Haider al-Abadi
Iraq’s government would welcome Russian air strikes against Islamic State, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Thursday.
“It is a possibility. If we get the offer we will consider it and I would welcome it.” Abadi said to France 24 television about the possibility of Russian air strikes in his country.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a news conference that Moscow doesn’t have a decision to expand its air strikes to Iraq, yet.
“We were not invited or asked,” Lavrov said. “We are a polite people as you know. We don’t come if we’re not invited.”
However, it’s clear that Russians can do this if they will be invited. Russia, Iraq, Iran and Syria have already set “Joint Information Center” to coordinate their efforts again terrorists. So, the invitation could become reality in the nearest future.
Terrorism must be destroyed!
Es sind KEINE “Rebellen”, es sind TERRORISTEN !