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MARCH 2025

Iraqi Army Advances Towards Iraqi-Turkish Border

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Iraqi Army Advances Towards Iraqi-Turkish Border

On Saturday, the Iraqi Army and security forces started advancing from Ain Zahal town west of Duhok city towards the Iraqi-Turkish border, according to local sources.

The Iraqi government forces will reportedly set a new border crossing with Turkey when they reach the border.

The Iraqi Army also sarted an advance towards Chamchamal town south of Sulaymaniyah city. According to Iraqi sources, the army advance is coordinated with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by Pavel Talabani.

No new clashes between government forces and the Kurdish Peshmerga force were reported on Saturday. However, Kurdish activists published a photo of alleged M1 Abrams tank of the Iraqi Army that was supposedly destroyed by the Peshmerga during the clashes in Altun Kupri town near Erbil city on Friday.

Iraqi Army Advances Towards Iraqi-Turkish Border

Meanwhile, Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani said in an official statement that Kurdistan is “facing threats, blockades and collective punishment” for exercising their peaceful right to hold a referendum.

Brazani has called on the international community and Kurds in the diaspora to help Kurdistan, and stage peaceful protests and civil activities.

“Governments have, due to their interests, forgotten about the sacrifices made by the people of Kurdistan and the Peshmerga forces in the fight against ISIS terrorists … therefore call on you to prevent this war-mongering, murder, violations and the fleeing of people, committed by the Iraqi government through its militia forces and in cooperation with foreign assistance and guidance against Kurdistan.” Brazani said in the statement.

Kurdish sources reported that hundreds of Iraqi Kurds protested on Friday and Saturday in front of the US Consulate General, and the United Nation office in Erbil city. The protestors demanded from the international community to support the Kurdistan Region Government against the Iraqi Federal Government.

Such protests will likely have no effect what so ever on the Iraqi-Kurdish crisis. However, the protests might support the weak position of Brazani and help him to remain the president of the region.

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Hussein Ahmad

The Kurds should just pack up and leave, go to Turkey or Iran, they haven’t been in Iraq for long historically speaking.


No thanks, just send them to America and Israel whom they worship so much.

Hussein Ahmad

Haha true

Serious Dude

Another Kurd hater…

Hussein Ahmad

The Kurds bring hate onto themselves. They disgrace themselves so naturally any decent human would hate evil actions

Serious Dude

Fighting ISIS is evil? Because that’s what the Kurds have done.

Hussein Ahmad

That doesn’t give them the right to steal other people’s land and homes

Serious Dude

They steal no land. Not to mention that they were massacred by Iraqis during Saddam.

Hussein Ahmad

Alright so why aren’t they withdrawing peacefully back to their agreed territory. Why are they selling Kirkuk oil which doesn’t belong to them, etc.

Serious Dude

So it is for oil not for the fight against Zionism…

Hussein Ahmad

Are you trying to change the topic? Yes the Iraqis are getting their rightful oil back from the Israeli allied barazani.

Serious Dude

Rightful oil?

Hussein Ahmad

Yhhhh. Kirkuk belongs to Iraq, it’s not part of the autonomous Kurdish region in Iraq. Do you not know the meaning of rightful?

Serious Dude

Kirkuk belongs to Iraq not to PMU.

Hussein Ahmad

PMU is legally under Iraqi government control. I don’t know what you’re trying to say


He’s a good kid by heart and polite, but utterly and hopelessly suspicious of anything Shi’as have a hand in, because of all the propaganda he swallowed.

Serious Dude

Not Shias but Shia extremists.


As if it’s a real thing and in existence.

I’m going to act like you: By that statement, you accepted you’re under the influence of propaganda. How does it feel? :)

Serious Dude

This thing happens in Iran: http://www.metalinjection.net/metal-crimes/iranian-musicians-jailed-facing-possible-execution-for-playing-metal This thing happens in Saudi Arabia: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/zngeew/anti-religious-black-metal-band-in-saudi-arabia-666 Find the similarities.


What happened to the band? Do you know?

Serious Dude

I don’t. The Saudi Arabian, however, resides in Canada. So now you see that one type of extremism is not better than the other type? However, Sunni extremism is worse.


Then search for it before jumping to conclusion. They could… They may…. Nothing concrete, no follow up, no nothing.

Don’t get me wrong, I never claimed Iran is like US. There are limits but nothing remotely warrants putting Iran and KSA in the same page.

Serious Dude

Yeah but that thing doesn’t happen in Israel!



This is what happens in Israel:






The heaven on earth.

