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MARCH 2025

Iraqi Kurdistan Forces Captured One Of Four Responsible For Rocket Strikes On US Base In Erbil

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Iraqi Kurdistan Forces Captured One Of Four Responsible For Rocket Strikes On US Base In Erbil

Haider Hamza al-Bayati

On March 3, the Directorate General of Counter Terrorism (CTD) in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region shared the confessions of a man they claimed to be one of the perpetrators behind the recent rocket attack on Erbil Airport.

In a confession video, the man, who introduced himself as 37-year old Haider Hamza al-Bayati from al-Hamdaniya in Mosul, claims that the attack was ordered by pro-Iranian Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada.

Al-Bayati said that he agreed to carry out the rocket attack on Erbil Airport following a meeting with a member of Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada last November.

Working with Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, al-Bayati bought the vehicle used in the attack and facilitated the entrance of other perpetrators to the Kurdistan Region.

The cell fired 14 rockets at Erbil International Airport on February 15. As a result of the attack, a civilian Iraqi contractor was killed and eight other people, including a US service member, were injured.

The CTD said that the information provided by al-Bayati was shared with the Federal Government in Baghdad as well as the US-led coalition. As a result, a second perpetrator was apprehended by Iraqi authorities.

“The number of the main perpetrators of the attack is four people … the security services are working to find the other two people in order to arrest them,” the CTD said in a statement.

The US responded to the attack on Erbil Airport with a series of strikes on Iraqi forces in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor. A fighter of Kata’ib Hezbollah was killed in the strikes.

The strikes on Syria failed to deter pro-Iranian forces, which carried out a similar attack on US troops at Ain Assad Air Base. An American contractor died during the attack, allegedly from a “heart attack.”


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Servet-i Funun Literature

Important step toward holding the militias accountable and it shows the merits of greater Erbil-Baghdad coordination – with help and encouragement from the US.

Emad Irani

only show, last time they captured 14 Hashd members, but released after 48 hours. Iraqi NSC is deeply influenced by pro Iran fractions. You can’t take action without the green light from Qasim al Araji…

Servet-i Funun Literature

ımo they cant punish him(who will be in charge of investigation is another case) but anyway this shows how Iraq can not be trusted.

Emad Irani

it is not about trusting, it is about influence

Servet-i Funun Literature

just show ıraq officials amount of money/green card/education possibility to their children(needless to talk about kurds btw)and they will sing a song unless ıran will not remind their presence in the region/country.

Emad Irani

it is possible in some cases of politician but Iraq is much more complex than that. For example, you know Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Bahrain etc. have enough money to buy entire Iraq but they have nearly zero influence.

Another example is the prime minister of Iraq who is also a British citizen but he was Iran’s choice to be Iraqi prime minister. Iraq and Middle East is a very difficult issue…

Ashok Varma

Iraq has always been a corrupt country and Saddam made it worse by running a thug regime and endless losing wars. Iranian influence is the only permanent and stabilizing factor as India has openly acknowledged in both Syria and Iraq, as well as now in Afghanistan which heavily dependent on Chah Bahar port project.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Correct, ı recall zillions of Iraqis wandering İn Turkey with some privilege cards given to them by Usa for exchanging info.They were called confessors.

Ashok Varma

Iraq’s population is roughly 40 million. 70% Shia and rest other minorities.

Servet-i Funun Literature

South part of Iraq(not the kurdistan region) is almost İrans province,everyone knows it.

Ashok Varma

Always was, The Persians have historical relationship with Basra region and religious affiliations as well.


I’m here too……stop having conversation with your own ID’s….lol…..mik mezan already.


lol……ok doc, so this is your conciliatory side now?……lol…..you mean to tell me yous got a soft side too?……lol…..kheli to koskhol……lol


LOL, A comedian eh.

Servet-i Funun Literature

İsnt it true?Apparently Erbil-Baghdad(some officials) and Usa are working together.


