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Iraqi Parliament Authorized “Military Measures” Against Kurdistan Region Independence Referendum

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Iraqi Parliament Authorized "Military Measures" Against Kurdistan Region Independence Referendum

A Shi’ite volunteer wearing a mask, who has joined the Iraqi army to fight against ISIS, looks on during a parade on a street in Kanaan, Diyala province, June 26, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer

On Tuesday, the Iraqi Parliament voted against a Kurdistan Region independence referendum planned for September 25 and obliged the Iraqi government to take measures to “preserve the unity of Iraq”.

The vote authorized Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to take any measures against the referendum process taking place in the Kurdistan Region as well as in other areas outside of the administrative border othe region but under control of Kurdish forces.

The issue was put on the agenda upon the request of 80 MPs, according to Kurdistan-based Rudaw Media Network. In total, the session was attended by 204 of 328 MPs. All the Kurdish factions in the Iraqi parliament boycotted the vote.

The Iraqi Constitution had enumerated issues for which a referendum is required, and those do not include the Kurdistan referendum,” parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri said in a statement. “The inclusion of disputed territories in the referendum is also a violation of the constitution.”

Protesting against the vote, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) representatives left the chamber. The voted petition contains “military measures” against the move, Rudaw reported citing Sirwan Sereni, a KDP MP.

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Good, traitorous Kurds getting what they deserve for acting as agents of Israel and the US, sowing discord and chaos. For how long do they think their patrons will support them?

G Jetson

Whether Western powers like it or not, the fact is all the Arab countries and Turkey is against an independent Kurdistan.

Turkey has a huge population of Kurds, it does not want to be broken up like Yugoslavia. The same with Iraq, Iran and Syria.

Turkey will use its strategic position as a leverage.

The only country in the region who wants the region Balkanized is Israel. It serves their strategic interest to have weaker states surrounding them.


I think at some point the Turks will say-in more diplomatic terms probably-“it’s either us in NATO as major partner and base of US operations or the Kurds. if you choose the latter we side with Iraq, Iran and Syria vs the Kurds”..

G Jetson

There is also a fear that once the Kurds get independence.

The Sunnis and the Shias will want to break up within each of these countries.

Then all the Arab countries in the region will have civil wars – including Saudi Arabia.


Who’s fault ????? Arabs fault. You can’t help the ones that want to destroy themselfs.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Whose fault the US , UK , France and Israels fault time for you to own your nations irresponsible actions which sparked this.


Arabs fault. Time for Arabs to buy brains and balls.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US and their Zio ambitions at fault since many still believe the lies told them, boy are they the biggest idiots and the most vicious terrorist will even kill their own people.

888mladen .

They’ve been stupefied by their religion notably Wahabisme.

Who owns and runs the US UK and France? These nations do not serve their home populations, they are run and owned by Jews. Truth be told, it is 30% the fault of Arabs and 70% the fault of their cousins, their Jewish cousins.

Brother Ma

France and uk were very stupid.did lots of fighting in libya and got pretty close to zero contracts.

888mladen .

Serious has got a point. Sunni Muslims has shown tremendous potential to destroy themselves of cause with ample help from their Western allies.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You also have Judaics who follow talmudic teachings called Zionists, then Christians who support their dreams as they see this as fulfilling a prophecy and they’re not much different than Salafists(Wahhabi. Radicalism is always present in the minority segment of the major religions and of course greed always plays a part. Many people overlook the fact the Kurds are extremely racist and very radical and on par with ISIS , that’s because they share Salafist beliefs easily pushed by the West again.

888mladen .

I understand your anti-religious sentiment. That effect has been well calculated in the ME chaos. Excellent religious anti-propaganda which MOSAD has been famous for, feeding it into the craving minds.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is how they operate and it wasn’t the Mossad that have been using this tactic since this is in the Talmudh. The CIA employ this tactic effectively s the British have , they all seem to believe they are working towards the biblical prophecy. Which some believe we are living in those times , unfortunately this has gone on throughout history.

888mladen .

They have no clue what’s the Bible all about. There is nothing good in it for them as long as they keep on abusing it. It’s rather scary. And by the way Talmud is a part of Babylonian tradition adopted by apostate Jews during their captivity.

