Mourners carry the coffin of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani who was killed in a US drone strike in Iraq on January 3, 2020. © Ahmad Al-Rubaye / AFP
The US act of terror conducted on January 3 in Iraq’s Baghdad united the country against Washington. The death of Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), and other prominent Iraqi and Iranian officers led to a large crisis in the region and caused a stiff reaction from most of the countries and powers that kept at least some sovereignty.
On January 5, the Iraqi Parliament passed a resolution demanding the government to put an end to the US military presence in the country. This includes the need to cancel a request for assistance from the US, to ensure state monopoly on weapons and to work on ending the presence of all foreign troops in Iraq. It also calls to close Iraqi airspace for the US-led coalition and investigate the January 3 attack.
However, the implementation of the resolution by the government is still in question. Therefore, it should not be expected that Iraq will be able to get rid off the foreign forces anytime soon.
Meanwhile, people gathered in Iran’s holy city of Qom to mourn the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani by the United States. Earlier, a red flag was raised over the Holy Dome of Jamkaran Mosque symbolizing both blood spilled unjustly and serving as a call to avenge people who are killed. This move was done for the first time in the history of modern Iran. It demonstrates the Iranian determination to respond to the US agression.
حشود مليونيّة تشيّع الفريق سليماني ورفاقه في أهواز غرب إيران، قبل أن يُنقلوا إلى مدن مشهد وطهران وقم والكرمان. pic.twitter.com/LF96CSCP5V
— پایگاه خبری جماران (@jamarannews) January 5, 2020
US claim they bring democracy so they should respect & follow any requests to leave but we know they wont due to a weak Iraqi government.
If they don”t leave, then according to international law all iraqis have a legal right to fight off the invaders.
Yes indeed but we all know how that will go down, they will be called ‘terrorists’ by our criminal govt and MSM enablers.
Nobody is gonna expel an American or close any airspace for an American. We fly where we want, we fly when we want and we bomb anyone we deem fit to be bombed. Period!
So you want the US to violate the sovereignty of an elected democratic government that was instituted by the US? So the will of the people doesn’t matter, correct? Sounds like something an authoritarian government would do.
Go do that on Russia, China and Vietnam. You will know what will happen to your fucking country and army.
And now come the endless statements from so called ‘experts’ in the media claiming that if America leaves then ‘Daesh will make a huge comeback blah blah blah’!!
That may work for sheeple but not for those who are able to observe facts happing in time span longer than 30sec.
Unfortunately the sheeple make up 80-90% with the loudest voices .
yea when we all know the opposite will come true lol
Well I don’t know. I keep reading reports that Daesh are getting stronger and regrouping in Iraq! It could all be bollocks but I’ll guess we’ll just have to wait and see!
If US finqlly.leaves then daesh is finished too
Another Vietnam for the US. We will see whether Baghdad will be another Saigon or not. I hope Iraqi people will act as gallant as Vietnamese people.
Well once the dust settles I’ve no doubt the Iraqi’s will turn to America as their No 1 investors just like the Vietnamese are doing
The fact that US is able to bribe part of Vietnamese elites plays its role but that is not “end all” matter.
Why did not bribe Russia?
Russia betrayed Viet-nam. Abandoned the military base, Did not give any guarantee against China. Therefor turned back hanoi to moscow. Nobody bribed nobody. Only you ruskies shit again on the head of friends.
Little creature. Stop using word “friends”, you don’t know what it means.
May be. But it sure seems all that matters practically.
Why not Chinese investment too.
Its entirety a matter for the Vietnamese
However the fact they want America as their No 1 investors tell me that perhaps China’s involvement isn’t wanted
China has been Viet Nam’s mortal enemy for centuries. That is why America should have supported the North instead of the South which was corrupt. North Viet Nam only turned to China for support when the Yanks went with the south and when the war ended Viet Nam and China had a minor war with each other.. Even the CIA told America to go with Ho Chi Ming but they preferred the money route with the corrupt rulers in the South. The rest is history..
An unfortunate history but obviously only a detour since Vietnam much prefers strong US ties to those of China or that relative economic nonentity, Russia. The Vietnamese are smart people and without the dullard Islamists, the Iranian people’s smarts would also flourish.
Wrong. China and Vietnam both enjoy robust growth including industrial production. There is some myth that Vietnam’s gain is China’s loss. They are one anothers largest trade partners.
You certainly think very highly of your country’s ability to “charm” others.