Iran wields a 100 times more power inside Iraq than the US can ever dream of. Erbil exists because Iran says it should. You getting the drift doc? I’m sure you saw this on your tour of the KRG during the ancient ties revival tours.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Venom, no one denies İrans influence over Iraq,it is a fact but there is a network and your 1000 times more power couldnt prevent him to be captured.Yes ı dont believe he will get punishment but there is no guarantee.The rest of your comment is pure bs just as expected.


lol……come on man such a sharp rebuttal? I thought yous was on our side for the revival of the ancient ties no? There is only one true objective here doc…and you know what that is.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Weed damaged your blood vessels.


lol…..going from servet goplu to servet guppu-i-funnun can’t hide your koon from me…….lol….tokhme sag, you think you can hide from me?……lol

Servet-i Funun Literature

Hide from you?rofl..Nice club you have here bud..everyone is zio-jew-idiot etc except you.Enjoy it. Hide and seek roflmao… Sherlock Ahson.


I get yous every time though bud……lol……here’s my next nick suggestion for you…..’Jeghi of mumbai’

Servet-i Funun Literature

whut?…ı didnt see your last comment..here my suggestion for you..”yarrak kafası”😁


you see doc….you can run, but can’t hide from me……Just remember, you can fool almost everyone here, but not me. My kir gonna be inside your koon in one second!

Servet-i Funun Literature

😂..Hallucination(wtf are you talking about?)…ibne evladı…Get a job with insurance.😁2 nd farbat case.Just give me a good reason not to block you.


farbat is you too………koskesh……….lol…..get outta here……..lol…….bache koondeh

Servet-i Funun Literature

Get ouuta here? ..rofl.. ok right now 😂..amcık surat.


lol………got you in da koon didn’t I doc……? you been fooling everyone here for so long. Now the game is up.

Servet-i Funun Literature

No, ı am not fooling anyone but you are experiencing mental burnt out.Calm down and get a life.I dont read your posts man unless you are in my comment section.So last warning sikko.Stfu or ı will block you.Enough with your boring,stupid comments.

Just Me

Please don’t respond to this idiot. He ruins every thread.

Just Me

This guy is worse than hasbara dolts.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Ashok is blocking such dumbs,ı will do it too.


yeah because both Ashok and farbat are your nicks, no shit einstein……..lol




laugh all you want doc…….now just remember, I got you in your koon here in front of everyone……..lol

Ashok Varma

Iranian power is mostly religious soft power as the Shia clergy in both countries are intrinsically linked. Also all Shia clerics from India first to go to Qom and then Najaf.

Ashok Varma

The Kurds are US and Zionist proxies since the 60’s, but were reminded of their vulnerability recently when rockets demolished the Mossad and CIA complex in Arbil.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Everyone knows Barzanis deeds.Erbil airport is vulnerable and the Civil Aviation lobbies are the most dominat lobbies in Usa over all governments so here Usa somehow can run the investigation mechanism faster,another way.

Ashok Varma

US has very little leverage left as the PMU like Hezbollah in Lebanon or Taliban in Afghanistan or Ansarallah in Yemen are the real government. US and NATO have spent $14 trillion on these lost wars and have nothing to show for. Best is to go home and take care of their own rot. The days if imperialism ended over 70 years ago.


What is this sudden panic as I expose all your nicks here?……thokhme haram…..lol

Just Me

Are you guys idiotic children, stop this nonsense and post grown up comments that deal with the topic.


you are his ID too…….I knew it…….lol…..exposed.

After a few rockets they will release him

Servet-i Funun Literature

Past experience indicates release or unable to identify the rest of the team for unknown reason(lol) but you cant be sure 100%.

Ashok Varma

These rockets serve as a reminder of who is the boss.


And I serve as reminder of kir ma ba koonet to……lol……modr ghahve, quit hiding from me…..lol

Hadi Heidary

but i thought according to european and americans pressuring and forcing people to make confession on TV was illegal and the confession itself “not credible”! they always make harsh statement against iran when they do that. so what is this exactly? double standard or hypocrisy? not to mention this whole story could be fake or maybe the guy made wrong confession under torture!

Potato Man

Cut the Kurds before it is too late, they have links with terrorists groups such PKK and YPG why Iraqi PMUs or military for that matter use that to put Kurds on their place. By doing that it also kick out Turkey from North-Iraq, leaving CIA trained dogs run around wouldn’t help Iraqis.

What evidences those Kurds have beside a man telling word by word what US and Zion wants to hear. No-one would just saying out right what they did…that’s most stupid shit I heard all week. They show him in a truck so…? They never saw him to fire any rockets or set it up.

