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MARCH 2025

Iraqi Army Is Preparing “Major” Attack On Kirkuk City – Kurdistan Region Security Council

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Iraqi Army Is Preparing "Major" Attack On Kirkuk City - Kurdistan Region Security Council


On October 11, the Kurdistan Region Security Council said that Iraqi government forces are preparing to launch an attack on an area controlled by the Kurdistan Region.

The Kurdistan Region Security Council said that Iraqi security forces and the Poplar Mobilization Units (PMU) are planning to attack the Kurdish Peshmerga forces north of Mosul city and south of Kirkuk city.

The Kurdistan Region Security Council statement are very questionable, because Kirkuk and Mosul cites are Arabian cities, and are not a part of the Kurdistan Region.

Moreover, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said in an official statement that Iraq Prime Minister Haider Abadi will be responsible for “any disputes or violence which may erupt in disputed areas.”

The KRG also claimed that Abadi threatened many times before to use military force against the Kurdistan Region. However, in reality Abadi called Peshmerga forces during his weekly address on October 10 to avoid any conflict with government forces in the disputed areas. Abadi also stressed that the security in the disputed areas is within the authorities of the Iraqi Federal Government.

From its side, Iraqi officials denied that the PMU or the Iraqi security forces are planning to launch any attack against Peshmerga units in Kirkuk city, according to the Saudi Al Arabiya news TV channel.

The KRG claims are likely a propaganda stunt to pressure the Iraqi Federal Government to keep it away from Kirkuk city.

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John Wallace

So the Iraqi forces backed by American advisers are going too attack the Peshmurga forces backed by American advisers . That sounds normal, Then America can claim victory for backing the winning side as usual.


If Iraqi’s stage a major attack on KRG, the KRG should seriously consider, after repelling that attack and likely taking a large amount of equipment, to make a lightning strike on Baghdad, just a little over 100 kms from their border. If IS could take Mosul without a shot with only 1.500 fighters, then KRG can take Baghdad with 50 to 75k.

An occupied Baghdad will give the KRG negotiating power with an Iraqi government in exile.

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

Enjoy guaranteed invasion from Turkey and Iran.


There maybe a lot of dead Turkish and Iranian soldiers to enjoy. Strange bedfellows may become more familiar gravefellows

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

Is it worth even more dead Kurds to fulfill your death fetishism?


You are up to ‚enjoy a guaranteed invasion from Turkey and Iran‘! So who is the death fetishist? I rather endorse the will of the vast majority of the Kurdish people to live in a state of their own! So you may call me a ‚selfdetermination fetishist‘.

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

You said you’d enjoy death, I stated what would happen. Stop being such a fucking retard.


Read my post again, I‘ve said that there ‚may (!) (in case of the invasion you will seemingly enjoy) rather a lot of many dead Turkish and Iranian soldiers to enjoy. I should have written: to ,enjoy‘. But even without the quotation marks it should be obvious that this was not any affirmation of any bloodshed that inevitably will follow such Invasion as predicted and seemingly affirmed by you


Stinky, Kurds are toast!!! US State Dept against Kurds forming Kurdistan. They will be destroyed before US creates Iran/Iraq/Syria/Russia/Turkish alliance. Keep dreaming Kurdistan fans!


All BS. In the unlikely case Iraq attacks the KRG full scale, they will lose as Iraq could only take Mosul after a year of fighting, partly done by pesh merga, and with CAS and art. support from the US, which they will not get attacking the KRG.

Iraq needed 100k forces and took a year to defeat 10k- IS.

KRG can foot, fully mobilised up tp 300-350k fighters and are in defensive positions and in the high ground, with wich Iraq is hardly familiar.

KRG will have many volonteers from PKK, SDF, Iran, defending their “family”.

Turkey could not even capture a part of Syria without paying IS “to go away”. Turkey has lost half its airforce, the better half. Turkey can only field limited numbers in another country. They had logistical problems for 3k of their troops, operating just 20 miles from their border in open terrain. So do not expect much.

Iran might do better, but that will be an incentive for the US to interfere, the more so as they are about to declare Iranian Guard forces as a terrorist group.

All in all, the likelyhood for large scale fighting is not that large and in case it happens, even if they lose, Turkey and Iran will have lost the peace and Iraq will be even more destroyed as a state.