Ask the Vietnamese,nothing to do with me
Not charm,pragmatism in a changing world,China’s losing its manufacturing its going to Vietnam
China is not losing it’s manufacturing. Vietnam is making it’s own piece of the pie but any money made by Asians in Eurasia is likely to be used by Asians in neighboring economies. China’s growth rate is still more than double the U.S. and they are still growing their manufacturing base. It’s hard for any economy in that region to turn away from 500 million Chinese middle class consumers.
I find if you block idiots like him then you don’t have to engage with them :)
I can see who they are replying to, but I blocked this boob already and his buddies Zion pussy and Jerk123. Makes a cleaner page.
Just an observation of reality, charm or no charm. But most folk find lots of big US bucks quite charming.
Nah. More likely that an Iraqi delegation to Moscow is already being planned. They have a shopping list. Included? Mig-35’s, S-400’s, TorM1’s, Buk. All the things they’ll need to tell people to leave them alone. Then, sure they’ll settle down to business, America included.
Customsnews reports that…China is Vietnam’s largest trading partner. Over $100 billion worth of trade annually. So, what’s earned in Asia, by Asians tends to stay in Asia and bounce around. Win.win.
It’s actually going to be Chinese investment since the country is oil rich. China is already the biggest trading partner with Iraq, so this partnership will only grow stronger with more stability in the region. Sometimes facts are pesky things.
Well done. This is a calculated move
That has no real meaning.
It’s easy. It means get out of our house. You were a guest who tried to take over the place. Go. The schedule now has a binding law restating everything that the preamble just did. That’s just the way their parliament works; a first reading, followed by a legal act.
So you’re saying a vote by a democratically elected government instituted by none other than the United States of America, the shining beacon of freedom and democracy in the world for all to emulate, has “no real meaning”? You’re dumber than I thought.
I should have said no real legal meaning.
As I repeat in this thread many times a procedural issue still doesn’t change the facts that the majority of the population want the US to leave. The US will either have to pack-up or be forced to withdraw by attrition. It’s over, get use to it.
The U.S needs safe air to continue its presence in the region, without it withdrawl is enevitable
They make the air safe for themselves as they will.
And violate Iraqi airspace for all to see. That’s hardly a win, it’ll just legitimize resistance and annoy the U.S.’s own allies. Who are already annoyed to the gills.
Maybe. But it’s not illegal under international law or the rules of war.
Yes it is. There is no authorization of force provided to the Administration by Congress to fight Iran. The killing of a uniformed officer is an act of war. Ergo, illegal. Additionally, the vehicles he was traveling in were civilian. If it were war, and an Iranian General were encountered unarmed, in an unarmed vehicle unable to provide resistance and I as a soldier shot the occupants of the vehicle that’s a war crime.
… and violate the will of the people through their elected representatives? So democracy doesn’t matter, right? At least be consistent with your BS.
Again, the resolution was ONLY advisory and not legally biding. Besides, the US under international law doesn’t need any Iraqi approval to operate in Iraqi airspace as long as ISIS is still there or Islamist Iran and their proxies attack or threaten US troops or citizens from Iraq. Do note, that the US didn’t need the approval of the French government, democratic or not, to attack German forces and their French collaborators in France during WW2.
A procedural issue still doesn’t change the facts that the majority of the population want the US to leave. The US will either have to pack-up or be forced to withdraw by attrition. It’s over, get use to it.
So says you. But at least a third of the Iraqis disagree and the view of the majority can change overnight. Till we ser what the next actions are by Islamist Iran and then Trump, all this matters not much at all. So, it is far, far from over. I wish it was over and the Islamists of both Sunni and Shi’a persuasion were gone. But they are not and as long as either pose a threat to the US, the US will operate anyway it practically likes in and over Iraq. But with a cost/benefit judgement being made. Unfortunately, we have our moron Prez in on that judgement and rational judgement is far from his strong suit. I truly feel sorry for the Iranian people as well as the Iraqi if their Shi’a leaders stick too close with the Islamist Iranians.
You don’t feel sorry for anyone. You’re a fucking war pig who enjoys that his country has a nearly unlimited military budget and get’s it’s rocks off killing at will, pushing people around and attacking states far smaller than itself. You are an apologist for Empire, even as that Empire creates enemies at an alarming rate. You are a thug, cheering on the deaths of other people because they’re different than you and refuse to be placed under Washington’s authority. You probably go into movies rooting for the underdog and come out feeling flushed not realizing that your own country hasn’t been an underdog since 1812 and are well represented by the bad guys in every movie ever made.