It is time to find those CIA dogs in North Iraqi, one rocket should have their names on it next time. I say it again if Iraqi-Syrian don’t act on Kurds they would start taking lands with US like Zion.

johnny rotten

Leaving Iran aside and in peace, the Iraqis have invited the Yankees and all the foreign invading forces to leave Iraq, instead of playing all these tricks for moron children, start taking away their things and stop stealing resources from locals across the region.


Frankly, the Kurd turds are full of crap.

Zyklon B

100% this guy has nothing to do with Iran and these kurdish assholes are fabricating a cheap casus belli for their jewish handlers.

Kenny Jones ™

Free my man!


Another of docs ID’s…..


Look down dadash, I bust him again……lol…..you seeing this?…..lol

Emad Irani

bi savade taraf khkh


Garga don’t believe me….inha hendi zartushtian attack kardam (from the side)…..lol…..stealth attack…..lol


lol…..baba enha koskhol kheli obsessed shod. He don’t wanna quit. I know him…..inja tamamesh ID’s oe darem. He’s running the show. Kheli control freak hastend. He wanna own the narrative…….as if hendi parsian will ever get control of Iran, but this is his dream…….lol……Aaaahahahahaaaaa

Blas de Lezo

Another curveball informant courtesy of MOSSAD.


Knuckleball … would have been a better ‘pitch’

Ashok Varma

Zionist regime chickened out after their ship was hit in the Persian Gulf, Iran could have sunk it, but wanted to give a message and it got through obviously.


The IRGC and Hezbollah strongholds were attacked the next day … Feb 28th … in south Damascus

The damage and death toll must have been extensive … the entire area is still cordoned off … a news blackout maintained … eh?


Ashok Varma

I understand your propensity to tell lies as it is part of the job, but most people can discern the truth. Indian media is mostly impartial and objective and there was no damage at all.



False bravado … ya Shia scumbag


how is that conversation going with your own ID? I’m here too doc?

Just Me

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has announced the opening of an investigation into war crimes committed in the Palestinian territories since June 2014. The move has been welcomed by the Palestinian Authority and for the first time, the US did not attempt to block the court’s proceedings.


Wrong … the USA is dead set against the ruling … Blinken is clear … the proceedings will take years and Bensouda will be leaving in June … the new prosecutor may not proceed … so it’s early days besides the IDF have documented all their actions … Hamas/Islamic Jihad will regret being investigated

See you in court … NOT the Court of PUBLIC OPINION



Absolute nonsense.



Fog of War

These recent uptick in activities happening in Iraq are just laying the ground work for the Pope’s arrival. Wouldn’t Iran be in a very difficult situation if ” its ” proxies harmed the Pope in some way ?


don’t worry doc, the Parsi’s will be given the security detail. They know what they’re doing no?

Fog of War

Whats that even mean ?


it means yous been busted as a multiple ID rat.


if any harm comes to the pope, you can bet it is mossad behind the deed trying to point to an innocent participant – one thing is certain and that is that the jews are always guilty of whatever happening if it is bad since the jews just know, thievery, murder and lies and taking their ideas out of hitler’s book,

Ashok Varma

US is in no position to fight a major with Iran or the axis of resistance forces. It has sent messages via the Indian FM unexpected visit to Tehran a few days ago that it is not looking for a fight. The US Congress is so concerned that they have introduced to limit the war powers act. As I had observed during my last visit to Tehran, that Iran was prepared for war and was not going to blink either on the nuclear issue or is support for its allies. US and NATO must leave Iraq and Syria and stop meddling/

Two US senators have introduced bipartisan legislation to take back the White House’s authorization for the use of military force in the Middle East, a week after President Joe Biden ordered an attack on the Iraqi-Syrian border.

Democratic Senator Tim Kaine and Republican Senator Todd Young led the Wednesday measure, which would repeal 1991 and 2002 Authorizations for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Iraq.


Shia apologist … Iran’s ‘goose is cooked’ … the Gulf Arabs and Israel will be firing non-stop … Iran is isolated … every Sunni in the World will be cheering … tick tock

Just Me

LOL, short but accurate. This is latest hasbara TWATZ!

