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Iraqi PMU Liberated Strategic Town Of Qairawan From ISIS Terrorists – Photo Report

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The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) have liberated the strategic town of Qairawan and a number of villages in the nearby area from ISIS terrorists in the province of Nineveh.

According to the PMU, the town was liberated in a “quick overnight operation”. The advance was suppoted by the Iraqi Air Force.

Photos from the area:

Iraqi PMU Liberated Strategic Town Of Qairawan From ISIS Terrorists - Photo Report

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Iraqi PMU Liberated Strategic Town Of Qairawan From ISIS Terrorists - Photo Report

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Iraqi PMU Liberated Strategic Town Of Qairawan From ISIS Terrorists - Photo Report

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Iraqi PMU Liberated Strategic Town Of Qairawan From ISIS Terrorists - Photo Report

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Iraqi PMU Liberated Strategic Town Of Qairawan From ISIS Terrorists - Photo Report

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Iraqi PMU Liberated Strategic Town Of Qairawan From ISIS Terrorists - Photo Report

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Expo Marker

Great news from PMU!

Solomon Krupacek

better fighters than syrians …

Free man

Where there is no resistance, there is no need to fight. I think that in general the soldiers in these countries are not excellent. That’s why they need external help.

Solomon Krupacek

I think that in general the soldiers in these countries are not excellent.


Where there is no resistance, there is no need to fight

we dont know, whether was or not resistance. i think, eas. otherwise would not use airforce. but i though on surprise attack during night. the saa should do regularly.


Probably was resistance but maybe to few to call it one


I think they don’t make good traditional conventional soldiers. Historically Arabs have always performed better in hit and run attacks. They also lack good national spirit, with loyalty first and foremost to the family and clan and the nation somewhere distantly last. It doesn’t help that most Arab countries are badly run with corrupt brutal leadership.

But given good training, good motivation and good leadership anything is possible. Just look at Hezbollah’s performance in the 2006 war. They did not cave in and they held their own very well.

Free man

I agree with what you wrote about Arabs and Arab countries. As for Hezbollah, I am not sure about 2006. But there is no doubt that in the current war in Syria they are on several levels above all the others. Maybe with the exception of the Kurds.


The syrians survived with iranian support for years. Iraqis have had US support, it’s not the same.


Having us support is no support at all.


Although it’s a god news, but i think ISIS simply is focusing some other areas as in Iraq Tal-Afar and Mosul had the most strategic values, any other villages it’s not really defendable, just some buildings. Probably this one was the biggest village in the area.


ISIS has also been driven back (or retreated) at least 100 miles from the al Tanf boarder crossing. The Iraqi PMU are reported to be there too.

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