888mladen .

Yes you can push them of the cliff as they (US NATO Zios) did . However everybody takes its turn.

Real Anti-Racist Action

In order for their to be a Civil War, the opposition needs arms. The Saudi Military is 100% Sunni, and civilians cannot have guns. The Yemen fighters fighting Saudi Arabia do not even have enough for themselves. Truth be told, and outside force needs to import at least 10,000 fighters inside of Saudi Arabia already heavily armed for there to be war within Saudi Arabia in any true scale. Also Israel has military agents stationed everywhere across the Kingdom just as they do in the USSA and the UK. TO insure their loyal subjects remain loyal to the cause of global-Zionist-domination. Even if the tiny minority in Saudi wished to uprise, even if they had arms, they have zero training and very low on the scale of adaptability. Basicily they would stand up fire a shot and expect to in before lunch time. They have no means of surviving a 5 year civil war within Saudi Arabia. They would surrended within 5 hours to Saudi police.

G Jetson

I would disagree. The Saudi can not even win in Yemen. They are hopeless and lazy – low morale and incompetent. If not for the US, other armies including the Yemenis would have taken over Saudi Arabia.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Then again you are talking about the Saudis that kingdom would fall in 3-6 months the troops and police they have are horribly trained . There would be no outside help as the world would say good riddance to bad rubbish and no government in their right mind would aid them lest a civil war break out in their own country.

Brother Ma

I wish it were true Terra but our govs would just do what zioyankistan says ie support saudi and send our troops to die there.


Ideal scenario for Israel, perhaps what some in the West wish as well. But only after dependency on Oil has been reduced..

888mladen .

“But only after dependency on Oil has been reduced” They’ve been working hard on it. “Climate change” and moving away from fossil fuels to cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy are in function of it. India after the last forum in Davos has decided to implement shift from cars powered with internal combustion engines to electric ones. Volvo has stopped fitting passenger vehicles with diesel engines. Pay attention what’s happening in Davos.

Brother Ma

Usnato already know this and it is the plan.sunnistans and shiastans and no christians left in mid east.

888mladen .

Pretty much what they are aiming at. The best example are Assyrian Christians. Virtually stateless.

888mladen .

That’s Vatican’s plan whose military arm is US NATO.

Brother Ma

Why 888? Do you think they want ro get rid of all non catholic christians?

888mladen .

You’ve said it.

Brother Ma

Well if nato is the vatican then the pope is killing us all.first headchopping jihadis let into yugoslavia and now into rest of europe!

888mladen .

Watch this.


888mladen .

So it goes saying “All goof things come in threes”.

Floyd Hazzard

NATO decided long ago. Have everyone not seen the new age maps? NATO feels more secure with a colony Kurdish state formed from parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria from which they can base troops and aircraft to threaten and target all these countries at will.

Brother Ma

Who cares what Turkey wants? It didnt care when yugoslavia was broken up..far from it ..it laughed how stupid christian natoists…conspired with headchopping islamists to bring down a fellow christian power.

The sad part is it was the most diluted form of communism around and now is a neat of headchoppers in the heart of europe!


F….. wrong move. What’s the problem with these Arabs. Give kurds independance but only lands where they live.

That Guy

Having Israeli bases closer to Iran, and having airstrikes that violate Syria from the north. That’s what is wrong with it.


If you give independance and make ally with them. You can prevent this.

Richard Noel Hedditch

Syria recognise Zionism ? Zionism won’t recognise Syria. YPG is Zionist Blackwater – they’ve done more massacring of Syrians than ISIS have done.


But nobody tops Assad

Brother Ma

Who says?


I did. Can’t you read?

888mladen .

I’m glad you didn’t say by mistake I died.

Brother Ma

And why are you the arbiter on whether Assad was a butcher or not?

888mladen .

Tony attended his funeral. It was a great loss to his cause.

888mladen .

That job is left to you mate and your prince Barnard.


Well, as the man has been dead for years, it seems I will have to do it alone. Hard work, it will keep me busy for a long time.

888mladen .

However his ideology is still alive in minds of those alike.


Nah. The plan is that the existence of Kurdistan will disrupt the peace in the ME for decades. It would become a launching pad for all kinds of mischief of Khazarian origin. Haven’t you noticed? Israel likes the idea.


