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Iraqi Kurdistan Presndent: No Alternatives For Independence Referendum

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Iraqi Kurdistan Presndent: No Alternatives For Independence Referendum

President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Masoud Barzani. FILE IMAGE: kurdistan24.net

On September 20, Iraqi Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani said at a public event in Suleiman city that there is “unfortunately no alternatives” offered by any side to replace the upcoming Kurdistan Region independence referendum on September 25.

“Referendum is to reach a sacred objective, that is independence,” Barzani said at the event.

Barzani also claimed that there will be post-independence talks with the Iraqi Federal Government backed by the international community to negotiate terms for Kurdistan leaving Iraq. Barzani claimed that such negotiation might take up to 2 years.

Barzani claims about a “post-independence negotiations” are not backed by any facts. It’s highly unlikely that the Iraqi Federal Government would agree to such negations to give the Kurdistan Region its independence now.

Some experts believe that, due the current worldwide support especially by Turkey and Iran, the Iraqi Federal Government may actually consider a military action against the newly formed Kurdish state.

In a related development, Saudi official told the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on September 20, that Saudi Arabia “looks to the wisdom of President Barzani in not holding the referendum”. By this Saudi Arabia joined other regional countries in standing against the upcoming referendum.

Moreover, the official warned that the referendum could lead to “negative consequences on the political, security and humanitarian fronts” in the region. The Saudi official called for negotiation between the Iraqi Federal Government and the Kurdistan Region Government to solve these issues.

With the US, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the Iraqi Federal Goverement all in the same front against the upcoming Kurdistan Region independence referendum, things for sure are getting harder for Barzani.

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Zainab Ali

these zio lapdogs are so dumb, like trump and the illegitimate entity, heading towards their own self annihilation from the face of earth

George King

Declaration of war in this Orwellian area and wants 2 years to arm and supply for war? NUTS! Only the screaming zionist are so blatant and obvious. Divide and conquer is so passe and transparent that we only have constant name changing proxies in the past. The time has come for action to eradicate such pretense by state actors as they have been exposed for a couple of decades now.

Solomon Krupacek

How many times daily visit these guys the bat, that they need to wear their towel on the head?


The US taxpayers better get out their wallets in order to support this new Kurdish state.



Cyriak Papasissis

Only Barzani’s KDP party is for independence. For two years , since his term in office ran out in 2015, Barzani , the illegitimate President , has shut down the Kurdish Parliament. The other main historical party , that of Talabani , is split in the middle with regards to the referendum. All other Kurdish parties consider the referendum illegitimate. Iran & Turkey announced that they are going to close the borders to trade with the entity. The Iraqi Parliament called on their government to use military means , if needed, to prohibit secession. As a result , I don’t think Barzani is going to secede , he is going to use the result for propaganda purposes only.

Pave Way IV

Partitioning Iraq after destabilizing it? US puppet government headed by Kurdish Mob Boss Barzani and his slimy clan (who also manage all that oil theft money)? Uh… sounds good for the little people Kurds, I guess… Imagine the freedom. Wheeee!

Hey – what could possibly go wrong? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ed50280497f881e8206205b2d79e85b359f7100594c3488087c2775a14d93fe.jpg


I really wish to support the Kurds, they indeed have a legitimate claim for independence. But not after their involvement with the disgusting zionist cabal. They deserve divine punishment for this sin and they’ll get it, hopefully in the form of several Sarmat missiles and T-90s rolling in their homeland.

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