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MARCH 2025

Iraqi Official: Western Military Strategy Failed, Baghdad Needs Russian S-400 Systems

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Iraqi Official: Western Military Strategy Failed, Baghdad Needs Russian S-400 Systems

FILE IMAGE: Mihail Mokrushin / Sputnik

Iraq needs to purchase Russian S-400 air defense missile systems and diversify its arms imports, Director of the Iraqi Security and Strategy Center, Muataz Mahi Abdel Hamid, told the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik during an interview.

According to Abdel Hamid, the reason behind this need is that the so-called “Western military strategy” has proved to be inefficient.

“The Iraqi leaders realize the need to turn to the Eastern military strategy (and its Eastern partners). The Western military strategy, which we started implementing after 2003 has proved inefficient and unable to ensure adequate control over military operations,” he said. “Some countries in the [Persian] Gulf prefer Iraq to stay under US control. The Americans do not want Iraq to buy S-400s, and insist that the Iraqi military should be armed in accordance with the existing agreement between Baghdad and Washington.”

On February 22, US State Department spokesperson Heather Neuert said that the US has contacted a number of countries, including Iraq, to explain the significance of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) as well as recalled possible consequences behind a possible defense cooperation with Russia.

Meanwhile, rumors are circulating that Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has already ordered a team of advisers from the Iraqi Ministry of Defense and National Security Council to start negotiations over a possible purchase of the missile systems from the Russians.

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jerry hamilton



Duhh! What took you so long?


Russians. And China too.

Mehdi Ali

Alliance through intimidation US exception


If it’s Hillary they’d bribe them. But no USA is running out of money. Even the all powerful out of thin air money producing printers has it’s limit. Which is why we started having these cryptocurrency unaccounted to anyone.

Tudor Miron

US has no ally, only vassals and are a vassal state to Israel.





Langaniso Mhlobo

Get out of USA imperialist cage.USA wants weak weapons for countries which their want to milk for centuries to come.


Russian ministry Sojgu ordered 26.2.2018,attack by SU-57 in Syrian Ghutta as revenge US attack USA.Result,10 us instructor was eliminated…https.riafan.ru




I don’t believe they station an assets in ghouta. Mostly paid expendables. But really Russian should just start bombing isis camp east Euphrates river.


That camp is under our(US) protective umbrella. ISISrael are our boys.


Ah i see. Mossad is there ? Here i thought gentiles shouldn’t work themselves.


Mossad there??? Who knows, they are like a fungus. They don’t need to be there they have their proxies there, us, their US ZOG… and our created ISIS, ISIL, IS or whatever name of the week they are.

Vince Dhimos

Could you provide the full link? I did a Russian.language search and could not find this report.


Friend down wrote full address.

andy l

I read the SU57 is in Syria to undergo testing & evaluation of radar & electronic systems – the plane is not even operational yet with Russian airforces. I seriously doubt it has been used yet in combat situation (although I hope it will)






Look,project SU-57 is secret project and RF dont inform about this.Putin told.nobody will attack Russians…we seek him everywhere and everytime !


U$A satanist forces must be deterred!


Wait, the Su-57 already performed it’s first bombing run? sweeet





Masha i PAK


Interesting web site. Thank you. I hope the Russian response is indeed a real fact :) The US Military needs to feel some pain.


The Israelis are pushing for the US to fight Russia and Iran. The US Military is divided on this issue. The Israelis are pushing hard. With regard to buying American weapons, once a country buys from the US, that country becomes a vassal state. If you show independence or are disobedient, the US will not sell you spare parts as what occurred with Iran and Venezuela. US weapons come with malware for spying on clients.

John Whitehot

i don’t entirely agree.

the us military has felt lots of pain since 2001.

it’s the instigators that need some pain.

Those that start the wars that the US military then fights and dies in.

Robert Ferrin

Hmm lets see we lied lied lied to attack Iraq,then we bombed Libya back to the stone age,now we are in Syria screwing over everyone,now just what were you saying about others starting wars.And as far as the U.S. military feeling any pain that won’t be until the day we Americans witness a few of our cites going up in smoke and not until that day..!!


Thanks, are you in SK now??? I saw this on Riafan:






John Whitehot

idk if the news on the strike is true, but i find unlikely that su-57s were used, although not impossible.


I love how the US neocucks think US law is World law. Just fucking lol


If you don’t do as you’re told, you’ll be sent to the naughty corner. It’s amusing to see more and more countries, diplomats and politicians realise that America is just the schoolyard bully and no longer commands our respect.