US Govt. is against this. No money from US, no Kurdistan. Again, this is dreaming.

John Whitehot

probably less than the dead israelis in lebanon.

888mladen .

That won’t solve any problems of ordinary Kurdish people. You better ask secessionists in Balkans weather they are better of now then what they used to be during former Yugoslavia. That will only serve Israhell’s and US interests.

Wahid Algiers

Stinky Kurd won’ t be unhappy to serve US and Israel as a willing slave.


Yugoslavia fell apart after Milosevic started a serb nationalistic process within Yugoslavia which the other federated states there, logically, did not like. That was the beginning of the end. Tito was very careful to deny serbs an overpowering position within Yugoslavia and after his death, serbs started to dismantle the federation.

The people of Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia are very happy to be independent. Bosnians less imo. Kosovars are ecstatic. Montenegro, in fact a serb country, decided they were no longer serbs but montenegrans. They are happy too.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There you go spouting a CIA propaganda report , that was all exposed in 2016 at the Hague hearing. Keep spouting a lie doesn’t make it a truth just makes it look like propaganda there Herr Goebbels!!!

Temam Machmud Gase

Ur son of Bitch

Wahid Algiers

Yes, but the bitch was his older sister.

Wahid Algiers

Kurdish girly. Your kurd-gypsies are bad fighters. Cowards to stupid to use heavy weapons.

Temam Machmud Gase

These scums who pretend to be supportes of Kurds they are NOT. They are working with israelis and they are trying to fulfil israeli AGENDA. You better think how french behaved you and all those AffeRIKANER

Wahid Algiers

I am European. So spare your comment on beautiful and brave Algeria. As I think you understand e. g. German: AffeRIKANER bist Du. Go on f*cking Israhells female soldiers in Paris and London. That will be ok.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Those Afrikkaner are Executive Decision now an African wide PMC, they were used in Rwanda to arm the rebels there which committed those massacres and the UN contingents from Belgium and the Dutch were aiding them.


Your assertion is not warranted by facts!


A kurdish state boxed in from 3 sides cant resist

Wahid Algiers

A kurdish state never exists and is not needed for all times.



John Whitehot

horrifying. not as much as you playing pussy in bed with mossad though.


There are more Iraninians, Turks and iraqies than there are Kurds and jews, I agree destruction is certain just not who your thinking of lol.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Feel sorry for you Jacek and Stinky are the same person and Aussie.


That is almost guaranteed anyhow in case of an Iraqi attack, so will not make any difference.


Yep – reality has now meaning to a jewish hasbara troll – their constant state of delusion and paranoia will ensure their destruction is almost certain.


I think that would be overplaying their hand. But certainly the Kurds won’t sheepishly allow to become stripped of their right on statehood

John Whitehot

Rotfllololololololol whahahahaha, thanks for existing.


Aim to please.


Well now, you seem to love Kurdish fake news. You are so much the hypocrite, to be whining about the content on this site every day! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2322cbd49ca5e7b7e2d2dddb8a38acf3015cc26d7a71d7b661d691dc0da151e.jpg

888mladen .

Wet dream.


i pray for that to happen… so the aftermath also can happen

Ivan Kumar

Jewnational is at it again. Begone hasbara scum!:)

Temam Machmud Gase

Ur Mom could accelerate the whole process. Send ur Mom there.

Temam Machmud Gase

if ur mom accompanies them they will be able to conquer Baghdad with a few soldiers. Ur Mom was trained by Mossad and knows how to satisfy thousands of soldiers.


LOL your funny – did Mossad send out the designated talking points memo – several of you “Hasbara types” are clearly reading from the same deluded page LOL

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just a heads up the Kurds were trained on purpose to be bad soldiers and they will be defeated by the better trained Iraqi army and PMU, if push comes to shove.


KRG and Peshmerga can take Baghdad without a doubt. The Iraqi army are really not disciplined and the same goes to the PMU.

If 15.000 ISIS fighters could conqueror all of Iraq then Peshmerga could do the same even perhaps faster. Peshmerga has highly disciplined army compared to the Iraqi Gov’t.

