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MARCH 2025

Iraqi Intelligence Uncovers Anti-Aircraft Missiles Near Mosul (Photos)

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The Iraqi intelligence uncovered a small weapons cache containing anti-aircraft missiles near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on June 10.

“The Military Intelligence Directorate, Division 20, in cooperation with the 1st Brigade Intelligence Brigade, 21 Infantry Brigade, found a weapons cache in the Adayta Mountains, southwest of Mosul,” an Iraqi security source said in a press release.

The weapons cache contained at least two Soviet-made Strela-2 man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS) along with two mortar cannons and several shells.

ISIS used similar MANPADs during the battle of Mosul between 2016 and 2017. The terrorist group’s fighters managed to shoot down several unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and at least one helicopter of the Iraqi military with this type of missiles.

These Soviet-made missiles were likely looted from the former Iraqi Army’s depots following the 2003 US-led invasion of the country, which lead to a state of chaos.

Despite being outdated and having a limited range of around 4km, Strela-2 MANPADs remain a serious security threat.

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Now iraqis become Serious Army.. SAA should look up to them

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

excuse me but it was SAA that liberated most of syria, not iraqi army, although PMU did help alot


As I recall there was lots of Iran backed forces,Hezbollah and god Know how much did russians Help.. I cant believe percent of incompetence and failure this time.. Like Wtf..And wtf you have air support when those jihad scum droves on open fields?!?!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

maybe you should go teach them a few things then?

Daniel Miller

the pathetic part about the SAA is that the Iranains tryed and failed and it seems that the Russians have tryed and failed as well. This is a universal trait of all arab army’s i mean look at the saudis they make the exact same mistakes as the Syrians beeing incompetant idiots is in their arab blood.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Hahahaha oh really? Tell me then which arab army is having more successful? Saudi shitheads or battle hardened SAA?

Daniel Miller

Lol ” battle hardened SAA” are about as succsessfull as the Saudis. Without Russia and Iran the SAA wold have been gone by now and that is a fact. They are to unproffesional and incompetant to fight on their own.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

You are so wrong and stupid

Daniel Miller

How am i wrong? And what did i say that was stupid? Proof me wrong if the SAA was so good they wont need Iran and Russia to do its job for it.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

IRA and russia offered to help, Syria invited them, is syria supposed to do all the fighting itself? Howabout its enemies? You have US, UK, FRANCE, TURKEY, ISRHAELL ALL SUPPORTING THE TERRORISTS YPU DUMB.MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!

Daniel Miller

And so what? They are still millita. the SAA is pathetic the fact they need fully military support form Iran and air support from Russia proofs this.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hahaha look at your terrorist rat buddies, you think they would ahve survived without turkey and US and israhell and NATO? get the fuck outta here

Daniel Miller

considering how incompetant the SAA is yes and they did. the US only started supporting terror groops in 2013.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the war started in 2011, wrong again bucko, why dont you get off this site and rethink your life?

Daniel Miller

…thats my point the SAA lost to unsupported terrorists…that is pathetic the US only started to support them in 2013 2 years after it started…and in 2015 they almost got overran but Russia saved their asses. I am sorry but that is a fact the SAA are idiots they cant even defeat some rag tag militants in Idleb and these idiots want to take on the IDF…..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Oh shut the fuck up, I bet you wouldn’t last a second fighting those pathetic terrorists, u would get ur head blown off immediately gahahaha

Daniel Miller

If i am backed up by incompetant idiots like the SAA ofc i will their is no sutch thing as a 1 man army.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Daniel Miller

That wont suprise me at all they do have the average IQ of a baboon so they fear logic and reason. But they dont need me they dont need anyone since they are hopeless.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

u would only make them worse, u should join the rats so SAA can blow u up lmao

Daniel Miller

sorry i dont work for Muslim inbreeds

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Thats good to know I guess, who do u work for then?

Daniel Miller

My fucking family who else.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

what? they are fucking? lmao

Daniel Miller

Ether you are a arab inbreed yourself or you have the IQ of one.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

no im the smartest sexiest boy in town

Wang Dung Chung

Another dumb American weighs in with useless insight

Daniel Miller

Useless? m8 you are to dumb to realise that the SAA are the useless ones without Russia and Iran they are nothing.