If you do nothing, of course you will loose. You must act and give indepedance for Kurtds where they live and work with them and convert them to anti-west policy.

888mladen .

Wet dream. They had enough time to learn that even dogs don’t bit a hand that feeds them. And by the way how will an ordinary Kurd benefit from it? Having bunch of corrupt leaders who have sold their souls to the powers to be. For now they are good as canon fodder a step ladder for those who will later on oppress them worse then others. They better change their attitude and live.

Brother Ma

Only place they should get is in some parts of Turkey whilst protecting Christians that were there before them.

Richard Noel Hedditch

NATO have been going for a joint Turkish – Kurdish collaboration in annexing Syrian territory for Greater Israel. So the idea with merit is to have the Turks and Kurds fighting each other rather than having these two Zionist NATO entities mutually collaborating with each other. The expansion of Shia influence throughout Iraq and Syria is very much to the advantage of the anti-Zionist struggle in the world.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Turkey has broken with them on any type of independent Kurds as they see the current actions by the US to destabilize Turkey and to harm Turkmen in Iraq and Syria. The US moved it’s ISIS commanders from DE area to Sinjar and sent a busload from Raqqa recently to be embedded with the SDF. Find at times yenisafak.com reliable on somethings when dealing with the Kurds as many Kurds in Turkey see themselves as Turks you always have that minority against it.


things are getting interesting in both Dier-E-ZOr and Iraq lets see what happens and who will win, i have already bought popcorn.

Jordan Katz

I never imagined this dream of “Kurdish independence” would end well for them. Trying to get Turkey, Iraq, Syria, AND Iran to fork over large swaths of territory is beyond feasible.

Jacek Wolski

Countries borders change all the time, nothing is beyond feasible as history speaks a thousand words.

Brother Ma

So you have no problem returning Silesia and more Galicia?

Jacek Wolski

I have no problem what so ever, since there is no Silesia nor Galicia in Australia. What are you on about mate? Can you please enlighten me? ?

Brother Ma

Your display name sound Polish. So as an example if you are Polish, would you be happy giving up those areas in poland ?

Jacek Wolski

They should have a referendum like the one they had in Crimea. If people want to forge a new country or join another, I do not see a problem with it. So the referendum in Kurdish Iraq should be ratified if people vote for independence.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Saddam knew how to deal with the damn Kurds. And as much as I despise Erdogan, he at least understands the menace.


you see how it works, the Yanks will not back a independent Kurdistan in Iraq, but will in Syria. BEND OVER ASSAD THE TRAIN IS COMING IN HARD

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US is pushing for the separation knowing fully that Syrian separation can’t exist without it. Turkey thew it’s support behind the Russians,Iran,Syria and Iraq they don’t want the Kurds separating especially the Barzani-Zebari faction.Turkey is going to be taking part in Sinjar operations.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The only train that the US was pulling was on the ISIS and SDF forces in tow with them , funny as they now put their soldiers on the front for ISIS now as they have done for the SDF.




It is all about Greater Israel. The document was written in 1982

2- The Arab world is made up of ethnic groups hostile to one another The Moslem Arab World is built like a temporary house of cards put together by foreigners (France and Britain in the Nineteen Twenties), without the wishes and desires of the inhabitants having been taken into account. It was arbitrarily divided into 19 states, all made of combinations of minorities and ethnic groups which are hostile to one another, so that every Arab Moslem state nowadays faces ethnic social destruction from within, and in some a civil war is already raging.

3- Algeria, Morocco,Tunisia are made up of Arabs and non-Arab Berbers Apart from Egypt, all the Maghreb states are made up of a mixture of Arabs and non-Arab Berbers. In Algeria there is already a civil war raging in the Kabile mountains between the two nations in the country. Morocco and Algeria are at war with each other over Spanish Sahara, in addition to the internal struggle in each of them. Militant Islam endangers the integrity of Tunisia and Qaddafi organizes wars which are destructive from the Arab point of view, from a country which is sparsely populated and which cannot become a powerful nation. That is why he has been attempting unifications in the past with states that are more genuine, like Egypt and Syria.