Serious Dude

Oh jihadists use women and children as shields!


Specially that jihadi old woman hiding those two jihadi children.

But if it helps you to sleep better, go for it by all means.

Serious Dude

The same shit that also happens with “refugees” all over Europe!


Wow. That’s the first time I see you use that kind of language.

Do you want to discredit me after I said you were polite? :)

Serious Dude

Then change shit with stuff!

Rafik Chauhan


Serious Dude

I am trying to say that paramilitaries make things worse.

Hussein Ahmad

Well the Kurds should have thought of that and withdrew instead of fighting

Serious Dude

Why should they withdrew? And if they withdrew where will they go? Kurds and Assyrians are the oldest inhabitants of Mesopotamia.


They can go to the Iraqi Kurdistan Autonomous Region, as envisioned in the Iraq’s constitution (co-written by Kurds) and KRG internal law.

Let’s hear from Assyrians regarding KRG: https://twitter.com/AXvids

Thank to the Assyrian friend who sent me the link.

Serious Dude

Many Assyrians don’t like Kurds because Kurds helped the Turks and then the Arabs do killings against them. But we should find common causes and not hatred.


I wonder who is spreading hatred towards Arabs, Iranians, Assyrians, Shi’as, Turkmens, Turks and Yezidis? Notice that a sizeable part of Iraqi Kurds are willing to cooperate with Iraqi government, based on the country’s law. That’s what is the middle ground: “THE LAW”.

Serious Dude

With the Iraqi government, not with paramilitaries.


Yes I agree, If there’s a paramilitary force not controlled by the government. Sadly for you, PMU, Iraqi Army, Iraqi Police and Iraqi Anti-Terrorism force are all under government’s control.

On the other hand, Barzani imported some PKK militia from Turkey to fight with government. That’s a paramilitary force, not controlled by government and entirely foreign. Not so different than a terror group.

Serious Dude

I agree that PKK should be kicked out.

Kawa Asinger

Barzani importing PKK? You’re mad if you believe that. Barzani has bad blood with PKK. He helps Turkey attack them. That was fake news to try and involve Tirkey in this “war”. You shouldn’t believe everything you hear and see on the “news”. The Peshmerge do not need to withdraw from Kirkuk. If Iraq sees them as part of the Iraqi military. Kurds never agreed to PMU being part of the military, so Iraq took a one sided majority rules, fuck the minority step. And Iraq has to implement article 140 which it has delayed for 10 years. It was supposed to be implemented in 2007. But everybody here talks about “law” and the Iraqi “constitution”, yet they forget that the Iraqi government violated that same “constitution”.


Did PMU say otherwise? PMU is an Iraqi force, under authority of Iraq’s prime minister if you forget.

Serious Dude

If PMU is an Iraqi force then why do they fight Peshmerga?


Don’t act like a child. They don’t fight Peshmerga. Based on their country’s constitution, they are sent to exact the government’s authority on it’s soil. If some factions of Peshmerga engage them, it’s not on PMU. In order to avoid clashes, PMU even sent local units to the area (not Shi’a units, mind you), like Jeysh-Al-Turkamani to Tuz-Khormatu and Christian units to Sinjar.

Serious Dude

So if a government has paramilitaries then it is corrupt. And MIT-funded “Turkmen” groups are also making crimes what about that?


Would you keep it related to discussion? MIT is Turkish. If you have any issue regarding it or any groups related to it, I suggest you discuss it with Turks, not me.

Serious Dude

Okay, what about paramilitaries? Paramilitaries create havoc just like in Colombia.


Paramilitary groups following the law and the ones outside the law are apples and oranges.

PMU is under government’s direct control. They participate in country’s defence. They don’t wage wars or raids against foreign countries or their own, and even don’t seek to impose Iraqi government’s will inside the Kurdish autonomous region. Their actions are according to the country’s law, nothing more.

You disagree, you tell me when and where they did something against the law.

Serious Dude

I don’t know about that law. However, the PMU were created to fight ISIS and not the Kurds. Remember the fatwa?


What are you trying to prove? PMU was created to defend Iraq, end of story. They’ll face any threat endangering their country’s sovereignty.

And look into it, I mean Iraqi constitution, KRG law, you need to know more about the matter you want to question.

Serious Dude

PMU were created to fight ISIS, not “any threat”.


Don’t twist it. Iraqis themselves were massacred by Saddam, specially Shi’a Iraqis. He did it to Kurds too.

Serious Dude

Yeah but what’s the problem Shias have with Kurds?


