U.S. Army AH-64 Apache helicopters launch flares as they conduct overflights of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq December 31, 2019. U.S. Army/Spc. Khalil Jenkins/CJTF-OIR Public Affairs/Handout via REUTERS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY.
A leaked Iraqi document has revealed the number of US troops and equipment in Ain Assad Air Base in the western province of al-Anbar.
On April 7, the Tura News, a Telegram channel affiliated with pro-Iranian groups in Iraq, shared a copy of the document. The source of the document is still unknown. The Ministry of Defense and the Popular Mobilization Units are the most likely sources.
According to the document, which is yet to be verified, the US maintains 3,100 personnel in Ain Assad Air Base, as well as the following equipment:
- 20 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs);
- 15 AH-64 Apache attack helicopters;
- 2 AC-130 gunships aircraft;
- 4 V-22 Osprey vertical takeoff and landing military aircraft;
- 7 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters;
- 3 CH-47 Chinook helicopters;
- 4 Bell Huey helicopters;
- 3 M903 launchers for the MIM-104 Patriot air-defense system;
- 1 C-RAM [Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar] system.
The document also revealed the presence of forces from the following NATO countries in the air base:
- 90 personnel and 10 UAVs from Denmark;
- 20 personnel and 10 UAVs from Norway;
- 60 personnel from Poland;
- 5 personnel from Latvia.
Ain Assad Air Base was targeted before by pro-Iranian groups in Iraq. Last month, a rocket attack targeted the US-held section of the air base. An American contractor died in the attack, allegedly from a “heart attack.”
Pro-Iranian groups have been attacking American troops in Iraq in order to push them out of the country. Washington and Baghdad are currently in a strategic dialoged over a number of issues, including the future of US deployment in the country.
3,000? That seems like a pretty large number of people to keep around on the base to wait until the last hour to evacuate like our General said on 60 Minutes. I wonder if he was lying about that.
biden won’t evacuate on may 1st – no way. now that trump’s gone there is no one with an undertaking to end the wars around and the agreement can be forgotten/delayed/ignored to suit the jews in palestine.
Biden negosiated with the Gods in iran. He knows. And again: You dont.
You just take random sentences up from Your dirty pocket probatly not even washed every friday. it stinks.
They just dont keep around the base. Thats not even their job at all.
Americans dont have the slow traditions for moving around as Yours. They are not in the old days.
The Polish and Lavatory rats are clearly the zio terrorist jewish eyes and should be eliminated asap
I love that. Im sure they and I certainly prfare not to be like You.
They don’t need Poles and sewer rats. They have eyes and ears in the Pentagram in extremely high places.
Interesting that south front adopts the language of Empire calling freedom fighting Iraqis as pro Iranian militia. They are not fighting for Iran they are Iraqis supported by Iran
Maybe you might inquire, as to just what exactly “pro-Iranian” means ? Throughout this conflict, for whatever reason Iran has dealt with the militia forces. Hezbollah isn’t the only militia that has fought beside SAA in this war. There were several smaller militia’s from various origins that participated, one is Palestinian. When Iraq joined the military alliances with Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, etc., and Russia, Iraqi militia came pouring out from everywhere. Some pretty good size, and all seemed to gravitate towards Iran. If I recall IRGC is militia, of course Hezbollah, and the smaller militia’s, worked through Iran, fighting beside SAA. So, it followed the Iraqi militia’s would do the same. All needed to sync up with each other, SAA, Russian forces, etc.. It’s rather obvious that “pro-Iranian” indicates militia forces operating in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, etc.. Hezbollah being the single presence in Yemen. Maybe someone knows what the term means. Are all the Iraqi militia fighting in Iraq exclusively ? Or, are there Iraqi forces fighting in Syria, as well ?
It is in both Iran and Iraq interest to have the US out of Iraq, so Iran helps Iraq get the US out of Iraq, is that too hard too understand?
Thats a relative. As usual you talk a lot of babling nonsense but solve none in the homieparts, so others has to be babysitters for the whole bunch as it was a childcare center.
USA with Nato was asked in because no locals could accept the Bagdads for good as well as bad reasons.
