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MARCH 2025

Iraqi Intelligence Uncovers Iranian Drone Wreckage Hidden By ISIS (Photos)

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The Iraqi intelligence uncovered on September 20 the wreckage of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), that was hidden by ISIS terrorists in the eastern province of Diyala.

“Based on accurate information from the [Iraqi] National Intelligence Service (INIS), a joint force of the intelligence office in Diyala and the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) uncovered a drone of ISIS terrorist gangs on one of the Islands in Hamrin Lake,” the Security Media Cell said in an official statement.

While the Security Media Cell’s statement suggested that the UAV was used by ISIS, photos of its wreckage revealed that it is in fact an Iranian-made Ababil-3.

The Ababil-3 has a range of 100 km and an endurance of up to 4 hours. An estimated 217 UAVs of this type have been built as of July 2019.

In the early years of the war on ISIS, several Ababil-3 UAVs were shot down by the terrorist group over Iraq. The group has apparently preserved some of the UAVs, likely on the hope of repairing and using them at some point.

Iraqi government forces ramped up their combing operations in the last few weeks. A day earlier, the forces uncovered a large ammo depot of ISIS cells in western Iraq containing at least seven anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs).

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STILL calling them ‘ISIS’?!! Isis is an Egyptian Goddess!!! Also, Where is their ‘STATE’? An ‘Islamic STATE’ does not exist! There is no such thing as an ‘Islamic STATE’!!


The ISIS homeland is in Langley, USA, I think :)


Ed was upset about their name, so change it to ISUS? :)

Tommy Jensen

London and M16 are doing everything to hide behind somebody else. If they cant hide behind Turkey, Israel and Saudi, they use US as scapegoat. Note Trump want to offload ISIS prisoners in Europe where they root.


They are just Daesh

Saso Mange

True, there was never such thing only Israeli and CIA collaborators.

Albert Pike

Names are important. ‘Isis unveiled’ is also a book, and even then it was known that the Egyptian ladies at the times of the pyramids didn’t wear veiles. The identical names are not circumstantial – they are meant to signal who is behind it…


Sorry for sending a somewhat off-topic response. Your comment reminds me of a Friedrich-Schiller-quote from his poem “Das verschleierte Bild zu Sais” (“The veiled image from Sais): “Weh dem, der zu der Wahrheit kommt durch Schuld! Sie wird ihm nimmermehr erfreulich sein.” (“Awe on him who reaches truth by the means of guilt; she (=truth) will never be pleasant for him.”) As Schiller was a freemason (like about every other famous man of his time), he had to go through rituals. I suppose this otherwise completely cryptical poem refers to the experience(s) he made in these circles. – Maybe you can make more of this than I can. Anyhow, Schiller is said to have been killed (the disease he died from was passed on him on purpose or maybe he was poisoned, like Mozart, – so I heard on the internet in a video on masonery.)

Zionism = EVIL

The Daesh shitheads are so desperate that they hiding old Iranian toys. Obviously, the Americunts are not giving them enough money as most of the Pentagon funds are being diverted to protect the Saudi and Emirati morons with dud patriots and to fan terrorism in Syria.

Pave Way IV

…or a South African Denel 200 (Denel 2) drone that Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have continually insisted were Ababil-3s, Iran’s nearly identical clone. I’m kind of surprised this one doesn’t have an Iranian flag painted on it with and english label stating “Made in Iran”. The Saudis and UAE bought a shit-ton of Denel 200 (and now, 400) drones and use them in Yemen. In fact, the Saudis bought a whole damn Rheinmetall Denel Munitions factory – it produces all those 80mm mortars their head-chopper mercs use on civilians in Hodeidah.

Pave Way IV

Galen Wright’s The Arkenstone Blog had a great, detailed write-up of the Iranian Ababil series of drones (Feb 2011). [link] He stopped updating his blog in 2016, but is still active on Twitter. https://twitter.com/Arkenstoneblog


It was waiting for the CIA pick up to be deposited in Saudi Arabia where it could be ‘found’.

Jimi Thompson

Iran – “Let’s drop some payloads on those ISIS kill teams that are hanging around our border.”

CIA – “Let’s scale-up our Iran propaganda in case we have to start bombing them… they are killing way too many of our proxies… f_#%__ng Putin.”

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