The US gives other nations a choice.’ Adopt our US Democratic ( Demonic ) Values, OR we sanction and bomb you ‘

John Whitehot

also “sell your oil and things using dollars so you get to pay off some of our god-given freedom debt and we won’t fabricate chemical weapons allegations and proceed to bomb you in a more israel-friendly country”.


Highly ironic given that US democracy is essentially dead and America is being run by a particularly nasty Oligarchy.


It is indeed and the American people are enslaved with debt. Even those few who have no personal debt are obliged through taxation to support the profits of the Oligarchs companies etc.


News..goverment forces are about capture ajami district of ghouta from militants…


With Russian gear comes a certain independence. You get to do with it as you please. Just look at how much reverse engineering the Chinese and Indians have gotten away with their Russian gear. With US gear comes US interference and meddling. You’d better tow the lines or no more spare parts for you! Even the export models. Well, only the export models as only the US and Israel ever really get the good stuff.

John Whitehot

“With US gear comes US interference and meddling”

More than that. I’m awaiting to read news on the F-35 customers (besides israel, who gets to be the only one country to be allowed to customized software) and signs about their aircraft having been rigged with trojans and malware.

All supposed “allies” of the US are better consider that, in case the sky falls on the earth, they won’t be allowed to defend their countries from the US themselves.


F-35 spyware is already up & running. Norwegians caught it “calling home” and sending data to Lockheed Martin.

John Whitehot

I’ve read about that. I bet that it was an undocumented “feature”. But don’t count on the norwegians to make much fuss about it.


each country does it. several times you prayed russians, that they can torn off the sold s-300, s-400 systems :P

John Whitehot

in the end so far it’s the norwegians that caught their F-35 sending data to LM. Never read anything about S-300/400 doing the same.


The much heralded F-35 networking functionality…doubles for illicit customer data mining. US routinely spies on own citizens so same logic to allies and customers.


This is very smart approach of Iraqi government. They need S400 for their aerospace defense against US and Israeli fighter planes and missiles.

John Whitehot

against the saudis too.

if irak starts acknowledging that the problem of the middle east is that the US are a zionist led country, and that all their “allies” are just stooges, saudis will start blathering, likely about “too many iranians are entering irak and build bases there”.

After that they’ll bomb themselves with some old SCUD or analogue and have a pretext for war.

The people who leads this “coalition” has killed thousands of US civilians in 911 like me and you drink a glass of water.

They aren’t going to have any problems in slaughtering millions of innocents elsewhere.


US gear hasn’t been worth copying for over 30 years. The US never had any abilities in rocketry, or aircraft design. All the good American stuff came from the minds of German engineers, that the US kidnapped at the end of WWII. Unable, or too lazy to learn from the Germans, once the Germans died, the US lost its abilities in rocketry. Look closely at virtually all US rockets, and you will see they are actually very old designs, with new names, and some electronic extra’s. Even GM gets its engine management systems designed in Germany.


asinus sindbadus


I don’t know, on the one hand I wonder if America even has any smart people left. They seem to worship mediocrity and stupidity. Just look at the election of George Bush. On the other hand they do seem to have good military kit. At least in principle. But it gets hampered by gizmo worship. Americans seem to love gizmo’s, and the DoD is no exception to that. They have this Hitlerian worship of wunderwaffen, a desire to cram too much stuff into something so that a jack of all trades becomes a master of all. It never works like that, so they’re lucky if what they end up with is at least a decent jack of all trades. But the US defense industry is more then happy to cater and encourage this gizmo worship, for it allows them to fleece the US government for even more money.

As a non-true story goes, NASA spends millions of dollars on developing a ballpoint pen that will work in zero G’s, the Russians just issued a pencil to their kosmonauts. It’s not true, but it does illustrate the difference between American and Russian military design. Keep it simple, tried and tested, just work, never forget anything, those seem to be key Russian design philosophies.


Looks like the Iraqis have realised that the Anglo-American Empire is failing. Better to bet on the other side. S-400s in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon will be brilliant. A proper deterrent against Israeli attacks, and, for that matter, US air attacks.


Iraq is simply tired of US occupation and wants a way to defend itself from NATO aggression.


Excellent strategy. More videos of US aircraft being blown out of the sky are needed. It’s the only message that the arrogant West Point and Air Force Academy graduates will ever understand.

John Whitehot

“More videos of US aircraft being blown out of the sky are needed”

difficult task. They would doctor them to make them appear as Syrian or Iranian. It’s already a miracle we could see the Israeli F-16 going down.


If more US aircraft are downed, it will at least increase the chances of getting video footage. As for doctoring them? The credibility of Western mainstream media is getting lower by the minute thanks to The Donald.

