contractor* or soldier is a good target for any shities willing to take revenge.. so it will be not an easy living for any American businessman in Iraq… Lebanon… I think they start to look on their shoulders..


I hope that the IRGC now prohibit key personnel to travel together. Its daft.

Azriel Herskowitz

You’re coping. Just accept that the evil Iranians are not even foolish enough to initiate a full fledged war with the US.

Liberal guy

What ever image the zios left now that is finished by there foolish act

Liberal guy

This United them more really the Dajjal and his zio slaves are far more insane then we thought they should have struck to cold diplomacy for time being now as they have finished whatever hope of peace was there left


An attack against U.S forces in Iraq which might kill Amercian soldiers or civilians, will drag Israel into the war aswell. If it comes to that, all Iranian bases in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq will be targeted and destroyed. If Hezbollah gets the order to join the fight, then it will be the end of Lebanon as you know it. The drums of war are beating in the Middle East, winds of change to remove the mullahs forever.




Of course, Purim the lot of them – Deuteronomy 7, 20, Sanhedrin 2.. genocide everyone that is in your way. That is the way of your faith. (we all know now)


My faith is to keep my Jewish brothers and sisters safe, and protect my country against your Islamic friends. I will do so proudly.


Safety is a good aim, but if you think you can get it by killing others, you and your faith are fools.

‘”He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me.” Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their hatred.

“He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me.” Those who do not harbor such thoughts still their hatred.

Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.’

Without major and fast reform, the Jewish faith’s take on everything external to it will be its downfall. And it will be self caused, as much as anyone who survives will still blame the other.


fuk the killers of christians!!! and you too..


Come and see how Christians live here, better yet watch interview with Israeli Christians and how thankful they are to live here in the ME, just saying.

Jimmy Jim



Dumbass Christian PLFL of the late great Dr. George Habash is most opposed to the occupation of Palestine.


Karen Bartlett

That’s a lie. Israel persecutes Christians: https://youtu.be/il4H9xTbciU?t=3 https://youtu.be/SsJpfXMD044?t=5 https://youtu.be/H7__gNbMuq4?t=2

Jimmy Jim



Safe from WANKING Yid kid?


Who keeps people safe from Israeli attacks who are caught in the middle.


Hamas for example cares alot about Palestinians lives, they use them as human shields. Brave terrorists.

Karen Bartlett

The State of Israel was founded by atheists who were opposed to Judaism. You have no faith in God, only in Israel. That’s your religion, in fact, as you said. https://youtu.be/Vyo8wsW9Ook?t=164 https://youtu.be/l2SYMj41Q9U?t=3584 https://youtu.be/lm6_HU60usA?t=94


rofl.. wet dreams…


Not at all.

Jimmy Jim


Jimmy Jim

I am doin your mum while you troll Kiker…


Chris Gr

Hail Israel! Hail Phoenicia! Hail Assyria! Death to Shia and Sunni jihadists!


Amen! most of the guys here have seen only 5% of our firepower and capabilities, we have military stuff that will be used against Iran and their proxies (or states) when the time comes.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, you trolling punks are a hoot, the Zionist gutter rats live on our tax dollars. Who are you kidding?

Chris Gr

We must make Christian states in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan.

Zionism = EVIL

Yes and destroy the Jews who are our enemies.

Chris Gr

If the Jews hit the Assyrians or the Lebanese or the Copts I will defend them. But for now Shia and Sunni jihad is the enemy!


Exactly! btw, have you seen the Israeli-Greek-Cyprus EastMed pipeline project? https://www.euronews.com/2020/01/02/israel-greece-and-cyprus-sign-deal-for-eastmed-gas-pipeline

Chris Gr

Yeah for us Greeks it will be great.


A good alliance vs Erdogan.

Chris Gr

MENA region is full of criminals. Erdogan and Assad and Haftar and Khomeini and the Sauds. lol

Chris Gr

Everybody is against everybody! lol


We hate Erdo as much as the Greeks do, we’re with you.