Its the same for Damaskus. If Foreigners for Assads could vote, the baathist was a majority there:(
I had no problem understanding, it’s a rhetorical question.
I agree better cleaning for who is wh should be possible, but irts also very difficult So many here do forget, that USA actuakky left even they would lead some 10.00 hardheaers stay and protect the Bagdads.
But they and us by Nato was recalled in. Why blame the ones of us, which are in no conflict with Iran at all. Iran even has thrown ballistic at us.
..And yes. Who are those Iranians along Eufrat.
Nonsense with meaning!
SF editors need to know that Iraq was twice invaded by the Ameriswine and 50 puppet NATO vassal states twice, its infrastructure destroyed, over a million people killed, medicines sanctioned, its oil plundered, US cowards committed horrendous human rights abuses as exposed at Abu Ghairab, and then they expect no local Iraqi resistance. It borders on sheer ignorance. Iran is a neighbor of Iraq and they share the same religion and cultural ties, so obviously Iraqi population feels an affinity with Iran. THE WHOLE IRAQI RESISTANCE IS MADE UP OF LOCAL IRAQIS, both Shia and Sunni. Not a single Iranian is fighting in Iraq, contrary to Jew propaganda.
All right, enough of your trolling. SF has a far better grasp of world history than yourself. SF has much better contact’s relating accurate information, than I’ve seen you produce. Your prejudice, and presumption of knowledge makes it difficult to have any sort of rational discussion with you. SF isn’t the only source of credible information I access, and I’m not given to allowing emotion to overrule reason. There’s no one that doesn’t know the shit you’re howling about here. So, what’s your point ?
Iraq is under brutal US and NATO occupation and has a quisling government, so it is not capable of joining any organised resistance. Some Shia and Sunni groups are resisting with very limited means. Only a Vietnam style national resistance will liberate Iraq and Syria, but don’t expect that from fragmented and corrupt Arabs and Kurds are US and Zionist stooges. So US occupation will be eternal.
Really ? Then how was Nouri al Maliki able to fly to Russia, meet with Putin and depart with the military alliance he requested, a trade alliance, (mutually beneficial) and a wise piece of advice ? Why didn’t US Government, and it’s minions put a stop to this unfriendly behavior by an Iraqi Official ? I’m aware of Iraq’s Government, it exists, for the reason that over time US puppet Governments installed to serve the Western agenda’s, become sick, and tired of watching their country being drained of resources, and being treated like shit. Saddam Hussein turned on his US Government masters, not once, but twice. The second time, he committed the unforgivable crime of dropping Central Bank, in anticipation of joining BRICS. Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Brazil, Syria, India, and Russia were working on the BRICS Banking System. Rothschild discovered this, and became pissed. This move would cost untold losses to his banks, and dropping Central Bank as a country’s federal reserve bank, is simply not done. Very few countries had ever rejected Central Bank from being installed, few countries had dropped Central Bank as it’s reserve. Almost every country that dropped Central Bank, was immediately attacked by US military, and razed to the ground. US military’s signature move when attacking a country that displeased Lord Rothschild in this way is to attack civilian infrastructure, and civilian population, as it invades, the leaders are next as the countries gold is seized, and shipped off to Rothschild. Taking control of the resources is next, and starting up the theft of resources, ag crops, slapping economic sanctions that stop trade in it’s tracks, monies in Western bank accounts are frozen, as shown in 42 year’s of US sanctions slapped on Iran, and US sanctions slapped on Russia since 2014. These sanctions gave Russia small problems, it’s answer was to begin manufacturing the products stopped from import, domestically, and/or a more trusted country to produce. Russia expanded it’s agriculture capabilities, brought in farmers that knew what they’re doing, upgraded to modern growing technology, as most of what Russia imported was food. From EU countries that are obedient to their US boss. This cost EU countries billions of fiat Eurobucks a year in lost trade. Permanently. Did US compensate it’s allies for it’s losses accrued while standing with it’s ally ? Not !!! When Germany complained, and requested relief to avoid bankruptcy, US sanctioned them. Going after Nordstream II joint construction project that was more than half completed when US began demanding the project be shut down, and that Germany buy US supplied gas at ridiculously high prices, and a bonus of unreliable delivery. US has managed to interrupt the project by slapping punishing sanctions on countries it designates if they continue business on the project. US, even at this point is still causing it’s once loyal allies problems with construction of the pipeline. Which will be completed this year. US has gone so far as to have a Polish fishing boat ram the pipelaying ship, and have a Polish Navy submarine surface inside the restricted zone around the pipe line ship to protect it, and it’s anchors that are set about a mile away from the ship to hold it in position. The submarine put itself at risk of becoming entangled in one of the anchor chains, and causing problems for the ship. Russia responded by sending a cruiser to discourage further foolishness. Also sent a destroyer to escort the Iranian tankers bound for Syria after finding an Iranian ship had been attacked.
