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MARCH 2025

Iraq Says “No” To US Troops Coming From Northern Syria

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Iraq Says "No" To US Troops Coming From Northern Syria

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On October 20th, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that the US troops withdrawing from northern Syria weren’t going back to the US, but rather to western Iraq.

“The U.S. withdrawal continues apace from northeastern Syria… we’re talking weeks not days,” Esper told reporters en route to the Middle East, adding that it was being carried out through aircraft and ground convoys.

“The current game plan is for those forces to re-position into western Iraq,” Esper said.

The US claims that the troops are approximately 1,000 and would “help defend Iraq” and work against ISIS, which has been announced as defeated there since December 2017.

A video published by Al Jazeera showed how satisfied people are:

And on October 22nd, the Iraqi military released a statement that the US troops aren’t welcome in the country and that they weren’t authorized to be there.

“All US forces that withdrew from Syria received approval to enter the Kurdish region so that they may be transported outside Iraq. There is no permission granted for these forces to stay inside Iraq,” the statement said.

On the same day, Mark Esper said that the troops weren’t going to stay in Iraq, in complete contradiction to what he said 2 days earlier, but the US probably expected Iraq to simply allow them in.

“The aim isn’t to stay in Iraq interminably, the aim is to pull our soldiers out and eventually get them back home,” Esper said at the Prince Sultan Air Base near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

He simply said it wasn’t clear how long the US troops would stay in Iraq and he would speak with the Iraqi defense minister on October 23rd.

Esper then said that Saudi Arabia had agreed to accept the deployment to the Kingdom. He didn’t provide much details.

US President Donald Trump praised Saudi Arabia saying that they would pay to receive the 1,000 US troops coming from Syria, but Esper said that the US military isn’t a mercenary force.

“We are not a mercenary force,” Esper said.

“Mercenary forces do things for the pay, we are doing this (to).. help defend our allies, second to deter Iran so we don’t have increasingly bad behavior, and third defend the international rules based order,” he added.


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No country wants them anymore after they betrayed so many times, entire countries.. F…..g Scumbags…


They are about as welcome as vampires in a blood bank.

klove and light

Esper is in iraq today….SURPRISE visit…….. there is only 1 solution to MAKE them leave………the US Zionist slave Forces will never leave iraq by themselves…never ever!!!!! and the constituion WRITTEN by the USA for iraq makes sure that this will never happen……the iraqi Government Needs the Parlament to pass a law, asking the US/Zionist Forces to leave, only probelm is that the kurdish delegates Always VOTE AGAINST it.

Graham Steinberg

Esper ? US “zio, special envoy” for the Tel Aviv entity !


Let’s see when amerinbreds start get slaughtered. :D

Peter Jennings

It seems that the USMIC’s days of ‘helping’ their allies and deterring Iran are over. The good people of Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan no longer want an american turd in their punchbowl. Is the USadmin to wait until they lose a thousand ambushed personnel before they get the message? They do keep pushing their luck, which s finite.


In my view, this is a huge turn of events.


Its taken best part of a decade – but the NATO-Gulf State financed plan to dismember Syria is over. Of course, the US is behaving as an entitled loser, and peace-resolution spoiler, desperately clinging onto occupation base at al-Tanf, and trying to delay Syrian repossession of its far east oil assets. But it is only matter of the clock running down before US military are finally out of Syria. Almost a decade of regime change chaos and destruction across Syria – that has been direct result of US Neo-Con driven foreign policy – nobody across Levant and Mesopotamia will forget this anytime soon.


and don’t forget the real perpetrator/instigator israel. it’s all on their behalf and their obsession with Iran – and here we are today, what, 8 years later and the sore loser is israel to the extent that its future is threatened and in my view and with hindsight of what israel’s been up to over the last 100 years, it’s right to exist is forfeited and the land (mostly stolen) should be returned to the palestinians.

S Melanson

Yes indeed. I see this as the moment that triumph of Team Multi-polar World became official. See my other post.

S Melanson

It is official!

WINNER: Team Multi-Polar World LOSER: Team Globalist

Welcome to the NWO based on a multi-polar balance of power. The globalist NWO vision of unipolar hegemonic control has lost and team cohesion is unraveling as we are seeing increasingly retreat as the momentum builds and the globalist cornered and so throwing in the towel. Give them credit though, they put up a good fight.

We still have some ways to go to complete the transition so stay alert. However, we have survived and weathered the most dangerous phase of changing of the guard to multi-polar world in the age of WMD.

Think what you will of Trump, but he smashed the hegemonic systems of control in record speed, accelerating the transition through the most dangerous phase. Impressive. Think of it as akin to the Seldon Plan from Foundation and Empire by Asimov.

Bruno Gama

The Region between Raqqa- Ayn Issa Corridor and Manbij will fall into SAA hands, because the Kurds have no “American allies”, they will be under Syrian Arab Republic control again, or under Turkish, guess who they will choose? The Region around Hasakah will also fall to SAA, because the Kurds will fear Turkish invasion. In the End Turkey will have it´s own safe corridor in Syria, and Syrian Arab Republic will regain all the SDF controlled territories without a fight! A Magistral movement by Erdogan-Putin. The West are paying for their arrogance, supporting Gulenists. Erdogan never forgets, never forgives.

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