If it was not for the US or the Nato coalition and the Kurds Baghdad would have fallen for a long time ago and something to keep in mind is that this time the US nor NATO will not get involved. Hack I could see Peshmerga taking all the way to Basra. They are highly patriotic and disciplined fighting force compared to the iraqi gov’t and also very smart in the way they conduct things and seem like they have good tactics in fighting


PORKY: Where have you been, did you get mired in the pig pen? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4db70b2fb2132e58a5cd9fea020fe9b754686ea92b214cdd5621ec92cf5a4a2.jpg

Kawa Asinger

He’s been porking your mum, BITCH!


Oy Vey settle petal

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He’s just indoctrinated with fake Kurd history which is spouted by the Kurdish culture@Kurdish culture and the likes they take Armenian and Assyrian photos and history and claim them as Kurdish.


Aw god YAWWWWWWWN… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/196d161f027c8549357c6d17b4ab956e5fc1e0cdc990b9a2e779eac5789af809.jpg


Adam. .we Kurds should not stop this time and we should take over all of Iraq and rule it and add another one million widows to exciting two million s

Kawa Asinger

How the fuck are they Arabian City’s? In that case Crimea is a Ukrainian city bitch! Kirkuk went through a process of Arabisation. Don’t deny history SouthFront. Your producers can explain themselves. Lying pieces of shit! ?

Solomon Krupacek

Arab city. Kurds raus! Kirkuk, Kurdistan, Katalunia, Kosov, Kawa, failed projects :DDD

Kawa Asinger

Seweria, Shitraq, Shitran, Turkgay failed colonial projects! ?????

Kirkuk is Kurdish and will be till there lives a Kurd in that city. The iraqi military and Hashid will leave in body bags. We are ready for war, this time we will march to baghdad and fuck your Ayatollahs up. All Kurds will fight for this war. PKK, PDK, PUK, PYD, GORRAN, KIU, KIG, KOMALA, PJAK, TAK, PDK-I and so on. We will bring you filths to your knees. You motherfuckers only listen when the foot of a Kurd is upon your filthy pedophillic kneck! BRING IT MOTHERFUCKERS! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? AND FUCK SOUTHFRONT FOR SPREADING FAKE NEWS, AND DENYING HISTORY. FUCK SOUTHFRONT. PUSSIES CAN BRING ME THE EVIDENCE THAT KIRKUK IS AN ARABIAN CITY. CUCKOLD. PIECES OF SHIT! ?????????????????????????????????????????????

Solomon Krupacek

kirkuk is arab city. kurds raus!


The last census by the Iraqi government before the ethnic cleansing by sunni arabs (Saddam etc) in 1957, held by Iraqi government, gave kurds a small majority in Kirkuk city and a large majority on the countryside. Turkmens were a large minority in Kirkuk city and a small minority in Kirkuk countryside. Hardly any arabs.

That was the official iraqi census of 1957. As they had no reason to lie, one can accept Kirkuk to be a kurdish region.

Wahid Algiers

They came as gypsies without any right to annex land. Get it. And they will annex Netherlands too one day. Like Albans took Kosovo from Serbia.

Kawa Asinger

Nah it isn’t the Kurds shouting Allahu Snackbar and calling for jihad on Europe. It isn’t the Kurds blackmailing Europe with rapefugees. Nice try, but you failed prick.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What ethnic cleansing the Kurds started a civil insurgency and were defeated every time after ethnic cleansing the area and each time before it escalated into a civil insurgency. Just rinse and repeat edited history you shouldn’t be fake like that and you guys need to be banned as even YouTube has been banning Fake Kurd channels.

Kawa Asinger

All talk and no evidence bitch! Kurds were oppressed, and denied their rights. Once a Kurdish country appears, I guarantee you Russia will recognize it. Fucking prick. Your just mad, coz you can’t do shit about it.

Wahid Algiers

Only an opressed or dead kurd is a good kurd. Hang them higher.

Kawa Asinger

Come and try, and we will send you back in body bags like the Hashid in Duz Xurmatu.

Wahid Algiers

When I would stand in front of you your pants will be pissed wet you kurdish fucktard. And now? Just pissing when reading my words. Guys like you we use as slaves in our military units. What is about kurdish fighters? Aren’ t they better at the Olympic games in any running competion? Poor cowards!!! Like you.

Kawa Asinger

Kurdish fighters those you took Kirkuk back bitch!! ???