No wonder no one donates to them, and the zionists are too greedy to give them money
But they do. If not, You could not write here ven You are paid not to.
Id pay 20 bucks for you to write elsewhere, how about that?
He is already paid to write on here as he himself has admitted and paid by the quantity , not by quality .. which of course is obvious..
We used to have some real intelligent comments here, but this Jens fool is driving people away. Wonder what SF agenda is to keep such clowns here and censor educated intelligent people. This site is becoming worse than any Zionist media. Even India has more robust and free comments section. I am not a fan of the US, but US websites are still some of the freest, like Zero Hedge, Veterans etc. There will no point posting here soon as it is worse than Murdoch gutter press now.
I see some of the worst fools are not here. Thats fine for the whole local world here.
Much as those writers often are like You finding homemade unwashed truth by both left and right hands under Your dirty bed bæakets.
Much as if You see the world by Nijab wearing dark sunglasses as well.
I try to document things, when they can. The answer is Im toold Im a liar even when millions of clicks by searh machines like Google confirms it. By that any debate is worth nothing.
Maybee You should make a site for the best and badest liars in the world world and remain there. Much as the Chorn actaully says You have to lie everytime – and not – it twice says, that You CAN.
Russian lovers are exact the same. I saw it myself in Berlin in 1968 visiting eat and west. The Russian tourists of course only allowed to visit East knew the East Berlin was one the most beautifull, advanced and modern cities in the whole world – and W est Berling, WestGerman TV and West was one big poor lie, where some few Kapitalist were rich by producing things to people, which were so poor, they could not buy it:(
Only the Russian cameras was worth something. Funny, they were made in DDR.
We also coud buy books, whcih showed all important invensions was made by Russians – even Our new music.
I still wonder if Brecht and Weil with their “just show me the way to the next whisky bar” by the USA Doors was allowed or ever heard by them as opium for balalaijka.
As spoken by dildo brain but as I didn’t bother reading the garbage that is all an assumption based on previous experience,,
They just censored another of my comments on the futility of posting here.
It probatly want a comment.
True, I get a golden bathtub every 10.000 words.
The only thing golden you get is a Golden Shower but you enjoy that… Stick to playing tanks with your matchbox… By the way dildo brain while you were playing with matchboxes I was out there doing it for real.. Not playing games.. Up close and personal so understand why I know you are just a complete clown.. You can’t teach me a thing… Now go and get your golden shower..
I say You dont decide that. SF and the donators do.
Then why the pop up every time I open their shitty page?
Maybee it a mirror site :)
…I use some filter programs. You might do same thing.
SF is just a confused MSM platform and also censors comments heavily. It has lost any credibility and is losing the small audience. Most of comments are from idiots like Jens and total nonsense or some third worlders pretending to be Russian. There is a not a single Russian or an American here.
I dont care. We also only have names for pigs, if they are pets
You add no value and are destroying the any credibility this site had. Funny that SF censors rational comments and lets you post total nonsense.
Yes I had a couple of comments removed last week in reply to Jens. They were shall we say rather to the point so I understand why they removed them.. It doesn’t matter what you say to Jens , he is like a rather large turd that regardless of how many times you flush it , it keeps coming back. If he carried on like he does here in a bar or pub he would spend more time unconscious than awake so he wouldn’t be a problem..
