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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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On Sunday, the Iraqi Army and the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) captured Shuqqat Riyad Airbase located south of the ISIS-helld town of Hawija near Kirkuk city, according to the PMU media wing.

Moreover, Iraqi government forces captured the following 47 villages west and south of Hawija:

Al-Mahmoudiyah, al-Mubadid, al-Qasymiyah, Yassin Mohamad Khuder, Hussien Na’ym, Tabat Kurah, Sulman al-Jabur, Ali al-Sultan, al-Turfawi, Ashur al-Fares, Mukhlef al-Abd, Shael, Sarhed al-Khalaf, Sufr Maya’a, Shalal al-Matar, Wasmi Shalqgham, Saleh Shalqgham, Hussien Sabti, Mahal al-Ali, Nayf al-Mahmoud, Mohamad Hussien, Shurgi Khalaf, Sulman, Hamid Mosa Hamid, Hassan al-Gharbi, Hassan al-Subuh, Sabti al-Hamid, Ajaj al-Mushssien, Essa al-Ahmad, Younes Hassan, Hamid al-Khalaf, Kina’an, al-Dawuyah, al-Mushalah, al-Busaef, al-Busakhrah, Said Ali Mostafa, al-Jasmiyah, al-Muradiyah, Majoal Alij, Hawd 18, Brij al-Buker, Fadel Hilal, al-Zurban, Saray al-Fadel, Mohamad al-Saliem, Al-Awaj, Humydah al-Suflah.

Government forces also cut off the roads that links the Hamrin hills with Hawija town, al-Rashad village, Riyad town and the Makhoul mountains according, to the PMU media wing.

The media outlet also said that government forces soldiers killed dozens of ISIS fighters, and destroyed two VBIEDs during their advance.

Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Meanwhile, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq announced that ISIS fighters attacked positions of the Iraqi Army in al-Majar area southwest of Ramadi city. ISIS killed several Iraqi soldiers, and captured a Humvee vehicle and weapons of the Iraqi army during the attack.

Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Iraqi Army Captures Key Airbase South Of Hawija Town (Map, Photos)

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Government forces will likely begin to encircle Hawija town on Monday, as the ISIS defense lines around the town have fully collapsed, according to Iraqi sources.

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Zainab Ali

God speed superheroes/freedom fighters .. zio satanic terrorists’ days are numbered and as they are being eliminated every second

Jabbar Abbo



Endless supply of brand new hiluxes.

Eduardo Lopez

Well. We know how resolve this kind of problem the russian: tanks, bombers, dissapear people, tortures…Russia is really a democracy


ISIS is collapsing on all fronts and tries to use hit and run attacks to boost morale-propaganda. in the photos its obvious that the attack was on a checkpoint….in the middle of nowhere. Thanks to the ‘Endless supply of brand new hiluxes’ as Vitex commented this tactic will be the key isis ‘weapons’ from now on.

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