Wahid Algiers

You believe that you fist-fucked kurdish gay scum?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

All bullshit and lies from you , they had them denied because as usual they backstab everyone they even did this to the US again. Why do you think there was no support , Russia has stepped out and laughed at you Kurds and thinks of you as little children. The Kurdish parties are even split and are willing to turn over the Barzani clan as traitors to their vision. Thieves like Barzani Jews will always be viewed as crooks and traitors to Kurds. Kurdish people are like Europeans all are different you racist supremacist slag , time you learn the truth.

Your mad because the Talabani and others don’t support Barzani the fake clan. This never would have been if that Zebari trash hadn’t ordered the Iraqi army to withdraw so the Kurds could move south on their ethnic cleansing path while their ISIS brethren did the same.Remember all Kurds are not traitors just racist people like you are.

Kawa Asinger

HAHAHA!!!! I support GORRAN and Talabani’s PUK and the PYD, I am a Talabani myself. I can agree that Barzani has betrayed Kurds many times, him and his father, but the point is the Kurdish people have made their voice clear. A mutual agreement can be made, if both parties are willing to compromise, but calling for a people’s genocide and expecting respect – get fucked mate. Racist! HAHA, I didn’t call for genocide of people for stating an opinion or start assuming their allegiance, and call people gypsies, or call them traitors, neither did I call anyone a puppet or proxy or “zionist”. Go and read from the beginning then you’ll see who started what. But you won’t because your lies will be uncovered.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That was the most fraudulent referendum ever held give me 12-15 ballots , what kind of nonsense do people think they are trying to pull there. The Kurds are Gypsies just fact Dimili,Yezidi but have been forced to become Kurdish. The racist people assimilate and force those to assimilate now it’s the other minorities.

The US has ever always used the Kurds as proxies they are traitors to their countries and always will act in that manner until they can stop betraying those around them. These are the reasons they are like gypsies and many still follow that life style. Kurds serve in the Iraqi and Syrian Armies they don’t follow the ways of the sectarians of the KRG/Rojava, they are nationalists.

Do you know how many Hawija ISIS were Kurds , guess what they all were and none were executed. Keep telling me about Kurds being racist , seems you are trying to muddy the conversation, I offer real proof and facts and you call that racist.

Now who is the one uncovered seems your attitude proves it and all what you said were racist comments not mine. Fallacious statements like yours are just sophisms and offer nothing to the argument.

Wahid Algiers

Are you mad fucken kurd? Go fuck you sister to get calm. What is that for a trash? PKK, PDK, PUK, PYD, GORRAN, KIU, KIG, KOMALA, PJAK, TAK, PDK-I? More than twenty organisation and over 3000 languages to get one Kurdistan? SEND YOU GIRLY TROOPS TO HAVE SOME GOOD FUCKING DAYS AND NIGHTS.

Kawa Asinger

HAHAH! fuck my sister, nah bro it’s you muslims who are into incest and fucking your cousins, sisters and mothers, temporary marraige and fucking little girls like your pedophile Muhammad the warlord and rapist of the eon you fucking scumbag arab piece of shit! Go breed retarded kids with your cousin you fucking inbred scumbag! ?????????????????????????????????????????????

Wahid Algiers

When your sister is occupied by a jew have a look in the neighbors stable. Maybe you find a sheep, chicken or donkey in it to fuck you scum of the turkish eastern mountains now scrolling around.

Kawa Asinger

Your inbred, mold-infested, retarded brain is impeding your intellectual capability to reason. Now go, your goat is waiting for you, it’s calling your name. WAAHIIIIDDDD! :D :D Go back to the mongolian steppes you bastard child of Genghis Khan.

Wahid Algiers

I am a native European you motherlicker and donkeyfucker. Wrap your head in a towel like all kurds, take you pants on, one of these kurdish pants in which you can shit in while you are standing at any corner waiting for a victim to raid.

Kawa Asinger

You lost!! ???? Fucking cuckold European you are!! We fucked Hashid and Iraqi army! They left Kirkuk bitch!!! Where are your tough guys now?! ???

Wahid Algiers

You kurdish trash. What are you crying out so load? Are you believing any jew-kurd newspapers? Kurdish girlies were fucken hard and deep and are on the run for their hairy mother.

Temam Machmud Gase

Ur a Bitch of israelis.

Wahid Algiers

Do you know what you are writing. You change your minds all seconds.