4- Sudan is made up of four groups hostile to one another Sudan, the most torn apart state in the Arab Moslem world today is built upon four groups hostile to each other, an Arab Moslem Sunni minority which rules over a majority of non-Arab Africans, Pagans, and Christians.

5- Egypt: Christian minority may want a state of their own In Egypt there is a Sunni Moslem majority facing a large minority of Christians which is dominant in upper Egypt: some 7 million of them, so that even Sadat, in his speech on May 8, expressed the fear that they will want a state of their own, something like a “second” Christian Lebanon in Egypt.

6- Syria: Shia minority ruling over majority Sunni Syria is fundamentally no different from Lebanon except in the strong military regime which rules it. But the real civil war taking place nowadays between the Sunni majority and the Shi’ite Alawi ruling minority (a mere 12% of the population) testifies to the severity of the domestic trouble.

7- Iraq: Sunni minority ruling over Shia majority – Kurdish minority will make it easy to break it up Iraq is, once again, no different in essence from its neighbors, although its majority is Shi’ite and the ruling minority Sunni. Sixty-five percent of the population has no say in politics, in which an elite of 20 percent holds the power. In addition there is a large Kurdish minority in the north, and if it weren’t for the strength of the ruling regime, the army and the oil revenues, Iraq’s future state would be no different than that of Lebanon in the past or of Syria today. The seeds of inner conflict and civil war are apparent today already, especially after the rise of Khomeini to power in Iran, a leader whom the Shi’ites in Iraq view as their natural leader.

8- Bahrain, UAE, Oman: Sunni minority rules over Shia majority, Kuwait: 75% foreign, Saudi Arabia: 50% foreign All the Gulf principalities and Saudi Arabia are built upon a delicate house of sand in which there is only oil. In Kuwait, the Kuwaitis constitute only a quarter of the population. In Bahrain, the Shi’ites are the majority but are deprived of power. In the UAE, Shi’ites are once again the majority but the Sunnis are in power. The same is true of Oman and North Yemen. Even in the Marxist South Yemen there is a sizable Shi’ite minority. In Saudi Arabia half the population is foreign, Egyptian and Yemenite, but a Saudi minority holds power.

9- Jordan: Palestinian majority ruled by Bedouin minority Jordan is in reality Palestinian, ruled by a Trans-Jordanian Bedouin minority, but most of the army and certainly the bureaucracy is now Palestinian. As a matter of fact Amman is as Palestinian as Nablus.

10- Syrian army is Sunni, commander Shia; Iraqi army is Shia ruled by Sunni All of these countries have powerful armies, relatively speaking. But there is a problem there too. The Syrian army today is mostly Sunni with an Alawi officer corps, the Iraqi army Shi’ite with Sunni commanders. This has great significance in the long run, and that is why it will not be possible to retain the loyalty of the army for a long time except where it comes to the only common denominator: The hostility towards Israel, and today even that is insufficient.

11- Iran is composed of Sunni, Shia Alawis, Sunni Kurds, it faces Ethnic and religious tension, Half of Iran’s population is comprised of a Persian speaking group and the other half of an ethnically Turkish group. Turkey’s population comprises a Turkish Sunni Moslem majority, some 50%, and two large minorities, 12 million Shi’ite Alawis and 6 million Sunni Kurds.

12- Afghanistan: 33% Shia, 67% Sunni In Afghanistan there are 5 million Shi’ites who constitute one third of the population.

13- Pakistan: 15 million Shia (1982 figures) In Sunni Pakistan there are 15 million Shi’ites who endanger the existence of that state.

14- The Muslim world made up of ethnic minorities is like a house of cards This national ethnic minority picture extending from Morocco to India and from Somalia to Turkey points to the absence of stability and a rapid degeneration in the entire region. When this picture is added to the economic one, we see how the entire region is built like a house of cards, unable to withstand its severe problems.

15- Jews should have given Jordan to Palestinians and removed them from Palestine We could have saved ourselves all the bitter and dangerous conflict since then if we had given Jordan to the Palestinians who live west of the Jordan river. By doing that we would have neutralized the Palestinian problem which we nowadays face, and to which we have found solutions that are really no solutions at all, such as territorial compromise or autonomy which amount, in fact, to the same thing. Today, we suddenly face immense opportunities for transforming the situation thoroughly and this we must do in the coming decade, otherwise we shall not survive as a state.