Basically nothing. Barzani and co create hate. They spread lies about Shi’a forces to use it for strengthening their power. I have another post on this page, regarding just one of these lies.

Serious Dude

Barzani even had good relations with Turkey… Spreading hate?


You said: “Yeah but what’s the problem Shias have with Kurds?” [my reply] You said: “Barzani even had good relations with Turkey… Spreading hate?”

Is Turkey Shi’a or are you trying to evade?

Serious Dude

Barzani has good relations EVEN with Sunni Erdogan.


Is it in any way related to what you asked?

Serious Dude

Yes, why are Shias against Barzani?


Do you want me to repeat my answer half a page above?

Serious Dude

My bad, I meant Shia extremists.


No problem. I’m getting used to it.

Kawa Asinger

Well, the PMU came and literally disrespected all of the Kurdish nation by stepping on, and its defilement of the Kurdish flag. Also, the PMU is an umbrella term. There difference of opinion among different PMU factions.


Kurds are mostly sunni AND non arab.

Kawa Asinger

They put national pride before religion.

Kawa Asinger

And who helped the Shia? It was the Kurds.


Everybody here is fighting ISIS but it didn’t stop you to accuse PMU and Hezbollah of all kinds of things in the past.

Serious Dude

But I apologized for my mistake.


I didn’t notice. But it’s a very welcomed move. Thank you.

Serious Dude

However, I also accused Hezbollah with having relations with cartels.


But never showed your evidence, did you? Accusing others are very easy if you’re not planning to prove it.

Serious Dude

I have read articles about it but I don’t remember them.


So, no evidence. How convenient.

Keep up the good work!

Serious Dude

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/worldwide-drug-trafficking-ring-links-hezbollah-to-latin-american-cartels-a6849141.html France, Italy, Belgium, Germany and US disagree with you.


Were the accused a member of Hezbollah? His crimes proven? Then why did they release him quietly? All they did was adding his name to the sanction list.

Every coin has 2 sides, you know :http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2017/03/24/515500/US-charges-Lebanese-businessman-with-evading-sanctions

And lastly, those countries were involved in that investigation. They didn’t announce anything so I can evaluate if they agree with me or not. Maybe you can.

Serious Dude

Yes they were involved in the investigation. And the result of this investigation is that Hezbollah are not “good guys”.


The result is there was not evidence, so they released to accused. But you’re free to draw any conclusion you’d like. Just know that there’s no evidence to connect Hezbollah to Drug cartels. Just speculations.

Serious Dude

There is no evidence or you see no evidence?


If he was sentenced then you’re right.


Helping ISIS pass stolen oil to turkey for a cut? Doesn’t sound like fighting to me.

Kawa Asinger

I think there are some Peshmerge who did that, they were caught. But I think one of Barzanîs son had a hand in it as well. Don’t blame all Peshmerge for what a very small percentage do.


The oil passed through to Erdogan’s son for years until Russia said “this ends now”. Now they want to steal oil themselves. The last thing the Mets needs is another Zionist bastard.

Kawa Asinger

In Iraq oil revenue has been stolen for the past I don’t know how many years or decades, even Maliki’s government did it. People complained, but nobody listened. Kurds have blamed their official repeatedly about in-transparency of oil revenues and business dealing, but nobody listened. And Russia is helping Turkey invade Syria right now, Turkey invaded Idlib with HTS aid, yet the people hate the SDF who are part of Syria.

Promitheas Apollonious

fighting as a mercenary army to promote israels and anglo-saxons interest in the area does not make them fighters against isis just the stooges who die to clean the mess israel and anglosaxons have created in middle east.

Who you think formed isis and armed it?

Serious Dude

ISIS was created by ex-Saddam officers and was funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Promitheas Apollonious

no isis is the left over of BlackWater mercenaries and an army of the western globalization run and financed, by the war industry of them. So stop quoting what mass misinformation western media is spreading. Is one thing to know what you talking about and another to be an echo of their propaganda and misinformation.

If you are just another misinformed person then begin searching GLADIO get educated and the follow the trail of all the various allegedly terrorist groups operating around the globe and you have your answers.

other you just another clone of the western system brainwashed and holywood educated and not someone worth wasting time on.

Serious Dude

Western system? Hollywood educated? All these things are against Europe and Israel while supporting “Refugees” and illegals.

Promitheas Apollonious

another zionist idiot.

Serious Dude

Another insult by haters…

Promitheas Apollonious

keep it up braindead.