What it is, is the United States showing that it doesn’t respect other countries, or their independence or authority over their own territory. We do what we want and even your own country isn’t yours. Iraq is not under occupation, it is a UN recognized government so the France metaphor is apples to oranges and the events described happened under a war declaration. And the UNSC resolution to which you refer allows for action against ISIS, not Shia militias. The United States on it’s own expanded the war to the Shia without a UNSC resolution, or the permission of the Iraqi government or even a vote in it’s own Congress. And nothing in the UNSC resolution requires Iraq to provide the U.S. basing rights or requires Iraq to submit to strikes on it’s own non-ISIS citizenry or invited foreign guests. You just keep spouting bullshit.
A good first step, but of course we all know the US will just ignore the ruling (since rules don’t apply to them of course!). Iraq will need to give the US a deadline to leave now, or face attack. US troops are essentially surrounded and massively outnumbered by Iraqi & PMU forces.
If you missed it, it is NOT a ruling but only advisory. It is only a request. Even if implemented, it gives the US at least a year to leave. Oh, and it would apply to Iran as well. Oh, and it far from unified Iraq since the Kurds, Sunnis and some nationalistic Iraqi Shi’a did NOT support it. A meaningless gesture.
The next measure will make it binding. There is some dealing going on behind the scenes and some U.S. begging as well. The Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani could end the U.S. presence in Iraq with a single sentence, placing millions of Iraqi’s on the march. Meanwhile Americans are hiding in their bases away from Iraqi personnel. They can’t be certain which ones might turn on them.
Thank you. As I said, this resolution is meaningless. And there is no government yet that respond legally to any resolution. And now you are NOT making a legal and democratic argument but one based on violence and force.
It’s the will of the people through their elected representatives. I believe that’s called democracy. Are you saying that democracy doesn’t matter? That the millions of voices these MPs represent have no meaning?
I’m saying that the resolution is only advisory and is provisions make it meaningless. Besides, under international law, as long as ISIS operates in Iraqi or Iran threatens the US by way id Iraq the US doesn’t need the approval of any transient Iraqi government to stay there. And millions of Iraqi Kurds, Sunni and nationalist Shi’a want the US to stay and want the Islamist Iranians to go home.
You don’t speak for the millions of Iraqis that voted for their government. In addition a procedural issue still doesn’t change the facts that the majority of the population want the US to leave. The US will either have to pack-up or be forced to withdraw by attrition. It’s over, get use to it.
Nor do you speak for them nor especially for the solid third or more who want the US to stay and Islamist Iran to go home. I wish it was all over but as long as there are Islamist Shi’a and Sunni kicking around, it is not. This is the absolutely wrong time to be calling the game there. And that is so even if we didn’t have a reactive moron as Prez.
Leaving will bring Iraq into chaos and ISIS again. Iraq will beg US on their knees to come back sooner or later. We cant travel back and forth after some momentary Arab emotions. Therefore we not only stay, we enforce our presence in Iraq with 5000 Special Guys…….…………..LOL.
Try to focus. The Iraq’s did NOT ask the US to leave. The Shi’a in the Iraqi Parliament asked asked the Government, when there finally is one, to ask all foreign troops including Iranian to leave in a year. The Kurdish, Sunni and some nationalist Shi’a Iraqis did not even support this largely meaningless vote. Besides, as long as there are still ISIS in Iraq, the US has a legal right to be there regardless of what any transient Iraqi government with UNSC authorization.
I realize it isn’t enacted just yet, but it’s basically a done deal so why beat around the bush…
Oh gee, what a coincidence. Daesh launched an attack on soldiers in Kirkuk earlier!!
maybe iran can help them with that hahahhahaha ;))))
Nobody can expel USA from middle east. They can always find a justification (or trick) to be there. Right now, USA is just preparing to destroy Iran and is just waiting for a small Iran mistake to do this, of course, if Russia allows this.
Of course, but the hypocrisy of defying a democratically elected government the US instituted would garner almost no support, except from their most loyal vassals.
All our Nato Allies 70 countries Inherent Resolve Freedom Coalition support America.
So they don’t support democracy? Is that what you’re saying?
Now orange cheeto said if Iraq asks the US to leave then “we will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever. It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame”. It’s freedom in action, right? Death by internecine violence or death by sanctions, you have the freedom to choose.