16- Jews should never have lost the Sinai peninsula The loss of the Suez Canal oil fields, of the immense potential of the oil, gas and other natural resources in the Sinai peninsula which is geomorphologically identical to the rich oil-producing countries in the region, will result in an energy drain in the near future and will destroy our domestic economy: one quarter of our present GNP as well as one third of the budget is used for the purchase of oil. The search for raw materials in the Negev and on the coast will not, in the near future, serve to alter that state of affairs. (Regaining) the Sinai peninsula with its present and potential resources is therefore a political priority which is obstructed by the Camp David and the peace agreements. The fault for that lies of course with the present Israeli government and the governments which paved the road to the policy of territorial compromise, the Alignment governments since 1967.

17- Hoping for Egypt to give Israel the excuse to start a war and take back Sinai. Israel has two major routes through which to realize this purpose, one direct and the other indirect. The direct option is the less realistic one because of the nature of the regime and government in Israel as well as the wisdom of Sadat who obtained our withdrawal from Sinai, which was, next to the war of 1973, his major achievement since he took power. Israel will not unilaterally break the treaty, neither today, nor in 1982, unless it is very hard pressed economically and politically and Egypt provides Israel with the excuse to take the Sinai back into our hands for the fourth time in our short history. What is left therefore, is the indirect option. The economic situation in Egypt, the nature of the regime and its pan-Arab policy, will bring about a situation after April 1982 in which Israel will be forced to act directly or indirectly in order to regain control over Sinai as a strategic, economic and energy reserve for the long run. Egypt does not constitute a military strategic problem due to its internal conflicts and it could be driven back to the post 1967 war situation in no more than one day.

18- How to break up Egypt Breaking Egypt down territorially into distinct geographical regions is the political aim of Israel in the Nineteen Eighties on its Western front. Egypt is divided and torn apart into many foci of authority. If Egypt falls apart, countries like Libya, Sudan or even the more distant states will not continue to exist in their present form and will join the downfall and dissolution of Egypt. The vision of a Christian Coptic State in Upper Egypt alongside a number of weak states with very localized power and without a centralized government as to date, is the key to a historical development which was only set back by the peace agreement but which seems inevitable in the long run.

19- Break up Lebanon into five provinces Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precendent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track.

20- How to break up Syria and Iraq into ethnic and religious components The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unqiue areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.

21- How to break up Iraq along ethnic/religious lines Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north. It is possible that the present Iranian-Iraqi confrontation will deepen this polarization.

22- How to break up Saudi Arabia The entire Arabian peninsula is a natural candidate for dissolution due to internal and external pressures, and the matter is inevitable especially in Saudi Arabia. Regardless of whether its economic might based on oil remains intact or whether it is diminished in the long run, the internal rifts and breakdowns are a clear and natural development in light of the present political structure.

23- Transfer power in Jordan from the King to Palestinians Jordan constitutes an immediate strategic target in the short run but not in the long run, for it does not constitute a real threat in the long run after its dissolution, the termination of the lengthy rule of King Hussein and the transfer of power to the Palestinians in the short run. There is no chance that Jordan will continue to exist in its present structure for a long time, and Israel’s policy, both in war and in peace, ought to be directed at the liquidation of Jordan under the present regime and the transfer of power to the Palestinian majority.

24- Change the regime in Jordan and expel Palestinians from Palestine to Jordan Changing the regime east of the river will also cause the termination of the problem of the territories densely populated with Arabs west of the Jordan. Whether in war or under conditions of peace, emigration from the territories and economic demographic freeze in them, are the guarantees for the coming change on both banks of the river, and we ought to be active in order to accelerate this process in the nearest future.

25- Jews must remove all Palestinians and send them to Jordan The autonomy plan ought also to be rejected, as well as any compromise or division of the territories for, given the plans of the PLO and those of the Israeli Arabs themselves, the Shefa’amr plan of September 1980, it is not possible to go on living in this country in the present situation without separating the two nations, the Arabs to Jordan and the Jews to the areas west of the river.