Chris Gr

To be honest, many Greeks support Assad and Haftar and these are worse than Erdogan.


won’t ever happen


Oh i can’t wait, what fun when this bunch of Putin fan boys get all that old Soviet shit blown to bits

You know that’ll they’ll all bitch and moan


haha bob, trust me as a combat unit reserve I’ve seen what we have, and it’s very bad for them. The only reason it is not being used is to avoid MASSIVE civilians casulaties, but at war anything goes.


Punk yid kid LOL




I honestly feel sorry for desperate Iranian civilian who would overthrow this religious idiocy now if they could

Hopefully it won’t come all out war, up the sanctions, get the EU fully on board and I’ll give it a year or maybe a bit more before it implodes there


netanyahu’s head needs to be taken off at bout his shoulders and I trust this replacement will fix it post haste.


The new guy looks like an imbecile.


looking like one is one thing and being one quite another but I know when I read whatever pitiful additions you add that you are a full scale idiot and thus imbecile


He took the job, so…yep, he’s an imbecile!


if you want to see someone at the top, look in the mirror..


He’ll be a dead one soon

If i where him I’d leg it as fast as i could to the American side, save myself

Zionism = EVIL

Certified moron.


Its true though,Iranian supreme leader of stupidity has just signed this blokes death warrant

They may as well kill him themselves




Oh dear, is that the best you’ve got?

Azriel Herskowitz

You’re right. He looks like a guy who only has that position because he pretends to like the Ayatollah.

Lazy Gamer

Iran is now pressured to retaliate commensurately. Which target would it be? Which action will just fall short of open war? Or maybe which theatre would decrease chances of open war in Iran itself? Which organization will be used? Or instead there might be an announcement beforehand.


If they do something very stupid, they will cease to be an oil producing nation in the span of 8 hours.


and by the next day the US markets will crash and so will the world economy..


Blah blah blah

And with it your silly spoilt childish hateful lifestyle

Be careful what you wish for little puppy

Zionism = EVIL

Ignorant arsehole is back on this thread too.


Oh ive just had my dinner thats all, came back to see how the loonies were getting on

Sad to see little improvement, prognosis not good just like Iran

Zionism = EVIL

As if an uneducated moron like you would know ROFLMAO.


Iranian economy is tanking, its going down

Of course mad mullah blokes can get into mosques and pray, but it ain’t gonna do ’em much good

They’re doomed,doomed i say, and it couldn’t happen to a nastier lot of corrupt idiots

The next revolution will consume them, just like it did with Nikolai Ceausescu the mad mullahs know this thats why they react the way they do,killing their own people, just like Assad

If in doubt kill your own citizens, brilliant, welcome to the new multi-polar world order,can’t wait


Due to max pressure sanctions they’re hardly a oil exporting nation as thing stand

They couldn’t give the stuff away

What a bunch of desperate idiots


and the israelis will be pushing up daisies galore within 6 hours


Iran wont do anything directly against the US and has shown great restraint for years. But they will increase support for their allies and keep doing what they have been doing which is allowing others to equip others to handle the US proxy forces sent against them. Iran won’t spend the energy on useless geasters like trying to attack US bases with useless rockets or the embassy..

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly. Iran will be around for another several thousand years while the lardass Americunts would be licking Chinese arse and the Jews will be ash. Iran only needs to increase the pressure around the region and bait the deadbeat Americunts into sending more cannon fodder and increase the cost.

Jimmy Jim

Kill the Kikes and save the planet!


I like the look of this new bloke, just look at that face, take a good look because soon he probably won’t have one

FFS the supreme leaders of idiotic religious dictatorship have just painted a massive bullseye onto the poor bugger, what a Christmas prezzy




Another fine mess courtesy of Yid fucking parasites and their goyim bloodlust….