They censor decent comments and let these clowns post pictures or pigs, cats and meaningless drivel. Quite absurd and perplexing.
The best thing to do with Jens is to Block Him/Her or It.
If I was an Iraqi freedom fighter and I was supported by Iran, then, as a general rule, I would also be tacitly pro-Iranian.
Iran needs to remain as ready to shoot back as ever. The terrorist Ziocorporate globalists are “great resetting” their pieces and assets across the board.
“US agrees to withdraw ‘remaining combat troops’ from Iraq – reports” https://www.rt.com/news/520400-us-iraq-combat-troops/
US Liarspeak for the only thing that’s gonna’ change around here, is the fact the fact things ain’t gonna’ change around here…
The sad reality is that the US is a brainwashed dumbed down imploding hatefilled savage place and is now under total Zionist occupation, so the average American or any western sheeple are under 24 surveillance state and the situation is much worse since this Covid scare has taken away even the basic rights. Only is China and the most of the Muslim world the Jew agenda of global police state is being resisted. Why do think China which in its entire 4,000 year recorded history only signed a long term strategic deal with another historical power Iran, and not with any other country. The Jews have total control over so-called western media and could not do that in Iran or China.
Blah, blah, blah, US isn’t the only country that’s enjoyed this same brainwash. (rinse, and repeat) In fact many of the people wagging the finger at US, and parroting your comment live in a country that’s been given the same treatment by the same Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal. These brainwashed, dumbed down blah, blah, blah,……GAK !!! Aren’t able to see in themselves, what they instantly recognize in another country. Cognitive dissonance. And, it’s easier to fool people, than show them they’ve been fooled. A 90% reduction in world population agenda has been underway since 1992. This bit of handiwork must be completed uninterrupted, or the risk of resistance by those being killed should they learn the truth of what’s being done to them will cause a backlash that will end the Globalist’s whole genocidal trip. There’s already problems, their plans are found out, many have been destroyed, causing their agenda to go out of sync. I’m well aware of the situation in US. I’m seeing many other country’s presenting these same symptoms that the sheoples of US display. At best every population has it’s fair share of idiots. They’re pretty evenly spread country to country. The Globalist’s created the PsyOps, and propaganda programs being used today. Worldwide having replaced public education with this brainwashing program. Accelerated in the mid-1970’s in US, and likely worldwide given the Globalist’s own most countries debt, and happily keep it weaponized to maintain instant compliance from that countries Government. There’s the ever present overlying threat of US military being sent to visit particularly unruly Governments. Unless that country is fortunate enough to have a strong military force capable of defending it’s country, and inflict heavy losses on an invasion force. Then US uses destabilization practices, sanctions, convincing sounding empty promises, bluff, bluster, bullying, proxy forces, other useful idiots.
US agrees to withdraw ” COMBAT TROOPS ” but a FEW advisors will remain so alongside the contractors the total remaining once the combat troops are renamed advisors should be around 5000 or so. Question is IF they do pullout, their troops in Syria are heavily reliant on the support of those in Iraq..so will they also pull back or will those in Iraq just go to Syria so they can return too Iraq at a moments notice.
Well, that was predictable.
Bit like when Trump ordered them out of Syria so they crossed over into Iraq , had a coffee and a giant fatburger then turned around and went back into Syria.. Trump to general .. Have we pulled out of Syria yet General.. Oh yes sir most are already out and they are just waiting for redeployment .. Where are they redeploying too. Oh we haven’t worked that out yet Sir.. Good job General.. General texts .. send them back in…
I sure You offend both of them.
As long as the Jew cancer is in Palestine, the US idiots will not leave any Arab or Muslim state, they occupied to protect the Zionists, i.e Iraq, Syria, Libya, Palestine, Yemen etc. They have bought the Wahhabi corrupt Arab pimpdoms and Egypt. The only resistance they face is from Iran and Syria and the allied resistance groups like Hezbollah and Ansarallah. There was a good article on Zero Hedge on why the occupation of Iraq and Syria will never end. They are lucrative as US is selling Iraqi and Syrian oil and plundering it. Even Syrian wheat is now being shipped to Zionists, Russia is also complicit. Like in other historical occupations, like of Algeria, only a local resistance will free the region of both Zionism and imperialism.
