A tank of Iraqi security forces is seen during fighting with Daesh at the frontline in the Old City of Mosul, Iraq July 7, 2017. Photo: Reuters
On Saturday, Iraqi security forces (ISF) liberated the strategic Old Mosul city, the last ISIS stronghold in the city of Mosul, the Iraqi military has declared.
ISF lliberated Nujaifi street, Bab al-Toub and Souk al-Sagha and broke the remaining ISIS defense lines inside the area. At least 35 ISIS members were reportedly killed during their failed attempt to flee Old City.
Brig. Gen. Yahia Rasoul, Iraqi Joint Operations Command Spokesman, said that ISF have captured the entire Old Mosul area adding that this is the end of ISIS in the city.
With the liberation of Old Mosul, the Iraqi government will likely declare that it has a full control over the city. However, the security situation in Mosul remains complicated, many ISIS sleeper cells still operate in the area.
My congratulations to all that fought IS.
My condolances to all that died in or because of the fighting.
I hope that Iraq can outgrow the sectarianism and corruption that destroyed the Iraq of 2014.
I hpe that many countries will help Iraq to rebuild, not to their own profit, but to aid those that lost all.
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Thanks a lot for your sympathy to this wounded country, you are one of the few good guys.
I congratulate the Iraqi Security Forces on this amazing victory, recapturing the city that Abu-Bark al-Baghdadi declared an Islamic Caliphate.
However, I fear this is no time to celebrate, as now, ISF must deal with sleeper cells across Mosul and Anbar provinces. The battle is won, but the war is still ongoing.
EXCELLENT NEWS ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/579ca758005a2b349639f6ba38a842976ebb0e40c3a77ad8c81170db5ed682ee.jpg
Well done, iraqi fighters. Congratulations. My sorrow to all who lost their lives and were injured by this filth called Isis. Please be aware that the US and Israel will want to control your country. be careful. The US and Israel created Isis; please do not trust them. It is your land, all of it. God bless Iraq; God bless freedom, freedom not American or Israeli style.