Ricky Miller

This killing would be the fate of Bashar al-Assad by now without Russian intervention. Let all those who proclaim President Putin some kind of traitor or Zionist because he won’t go to the extreme and cause a world war now see the truth. The Russian positioning in Syria prevents this sort of decapitation strike in Damascus. One can also extrapolate and understand why President Erdogan bought S-400’s.


Trust me, Putin is happy that this Soleimani is gone. He’d become suspect quite some time ago.


are you dumber than trump, yep think you most likely are – a prime idiot.


Ricky its simple if Israel or the USA wanted Assad dead it would have happened

And no amount of Russian junk would have protected him, even if they didn’t get him the first time wouldn’t matter as he’d have had to live in a hole someplace and you can’t really run a country like that can you?

Ricky Miller

And yet, it hasn’t happened. It’s sure not because they don’t hate him enough. Look at everyone they’ve killed and imprisoned. Saddam. Qaddafi. Noriega. Milosevic. And now even the uniformed commander of Quds. What’s different about Assad? Russian personnel and weaponry, that’s what. A gulf state prince said it best “where s-400’s appear the Americans do not fly.” Could they kill him? Yes, at cost. But the Russians might respond, with ferocity. So, they don’t. And all the diarrhea out your mouth doesn’t change that. Bob. The only person I know who’s name represents a verb instead of a noun.


Assad is a useful idiot who helps keep his country weak and divided,he’s a puppet dictator

Ricky Miller

Anti-truth. Assad defends his own country against outside attempts to divide it. His hold on authority is because the tribal consensus in Syria is that he should remain President. If he didn’t fight for Syria than tribal leaders would remove him.


Dumb answer

Putin defends Syria you’ve just admitted it

Hes a puppet dictator

‘Tribal leaders ‘ that comment shows what a backwards place it is

No meaningful civil society, no future, just a bunch of people waiting to make a claim

You can’t act like barbaric backwards tribal cultures in the 21ist century,it didn’t really work in the 19th century,ergo Syria and its tribal culture is on the extinction list, it can’t and won’t survive, at least not as a meaningful global player, same for Iran,Afghanistan Pakistan and Iraq, they’re all doomed, they unfortunately have no future in a world in which the most advanced economies are in a massive transition towards the fourth industrial revolution, what future do tribal cultures have?



I wouldn’t bother with bob, he just can’t accept that the zionists lost in Syria and he is trying to pretend that they won.


How long before the new guy also becomes a target.


He already is

If you look at that photo, well what it doesn’t show you is the ruddy great big bullseye shaved onto the back of his fluffy head!

I honestly feel sorry for him, he’s a dead man walking


pity much prefer to see the bulls eye right between netanyahu’s eyes or trump’s


In yer dreams mato

Azriel Herskowitz

Keep dreaming, antisemite.


the more the hymies transgress the acceptable legal threshold, the more hated they will be and the quicker they will be pushing up daisies or be dried wet stains in the palestinian sand like the stains the stranded jelly fish makes in the sand (and they´, the jellyfishes, are of infinitely higher value than the hymies)

Mehmet Aslanak

He looks like he’ll never travel with a car anymore.


Better get himself a camel


anything from ‘bob’ and ‘judgement’ is best ignored since its hogwash israeli style – they haven’t realized that they soon will be pig’s swill and eventually dried wet stains in the palestinian sand (like stranded jellyfish on a beach).

Bob TheBuilder

Keep looking in your rearview Mirror Brig. Gen. Esmail Gha’ani because we have you in our sights. Get ready tp meet your 72 virgins

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

in ur dreams pal, there wont be any virgins for u lmao

Azriel Herskowitz

Just another target for POTUS to hit with a drone strike. If he was smart he would go into hiding now. Don’t mess with the US! :)

Liberal guy

Americans are villains now officially also

Liberal guy

Such a fool Dajjal now the near East and Iraqis are more united then before

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