26- Palestinians must understand that Jews must rule over all Palestine-and they need to move to Jordan Genuine coexistence and peace will reign over the land only when the Arabs understand that without Jewish rule between the Jordan and the sea they will have neither existence nor security. A nation of their own and security will be theirs only in Jordan.

27- Palestinians consider all of Palestine stolen irrespective of 1948 or 1967 and Jews consider all of Palestine theirs – even beyond Jordan River Within Israel the distinction between the areas of ’67 and the territories beyond them, those of ’48, has always been meaningless for Arabs and nowadays no longer has any significance for us. The problem should be seen in its entirety without any divisions as of ’67. It should be clear, under any future political situation or military constellation, that the solution of the problem of the indigenous Arabs will come only when they recognize the existence of Israel in secure borders up to the Jordan river and beyond it, as our existential need in this difficult epoch, the nuclear epoch which we shall soon enter.

28- The West Bank must be populated with Jews or else Jews will be defeated like crusaders. Dispersal of the population is therefore a domestic strategic aim of the highest order; otherwise, we shall cease to exist within any borders. Judea, Samaria and the Galilee are our sole guarantee for national existence, and if we do not become the majority in the mountain areas, we shall not rule in the country and we shall be like the Crusaders, who lost this country which was not theirs anyhow, and in which they were foreigners to begin with. Rebalancing the country demographically, strategically and economically is the highest and most central aim today. Taking hold of the mountain watershed from Beersheba to the Upper Galilee is the national aim generated by the major strategic consideration which is settling the mountainous part of the country that is empty of Jews today.

29- No force can remove the Jews from Palestine Our existence in this country itself is certain, and there is no force that could remove us from here either forcefully or by treachery (Sadat’s method). Despite the difficulties of the mistaken “peace” policy and the problem of the Israeli Arabs and those of the territories, we can effectively deal with these problems in the foreseeable future.

Link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/pdf/The%20Zionist%20Plan%20for%20the%20Middle%20East.pdf




So ISIS was right when they planned to exterminate all SHIA? After all, this will bring stability to the arab nations as you stated above?


Please stop saying nonsense. Where did I state the nonsense you claim?

Do you have comprehension problems?

888mladen .

How’s about you exterminating yourself from this discussion for the sake of bringing more sanity to it?

888mladen .

THE ODED YINON PLAN is a fantasy of defiant Jews based on false Bible interpretation. It’s not gonna happen but rather it will bring an end to the Zionist entity. It’s a false hope and as such it’s doomed to failure.


This will not come as a surptise to KRG.

In case they do attack, I think it will be the PMU’s that will be surprised, as will be the remainder if the Iraqi army.


It is the Iraqi government that is in violation of the constitution.

Art 140 of the Iraqi constitution states literally that the Iraqi government is legally obliged to hold a referendum within disputed territories, incl Kirkuk at the latest in 2007, to be voted on a wish to join the KRG or not and only those eligible to vote that either lived there in 1957 or their descendants so as to forbid those profiting from ethnic cleansing after 1957 to profit thereof.

888mladen .

Surely it’s mistake of Iraqi government and of 1/2 million of Iraqi children. Let me just guess you name. You must be Tony.


Just answer this one question that you avoided : Did Iraqi government follow its own artive 140 of the constitution or not?

888mladen .

You just answer this first. Who has authored the Iraqi constitution after 1/2 million of Iraqi children died and no weapons of mass destruction were found? Here is a tip: “History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books-books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe”.

Ahmed K Hurmizyar

bring i on we will see who will get fucked up and defeated

Cheryl Brandon

Palestine had a state but, was made stateless through the Uk/UN and the conniving/lying brutal jews .They started their ethnic cleansing project once UN passed Resolution 181, So, let the Kurds remain stateless like the Palestinians! I agree with Iraq. Syria will take the same line!

888mladen .

The right move. This silly Brzezinski’s project it’s not gonna be an easy one as they hoped initially.


USA says Kurds can be independent but Crimea can’t reunify with Russia! hahaha. Fuck em!

Ivan Kumar

this idea of turdistan only plays in the hands of israhell, but it could only be possible in case of a complete disintegration of Syria and Iraq. Had the original zio plan succeeded. It seems that that was the original promise to SDF from the “cabal”.

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