That could be correct.
I made up the numbers of who would stay behind but the rest is predictably correct..
Iraq is now a free US petrol station and pays for US wars and terrorism, so the Americans will never leave. Iraq has ceased to be a functioning state as Kurds are owned bu US and Zionists.
I nallow me to add that the non USA troops and teachers there varies in numbers and what they do. Ours are one the extra military budgets and most things about them are open and no deep dark at all.
As I recall it, the Iraqi military forces should be counted too. They also are the feet on the ground security there.
The Zion are crying like the whores they are…
4 Syrian soldiers injured in ‘Israeli agression’ over Damascus, Syrian state media report
There has to come a time that Syria needs to hit back. The Zionists are cowards and will never be able to cope with a destructive ground war. They could not even hang on to Lebanon due to Hezbollah inflicting painful lessons every day. A wider war against the Zionists would be costly but it is far better than Syria being a punching bag. The other FACT is that Russia is under TOTAL JEW CONTROL and is no friend of Arabs historically. Did the USSR ever lift a finger to save the Arabs from successive defeats? NO. The only time the Zionists have been defeated has been by Hezbollah, a disciplined non state actor. My own analysis is that the SAA like most Arab armies is very poor and non motivated all the fighting is done by the Shia militias. Russia is only in Syria to protect its only naval bases. It is a weak state and not in position to really help Syria regain its sovereignty. The Russians are also in Syria to protect the Zionists. The so-called S-300 on paper have a range to cover all of occupied Palestine, SO WHY THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN USED? think about these issues with a clear non emotional mind/
You are right,
We need more sensible and educated comments. The certified fool Jens is a disgrace to this site. In any case, the US is boasting about how they humiliated Russia in Afghanistan. Russia could not even face Pakistan.
CIA boasts about fighting and humiliating Soviets in Afghanistan after decades of war in the country.
Syria has shot down Zion F-16s before, yes they can hit even harder. But that is playing right in Zion hands, remember Zion army is ISIL and yankees not their own gay “soldiers”. Over time Zion will die one way or other, the US is the blood line of Zion – without US there is no such thing as Zion “State” a lot of people think Zion have money or power…they don’t. “2020, the United States has provided Israel $146 billion.” that is cold cash, not the deals. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf BTW remember that is much higher, much much higher because it doesn’t include all the other shit Zion did to yankees to loot them, Zion population is 8.7m, just 8.7m think about that, you want to laugh remember all the Zion here crying about how strong they are…it is just sad, poor fukers – that is why I block them, they gone mad.
I think Syrian know about their own army shape – like you said and they might want to wait it out, I seem to see a lot of younger people are becoming anti-war and what not…Zion and yankees are disliked more and more in the world. About not wanting a war….Russia – it is clear Russia don’t want war, they been working on self-defence for a long time now and it is not just Russia but also China. Those two country don’t want to bleed to death like US. I can see their point of view but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t fight for their goals.
Russia have Russian Jews in Israel a lot matter of fact mostly from Soviet Union era. I feel like Russia also care so much about WWII they can’t move from past and try to make new allies, even with China. But I also see why Russia don’t want to start a “fight” with Zion…what’s in it for Russia? There is no point, Russia is not in Iran shoes to care that much about Syria or Iraq.
Here is the thing, do I see war break-out one way or other, Yes, but the time for that will be set by Iran block not Zion block. We don’t know what the Iranian/Syrian/Iraq/Hezbollah plans are… which is good, but it is matter of time, bleed US and wait for right time.
These almost daily attacks are coordinated with Russia, the main protector of Zionists. That is India even has distanced itself with a strange and confused Russia. The Syrians are too weak to stand up to the Zionists who have total western and Russian support. China and India have no interest in the Arab world in general, bedsides cheap oil, o that leaves the Iranians to support Syria, and they at this stage are not that well armed. Maybe now with Chinese support their weaponry will improve.