Solomon Krupacek


Wahid Algiers

The kurdish kawa trash is back. Shut up strolling gypsy. There is no kurdistan and therefore no kurdish cities. There are only arab cities where kurds allowed to live since the came in as strolling dogs.

Kawa Asinger

Trust me we will bury the hashid and Iraqi military. We will send you to your grave, then you will cry like bitches. Looks like only war will solve this problem. You fucking pedo worshipping muzzrats!??????????????????????????


Yeah I dont know about that, it seems everyone in the region accept israel wants you gone, and everyone wants them gone too, tide of history is against you, you had a chance to make a deal with Assad and spat in his face to steal territory like everyone said you would, the world watched as you did this, sympathy for the Kurds in the West has now sunk to a new low, tides of history are pulling and you went against the tide, there is one inevitable result.

Kawa Asinger

Oh wow, look at this asswipe making emotionally epic statements. Tides of history will go up your ass. Assad is already stated it is ready to make a deal with the Kurds post-ISIS. Everyone is a Zionist according to you retards on this website. Even Vladimir Putin thinks you guys are full of shit! Guess Putin is a zionist for selling s-400 to Saudi Arabia and making oil deals. HAHA! Even Vladimir Putin thinks that blaming everything on jews is a load of shit.


Look at the end, asswipe.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

If you are a Kurd you wouldn’t insult their Muslim religion , seems you are busted as a fake troll Kurd, probably a hasbara student needing to be funded through school.

Kawa Asinger

HAHAHA! Islam is as pathetic as you prick! ?????????????????????????? And yes I am a Kurd, and a proud atheist bitch! ??????????????????????????

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You aren’t even a real Kurd but a cast off European who hides in Australia , white European pretending to be a Kurd your pathetic you little troll.


Denying reality is a mental disorder. Please see your doctor.

Wahid Algiers

My doctor. Just fucked her. All well with me. Any probs on your side?

Temam Machmud Gase

Don`t forget, Arabs are playing prostitutes for israelis hundert times more than Kurds. In arab tradition they are happy to offer their wives and daughters to israelis in order to be screwed.

Wahid Algiers

You seems to be mad in your head. Why do you hit your head on the wall every morning? That is unhealthy?


There had been living the direct ancestors of the Kurds, the Medes, in the particular regions, which hopefully soon will become parts of an United Kurdistan, more than 1000 Years before there was any Arab invasion of and subsequent migration to these regions or any other part of Mesopotamia

DJ Double D

You guys keep talking while I’m bringing good news to everyone. SAA is about to crush dangerous enemy and bring good news to us – within the next several days.

Jagar Berwari

I guess that’s how Iraq is thanking Peshmargeh for liberating Mosul from ISIS

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They din’t do anything of the sort and left before it was liberated , they had to be forced by the US to participate in every battle , they had no problem with Nineveh because they were down for some land grabbing.

Temam Machmud Gase

I´’m neither arab nor kurd. and i tell you all on this Web. there will not be a war between kurds and irakis, devil israelis plan a war between arabs and Kurds but NOT people there. small turkeman minorities(about %10) have been immigrated to that region in 19 century and arab population have been forced to immigrate to Karkuk at the end of 20 century, between 1970-2000. Old inhabitant of region Karkuk are neither arabs nor Turkeman.

Wahid Algiers

Believe in what you believe.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Before there was oil in the region the whole entire region was Turkmen-Arab before that happened. Kurds who arrived came for jobs and never really lived there then Arabs came for the jobs and they ended up getting cleansed by incursions of civil unrest by the Kurds who stole Arab and Turkmen people’s homes and businesses, just some of the facts that always get left out.


War is bad for everyone more killing and suffering only is hoping for and supporting evil Iran . Hoping Kurdistan and Iraq seel dilogue instead of war as both has alot to lose


KRG sources claim Iraqi army and PMO are advancing near or towards Bashir, close to Kirkuk.

If they attack KRG – pesh merga lines, it will be war.

An attack by Iraqi army will be a clear agressive move. Abadi turning on the ones that made the defeat of IS possible.

No good deed goes unpunished. Maybe a bad one will be punished to.

The way tension is rising, it will be clear this weekend whether things get out of hand or not.

Tom Tom

Just a ploy to get the Kurds to get out of Syria (and stop fighting SAA). Kurds have to have Kirkuk.

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