Just Me

The lack of an effective air defense system combined with the elusiveness of the enemy suggests that the US or Israel cannot passively defend its territory forward-based forces in places such as Iraq or Syria. There are three alternative defense possibilities: 1) Pull US troops out of indefensible bases; 2) develop air defenses that can handle all threats; 3) attack the source of the missiles.But all are fraught with danger as any escalation will bring a rampant Iran into the conflict and end in the destruction of Israel.


1. Possible … logical Erbil is a good example

2. Iron Dome

3. Already in progress … proportional response

Israel cannot be defeated … Iran’s Mullah Police State is doomed


lol……come on doc….lets go to Iran me and you……we go eat kebab, drink and go party at takhte jamshid? What you say? Start new anjoman zarthushti in Shiraz? new chapter?


I’m not interested …

BESIDES … I like Arab cuisine


No you don’t……you hate em……just admit it koskesh. Only thing you like is Persian cuisine you’ve told me before.


I hate Persian cuisine … pomegranate juice? lol

Arab cuisine is at the top of World cuisine ….



baba, chee mege to inja? over in PDF you are all praise for Iran and Pomegranate juice….Stop lying doc. If I stick funnel in your koon and start filling it up with pomegranate juice you’d have a big smile on your face. Liar. Say it you love it……


When you say you like Arab cuisine, do you mean ARAB “Cuisine”, Being a one Dollar W#ore and all? Persian “cuisine” ‘s thorns hurt your throat?

Don’t be shy, you are among friends!!

Ashok Varma

Your panic contradicts your canned responses. Israel has no future like its racist Apartheid role model or the Nazi philosophy of the AshkeNazi. The verdict of history has already been passed.


Shia apologist … your fawning bs is rancid puke 🤮

Panic? lol

Whose panicking ?


Your spin may work on children, but even US taxpayers are waking up to the Zionist fleece merchants and criminals. The American people are fed up leeches and will not and should not die for Zionist cowards who are hiding behind our military and strutting on US and western tax dollars. The Zionist occupation of Palestine is untenable and will not stand.


Same old … same old

Just Me

Billion dollar US and Israeli Missile defenses did not stop rocket attack in Iraq

Can the US defend Its personnel on foreign bases?

At least 10 Katyusha-type rockets slammed into the Ain al-Asad airbase located in Anbar province in Western Iraq on the morning of March 3. Since the earlier attack in January 2020 by heavier Qiam-2 advanced tactical ballistic missiles launched from Iran, the airbase has been reinforced with Iron Dome air defenses that proved unable to stop the rocket attack. Can the US protect its personnel in Iraq or elsewhere from rocket attacks?

The latest available information says that one US contractor was killed along with one US service member and five contractors also were wounded.

Unlike the January attack, this assault originated not far from the airbase in the al-Bayader agricultural area near the town of al-Baghdadi. The rockets were launched from a hidden set of launch tubes on a standard dump truck. The truck was found burned out 8 km (5 miles) from the al-Asad airbase.


The insidious Jews have got the US involved in these wasteful, illegal, morally unconscionable, financially draining conflicts in the Arab and Muslims world, which have degraded the US at all levels. It is time for the average American taxpayer to pressure the Congress and government to cut ties with the Zionists and let them perish. No more US lives or taxpayers to prop-up an illegal murderous criminal Zionist regime that is committing a genocide in Palestine and ruining US future.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

How convenient.


ratting out to the yankee-twats – precisely why the kurds must be kept short and allowed to reside in the border land on a meagre diet. iran, iraq, syria and turkey should just make short shrift with the kurdish enemy (which anyway is aligned with the jews in palestine and elsewhere) to make certain that the jews in palestine can’t take advantage of the unrest the kurds are causing.


Ofcourse he will, because he’s an actor. This shitshow is designed to get democrats off Biden’s back for the attack on AlQaim/BuKamal border crossing. President Harris was furious at Zombie Joe for not consulting anybody.

When a resistance group says they didn’t do something, it means they didn’t do it. They don’t lie or take credit for what they didn’t. Idiot Kords, making an enemy out of PMU for themselves. So far all PMU did was to kick them out from the regions which wasn’t part of Iraq’s KAR. Genius leadership, indeed!

Apparently only the deranged Saddam knew how to deal with them.


This is a setup by Barzani family & israeli Mossad,

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