Wang Dung Chung

Those religious towel heads in combat seem rather useless at trying to take over a country and thankfully Assad has a sense of strategy and with some help is ridding the country of these parasites. In the time of those who are easily duped by misinformation never trust an American for their opinion when it comes to world events,

Daniel Miller

And what dose that have to do with the fact the SAA are useless witout Russian and Iranian help?

Wang Dung Chung

It exposes you Dan as a man that not informed

Wang Dung Chung

Yes he is, a typical dumb thick American

Wang Dung Chung

And without outside intervention by means of arming, funding, training and transporting religious foreign zealots the SAA would have had no war and yet still was able to contain these CIA/UK/France/Saudi/ Zionuts interventionists

Daniel Miller

Ummm no they did not if Russia and Iran did not intervene assad wold be haning from a flag pole by now.

Wang Dung Chung

The point is the USA/UK/Saudi/ Turkey/UAE/ Israeli armed, funded, trained outside mercenaries failed. Lost are kaput. Victory goes to Assad and to balance it out Iran and Russia aided but SAA forces did most of the difficult fighting. The people of Syria overwhelmingly support Assad over foreign opposition. Another nail in the coffin of the American empire

Daniel Miller

…..is that why assade called for help…cuz they had it in the bag? Are you retarded? The SAA got its ass kicked by mercenaries…..let that sink in…

Wang Dung Chung

Another stupid conclusion that never would have happened from another poorly informed American twit.

Daniel Miller

oh yes its not like assad was begging for help form Russia or anyting…


Like Them I’m not military expert.. And your’e dumb as fuck.. You enjoy watching your people die for nothing? What kind of sick fuck are u?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

my people? i enjoy watching rats die, and dont see anything wrong with that :)


Yes If are You Syrian.. I’m enjoying watching rats die too, but Hate seeing SAA army took so much loses.. That was my post all about!!! There is almost unlimited supply of rats,and Don’t know how many people SAA can afford to loose.. If I critique SAA it’s only because I care..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i hate seeing them take losses too, but there is no doubt in my mind SAA will prevail


why do you think so?? everybody are against them, they ditched hezbollah,Russia is playing their ovn games.. They have just half of country.. Thing aren’t looking good..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

And its looking good for the rats? LOL!!! Get ur head outta ur ass idiot


fuck you piece of shit..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

I love u too hahahah


You don’t even love your country or people fucker..

Wang Dung Chung

Why do you not come out of the closet as a homo sexual. Quit being in denial


who the fuck was talking to you inbreed?

Wang Dung Chung

Does that ass hole of yours get jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/492003ffffc84dfbb5b8d21571c05efd4c31c195b4a8bb487c2c57cb4bf1d75c.jpg


Again? If I wanna opinion from inbred, I will ask you..

Wang Dung Chung

It is spelled inbred not inbreed you thick illiterate dullard https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7eb44b5f029dddd95f5ced51db2225bf67a0de907e4db34a8f92ecbf59e3f50a.jpg


LOL!! inbreed/ inbred ,you are still a bastard..


Hahahahahhahahaa…. You must be in love with me.. What is it? They banned your first two or three acc.?? hahahahhaha inbred scum..

Wang Dung Chung

Do you wax that head to make it shine or just allow the birds to shit on it?


naaah you mom rubs her pussy on it..Look at it shine ? coz she is always so wet..


you don’t even love your country stupid scum

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

no i dont dickface


So fuck off and change your name.. dick face? LOL!! how old are u 7?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Old enough to kick ur ass lmao


yeah? All you internet warriors hiding behind nick’s and fake email’s.. LOL I don’t see you in SAA bitch boy.. you are just jerking on their loses..

Wang Dung Chung

Little man R3mba Incel once again shows he has nothing of insight or worthy of contributing to a discussion about Middle East issues


who the fuck are u??

Wang Dung Chung

I am your Nemesis https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eebc2767f0cf794b3059b88dfdcecef05e0306b931ea0621988070ac46b2bc95.jpg


you become boring 3 posts ago..Go and kill your self..


you are hoe.. Inbred hoe


wooow 3 acc..good for you.. Inbred..


It was an American planned invasion to keep US in Iraq.

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