John Whitehot

probably yes.

yet for example, there was many people failing to see doctored pics on bellingcat, but i reckon that throughout the usage of trolls and useful idiots that number could appear much larger than it really is.


ouch, are you today sober?

John Whitehot

irrelevant. Even if I was drunk I’ve got eyes to see. You refuse to do the same because you are a corrupt individual, and you have dirty conscience.


Ignore the Zionist insult, and stick to the facts.

John Whitehot

the zionist insult is a fact.


you are fascist insult. your place is in grave. common with alejoeisabel

John Whitehot

we are all already dead.

I got no problem with it, the earlier one deals with it the better.




Zionists aren’t supermen. We’ll see what happens when the SAA, Hezbollah, and Al Quds march into the Syrian Golan Heights to plant the Syrian Flag.


this will not happen

syria lost all conflicts with IL. in times, when was in much, much better conditions.


The F 35 was hit which they denied, claimed it was a bird strike. The F 16 on this occasion was taken out couldn’t claim another flock of birds did the damage. It was pilot error insofar as he was flying to high and was slow to deploy counter measures. Thought they are supposed to deploy automatically? IAF bubble has been pierced, which probably means Yankee tech-spec is on the wane. Another good reason to source defence systems from main competitor.

John Whitehot

“Thought they are supposed to deploy automatically?”

Yes,I doubt that the latest israeli F-16 variant does not equip a MAWS.

You have to take account though, that even older soviet sams like s-200s, have several modes of operation to limit the influence of ECM and other defences. For example, properly trained personnel will be able to launch their missiles without turning on the attack radar, only on cue from other EW assets (like search radars and AWACS).

In this way, the attacked plane will know that a missile is guided to it only a few seconds before impact, something that minimizes greatly the options for said plane.

The newer generations of russian sams (S-300/400) add another twist to it. While the s-200 can be pinpointed, when it turns on the attack radar (in those few seconds), these ones will remain mostly undetectable, in the sense that only a large general area can be ascertained abt their presence. To counter this, you would need a large number of elint planes, placed at different angles and distances from the purported sam location, in the exact moment the radar is switched on.

Tactically, is an absolute nightmare, because even if you are able to put up such operation (impossible in Syria), you’d expose all your elint assets to attack by the entire air defence network.

my description is very rough and based on what is available, nonetheless, i hope it sheds some more light on the tactical situation many folks talking about sams fail to grasp.

John Whitehot

there we go.

Millions of lives lost of which thousands americans and brits to invade irak on israel’s behalf and kill Hussein because of his hostility towards the zionist ruled west. ISIS raised from the ruins of Hussein’s state and other thousands of killed caused – and now Irak goes back to where it was.

Will it serve as a lesson?

one can only hope, although those looking for hope are better stay away from free (debt) countries.


ISIS is an Anglo/Zionist creation. Notice that there is no White Helmets in Gaza or Yemen. ISIS gets medical treatment in Israel. That tells you much.

John Whitehot

white helmets are an anglozionist created entity too.

who do you think sent them all those, that is, white helmets and other equipment, in addition of lots of moneybags.


we’ve gone full circle kek. may the world know peace from israel and it’s vassal state the US.

Douglas Houck

The issue of the US missile defense system is that the US retains complete control of the radar system (which combines both land and satellite equipment/information), without which it is worthless. Even the Israelis have to get their radar information from US servicemen.

Buying military weapon systems ties you to that country and its policies. It is the best way that the US has to bind a country to it’s desires. Iraq has decided to move away from the US sphere of influence.


Exactly why S.Korean don’t want to ‘buy’ it. Buying things then somehow you don’t own it. Even Japan have some sense in building a similar and matching homegrown military equipment despite frequently buying it from US.


S-400s=No More US Misadventures


in syria we see the opposite


That’s only because they haven’t been used…yet.


weapons/arnies which are not used = not existing.

france, czechoslovak armies befor ww2.

Rik Vik

I really dont get it.. japan takes 2 nukes and best friends with usa still.. Korea loses millions with a usa bombing till there is no tomorrow.. the same.. Irakis lost 1 million or 2.. its so sad that even the numbers are so.. 1 or 2.. its like.. crazy this world.. I would really like something from usa. Just leave the world alone go find yourself between canada and mexico. Leave the other 95% of the world popoåulation alone.. and much much better.