But not the USA and Israel eh. You are a zionist troll mate.


Thank you very much but NO! This ilk are incompatible with our country, unlike Iranian Kurds. Look for another solution, why do you want to rubble our homes?


Yes, and afterwards Turkey should also be ethnically cleansed of turks as they are even shorter in the region.

Then all arabs must be cleansed as they only immigrated after the seventh century AD and most likely even later as the population of Iraq, syria at that time was aramean. All arabs can go back to KSA, Yemen.

One must be consistent, right???


The source of these dis-info, Hemin Hawrami which is Barzani’s senior assistant lies repeatedly. I would look for another source as his lies are proven in the past. Example? His tweet, regarding PMF’s Abrams tank destroyed by Peshmerga, and the implication of PMF attacking by tanks, using Photoshop to add a flag as amateurish as possible: https://twitter.com/heminhawrami/status/921349214231293952

Pity the picture was taken in 2015, Yemen.


I’d be more careful if this liar is the sources some people rely upon on their quest to “freedom”.


The Peshmerga have been used and thrown out again. The US is behind all of this aggression against them because Iraq is not acting by themselves They are basically lap-dogs so this is without a doubt US aggression on the Kurds?

I’m thinking why would they want to go after a very close ally to such an extent. The Betrayal is so big here it’s all most biblical


Peshmerga Betrayal of Iraqi and Syrian nations under the KRG of Barzani is Big . Buying Iraqi and Syrian oil stolen from ISIS , and then reselling it to Turkey that is Betrayal .


Pesh Merga are only in KRG, not in Syria.

Pesh merga cannot betray Syria as they just aren’t there at all.

As for the oil, I agree. But blame it on those who gave the orders. To whom did you say they sold the oil?

Was the buyer then not also a betrayer?


I never said they were in Syria , but rather they betrayed Syria and their own nation , Iraq . Barzani , expired leader of the KRG , bought from ISIS , transported to Turkey and sold there . Barzani was the betrayer , and double so if he starts a civil war .

Kawa Asinger

What civil war? Do you know anyone on the ground in Kirkuk, or anywhere in Iraq? There is no civil war.


Sorry , did not mean to imply that there was one . However Barzani mob has been put in place by the national government , and is likely to be “unhappy” .

Kawa Asinger

Barzani clan? I wouldn’t blame the whole clan. But barzani and co (their media arm) are making up all kind of fake news right now. They even hyped the Kirkuk take over and had innocent civilians take up arms. Whilst the PUK came toa compromise with Baghdad to save lives.

General Surena

KURDS WİLL BE THE BİGGEST LOSER in this war. wait for it.. usa can do any DAMN THİNG.


Yup, very weird to totally ally themselves with the Yanks when they were on their way out….


In Kurds some are agents of Zionist Israel and they are bigger threat to the integrity of whole Iraq because they take instructions and guidance from Israel to rip apart whole Iraq.

Kawa Asinger

In Kurds? Have you lived among the Kurds? Or you pulling that out of thin air?


I am not interested to involve in Zionist conspiracy plan.

Kawa Asinger

Exactly no reply, so stop pulling info out of your ass.


This looks good. The Iraq military securing their side of the Syrian Iraq border and cutting Israelistan in two. The Syrian government coalition should do the same thing on their side of the border all the way up to the Turkish border.

Pave Way IV

Interesting move. The Kurds get to keep the Ibrahim Khalil Border Crossing into Turkey, but Iraq doesn’t want to pay duties or fees to the Kurds just to get stuff to the Turkish border. No idea if they do that now, but I think the Kurds are keeping all the fees anyways (or not remitting the actual amount collected to Baghdad). Iraq building a new one means the Kurds will lose a lot of the crossing the traffic across Ibrahim Khalil.

The Kirkuk-Ceyhan Pipeline also crosses Turkey in the far northwest corner just beyond the Fish Khabur Oil Metering Station. 2013 Kurdish plans laid out their own pipeline system running to the metering station – it’s operating today as the Kurdistan Crude Oil Pipeline. The Iraqis want their metering station back. That will also mean they can control how much the Kurds can export. The Ceyhan Pipeline in Turkey does not have enough capacity to take both Iranian and Kurdish oil. A few days ago, Russia’s Rosneft bought the operating rights for the Kurdistan Crude Oil Pipeline and plans on spending the equivalent of $1 billion to expand its capacity. This is going to be interesting.


Kawa Asinger

There are many thieves in Baghdad and KRG. Unfortunately the people always get screwed over by these “leaders”.

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