Countries have to pretend they like the US. An Australian politician once criticized the USA, and was out of a job within days. New Zealand tried to create a nuclear free zone in the south Pacific, and the USA crushed the NZ economy. That’s how the USA treats it’s allies can you imagine what they would do to their colonies like Japan and South Korea?


bs. compare north and south korea. who is better friend, usa or commie cointries? taiwan, singapur, also winner. the whole western europe winners. we arnot american vassals. trump tried to order something to us, had no chance. putin, the dictator can order to vassal syria what he want. russians do not know, what is freedom. russians are slaves. they praise dictators. such country will be always as enslavor for another country.

John Whitehot

you are a slave of your own madness. in fact you hate those that are not.

countries with debt are slaves, of banks and zionists.

all the rest is cheap anticommunist propaganda we hear from the 30ies you blockhead.


What a dumb Troll you are. A slave to your stupidity. “What’s in a name? That which we call a cretin. By any other name would still reek of stupidity.”


Germany also a lapdog, Dresden, Hamburg and Berlin fire bombed. Le May boasted they would bomb Vietnam back into the stone age. they dropped 7.7 million tons of high explosive there. The Nobel Peace Prize Winner President Obama dropped 26,000+ bombs in his final year in Office, which was Trumped by the incumbent in his first year. Madeline Albright believed starving 500,000 children to death was the Right thing to do in Iraq. On Gaddafi’s brutal murder, Hillary had this to say, “we came, we saw, he died, hahahaha”, I really fine it horrifying that these are the psychos who are fucking up the world, but more horrifying is that a majority of people accept it.


Spot on ! They are either psychos or…they know very well that nobody can stop them… And they cant stop them cause they control the main stream media… which is what you get if you still use ‘the box’ to get the news in this day and age. I mean look at Donald Trump, what he suggests to counter the school shootings in the US, he wants the teachers to be armed …!

Its like, is there anything that they wont turn on its head and claim the opposite is the right thing the right way to go …! ? …

Fake news Trump is right to cry about fake news but his people and the ones that support him are not angels either …

The US in a nut shell is so corrupted and has become such an authoritarian and definetly NOT Democratic country that its either its people are going to react and claim their Democracy back or something even more drastic is going to happen…

Cause you can just see it, the USA has already become a ‘Big Brother – Democracy’ … They spread fear and they have the solution ready …more weapons more policing more cameras more power to the state more rich get richer and poor get poorer…


Majority of people think they are the good guys – or at the very least that the guys on the other side are ten times worse. How wrong can they be!


Syria needs them too


Iraq has also bought 36 or so Russian latest model tanks …and now they are asking for S400 …. Looks like USA’s plans to divide and conquer and sell weapons to both sides have finaly come to an end. Its Russia’s turn now ! Its about time if you ask me ! And lets see the Chinese get a bit more involved, that would stir things up a bit …!

Overwatch D.VA

This is the result of declining US influence in the region , as a part of the total decline of US hegemony and influence in the world.

When one view the hyper aggressive US foreign policy today , one left confused on why US act this way and constantly threaten nations with military or economic sanctions , even go so far as forsaking negotiations and prefer a nuclear confrontation with certain nation in asia.

My Opinion : This is america’s effort to slow down their rapidly declining economic and military power and with that decline also goes the influence of US in the world. As everyone know that US have massive unpayable debt that only sustained by the force of Dollar as world currency , the rapid decline will effect the value of Dollar , and the result of dedolarization will destroy BOTH american economy and it’s military without enemy firing a single shot.

This is why we saw US Govt tried to hold on to their rapidly diminishing power.. because it can only exist with US dollar primacy.. without which the US dollar will be worthless as the german currency prior to WW2

Overwatch D.VA

The reason many nations prefer russia weapon import is because the russian dont apply restriction based on the use of their weapons , like what happened to Turkey when German disallow Turk tank upgrade due to some silly reason..

US sell weapons to feed their own fat MIC , that include selling , servicing , training all of which will send $$$ back to US.. it’s a scam


Or in the case of Iran, take the money, and then refuse to deliver the weapons.

Overwatch D.VA

im pretty sure the iranian got their S300 in their arsenal already , read to blast any US aircraft trying to attack sovereign iranian territory..


That was due to UN sanctions. Russia isn’t above international law.


US “negotiates” restrictive contracts which then forces the client (states) to buy from the US MIC. Exclusively. Free market; lmao!


If the yanks can dishonor every single acts they sealed between other parties.. why can’t others do the same too..! What makes the assholes yanks think they can but we/others can’t..? Ohh.. maybe Russia can tolerate with yanks.. not only regarding agreements and acts between them.. but also to be contained and surrounded by the yanks of their backyards.. lol..!

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